HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-10-19, Page 7BUTdLIERSHOBB. flint 04 kEA.T Market THE CLINTON 'NEW ERA False Statements The uihd•rsfgned desire. to Intimate thrt be bas bougghtouti the intermit of xtr Couch; in the butchering bnslnesa'tiitely carded on under the yle of FORD dt OOUOU. Be will continue di same,at the std eteue, and tTAlitis by ;living tit OkNM.l sad tyol earetui ettentfey to the bad- ness, straiahtforware and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice u;Pat, to merit and receive ii fair share of public u8]l e. All orders carefully and promptlyo . JA1 i A. i1 Centrah Bfteher: She Bnbecriberdesires to thankteuogn r lyfor the petronaghvd publics a at the ,arae time to say that he a now in °. bet Ar bo give tpereortrall attenr to tion to aithe wants the detaiis of the business dustomers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. Elia motto to 'good meat at -reasonable prices. Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., lilt Beason. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUAlbert BT t.aiinton. eameweiseemmeeneaseermienaeamesea N, FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Away with than Teas ti one of the $ei Farre Waggon* mann- f %red, having been on the market for 60 years, very all nkgiade built, f white ork sand is no ed Writs lightaeaa of draft and' easy running; Those teas have need them wilt use no other, white the prise at which itis sold is no more than would be paid for au inferior article. The undersigned is sole agent for this neighborhood. and the wag gon may bo inspected at any time at his shop ouvrat JOMNSTON', ISAAC STREET, : CLINTON J. C. STEVENSO —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —ANID-- EMBAL dIER A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEP i in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST. ,CLINTON Residence overstore. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL TEE QONTR,ARI „ BOY. 1 ant the Ocelot sort of boy the world has ever seen-•=- In fact, I don't suppose before gty like has ever been, Because, from early dawning to the Setting of the ion, T always want no do the thing% that really can't be done. For instance, when the summer comes, I sit down by the gate Ana almost tear my hair with rage because .cannot skate, And through the heated August nights I often he in bed And moan and groan because I can't go wafting on ray sled. Then when the frigid winter's here, and things begin to freeze, I feel as though 1'd like to climb up in the apple -trees And pluck the blossoms from the twigs; but blossoms none ere there When winter winds are blowing and the apple -boughs are bare. At breakfast -time I sit me down, and often deeply eigh Because there'e toast and buokiheat Oakes instead of pumpkin -pie; Yet, when at dinner -time we'ye pie, my tears come down like lakes Because by that time I've a taete for toast and buck -wheat Oakes. Itis only the Lever of Truth that moves the t neat: arid• Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having formed a partnership, desire to Intimate that they will keep on hand the very beet FLOUR and F EED 01 all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for Dash. SALT also kept on hand. They Will also keep a choice variety will Sind to be excellent vaof all kiude of TEAS lue. J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. 1 AlWatY5�•,fi,•� ' S � l9 5414t44010 GegsP • CI QARI i t iS�Real6r, Etual~toiat_iy ikoreett. "Ia{�e MRy kivicereand42 Irk5isr 01\�Y,etiin % `} to Cent: Smoke forrEttr l.- g/it:00 Co %�ios'r4 Ate. Statements male iu favor of Paige's Celery Compound always Riot with Honesty. CJOOK'S FlorurFeed Store BRAN & 'SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pound shei of Oats for 1 A Marvellous cure in Virden, Manitoba. A Minister of the Gospel Can Endorse the Testimony. D. COOK, CLINTON. Beroniner Nursery BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Aot of Parliament, 1835, CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,175,000 r, October 1%1894 TDNY SAT that you• 'eau tell a Rc workman by the tools he uses'. Certain it is that yon call tell the experi- enced houses et per by the Cooking Range she selects. It is always the one that does the best work with the least fuel; that is, the best baker and most easily managed— appropriately enough it is called the Happy Thought There is no other "Pet the sanear or • "just as good," and the genuine «$A,PPY THOU itT" is sold only by False •statements, like counterfeit coin, for a time will pase current and undetected. The false statements made in connec- tion of a host of common medicines have duped and disappointed thousands of our