HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-03-20, Page 8Pight glit$3011000134=XXXXXXXXX XX I X X 11 Pt X 9.: !A' X X' X N IN I Art Yi. I xi 2-4 . 1 The Lowndes Tailoring Co. of Toronto, will ,149 x conduct a formal display of new spring styles in !A' X, store on Monday, March 24th Ready-to-wear X X'or to your mea.ssUre. , aro Mr. Draper the 20th Century Representative will lie pleased to show you the latest models and X X fabrics for Spring 1919. You are invited. 1lirt 1/4 *Ipootowla g X Hanna & Co. x • 7,0 .Wingham Old Boys' Reunion, 'July 1st, 2nd, 3rd and a 4th. Make this store your Headquarters. I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FIANNA & CO. N SPRING 1 N FASHIONS § — § FOR MEN • TAILORED av TORONTO OUV ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION A number of the friends and neighbors of Mr„ and Mrs. Frank Doyle, Bast Wawanosh, gathered at their home on St. Patrick's Day to fittingly remexuber them before their departure to their new home in"Cidross, they having sold their farm to Mr. James St. Marie. The following address was read by Mr. John Webster, while the presentation of chairs was made by Mr. John Gibbons and the ivory by Mrs. John Gibbons and Mrs. John Martin. Bast Wawanosh March 17, sete To Mr. and Mrs. Francis Doyle and 'daughters:- Your old friends aocl neighbors have heard with deep regret of our -intended removal from our Midst and we are gath- eeedheie tonight to bid you farewell and WW1 you every .prosperity in your new hotne, You have for many years been honor ed and highly esteemed residents of this cotnmunity. and you will be greatly miss- ed. , To Mr. and Mrs. Doyle we ask you to • accept these Chairs and to Misses Anna May and Della Doyle -these manieure sets as a token of our esteem and regard. Again wishilig' you health, happiness land prosperity in your new home. I Signed : -John 1e:fertile John Gibbons, John Webster, D. ('Callaghan,'Patrick McGlynn. Mr. Doyle made a suitable reply, thanking the foe their kindness and good will. •• Splendid speeches were given by the committee. After the preeentation, the evening was spelt in music, games and dancing until the wee small hours, when all went home after spending an enjoyable evening • '•••mt..••••••••amlei.•••••*.ary Etp,rant• nur gar ot itinff,gin Roth( And you may be sure it wilt be dry when you wish to use it. tng4am Auto. 1)z/inking Painters of AUTOS, BUGGIES AND SIGNS o axis 6.m.*Ammix, ammoNal••••.. 00CIO*0060000000000000000eGoo0000ati000000000000000n ROSS' HARDWARE o-€40 f. Mops $1,50 Polish 25c Satisfaction or money back. Mures c o The best wall a, finish. Beau. :13$ tiftd tints, t Washable. $,g' Sanitary. Beaver Board For better walls and ceilings. Supplanting lath, plaster and paper. Easy to puton, Permanent. Dairy Supplies Milk pails :30cup Strainer pails 7Sc up Milk cans $1.80 111%... A11117:74.4e1h.... t.:pm' 4 1 0111.111:17- rAilitrt a 4% The Superior Varnish Stain Easily applied Dries quickly. Wears like iron. Sap pails Spites Syrup cans at lowest prices 10"„ off Crinttl- ite‘‘ are d u r- ing larch. ROSS' HARDWARE 'Phone R. 0400**6000cotioopooecotiocoboeutomoosb00000000ac000tts000 te THE Ar NO 11 AM ADVANCE ULYI1I MEMOREAL Blyth to Erect a Eine Memorial Hall in Near Future Since our soldier boys have been return ing orne from the war a strong feeling has been expressed that a memorial of some kind should be erected at Blyth to com- memorate the valiant deeds of our brave boys who went to the front to fight our battle. Blyth Red Cross Circle started the movement some weeks ago and a public meeting was held in Industry Hail last Friday night and the large number of ratepayers who attended showed their in- terest, Reeve laa. Cutt Was called to the c h air. A number of leading citixens addressed t h e meeting at considerable length, when the following motion was, moved by Prank Metcalf, seconded by A, Rainton that in the opinion of this meet- ing of ratepayers the time has come when definite steps gstalt' he taken to erect a suitable memorial in honor of our soldier boys who so bravely fought our battles in the recent great war and that a memorial hall to cost from twelve to fifteen thous- and dollars would be the most suitable memorial and that Blyth council be asliest to at once give effect to the desires of thia meeting. This motion was carried unan- imously amid great applause. The meet, ing then decided t o hold a mammoth memorial demonstration in the Park on July 1st, the fund d