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Clinton New Era, 1894-12-07, Page 2
t U� . r ttoiue sd i ps r i1n` laWBNtTP. s ai:d!Deplugs da. r+n, built. ' U 1 1 V h arrived there ttvo '° exwl Of (7atlada, died on y .,,.�In , aiteta, committed 8 d Shaw, wife ot! poi•. W 11 r seafal�th, lead sllffi�ied Pell nth ' tf l3rtitntfoxd, disci 1;1 IQ Tool Munk, formerly yids ' ,who P a suis e, W, I. Lala fr,e from h heavy losses that lire A. Ri that Wit . R. Niercerr 1 le a , e R 7i X6#14., . n . a t, oudshed and cut his Fiiday from paralytla stroke, d mode Ella ass1� m 11, oy be brooded over them and Shall" went alai .aatta�ken.at. Barry Soli>!1� ` Ill Cavanagh,, of #3rnefiels, has In out pti�t, into a Ela oa', vt'hieh La a tae A vote was Oft was I ed to tiwen Sa ,• k cllt>vsad QIt ,; atnraa 111ght 1 O1;41ta on, Ftiday, to repeal'the local option. t it 1st 'urea ` s lyaRit r In I by oxo in force thele, Ana resulte Married- Made otl4 41 prosper le prohibition Jas law being )m04111°11 but made extensive. ins nos vl-r'alze fox• f ed trip mors age his xhe p � ' 4 _Ire of the fines itli thleovv wedding e`fed .4, ,p nl: bbs, in London, deal' of antics Text Dern ill ion 0.,'tile; conv-C Wee,. Snell, • of Ice lue+el hundred pounds'oft meat. li ly idpe, Wiled a covin tvhich di u line, Mr Alex, Cloake u,, of 'the Onthiv resi- dence,intelade b .ilding in.1805. PLG A o.dairein contains no opiates, is oxiah of leas, will relieve at once, and euro any headache or near egla. the Th ThOB. Case has purchased n Seaforth, and will can bP ac -1 1,4es9r8 Robb Bros., an will be• I pork pact; ing establlshm t of the �priclusion, begin work In it at once. the Local Hyman will 1 •opposition. eleetio" not raise bat it gave nal'• friends among es, who will sul rt y `whom he is opposed. dvertiser intimates Day, as at present. g mockery, and A portion of the nksgiving—the el hunting, or ets. The, Ad- orns Sunday That would be sent, but the date at the very worst People should be temporal blessings al dirty day, as on one Shining brightly, and ttraetive, but, unfor- a not. ,The brighter he mode grateful is t. Toel Panabaker has sold his Farm, being west half of lot 22, con.nal , Greyi, to James Menzies, of Alf; ly of Ethel. A subscription is being taken up to place a memorialirn, window tohe memorylof church, g the late Crowell Wilson. W. J. Couch, of roof is,, rhot a wild s swamp• sat•on Wednesday This is the W t d's that shas l this the dust through year. We regret to have to chronicle the death of Mr Wm. Wilson, who was one of the old pioneer residents of the township of Hay, and who was widely known and much respected. WAR ores he a lIh ed l a wh a g� thistle fattii, Tha. Russian this, all Ole pis plerty. and returned t . Arthur' but wasy to meat. was unable to find Qm1? y leaves a wife and family. • Never was a tram' word fiahe what the St, Thin utan ihout the respOnsibli`tY of an n- ' t, for the ee- healthy public sena pion the hoiciers two in Cleveland, Ohio, tR a si valence Of scandals among thy, most 'liar a lips, were located, in Montreal" on of public eve r BaFriday and were arrested. the Journal, "tts to startling revelations are character andr of Comber, was leading a ts, we, give the i J rhes Mills by amajority of IA inbr David: Wiawnnepip, ost �hisxl farmer of Tuesday T w k} into ji well Tuesday last by falling while getting water for horses, He leaves a widow and three children. A gang aE diamond swindlers who succeeded in doing up' two diamond firms in; Boston to the extent o._ ''mfo Cold in the head—Nasal Balm gives fails. instant relief; speedily cures. Never Star, (always ,a sup- n)in an article head: or farm depletion," o the subject, en - at smaller farms, ring better re- , badly tilled, is significant inof; ifornia Fig actions of public ser thought, and ac - matter but a passingthought, be looked. (ac- cept it as something If a patine speaker emakes rowd are onto these things thetuts' and lose all Mr Wm. Doig, of Tuckerefnith, has been appointed Principal of Hat rhiis rD. on Public School for next year, Dorrence, the present principal, goes to $epworrh. ' A rumor is curt'ent that B. S. Cook will retire from the