HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1894-01-17, Page 6The i1 wwcr . ,Ne.r N i�oora 01.0Q R Itsassalatta 44vrat;aet, Wednestla t .l<nn III 111494. �r dry wax; • �rRrS?n .fOl40, -. A 1_1,4 local. a d Yramily; Weekly Journal lissu,;d, ITede$ lay' 'rif a4bfllll„s, Ovvtet. Brl,nli •$Irick,::4Aibert., $ tree t hor'thClinton Qat, Tate?is. —0 '58 ty year,41.20 le ativante.' No paper diacoptlnSod,'exce tatoption•of publisher, until all Mrrear P„ ""od are.. settled, 'ilio n otibh and yore to Which all. sttbsurlltiif?gsare'ptildpvtflbe fauki1 an the addrossla;bel Tit. NaiSlre AUV3[t41$Ir3a.—NO non * a lite (nompparieeipe;ttaure) tar-ftret ineertton and three gouts Hilo, hob each subsequent Insortioa. Co iotag .4.017fl rlst30. —Spacial posit ion 10 to 26 ns ettiaanOss regular ratts. 'i:he.tablo below gives • Contract rates for run of popor tux detinito periods: sao4, . 1 1 Vit,' 1 0 Me. 1 PM. 11 no 'Tar:. r A•' .�` °r;.sth;. w ALtTOCETER•IJIOA•T'PEAREP. fltat`T'f arAVt lv. ». 411outtwo menthes • ago I was nearly Wild with, headaches. .started, takiutl 1 3. „13." took twt bottles '.and my hettdaeliee plays; VOW' altogether flitltlppeared bulk it le tu. ,grand, medicine,. q. Ova,li'1N1v,flsSey St,1lelrl,;,dlnt,, One opinion., -.., 1800 So 805 00 lf20 00 37 00 Halt solemn I 36.00 20 00 12 00 4 00 tlarter4.o14IMo, 20 00 12 UO 7 07 2 45 e eighth cn limn . 12 01) 7 00 4 00 2 00 Quo inch. 6 so 3 60 2 00 1 00 • $etvaItts wanted, for sale, lost or found, ad 'erase racnta nu eaeotlhtrtthreelinos, 25 cents 0lchin• settlor ; not useecdin;g,eeVen linea, 60 cents for flrat insertion and 25 Vents tett each following insertion. .racnle, b,,ttsesor town peeped', for ,a o or to rent, stray stock or yhni,ar advertisements not exceeding , eight lines, 41 for °tlrst month and 50 conga for each following month, Loom ra,tloea 50c a 110,0 101. etch Insertion.• Advertisements without • definite instructions in. varlgbly tororted natal rusts': and attars! accord- ingly'..Tr.,Il4ient advertisement, in all cases to be paid in 14,l','ehce. Alt a ,aunt changes must•be received at the Wile not later than SATURDAY 30044 every week. A. M.TJD», t'.IJliihir, Berliners will not be dull this winter. A local paper warns thecal "there is a choice scandal brewing,” and that "there will be several marriage licenses • taken out before the end of the year." NOT THAT KIND Scott's Emulsion does not debilitate • the'stomach as other cough medicines do ; but on, the contrary, it improves digestion awl strengthens the stomach. Its effects are immediate and pronounc- ed. • ' T. Edward Mara has purchased from the estate the stock of T. A. Mara Company in London for 72 cents on the dollar. The former is a son of the ` • late merchaut, with whom he was also associated in business. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. 1) Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says : "Shiloh's Vitalizsr 'SAVE)) (MY LIFE.' I consider it the best remedy Dor a debilitated system I ever used " For yspepsia, 'Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cts. Sold by J. 11. Combe. Banker J. W. Scott, of Listowel, had an unpleasant experience recently. The combination lock of his safe went wrong and it took an expert from Galt two days and two nights to open it, business in the meantime being at a standstill. SQcta 'cud. 'K •*106 Tlo$te, Oac ees;t aIle % 7,'lpe; IMAM� * o • GTI Clam pomp ' ctm'es where rt1-,edgers fail Cohens, Oroup sera, Throat, Iiooraeaeap, whooping Cpp> a. and , Ahar3t;Ilclulrad: aor uClsoanod>gAntidfwin tauabsunoo• Tuhali toast; in -Lane. Seat by DragUtsta on a f3uar. anted,: For a Larne 13P.o1 or Obest. use. 6731LQIi O. LL lachtu ,'i'LaWa ,250. CATAROH litttleYVu'ltFarrii?,tsrerzae+9yi3gttcrait., teetitoourayou,• 1'rico,Cdl.ots,, ia�eatori es. Sold by J: 1I, COMI`3'E,. ?amtsIMeF'linl of Ameliasblleg Alit,, Round two $5, bill>�, and a $2' bili Ila• bedded in a tree Whtall ltd was f,lutting '403141. ClOI.i,EI . BY A COW% A fine colt ali in ttait< Peter ,Lindsay, of -Nixon,.Qnt„ V4sbadly hoole1 by a(10%vtwo bottles of Hitgyard's R show Oil cured. it.. Tide in, valuable reftiedy shoal, be in every house, •It cures Ctits, sprains, ,bruises, nall pains i and n aches ' na ud na xl_s Man burns,and m or . p , ,JP d t Miss Annie L. 