thus obtained to go to the Blyth Memorial Hail fund, A strong committee was appointed with Win Wat- son as chairman, Rev. W. B. -Hawkins as secretary and Frank Metcalf as treasurer. Blyth Board of Trade, Blyth Red Cross Circle Blyth Soldiers' Aid Society, Blyth Girls' War Auxiliary, Blyth Women's In- stitute, Blyth Agricultural Society were all represented at the meeting a n d promised enthusiastic support, So every- body get ready to go to Blyth on Domin- ion Day and help to build Blyth Memorial Hall. Whitechurch no, March 17, S. Patrielc'e Day, to Mr. and etre, Arthur W, Moore, a daughter The Y P. S. meeting on Sunday was led y Messrs John Saunt and Joseph Forester The leader for March 23rd is Mr, Angus 'MacKay. Mr. McCallum arrived from Scotland on Monday and js visiting his brotlier•in- law, Rev, James Scobie, at the manse. Miss Kate McKinnon left o» Saturday for Detroit, where 'she will resume her duties. Mr. Wilfrid Jacques leaves this week for Cadogan .Alta, Messrs. James Cameron and Harris Pardon of Ashfield, spent Ilse week -end with friends here, ' Miss McPherson of Peterheeta, is visit- ing at the Twine of her sister, Mrs. W Kennedy. Mr and Mrs- Hodginson of Kinlough, were guests last- weelc of the latter's brother. Mr. H. i'ettypiece Miss 1VI Haugh Hauhot Winghatri, spent the weekend with her friend, Miss C Clash. ' • Pte. Stewart MacKay who recently re. turlied trom overseas, visited his brother, Mr. Russell Mackay, on Sunday. Miss Agnes Kennedy has gone to. Wingham to learn the dressmaking. Miss Meade Conn is.home from Holy rood on a visit. Messrs Gibson Gillespie and Albert Paterson litiVe finished their contract of delivering ice to the creamery. A public meeting to discuss plans for a suitable soldiers' memorial for this district will be held in the Foresters' Hall on Monday afternoon, Mar l'4. at 2 o'clock. The people of this community were shocked on Sunday -afternoon on learning that Mr Ri?'bert Baird, who lived just east of the village, bad been found dead at his home. The deceased had been as well as usual a few days betore his death. The funeral was held on Tuesday to Wingbarn cemetery, Friends Isere will be interested in the marriage 1» 'oronto on March 10th; of M,ss Louise Egglestone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Eggleston& to Mr G. Dewmont of that City. On Monday evening John Hatton, one of our returned soldiers, was pleasantly surprised when a number of his friends and neighbors met aL the home of Mr. Wm. Campbell and presented him with a purse of money and the tollowing ed. dress' Glenarman :Star 10 1.011) 'Dear John; We, your friends and neighbors .haQ assembled here this evening, not only to surprise you, but to express- in a very small way our appecciai ion of the sacrifice you have made by leaving your borne here and going oversews, in defence of the right and that we in Canadamightbe free We emend. realize what hardships and discomforts yon endured, or the dangers to which you wore exposed dur Mg your service in France. The, news that yon were wounded came at. a shock to the cons»mnityand it was tt teller- to know that your injuries WO CO not serious. We are glad to have you home. We would ask you to accept this gift as a smelt token of the esteem in which you are held and hope that you may be long spared to enjoy life in times of peace. signed. Oliver Stokes David Breen. A pretty French girl, who spoke Eng- lish fluently, was visiting among the wounded in the hospital. "My dear boy, how many Germans did you kill before they wounded you ?" "Exactly aixteen, ma'am." "And what did you kill them with, the bomb or the bayonet ?" "Neither, ma'am, 1 used my hare fist," Impulsively the pretty gi grabbed his hand and kissed it Sixteen timeand after she had gone a bunkle said to him. "You old fool, why didn't you tell her YOU bit them to death?" EW SPRINO. GOODS.; tm**e.to.***too!**o.o!*!**!