HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-12-14, Page 8• ...TIM 431 N"FON •NE\V 1+� �
=Peas -Rogers-Co
ager Meeting Committee
The model con-
stitution says, with
regard to theprayer
meeting -committee,
" It Shall be the
duty of this com-
mittee to have in
charge the prayer
meeting, and to see
that a topic is as-
signed and a leader
appointed for every
to do what, it oan to secure
o the prayer meeting pledge."
tore of the duties show us at
rt of rnembere should form
rtant committee, for .I think
ree that this committee ex-
ortance any of the others.
Committee has been called
o1JH oma roof I,
Were this our only day—.
Did not our yeeterclaye and morrQwe give
To hope and memory their interplay--
' How should we bear to live?
Not merely what we are,
But Whet" we were and what we are. to be,
Make up qur life—the near days each, a
The fair days nebulas.
At cnoe would love forget
Its keen pursuits and spy delays of bliss
And its delioioue pangs,ot fond regret
Were'there no day but this.
And who, to win a friend,
Would to the secrets of his heart invite
A fellowship that would begin and end
Between a night and night?
Who, too, would pause to prate
Of insult or remember slight or scorn;
Who; would this night lie down to sleep
with hate
Were there to be no more?
Who would take heed to wrong,
To misery's complaint or pity's pall,
The long wail of the weak against the
If this one day were all?
And what were wealth with shame,
The vanity of office, pride of caste,
The winy sparkle of the bubble fame,
If this day were the last?
Aye, What were all days worth
Were there no looking backward or before—
If every human life that drops to earth
Were lost forevermore?
But each day is a link
Of days that pass and never pass away;
For memory and hope—to live, to think—
Each is our only day.
Young, old or middle-aged, who find them-
selves Nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from excess or over -work,
resulting in many of the following symp-
toms :—Mental depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality, loss of memory,. bad
dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the
n" committee, and the So• kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and
the "keeping in" commit- body, itching or peculiar sensation about
at use to bring and keep the scrotum, wasting of the organa, dizzi-
e Society, if they are no, nese, specks before the eyes, twitching of
Therefore,we want on this the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bash -
most consecrated members
hose who realize the power
he great importance of the
hey are engaged.
Bible after the committee
eeting'should be called to
ork. Let every meeting
osed with prayer by one
be s. The first duty spe-
e ?election of topics, is
ashose selected and
itedT..;)ciety are almost
and have many advan-
arefully selected, and are
k in the Golden Rule,
and many denomina-
besides, it ja inspiring
Endeavorers through -
studying at the same
pions truths. Should
- used, however, the
ttrseleet topioe. gr;Aua
n of the topics comes
leaders. Great care
in choosing leaders
, for example, if the
ayer," do not select a
self offer prayer.
wo leaders for every
`an Endeavor Society
Christian work, and
a for each meeting,
opportunity of lead-
en it is too much to
Christians to take
first time; but they
ns, read the chap -
rt paper, and thus
bearing their own
ny members who
to take the entire
e willing to assist
mittee should al -
r for a short pray -
regular meeting.
held in one of the
other room oon-
hen it is impos-
t each pray .In
or God's blessing
fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will
power, tenderness of the scalp and spine,
weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
failure to be rested by Bleep, constipation,
dullness of hearing, lose voice, desire for
solitude, excitability of temper, sunken
eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLES, oily
looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of ner-
vous debility, that lead to insanity, unless
cured. The spring or vital force having
lost its tension, every function wanes in
consequen3e. Those who thoough abuse
committed in ignorance, may be perma-
nently cured. Send your address and 100
i o Stamps for book on diseases peculiar to
man, sent sealed. .Address M. V. LUBON.
24 MacdonnellAve., Toronto, Ont., Canada.
P1 ase mention this paper.
committee come
in the meeting as
ven. Be ready
apses that may
er of the meet -
interesting as
e, however; to
urage the Mis-
ommitteea to
tive, meetings.
be held with
both uniting
ea interesting.
rk; remember
ty has a two•
ere, to Christ,
n character.
oa are grow-
bestlOokingg woman .in the 'Qountr ,"
After taking her Peat, the revivalist:
addressed the men; "Now,J•want all
the men in this crowd who have not
spoken a harsh word Qr harbored an
unkind 'thought toward their wives
for a month pest to stand up." Twen-
ty-seven big, Ptiappilig fellows hopped
out of the audience with alacrity..
"Opine forward and give me your
hands, my dear boys," Jones gave
each one a vigorous shake, after which
he ranged all of them side by side in
front of the pulpit and facing the au-
dience. He looked them over eaieful-
ly and solemnly, and then; turning
around to the audience, he said: "I
want you all to take a good look. "at
the twenty-seven biggest liars in the
State of Tennessee."
