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Morris-Feild -Rogers-Co
Stanley Fall Show Prize List.
The members, President McNaugh-
ton and officers of the Stanley Branch
Agricultural Society are'to bo congra-
trulated on the splendid exhibition held
in Bayfield last Tuesday and Wednes-
day. The only great inconvenience
was chilly weather, hut this did not
prevent a good crowd, for the receipts
amounted to about $200 at the gate.
ll. meeting will be held at Elliott's
hotel, Bayfield, on Saturday, 2Othinst.,
When prize money will be paid. Fol-
lowing are the names of the winners:—
ear old gelding or filly, W. McAllis.
Span working horses, Geo. Bates,
General purpose.—Brood mare with
foal, foal not judged with mare, P. Mc-
Dougall, Thos. Harrison. Foal, P. Mc-
Dougall, Thos. Harrison. Span working
horses, Isaac Salkeld & Sons, MattBates.
Best walking team general purpose or
draught, 1st prize by George Erwin,
Esq., 1 set whifiletrees, value $3, 2nd by
society, $1, H. Weston, W. Sterling.
Roadster.—Brood mare with foal, foal
not judged with mare, special by E.
Elliott, Esq., R. Charter & Sons, P.
McDougall. Foal, lst, $1.50, 2nd by E.
Elliott, Esq., P. McDougall 1 and 2.
Two year old gelding or filly, R. Char-
ter & Sons, S. Huston. One year old
gelding or filly, M. McNaughton, R.
Blair. Span of roadsters, H. Grieve, C.
Greib. Single roadster in buggy, by
E. Swarts, A. Forbes, Dr. Whitely.
Carriage Horses.—Two year old geld-
ing or filly, T. Ward. One year old
gelding or filly, R. Charter & Sons, J.
Dunn. Span of carriage horses, 16
• hands high or over, J. Wild. Single
carriage horse by J. Pollock Esq., A.
McMurchie 1 and 2. Lady driver, W.
tAlliott, T. Ward. Saddle horse, no
erse which has been exhibited in any
other class to compete, 1st prize by E.
Elliott Esq., $2, 2nd prize by Dr.
Sheppard, $1, Jno. Salkeld, P. Mc-
GRADE CATTLE.—Milch cow, John
Woods, G. H. Hewson. Two year old
e- heifer, W. Elliott 1 and 2. One year
old *heifer; W Elliott,—Woo
Fat cow, heifer or steer, W. H. Woods
1 and 2. Heifer calf, Elcoat Bros., W.
Elliott. Best three year old steer, W.
H. Woods 1 and 2. Best two year old
steer, W. Elliott, W. H. Woods. Best
one year old steer, Matt Bates, Jno.
McNaughton. Best bull calf thorough-
bred, pedigree to he produced, Elcoat
Bros., Jno. Reid. Best heifer calf,
thoroughbred, pedigree to be produc-
ed, Elcoat Bros., W. Elliott.
LEICESTER SHEEP.—Ram, two shears
and over, R. Carter & Sons, G. Penhale.
Shearling ram, G. Penhale, R. Charter,
do Sons. Ram lamb, G. Penhale, R.
Charter & Sons Pair ewes, having
raised lambs in '�;4, two shears and over,
R. Penhale, Elco Bros. Pair shearl-
ing ewes, R. Penhale 1 and 2. Pair
ewe lambs, R. Penhale, W. Grieve.
Pair fat sheep, any breed, R. Charter &
Sons, Jno. Salkeld. Shropshiredowns.
Aged ram, two shears and over, Jas.
McFarlane, A. Duncan. Shearling
ram, Jas. McFarlane, Jno. Salkeld.
Ilam lamb, Jas. McFarlane 1 and 2.
Pair ewes, having raised lambs in '94,
two shears and over, Jas. McFarlane,
A. Duncan. Pair shearling ewes, Jas.
McFarlane 1 and 2. Pair ewe lambs,
Jas. McFarlane 1 and 2.
Troyer, R. Penhale. Brood sow, hav-
ing littered in '94, Wm. McAllister 1
and 2. Boar, six months or under,
Wm. McAllister 1 and 2. Sow, six
months or under, W. Johnston 1 and 2.
Poland China Pigs.—Aged boar, Wm.
Sinclair, R. Penhale. Sow, having
littered in '94, Wm. Sinclair 1 and 2,
Boar, six months or under, Wm.
Sinclair 1 and 2. Sow, six months or
under, Wm. Sinclair 1 and 2. Special.
—Tamworth, aged hoar, P. Baker, Jas.
DAIRY PRODUCE,—Tub salt butter,
50 lbs. or over, W. Elliott, Mrs: Burdge.
25 lbs. salt butter, by E. Swarts, Mrs.
Bnrd;e, Wm. Elliott. 5 lbs. butter,
sufficiently salted for table use, 1st by
John Fraser, Esq., W. Gook, John
Johnston. Home made cheese, Mrs.
Burdge. Two bottles home made wine,
O. H. Hewson, Mrs. Wild. Honey in
jar, A. Duncan, R. Mellveen. Loaf
Dome made bread, W. Sterling, Jno.
Johnston. Loaf baker's bread, Thos.
GRAIN AND SEEDS,—Two bushels
*bite winter wheat., W. Townshend, S.