'Hughes, Ancaster, has begun an action against F. C. Field, Waterdown, for breach of promise, claiming $8000 damages therefor. The defendant was married recently. • (8) CAPTAIN SWEENEY, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says : , "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy ,is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any ood.” Price 50 cents. Sold by J. H. Combo. Henry Hayden, a young married man of Alymer, while at work in the woods on Thursday week, was crushed to death between two trees which fell together., (2) SHILoH'A CURE is sold on a guaran- tee. 'It cures Incipient Consuinption. It is the best Cough Cure. only one cent a dose ; 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by J. H. Combe. • it An old woman named Mrs. Lottridge died on the Indian Reserve, Brantford, this week. She is reputed to have been 104 years of age at the time of her de- mise. ltnglieh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soften calloused Lampe and Blemishes from horses, Blood' Spavin, Carbe, Splints, Ring Bone, sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the mast wonderful Blemish Care • ever known. S,,ld by Watts & Co„Drnggiets. The defeat of Mr. Freeborn, the Mc- Carthyite candidate for North Perth, for the reeveship of Morninaton was one of the notable events of election day. RELIEF IN am Houns.—pistressing Zidney ani. Bladder diseases relieves' in Hi hours o "the 'Nsw GREAT SOUTH AMIEDICAN KIDNEY CURE.” This new remedy le a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its eroeeding promptness in relieving pain in thebladder kidnei 0,back and every part of tho urinary passages in male or temale. it relieves retention of nota, and pain in passing it almost im- mediately, If you want quick relief and euro this 18 runt remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists. Mr. and Mrs. George Wegenast, of Waterloo, had a narrow escape from. death by coal gas. Mrs. W. woke up in time and with a good deal of effort aroused her husband. They were both very sick front the effects and feel that they had a narrow escape. Charley Smith, a boy sent out from England to the Barnardo, Home about two years ago, stole a horse from Giar- but Maltby, near Guelph, and rode it to Milton, where he was arrested and sent back for trial. RnsUir&TI8Er CURED INA DAY.—South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radioally owes in 1 to a days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately die appears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Bente Sold by Watts & Co., Baggiest. People who have tried it, say that there is no better medicines for dys- pepsia than Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It way not give one the stomach of an ostrich,' but it so strengthens the ali- mentary organs that, digestion of ordin- ary food becomes easy and natural. ' •John Burnesen for assaulting Miss Nellie Uttin"' by striking her with a lead pipe at Woodstock on Christmas 'day, has beenasont to penitentiary for • two years. "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer" by Ayer's Sar- raparilla. This wonderful medicine so invigorates the system and enriches the blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyable. Arctic explorers would do well to make a note of this. According to the Berlin News a citi- zen of that anti-prohibitionn town has• prepared himselt for prohibition by purchasing a silver -headed walking cane which is so constructed as to hold about 10 drinks of whiskey, with a diminutive glass to drink it with. For OverFifty tears. Mao. Wueatow's SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething if disturbed at night and brolcon of your rest by y sick child Buffeting and crying with •pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Win. slow'e Soothing Syrup" tor Children Teethling. 