** This cut represents one of the newest spring lines of Women's Shoes. We have them both in Mq1( and dark mahogany at the fol- loWing prices: Fine black kid $5.50 to 8.50. Guh:Metal calf with Nieolin sole $6.50. " Fine chocolate or mahogany at $6,50 and 7.50. Our selection Of new goods is GOOD Call in and see. it/.. H. WILL IS. SOLE AGENT FOR FOR THE LADIES Silver Wedding Anniversary time A very pleasant was spentat the home of Mr, and Mrs, W. T. Noble, of 5th line, East Wawanosh, when their re- latives and neighbors gathered to cele- brate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day. There were friends present itom Blyth, Clinton, Auburn, Lucknow and, Varna. • A sumptuous fowl dinner was served at 6 o'clock. At the close of the dinner, a very pretty,sight was the entrance of the wedding cake with twenty-five Egli -fed candlea, after which they sang "Our Silver Wedding Day," The guests then repaired to the parlor where they enjoyed .themselves with music and games. In the evening about forty-five youni people gathered and spent the time -in music and dancing. - After viewing the many and beautiful presents and wistring Mr. and Mrs. Noble many year of wedded life, the guests re- turned to their homes having spent a very pleasant titne. LOOK HERE It you are thinking of buying a house in Wingemin, call and see me at my office in the Town Hall. I bave some excellent value a to offer. -.Veen, is. the time to buy before all the gobd prop. erties are gone. I havefor sale A beautiful brick bungalow, . nearly new on Minnie Street $8200 A two story brick house with nice brick bungalow with $2000 stable on Patrick garage on Centre St $3000 A gond frame bouse in good condition op Sbuter St. $1400 A gond kerne elouble house; a bargain on Minnie St. .... $1400 • A two story brick house (near Catholic church). • . $1206 A good one story frame cot- tage, large kitchen, Albert st $$50 • A large frame house on Fran cis St , well situated.— $1000 A fine large two story brick house, hot water beating, on Victoria Street ..... t$3500 A. good brick house with all conveniences, Shuter St .. -MO& A good frame house, stable and two lots, Minnie St.,$ 900 A real good frame' cottage well situated on Francis St. $1300 A good two story frame cot- tage in perfect order on Patrick Street."... , • . • • .$2000 A good comfortable one story frame cottage, Edward St$1250 A tidy frame house in good re- pair, all convenienceo-n Vievoria Street $1500 good frame house, good sit cation on Catherine St. . $1200 A coed frame house with wat• er fa rnate, electric lights on I'ictoria Street ,,,. $1300 I also have for sale some 50 and 100 acre farms near the town. My tong experience will be a good help to you in buying. 1 G. STEWART Winghatn, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Itebeecto eareeneway, late of 1116 T0%1)11854) Of lenrnbaixer itt.the County of Iluron, Widow, detest:fed. Notice is hereby given ouesuatit to section 60 Chapter 121 •of it Sr 0.1914, that ell nertions slams against the ovate of Rebecca Greenaway who died on or about tho ninth ditY of January, A. D. 1910 at the said Town - shin of !1t ..berry arts required to send to the rinder.ikned, the Solionor for the Executors, 05 or before the 20th day of Mara. A. le 1919, the1 . names and addresses with full par. tiouiare of their ()Jaime in writing and the tete of the setutities Of any; hold by then, And }Portlier Take Notice that after the said 20th day of lVittreh A. 1). 1919, the,a.seets et the said estate wilt be distributed by the said L'montors among the nettles tbeteto. hitviok regtOrl only tothtims tif which they -than then have t mire and the mete Will not he 'bele for any dolma not filed et the time of the 141,14, diatriention. Dxted at Winglifort this 19th day of nes. semi A. 1).1919. buntme Itorsista. „snoliciter for the lexettantros Alexander Mae. Item and John 'Spent*. W1NGHAM MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Wheat No. 2 Spring 2 0 Wheat N. 2 Fall 2 116to to Flour, per cwt, standard6 00 to 6 30 Bran, per ton 40 00 to 42 00 Oats typer ton.... .. . 40 00 to 44 00 . 65 to 80 17• 0800 to18 181 0000 Hay, ) „ Butter, per lb. -dairy40 to 50 Eggs, per dozen 35 to 43 Laid 30 to 35 Cattle, med., butchers10 00 to 11 00 Cattle, butchers choice. 12 00 to 13 00 Butterfat Hogs, flyweight... . ....17 25 ttoo 17 5540 • LtiCkiTOW Big thaw on, snow gotta and plenty o iter in the cellars, hire 'W. Henderson waa vititing in Toronto, *hie week. •• s ,e• r ' e4, • ,• , • •41% * • ik•,4 - • , • , 14i,t Th .