Clinton New Era, 1894-12-14, Page 6Lmton.
FBIDA.'Y, a O) MBE 21, 1594,
lm Demerrreraa ev ar f for
'. 9414 lIstra Standard Granulated Sugar tor 11
UT7t R agii. EGGS Werued_OANTtIsN Olen)
tiizt tar MecLACnEMTX't; ror Cholee candles
pIR,ECx RY FOB SALE MiF.S,e,—A copy et
the Onwari0 Gazette and. Dfreotory, just issued
"...offered ter pale cheap, Apply at liEW IRA.
• Engileh,French and Oerulau in Ohtua, CrooB-
eryykiid.(lleseware,istile •wonder of everybody
VI.e assortment or Fruits, Nuts. Ca palest
i Vie. At 11104,4CRERTY'f3..
gain 11toI)I Cg.
NEW HOUSE. --Mr S, S. Cooper bit
received the contract of a fine brielf
house for Mr .Jas. Young, 14th con. of
{1iulh'tt; when this building is com-
pleted it Will class with the best build -
Ings in Hallett.
rtit afl..AxNM N '.-�Dell't wrist 014 r
aldwell And Geo. VON, :of Toronto,
take art, together with Messrs. S, aid-
l'oi`ter and Downs. A,n excellent
program will be offered,'
entertainreeht in :the Town all, on
Mgit JIG ni.--The Clinton Electric
i ight•Co. has purchased an additional
dynamo, and will have it in operation
Irt acouple of weeks, This will give
theme facilities for 250 more lights, a
' number,of which are already spoken
( gramIOATE.—Sergt. Thos. Jack-
son, of No. 4 Co. 33rd Battalion, who
was recently studying at Point Levi,
hasbeen granted a 2nd class certificate;
at , present he is attending London
Military College, and expects to get
7th belt such celebrities as Mrs
TA= Wn. NERe.---Attbe Provincial
Live Stook Show, at Guelph, last week,
Met.srs H. and 1,31., R, Smith, of flay,
took Istpri;ze for Year-old steers.. and
also the orninion port -bora breeder s
AeSeciationprize: DJ). Wilson, $ed•-
forth, took 1st prize for grade yearling
steer, and. W. T. Marney, Goderich,
took lst prize for kyear-old heifer; the'
latter is ' from the herd of Mr James
Snell, Hullett.
HO SEu.—Nine horse buyers were in
Own :on Tuesday, looking up animals
bat'wonld do for export. Quite a
umber were offered, but we under-
nd. thist•they only made eight pur-
bai,four of these were sold by Mt'
nnes, of Stanley.
rt,; Bank here will receive sub=
'scripptiolis towards the public testimon-
ial.that is ' being raised for the widow
of Sir John`Thompson, and all money
ral Committee free of carded charge.he ent
The Court of Revis:ctn met, on Satur-
day night and remitted taxes in a
couple of cases where Ms error in as-
sessment had been made. The council
met subsequently, passed. a sew ac-
c nan-
al statement received the and Tordered itf to be
ANNUAL SHOOT. The Clinton Gun
Club will have its annual shoot, on its
own grounds, on New Year's day; a
number of live and artificial birds Will
be shot, • and they wish to purchase all
the live birds they can get. The prizes
will be silver trophies and cash. Con-
testants are Stratford and other pointected s.
evening the following officers were
elected for Clinton Lodge No. $4,, A.,F.
and A.M,, for 1895:—W,M., Dr. Shaw;
P,M.; Tho. Suial'aconibe; A.J.
iollOway; Sec., R.T. McDonald; Tt eas.,
O.S. Doan; S.D. O. Johnston; 3,0„.J.
Emerton; 3.8„ a. B, Hoover; Stewards,
J.B. Kennedy, J.E. 3lackall; Tyler, 3,
Rider. The installationclltake
on St. John's Day, Dec. after
which an oyster supper will be served
at Bell & Masons hotel, the Com-
Na. 83, held its semi-annual election of
officers on Tuesday evening last, and
the following are the elective officers
for the first half of the year 1895. N.