reevesbip and owe ick, and S. Ferguson, deputy, ben the redoubtable John Jacques, r the position. Mr Robert McIver, a former resident of resi- dence Lion Lion's Head,died Bru a his ounty, on Nov. 1:3th, aged 72 years and 9 months. Deceased waa a native of Argyleshire Scotland. a ' throwing cow, when it jumped suddenly, him into a ditch. He went attire CAW with a club. and she pulled him against the fence, causieg paralysis of the. spine, from which he shortly afterwards died. ,ready to era cher n Mound pity, Mo., has a thirteen- ,nte,.est, But when some semounte- about i ear -old bo who weighs ponds: to talk nonsense about 242 girl year-old Citsgo, Mo., a twelve-year-oldg Th a may bark gets uprrs- Cat.houc influence all er ars, and ornislo ppady sion, then they to'cheer him to the echo, even if it be in church." SEND TO DAY. be alive to your. Ladies and gentlemen, There has recently been dis covered, and is d truly wonderful "Hair Grower - an „ grow hair on a Grower" will actually who hoe head beard six growth in six d h ve a thrifty g weeks by It 11. also prevent the hair from falling• excellent moustache in six weeks, eti f own interest. er the under" d now for sale by signs , a le , " This "Hair d "Complexion Whitening." bald G weeks.A gentleman no bear can ha ye use of this wonderful "Hair that farm- r..ofitable by tient .of taxa - helping him a markets. ao for him; bad idea for mething be - is approval. e-isapproval. OTHER nes arpF tSt- ari native, need of the remedy than tis mbre ac - en enjoy it he_ true re= LITEri ii brain Co. only. Items. of'interest. Alex. McLanchlin has disposed of ust north of Brresidence lot Brussels, and the fiveacres across the street to his brother, Thos. The latter will take possession next February. Mr McLauchlin intends purchasing again. hair, Grower will Bythe ase of this remedy boys raise , head o a r, Ladies, if you want a surpeising have it immediately by the use of this "Hair brewer." I also sell a "Complexion Whitee clnar that will in one month's time make yo knew a l yasthe ge kin gentleman to be usede. We never two bottles of knew a ltd" all say that before they this Whitening for they were as white as finished the wiebsecondto be.e they they ening,wouldthe skin will forever. After , retain its color. whitening, eto., eto. The "Hair It also Grower" 50 cents cves cper e'kettle, and the "Face Whitening" 50 cents per bottle. post Eita esthr of ete rse emedies will be sent by ma il,any address on receipt of price. Address all or- ders to his commodious R RYAN 350 Gilmour St., Ottawa, rant Mr Wm. Case has sold his property south of Exeter t : a Mr Robinson, of Grand ' Bend, who intends moving thereto shortly. Mr and Mrs Case who have been living with their son in St Catharines, will remain there. who pounds.serve 1 - weighs 225 other, and who knowso inttoduce ° wham t may e tohahp- pen later. The ex -treasurer of the P. P. A., Mr Mac , any:- "I stated lated rthathe Toronto dissens on Mail, say: - m the ranks of the 1'. P.IA., and I am prepared to prove it, for one half of the councils of Western Ontario have ceased to exist and others are following in their footsteps rapidly. And as to the its liabilities." the Order is unable to pay There are now 22 persons confined in the county jail. Amongst these are John Jardine, the young man sen- tenced to the Central Prison nearly two months ago, and cases of insane long since disposed of where the peti- t is waiting removal ACTLY LOCAL, BLIT MAY BE R? OiARDED AS SUCH. OD! FEINTING.—The time to get r printing is now, the place is the eir ERA job printing department. " ill our friends everwhere remember rcjsat:qqrre print e}terything in the p Ing,lrue, •either' call or write for prices and pfies, ( You will he gratified to floc, , Vvell, 3l1o' ` reasonably, and your order will be ro nise tol the keep every p Otlf'. Ej 1 NEW SWINDLE. — About vat months ago a stranger stopped Rudolph Winzle's, Wyandotte; and asked permission to post a bill on his ence. Mr Widzle consented and the 11 was posted. or The the exclusive use of oer then ' e ce. the ..erica. Mr Winzle accepted and signed a receipt for the same. Satur- day night he received a banknotice from that a the Wyandotte Saving note signed by him was at the bank for 550 • for collection. A prominen t • West Road farmer paid $200 for the me experience. "FfsnAn's KEEPERS".