Clinton New Era, 1894-10-26, Page 2•
etabi a '26, 1894
Orisp County Clippings' Blyth, 16; Dungannon, 13; total, 217,
Some tunes two fairs occur Qn the
v- . Mac, sends a wagon load to each place.
An amusing thing about the woollen
stockings is that they are Councillor
as McCracken's own handiwork 'a id can
age be. properly labelled "our own make."
Mr Frank Beattie, V.S., of Seaforth,
and familyhave removed to Detroit,
where Mr Beattie has accepted a posi-
tion in the Shedden Co's stables, at a
good salary.
Mr J. A. Stewart, until recently
general store -keeper at Constance, has
purchased a grocery business in Wood-
stock, and removes there this week
with his wife and family. Mr Stewart
is an all round first-rate fellow, and we
hope will: do well there.
The friends of Mr Wm. Vanstone,
of the firm of Vanetone Bros., Wing -
ham marble dealers, will learn with re-
gret of his serious indisposition. Dur-
ing has last trip over the Atlantic he
caught cold, and for some days past he
has been confined to his bed.
Thos. Brock has been busy drawing
wood to Centralia for shipping. On
Wednesday, a hen one of the teams
was returning, the whiffletree bolt
came out, letting the tongue down.
This frightened the horses and they
began to run, throwing out Will Amy,
the wheels passing over his hips and
lege. Fortunately no bones were
Mr John Stafford, of McKillop, re-
turned recently from a tour of inspec-
tion in Algoma, and was so well pleased
with that section of Ontario that he
has decided to locate there, and has
about completed a deal for the pur-
chase of a fine farm of 460 acres, on the
lake shore, close to Port Findlay. Mr
Stafford thinks that Algoma has a
great future before it as a dairying
country. He met many old Huronites,
who all seem happy and prosperous.
,- -
day, but to Meet that emergency
We regret to learn that Elam Li
iligstoneR of Belgrave, is seriously ill
ll t J. O.Orich. artist, Seaforth, w
*Joked by a horse, causing a break
xn his leg, below the knee.
who united Presbyterian congrega-
tions of Belgrave and Calvin have de-
cided not to call a minister for a while
Miss Belle Richardson, daughter of
Mi' Robert Richardson, of Seaforth,
has secured a school at Wyoming, CTn-
tar#l0, for next year.
�•• Mr Walsh retires from teaching in
Section No. 7 at the close of this yyear,
and Mise Kenny retires in Section No.8.
Cold in the head—Nasal Balm gives
instant relief; speedily nares. Never fails.
' (,Ieor a Dobson, the eldest son of
Chas. ;Dobson, now of Kansas, former-
ly of Ethel, has lost his eyesight en-
tirely from some disease of the eye..
' Mr D. D. Wilson has sold the old
Adams farm, adjoining Seaforth, to
Mr Geo, Chesney, The farm contains
about 70 acres, and was sold for $5,000.
We regret to announce the death of
Mrs Taylor Gray, of Bluevale, who
died on Sunday. Although she has
been in very poor health for a time her
death came very sudden at last.
The Wingharn school board, at its
last meeting, re-engaged the present
staff of teachers, all at increased sala-
ries, aS per by-law, except Mr Mus-
grove, who was given a raise of 650.
A primary certificate has been grant-
ed by the Education Department to
Miss Hattie J. Young, on her appeal—
the only appeal which sneceeded from
On Monday of last week Governor
Dickson completed his 29th year in
Goderich jail—as an official, not a pris-
oner. That's a pretty good term, but
the old man looks good for at least 20
years more.
John Manning, of Grey townsnip,
has leased the Mooney homestead,
Morris, now owned by W. C. Stret-
ton, of Lancaster, Ohio, for a term of
5 years. S. Hoggard has been the
tenant for the past 6 years.
