The Huron News-Record, 1894-01-24, Page 6TI s• Huron News -Record ,,„ a,-yeas--S*,21i to adyaase IWed114,144u:"r1 rabid. 4th 1894. n TELE !IURQN N1.'WS-RECORD. ALive Local and Family Weekly Journal, Iss11 ed Weacsday 31Orllilr;s. Overel..--Briok Block, Albert Street North, Clinton, Ont. TRIM, —$1.50 A year, $1.25 10 advance. No paper discontinued, except at option of publisher, until all arroarages aro 50ttl011. 'fhe mouth arid year tp which all eubsoriptions are paid will be found on fhb address label. TILANstoNT ADvtswrtSINO.—Ton eulttS a line (non• pale] ineaburo) for first insertion aid three coots a line for each subsequentinaortiou. CONTRACT ADYDRTIAING.—8pooIat position 10 to 25 per cent above regular rate. The table billow gives contract race for run of paper for definite periods : SPAua. 1 1 re.. 1 o no. 1 3no. 11 00 Ona column ,b'60 UO $35 UU $20 UU $7 50 Half -column S5 00 20 00 12 00 4 00 quarter column I 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 76 QUO eighth oolutmt12 00 7 00 4 00 2 00 Ono dish I 6 00 3 50 2 00 1 00 Servants wanted, for sale, lost or found, advertise ments, not exuseding three Tinos, 25 emits each In- sertion ; not exceeding seven lines, 50 aunts fur first insertion and 25 Coots for each fallowing insertion, Farms, hooses or town property, for ba a or to rent, stray stock or ahnlier advertisements nut oxcevding sight linos, $1 tar first month 'and 50 cent„ for each following womb. Loc,41 notices 10e a line tor each insertion. Advertisements without definite !estrtetions in- variably inserted until forbid and charged accord- ingly. Tnulsient advertisements in ail cases to be paid in advance. All contract changes must be received at the Dille not later than SATURDAY NOON every week. A.M. TJDU, P.x'iilalt,r. GORED BY A COW. A fine colt belonging to Mr. Peter Lindsay, of Nixon, Ont., was badly hooked by • a cow. Two bottles of Hagyard'sYellow Oil cured it. This in- valuable remedy should be in every house. It cures cuts, sprains, bruisse, burns, and all pains and aches in lean or. beast. It is not often that three deaths oc- cur in one home in a week's time, but such has been the case in Eupbemia Township, in the death of Christopher Brownlee, sr., and his two daughters, one of them being Mrs. John Dodge. Grippe was the cause. (3) CAPTAIN SWEENEY, '-II. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says . '''Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold. by J. H. Combe. M. J. Bell, of Angus, Ont.; has receiv- ed an, order from 111r. F. C. Smith of C1agher Ballaghaderin, Ireland, for two of his large turkeys, for which he sends a check for £0 or $29.013. Mr. Bell has filled the order by sending a gobbler weighing 38 lbs. and his math, a hen, weighing 20 lbs. RUPTURED AND DEFORMED PEOPLE. —There are Ruptured people every- where, they want.the best Truss for the least money and to slake it convenient for them, I will be hi t -heir neighbor- ' hood. There is no doubt that your case will be attended to properly, as I ani known from Ocean to Ocean on this continent as a Iran of rare ability and skill in the mechanical line of over - corning Rupture and all Deformities of the human frame—Spinal Disease, Club Feet, Knocked Knees, White Swelling. It is very hard, even in Europe, New York, etc., to improve on goods made under /fly superintendence in my Factory. I am the Inventor of 27 Patents in the different lines of Truss- es and Orthopedical Appliances, and, if yon wish to have your case attend- ed to, would ask your to be on time, as I will he found as follows with Samples and Goods, as Trusses in all their variety, to take measurements, etc. Will visit as follows :—Seaforth, Com- mercial Hotel, Monday,Jan,22,189-1;Olin- tort, Rattenbury's Hotel, Tuesday, Jan, 23; Goderich, Albion Hotel, Wednes- day, Jan 21; Exeter, Commercial Hotel, Thursday Jan, 25; Wingharn, Queen's Hotel, •Friday, Jan, 20; Brussels, Queen's Hotel, Saturday, Jan, 27. CHAS. CLUTHE, ' Surgical Machinist,, A fire occurred early Friday morning on the premises at Genesee street and the Central crossing, Buffalo. Fire engine 25, in attempting to make it, was run into by a switch engine on the Central. The fire engine was wrecked and Michael O'Brien, the driver, was so badly injured that he died at 9.30 a in. One horse was killed and another fatally injured. The engineer and stoker of the fire engine were slightly injured. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 00 sissies be Wootford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists. A Missouri man, whose wife was killed by a train while walking along a railroad track with him near St. Joseph, has brought a claim for $10 damages against the company, pilthet- ically pleading :—'She was a good wife. and her cook ng could not be equalled in the State of Missouri. She was worth all tient to ore, and I think you ought to pay.' SORE THROAT CURED. DEAR SIRS,—I had a very 'sore throat for over a week and tried several Inedi- dries without relief until I heard of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which 1 tried with great success. 1 think it a fine medicine for sore throat, pain in the chest, asthma. bronchitis, and throat and lung'troubles. MARIA MIDDLETON, Robcaygeon, Ont. Capt. Nisbet, of the Boy's Brigade, Sarnia, has been informed by Lord Aberdeen's private secretary that His Excellency will conte to Sarnia to form- ally open the Boy's Brigade hall when- ever it is ready; the only stipulation being that the opening day be not fix- ed for the Queen's birthday, His Excel- lency having a previous engagement for that anniversary. ALTOGETHER DISAPPEARED. GENTLEMEN. --- Abt ut two months ago I was nearly wild with headaches. I started taking B. B. B., took two bottles and my headaches have now altogether disappeared. I think it is a grand medicine. EVA FINN, Massey Station, Ont. Meee e. and $1.00 Bottle. One cent adore. ¶foss (3rnIAT Cotton Gunn prompt y ourea where all others rait,_-Cougha, Croup pore Throat, Hoarseness, whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival' has oure4 thousands, and will, 017G13 TOtr iT ta!sau in time. &old by Dru gists one guar- antee. For a Larne Bank or Ohest, use t3 IILOH'S PELLADONNA PLASTER.200. sttilLOWS CATARRH -7•; t REMEDY avo you Questa This rem 9 is guinea. . toed tour()you. Frew, Meta. Infector tree. Sold by J. H. COMBE. Areat calamity took place at Wal- pole Island the other night. The hoose of Thomas Johnson and all its effects were destroyed by fire and three of his children were burned to a crisp: An- other of his children died the next day from the effects of the fire. Mr. John- son and the rest of his family barely escaped by jumping through a window. The family are members of Rev. Mr. Jacobs' congregation. TORONTO TESTIMONY. - DEAIt SIRS.—Two years ago I' had a bad attack of billiousness and took one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and can truly recommend it to any suffer- ing from this complaint. MRS. CHARLES BROWN, Toronto. A C'oroner's inquest was held Friday into the death ot Mrs. Ford, the aged woman who was burned to death in a farm house near Milton a few days ago. The evidence showed the death to have been accidental, and a verdict was brought in entirely exonerating her relatives front any responsibility therefor. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in hila hands by an East India mission- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent care of Consumption, Bronchi! le, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Aifeotions, also a positive and radical care for Nervous Debility and all Norvoue Complaints, after having tested its wonderful ourativo powers in thousands of cases, has telt it hie duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive a'rd a desire to relieve Landon suffering, I will send free at charge, to all who desire it, tbio recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail byaddreasing with mama, naming this paper. W. A. Novoi, 820 Powers' Black, Rochester, N.Y. 659- y Living in Prescott is one of the oldest persons in Canada, possibly in America, Her name is Mrs. Maher and her age is 110 years. She has lived with Mr. Patrick Coyle for some time past, and has been a resident of Prescott for 40 years. She was born in the parish of Clonmel, Tipperary Coun- ty, Ireland, on December 21, 1783, and came to Canada in 1820, being at that time 37 years of age. The old 'lady is quite smart and able to converse freely with those that call upon her. Her sight is fairly good but her hearing is poor. She eats but little and sleeps soundly. She is still fond of her life- ong habit of a gentle whiff ot the pipe. HAGYARD'S PECTORAL BALSAM. HAOYARD'S Pectoral Balsam , cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, and all bron- chial and lung troubles. Price 25c. per bottle, or five for $1.00. The fur store of E. C. Simmons, of Barrie, was entered by burglars last week and about $100 worth of furs stolen. The theives evidently belonged to Toronto, as a letter was found in the stable, where they had slept, writ- ten from Brantford and addressed to W. R. Clark, George street, Toronto. PERFECTLY. CURED. SIRS.