1 will relieve the poor little sufferer immedately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it, It cutes Diarrhma, regulates' the Stomach and Bowels, curbe Wind 0.,Iie, Softens the Gums and re- duces Inflammation and ewes tope and energy to the whole apnea'. "Sirs Winslow's Soothing Syrup'. for children teething id pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best -female physicians and nurses In the• United •Staten. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug fists throughout the world. Be mire and oak to 'Mas.Wtzstow'e Samna SYRUP," On Jan. 5 a holstein cow belongiug to John Stoskopf, of Stratford, was delivered' of an odd calf. The head, front feet ,nod shoulders of the calf were perfectly formed, •buirthe ltbdoln- inal part was 'twisted from the right side to the left -until it came around whore he hack ought to be; hind • legs were ell up side down, and •,he tail also upside down and ' to one side. The hind quarters were besides doubled over and resting on the head and shoulders, and the legs were all mixed up. In general it was a very disagreeable monstrosity. The cow through treatment olid good nursing is doing, well. Veterinary Surgeons Steel and Hodgins presided over the case. Philip Seibert, the defeated • candi- date for the reeveship of Ellice, told the Stratford Herald the other day that he was beaten because he couldn't be a Tory, a Grit, a Patron, a Mc- Carthyite, a Protestant, a Catholic and a P. P. A. roan all rolled into one. SORE THROAT.—The best cure we now know of for sore throat is a gargle of PAIN KILLER and water—it acts like magic. Big bottles twice the quanity in the old style. • Of the 5,000 lady voters in Toronto only a thousand odd voted on the plebiscite and 242 of these were against prohibition. TORONTO TESTIMONY. DEAR SIRS.—Two years ago I had a bad attack of hilliousness and took one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and can truly recommend it Eo any suffer- ing.from this complaint. MRS. CHARLES BROWN, Toronto. A dog belonging to Rev. W. H. Wade; of Woodstock, found a human hand and brought it to the rectory, No. 45 Hunter street west, Hamilton. It is supposed to be part et a medical stud- ents luggage. SORE THROAT CURED. , DEAR SIRs.—I had a very sore throat for over a week and tried several mech.- eines edi-cines without relief until I heard of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which I tried with great success. I think it a fine medicine for sore throat, pain in the chest, asthma. bronchitis, and throat and lung troubles. MARIA MIDDLETON, Rohcaygeon, Ont. The Palmerston Telegraph has chang- ed hands and will be out in a few days under the proprietoilship of D. Grant' .oi Toronto, who was for some time an .employe of the, Mitchell Advocate. Mr.Lac thevenerable a founde^ of the • Telegraph, is compelled to retire from the newspaper arena ()Wing to ill' health. • • Charlie Morrison, the one-armed lad •who was given four months in gaol by Police Magistrate O'Loane, Stratford, for vagrancy, received $300 as a Christ- mas gift from a relative in New Jersey. ,., RT1 i17411li1 AlN`l 'Dflli+'41100, Puomire, There, +are. Ruptured people eirory where„ they want, besTruss fpr the least ttmp, and 1.,o Naake itl,eanyenie»t, for there, I. will be in their neigh bee hood. There la 114 doptat that youe. ease will ho attended to properly, 'as: I am. 'known. from Ocean, to Ocean lasts oontinent as ft.. *an Pt rare ability and skill its tbemeellanical line t►t over- conling Ruptuts and all DaOrm%ttes•oi: thti•hunilallframe---Spinal Disease, Club. Feet, l nockt d Knees, White S.wellipg. Itis_ very bard, (Wen. in Euro ei New �t•oaA etc., to improve on goo4s made under my superintaudenve in ID Ft1'ut;lry, I. am the Inventor of . Patents, in the different lines of Truss; es•un;d Or'thtoppedical Appliances, and, if You . 