Excellent, the very best, sure to do it, etc., are
the reports of those who use Phenyo-Caffein for
headache or neuralgias•
A serious accident happened Hugh
Cunningham, Grey, on Monday. He
and J. Brown were going to put a ring
in a bull's nose. Brown went for the
ring and while away the bull gored
Hugh and threw him over into an-
other stall.
In stepping from his gig on Monday
Rev Mr Turnbull, of St. George's,
Goderich, sprained his foot very badly,
two of the tendons being broken. He
is likely to be laid up for some time,
seriously disarranging his work.
John NeelandP, of Wingham, was
at Brantford last week, attending the
quarterly audit of the accounts of the
High Court of the Canadian Order of
Foresters. The Order now has a sur-
plus of over $350,000 in the insurance
fund, which.. has almost all been accu-
mulated within the last ten years, and
during all that time Mr Neelands has
been High Treasurer, and has had the
care of the funds.'
Fent. boys named Fred Rush and
Reub Snell, of Brussels, and Lin. and
Harry Anderson, sons of Richard An-
"' dbrteta -of inwicir; near-Belmore, were
taking a stroll through Mr Anderson's
bush on Sunday and ran across a wild
cat. The boys had two dogs • with
them, a collie and a fox terrier, and
with these and sticks and stones
tackled the feline. After a short, but
sharp tussle the cat was killed. The
boys had good nerve.
It is your own fault if you suffer with headach
or neuralgia, when Pheuyo•Caffein is guaranteed
to cure.
Mr J. Howard Hunter, Inspector of
Insurance Companies for the Province
of Ontario, was in Seaforth on Satur-
day, and thoroughly overhauled the
books of Mr Shannon, Secretary of the
McKillop Company, and those of Mr
' Thos. Cameron, Secretary of the Us -
borne and Hibbert Company. He
speaks very highly of the neat, accu-
rate and efficient manner in which the
books of these gentlemen are kept.
Another of the old settlers of Col-
borne passed away from earth on Sun-
day week, in the person of Mrs James
Huston. She had been ailing,since last
spring, and had reached the good old
age of 89 years. Deceased was born in
Armagh, Ireland, and came to Canada
48 years ago, settling first at Port Cre-
dit, but with her husband removing to
the present homestead about 33 years
ago. Her aged partner still lives, and
there are two children living—Robert
Huston, of Colborne, and Mrs McCar-
ter, who lives near Jarvis, in Haldi-
mand county.
On Tuesday morning of last week Mr
Thomas Brown, auctioneer, Seaforth,
and well known throughout the coun-
ty, entered the holy bonds of matri-
mony, taking for his partner Mrs Friel,
daughter of Mrs Keating.The cere-
mony was performed in t. James' Ro-
man Catholic church, by Rev Father
Kennedy, at 8 a.m., in the presence of
a large number of interested friends
and relatives of the contracting parties.
The bride and groom were assisted
through the trying ordeal by Miss
Maggie Brown, sister of the groom,
and Mr Francis McCaughy, of Hullett.
A few days ago as one of the young
men of the 5th con. of Stanley was
giving his best girl an airing, they met
aayith a serious mishap. They were
di?4ving along with a horse and buggy,
when the young man, evidently think-
ing his horse quite reliable, fastened
the lined ro the buggy dash, and per-
mitted Dobbin to jog along at his plea-
sure. The horse, however, shied at a
sheep, and making a sudden jerk to
one side, npset the buggy, and the oc-
cupants found themselves in the ditch.
The lady received a broken leg and the
gentleman had his thumb put out of
The name of W. H. McCracken, of
Brussels, has been before the public
for many years as a successful competi-
tor at the Fall shows, particularly in
the line of roots and vegetables. Al-
though new aspirants are continually
coming into the contest Mac. gets
there just the same. This year he had
two manggel wurtzels that weighed
close on 60 pounds and. other exhibits
built accordingly. Tne prizes taken
"0 this year were as follows:— Wingharn,
25; Bel�ggrave, 16; Seaforth, 38; Wroxe-
ter, 83; Brussels, 50; Fordwich, 28;
Children Cryfor
Pitoher'e Castorla.