—I have been greatly troubled with headache and bad blood for ten or twelve years. I started to take Bur- dock Blood Bitters in July, 1892, and now (January, 1893), I am perfectly cured. HUGis DRAIN, Norwood, Ont. Samuel Welsore, who murdered Clementine) Manning, an abandoned woman, on August 4, 1890, was hanged at St. Louis Mo., Friday morning. For Ove r Pift y Tears. Dias. WINSLow'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teeth ing It disturbed at night and broken of your rest by y sick 011114 suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win. slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teethiing. i will relieve the poor little sufferer immedately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It eures Diarrhrea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums and re- duces Inflammation, and gives tons and energy to the whole aystom. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty -ave cents a bottle. Sold by all drug Wits throughout the world. Be sure and ask to MRs.WiNSLow'a SOOTHING SYRUP," A portable sawmill exploded near St. Catharines early Friday morning. The shock was felt in all parts of the city, and was at first ascribed to an earliest uake. (2) SIIILOH's CURE is station a guaran- tee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose ; 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1,00 per bottle. Sold by J. H. Combe, The Dalton gang plundered the Post office at the town of Clarkson, 0. T. early Thursday morning, taking all the stamps and money and a waggon load of provisions. A daring robbery, writes an Alymer correspondent, took place the other night when the house of John Allyn, a butcher, who lives about one-quarter of a mile from Alymer, was entered. Mr. Allen had $107 in his trouser's pockets, which the robbers took, leaving the trousers in the wood -shed. Mr. Allen is a sound sleeper and did not discover his loss until the next morning. So far there is no clue to the guilty parties. Fnglieh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soften calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney Stifles, Sprains, Sore and bwollen Throat, C0nghs, etc, Savo 860 by tree of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Care ever known. Sold by Watts & oo.,Draggiete. A GoWaOY A031E14061. , 4!)f 'rurtlal's ETFparleoo T'�rltll NlF I!11* tl,) uI 4lratlp llttnse. 118 Nexus, 4'I Woe down In Teetee about tour. years NO," said John Turuer, the baa• joist, recRntly, "and I want to tell you that I lead the livelteet as well as the Most pleasing expe((i.#tee .of my life. 1 forget the name of Elle twins we played at, but I kuow we .made a jump from diet to Vote Worth. "Well, we gave a ehaly to the toughest audience I ever steuels. • All cowboye; and the wildest kind, 4 ealno ou, to do my turn. I started in to play a march, when a big fellow in one of the frout seats stood tip and yelled : '•'Here, tat don't go 1 Play us a jig 1, The rest of the house began yelling, "Jig, jig, jig,' until they were all at it, and you eouldu t hear yourself talk. When they quieted down I played theta a rattling jig. I finished it up in good shape, anal It seemed to hit 'em pretty hard, for when I started in to play rip - other tune the sante big fellow stood up and yelled : "Play that over again!" "; played it ten times before I got away from them. That wasn't the and of it, either, After the show we were told to catch the 3 o'clock train for Fort Worth. My side partner- good old Tout McQueen, and myself started from the theatre about half past i1 o'clock for the depot, and incidently we thought we would get a drink on the way. We dropped into a place where there was a gang drinking and walked quietly up to the bar. 'Give me a little whisky,' said I to the bartender. "'Set them up for the boys!' broke in a voice behind me. "It was the big fellow who yelled at the theatre. 