HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-10-19, Page 5Tut 614.6iToisT NEW 'ERA Are good for the eyes, they preserve the sight, that; is if pro- perly fitted, and we guarantee a perfect fit emery time, as all our customers are fitted by an M. D. that under- stands nderstands the eye, and makes no mistakes. B. RUMBALL, Jeweler, Clinton MORE •. ATTRACTIVE THAN EVER IS ALLEN & WILSON'S Prescription Drug Store. Improvements completed. You don't need to buy to call and see us, but if you need anything we offer ybu A Fresh and Clean Stock, ( The Best Goods, The Purest Drugs, The Best Attention, Moderate Prices Watch this space weekly for our special advertisements. It will pay you. ALLEN & WILSON PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY. Telephone 49 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS Montreal, Oct. 15.—There is absolutely no im- provement in the position of the English cattle markets, and, consequently, in the feeling•here. Cables to -day were mncb the same as last week „rhaps a little better for choice cattle, but certainly worse for middling qualities. There were about 550 head of butchers' cattle, 60 selves and 700 sheep and lambs offered at the Zast End Abattoir to day. The butchers were yreeent in considerable numbers but trade was not brisk and prices continue the same as on Thursday. A few of the best cattle were sold at about 310er lb. but most of the sales seem - •d to range from n to 31c, while some of the leaner beasts brought about 2c per lb. There is a good demand for calves, but many of the best veals are bought up before getting to this market. Shippers are paying about 3$o per lb for good large sheep, ands few superior lambs are also being brought at that rate for ship}- to 33 e. Fat�hogs arein. Common good supply and sell at from 5c to 5}c per lb. Wm. Lemmon, a Kingston boy, was killed by falling on a elate pencil held in his mouth. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every T hareday afternoon Thursday, October 18, 1894. Wheat, spring 0 47 a 0 50 Wheat, fall 0 47 a 0 50 Oats, 0 25 a 0 26 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 48 a 0 49 Flour per bal3 50 a 3 50 Pork 600a600 Butter 0 16 a 0 17 Eggs per doz 0 13 a 0 13 Potatoes' 0 35 a 0 35 Hay, New and Old 6 00 a 6 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 2 50 a 3 00 Sheeepskins 0 15 a 0 50 Wool 0 15 a 0 17 Chickens per pair 0 30 a 0 35 Triumphant is the word that expresses the ovation to Hon. Mr Laurier at Morden. The people turned out almost unanimously, and were carried away by his speech. COMBE'S BAKING POWDER ! The people of Clinton no longer find it necessary to send to London for a strictly high grade Baking Powder, as we supply them now At 25 Cents a Pound Having used Combe's Baking Powder for some time, we can recommend, it as a strictly high grade Baking Powder, being both economical and pure. BOYD & OAKES, Bakers and Confectioners 4 t We could fill an ordinary newspaper with testimonials. JAMES H. COMBE, CHEMIST AND:DRIXF,GIST, PHYSICIANS 4UP"3.IES, ETC. We sell a Magriificent Irish Frieze Over- coat for $7.50 that some houses are asking $9 for. Have you seen the fine heavy double fold Cloth anci Tweed Dress Goods, just the thing for school wear that this store is sellingjor 20e., in all colors. Sold regularly at 25c everywhere. Our UNDERWEAR this fall ishaving high praise, the value being exceptional. We give you a Suit, Shirt and Drawers, easil worth $1.10 or $1.20, for 90c. It would be worth your while to see them We sell more Men's,Youths' and Boys' Clothing than any - house in Clinton, and we have now more to show you than ever before.' All sizes, all patterns, all colors and prices. Mind we don't ask the profits some houses do. Never in the history of the Mantle trade has such a really beautiful and select stock been laid before the public. We sell lovely Jackets all the way from $4 to $40. No lady wanting a Mantle will do herself justice in buying without seeing this stock. GILEtOY oc W1SEIVIAN CLINTON 11110ini READYH We have pleasure in placing before our customers our new stock of FALL • AND : WINTER GOODS Which is nearly complete in the different departments. We have been especially careful in making our selections, buying only the newest and most saleable goods, suitable for the trade. We are bound to keep to the front, and for quality and value we can't be surpassed. We have always made it a point in our business never to be undersold. We are bound to give the best value that possibly can be given, and are always ready to quote prices and compare values. We fear no competition. DRESS COODS We have the best range of Dress Goods that we have ever carried. Don't buy until you see them. HAVI-NG GOOD TIME Is a delightful human experience; everybody who carries a WALTHAM OR AN ELGIN WATCH Before buying see our TAILOR MADE MANTLES, there is nothing in 1 to equal them in quality or workmanship, as they are all made by cticai and "perienced workmen. Superior to anything in the market JP Can have the best time in the world, accurately adjusted to heat, cold wail position. Strongly yet finely made. Beautiful in appearance and the most reliable time keepers made. Every watch fully guaranteed Sold by H. JACKSON. THE JEWELLER OVERCOATS 1 O O A Snap in Men's Overcoats a 30 of them only. Sizes 36 to 40, ranging in price from $6 to $8. All offered at one price, and that price 84.00. Have you seen our all wool FRIEZE ULSTER,, with heavy wool lining for $8 All sizes in CHLID'S and BOYS' OVERCOATS, with and without Cape. BOOTS : and : SHOES. In this line we distance all competitors. We sell We have added largely to our Cloths and Gents' Furnishings, Men's Long Boots for $1 a pair AI LCA RIFT �"r ' We do Tailoring in a superior manner. See goods and get prices INIILL]INERYOur stock is full and complete, the large amount of business done in this line speaks for itself. Our immense trade is rapidly increasing Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Carpets and Staples. PLU1VCSTEEL 6L GIEBINOS, Canton ,7,L7e t AL.if tairt,�SlIY'I�WIYL.►ay Do you ask how we cs,n afford to sell so cheap? The question is easily answered. We buy for CASH and we sell for.CASH W, L. OUIMETTE. CASH DEALER, LONDTi,SBORO