With the exhilarating sense of renewed
health and strength and internal cleanli-
ness, which follows the use of Syrup of
Figs, is unknown to the few who have not
progressed beyond the old time medicines
and the cheap substitutes sometimes offer -
de but never accepted by the well informed
Wm. C. Liphardt, the member of the
Detroit Board of Education who was
convicted of accepting a brite, was
sentenced to five years at hard labor at
A Kingston telegram says Joseph
Robinson, of Mountain township, sold
oats in Winchester, and after going
home went to the stable to fix cows.
A roll of bills containing $80 fell out of
his pocket and one of the cows swal-
lowed $40 before he discovered his loss.
A Montreal despatch states that W.
R. Elmenhorst, who committed suicide
the other day, was in receipt of an in-
come of $70,000 a year from his sugar
refinery, and that he leaves an estate
of over one million dollars to his
widow, provided she does not marry
again. A man who would make that
kind of a will is just the sort that
would fret over the loss of a few thous.
and dollars, though he had a million
left. The wages of most of the hands
employed in Canadian sugar refineries
are $1 a day.
BELIEF IN ]91x Houas.—llistressing Kid
ney-and--Bladder—diseases- relieved -in -•s
hours by the "NEW GREAT Sourn AMERICAN
KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physicians on
account of its exceeding promptness in re-
lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back
and every Bart of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If yon want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts
& Co., and ALLAN & WILsoN, Druggists.
At an entertainment in the congre-
gational Mission, on Westmoreland
avenue, Toronto, on Friday evening a
peculiar incident happened. It was a
wet, raw night. Out of the cold a tramp
wandered in. He was given a good
meal, and later on called upon for an
address For halflan hour he spoke to
those present in a style that few could
excel. He had, like all those of his
class, seen better days. Four years
ago, he said, he was worth $8,000. He
gambled in western towns and is now
walking home. He wound up by warn-
ing those present against drink, gambl-
ing or kindred vices. His grammar
throughout was perfect and his style
showed him to be an experienced speak-
er. The affair was a novel variation
in the evening's program.
—often need the strengthening sup-
port of a general tonic and nervine.
They're tired out or "run-down."
This is frequently the result of
"weakness," and it makes life mis-
Are you weak, nervous, or ailing?
Then Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip-
tion brings you special help. It's a
remedy prescribed for delicate wo-
men, for all the derangements, dis-
orders, and diseased of the sex.
For regulating and promoting all
the proper functions, building up
and invigorating the entire system,
and restoring health and strength,
this is the only remedy that can be
guaranteed benefit or cure, or the
money will be refunded.
For every ease of Catarrh which
they cannot cure, the a rdprietors of
Dr. Sae's Catarrh ' - inedy agrde
to pay $500 in trash. ' on're cured
by its mild, soothing cleansing, and
healing properties, o ,you're paid.
The devil came up to the earth one day,
And into a court room he wended hie way,
Just as an attorney with very grave face
Wart proceeding to argue the points of a
ease. ,
Now, a lawyer hie devilship never had seen,
For to his dominions none ever had been,
And he felt very curious the reason to
Why none had been sent to the regione
'Twas the faults of his agents, hie majesty
Why none of these sharpers had ever been
And for his own pleasure he bad a desire
To come to the .earth and the reason iu-
' quire.
Well, the lawyer arose with a visage so
And made out his opponent a consummate
And the devil was certainly greatly amused
To hear the attorney so roundly abused.
ker had Dome to a Diose,
ng him fiercely arose,
h abuse on the head of
villain of all men the
d had quite enough of
"If all they have said of each other be
The devil has surely been robbed of his
Bat I'm satisfied now; it is all very well,
For those lawyers would ruin the morals
of hell.
