The Huron News-Record, 1894-01-24, Page 3t'SE. IaGS 'oosOd to 49 soy goodkl ben year 1oole at One of riore s. riep$ant Pellets, ,butt just 4rll fit, ' htln XyCAtire' p Uou4, uv col>$tlpgGoclr A$ have a SAO Tito ww1h or alit of in estion 4nd y9u 11 owa y , up that they're the best . • things in the voila, That's because they clue pdrtnataently, and do it, gliefxsantly, Thoq re tinyy, sugar - coated, and easy to take. There's nodisturb- ance to the system, diet, tion. 1?atisfaction •guaranteed,or 011104 Houston, llt'tnn, e E. 'V, Prelim: Dear Sir—I tumid tell of a ugmber of eases whereDr. Pierce's Family Medtoines have cured. A friend of mine, Mr. Williams, was about used up with liver trout. lea, nowhe Elliethat e lneaetttit Pellets" have helped: hits more than nee" Or all the medicine*, that be has ever taken. - The Duron News -Record 1.60 a Year—$1.26 in Advance. Wednesday, Jan. 24tag,189.4. STORY OP A BIRTHMARK. IfAeTtiteetige lot aZ Together Seer ou thq ✓upon Pt al )(Rona. Who: Pt04 In C.nuda, Que day recently the exohange editor paw in tt Canaditan paper an account of an aged Indian falling from an embanb- went anti eveai:iujf his neck. Thie paper acids that the old ruat a face was tits figured by a terrible scar, which reseal - bled a bunting knife. There was not much that was interesting in the item; not much to attract the attention of the casual newspaper reader, and uothia£C that Would, ordinarily, hold the glance of to man who reads hundreds of such items every day. But the description of the man laud the manner of his death brought to the mind of the editor a story as ruminate no any Cooper tells. One Sunday in the late summer of '93 the newspaper man started for a tramp in thtrweary. His walk took him up the road that lends to South New Berlin and also to Chenango Lake. Every resi• dent of, Norwich knows of the little ra- vine on the north side of and far below thus road. a short distance east from the. main river read. It is a narrow, shady crevice in the rocks. On the southern •side is a bank'or terrace about fifteen feet high, at the foot of which, over a bed of rooks, a shallow, lazy stream wanders on its way to the river, a little distance below. ► 10 ria vine the BE READY NOW. It was said of an old Puritan that heaven was in him before he was in .heaven ; that is necessary. for all of us ; we must have heaven in us before we get into heaven. If we do not get to heaven before we die, we shall never get there afterwards. An old Scotch- ntan was asked whether he ever ex- )acted to get to heaven ? 'Why man, slave there,' was his quaiut reply. Let s all live in those spiritual things which are the essential features of heaven. Often go there before you o to stay there. If you come down to- morrow morning, knowing and realiz- ing that heaysn is yours, and that you will soon be there, those children will not worry you half so much. When you go out to your business or to your work, you will not be half so (Es- ' coiitented when you know that this is not your rest, but that you have a rest on the hills eternal, whither your heart has already gone, and that therd your portion is in the everlasting dwellings. 'Lay hold on eternal life.' Get a hold of it now. It is a thing of the future, and it is. a thing of the present; and even your part of it that is future can he, by faith, Go realized and grasped as to be actually enjoyed while you are yet here.- -C. H. Spur- . geon, in 'The Tabernacle Pulpit.' NOT CRUDE MATERIAL. Scott's Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil perfected and is prepared upon the principle of its digestion and assimila- tion in the human system ; hence it is given without distrubing the stomach. The residence of John Hewitt, of Walton, was the seen of marriage fes- tivity on Wednesday last. The groom was William Sholdice, of Morris )rown- 'ship, and the -bride Miss Alice Hewitt, daughter of the host. ktev. W. G. Reilly, of Brussels, performed the ceremony in the presence -of a Large number of °nests. Miss Lucy Sholdice, sister to the groom, was bridesmaid and Thos. T. MacDonald, of Wingham, su�9 rted Mr. Sholdice. A sumptuous weI!