******0010** **if, sat Pte Dsn Mcisonata woe up from To- ronto, thia week visiting his varenta. Jack McGee is able to be around again step atter being confined to the house with a broken leg, caused by jumping off a load ttao 4' 0 v,•• of wood on to slippery ice. Mr, Drinlevalter has moved his tin. smithing stock to the empty store former ly occupied by the late Wm. Taylor. sr. Mr. and Mrs J, Stewart were married 40 years ors March 17th, we wish theixt health end strength though at the present Sk•tt, ere rev ere 04.4 . . _ Played On Artificial Ice Listowel -Palmerston Hockey team, the winners of this district, played in Hainil- ton on Friday against Niagara Falls and were -defeated by a score of 12 to 6. The return game will be played in Palmerston on Friday evening, when a special train will run from the Falls. To Friends Of Fallen items For historical reference a list is -being compiled of the _men ' who enlisted from the County of Huron and of all risen born in the County of Huron, who enlistedfiam other places, and sacrificed their lives in the Great Whr. Kindly send to the. editor the names" of your friends and relatives who should be on the list, as promptly as possible as the list is being compiled within the next thirty days and is wanted to verify the official list. Your „assistance will be appreciated. EDITOR The Skunk Came Out A decent sort of German soldier was brought into a prison camp in France in which an Englishman and an American were on duty. One day a skunk eneaked- into camp and entered a small building. The American bet the Englishman 81 that he could not remain in the building ten minutes with the skunk. The bet was taken and the Englishman went in.. In eix minutes he came out, The American was -challenged to enter on the same terms. He went in and came out in five minutes. The German prisoner, who had witnessed the defeat of the Englishman and the Amalican, offered to bet at he could remain inside with the • skunks, for . ten minutes. His bet was taken and he disappeared within. In exactly one min- ute the skunk cattle out A Co -incidence The following has been handed in to us and is surely a co -incidence. "The war came to an end on the llth day of the llth month at the llth hour. Some one thought to look up the Ilth verse in the llth •chapter of the Ilth book of the Bible that is the ist Kings, lith chapter and 11th verse. It reads "Whersfore the 1..ord said unto Solomon for as this is dune of thee and thou hast not kept my coVen- ant and my statutes which I have com- manded thee I will surely rend the King- dom from thee and 'give it to thy ser- vant." This is true the Kaiser has lost his kingdom- and Ebert, his harness maker, an especial servant, rules in his place and as he broods with faces of starving women before his eyes, with visions of murdered millions, the cries of children in his eats, his world dream shattered and his king- dorn gotie, with the shadow of his own doom hanging over him he may well see the prophecy has been well fulfilled." BORN CASSELLs - in Shoal Lake, Man., on February 28111, to Mr. and Mra Wm. Cassells, formerly of Wingham, a eon - William Currie. Don; -'In I3elmore, on Sunday, March Otli, to Mr. and Mrs. James I. Doig, of Empress, Alta., a son. beth are ailing Their two sone are vis iting here at present and the daughter, Mrs. Ben Cnesnut is her aged parents Several of aur Lacknowite' have enter. tained their friends lately at progressive euchre,. dtres see eve esee rev East Wawanosh„ Aliso Genie Bone underwent a serlys operation but is improving nicely. Mrs Geo, T. Boberteon's 'sale was a good euccess, acien-On March 10th, to Mr. and Mrs, Jae. Young, a daughter, Musk Store SHEET MUSIC.P.Hill's for Every. thing that is Good in Music We handle poveral difterent make* of plume and phonographi. We know we can suit youoin• both article and price. Everything in small musical Instruments at low prices although these things have all advanced in price. To any boy or girl wishing to start on the violin, we will give a special price and six lessons free. c Special prices: on METRONOMES The latest music arriving almost daily. We also keep the most up-to-date stock of Victor records this side o Toronto, Delighted to have you'call any time pp.sti 4N,T. ..,TeusTtp•stt,!Ny." pt.!". Ass. sys its sss sis s'S-1:1V sN' s.Vnekni's' "d e •44 i`ottl /A0 ft. 0,14. 