"They've puzzled the court with their vil-
lainous cavil,
And, I'm free to confess, they've muddled
the devil.
My agents are right to let lawyers alone,
For if I had them they'd swindle me ont
of my throne."
As soon as the epee
The counsel opposi
And he heaped sun
the first
That made him a
They quarreled, contended, and argued so
'Twee hard to determine the one that was
And concluding he'
the fuss,
Old Nick turned any and soliloquized
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, abe cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Caetoria,
Mr George Monteith,of Rosseau, kill-
ed a fine large bear weighing 280 lbs.
Charles Judd, a clerk in the Depart-
ment of Agriculture let Ottawa, shot
himself dead with a revolver. He came
from London.
Will T. Martin, a farmer of Clarke
county, Miss., killed his infant child
on Wednesdaybecaused its crying di:-
turbed him. He fled to the s wamr s
to escape lynching.cli.5g1
Friday evening Mr John McUr g
a farmer living on the town line of the
township of Bentick, - near Chesley,
slipped:-and..fell_while entering his
dwelling and broke his neck. Death
was instaintaneous. He leaves a wife
and six children.
Robt. Thompson, a Napanee cheese
buyer, who has been ill for the past
few weeks, jumped from a two-story
window Tuesday night and sustained
injuries that will probably terminate
Major F. H. Bonsall, Bowmanville,
was fned $2 and costs on Wednesday
for asking for liquor at the Balmoral
hotel in Bowmanville on a Sunday.
Mr W. J. Fowler, of Detroit, who
was lesee of the Grand Trunk lunch
counters at London and Chatham, was
found dead in bed in London, Thursday
At Prescott, Miss Maggie Lapurte
while sweeping the house, removed a
loaded gun. The trigger caught in he
dress, and the result was to shoot her
flve-year-old brother in the face, kill-
ing him alrnost instantly.
It is said that the supposed grave of Eve
is visited by over 40,000 pilgrims in each
year. ,It is to be seen at Jeddah, in a
cemetery outside the city walls. Tho tomb
is 50 cubits long and 12 wide. The Arabs
maintained that Eve was the tallest wo-
men who ever lived.
A remarkable mechanical feat has
been performed by E. A. Williams, a
watchmaker, of New York. Through
a common pin, lengthwise, from head
to point, he had drilled a hole which
admits the passage of a fine hair.
In 'many cases, the first work: of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is to expel the effects of the
other medicines that have been tried in
vain. It would be a saving of time and
money if experimenters took Ayer's Sar-
saparilla at first instead of at last.
Insurance is considered very desir-
able by a farmer who dwells within ten
miles of Wauseon, Ohio. He went to
town and insured his barn. A spark
from the locomotive which conveyed
him home, set fire to the structure he
had just insured.
The Mexican vaquero beats the world
as a thrower of the lasso. One of his
tricks is to stick a lot of long handled
knives in the ground close together
within the limits of a narrow circle,
and bet with outsiders that he can ride
past at race -horse speed, and pick up
any one of the knives designated with'
a rope.
Fourteen children comprised the
family of Mr Neher, who died recently
in Logansport, Ind. Each of these
children became the 15arent of just
fourteen children. The funeral of the
old gentleman was attended by 567
members of the family, some of whotn
represented the fourth generation.