G., Wm, Moore; V. G., Jacob Taylor;
R. Sec., I3. B, Chant; Per. Sec„ W. N.
Manning; . Treas., Richard Stoneham.
The installation of officers will take
place on the 8th of Jan. next and the
D. D. G. M. is expected to be present
and Brethren from all the Lodges in
in the district.
HOME CIRCLE.—At the regular meet-
ing of Clinton Hoppe Circle, on Tues-
day evening, . the .following officers
were elected 'for the ensuing year:—
ear:Leader, 'R. Irwin; Vice Leader, Thos.
Murch; Sec., W. R. Lough; !Treas., H.
=E: _;Iiodg_eos, fin, _Sec., 13. Wiltse;
`Chaplain, Mit R.irvv`rtr 'Marshall- rR.
•Welsh; Warden, W. T. Hill; Gnatd,
W. Everett; Sentinel; J. Cook; Medical'
.Examiner. Dr. J.L. Turnbull; Trustees,
B. Holmes, A.U. Pattison, T. Jackson,
Jr.; Auditors, W,R.Lough, R. Holmes.
Ho r L CHANGE. 3. 3. C. Miller,
'Late ,:of Grand Rapids, (and son of Mr
Iias.� Mijler,atown) an experienced hotel
keeper, has.purchased the Grand Un-
ion, -and took possession on W ednes-
day; the outbuildings at the rear will
• all be torn dawn, and commodious
sample rooms erected in their place;
`30'.MMi11er intends .to pert a bus on the
,-,dad, and has eniaged Mr Hoflich to
run it. • We understand that Mr Find-
lay will remain in town, for the pres-
ent•at•any rate, and has rented Mr W.
Dempsey's house.
NOMINATIONS.—A ratepayer contri-
butes the following :—In a' few days
the citizens of our town will be called
upon to nominate persons to fill the
offices of Mayor and councillors, and
also school trustees: There is often
too much nonsense done in putting up
the names of persons who cannot
qualify, and others who will not give
their r ime to serve the public as they
should do. They often boast at the
nomination that 'they will . do their
duty, but theirintentions are like the
snow before the sun, they soon pass
away. Let some of the business men
come out manfully, and' put their
shoulder to the municipal machine,
and help it along. You all feel that
the taxes are high enough, and it is
your duty, as well as your neighbor's,
to spend a little time for the public
and yourself, and not run away with
the idea that the name of councillor
and attending the monthly meetings
is all the duty that is required of you,
and a little pulling for a piece of side-
walk here and there.
ther may be mild and the grass green,
but the Christmas season is upon us.
The stores tell it -never have the stores
ofCiiiton been so full of pretty, useful
a cheap articles. The older people
•t,tnuot get out of recognizing the fes-
ti'e eason of goodwill, even if they
*Mild. They have taught the child -
"ten to look on the season as one of
present -giving and present -receiving,
though the greatest of these is giving,
and the idea will remain strong in ev-
cry family till the Santa Claus of 1894
is a person of the Fast. Let not the
excuse of "hard times" prevent anyone
Irak: observing the time-honored cus-
tom of making others hatepy. Our ad-
vertising columns should be carefully
consulted by buyers before they start
NOTES.—The two daughters of Mr R.
Reynolds.who had been suffering from
a mild form of fever, are now much
better. Mr J. C. Stevenson had his
leg placed in plaster of pat is, and is
now able to sit up. Next Tuesday, be-
ing Christmas, will of course be ob-
served as a holiday. The municipal
nominations will be held on the 31st
this year, 'the law defining the last
Monday of the year as the legal day.
Miss Anna Holmes will spend Christ-
mas with her parents at St. Catharines.
The town bandpayed outside on Sat-
urday .,ight.,"much tPie e delight of
SCROOL NOTES.—The County Board
of Examiners will meet in the Model
School here to• orrow. Mr Coombs,
of the Collegiate, went to his home at
Georgetown •dn Friday, owing to the
dangerous fulness of his mother; the
Board of Trustees allow him to remain
until after the holidays. The examin-
rthen of 11fie Modellites, which has been
in.pxogrkss for several days, will be
»onclitded this week. Miss Taylor, one
of the efficient teachers of the Public
School; has asked for three months'
leave of absence, owing to a throat
miction; it has been granted her, and
iss McDonald will take her place in
'e meantime. The schools close for
liolidayt to -day and re -open on the
f Jan. By efiiuxion of time the
ing members of the Public
board retire at the end of the
essrs Jackson, Cuninghame,
and Gibbings. All are
METERY.—In the spring,
cil decided • to place the
the exclusive ease of a
fears Were entertain -
leave the hal-
si a of the ledger;
year, however,
e contrary, and
udicious one,
is in a much
ever was,
in favor
will be
the townspeople. -amiss-Britton;'-of'
Hullett, has been spending a few days
with friends in town. Mr John John-
ston, Rattenbury street, has been con-
fined to his room for several days. Mr
Hughes, Inspector of Weights and
Measures, has been performing his
duties here; he found the town weigh
scales in first-class order, and certified
accordingly. A testof strength be-
tween a tears. owned by J. Moir, Hid -
lett, and J. W. Rossier, Colborne, took
place in Fair's trill yard, on Tuesday,
for $20, and was easily won by Mair.
Mr Thos. Walker has been awarded
the contract for the stonework of a
new barn for Mr Jas. Miller, Hullett,
also for Mr J. G. Morris, Hullett. Mr
A. O. Pattison, G.T.R. agent. who has
been away for a week, is again at his
accustomed post. Mr Geo. Theobald,
of Mount Forest, is in town. Mr and
Mrs S. J. Andrews passed their 15th
wedding mile -stone on Monday. The
ringing of the town 'bell started a team
of horses, on Fi iday, owned by Mr S.
Cox, of titillett, and pulling off the
bridle, they ran away; Mr Geo. Cottle
hung on to the lines, but could not
bring them up; they stopped of their
own accord after going through a wire
fence behind the mill. Many people
are evidently not aware of the fact
that after the 15th of Dec. it is illegal
to shoot squirrels, partridges, &c.; "fur -
hearing animals" may be shot, but
this does not include squirrels. Miss
Taylor, of the Model School, intends
to spend a couple of months at Denver
for the benefit of her health. The
Home Circle purpose holding an "at
home" on the evening of Tuesday, Jan.
15th. A number of the Oddfellows
visited Goderich lodge last (Thursday)
night. , The other day Mr W, Core
caught a pretty weasel in a trap; it
was pure white with a black tail; it
afterwards escaped by squeezing
through the wires of the cage. Division
Court will be held on the 29th inst,
Mr John B. Little is confined to his
room by a slight illness. Mr Charles
Cooper, of Cooper & Co., Toronto, was
this week home on a short visit. Mr
and Mrs Tuffts, of Belgrave, were in
town on Tuesday in connection with
the change of the Grand Union. Mr
Jas. McClacherty has materially im-
proved the interior of his store. Bow-
ers Bros. are decorating J. B. Rum -
ball's store. The NEW ERA'S issue of
29 pages, last week, is highly spoken
of by its readers; the News -Record, of
this week, makes a 24 page issue.
Some very pretty sunset scenes—by
Miss Clara H. Mountcastle—are on
view in the window of Hovey's Di ug
Store; several other charming sketches
by the same artist, are also on view
and for sale. School teachers will ob-
lige us by sending accounts of their
Christmas examinations, and we shall
be glad to receive reports of Christmas
church entertainments from any one.
Mies Smyth, neice of Rev. W. Smyth,
has been appointed head nurse of
Cleveland Hospital, at a good salary,
and leaves therefor to -morrow. James
Driscoll is home from Cleveland. Out
of 247 Home Circle lodges in Ontario,
only twelve hate a larger mem ership
than Clinton. Mr Reynolds has rented
Mrs Cooper's cottage, Albert street.
•Mr Ben Hunter, of Hallett, was thrown
backwards from his buggy j ort as he
was.about to enter a hotel stable; for -
innately his only, W'i'tty was. a c thii..nd.
Saturday's is§uo Of the Globe as One
*hick any newspaper migh . Wellbe
ud• it was 81141 superb, ' pages,''Itirling, lore to; is Vis . , here
Xmas Card"
Has been, almost supplanted by
the introduction ¢. so many
. Novelties,
Costing no more; these combine
Utility with Art.
Most prominent among these are
Stylish Gloves and Fine Handker-
chiefs. It would be hard to find
anything more acceptable, and
more people are buying them every
year. With this fact in mind we
prepared for a big trade, and have
nicer goods and better values than
ever before. Easily sent by mail,
they are the ideal gift for an absent
friend. Our prices are low enough
to make it worth your while buy-
ing here, and qualities good enough
to send to your friends.
Store will be open Friday evening
Cash and One Price only
With every $2.60 worth AFgp a
Beautifui Flake Gass
China Cup and Sau
Come along with your little $2.50, and secure one
We make a4specialty of Fancy Goods) an
give you the best value. Don't be led astray
flash offers of side line goods
Ladies, •
Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Bible Depositor,
Specialty Sale Kg:
Es•of.,Men's Footwear
v;;e .the balance of December we will give special:reduotions in
all kinds of Bt and Shoes, s an
Saturday. Dec »15th» 1�
Men's Fine Gaiters, Laced Shoes
Bought at 60o on the dollar, and whioh will be sold, until further noticed, at leas tha
regular wholesale prices. This will be a rare opportunity tb get a firet.clas
pair of FINE CALF OR CORDOVAN SHOES for less money tba4 you ordinal
pay for a common pair.
Another lot of WOMEN'S KID BUTTONED BOOTS, whioh are going at the old
sale price, $1.25. We have yet a line of GIRL'S LACED BOOTS, selling at 75a
a pair. Full stock of all kinds of FELT GOODS, suitable for Xmas presents.
THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. Bette; and Eggs taken at Cash prices .
25 inch Cape 319 00
30 inch Cape 321 00
36 inch Cape 325 00
40 inch Cape 330 00
They are made with large Storm Collar:1 and Umbrella Skirt.
Nobody on the hunt for Furs should miss seeing our
Swiss Embroidered Linen.
Lawn Handkerchiefs .
"The cheapest and choicest goods shown in town" are the
many compliments paid our Fancy White Handkerchief
stock, by our customers. Sales more than double last
year Prices and Fine Goods, talk more eloquent than
we can. If you want to give a nice Handkerchief for a
present. you cannot do better than get one of these.
Hemstitched at 10 cents to $1.25
We haven reputation for good goods,,and when we cannon
sell a good article, we will quit.
Tb Men's and 1]3o s' Outfitters; of the 'e§ti
.000 00$0:
We carry a complete line of
just the kind you want, Gloves
that weaa, and give satisfac-
tion. The shades and prices
are right. We can give you a
good Glove at 75c., a better
one at $1,and the best at $1.20
$1.25 and $1.55. Our prices
cannot be beaten unless on
inferior goods.
Ladies' and Children's
Wool Mitts. sing
double, fine
HATS—Ladies' and Children's Hats at pri'
fail to pleage yeu.
BOAS --Gids White Fur Boas, choice.
Gents and Boys' bilk Ties, Scarfs, Han
We have received another shipment
GreyFlannel at 17e. We sell at one pi