=Iing breakfast was served, after which the happy twain left for a weddingtrip to London. The gifts to the brie was ample proof of the high esteem in which she is held. Walking through tl writer saw, lying in the water, what he thought to be the dead body of a man. He hastened to investigate, and found iv was indeed a mai that he saw, but he was not dead, only etuuned as if by a fall, or he night have fainted. Turn- ing the man over on his back the news- paper man was horrified at the fearfully scarred face. He saw what was the exact image of an Indian's hunting .knife, starting witli the handle near the right temple and extending clear across the face. The man was evideutly of Indan blood, and very old. A little water brought lliuh to consciousness, and he told this story, first exacting a pro- mise that it should never be repeated till he was dead : "My father," said he, "has often told me the story of Illy birth and how I cache by this fearful scar and a desire which 1 cannot resist, the result of which you have just seen. My father was a chief or under chief of the Mo- hawk Indians. On some of his hunting and trapping expeditious toward • the south he met and lot'ed a maiden of the Otsegos. A brave of her own tribe loved her, too. but she seemed to think only of my father and mourn for him when lie was away. At last opposition from the sages of both tribes drove the young brave and his sweetheart to run away and marry. They built themselves a little hut in a ravine near the banks of the Chenango River and were happy there together. All that summer nay mother, for it was my father and mother who came to live alone, used to come find sit in the shade on that little bank on the souther- ly side of the ravine. She was sitting there one day when a noise disturbed her, and looking up she saw her old lover of the Otsegos, Drawing a hunt- ing knife he held It close to her face and told her if she could not belong to hhin she should belong to no one else. My another in her excitement, sprang to her feet and seized the powerful, angry In- dian by the arm. In his endeavor to shake her off they slipped and fell from the embankment together into the water below. The Indian's neck was broken. My mother managed to get to the little hut. That night I was, born and my mother died. "You see this scar—that is the legacy the Otsego Indian left Ine. And lie left me more. Every year on the same day, my birthday, 1 conte to this place. I cannot help it. Though 1 know what is going to happen, I come. Every year it is the same. I come to' the edge of that bank, look at the stream below and fall. This is the first time I have ever been stunned. This is my destiny. 1 shall come here once every year on this same day till I die. I cannot help it. I do not know that I would if I could. Promise me that you will never tell this story; that no one shall ever hear it till I am dead," The writer made the promise. The old man marched straight up the ravine, never •loukiii brick. That is all there is to tell. Tee Canadian paper furnished the conclusion.—Nurwicih Telegraph. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. (1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says : "Shiloh's Vitalizsr 'SAVE]) ALT LIFE.' I consider it the Leat remedy for a debilitated system I crer used." For Dyspepsia, Liyer or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by J. H. Combe. A lady living at Mooscjaw sar- castically wrote the following to her sister-in-law at Violet Hill "Our house is banked' 18 feetthick with snow and ice. We ha,ve 16 stoves going and 120 tons of hard coal in the shed. There is water enough in the cellar to do us till spring. We have overcoats on all the cattle, and I am busy knitting socks anis nits for the geese and ducks. It is only 60 degrees below zero now, but when the cold snap sets in we anticipate a need of more clothing." All who are troubled with Constipa- tion will find a safe, sure, and speedy relief in Ayer's Pills. Unlike most other cathartics, these pills strengthen the stomach, liver, and bowels, and restore the organs to normal and re- gular action. IViore naps I Do You Reid ? For the logy surn of $2.00 (Two Dollars) WQ will furnish ,NE VFW RECORD THE and any of the fallowing papers for ono year THE EMPIRE, , Toronto. THE FREE PRESS, London. THE GLOBE, Toronto, THE MAIL, Toronto. THE STAB, Montreal. TUE LADIES' JOURNAL and NEwS•REOORD will cost you orlly $1.50 far a year—regular price $2.25. Address all orders to ril[E NEWS•EEC011D Clinton, Ont. Dr. Montague, M. P., has consented to lecture to the Young Men's Con- servative club of Chatham on Feb. 2, on the subject of Longfellow. RnEUMATISX CURED IN A DAY.