Among the many good stories told
at the expense of the Rev, Dr. B., who
belongs to the strictest set of "unto
guid,' is the following: --Some days
before one of the chief balls of the Ed-
inburgh season he was approached in
fear and trembling by two of his
daughters who had received invita-
tions and who had now begged his
permission to go. Dancing, it need
hardly be remarked, was regarded by
the worthy divine as one of the most
dangerous devices of the evil one, and
accordingly he withheld his consent,
and peremptorily forbade their-enter-
taining the thought of such an indul-
gence. The ladies, however, had set
their hearts on attending the dance,
and decided to go in spite of him. So
when the evening came round they
dressed hurriedly, and, slipping quiet-
ly out of the house, got away as they
supposed unperceived. The doctor,
however, bad suspected what was go-
ing forward, and having verified his
suspicions, he waited Up to confront
then on their return in the small
hours. When at last, after parting
with their gallants, the ladies knocked
timidly for admission, expecting to be
let in by one of the plaids, the old
gentleman threw open thet door, and
accosted them sternly with: "Well,
daughters of Satan, have you come
back at last?" For a moment they
were utterly taken aback, but they re-
covered themselves. "Yes, father,"
murmured simultaneously, and it was
only after they had passed him and
escaped to their bedrooms that the
doctor realized the laugh was on their
Mr James Finlay, East avenue, St.
Thomas, has received word of a fie -
tune of x;300,000 sterling, left by his
father's sister.'
A girlnarned Jessie eith, age
fourteen years, daughter of Mr Wm.
Keith, a farmer about one and a half
miles from Listowel, was foully and
brutally murdered between twelve
and one o'clock on Friday. The un-
fortunate girl was met on the railway
track as she was returning from town,
where she had been to the post office,
by a tramp, it is supposed, and out-
raged and murdered. The railroad
section men returning down the track
after dinner saw some newspapers and
spilled rice on the track. Upon fur-
ther investigation they discovered evi-
dences of foul play, and went to Mr
Keith, about a -half mile distant, and
upon returning and following the
tracks across a ploughed field, and
about eighty yards into a swamp, dis-
covered the body of the girl recently
covered over with moss and rotten
wood, the clothing having ,been re-
moved and taken away, the body bear-
ing evidence of the foulest of crimes.
The body presented a frightful appear-
ance, her throat having been cut and
her body terribly cut and torn.
to Your
Honorable Wife"
—Mir -chard of Foram
and tell her that I am composed
of clarified cottonseed oil and re-
fined beef suet ; that I am the
, j purest of all cooking fats; that
r` my name is
Mr James Eakins, the well-known
cattle exporter of Port Hope, is in fin-
ancial emharassment. In spite of a
constantly losing market in England
Mr Eakins has been the largest ship -
par out of Canada. For years past the
cattle trade has been on the decline,
and the death blow was delivered when
the embargo was placed on Canadian
cattle, this killed the stockertrade, and
among the many exporters who felt
the effects of this embargo was Mr
Eakins. He, however, kept shipping
fat eattle,which, it is well-known, can-
not compete with the old country fed
steick, and on every consignment suf.,
feyed a loss.
that I am better than lard, and
more useful than butter; that I
am equal in shortening to twice
the quantity of either, and slake
food much easier of digestion.
I am to be found everywhere in
3 and 5 pound pails, but am
Made only by
The N. K. Falrbank
Wellington and Ann 16..
Subscriber keeps for service at his premises,
lot 26, Con. 13,Hullett, a pure tjroro-bred Chester
White Boar, with good pedigree; (has taken Bret
prize at faire) Terms, $1 at time of service, with
privilege of returning, if necessary.
Berkshire Boar for Service.
Subscriber keeps for service, at his promises
lot 19, 9 Con. of Hullett, a thorn bred Berkshire
boar, purchased from Rogerson Bros., of Hullett.
Terme 81, at timeof service, with privilege of
returning, if necessary. JAS, CART WRIGHT.
Berkshire Pigs for Sale and for
For sale,six th oro -bred Birkshiroboars, eligible
for rezistration, aged 3} months,wil i be soldoheap.
Also, keep for service, an improved registered
Yorkshire Boar; also a registered, lramworth,
Terme 81 at time of service, with privilege of re-
turning. JOHN HOARE, Auburn, lot 28, 2nd
Con., Eaet Wawanosh,
Tamworth Pig for Service.