suffering people in the past, and at the pre- sent time there are many who are being de' eived from day to day. These worth- less and deceptive medicines, with all their assertions about curing disease, are now being posted upon the black list in all well - regulated communities, and are carefully avoided and abhorred by the wise and pru- dent. It is only the powerful lever of truth that can move intelligent communities and peoples. This mighty lever is Paine's Cel- ery Compound, an agentthat has never had an equal in the history of medicine for the curing of the sick and the diseased. Every statement make in favor of Paine's Celery Compound rings out with honesty and truth. The letters of testimony come from our own Canadian people, whom doubters may interview or write to for par- ticulars, Paine's Celery Compound has thousands of records of victories over rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, dyspepsia, nervousness, headaches, sleeplessness, kidney and liver troubles, general weakness and lost vitality. The marvellous cure of Mr James Lever- ington, of Virden, Man , byPaine's Celery LAND !MOS Old stand .New Store� Brick dock NIackayBlock And I would say to other boys who think it's fun to be Contrariwise that they would beat take warning now from me, Because I find the habit leaves me always dull and sad, And rnelies of me a very drear, ill-natured sort of lad.—Harper's Young People. THE MODEL WIFE and DIAMOND DYES. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Compound, after the failures of doctors is t and other agencies, should be sufficient pirect from Redpath's refinery (without doubt the best Sugar produced in Canada) which we will sell by the dollars worth or by the barrel at prices that cannot be beaten. She causes wonder and surprise, ��,t GOODS, FRUITS By tinting walls with Diamond Dyes: TEASE COFFEES S, CANNED FRUITS She with the artist often vies, 17 V + By coloring maps with Diamond Dyes; She's economical and wise, This comes through using Diamond Dyes; Good -nature sparkles in her eyes, Because she's helped by Diamond Dyes; On those grand colors she relies, She knows the best are Diamond Dyes. J. g, R. MOLSON..,......Pres ge . F; W. THOMAS,....General Manager. proof for all fair minded men and women who are honestly seeking for health, discounted, Notes di ted Collections made, Drafts is• 1 strength and now life. sued, Sterling and Am and sold a went ratesInterest al- Levering ton exchange bought A model wife can realize Great benefits from Diamond Dyes; No matter what her family's size, She dollars saves by Diamond Dyes; She happy makes her children's lives, 13y using often Diamond Dyes; Her home is bright as cloudless skies, Because she uses Diamond Dyes; All other brands she mast despise, When she can use the Diamond Dyes; Her faded dress she deftly tries To renovate with Diamond Dyes; Her husband's coats, vests, pants and ties Are soon renewed with Diamond Dyes; At Fair -this year she took the prize, For goods Dyed with Diamond Dyes; Mr Leverin ton writes as follows about . lowed on deposits. Money advanced to farmer on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage., re• auired as seourity H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D.M.eTAGOAR,T. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOOK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this con cehcationg will save money by pur e. Orders by Maiiwill be promptly attended to, Address, JOHN STEWART. — BenmIller. ook'sCottoIlRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old phytielan. Successfully used rnonthiy by thousands of Ladles. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Interior medicines In place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton ;foot Compound, take no substl- tute. or Inclose $1 and 6 cents In postage In letter and we whllsond, sealed, by return mail. Fulleealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladles only, 2 stamps. Address The W tndsor, company, ok , Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton by ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists. BANTER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee Dodd'd Kidney Pella to cure any case of itnabt's Difeae Diabet s, DiAleaSeumbaFemgo, Dropsy, r' samattsea, le 'rouble", begone flood --•r money refunded. S•ld,bf.til du�tilira Iia..ilncdlte ydit tercet ¢I.id, hor by mail ea v reiAt el erste 1 , + DR. L.+A.4M'X't41 41.t.