—The law of finding is ' not generally understood, oaod, but it was declared many y and it is well to note the case and de- cision. A visitor to a store found a wallet containing a sum of money. He handed , the wallet with its con- tents on- returned the owner. Afterh� three to e years the ter having failed to appear, the det nded the wallet and the y from the merchant. The fat- used to, deliver them on the and that they Were found on his mises. The finder then sued the keeper It was decided that, again at the owner, the title 1' P.S.- oode take P.O. gll will co ser a fays or y but orders g al wog Y ordering 81 worth, as it will require this pecan t tof hen it will save us the rush iof P isn e0, stamps.ither purpose ; Very Candid. E. King Dodds is a well-known Con- servative, editor of the Canadian Sportsman, and has done, platform work all over Ontario. His opinion concerning the London election Dan Mr Martens leadership is a prettyarter spoken one; the fact that M isa reverse prohibitionist accountdMr for some of the reverse may This is bitterness exnressed below. An incident of the recent election, showing the depravityhas fj, affairs n Adams county, arrived at the Tif- o fin precinct polls on election day, publicly announced his readiness to sell his vote. The demand for it was so great that he asked for bids, and, act- ing as his own auctioneer, announced a Republican bid of $2. tirDesemo- crats made it $4, and the fig up to $12.80, at which price he was "knocked down." The money was publicly paid, and, escorted by two men, to see that he delivered and his his King went to the polls ballot. KNOWLEDGE �x l t to 444, MX`I"Iii J'AIWAS SCOTT. 'Barrister, sor cONI'1B'Y,A1iC `coi1egloner for P m'outa. Kflito,i ilmmediataixll°uU?i "Llai. BRYI) B4Bit1wxtliy swan PUBIIC, fig`! Cl: otope-,•')Beaver Bloc. '4J1-ataira, Opvoe a ostees Photo! $1t8'e eoiiiforb and improvem0At and di; to. ersonal enjoyfncnb when ten p Tho many, who.live bet. ter tthanothers end enjoy life more, with ter by mgr° promptly less ng thiture, ' o adapting the worlds beet pr.dUCt4" to the needs of physical being► will attest the value to heal`h of the pure liquid ce laxative prinis mbraced in the remedy,•Syru: of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pl my as - ant to. the taste, pho refreshing an beeficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds; headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satiafacti0 to millionshe amedial d met•with the approVal of t otHlirn.t profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening T. C. BRUCE L D. them and it is perfectly free from I ghat - Surgeon - Cli tQAsj; De. every objectionable is tiilbetance. ell t�atiug Office, Coate Block, over Taylor's shoe Stere ;,. Syrup of Figs is for sale by o` t in 75c. bottles, but it is Manu- •Tooth Extracted without Pain by Ylie pile .of glen) local Anmstliet,es. tipeeia' attention divan to Elia factored by the California Fig Syrup Preservateen of the natural teeth. Monda}� t+ Co. only, whose name is printed on of Figs, miaso 'Blyth proresaiouauy Tway package, also the name, Syrup wilt not and being well informed, you E. uLAUbALL VETERINARY V RteGriEnat •.nv substitute if offered. u • HonoraryGraduate of theOntario p accept -College. Treats altold iseases of donieatiaeted a R mals on the most odern and scientiS0'prfnoi piesppOffice-immediately south olthe NateEril •';; night ordayaattended ospropiptlyinton. l JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDEBBORO, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES c, is en "Only a manss saturated tturae 1 withiy blind Mr IE. B. Rattan, of Morris, who what Mr Do sines , ensivelp engagedsipmin the fur Yorke sent a large shipment New tizan bigotry. York on Monday. Mr Rattan has Conservative ve defeatcandidateeinLo Lof ohe ndon been dealing d furshefor a great many last. Mr Essery's election Tears, and finds the, New York market Tuesdahist January as Mayor of the western the most