Are Stark's Powders for Sick and Nerv-
ous Headache, Biliousness and Liver.
Mr Wood, manager Imperial Bank, Port
Colborne, says:—"They do their work ad-
Mr Alex. Rumsey, Imperial Bank, Wel-
land, says:—"They are excellent."
Mr George 11. Williams, the extensive
fruit basket manufaoturer, Thorold, says:
—"For over 12 years I suffered severely
from Sick and Nervous Headaches and
Liver. I tried all the advertised remedies
without effect. Stark's Powders cured
Prise 25o a box; sold by all medicine
It is said that the flesh on the fore-
quarters of the beaver resembles that
of land animals,while that of the hind-
quarters hast fishy taste.
Gifford, spent between $200 and $300 in
consulting doctors; tried Dixons and all
other treattnents but got no benefit. One
box of Chase's Catarrh Cure did me
more good than all other remedies, in fast
I consider myself cured and with a 2fio
box at that.
Jagg,w�ell What makes that hen in
yo'irr' "il c yaird ditiMte`ec—trlrrd? � 1
way—Oh, they've just laid a corner-
stone across the street and she's trying
to make the neighbors think she did it.
Miss Budd—Do you believe in long
courtships, Mr Benedick? Mr Bene -
dick —I don't believe in more than six
or eight hours at a session.
Judge-- Please describe the man
you saw talking to the prisoner. Wit-
ness—I don't know how ter do it, yer
honor. "Can't describe him? Did .he
look like any of these lawyers? Did
he look like me?" "No, yer honor,
He looked like an intelligent gentle-
A little fellow had been seriously lec-
tured by his mother and finally sent
into the garden to find a switch with
which he was to he punished. He re-
turned soon and said: "I could not find
a switch, mamma. but here's a stone
you can throw at me."
"I don't see what's the use of me be-
ing vaccinated again," said Tommy,
baring his arm relucantly for the doc-
tor. • "The human body changes every
seven years, Tommy," replied his mo-
ther. "You are eleven years old now.
You were in your fourth year when
you were vaccinated first, and it has
run out." "Well, I was baptized when
I was a baby. Has that run out, too?"
"Well, Elizabeth, you are at the
head of your class, to -day. How did
you manage it?" "Why, the teacher
asked Mary Small how many are five
and seven and she said thirteen. He
said that was too many; then he asked
Josephine Little and she said eleven,
and that wasn't enough. So I thought
I'd try twelve, and I guessed it right."
"Grandma, may I take that piece of
chocolate you left on the table? I will
be so good]" "Yes, you may take it."
(The little girl does not, move.) "Why
don't you go and get it?" "Ohl grand-
ma, dear; I ate it first."
To -Day tells a story of a poor woman
who was talking to the dierrict visitor
about her various ailments, and how the
dootor had prescribed for her "sluggish
liver." "What beats me," she remarked,
"is how them slugs get inside the liver."
Dr. Holmes, several years ago, asked a
friend, "What is your idea of happiness?"
And the prompt answer, "Four feet on the
fender," gave him great sat`.sfaction. Some
time later, perhaps a year or more, this
friend found Dr. Holmes in his study, sit-
ting alone by the fire, looking not very
happy. To the visitor's solicitous greeting
came the reply, "Only two feet on the
Joseph Tr uskey was hanged at Sand
wich for the murder of Constable Lind-
Mrs Alex. Coulter, of Tyendinaga,
has been find $82 for stuffing iron,
stones, etc., into fowls for sale.
At Chicago President Debs of the
American Railway Union was found
guilty of contempt by Judge Woods
and sentenced to six months' imprison-
Tames Shane, e, farmer near Nit -
shell, was at'rested on the charge of
stealing sheep trop) a flock owned by
Mr John Whyte, of 1lditchell, The de-
predations have been ggGing on for
some the.Mr Whyte; has about 000
sheep on his farm, and it is estimated
about 40 have been stolen.. Of these
about 25 have, been recovered..
Moses Hallman, .fisherman, of Reid
]lay, Saugeen Peninsula, while fishing
in the late storm, upset his boat. He
climbed on the overturned boat, and
in that state drifted four miles to
shore, and then crept seven mites on
his hand and knees to Stoke's Bay,
DIartiniNE MRN,. eeelil QATING, THC DIs-
this commit- Minister—And how do you get on at
the prayer Sunday School, Billie? Billie—Pretty
duty of the well; I've just learned about the whale
My it would swallowing Jonah. Minister—That's
he two tom- good. Billie—Yes, sir; and next Sun -
e duties of day I'm going to believe it.
"Do you understand pigeon English?"
asked the young woman.
"A little," molted the man who never
confesses ignorance.
"Oh, do let mo hear you say something
in it."
"Why—er—I only know one word."
"What is that?"
A Bridge 636. Feet High.