<CG.aTOtar t0. generic, Banking Business. t>t antiacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. F ARRA N & TISDALL 'BANKERS, CLINTON. &,1' T PICNIC PARTIES & Cold Lunches Canned Meats, Roast Beef, Chipped Beef, Tongue, Boneless Turkey, Duck and Chicken. CANNED FISH—Salmon, Sardines, Lobsters, Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring, preserved Bloaters, Finnan Haddie. DRIED MEATS—sugar Cured Ham, Canvassed Shoulder and Select Breakfast Bacon Just arrived in stook new may pinked Japan Tea, better valve than ever offered before. Also fine quality in Indian and Ceylon's Blends, decidedly better value than usually found in package Teas. In Fine Congoue, Oolongs and High Grade Moyune, Young Hyson we can suit the most fastidious both in quality and price. Give as a trial. CROCKERY &f G-LASSW AHE We offer 44 piece Granite Tea Setts Wand $2.25. 97 piece Dinner Sots , complete at $7. Granite Toilet Sets at 61,80. Cups and Saucers, Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Plates by the dozen cheap. Special inducements forCash N. ROBSON, — Clinton TEIANBS To our customers who have helped ne to make our last year the best in the history of the firm, we tender our beet thanks, and assure them we will will epare no efforts to not only retain their trade, but to give them even better value for their money or produce than heretofore. We have just closed the purchase of ONE CAR LOAD OF SUGAR his success with the worlds best medicine: "I think it my, duAy4 without aolicitatjQp from"any one, to write in the interest of other sufferers, and give you a testimonial in favor of (to me) almost miraculousrem- edy, Paine's Celery Compound. For more than a year I was suffering from the agon- izing pains of sciatica; and after trying all that medical skill could devise, and using many remedies, patent and otherwise, I concluded to try the Hot Springs of Banff, under the able superintendent of Dr Brett. I took the treatment thoroughly and care- fully for six weeks, and came home at the end of that time racked with pain and weighing 45 • lbs leas. At this juncture when hope had almost failed, I heard of Paine's Celery Compound. It seemed suited to my case, and I sent to my drug- gist, Mr J. W. Higginbothan, of this place, and %slept about it. He recommended it to me, Kind I took a bottle. I soon began to feel butter and after taking the. second bottle I was a cured man and threw away crotches. "I keep a bottle on hand in case of any return of the comlpaint. I am now 58 years old, and feel as spry and healthy and free from pain as I ever did in my life. I was born in Norfolk, England, and came to Canada when only three years old. I was brought up in the township of Cornwall, Ontario, and came to Manitoba eight years ago. Have always been a farmer, and am as able to do hard work as over I was. "With a heart full of gratitude for the benefits derived from the use of your rem- edy, and a wish to influence others who may suffer, I gladly and freely indite this letter. "Rev. Mr Talbont, Methodist Minister, of Elkhorn, can confirm my statements, and will do so if written to," Mr Higginbotham, the successful and ex- tremely popular draggistof Virden, vouches for Mr Leverington's statements, as fol- lows:— I have known Mr Leverington for two years or more, and can confirm what he says in rep,ard to hie cure by Paine's Celery Compound. Ever since his cure he has been sounding its praise, and he ie a per- fect entheisiast on the subject of Paine's Celery Compound. I believe him to be thoroughly reliable." Advances at e of interestto farers on s own nctes low rat general tanking Business transacted Lute -a allowed on deposits. tie Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage USE PERRL •• FOR' ALL DAVe ` �'Ra BLEs • • PAINa LLER FONDNESS FOR ANIMALS. There are numerous anecdotes about noted people who were fond of ani- mals; and we are pretty'sure that they were fond of them *hen they were boys and girls. Daniel Webster loved his calves dearly, and used to get his 9nyletcher out .of bed before .daylight to hold the lantern while he fed the cows. "Fletcher," he would say, "you don't seem to take any interest in this. I like to look into the kind faces of the cows, and smell their breath." When Choate was his guest he used to rap at the door of his room where he was reading, and call to the great jurist, "Oh, come along, Choate; let's go,and have a look at the pigs. Web- ster ordered his farmhand to drive the oxen past the library windows, so that he could "tell them good -by" before he died. It was said of Edmund Burke that he had gone crazy, because he went about in his park kissing his cows and horses. The story arose from the fact that a favorite horse belonging t.o his dead son came up to Mr Burke in the field, laid his head upon his breast, and looked into his face, as if to say, "I have lost him too." Overcome by his memories, Burke clasped the neck of the intelligent creature and kissed it.