profitable one 5 ship to. was a stain upon the intelligenced cte -, aommeuds t: tog cit►zens, anslaifthey --�tvgrQg;headaebQscure Jor2x,P.1io °•Caffein city, now as that i•epresentatty''in�the:. does it.d it.. Yonx drug r r4 hien The death morning of at we kton O° Legislature, after ten months'magistroate, morning of lastk,week of five ience of him as their chief themselves l teSd -Mrs (,ort'De relict the theywould prove highest riselves ofu ft to late :f th earliest settlers lens od who was et rcise the hie P e - one of the' earliest settlershooff Ireland me°•" trict, came from the north Mr. Dodds' idea ofMrarHesaYe': over half a century since.' less vigorously exp Word was received by Mr Sas. Petty. „The torch -Of Pe11"g''ous int olerence of Hensall, the other day that about b,I:u2en held aloft b;- the candidate, shipped and his leader aloft ed equally willing five hundred of the sheepshi kst� tQ England by him a couple of weeks ago in keeping it blazing. The two speech - had been washed over board during a heavy gale at sea. As they were in, es he mane in London were the sorriest political deliverances that ever issued r .roe the mouth of a member of the stirred tor $7 a head, Mr Petty will b - Legislature, much less from one who protected from actual loss. beinge rate poses as The death isn p g. ,alrRoss bad bHueen ah or the polit cal leader, Itwas theveriest Ross, s rn time y club, and no illuse some a fall from pa building he of a. country debatiheard ng the circle erectedaused by years ago. The wonder that those who listened to it injyino Exeter some g hould injury troubled Lion at s intervals gradually In -levelled that such a man les ler for nythingm ore pre - grew ew but late month g arty. grew worse, suffer in intense pain:. tent,oiis than a tea party. London it mightd possible for thenit ria was a brother of Messrs J. P. and he remained away D. H. Ross, of Exeter,�and son-in-law s thays tabeehere so el for that Con- ofan Mr D. torch P.M. able man has been selected to fi1lMrMe- On Saturday Mr Frank Metcalf redith's position,btrt it was not possible Blyth.ored 1I yearshtlong a time businesseman in for them to believe any such story af- manyIn hat f has been ter they had listened to his small talk. many changes. Mr Metcalf has been The descent from William Ralph one basothe most progressiveprminnpat citizens Meredith to tarter ie too unfathom- evdtaken a, prominent pert • able for the common mind to grapple of the town. pertaining has been the welfareewith, and those electors of London of the He has a member who heard his speech in favor of Mr ando the was fo counoil longg time many years Essery must have been paralyzed with for a dand a memberfof astonishment at such a man being the school board chairman of the chosen successor to so able a predeces- sor.. • . The parish politics of Mus. Municipal matters are beginning to koka• in which school he was educated move in Urey. Thomas Strachan is in won't do in the broader arena of tiro- vinciallegislat•ion and we much rear she field as a candidate arefoc the reeve- Mr Marler was't caueeht young enough ship,and requisitions also same pilo ted for A. Hislop for the post- to make him a broad and liberal -mind - tion. Reeve Milne has not said wheth ed citizen." liberal -mind- er ty willv be ais candidateik) or not. Di ' AVOID TROUBLES AT HOME put" -reeve Dames is likely to be a can - that E. didate again for one of the depute reeveships, and it is also said looking -- that t � 1Ii, Wm, OCNN•, 0F1'ICEi 01 T .L.r a few doors Nast of filbert Street, 4 DR J. L. T1JBINBULL, Victoria rorty ir1 UplVersitY, 1+s U. 0.14. M. 0. p ,fe 8, Ontario. Fellow of the Qbptgetlip. Edinburgh of HesSbtale Edinburgh, , Dowsti al °J39ep1 1 o1Yice Rattenbuxy Bt. plinton, ' Night pet g1 answered at the same piaci-. )�15. J. W. SHAW, P1JYBICIAN, SVEGEO LA000uoheur, etc., office in the Palace Block, Rattenbur-y St, formerly occupied by lir. ReeVC, Clinton Ont. AS. 8. FREEBORN, M.D.., L,B.&Q,C,P.T.,' Mr e� 0. P. & S. 0:,, Graduate. Riage an,d. Queens College of Pbyeieians, Dublin, Ireland. 