The highest bridge of any kind in the
world is the Loe River viaduct, on the An-
tofagasta Railway, in Bolivia, South
America. The place where this highest
railway structure has been erected is over
the Melo rapids in the Upper Andes, and
between the two sides of a canon, which is
situated 10,000 feet above the level of the
Pao fit. Counting from the surface of the
stream to the level of the rails, this cele-
brated bridge is` exactly 5361-2 feet in
height. The length of the principal span
is 80 feet, and the distance between abut-
ments (total length of bridge) is 802 feet.
The largest column is 314 feet 2 inches
long, and the batter of the pier, what is
known to bridge -builders as "one in three."
The gauge of the road is 2 feet 6 inches,
and trains cross the bridge at a speed of
80 miles an hour.
Doing the work we like best of all -saving,
your money. Men and women who wish
to save money should send their Wear-
ing Apparel, Ostrich Plumes, Lace, Ds -
mask and Repp Curtains to be Cleaned or
Dyed to Parker's Dye Works Toronto.
Work is done right, if done at Parkers—
Now is the time. Agency at RANCE &
SPALDING Book Store, Clinton.
The Canada Business
Immeasurably excels its Canadian contem-
poraries in the superiority of its work, and
in finding choice positions for its graduates.
1 The.Education that Pays to Get.
Is the Education that Pays when
T You Get It.
Toaoxro, Dec. 17—Medical men are on
the alert just now when the subject of kid•
ney disease comes up for discussion. Dia-
betes has always been looked upon as sure
death by the profession, but lately the dos•
tors have had their eyes opened to the pos-
sibilities of a cure by Dr E. A. Rose, of
Portland, Ont. He heir stated in writing
that he was oared of this disease after be-
ing pronounced 'm extremis' by six medi-
cal brethren, and his cure was effected by
means of podd's Kidney Pills. This rem-
edy has attracted mush attention from the
medical profession because of its success in
the cure of kidney disease, and many phy-
sicians are to -day prescribing it in affec-
tions of these organs.
e yet to ro-
tor in com-
ic no, such
d working
erns work
e meetings
a means
the right
e gloomy
leate de-
ers that
+lie£ and
in Dr.
If she's
n," she
ing this
ful, in-
ioh was
of "fa--
fa-6. For
od; for
e;" in
"Charles, you must do what I tell
you. When I was a little child like
you I was always good and obedient."
"I'rn glad to know that, mamma, and
you may be sure that I'll say the same
thing to my children when I have any."
Rev. D. Fourthly, accompanied by
Mrs Fourthly, was making a pastoral
call at the Shackleford dwelling and
had unconsciously prolonged his stay
until the afternoon sun was low in the
sky and Tommy Shackleford had be -
grin to grow hungry. Burning with
righteous indignation and moved by a
strong sense of personal ill-treatment,
Tommy stn de into the parlor."
he said, in high-pitched voice, "you'd
better get . glut on you. If paw comes
home ag' rinds supper rim t teady
again, he'll raise the darnedest row
ever yon heard anywhere."
-Big John Platzer was up before
Reeve Young, F. W. Tanner, J.P., and
Squire Campbell, Blyth, on Monday,
charged with indecent assault upon a
little boy named Wesley Taman. He
was sent up to Goderich to stand his
trial at the spring assizes.
An am
close of
the othe
the pulls
the Audi
want all
?sing incident occurred at the
am .Jones' sermon at Pulasai,
day. Stepping down from
, and looking solemnly over
ce, the revivalist said:—"I
e Women in this crowd who
en a harsh word of bar-
on ht. toward their
hast, ter. stated
"ri Only the Sears
Says HENRY HUDSON, of the James
Smith Woolen
Machinery Co,
Pa., who cert?.
Pies as follows:
" Among the
many testimoni-
als which I see
in regard to cer-
tain medicines
li 1> cures, cleansing
II M the blood, etc.,
II (1) none impress me
more than my
I,.. own cane.
Ajt( Twenty years
�!•l • ago, at the ago
P( ,:j of18years, Iliad
y •
,r_ swellings come
illi] j�� on my logs,
�i which broke and
P. became run'
Hing sores.
Our family phy.
siclan could do
,,e no. good, and it was feared that the
lealAs would be affected. At last, my
,•,.u,t ol.i
.11tIi0ther Urged Me
e.c. try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I took three
,a i :c ,t, the sores healed, and I have not
im^n troubled since. Only the scare
.c.ein, and the memory of the
rata', to remind mo of the good
1:.,, er'3 Sarsaparilla has done ate.
I now weigh two hundred and wenty
1' ;nils, and am in the best of I,cealtli.
I have been on the road for th?a'peat
er•rlve years,'1iave noticed Aye': s Sar-
saparilla advertised in all,' of the
United. States, and alwa INi :..l /t•\
lire in telli ` 'What good i
If You Attend this College, and do
p' Your Part Hortratly and -Faithfully-
A You will Surely Succeed.