Subscriber keeps for service a Tamworth
boar, at his premises, RAE Con. Eh Goderioli
Township. Terme $1 cash or $1.S if booked,
with prlvelsgs bf retarning, it raaoe lt ..
l0itl!, litonsl flim other ex
Brings comfort and improvement and
tendo to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to heal' -h of the pure liquid
laxative princ4 as embraced in the
remedy, Syru j. of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreehing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently_ curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
Over Boyd & Oakes Bakery, suitable for
offices,—Apply at the bakery.
The unders'gned will sell at a sacrifice, Lot 451,
or 12, Railway Terraoe Clinton, Particulars
upon applicat.on, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister ,tu
That large and comfortable honse on the oor-
ner. of Queen and Jdhn Streets: Room for good
sized family. Bard and soft water. Stable.
That large house on Rattenbury Street, just
west of Mr. Tedford's. Plenty of room for good-
inghousel� Rentmoderate. y situated Apply at cr a board -
A frame house on Spencer street, containing
eight rooms, is offered either for sale or to rent,
on very reasonable terms. The lot is one quarter
of an acre and has stable thereon, with good well.
Apply to JOSEPH ROWELL, Clinton,
Manitoba Farm for Sale.
A cultivated farm of 160 acres, situated in
Southern Manitoba, near l artney P.O, is offered
for sale on reasonable terms.. Oweer•ie
work it owing to illness. Apply to BOX 186, Clin-
The farm recent] owned by the late C, Spooner,
on the gravel road, just outside of town, contain-
ing 33 acres, frame house and barn, and young
bearing orchard. Apply to
2` Clinton
One mile from Brucefleld, the residence known
as "The Old Manse," There are nine acres of
land attached. The house is solid brick, eight
rooms, six closets, dairy, hard and soft water.
Good orchard, barna and other outbuilding,
Terms, 85 per month first winter, 07 per month
afterwards. Apply toMRSANNA ROSS, Clinton,
or to MR D. McINTOSH. Brucefield.
Good Farm for Sale.
Being lot 34, 16th concession of Goderich town-
ship, oonsieting of 80 acres, all cleared but about
five acres. New frame house, frame barn, large
bearing orchard and never falling spring on the
place. The soil is good. Farm is close to school
and situated 11 miles from Clinton. Full par-
ticulars on application to MR HENRY DYKE,
The commodious and conveniently situated
house on Ontario St., recently occupied by Dr.
Appleton, is offered for sale on very r,asonable
terns. The house is adapted for ordinary family
and bas every convenience and requisite. Full
particulars on application to JAMES SCOTT
or R IRWIN, Clinton.
The following valuable residental property in
the Town of Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107
and part of 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 118
High Street. There are two comfortable dwelling
Houses upon the property, in an excellent state
of reprir. For further particulars and terms
appl to A. MCMURCHIE or to the undersigned.
Subscriber has just got in a fresh supply of
extra good North Shore Cedar Shingles at eaob of
the following places, also can supply British Col-
umbia Rod Cedar, and they may be procured
either from himself or the parties named:—Bel-
grave, Wm,Watson; Blyth, D. Cowan; BruceBeld,
Alex, Mustard, or from Robt. Mellveen, Stanley,
and Londesboro from himself. W.T. WHITLEY
Dwelling House for Sale.
For sale on very reasonable terms, the two-
story brick dweeling house, on Huron St„ at pre-
sent occupied by subscriber, It contains room
for good -size family with good stone cellar, and
is one of the finest locations in the town. Half
acre lot, with bearing orchard of 83 plum trees,
2 pear, one cherry and one apple. Good stable
and outbuildings. ,Hard and soft water, Apply
at New ERA Office or to JOHN COLCLOUGH,
A splen led farm of 150 acres, being lot 28, 18th
Con„ of Hullett. A:1 cleared and fit for .culti-
vation, excepting 30 acres. Ten acres of fa11
h the
frm Wheat Situate ponly 2rm lesosboro
crk uLonnnindthrougand 8
manteles d bank barn. W11 beiren ed forr ater�muof
articulars on
application to
M CrateLAOHEll RTY, Clinton,
con, That HuII Ilett. Alfine Farm t cleared bf 127 ut about ten acres;
ten acres in fall wheat; balance all fit for culti-
vation; never failing spring; good orchard. Frame
house and outbuildings. Situate just 21 miles
east of the Town of Clinton, and is considered a
first -claw farm. Possession given at any time.