0,4 **4011,"*I•t;r, )14f.eaVie.)1A * 416, . .41 iltf010 .inf,„741.1o2.4v.:47).1rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INALJGURATING -- Our Spilm Big Values Throughout the Store •10111.10.11.a.06.001 Spring Coats in Fashionable Styles, Northway Make BestiValues 'Inetir collectiou of N e w , bprum Coats yon will find the. latest.styles and niatetials, in the Northway (shape keeping garments) at prices very moder- ate in keeping with market prices. The eoat illustrated is made from heavy all wool serge tied lined to the waist witls fan- cy silk faille., Price $35. Other prices from $so to $4.7- t50. LadiesSateen and Cotton Taffeta •Underskirts Reduced ladies' Underskirts in Bladk, Naliy mid Greed- that will give excellent V;:ear 'satisfaction. Re - &teed to $x.6eS: • Black Taffata Silk ,Underskirts A recommendeitquality in black taffeta si7dth deep flounce and nice width. Specially reduced $5.00, • come............zarmow.satoommtwarlormatametanme........ffm...conr Corsets, Hosiery and Un- derwear Our c o rs et department is showing the latest styles in cor- • sets with front or back lace in the heat makes such as Nemo and Cromptons in svhi.e or flesh pink. prices in both makes very moderate and a style for every figure, Prices $1-.50, 2.e.o, 3.50, 5.0o and 6.00. Ladies' Heavy Lisle Hose , Excellent (peaky silk finished lisle hose its a weight very suit- able for spring wear in all the latest shades, of Taupe, Sand, Nigger Brown, Black and White Special et $r per pair. /.•••ct-at'" ThNo 152 sELPR,Du'IN rAmpAri Summer. Weight Vests and Com- bination Suits specially reduced Ladies' summer vests short or no sleeves. Special 3 for $1,00. Combination suits in line lisle citiality, special hoc a suit. Lisle drawers, special 49ti a pair. vorommrsnotimummerneer....e.wer......tmdommoorio monegrosnamommospiamairoonsmonia KINGS GROCERY DEPT, Pure food at Money Saving Prices Fresh shipments tinning in daily at reduced prices, nothing but the best (malice offered. 3 lbs best rice .... .... ....................... ....asc $x.25 best quality brooms . 5 lbs. special Tea. (Guaranteed or money back) 2000 pkgs Corn Plakes, Shredded Wheat, Gusto per package . .. . ........ • ... ....... /pr. Wm cans, full size, best Tomatotse and Peas (Aybuer brand) per can r5c 5 Vilma Core Syrup est._ • ..... ...480 so lb. pail Corn Syrup .. .... .. 950 12 bars Comfort Soap , .. . • 6 . 1 900 4 lbs best Oatmeal •, •.......... .... —.as Pears and Peaches. per can 200 Pickles, Fier bottle.. . .. .. sec to lbs, granulated sugar . $r .00 too lire granulated:44pr $to.00 March Sale �fSilks • Special purchase' of best quality silks en- ables .us to sell at Much less than whole- sale prices to -day, if you are needing Silks do not XUiSSthis oppor- tunity. 36 in. Heavy Black Mouseline This is one of the best silk, for one wearing silk, it is idfide by one of -makers; and we can unliesitatireely wear and appeatallee, black only. , Silk Sale $2,85. a Duchess 0.4 ilk ' • X X Switzerland's best 7_ recotnmend it for e•-3 Reg. $400, March who wants a good 300 yds. Heavy Silk Faille and P.tplins This -is a special imported quality cones in an theaew- est shades also black, a materials that will make special suits, skirts, coats ordresses and give excellent wear. March Sale Price P.65. • Heavy Durable Habitau Silks This quality washes perfectly and will give splendid service, very suitable for Blouses, Undergarments, Skirts, etc. Reg. $x 5o, March Silk Sale $x.15. Fine Quality P ingee Silk Reduced Beautiful lustrous finish of this fine quality makes. it attractive and very much in demand for Blouses, Dresses or light ;weight suits, wear guaranteed. Regular $e5o, March Silk Sale Sr. re. Bedroom and Bath Towels • Pure Linen Buell a back Towelling Reduced., Rail Bleached Plain Linen Huck Towelling An evenly woven cloth of extra good quality in 18 and 20 in. suitable for baud towels and embroidery work. Special 590 a yd. Plain Huck and Turkish Towels X k‘k Special purchase of bedroom towels quality.. Specially priced $i oo pair. in full size and !Vlore Remnant -1 Price and Less Owing to the quick selling of a number of lines on sale we are daily having ends left, these are immediately put on remnant tables at big reductions, t..810.011I0Mxteat: re, Iri‘lefel[54.04` Men's New Spring' Hats Clothing and Furnitlings Just received the latest styles mid colors iu hats, the ,natite of Borsalino, stands for satisfaction ie hats. Prices $3.5o to $8. Meu's All Wool Cashmere Socks 'rust received another shipment, the same as we had on sale last mouth, Regular $r,25, value for 750. New Soit,"Spring Coats and Raincoats It will pay you to inspect our values before buying, latest etyles and cloths. ?does $to.00 to$45.00. X NOTE—Our newCash System onambes us to offer values that you should take advantage of. DIED Rots-- In Howlett, on Saturday, March $th, 1919, Margaret Ellen Stevenson, beloved wife of William Roe, aged 57 years. TradNG ur oe e. • Phone 71. KIBROS Speciel Sale of Puts b- ble IVIereh. Predate, Wanted Cash XX Zit ra4 IMCXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Kg= PrOMIC tt•• .. ••• • 3 p.