It Has Helped Hundreds upon Hun -
Y drede of Others.
For further particulars, or catalogue, call
on or address.
for Infants and Children.
MOTHERS Do You Know that Pmr
Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syruic
moat remedies for children ars composed of opium or morphine t
Do You Know that opium and morphine aro stupefying narcotic poisons
Do Yon K 4tow that in most countries druggists are not permitted to, earl nmeotree
without labeling thaw poisons ?
Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your c fl4
unlees you or your physician know of what it is composed? .
Do Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list Of
its ingredients is published with every bottle ?
Do Yon Know that Cartorla is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher.
That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than.
of all other remedies for children combined t
Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of i-
other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
"Cestoda" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison cConse i
Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection wail
because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless?
Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for .36
Cents, or one cent a dose t
Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children pray
be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ?
Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts.
The fao'rdmile
signature of
is on evert
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Ivy 0-1R,OOFRY
So speaks MaxwelIJohneou, 112 Ann St.,
Toronto: My six-year-old . daughter, Bella,
was afflicted with eczema for 24 months,
the principal seat of eruption being behind
her ears and on her face; her head was on
fire with painful burning itching, which
was made worse by constant soratohing
and tearing it with her hands. We spent
money without stint in constant endeavor
to afford the little sufferer relief, every
advertised remedy was tried ; innumerable
treatments with soaps and medicines and
specific treatment by physicians having
high endorsements in curing such diseases
were of no relief in her case. A short time
ago I purchased a box of Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment, the first application of which showed
the curative effect of the ointment; only
one half of the box has been used, with the
marked change of an entire disappearance
of the eruptions, and I can confidently say
my child is permanently oared. Any en-
quiry cheerfully answered with enclosed
New Raisins, New Currants, New Peels, (Lemon, Citron, Orange) Fresh Eziraolis
Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, (Walnuts, Filberts and Almonds). In Crockery, we Lave
a fine assortment of Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Lamp Goods, Hanging
Lampe, Parlor Lamps and Library Lamps, fancy Cups and Saucers, goods be
suit the times.
Clr 1E0 LLClio W,
lveyour friend for ORK of thinking "what you -Wil'-
g' a Christmas present, when you can makszi
WORK of it by consulting, _.•,,
People Must Live, :
Ind in order to do so they want the very best they can get..
We have anticipated their desire by purchasing the shoisest
Having had i5 years experience, think we know the wants
of the people pretty,,well. Our' stock embraces everything
found in a first-class grocery, and we will not be undersold.
We have a Beautiful Assortment of FANCY GLASSWARE And
CROCKERY. Special Cuts on SUGARS and TEAS in Targe lots
J. W. Irwin, Grocer
Is necessarily small. Just so small are the benefits to be derived from, afllisd.
inK some so called "Business College." The
Berkshire Boar for Service.
Subscriber keeps for servioe,at his promises,
Clinton, a tlrst.class thorn bred Berkshire boar,
Terms 75 cents at time,.f service, with privilege
of returning, if n'cessary. J08. ALLANRON
Subscriber keeps mor service a thoroughbred
(registered) Poland China boar. Terms $11 at
time of service, with the privilege of returning if
neoessay. HENRY JOYNER, Jai., DInsle y Tar -
race, London Road, Clinton.
For pure bred Tamworth pigs of both sexes
apply to Geo. Baird Sr. Clinton, or on lot 21, 2nd
Con.November 10th. The plGEORGE aro six Seeks old n
Subscriber lieeps for service at his promises,
lot 20, Con. 13;Ftullett, a pure tioro-bred Chester
White Boar, with good nedigree; (has taken first
Prize at fairs) Terms, 81 at tins of service, with
privilege of roturn.ag, if necessary.
Poland Chino, Pi'„ For Sale.
A number of boars and Sows, of all ages, rang-
ingifrdm 6 weeks to 6 vent)) of age; strati by
El of 496.e boar that Anever boon beaten In a
i, ewringsot, Nis CreElected 8878before being
1lhported to Caned ,aiori ,t,t tho Indiana etato.t
fair the Arab prize, , tad sweepstakes for the beet
bear and aVe of his t and in 1892 he WO» tk 1st
4" Tdronto at 1t,ondofl6hotvS' a tt±rat of
Ibdtrir lYod' q MI Months old hate been
tierce qf ,alt rite t i gs tin'
Forest City Business & Shorthand College, of London
on the contrary is noted for the practical character of its work. Yon
something practical, why not JcEwSTEhu
s at once.
J. W.
WRVELT, Principal.
It's no because
I'm Scotch but
you c.anna
smoke a better
Cigar than
They ost 5e.
bu I get sax
thein for a