—Sruth American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system to remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onto the 01001 and the disease immediately die appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 76 cents Sold by Watts & Co., Doggiest. A dynamite cattidge was found under the stage of the opera house in St. Catharines, Ont., the other day, with a fuse attached to it. It is now reported that the explosive was placed there during Mrs. Margaret Shepherd's course of anti -popery lectures some months ago. A Great Offer ! GREAT PAPERS' . - AND GREAT PREMIUMS. We aro in a position to offer TUE h1euos NEWS -BE CORD to Jan., 1595, and the FAMILY HERALD AND WEEKLY STAR, of Montreal, for ane your for 82.00. to new subscribero. This crier entitles the subscriber to uchoice of the two great inemiuma given by the publishers of the FAMILY HERALD. These premiums are the "STAR" ALAIARAD for 1804, a superb beak of 460 pages, or if preferred a copy of the groat t'AMILY HERALD SOUVENIS PICTURE which retails at ttviooty dollars. The prerniume—Ahnauao and Picture—chit he ready about the and of November, and will be for- warded in the order in whiter the subeoripttoae^pre received. Subsoriptons to both papers may begtpv et once. Remember the oiler of u (hour, of premiums holds good only to people who subscribe during the autumn. Afterwards the choice will positively -be withdrawn. Address ail order to THENEWS.RECORD,Olinton Out, PERRY DAVIS' PMN KILLER TAKEN INTERNALLY, it relieves instantly the ost acute pain. USED UXTERNALLY, s the best Liniment in the world. Its e ect is almost instantaneous, afford- ing relief from the most intense pain. It soothes the irritated or inflamed part, and gives quiet and rest to the erer. It is eminently the people's d, and every one should have it [hens, or where they can put h bands on it in the dark if need be. Put up in large Bottles. fri wit the The British admiralty has decided to abandon the use in the new battleships of sixty-seven ton guns. The main arrangement of the new vessels will be fifty ton guns. English Justice. One of the most pathetic things I ever heard of occurred a few years age. A young fellow, the son of a respectable.. farmer, whose steles had been long dog- ged by paid spies in the shape of game- keepers, who suspected him of poach- ing. was in his father's orchard one day with his gun. A pheasant went whir- ring up, and on the impulse he shot at it and killed it. The keeper popped his head over the fence, and in vulgar lan- guage, threatened him with prosecu- tion. The accueed was a steady , respectable young fellow, having money in the bank saved out of his earnings as assistant to his father. He felt his mistake keenly, and, like a man, waited upon the Squire at the hall to ask his forgiveness. On his return he told his father that the Squire had treated .)nim "as a rogue and a thief." The Squire's agent, in the meantime, waited upon a tradesman in the village. saying he had heard that the young man had habitually killed game, and that the tradesman had disposed of it for him. This he indignantly denied as being grossly untrue. 'these false statements, together with the dread of a threatened prosecution. so preyed upon the young man's mind that he deliberately committed suicide by shooting himself, in order to avoid the disgrace of conviction. Then the Squire's minions circulated cowardly rumors to the effect that the had a love affair, and was -not quite right in this head ; and their authority was that a keeper. forsooth, had hearer him talking to himself about some young woman. These rumors were traced to their source and found to be false ; they wero scandalous efforts to blacken the mem- ory of this unfortunate victim of the game laws. ' 111e over bearing, bullying threats of the keeper and the ungeutletnanly ob- duracy of tate Sq vire were responsible for that horrible and lamentable suicide; and the parson,who was a relative of the Squire, and whose church the young man and his relative had attended over thirteen years,never came near the house to offer a word of sympathy to father and mother in their awful be- reavement. There is no love lost between the vil- lagers and their "betters" in that local- ity; and this sad event has embittered the hearts of the rustics a hundred tines against the despotic dictators who rule over them body and soul,—Westminster Review. SUBSCRIBE FOR Canada's Best Family Paper newer IN six House,—Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in si hours by the "Nnw GREATS UTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." 