Clinton New Era, 1894-10-26, Page 5October . 6,12;04
It is seldom the
public have an op-
portunity of buying
from such a com-
plete and extensive
stock as they will
on the 31st October,
Bargain Day.
During this
pricey won't
be in it, so
take advan-
tage of this
When not in name, but in fact, more Bargains will be offered the people than we be-
lieve it possible to take in in a single day.. Because, when a store having the reputa-
tion of this one, for carrying always avery large stock of the best things to be found
in Dry Goods, with not an article that can be called old inside the doors. The people
know that when we say that we set aside Wednesday, the 31st of October, as a day
devoted and given up entirely to the interests of the people as Bargain Day, we
mean exactly what we say, and that another such opportunity will not present itself
for getting Lovely New Goods in every Department at the unusual prices you will
be able to get them at, on this particular Bargain .Day.
Where, not only in Clinion, but in the County, will you find such a magnificient stock of
Dress Goods, lVlantles, Staples, Furs, Men's & Boys' Clothing'
HatsU___ �.--____wn --- . �... .
As can be seen here. Yet, Bargain Day brings all these departments to you, and if you want anything in
any of them, you canon this particular day have it. We advise you to come as early in the day as possible,
as there are many things here to be seen. When the store is jammed you have less comfort in getting what
you want, as that day will attract the people from all quai ters. All we say is come, we'll not disappoint you.
50 yards Fine Mantling, regular price
$1.75 and 2, Bargain price. .$1 and 1.25
2 pieces Nice Check worth $110, now 75c
4 pieces Infants Cloaking, regular price
50c , Bargain price .30c
1 piece Camel's Hair Mantling,regular
price' $1.75, Bargain day price......$1.20
1 piece fine Cravenette Waterproof
worth $1,25, Bargain price $1
Heavy Navy Serge Suits .. $6 75 for $4 95
Heavy CanadianTweed Suit 8 50 for 6 50
" " 9 50 for 7 25
Heavy Scotch Tweed Suits 13 50 for 10 00
Fine .Black Worsted Suits 11 50 for 7 75
Another better Worsted 12 75 for 9 50
Men's Scotch Cheviot ....11 50 for 8 25
C. C(
Boys' Overcoats
15 Boys' Overcoats.. ....$3 50 for $2 50
11 Boys' Cape Overcoats 4 00 for 2 95
8 Boys' Cape Overcoats.. 6 00 for 4 75
Boys' Heavy Frieze O'coats 6 75 for 5 25
Boys' Nap with Cape 4 25 for 3 15
Furnishings l Underwear
Fine heavy flesh and gray Shirts and
Drawers, regular price 50cts. each,
Bargain day price per suit 75c
Heavy Ribbed gray Shirts ;and Pants
worth 60c, Bargain day price 40c. each
Men'sHeavy black and brown Cardigan
Jackets, good value at $1, Sale price 69c
Extra heavyWool Sox, regular 20c,now 12jc
A better line, regular price 25c., now 18c
Good Home made Sort for.......... 20c
Beautiful Ties easily worth 25c., Bar-
gain day price only 15c
At this counter ladies will linger -400
yards double fold Dress Cloths in
Navy, Brown, Gray, Myrtle, Black,
regular price 25c, Bargain day for .. 16c
250 yards heavy Dress Tweed Suitings
in Fawn and Grays, regular price 30c
Bargain day for...... 15c
All these are double fold 'heavy goods
10 pieces light color, all wool, double
fold Suitings, great goods, former
price 50c, Bargain price ......... 25c
320 yards i louble fold Suitings, Dark,
Fancy Plaids and Dark Mixtures,
regular price 30c,, Bargain day. ..... . 20
Heavy all wool double fold Black and
Navy Scotch Serge Suitings, 60c for 45c
156 yards fine Black Brocaded Dress
Goods, regular price 60c, for only .. 40c
New patterns, Fancy Flannels, latest
goods, only .. ......30c
Lovely Blk. BrocadoDressGoods 75c for 50c
Lovely Shot Silks only ............ 20c
1 end Union Cai pet 36in. wide 45c for 32c
1 piece 35 yards Fine Union.....60c for 40c
8 remnants about 15 yards each 75c for 50c
1 remnant, all wool, superior .. $1 for 80c
1 small piece about 40yds Hemp 18c for 12;
Another piece about 30ydsHemp35 c for 25c
1 piece Hemp, wool pattern ....80c for 20c
31 . yards Tapestry 45c for 30c
20 ; yd Tapestry, better quality 65c for 45c
2 Remnants 131 and 20 yds fine
Tapestry regular price 75c for 50
1 remnant 9yds Tapestry ......... 55c for 40c
Also a number of short ends suitable for
covering sofas and small rooms, that will
be offered at half price.