—Harper's'Young People. Parron 25 CENTS AT ,Ontia STORE*. POWDERS • Cure Stoic HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 milvilrEs, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. • to stay cured also regulate the bowels. mem' won TO TAKE. And everything pertaining to a first-class trade es low as the lowest. We believe we ithin the mark, when we say our BLACK TEA at50e a lb. F.RY la tel are w beats the town. We have hada large sale of CR - which has diminished our stock somewhat, but have a nice assortment arriving which we will be pleased to show intending purchasers. Call and get prices before buying. �Ic�I�1RRAY & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY--Telephollio 40 THOOSION'S NIKE MILK HMO CO New Process for Making Pure Milk Butter from the Pare solids of the Milk. No Chemicals or EN. Thie New Process win make two to three times the amount of Pure Mlik Butter that' can he oade by any other tne=hodl yet invented. Therefore wand stamp ter full particulars aho cheaters et 413.04#9,1,11 salted, andatismered. illy the Scars Says IIE-N-trZ HtmsoN, of the James St; 1 th Woolen Ilklacliiiiery Co., Philad el ph i a, Pa., -who certi fiQs as follows: many testirnoni- els which I see in regard to cer- performing cures, cleansing the bleed, etc., 00110 impress me moro than my otvn case. Twenty years ago, at thre age of 18 years, I had swellings come, on my legs, which broke arid , became run- ning sores. Our family phere sician could do tee no good, and it NVBS feared that tha totes would bo affected. At last, my goo.1 old Mother Urged Me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the staral remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sareaparilla. has done me. 1 now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I bate been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's See- saparillo, advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas- ure in telling what good it did for me." DONKEY -RIDING. Children who live in cities are better acquainted with doneys than young- sters in the country. It was, there- fore, with pleased surprise that I saw at Syracuse donkey -riding was as po- pular a pastime on the fair -grounds as it is in Centtal Park. Why a boy or girl mounted on a lazy and slowly plodding donkey should seem so su- premely happy almost passes my eld- erly comprehension. fancy it is for the reason that a donkey seems some- thing like a horse, and yet manifestly is not intended to ride. Riding it is, therefore, a kind of make-believe, like a game with dolls—a doll's wedding or a doll's evenit'T party. But at Syra- cuse donkey -riding was more nearly like real horseback exercise than it is in Central Park, for the boys and girls rode by themselves, and without an attendant for each donkey. To be led along, and at the same time held in the saddle by a careful attendant, must most seriously detract even from the make-believe fun of riding.—Harper's Young People. Plwa's Itsunedy for Catarrh Is the Fastest to Hee, and cheapen.. Sod Druititiste arson bytes% We havejust one P dcout n e stock sell of Furs, ur , and it will pay you -to call and see them, d find erery p. DRESSGOODS We have reduced the price of several pieces of Dress Goods and they are selling like hot cakes. Come ladies and secure a dress or two. BOYS' SUITS We have too many of these on band, andlhave cutthelprice Theyare good value and will not stay long at present prices. . BOOTS aand SHOES We will make the price to snit. Almost• -giving A good upright wood burner STOVE for sale, also pi etal and oelbows.' lb ws l Highest price for Butter and Eggs. i ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO Ayer's Sarsaparilla Mewed by Dr. J.C. Ayer lc Coe Lowell,Maes. Sash, Door & Blind Vactory ..... wit 4-2 : : S: S. COOPER Proprietor Owing to my inoreaehig business, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare plane and estimates for all kinds of restdences, and execnte contraote for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner.' We manufacture to order and also carry in stook all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, doi. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. S S. COOPER °Clinton CASH GROCERY' • HAS THE ONLY STRICTLY FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES IN TOWN. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF TFIE FINEST LINES OF Teas,Sugars,CannedGoods,Fruits And in foot everythingtol be found in a first-class grocery store. We have an elegant assortment of Fancy Crockery, China. and :Glassware. EVERYTHIHO FRESH AT THE NEW GROCERY OGLE COOPER & Q0. 1 door North of Newodtecord.