'Weep - date General medical Cowell, Great' Britai' Member of College Physicians ane Surgeonsp,, On.. tanto. Farmer aeoelocgiCat)Dublin. Ida teaaiideBCO (Lying-in and St east next door to Ontario et. • • -Itattenbury 8t, , parsonage Beautify the Complexion —do not take the cosmetics, paints and powders which in- jure the skin, • but take the easiest way to gain a beautiful color and a whole- some skin. Health is the greatest beautifier. The means to beau- ty, comfort, and health for wo- men is Doctor Pierce's Favor- ite Prescrip- tion. Dull eyes, sallow or `w'ri kled -face;- and those "feelings of 'weakness,"erise have their rise derangements peculiar to 1 I STA th1J ;Y, GRADUATE OP THE JJ Medical Department o victoria •13n1V. city, Toronto, formerly •0f, the ' 4-1002,118 and Dispensaries, Mew York, Coronet off.;. on Y Bayfield.Ont. 'WHY NOT Tutudilltimtollop in the women. " Favorite Prescription" will build up, strengthen, and invigorate, every "run-down" or delicate woman by regulating and assisting all the natural functions. It also lessens. pally. . At some period in her life, a wo- man requires a general tonic and nervine, as well as a remedy adapted to her special needs. You can find no other remedy that's guaranteed. If the "Prescrip- tion" ever fails to benefit or cure, you. have your money back. CHATHAM, ONT., Immeasurably excels its contempporar- iechoicein hpositions for iorough 'ts students. and g Five Students Placed In Two Weeks WM. WALTERS, Stenographer, with Folmar & 8ohwing, Canal St.. NBookkeeper, with1Weeke ork. DELBERT WIGLE, Drug Co., Jackson, Mich. in Railway Office, York. VERITT, Stenographer WM. DILZELL, Bookkeeper, Simmons Hard- ware Co., St. Louis, Mo. M. MCIIRYNE, Stenograpber, Christian Men's Union, yyNew York, fromaleton of these started at wages ranging 17'2 er k. PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST For Catalogue address D. McLACHLAN, Chatham No witnesses required E 0 -LTA. Small Fiume onEgad mortgage ND IN (eeeonr moderaterateonOterest. H HALE.C1inten. W. FARNOOMB, MEMBER OF ABS''. F• P. L. S., Provincial Land Survey° Stewart'il s Grocery Store, Clinton. Ont. -Office at. MRS. WHiTT, M. C. M rEAOHER OF MUSIC. P1ano,Organ andpTeohnicon, or•MuseleideV for use of AlbeiitStreet,ns in Clint heaver B R. AGNEW, L.D.S D.D.S.. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeen5P Ont. Honor Graduate of Trini6y University Toronto, All operations in Dentistry carefully performed Beet local Anaesthetics for painless extraction?, Office opposite Town Ball over Swallow's ore Will visit Hensall every Monday, eb every second Thursday of each month. e Night bell aneweled. A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 194, meet in Biddle combeHall on the 1st and 3rd Fridays in es month. . TONEHAM, cordially invited. BEAN, Race PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR TO LE TWO ROAMS TO LET IN MACKAY BLOCK. One in Front and one in Rear. Rent Moderate. W. COATS, for Executors Est. Jos. Whitehead m; ilo ter p, sh all the world but of the finder is perfect. The receiver a trustee, of a article f�oiind is only ' if flrst`tithe owner, then the finder, if theer • owner does not appear.eep an article against 0 has finer, at toy kmore than the finder the finder, any has to keep it against the owner. Book Notices. A positive cure for Catarrh—you'll• find in Dr. Sage's Remedy. There's er500 reward for an incurable ease. A VERY FEW DOLLARS r'yans and James Lindsay are the R s- hat way. Use only ;Mr John B. Henderson, of the a ur- HARPERS: The Christmas number of Har- per'b•Magazine domes in a covervpd rinted n col- ors from a epeeist design, ally hundred picttures, aigfeatures. ed bywell-known than illustrate its stories. poems, and general articles. eCANADIAN ved front the ptibliehere,ICopp, Glark & Co , ,a Toronto, acopY of this excellent work. It con- nd iscinveluubley More as a book ofareference upon any matter of Canadian interest. It can bo procured of all booksellers. liable Diamond prise a few mornings ago. When his nay went to the barn to feed the stock he foundlsix fine hens lying dead. On mined it was found ;that ev- on road, ;west of Seaforth, go CANADA PRESfYTER1AN• alldlook e post upon he Canada Presbyterian as by pa- per of the kind published