'Don't you have so much to say,' put in Tom, who was rather hasty. "'Say, you're the fellow that sung that song at the show, aiu't you?' asked the big lotions " 'Yes, I am, and I never sang before such a mob in my life,' said Toni. "' Well, mister, I ain't a rich man, but I've got a five -dollar shiner in my pocket for you if you'll sing that song again.' "'I'll sing You another,' said Tom. and without another word he beeau 'Houle, Sweet dorsa.' Talk about a time. Why, every one of those big fel- lows was crying :ted sniveling as ii their hearts were breaking, and 1 don't know but what I shed a couple of tears myself. Tom sang it out of • sight, any• way. Why, even the bartender was wiping his eyes with his shirt sleeve. As r h Toni wasbartender soon as on through h x e the b rtes el began putting bottles and glasses on the bar. •' 'Anything you want, gents. You can have anything in the house,' Everybody wauted to treat. The big fellow insisted on buying us a ceuUle of bottles of whisky each. Titen he cau;;ht eight of my banjo, and I had to play that old jig over about fifteen times. It was getting near train time and we had to make a break. Everyl ody in the saloon went to the depot with us, even the bartender, who locked the place up. You never heard such a mob of yelling Indians in your life. We got on train all right, and as site pulled out the big fellow yelled : '• 'Ha, you singer, and the man with the banjo ! come back some time ! You can have the town, Whoop V. "—N. Y. Herald. Tire Nearest Thing Yet to Perpetual Motion. Officers Who hose From the Banks. The hest engineer has been a firemen; the best conductors aro made of brake- men; the best officials are promoted from the ranks, Mr. John M. Toucey, General Manager of the New York Cen- tral, was once a trainman. President Newell,of the Lake Shore, used to carry a chain in an engineering corps of the Illinois Central. President Clark, of the Mobile and Ohio, was a section man; afterwards a fireman, Another man who drove grade stakes is Presi- dent Blockstand, of the Alton. Allen Manvill, the late President of, "the largest road on earth•" was a store- house clerk. President Van Horn, of the Canadian Pacific, kept time on the Illinois Central. A man name Town, who used to twist brake -wheels on the Burlington, is now Vice -President Town. of the Southern Pacific. President Smith, of the Louisville and Nashville, was a telegraph operator. Marvin Hughitt. of the Chicago and North- western, began .1s a telegraph messenger - boy. President Clark, of the Union Pacific, used to check freight and push a truck on the Omaha platform. The Illinois Central, I believe has turned out more great men than any other road. President Jeffery. of the Denver and Rio Grande, began it the Central shops, at forty-five cents a day.--McClure's Magazine. Was Hamlet Mad ? The question of Hamlet's sanity or madness is raised in a curious work by a French doctor, .M. Levis Charnel, whose view is a novel one. Dr. Charnel's book is entitled "The Sinnitation of Madness by the Insane," and he is of opinion that Shakespeare intended to represent Hamlet as a man with a diseased brain, who adds to what may be called his un- conacioua eceentricit.ies others of which be is well aware. and which are design- ed to give the impression that lie is mad. Cases of the kind have been observed, says thr writer in our modern asylums and prisons, so thnt it is sometimes im- possible to say whether a man is wholly shamming or not. In former times, Dr. Charnel declares, the Igen who saw most clearly the elm reeteristics of madness woee not the tloct..rs, but two authors of genius, Shakespeare and the author of "Don Quixote." argains is WOOLLENS Beaver Mi11s�Woollen Store, Clinton PURE ALL WOOL, BED BLANKETS that will not get yellow or shrink with washing, from $2.00 per pair up. All Wool 86 Cotton 86 Wed Shootings. 1000 lbs of Pure Flom Wool Yaw that give the best of satisfaction for '350., 45o., 50o., 60o., 75o. and $1.06 per lb. HEAVY KNITTED UNDERWEAR from 750. per SUIT UP. Our FLANNELS are the Cheapest eve offered here taking quality into consideration. HOSE, SOCKS, MITTENS &o. very cheap. d Wool Bats HORSE LANIKETS. ROE taken in exchange. Now is the time f rs c for Quilts, Comforters c& , , LINING. We Manufacture those geode at St. Thomas. 00 to buy these goods --they will be no cheaper in the spring. Beaver Mills Woollen Store, Clinton i NEXT' DOOR TO HARLAND BROS. HARDWARE. C. E. WILLSON' /ter till Sickness Comes before Buying a Bottle of PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER , `You may need it tonight John Gunninglianl, GREEN GROCER, :-: CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. Fresh lladdiesand Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. The JVeKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper ty only Insured. of -Plexus. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, SecyTreas., Seaforth 1', 0. ; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. maa0110as, Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Olin ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George watt IIarlock; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan non, Walton; Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AGENTS, Thos. Neitans, Harlock; Robt.McMillan, Sea - forth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and,Oeo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect IAsuranee or trans act other business will be promptly attend. ed to on a )plicatlon to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post offices. New Pllotograpfi Gallery. A GREAT.60 DAYS' OFFER. J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, will for 60 days give a DOZEN CABINETS. for $2.00 and other sizes in proportion. TINTYPES taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days equally as well as on sunny days bine new process. Superior work. J. W. 000K, Practical Photographer near Cantelon Bros. Grocery. Albert St. - Clinton. Cantelon Bros, C4E•NERAL GROUSERS & PRGVIu- ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass th Chinaware. ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 752-ly WANTED. Energetic men can find steady employment with us as salesmen. Experience not necessary. Hand• same outfit and the benefit of over 25 years experience luruiahed every man. Choice special lines andoontrol of territory. We have over seven hundred acres of choice stock and can give yon many advantages. Oar mode of securing and retaining salesmen is superior. Call for our terms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE & WELLINGTON. 771,8m Toronto,Ont UNLOCKS ALL THC CLOGOCO aCCnETIor e 07 T11E BOWELS, KIDNCYa AND LIVER, CARRYING OFFC OACUALLY, WITHOUT wEAKeN- ING THE SYSTEM, ALL IMPUOITIC3 AND roue H000 Rn. AT T145 SAME TIME CORRECT. IMO ACIDITY cr rt:E STOMACH, CUniNQ BILIOUIN(SB, DYSPEPSIA, HCAD- ACHES, DIMMEST:, HEARSt3tJRN, CONSTIPATION, RHEUM/MGM, DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS, SCRO- FULA, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, NERVOUSNESS, AND GENERAL DE DILITY. THESE 0140 ALL SIMILAR COMPLAINTS QUICKLY YIELD TO THE CUBA. TIVE INFLUENCE 0l l lUi:DOCK i.QLOoD E;Treas. cry'QC' ocgxxx u. o,tx-ior, ooc"a3LD +PlA�t70000+Soo't:1Q oocra0000C}('arJoo D�.Y u Ic Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . If jou are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have 1 LIVER COMPLAINT, . 1/4 It your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- DERS OF THE STOMACH, . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES TAKERIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. t ONE GIVES RELIEF. 0000000th,C=0000000000000000000000003000000 EASY TO TAkE QIiICJ� TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Hapy BRNEiE$ No investment that you can make for your home will pay you such large returns in COM.. FORT ECONOMY and ever increasing satisfaction as a "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE. There is no other "just as good" or "just the same," and the Genuine is sold only by HARLAND BROS., Clinton. In Base Burner with or without oven, the Radiant Home leads. Harland Bros New Store, Mackay Block, ■ Old Stand, Brick Block. Eureka Bakerij and Restaurant. —0 In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur– ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to successfully cater to the wants of the general public. We do our own baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a quality of BREAD/ BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, &C., equal to any in West- ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c., delivered to all parts of the town. FRITS, CONFECTiONERY, iCE " CREAM, COOL DRI NKS. Picnic and Private Gather- ings supplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. W. .11. B0 Frit, Proprietor.' THE. HUB GROCERY.. 0 CHRISTMAS GOODS are on the move and our stook is now co complete. We can give yu nw VALENCIA RAISINS, SELECTED RAISINS & CLUSTER RAISINS, VOSTARIA CURRANTS, PATRAS CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS CURRANTS, ENGLISH PEELS—LEMON, CITRON and ORANGE EXTRACTS of all kinda, LEMON, VANILLA, RATIFIA, &o., &o. ORANGES, LEMONS, O:.. t.tsti11 Stock of Teat' tttd Coffee on hang. Call and examine before you buy. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton.