HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-12-07, Page 1PiFF6Irs"
„ OM
A most aeceptable and useful
Holiday gift world be a
Inettendived a range''of very
flne,ones, bought expressly tor tilie,holi-
da* trade, that are a; good deal 4'0:
and better than anythingwe have ever
The tops are of the finest silk, the ban-
• Met; are of natural wood and horn,
beautifully finished with sterling silver
Oionntings. The frames are neat,light
•,4,arid strong, and the whole rolls up into
a very small space.
They sell at $3.50, $5, $5.50
a little higher -priced than ordinary
gdods, but they're worth it.
nice holiday gift, not so expensive,
We have a line at $1.25, and one at
$1.90, in plain colors and fancy
cheeks, that we are selling a num-
ber of for that purpose.
Tho 1161 Joh Ups
NOTES.—Rev. Mr Hector, the Black
night, preaches in both Methodist
urches next Sunday; in Victoria St.
.T,:i• church at 11 and in North St. church
.:at 7; On Monday and Tuesday evenings
be lectures in North St. church. Rev.
,..'a. Jos. Edge preaches in Seaforth next
Sunday evening. Victoria St. Metho-
"Z dist church is buying a new organ.
r Thos. Polly has bought a house on
ast St. and has moved into it. Con-
uctor Farr hlte,moved into his beauti-
1 new house, eorner East and Victor-
ia streets. .ur new Police Magistrate
lagging goodservice, morally, to our
„;atig The Conservative nomination
P here was very quiet; the first ive
eard of it was in the Empire. George
th senAfr making a strong run for
i cieillOvill likely get the support
hebeat elements m the town, as he
astrong temperance man. Rev. E.
%'ear was in town on Monday.
• gEiMr Wm. Moffatt, of Hartney,
is renewing old acquaintances
nr midst. Mr Albert Denajson
ife, orGlenboro, Man., are vitit-
t the parental roof; we are pleased
o them looking so hale and hearty,
Prairie Province no doubt agrees
s.—This go ahead village is to
ored by the preserrne...
, baa ira-ss maker from
who hs made arrangements
ence business right away.
ninon, sr., has been for several
a very low and doubtful state
but we are glad to learn she
ving slowly.
Rd.—Miss Blair, our popular
hool teacher, will complete
of efficient service at Christ -
e understand she does not
plate continuing in her present
ation any longer, as she expects
to enter a more enjoyable pro.
tt.• She willcarry with her the
isdies of many friends for her
happiness and prosperity.
•nett MArrnits,-7.-The Methodiat
"Of this place t--tiurpbse holding
, S. anniversary ser vices on the
d.21th inst. • Missionary meet -
be held on the Varna circuit
bath as follows:—Sermons by
Swann, of Hensall, Goshen,
;Brucefield. 3p.m. and Varna,
Collections will be taken at
er,vices in behalf of the Mis-
T.—A concert under the an -
et be R. T. of T. will be held in
ranee hall, Varna, on Fri-
g, the 14th inst. , An excel -
m of music, readings, rai-
ning, &c. will be rendered
local talent. The services
sitritirvn. and popular singer
tiOnuit, Prof. Hawkins, of
iarbeett secured for this oc-
ia will be a rare exhibition
dpathes in songs and re-
hecolrintittee ire sparing
make this concert surpass a,
at Varna has had the
tearing. ,
Stark the IIJAV ERA as a t
10 kV titnne friend ? I
°La:Nu:fox, ON
7 ,
DE EIVIBER 7 1894.
451 $iiar 14-44iira,
. • iIarlOeh.
NOTUS.4-14r Lance Taker has re -
tamed froth Manitoba, his nephew ac'
coznpanying hitn. ldr John Miller,
has been repairing his house; Wonder
whO he intends sharing it with? Mr
Thos. Neilans entertained over Shay
of our young people, who engaged in
tripping the light fantastic
al morning. The Misses Robinson intend
removing to Goderich to reside in the
future. Mrs Parsons is home from her
titVfliat wide-awake and reliable corraPPendento and Worths' of recctoling ter publication
TOTES.—Theannn'al 'Meeting of the 1111TructRa_L.-4, good many rumors
Officers and teachers of the Methedist, are in circulation concerning the op -
%Imlay School will be on Friday even- prottehinf municipal elections, but
ing, 14th inst. Mr J. Clark has pur- many of hem are so vague and inde
chased the old Methodist church, and nite that their publicationchurcb, would
intends making an implement shop of prernature. Nomination day alone
it. Mr and Mrs Muir, of Clinton, were will tell what amount of truth they
visiting in the village last week. Mr possess.
John Million, of the village, has pur- FARM SOLD.—Mrs John Taylor, o
chased the well-known brood mare, Clinton, has disposed of her farm o
Lacy Lightfoot, from Mr Josiah Tyre- the 13th con. of Hullett, to Mr Jame
man, Seaforth, Miss Annie Schoales, Elsley, for a figure in the neighbo
who has been visiting.in Seaforth, has hood of $5,000. The !arm is 109 acre
returned. Mi' s Papmeau presented f pl d'
her liege lord with a daughter, onland, gc o ranee
dwelling on it; it had been leased to
Thanksgiving Dayl no wonder Pete Mr Killips, for one year, who gives
wears a -broad smile. Mr John Price, immediate possession.
of Seaforth, was visiting friends in the
village on Sundae'. ROBBERY.— One evening last week,
some. one entered the premises of Mr
Robt. Autterson, 2nd concession, while
• Goderich Township
he was away, and stole therefrom
-nearly $60 anda stivev watch. Having
a strong suspicion aWto who the guilty
party was, the seavices of Constable
Wheatley were secured, who learned
enough to warrant him in making an
arrest, but the supposed guilty party
skipped out, and so far at liberty.
CHRISTMAS TREE. — The Ebenezer
Sabbath School on the Londesboro
circuit, will hold its annual festival
on Tuesday, Dec. 18th. No pains are
being spared to make it a grand suc-
cess. The program will consist of reci-
tations, dialogues, solos, dnets, and
mouth organ choruses. Thqi/Londes-
bore choir will also be on haidd to en-
liven the proceedings, and short ad-
dresses will be given by Revs. Messrs
Buggin and Fear. Doors open at 6.
if DEATSL—Another of Hullett's pio-
neer' residents has passed from time
into eternity, in the person of Mr Al-
len Farnham, after an illness ot about
six weeks. The deceased had lived in
this township for 38 years, being a
very estimable man of high chaaacter,
and leaves a wife and three children to
mourn • the lose of a loving husband
and kind father. He was buried in
Burns' cemetery, by the Londesboro
Foresters, of which lode he was a
member, the funeral being attended
by a large number; Rev Mr Fair offici-
ated at the burial service.
Scnoof. REPORT.—The following is
the report of S. S. No. 2, Hullett, for
the month of November. The names
ate given in order of merit, and based
on punctuality, diligence and conduct.
5th—Leonard Weir. 4th Sr.—John
Snell. 4th Jr.—Wesley Shobbrook,
Annie Noble, Rosy Walker. 3rd Sr.—
Robt, King, Archie Weir, Lena Pope.
3rd Jr.--Wreatha Snell, Maud Porter,
Geo. Snell. 2nd Sr.—Percy East, Eva
Brown. 2nd Jr.—Thos. East, Samuel
East, Randy Churchill. lst—Clara
Biggin, Flossy Noble, Eva Miiler. T.
MURgit, Teacher.
evening recently an affair occurred not
far from Londesboro, that calls for
sOrf's action by the authorities. A
young KO was_left alopaanUe_house,-
with a ya-unger sistcrr,.wheo a mita.
Came and demanded Eidmittaii ce; the
girl bolted both the front and back
doors, and refused to admit the man,
who continued to hang around for
some time, in the effort to annoy her.
The man wore a gray coat, soft hat,
and had a dark horse, with straight-
backed cutter. The circumstance so
frightened the girl that she has since
been suffering with nervous Prostra-
tion, and is even now under the doc-
tor's care.—Com.
East Wawananah.
s NOTES —Joseph Jackson continues
r- very poorly; several operations have
s been formed on him recently. Bela
E. Scott is now able to get up for
short time each day, after having been
confined to her bed for over a month.
Lizzie A. Rowland continues very
poorly. James McCallum is now able
to be around, with the use of a stick.
George Reed left on Thursday for To-
ronto, where he expects to undergo a
surgical operation; Dr. Agnew accom-
panied him. The united congregations
of Calvin church, E. Wawanosb, and
Belgrave, have extended a call to Rev
,Mr Milier. William, son of John
Anderson, is ho*oe the winter,
George Vancamp is nom.. tatir a couple
of months' holidays.
ORANGE.—At thelast regular meet-
ing Oft.044 No. 115, 4th con., Gode-
rich- township, the following were
elected ofileete for the ensuing year:—
Master, )01ms. Johnston; D. Master,
Chris.'Jbhnstop; Chal)., Thos. McKee;
Reck kiee,; Robt. Cox; Fin. Sec., T. J.
johnon; Treas.., Robt. McIlwain; D.
-C., Thos. Bell; Lect., Jas. Cox; Com.,
R. Porter, T. Sowerby, W. Sowerby,
R. G. Calwell.
WEDDING BELLS.—A very .pleasant
event took place at the residence of
Mr Samuel Rathwell, Goderich town-
ship, on Wednesday. evening, Dec.
5th, it being the marriage of his daugh-
ter, Annie, to Mr Wm: Beacom, all of
the township of Goderich. The mar-
riage ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Mr Olivant, of Bayfield. The
bride was made the recipient of many
valuable and useful presents. Anoth-
er event of a similar nature will take
place in a few days. •
Comscu...—Council met on Monday,
members all present. By-law No.7 was
read and passed. The following ac-
counts were paid:—W. C. Good, medi-
cine for county wards, $3.95; Dr. Shan-'
non, attendance on county ward, 63;
H. Porter, keep of county wards, $33;
P. Cook, outlet • for drain, $1; T. Mc-
Cartney, gravel, $7.18; S. Rathwell,
gravel, $24.32; A. Drysdale, $29.70; Jas.
Mair, gravel, $3; H. Young, gravel.
$12.60; Jas. McDonald, gravel, $6.70;
Wm. Murth, gravel, $31.92; Wm. El-
liott, gravel, $15.88; H. Baker, gravel,
$13.74; J. Trewartha, gravel, 65.4Q; .C.
Beacom, gravel, $4.50. Adjourned,to
meet on Dec. 15th: N. STURDY, Clerk.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is
the report for Nov. for 8. S. No. 9,
Geaderich township, based on attend-
ance, good conduct and general pro-
greSS: — 5th—John Emmerson 203,
Fanny Jervis 186, Oliver Courtice 138.
4th—Bertha Switzer 140, Arthur Cur-
rie 136, George Emmerson 133. Sr.
3rd—Willie Cole 190, Earnest Call 164,
Russel Currie 141. Jr. 3rd—Priscilla
Cook 204, Bertha Graham 194, John
Cooper 188. Sr. 2nd—Harry Steepe
188, Aphrew Steepe 182; Robbie Stirl-
ing 152. Intermediate 2nd Mabel
Alexander 205. Jr. 2nd—David-Elliett
111, Alma Jennings 105. Sr. Pt. II—
Laura Jervis 69. Lorne Cantelon 48.
Jr. Pt. II—May Cooper 168, Victor
Miller 157, Frank Cole 150. Pt.I—Em-
ma Cooper 118, Milton Steepe 53.—
Scaoon REPORT. —The following is
the result of a written examination
held in S. S. No. 10, Goderich town-
ship:—Max. 78.3 -5th form — Thomas
Perdue 560, J. Middleton 467. Max.
658 -4th form— Mima Middleton 475,
Arthur Welsh 327, John Thompson 311.
Jr. 4th form—Bertie Rathwell 445,
John Townsend 377, Earnest Middle-
ton 293. Max. 558—Sr. 3rd form—
Albert Thompson 395, Emma Burnett
273, Eva Burnett 271. Max. 500—Jr.
3rd form—Flossie Cole 433, Wm. Mid-
dleton 374, Norman Welsh 228. Max.
465—Sr. 2nd form—Mabel Rathwell
397, Wm. Perdue 252, Mamie Perdue
291, Annie Rathwell 279, Jos. Colclough
271,;Randal Cole 268, Wilfred Thomp-
son 231, Edith Green 231, Edna Green
216. EMILY A. THOMPSON, Teacher.
NOTES.—The Epwortli League of the,
Mg/10kt skeeek•allave Imaged the
• iiivitafiCh of the C. E. society! of St.
Andrews to Meet with them pii TUE-
day evening,:the 180, when a pleasan t
and prolltahhi time may be expected,
both societies contributing to the pro-
gram. .Mrs Charlton Black, better
known as Agnes Knox, will give a re-
cital in Industry hall on Wednesday,
Dec. 12th, under the auspices of the
Woman's Auxiliary. The item last
week, Miss bloody entertained a few
fellows pleasantly at her home on
Tuesday evening, should have read
friends. On Thursday evening of last
week Bengough as greeted with a
highly appreciative audience, though
not so large as was,expected, and we
are sorry to learn the venture, to the
detriment of the Meehanics' Institute,
was not a success financially. Mr Jas.
Emigh. who is having a holiday, re-
turned home from Coleman on Friday
evening. There is a boom in the
tonsorial art in town, another shop, it
is rumored, will open shortly. Miss
Annie ljarnilton, noti attending the
Model. Clinton, has been appointed.
teacher for Brucefleld tchool, second
division; her duties veil begin with the
New Year. Chief Dar' afforded shel-
ter in the cooler to a traveller of the
side door ,pulman clasS On Saturday
night. Mr F. H. Ta nee we's io the
Forest City on Mortar Oil business.
Mrs Flerrington, we are opy to learn,
is indisposed at presen • through an
attack of . quinsey. kends to the
number of about seven tv partOOk of
the hospitality of Me a ti Mrs C. E.
Tanner at their resident "gn Wednes-
day evening; the recbgisi II good cheer
f this home was diepenti :With aecus-
tomed liberality, date `14 and Other
musementa equally ifit Sting, held
way for the time, and a reeent en-
joyed. themi3elveatheren,g b A num-
ber of yOUng_peoplei from _eritilOOk in
he social at Mr John To, PM!, nul;
ett, on Tdeaday evening'.
. , .
NOTES.—Mr D.E. Munroe was called
away last week to attend the funeral
of his mother near London. Miss E.
Series is just recovering from a sever'
attack of sickness. Messrs Youngblutt,
of Goderich, spent Sunday at home.
Mr and Miss Nevels, of Saltford, were
calling on their old friends here last
week. Mr J. Yates, of Goderich, was
in the village; some attraction must
bring him here so often. Mr and Mro
J. Murdock have the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement for
the loss of their youngest child. The
concert given under the auspices of the
Cr.,nadiati Order of Foresters, last Fri-
day, unfortunately did not come up to
expectations; Mr Bengough is undoubt-
edly clever and brilliant, but for some
reason his efforts here were not ap-
preciated. A
LECTURE—Hector, the Black Knight,
is coming here under the auspices of
the Good Templars. -The date will be
Wednesday, the 12th inst. His re-
putation as an entertainer is so high
that we bespeak' a full house.
DEATEL—Court Pride of the West
has suffered the loss of another mem-
ber in the person of Mr Allan Farn-
ham, who passed away to join the
great mojority on Monday morning.
The members, to a considerable num-
ber. turned out to attend the funeral
on Wednesday.
NOTES.—Mr Cheri. Meyer, of Hen -
sail, was here on Friday last attending
to business in connection with the
butcher shop. Dr. Young is not very
well at present, and Dr. Agnew, of
Belgrave, is expected here this week
to attend to the practice of the form-
er, and the probabilities are that he
will locate. Mr Thos. Lawson has sold
his house and lot to Wm. Brown and
has moved into one of Mr E. Walker's
cottages. Mr Richard Bell (formerly
of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Clinton)
has moved into the house on the farm
of Lashnm and Bell, adjoining the vil-
lage. Mr John T. Lee has given up
city lire and returnedto the farm.
Mr James Elsley has purchased the
farm on the 13th con. from Mrs Taylor,
of Clinton; price about $5000. Mr
Tewsley moved on Monday and Mr T.
Miller took possession of the butcher
business; visitors to the shopCsay he
has Made agood beginning for a green-
horn; we wish hintsuecess.
The NEW EMS j the paper for home
St. H.elens.
LEartatE.—The opening of the new
hall is to take place on Tuesday next,
Dec. lith, when Rev Mr Livingstone,
of Kincardine, is to give a lecture on
"The funny side of the World's Fair."
Some of Lucknow's talented young
ladies are to assist with the program.
This promises to be a great treat, and
a cordial invitation- is extended to all
Nos,—The Misses Cameron have
started a dressmaking shop in the vil-
lage. Miss Salkeld, of Goderich, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs Miller. Miss
Lizzie Gordon is recovering from her
recent illness. Mies Nellie Curran has
returned home from Detroit Rev Mr
Stewart, of Kincardine, occupied the
pulpit of Calvin church, on Sabbath
last. Miss Annie McDonald, who was
ill with inflammation of the lungs, was
able to leave for her home in Grey
last week. Mr Ed. Morton had the
misfbrtune to have a bone in his. arm
broken by a kick from his horse, but
we are pleased to state he is recovering
again. MrWm. Humphrey has bought
the 100 -acre farm lately owned by Mr
John James; Mr E. Rodgers, who has
had the farm rented for a number of
years, has bought a 50 -acre farm in
Kinloss, and purposes moving to it
next spring. Word has been received
from Miss Minnie Draisey, who left a
short time ago for Utah, U.S., where
she has gone to live. Mr lhos. Todd
has had a windmill erected on his barn,
which is expected to cut straw and
turnips, and pump water for the cattle;
should it work well, it ought to save
considerable manual labor. Mr and
Mrs A. Robertson, of Grey, paid a fly-
ing visit to friends in this vicinity last
kN- 17-At—laAotlmtheesvr11eqleu.eat cf the
pastor the - 'ETaViee-in the Methodist
church next Sunday evenigw• .7,vi.11 be
conducted by the Epworth League 6f
that church.
SEXTON.—Such has been the good
satisfation which our sexton. Mr Gee.
Huller, has given in his duties in the
church, that in,spite of a number of
other tenders, the trustees saw fit,to
engage him for another year.
School examination and Christmas
tree will be held in the school here on
the afternoon of W.ednesday, Dec. 19th,
commencing at 1 o'clock. A cordial
invitation to all interested in educa-
tion to come and spend an afternoon
with the pupils. A number of other
teachers will be present.
ENTERTAINMENTS.— Don't forget the
RT. of T. entertainment on Eriday
night; a good program of readingt,
dialogues, recitations, music, &c. is
provided for the occasion. Also for
the Sunday School entertainment'on
New Year's eve, there is a good pro -
grain in course of preparation. A
number of ministers are also expected
to address the rweting.
NOTES.—We are glad to see Harry
Holdsworth, who returned last Friday
from Manitoba, in our midst again; he
will remain here a few months and re-
turn again before spring opens. Mr
Will Pickard, of the cut line, returned
on Saturday to Columbus, Ohio. where
he will resume his occupation of car-
riage maker. Mrs Bray returned on
Wednesday to Mitchell, where she
will meet her husband from Wolsley,
Man., and were they will take up their
residence. Mr Miller, of the 7th con.,
is moving into the village; he will oc-
cupy the carriage shop lately vacated
by E. C. Potter, where we understand
he will set up business, Council met
here on Monday last when a large
amount of the taxes was paid in. A
meeting was held het e on Thursday in
the interest of the stock -holders in the
cheese and butter manufacturing
SCHOOL REPORT.—The *following is
the report of the standing of the pupils
in the public school here for Noyenober,
based .3n attendance, demeanor and
progress generally:—Max. 210 marks.
5th class—Edith Tebbutt 203, Bertha
Stanley 201, Alburn Murch 191. Sr.
4th—Tillie Colclough 206, S. Cook 201,
Edith Holler 196. Jr. 4th—Will Teb-
butt 204, Jerome Badour 185, John
Walter 182. Sr. 3rd—Willie Merrill
188, Minnie Evans 179, Winnie Sturdy
173. Jr. 3rd—Lorne Fear 189, Norman
Murch 188. John Mulholland 180. ,Sr.
2nd—Lillie McCartney 200, Entine 0,0-
clough 190, Lillie Colclough 1.88, Ir.
2nd—Luella Fear 195,Edgar Tre artha
188, Harvey Mulholland 185. Sr. Pt.
H—Ira Merrill 202, Fred Pottler 181,
Nettie Ramsey 144. Jr. Pt. II Mabel
Pickard 190, Myrtle Le.vis 167, Edith
Mulholland 119. ' Pt. I—Albert Cook,
Eddie Williams, Florence TreWartha.
Number of manes on roll 59,_average
attendance 50. WM. Mr0RERTS,
Teacher, 6
04avern. went. through HO* Pate•
FIMIOU'r'PATT)."-s$Orne Urge age' the
terson, ministcr at militia, ittid_
ber for thie conetituencyreet 44140111
offered •to present Luc rintr. With 41
brace cannon provided the Own
paid the freight thereon,. abbot $50.
:the offer was acceptedNOW? the
Gloveenthent has notified•the,corpora-
tion that they will net. only the
cannon but pay the freight also. This
is construed, around here. as an
tion that the general elections Are not
far off. It is needless- to say the Ann,
ister of Militia is again a candidate. •
• CHURCRI--Atelbeti;11.P.S0.&.-14-
nese meeting, last Wednesday eveni
the following officers were elected:—
President, H. A. Horton; Vice-Preat,
Nelly Clark; Recording Secretary, Ad-
dle Stirling; Cor. Sec., Edith Horton,
Treas., John Lawson. CommuniCar
was held in Leeburn, on Sunday, quite
a number taking the sacrament for
the first time.
NOTES.—Mrs Robert Morris, of Da-
kota, is visiting her parents, Mr and
Mrs McManus. Mr and Mrs John Rap -
scan, of Hullett, 'visited relatives here
lest week. Mrs Fred Horton has had
her granary moved end converted into
a wood -house. We are very much
afraid David will have to get a very
cross dog, if Buffalo, the butcher, keeps
paying him so man3r visits. We learn
that Joe Mayweed has gone to Porter's
Hill; we hope that nobody will get the
scarlet fever.
Stanley •
NOTES.—MISS Hastings is visiting at
Mr Eagleson's. Miss Shaw, of Sea -
forth, is visiting at Mr Geo. Bates'.
Mr Duncan McEwen had a number of
his cattle dehorned by Messrs McIn-
tosh and MaGregor. Messrs Thomas
Gilmour and P. McDougall, from _Turn -
berry, were in Stanley this week, at-
tending the funeral of the late John
McBeth, McEwen, Ross and others
have purchased a new grain crusher
and straw cutter from the agent, Mr
James Swan.
&floor. REPORT.—The report of S.S.
No. 3 for November is as follows: -5th
class—A. Mcllveen, W. Reid, F. Wild.
4th class—F. Scotchmere, R. Reid, A.
Rathwell, Sr. 3rd class—A. Richard-
son, 0. Mcllveen, W. Scotchinere,
Jr. 3rd—S. Rathwell, E, Reid. Sr. 2nd
—L. Richardson, I. Reid, L. Reid. Jr.
2nd — J. Pollock, H. Reynolds, D.
Scotchmere, Sr. Pt. Ii—E. Peck, E.
Burnside, R. Pollock. Jr. Pt. II—E.
Rathwell, P. Tippett, G. Reid. Sr.
Pt. I—E. Burnside, L. Peck. J. Pt. I
—T. Burnside, S. Bates, M. Clark, A.
MARSHALL, Teacher.
DEATH.—Another of the old piorieers
of Huron is gone, to' his 'last resting
place. We refttr to the late Mr John
McBeth, of Stanley, who departed this
life on Sunday Morning last, at the rive
old age of 74 yeire. Mr McBeth was
native of Perthshire, Scotland,
came to Canada in 1856, ivith, his wife
and family, what settkaat'on the
farm WhereAei lived 5itiltha time of
his arealb,,find by industry and careful
management hewed out a en4rfortable
home fot himself and family. His wife
died two years ago. The family are all
living and in comfortable circum-
filances, his daughters being Mrs Mc-
Dougall, of Oak Lake, N. W. T., and
Mrs Reid, of the 2nd con. of Stanley;
Alexander, the eldest son, lives on the
next farm to the old homestead, Dun-
can, in British Columbia, and Walter,
on the homestead. Mr McBeth was a
member of the Brucefleld Presbyterian
church until the time of his death, and
a regular attendant at the means of
grace, which he cherished up to the
last, placing his hope in a risen Saviour.
In politics he was a staunch Reformer.
The funeral, on Tuesday afternoon, to
Baird's cemetery, was very largely at-
1 •
RENTED—Mr T. Scandrett has rented
his farm to Mr. Henry Owens, for the
sum of $120 a year.
Cara,. — The Presbyterians of this
place and East Wawanosh, met Mon-
day and decided to extend a call to Rev.
Mr. Miller, of Kincardine; he has also
received ancther call, so it is not known
which he will accept.
CHRISTMAS TREE. —The Presbyter-
ian Sunday School intend holding
their annual Christmas tree entertain-
ment on the evening of the 21st inst.
A very fine program is being prepared
for the occasion.
NOTES.—We extend our congratula-
tions to Mr and Mrs Dan Harrison on
the advent of their little dauvhter.
Rev. Mr and Mrs Fairlie, of Clinton,
were the guests of Rev. Mr Armstrong
one day last week. Mrs McPerson of
Duluth, is visiting her mother, ilrs
Herd. Mr H. Eilber, of Crediton, was
here last week collecting assessments
for the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance
COUNCIL.—Council met on Monday,
members all present. The following
accounts were paid:—Jas. Thomson,
timber and gravel, $9.63; Alex. Camer-
on, repairingbridge, $3.32; Geo. Mc-
Donald, repairing two culverts, $1.50;
E. R. Smuts, donation to steps, $5.
Dan McDonald was paid $3 for repair-
ing road. Council adjourned to meet
on Dec. 15th at 10 a.m. J. DAY, Clef k.
of Ashfleld, has sold his farm of one
hundred acres to Mr, Goldthorpe, of
Maitlandville, for the Rua of $2,800.
As there are on the premises good
buildings, large bearing orchard,
choice fruit, and a quantity of valuable
timber, we presume he has got a good
EXCELLENT LAMBS. — During last
week Wm. Gray, an enteraorising farm-
er In Ashfield, sold to Hugh Girvin
(who is well known as the popular first
Deputy Reeve of Ashfield, and also an
enterprising dealer in -cattle and sheep)
thirteen Splendid lambs which on be.
ing weighed on Dungannon market
Weigh scales, averaged a little over
137 pounds each
We lititie an Pi
Presents; MILO
Prices. •
IN rauxe*
best madei?:as
• :
Every lady
What coe
Also, fa
Read our
ng Fowder6,4
West Huron Conner
N AT ED "vox Walk HITBO
The Liberal-CditaiVAive conye
West Huron was hold at Gode*,1r,
afternoon and was veell attended - by
gates and others from .411:- parts of
riding. The lion. 4 ,p...:Patie,n a
nominated by Dr. Case.-'ef'.Datisannt
and secondkd by Joseph 'Whitely, ex -re
of Goderichirwrishik Tbe',SaeStiog
so nnaOimons for
other name "was feentioneartin
the delegates spoke and,,A raiSedlax',1'
son highly for. his peAVO, is to this rid
and the Do4iniiitigenerSlly, in his etaiisii
itS Ministsr of Militia, :.The follow,hie
solutions were then patised; '''•• I
Moved by Dr: Frapberai;.seconde4hy
C. Good, "That the Otanhers herea
bled, composing ,theraaftlfativ SS
ation of the West' litat‘g p thb ctyitY,..,
Hnron, desire to pima on record•Viet,
hearty appreciation of $1c4Ohn ThomPtite
and his seleoted Cabinet, for :their gel:torah
snecesefid and wise adreinietratienfv4ki
affairs of this fair Dominion, a Ramose tj
has been appreciated and duly recogii
in the motherland by the apoitrneiJ
the first Canadian -born *remiers•
Honorable the Privy Council.-bnd,
ing as we do by this resolution of the trti
Canadian ptlicy of the Government,;,q
pledge it our undivided support while i
continues such a wise administration 0
public affairs."
Moved by Peter W. Scott, seconded.' '
John Bowen, "That the West Heron.
servatives, in convention Welled
on record our unbounded eciniin
representative, the Eforn,1(0.-*P.
for his untiring eneraffa aboidito •eir
tion devoted to tire &Use auk —ding
and the welfare' of ouc.',6010tita , Crfnad4
We pledge hied our contineea•Ter ' ant
hearty suppckt in the cowing dented ;44
Mowed by A. M. Todd,ailfeOridecr by Win
Croc!lh, "That this sesta:1406h eit is4 theft
sympathy to Mr Robert Birtnin ham,, el
Toronto, his present illness, jtSid prq
that he may soon be restored to' is motri.
tomed health and vigor, and be long spar
to labor for the Conservative party. '',
Dr Freeborn, who recently•came 'fr
the county otBruce to Clinton to 104
his profession, is a good speaker, and ado
aided acquisition to the party in MOM
After some discussion as to when the rel.
nnal Meeting should be held at Clinton,
meeting was closed with cheers for Sir John
Thompson, the Hon J. 0. Patterson, ipa.
the Queen.
Hon J. q. Patterson's name was also be-
fore the South Essex Conservative cOrentais
tion the same day, but the nomination of
Dr. King was confirmed, the vote standing,
Patterson 23; King 67.
MAIMIAG131.—On Wednesday of hob
week a pleasant affair. took plhea at
Kippen manse. This was the marriage,
of Miss Jessie Robb to Mr B. J. Latta*
both from the vicinity of Chiseihnrst.
After their marriage, by tbp R. eV,
Acheson, the party drove to Mr M
colm McHwen's, Stanley, where a v
enjoyable evening was' spent,
couple visited soittr, friends "
neighborhood, and returned t
litiret on Priday. The yo
purpose taking' **their