in the Dominion, and it compares favOrttblY with the foremost relig- ious ournals of the Old Land and the neiBhbor- ing Republic. The Presbyterian family not In every with itsweeklyoung especially itsledu In t VO i Way,-` oUimatdd. The for good issued lastiwedk, was 4.'thing of beauty, asgwell as a eeentn tiislbrs and otherus eentriibtdited a pnum- et articled in prose and verse .4uitablei to elbapA It is sadollaidar tthetoclubsnaade ©'b€^d ur h. i Tina IS 1 a each tv llbus low Bring the eine and duality of the ptlb- t jtould result in a 1artceti pi rens- , The PreebY'terien -14 Dei iblr certainly doseeves snobeee. Dyes. bema exp ery drop of blood had been sucked out — that tbe ladies of Clm- gj them. tn the least and nottorn oonly r mark de often exper man- It is well known ence trials and tribulations visible on them was a small hole on in the household management.aanbe swa- m the neck of each, as if made by a darn- ing . lie has no idea as to what sort of an animal it was that killed the birds. small hut irritating ion - ed if a little oars and common sense isg $3,000 TO LOAN exercised. Women who go on'sufferin ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITY. these little miseries have themselves to blame, as they suffer- through their fav Apply to W . COATS, PERRIN BLOCK, CLINTON For sale on easy terms, en bloc, or divided to suit Fuichaser; one quarter Dash or other good secunty,balance at 57i per cent, OR WILL EXCUANG6 Fog A GOOD FARM. J.PTISDALL, Banker, in the block will show premises. 'rhe land cost 81,000 and the building over 88,000. J. D. CAMPBELL, 284 Main W„ Hamilton, Ont LLLELLAN_L.QN OIC. ON 234 DundeeSt., Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THR Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hopp, 1889. Post Graduate Course at the New Yo Post Graduate Medical School and Hoepltal, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1892. Eyes Testte Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacle" a Lenses. He is at present in New York, attendi epeciro and will return l courses of be end of thisamonthnd h. Will be at Rattenbury House, CLINTO on DECEMBER 7 Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. GOOD HOUSE •TO RENT The. residence lately occupied by Mrs Demp- sey, on High street, ie offered to rent. It con- tains every accommodation for ordinary family. bard and eoft water, good garden with bearing Will be rented on reason- able ter; stable alsoply at NEW ERA Office or to W. able terms. Apply DEMPSEY, on the premises. FOR SALE. Spent in keeping a snit of clothes clean and in order, will lengthen its life by one-half, and took better all the time, too. We clean and sine of all kinds, women s wearing app and they are done well if done at Par- ker's Dye Works, Toronto. Leave or- ders at RANCE & brALDINS's Book Store,, Clinton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE ESTATE OF WILLgIAM LANG. All liamons h, lane of Varona,Pump eing maker, are e of wir dm Lang, required to send pax' for re of the eameto the or betorethe820111 December,18044, i Attertor, on which amo g the partiesrator entit edi having refrencete the ate to among the claims of wbioh no FCBOLMESTED. been given. The undersigned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 951 !, or 12, BailwaY Terrace Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister d&e FARM FOR SALE The farm recentl owned by the late C. Spooner, on the gravel road, just outside of town, contain- ing 33 acres, frame house acid barn, and young bearing orchard. Apply to MRS W. ROBERTSON or MRS C. McGR uGt nB, NOTICE TO DEBTORS. Rouse to Rent. YOUNG LADIE Ai�D GENTLEMEN Send 9s in ell we will sed yys in ou by ret urntnaail the PERFECT LETTER VRI A neat little Book, being aa t erfect contatvGuide i art O, Letter b1r,tBusiness, etc., with val Love, Friendahip, instructions and advice. Every young man woman should have this Book. Addr: NOVELTY PUBLIS$E - INGERSO The large and comfortat le dwelling house on Townsend street, at present occupied by Mr W. Downs, is offered to rent. It possesses every con- venience, is very pleasantly situat , a sit ill be rented at a reasonable rate, App y to er JAMES HOWE or CHAS. N, WILSON, Clinton. All persons indebted to the Estate, of said William Langg are required to pay their accounts tothe undersiened Sotioitor fortbOAdministrator on •or before said 20th December 1894, atter which date all unsettled ac F unts %M i entered for suit. 8eatorth, Nov, 20th, 1894. HOW TO •GET A. SONLIGHT • PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" SoapaappDoeee a woe- per bearingg the words W an Look Old Sconer Than a Man")to Levee Boos., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty piotntu, tree from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost 10 poatagelto send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. After January let the days of graoe on notes made in New York state will be abolished, and thirty days will no longer mean thirty-three. C IId��erl Cry�for Pitcher's Castorla CLINTON MARBLE w COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. Ma establishment is in full operatio reasonable as those of any estab HOUSE AND LOT FOR SA:LE The commodious and conveniently situated house on Ontario Bt., recently occupied by Dr. Appleton, is offered for sate on very r. asonable terms. The house is adapted for ordinary family and has every comienience and requisite. Full particulars on application to JAMES SCOTT or It IRWIN, Clinton . carelessness and household is the rate of poor imitation dyes For Executors Estate Jos. Whitehead one great soource of annoyance in the for domestio dyeing. In some Bections of our land, the ladies have lifted up their voice against them in a way that oannot be misunderstood. These inlitation dyes have caused not only great loss of material and money, but anger and heartaohe ea well. By their tise work is well end quick- ly • ; results ate always grand and the eol are brilliant end lasting. La les ten eardknow their great worth and pos. sibilities. Avoid all Imitation dyes, ahd Mateyo insist ripon getting Diamond Dyes from your druggist or dealer. NOTICE OF p:EMOVAL ChIldrorteryfor The undersigned' Mattes to inform his many Customers and friends that he has moved to his New Shop on Rattenbury Street Near the Market Squiire, where he is prepared to give his oustomere better aceonamods.tion than ever. As to the quality of work done and atten- tion shown, it ie sufficient to. say that the old standard will be kept up, In his showroom, there will be kept a well assorted stook of FOR SALE Tbe following valuable reeidental property in the Town of Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107 and part of 108. Victoria St., and part of lot 113 High Street. There are two comfortable dwelling Houses upon the property. in an excellent state appl to A, Milli RC EHE or to the undersigned. JAMES SCOTT. Sple id Farm for Sale. f , 115 cleared, the bush being and beech, being pet t of North neloi of West Wawa - 147 acre chiefly Ma nosh, adjourning 11 e village of tt. Helens; same known as the Gordon Homestead, soli second to none, in a lint class state of cultivation. Good fencei; water d by good spring creek and wells. Good brick ouse, frame barn, frame stables, and other o houses. Good bearing orchard all in a beautif . locality. For particulars apply to JOHN GORTON, St. Helens 3na' NEW RI Sleigbs, Cutters, Buggies Plows, Which he will sell at frit:nate the times, In addition to-thiglieds-prepared-to do all Made Of WE HAVE 'RECEIVED OU AND WINTER STOCK te 'Ionia Shoeing and all °niacin Werk. 411 week Ind fiteehriguartrateed te be Opt -Claes raid . 40111t VBItteCattl. Clinton FARM FOR SALE. That fine eon., or Hul ten sores i vatiOn; nee home and emit of the BOOTS SII OVERSHOE ei FELT and RUB PRICES AWAY DOWN arm of 127 acres, being lot 16, let tt. All cleared but about ten acres; fall wheat; balance all fit 101 cold - lolling spring; good orchard. FrEtIGO ittaNlildillgth Situate just 21 miles ttwn ot Clinton, and is considered a Ho wottldbe willing to take -house property in (Minton I art payment. Apply to either W. ohnton. r EDWIN SLY, on the promisee. That ttage on Oredertok street, at preeent Tan TIMES. 10 sets, Double and Single' HARNESS be sold Trunks, Valls Horse Blau A. quantity of SHINGL J 'TWIT OLIN