'Ibis now tetnody is a great surprise and delight to physicians on aeoennt of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain In passing it almost mediately. if yon want quick relief and mare this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists. THE HAMBLT®N. 'X8)94,. Harper's . aga7.a. ioo.: ilrf.V81'RATED� liAnrdn'a Matsui 7e for 7,884 will rnaiatoin the cbaraoter that has wide it the favorite iUnatratett pot - Italica for the home. Ain0Pg the resailo of eater - Maus undortelie by tits ppublishers, there will appear during the year euperbty llluet'pted papers ou nulls by Erma; Bane Wages, 012 the Japenoeo Seasons by Axamsn PAPUAN, 013 tlersnauy by 3 ou1TNLY Bses- Low, on Paris by ItanaiRD 11Aaprxa DAVI9, end 00 lhfexieo byyotsosnio ItsamerIN. - Among the other notable features of the year will bo novels by GEOaoN DU MAURIEU and Of/AXLES DUDLEY WARNED, the personal reminisoauoee of W. D. Row, ELLS, and eight eiiort stories of Western frontier life by Owns WISTEn. Short stories will also bo contra. bated by BRANDER MATTaaw0, RICHARD 114.10)150 DAVIS, MARY 11. WILKINS, RUTH M01.'',NgRY SSUART, Miss LAUaENOE ADBIA 'rADEMA, GaORGE A HIDns1m, QUEENLY DE BELURriPAILE, THOMAS NNLOpN PAGE, and others. Articles ou topics of carront interest will be contributed by dlatinguinhed specialists. Weekly - - Spootator HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year 1 HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 CO HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPItlt'S RAE aft 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 03 Postage Free to alt subscribers in Ito United States, Canada, and Mexico. Tho Volumes of the MAOAA1NE begin with the Num• hers for June and December of en011 year. When no time is mentioned, subsoripttone will begin with the Number eurreut at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of HAnrNlt'e MAOAzten for three years book, iu neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mail, post- paid, on recelet of S8 00 per volume. Olo'h Cason, for binding, 60 cents each—by mail, poet -paid. Remittances should be made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid ebeneo of lose. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the 0].ylres0 order of HARPER & Brueruens. Address : HARPES & BROTHERS, Naw Yonx. • ENLARGED and._ IMPROVED. Contains All the blows, Many Special Featurca, ` Crisp and Pointed Comments Tho Most Intct•tainhrg Stories The Choicest Literary Matter, Everything for Everybody $1 TO IST JANIJARI I' 1 1143 5 !,� This great paper from now till 1st January, 1806— El pages rending matter weekly—and our great pre- mium picture, "WATCHING THE WHEELS GO ROUND" for only 81.00 AG ENTS WANTED. Liberal commission to agents. A good agent for this dlett)et is wanted at once -000 who will take on nterest in pushing the paper end .will make a horouglt anvass of his district. For terns and pnrticularsaddress SPECTATOR PRINTINcITCO. HAMILTON, CANADA Weeuu Free Press —AND ---- FARM AND HOME .•. FOR 1isD .-. 1894 Harper's Bazar, ILLUSTRATED. HARPER'sBAZAR is a journal for the home. It gives the fullest and latest information about Fnohione' and its Dimerous Illustrations, Paris designs, and pnttern•sheet supplements are indiopeneable alike to the home dress -maker and the professionaltnodlete. No expense is spared to make ata artistic attraetive- nese of the highest order. Its bright stories, omnS- iug comedite, and thoughtful essays satisfy all [setas, and its last page IS iamons na a berdgat of wit and humor. In its weekly issues everything is included which is of interest to women. The Serials for 1894 will be. Written by WILLIAM BLACK and WALTER BESANT. short stories will be written by MAnY E. WIL1IINs, M.hh:IA LOUISA POOL, RUTH IIICENE1U STEWART, MARION HARLAND, and others. Out -door Sports and In door Games, Social Entertainment, and other Embroidery, interesting topics will receive constant attention. A new series is promised of "Cof- fee and Repartee." $1,00 BOTH PAPERS FOR— [$1,00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. NEW F1l ATiJRES : Veterinary Department HARPER'S PERIODICALS. avP a'Wr„y Bflcl, Cough!, rra $uf'lrorioir from Wog Troubles[ nave 1400, Elvsii through Illness,. Are Threatened withVensumpden, Remember ember than /iii '1 IS WHAT YOU ,tEQUiRE. OFBUSINESS Wison & }Iowe, & io3essors to James Anderson. O The undersigned have bought the stock, good will and interest of II awe' Anderson, and the store will hereafter be known as the Novelty Bakery and Restaurant. Per Ycar. HARPER'S MAGAZINE... ..................:$400 HARPER'S WEEKLY 400 HARPER'S BAZAR 400 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 