He would be w111ia1g to takehouse property in
Clinton for part payment. Apply to either W.
SMITHSON, •Step -ladder works, Huron street,
Clinton, or EDWIN SLY, on the premises.
Terms reasonable,
That cottage__ on Frederidk street, at retent
commis(' by W. Smithson Is else for sale 0r to
Barrister, Solicitor
Office immmedtet lfor—Ontario oilroy a gip*
Office—Beaver Block,
Up-.talrs, Opposite Footer's Photo Gallery,
a few doors haat o1 Albert Street. •
4 (University, M D. 0.M.. Victoria Un,iV
Id. 0. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obs ti feat
Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng,, and
office Rattenbary1e81.0Clintonr DNightyAold
answered at the some Assoc,
DAccuoh urs etwe., it esi ° b PSURGEON
Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve
Clinton Ont,
I AS. S. FREEBORN, M.D., L.S.&Q,O.P..�L, M.
Collegef Phyyysicians, Dublin,te iI elands Lien.
Great ow
Member oColege MedicalPhysiciaand Surgeons, On-
Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital,
(Lying-in and Gyaecological) Dublin. Residence
—Ratnage.tenbury St. east, next door to Ontario St.
Accoucheur, Office and, residence, Huron
street, near railway crossing.
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, ToroQnto, formerly of the IIospitu,s and
Dlepensaf'ies, New York, Coroner for he
County of Hurou, Bayfield, Ont,
T. C. BRUCE L. D. S •
Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton.
Office, Coats Blook,lover Taylor's shoe store
Teeth Extracted without Pain by the use of
local Antesthetics. Special attention given to the
Preservation of the natural teeth.
Visits Blyth professionally every Monday at
Mason's Hotel,
Coll lege. Treats al diseases of omest Dated uate of the and
male on the most modern and scientiflcprinoil
pies Office- immediately south of the New Era
Office. Residence — Albert St„ Clinton, Cell
night or day attended to promptly
No witnesses required
BEULAH sums on ood wort security
moderaterat of in tercet. I HALE, Baton.
Surveor an
Civil Engineer,POnt.OnrovincialLan Office at Geo. J
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
Piano,Organ and Teohnicon, or•Musele'develope
for use of pupils. Rooms in Beaver Block
Albe,t Street, Clinton,
te idCollegeal Dental
ieOnt.HoorGraut fTriniylnvcitToronto,
All operations in Dentistry carefully performed.
Best local Anaesthetics for painless extraction,
Office opposite Town Hall ever Swallow's store.
Will visit Heusall every Monday, and Zurioh
every second Thursday of each month.
tirNight bell anawered.
A. 0. 17.• W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle-
oombe Hall on the let end•JrkErid&yeJU aaoiL_'
noslith'' ' Vf3Th re cordially invited,
R. STONEHAM, M. W. J, BEAN, Recorder
239 Dundee St,, Specialist on the
Post tGraduat YorkEye
at t eaNew r sYork
Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or
Eye, Full stock Nkof ArtifiNose and cial Eyeshroat 89 Spec2, tacleses sa and
Lenses. He is at present in New ;York, attending
special courses of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
and will return the end of this month.
Will be at
Rattenbury House, CLINTON
Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Tested Remedies.
For Impure, Weak' and Impoverished
Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palps-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sid
ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance
Female Irregularities and General Debility
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by
Going of cheap at J
Twitchells. AlsoPinee
Cedar and British
ColumblapRed Cedar
Shingles at Clinton
and Brumfield.