'wish to, have y ur case attend, ed ed to, would ask your to be -4a t une' ae I will be found afollows with Samples s and Goods, as Trusses in all their variety, to take measilrenents'et°. Will visit as follows: Seaforth, Coin - luerctal Rotel, Monday, Jan, 22;1891;Clin- ton, Rattenhury's hotel, Tuesday,���Jan, 23; Gioderich, Albionn Hotel,. Wednes- day, Jan 21; Eltetel', Voun ercurl Hotel, Thursday, Jan, 25; Wingham, Queen's Hotel, Friday, Jan, 28; Brussels, Queen's Hotel, Saturday, Jan, 27. ORAS. CLUTHE, Surgical Machinist, To DOWN SPOOICS. A wealthy bachelor declared that a horrid hag had elaredfat him through the night. His friends laughed at him but ' he insisted that the House was haunted. He grew ill, complaining of extreme heaviness in the stomach, his appetite failed, he grew sallow, emaci- ated and despondent, believinghe was going to die, the spook being a warn- ing, and declared he could hear funeral bels ringing in his ears, and even hint- ed at suicide. A friend induced him to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery, and he rapidly grew well, spooks and 'Allis distressing symptoms disap- pearing. A torpid liver and dyspepsia caused his suffering and the medicine cured both. The "Discovery" is the only remedy for billiousness and indi- gestion, or dyspepsia, so certain in its curative action as to warrant its sale on trial., A Guarantee, in print, wraps every bottle. PERFECTLY CURED. SIRS.—I have been greatly troubled with headache and bad blood for ten or twelve years. I started to take Bur- dock Blood Bitters in July, 1892, and now (January, 1893), I am perfectly cured. HUGH DRAIN, Norwood, Ont. There are in London, 1,088 women entitled to vote, yet only 383 exercised their privilege in the plebiscite vote, and of these 45 opposed prohibition. d HAGYARD'S PECTORAL BALSAM. HAGYARD'S Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, and all bron- chial and lung troubles. Price 25c. per bottle, or five for $1.00. The Windsor police are on the look outfor a man who has been reaping rich harvest from the doctors throughout Western Ontario. At the present time he is supposed.to be working in Essex County, as the police have been informed that several medical men in the vicinity of Windsor have been victimized. The man represented him- self as the agent of an insurance com- pany and offers the position of medi- cal examiner to the doctor if he insures in the company. Certain fees are col- lected by the supposed agent and that is the last heard of Dither the agent or the company. Consumption Cured. An old physioiau, retired from practice, having had placed in hie bands by an East India mission- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for rho speedy and permanent 0m'e of Consumption, Bronohltis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lustig Affeotlons, also a positive and radtoal Miro for Nervous Debility and all Havens Complainto, after having tested its wondorfdl curative powers in thousands of oases has telt it his dutyto make it known to his Battering fellows. Aetuatoc 4 y this motive and a desire to relieve humair sneering, I will send'free 4f charge, to all who desire it this Nape, in Getman Proneh .or English, with fall direetons ter propering and nsingg8 Sent by mail by addressing, with Stamp nattiifg this paper. W. A.1\ Nem, 820 Petters' hlodk, Mod, N. Y. 8596 y Dr. Pierce's Plesant Pellets cure con- stipation, billiousness and derange- ments of stomach, livor and bowels. A SEDUCTION CASE. ELIZA GETS DAMAGES FROM HENRY GEORGE FLEWELLING. Hob on human 6111h00800 end all animals cured in 80 minutes by Woolrnra'e sanitary Lotion. This never fails. -8010 by watts & Co„Druggiote. At the winter assizes at Hamilton last week, before Justice MacMahon, the first case tried was an 'action for $2,000 damages brought by Henry Grey, of Harrisburg, against Henry George Flewelling, of East Flamboro, for the seduction of Eliza Grey, the plaintiff's daughter. The suit was un- Kdefended. The girl swore that she had been seduced under promise of marri- age. The jurybrought in a verdict of $300 and costs. Miss Grey also sued Flewelling for $3,000 damages for breach of promise of marriage. There was no defence, and the jury was ask- ed to assess the damages. In cor- roboration the plaintiff produced near- ly a dozen love letters, the reading of which caused some amusement, Tho jury brought in a verdict of $500 and costs. s • Pointed Paragraphs. INTERESTING ITEMS . GATHERED FROM ALL