200 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The new firm will keep in stook everything found in a first-class Res-. taurant and Green Grocery, and by strict attention to business and courtesy hope to receive the continued patronage of all old customers. WILSON & HOWE, - The Volumes of the BAzAn begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, eabscriptioos will begin with the number current at the timo of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of HAnrsn'BBAZArt for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by Mail, post. ago freight dor doo9 n t express, xceedfree of one dollar yerense (provided olume), for 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will bo sent by mail, post-paid, on reoelpt of gi 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement with- out the express order of HARPER & BROTHERS. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW Yonx. Under the charge. of Dr. J. H. Wilson, V. S., "London. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS.—Enquiries will be answered free, and should always con- tain writer's full name and address. EACH NUMBER WILL ALSO CONTAIN : Rev. DR. TALMAGE'3 SERMON 'delivered the Sunday previously. W A ICEMAN'S WANDERINGS" and other writ- ings by this celebrated author. AGnICULTURAL MATTER—Illustrated. LADIES' PAGE—Illustrated. A SEItrAL TALE, and other interesting reading matter. A. WEEKLY PAGE OF GOOD MUSIC. ...SUBSCRIBE NOW.'. Price, ono Dollar a year in advance for the WEEKLY FREE PRESS and FARM AND HOME—in all 16 pages. Agents',wanted in every unrepresented (Bs.tr'ict to solicit subscriptions. - Orders taken at TIaE NEWS -RECORD office. Free Press Printing Company LONDON, • ONTARIO. 1894. Harper's Weekly. - Clinton. New Arriva!s for Xmas Trae NEW At The � �Corner g Store, McKay pBlock. NE7� RAISINS, NEV® CURRANTS, NEW FIGS, NEW PEELS, NEW VAL JNe1A ALMONDS. CHOICE EXTRACTS and PURE GROUND SPICES. Full Line of Canned Goods, HAM'S AND BACON, HERRINGS AND TROUT, SCALED HERRINGS, FLAKE PEAS, POLLED BARLEY, _ROLLED WHEAT. Highest Price in Trade or Cash for Butter and Eggs. J. W. IRWIN, ILLUSTRATED. HARPER'S WEEKLY IS beyond all question the lead- ing journal in America, in its splendid illustrations, in its corps of dietingniihed oontributore, and in its vast army of readers. In special lines, it draws on the highest order of talent, the men best fitted by position and training to treat the loading topics of the day. In fiction, the most popular story -writers con- tribute to its oelomns. Superb drawings by the fore- most artists illaotrate its special articles, stories, and every notable event of public interest ; it contains portraits of the distinguished nlec and women who are making the history of the time, while special atten- tion is given to the Army and Navy, Amateur Sport, and Music and the Drama, by distinguished experts. In a word, HARPER'S WEEKLY combines the news features of the daily paper and the artistic and literary qualities of the magazine" with the solid critical character of the review. For Sale or to Rent. - Good farm of 240 acres within 1, miles of Blyth, 220 acres cleared, for sale or to rent. Apply to 780.40 J. B. KELLY, Blyth, Ont. NEGLECTED ectz g, C dubs SAFELY AND SURELY CARED 8 ,�tllen's, Lung Balsam. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: Clinton. CLINTON SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 0 S. 8. COOPER, " - - PROPRIETOR, General Buider and Contractor . This factory bas been under the personal supervision and one owner for eight years. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All work is 'supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &e Agent for the CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders., New goods for the Xmas Trade Just arrived and in Stock. RAISENS, 'VALENCIA, Fine Selected, off Stalk and Layers. SULTANAS EXTRA DESSERT, CURRANTS,' PROVINCIALS in Brio. and half Br1s. FINEST VOSTIZZAS in CASES. LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, PRUNES. NEW PEELS, ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON. FRESH GROUND SPICES of all kinds, also full lines of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASSWARE, TEA SETTS, DINNER SETTS, TOILET SETTS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 400 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Statcs, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the WEEKLY begin with the first Number tor Jaouary of each year. When no time,,fe mentioned, subscriptions will begirt with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of HARPER'S WEEKLY for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post. age paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exered one dollar per .volume),for 57 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will bo sant by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should bo madeThy Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to coyy this advertisement without the express order of HARPER & BROTHERS. Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, Dinar Yonx. A Liberal Offer/ —0 -- We are aow offering N. ROBSON. Tx Lnniis' JOD LOA of Toronto, a large 36 page monthly Illustrated fashion Nome Paper particularly interesting to ladies, with Cash for Butter and Eggs. Albert St, Clinton' THE NEWS -RECORD Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS,—all of the best work- manship and material. airAn the latest styles and most modern improve- ments, All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. >tliii3'FACTORYa-corner Huron and Orange Streets,. Clinton. 657—y FOR ONLY $1.50. The two publications will be given for one you:, and will be sunt to any address. This offer applies to tihose who renew for THF NEWS -RECORD another year bef ore January, 1894, as well as to now subscribers. Tho regular subscription prtce of the LADIES JOURNAL is Ono Dollar per year. The JOURNAL and THE NSW -RECORD Will only cost you $1.50 if you subscribe now. Address THE NEWS-RECORD, Ont. ' ;dt' o• ,-r }'2rn i ,c' ^7b -. r%iu. , i''..1.1'":04,T 'WEAK .5 NERVOUSAD1SEASED MEN•. Thousands of Young and Middle Aged been are annually swept to a premature grave through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abnee and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young roan. Have yon any of the following S�ympptoms: Nervone and Despondent; Tired in Morning' No Ambi- tion,. Memory Poor; Really Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable- Eyes Blur- i.'Imples on the at; Hair a e; d Pains at Body; Night; Byes' Lifeless; Distrustful Distrrustfu Blotches' hLack oR Eore nergy Body; � Energy and Strength. Our New Method Treatment will build younap mentally, physically and sexually. Chse.Patterson. Road un KENNEDY UI KERGAN Hone. What "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I cold stand no exertion. Read and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Efeo. trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennody & Kergan. They sent mo ono month's treatment and it cared me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures tam alt else faits." They have cared many of my friends." t11111 MEM um. a'-*,/ , "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood •fiidisease. I wont to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed mo. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, patens in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, s"4' loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. 1p f • ; Kennedy & Korean's New Method Treatment. It cared me, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy. As a -eel, • doctor, I heartily' recomend it to all who have this terrible ddiiseaee— Cnrou byearn tigu, syphilis." 1t will eradicate the poison from the blood." 15 YEARS iN DETROIT. 150,000 CORED. Capt. Townsend. Cubed in taus. never toile is oaring Diseases of men. Our New Method Treatment It strenggthens the body,stops all drains and losses, purifies the blood,clears the brain, bthilds up Ole nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality tehe bode.. We Guarantee to Cure Nervous ttebillty, Failing Man'hoo'Il, tsyphtttswaricocele,Atrtcture,GIoet, Unnatural uiechargea, Weak parte and AIi Sidney and Gladder btseases. R E M E M B E R Drs, Kennedy & Kergan are »ho loading s of 9�America. They guarantee to - re or no payy, TheiThee tete r ropes tation and fifteen years of b (less are at stake. Yon save yorisk. u years tof regret and suffering. Ch arges reasonano ble. Write fora you. It may Question Lint and Book Free. Cc tsultatlOU Ifiree, "I am 88 years of age and married. When young I led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married life wan melds - factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Horgan. Their Now Method built me up mentally, phyaioally and sexually. I feel and act like a man in every respect. Try them." a°' No Blames Used Without Written Consent of Patient. ORS, KENNEDY KERS AN,iDetroit, Mich.' •n.