prints and$taples
Your choice of our Prints worth 10c for 5c
per yard
Colored Sateens worth 20e, Bargain
Day price only 8c
Extra heavy Flannelette 29 in, wide,
worth 8c for 5c
Heavy gray Flannel and Twill, easily
worth 20c., bargain day will go for 12ic
Good wide gray Cottons worth 5c, will
pass away for ........ .. 3c
Honey Comb Towels 47x19, worth 25c
per pair, bargain day for 121c per pair
24 in. all linen Toweling, regular price
15c., bargain day only .... 10c
Extra heavy Shirting only ....10c
1 piece check glass Toweling, good val-
ue at 15c, Bargain day for . �.._..10c
Beautiful 62in. unbleached Tablings,re-
gular price 60c. for 45c Bargain day
Fine Crash Toweling only ........ 7c
Men's Heavy Frieze Ulsters, regular
price $7.50, for $5.75
A better and heavier one, regular price
$9, Bargain price 6.75
Our best, regular price, $12, Bargain
day price, only 9, 00
Heavy Nap, Beaver, Pilots, Worsteds,
Meltons, Tweeds, from $6 to $13,
Bargain day prices, from $4 to 8.75
Ladies'&Children's Coats
25 Ladies' Mantles, navy and black,
latest goods and styles, at exactly a
quarter off—this is a positive snap
15 Children's Mantles and Ulsters at
Half price.
Boys' Heavy Suit, regular.. $2 75..$2 00
Boys' HeavyTweed Suit " 3 50.. 2 75
Boys' HeavyTweed Suit " ... 3 00.. 2 25
Boys' Heavy Tweed Suit " .... 4 00.. 3 00
" Fine Dark Worsted ' .... 5 50.. 4 25
" Fine Halifax Suit " .. 3 00.. 2 00
The above are all 2 -piece Suits
Boys' Heavy 3 piece Suits .. 4 00 for 3 00
" " Tweed 3 piece Suit 5 50 " 4 00
" 3 piece Suit 6 75 " 4 90
10 dozen Ladies' Vests, all sizes, they
are heavy weight, 35c., now for 23c
A better and softer line 60c. for 40c
Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, good
value at 25c., Bargain day only. 15c
Here's a Snap, Ladies' extra heavy fine
all wool Cashmere Rose, great value
at 60c , two pairs for 75c
Ladies Silk Ties 50 in. long two forti5c
Lovely Cretonnes, new goods, 20c, for 15c
Another beautiful line, regular 20c for 15c
Still another, Cream Ground 18c., for 12fc
We will also offer a large lot of
other goods not mentioned here
on account of space being limited
but will include Men's Tweed
Pants, Tweed Wa'trproof Coats,
Ladies Sealette for Mantles end
Coats; a piece of 36 in. Matting,
for church aisles; and a lot of
general go.ods that the people
will find greatly to their interest
to see, at the prices they will be
offered at, on Bargain Day.
Store open until Ten o'clock on the evening of Bargain Day