QUARTERS. A needle sixteen years ago entered the foot of George Davidson, of Mit- chell, and has been trav1a1ing through his body since. • It came out of his elbow recently. "True Britons,” a Perth Masonic lodge, was instituted in 1818, and is still vigorous. Richard Sperling, a Grey County pioneer wlio died a few days ago, was a Methodist. He was converted at one of John Wesley's revival meetings in Ire - lead early in the century. • The old Lundy homestead at Lundy's Lane was the scene of great festivity one day last week, when Miss Lily Lundy, daughter of Lanty Lundy was married to W. C. Poole of Buffalo. J. D. MacMutchy, of Lindsay, who assisted at the rescue of Dr. Ryerson when the latter was nearly drowned at Sturgeon Point last summer is dead. A Berlin man has a cane which car- ries ten drinks of whiskey. Alexander McDonald, of Olden, who died lately, lived alone in a remote sec- tion. His cattle were so wild, having never seen any other human beings, that they hadto be shot after his death. The capitalists who propose develop- ing electrical power on the Canadian side of the Falls have agreed to have 25,000 horse -power ready for delivery on Nov. 1, 1898. Table Rock house and the Museum at Niagara Falls will have to pay taxes to the town on an assessment of $40,000. In Nottawasaga township alone there are 11 large societies of Patrons of In- dustry. Henry Dobherthein, of Peel, has eloped with his wife's sister, aged 17. His wife and.three children mourn. The Seagrams have completed a liquor warehouse at Waterloo which will hold 100,000 gallons. This don't look like prohibition. It only costs 1.32 cents per day to keep a prisoner in Woodstock jail. J. T. Warrington, of Belleville, ex- ported 130,000 boxes of cheese the past season. Mrs. John Rankin died in Prescott aged 01. ,She had lived there 74 years continuously. Julius Ansley, who was a British sol- dier at Waterloo, is dead at Parry Sound, aged 100. ' For a New Year's gift Rev. Father Ronan, of Wallaceburg, received a $400 equipment for driving, from his parish- ioners. By the annexation of Ashhurnham Peterboro' will have 12,000 inhabitants. Mrs. Drummond, of Meaford, died on Monday last, aged 98. Her sister, Mrs. Baxter, of St. Vincent, lived to be 100 years Old. An Uxbridge grocer sold 8,000 pounds of candy the night before Christmas. Walter Coats, of Clinton, sold more than the Uxbridge "pian. • A hen owned by George Law, laid an egg weighing 5 3-8 ounces. ...,i t::... ,. _, .. rx1... digki&SA *Fr PERRY DAVO'i° I LLE ISTHE BEST REMEDY FOR MINS, MISES, CALDS,�} URINS & CUTS. m: V;Do 't *pi( N 1lN A131.Y LGai I:M ElrEl N REF11tf1NOl Ta TAKE h roma. 8%E5$ ANO.DES1tiTATEI) ,. IT'"Wil, Lp WQNDat2pUIaaf , airosamisarammalsramsaira ,y-* ••_ Q- -- • er ,." O WE hay.e''bou t the ood*wil-1 and interest in the alter$ NV; W:IiJ� N dt; �Q .- gb g .. • i d it o to •'the, '.. ataura recentlycarried on l;t ,111. B. AIf.I,ennar�, il, ti• dtl "ul � , �' carrifid 011 by Mr. Jaillee ,Anderson,., and have. amalgamated the two bllslnes: o- in • , ' e n . "a o ,w lb ri The combllF rst n 11 ca r.e4l - E'S, -BLOQE THE OLD STAND!! I�' SE�.RLi T and1 will hereafter be -known as THE NOVELTY' BAKEki.V AN)) p er quality ,CA,UktA�1T, Mr: McLennan :Kari will'he otlr baker. Bread of tau 411th wilt be delivered as usual, and Breach Cakes, &c„ contitantly kept •Oil WWI and • sold • only at the i1 elt Store, We solicit the patronage of all old 4 y v'�' customers end niR y new Rues. • Wilson : owe John dunninflarri, GREEN - GROCER, : '-a CONFECTIONER AND Canadian Express Agent, ALBERT ST.. CLINTON. Fresh ):paddies and Bloaters. Oysters constantly on hand. Also some Canadian Cranberries, cheap. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Proper :ty only Insured. OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seatorth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, SecyTroas., Seatorth 1, 0. ; John Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0, DIRECTORS. Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Clin ton ; Gabriel Ellintt, Clinton ; George Watt Hariock; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shan non, Walton ; Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Hennas, Hariock ; Robt. McMillan, Sea- torth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans act other business will be promptly attend. ed to on tv )plication to any ed the above officers addressed to their respective post offices. . New PIlotograpll Clallerg. A GREAT,60 DAYS' OFFER, J. W. COOK, the leading photographer, ,will for 60 days give a DOZEN CABINETS. for $2.00 and other sizes in proportion. TINTYPES taken. Pictures taken on cloudy days equally as well as on sunny days by the new process. Superior work. J.P. 000K, Practical Photographer near Cantelon Bros. Grocery. Albert St. - - Clinton. Cantelon Bros, GENERAL GROCERS & PRGVIr3•• ION MERCHANTS. Grockery, Glass & Chinaware ALBERT ST. CLINTON, ONT. Highest Cash Price for Butter and Eggs 752-ly THE KEY TO HEALTH- Un1o6:4 111 the c.ingra, . t,' • t•s u! tat Bowels, I idnoys and Ithro-. carry in off gradually without %V00 k'nin th.• :rt; all the impurities ani fon1 ha • r"' c.r the secretions ; at t he 00111e time CarTlctlli� Acidity of t1 a Stomach, ell r.ti albs ousiica.:, IL•yap'3pil.a L' assaihcs• X.is- '1111ef1S, Heart man, Erns'•; pat„ri1, Dryness of the Skin. 1) ops -7. 1'+In• ,tessofl7laion,Jaaudico gnat Iliaurn, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Phater'Fruz of the ?loam, Norvouotle s ao d Cereral Debility, ail these nnrl many other simi. 14r•Complatnt: vi'lrl ,ry the bonny influenco •,f BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. s o�.nlc Bottles 10 • Regular n. z e $1, tilt attic by ail dealers. T. 9IItlnlTltii at to.. rroy,rleter'a, Tornni. Clinton. n. Do You Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase • in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- TAKE RIPANS TABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, , _ It you aro BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, o have TAKE RIPANS TABULES LIVER COMPLAINT, _ 0 SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, TAKE RI PANS TABU LES For OFFENSIVE BREATH and. ALL DISOR• TAKE RIPANS TABULES DERS OF THE STOMACH, . . Ripans Tabules Regulate the System and Prpserve the Health. " : EASY' TO TAKE ONE If your COMPLEXION 1$ SALLOW, or you i GWES QUICK TO ACT SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. RELIE .,...,.aw,.o::.,,.• F'. Everywhere.t"" Sold by Druggists 00:1:.s"Cooc0000oO000000000000000OOO Ham Tilought BR$E $ 0 No investment that you can make for your home will pay you such large returns in COM- )f FORT ECONOMY and ever increasing satisfaction as a "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE. There is no other "just as good" or "just the same," and the Genuine is sold only by HARLAND BROS.,' Clinton. In Base Burner with or without oven, the Radiant Home leads. Harland O Newld S Stortend e, B k 1�ZackaB c yto Block, B ric k. rus . Eureka BaKierij and Restaurant8 --o In thanking the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past three years, we beg to announce that the EUREKA BAKERY and RESTAURANT is in a better position than ever to successfully caterto the'wants of the general public. We do our own baking, save heavy expenses, and turn out a. quality of BREAD, BUNS, PASTRY, CAKES, t$io., equal to any iu West- ern Ontario and at the very lowest living prices. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. Bread, &c.,'delivered to all parts of the town. FRITS, CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM, COOL DRINKS, Pie nic and Private Gather- ingasupplied on the shortest notice at liberal rates. Remember the location—next Grand Union Hotel, Smith's Block Clinton. W H. B0 Fly, Proprietor. THE HUB GROCERY 0' CHRISTMAS GOODS aro on the move and our stook is n com- complete. We can give yu nw VALENCIA RAISINS,'SELECTED RAISINS & CLUSTER. RAISINS, VOSTARIA CURRANTS, PATRAS CURRANTS, PROVINCIALS CURRANTS, ENGLISH PEELS•, -•-LEMON, CITRON and ORANGE EXTRACTS of all kinds, -LEMON, VANILLA, RATIFIA, &c., &c. ORANGES, LEMONS, Our ueual Stock of Teas' and Coffee on hand. Call and examine before yen bay. GEORGE SWALLOW, Clinton. , 1