• urse. Two bushels red winter wheat,
, Jnq. Salkeld, Isaac Salkeld & Son,
Two bushels spring wheat, Simon
Mittleholtz, John Salkeld. Two bush-
els large peas, Joseph Wilds, S. Furse.
T,'o bushels small peas, S. Furse, W.
Townshend. Two bushels six rowed
barley, J. Herd, Thos. Ward. Two
bushels two rowed barley, John Salk-
eld, Isaac Salkeld & San. Teed bi's'libis
email white oats, P. Durand, Joseph
Wild. Two ln»lbels black pats,. Jost
Hudson, Jos. Wild. Eusliei timothy!
seed, Jno. Salkeld. Twelve ears of
corn, special 'by James $urns, Esq.,
Jn�is1 Salkeld, Jno. Piggf rt,
FfiuIT.—Collection of grinds, O. H.
Hewson, Jos. Wild. Fall apples, four
varieties, five of each, W. Elliott, W.
Townshend. Winter apples, four
varieties, five of each, W. Stirling, 8th
con., H. Darrah. Collection of apples,
five of each variety, Joseph Wild,
Thos. Harrison. Pears, four varieties,
five of each, Jos. Wild, W. Sterling.
Collettion pears, five of reach, Jos.
Wild, Miss Brownett. Twelve peaches
Mrs. Weston, 0, I3. Hewson. Six
b4ri cher grapes, .G, H. Heeison, Jos.
Wild. Crab apples,, Jno. Johnston,
Children Cry for
Pltchor'o estarla
W. Townshend.
VEG1 FABLE$, --Two heads cauliflow-
er, J. Weld, John Johnston. Twelve
carrots for table use, G. H. Hewsou, Mrs.
Weston. Twelve parsnips, V4 . Elliott,
G. H. Hewson. Two pumpkins, hy G.
Trompettor, W. Townshend, Thos.
Harrison. Peck potatoe onions, large
English, S. Mittleholtz, R. Snowden.
Peckpotatoeonions,'Canadian, W .Sterl-
ing R. Snowden. Peck other onions, W.
Sterling, Jno. Salkeld. Twelve field
turnips, R. Snowden, J. Willi. Twelve
field carrots, W. Sterling, J. Wild.
Three heads white celery, G, H. Hew-
son, R. Snowdeu. Three heads red
celery, Juo, McNaughton, R. Snowden.
Six beads winter radishes; R. Penhale,
,J. Wild. Two citrons, Mhos. Harrison,
R. Penhale. Two ''svatermelons, Thos.
Harrison, Jno. Salkeld. Peck of large
beans, Thoa. Harrison, Mrs. G. Nett.
Peck of small beans, W. Sterling, S.
Furse. Peck of large tomatoes, W,
Sterling, W, Hewson. Pock of small
tomatoes, G. H. Hewson, R. Snowden.
Bushel early potatoes in box or basket,
D. Prouse, Jno, Johnston. Bushel late
potatoes, Geo. Erwin, Jos. Wild.
Six field,mangolds, long red, P, Baker,
W. Elliott. Six field mangolds, yellow
blobe, John Salkeld, D. Prouse. Six
eets for table use, Jno. Salkeld, D.
Prouse. Six heads cabbage, G. H.
Herbison, Jos. Wild.
LADIES' WORK.—Knotted pillow
sham, Miss Talbot. Braided pillow
sham, Mrs. G. Nott, Miss Sterling.
Embroidered pillow sham, Mrs. Nott.
Crazy work, Mrs. Nott, Miss Sterling.
Crochet table mats, Mrs. C. Campbell,
Mrs. Nott. Toilet mats, Mrs. C. Camp-
bell, Mrs. Nott. Crochet drape, Mrs.
Nott, Mrs. C, Campbell. Table drape,
Mrs. Nott, Mrs. C Campbell. Sofa
Pillow, Mrs. Nott, Mrs. C. Campbell,
Crochet in twine, Mrs. C. Campbell.
Hooked mats, Mrs. Nott, Miss Talbot.
Embroidery on silk, satin, or velvet,
Mrs. 0, Campbell. Boquet of flowers,
large, Mrs. G. H. Hewson, Miss Sterl-
ing. Boquet of flowers, small, Mrs. G.
H. Howson, MissSterling Crochet work
in wool, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. Nott.
Crochet work in cotton, Mrs. C. Camp-
bell, Miss Talbot. Embroidery in silk
Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. Nott. Fancy
whisk holder, Mrs. G. Nott, Mrs. C.
Campbell. Knitting in worsted, Mrs.
C. Campbell, Miss Talbot. Knitting in
worsted, fancy, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs.
G. Nott. Arrasene work, Mrs. G.Nott,
Miss McClinchey. Chenile work, Mrs.
Nott, Mrs. C. Campbell. Bead work,
any design, Mrs. G. Nott, Mrs. C.
Campbell. Point lace, Mis G. Nott,
Mrs. C. Campbell. Crewele embroid-
ery, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. Nott.
Silk patch work, Mrs. G. H. Newton.
Mrs. G. Nott. Quilt in patch work,
Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss Talbot. Fancy
quilt, Mrs. C. Campbell, John Johns-
ton. Log cabin quilt, Mrs. C. Camp-
bell, Mrs. G. Nott. Knotted or crochet
quilt, Mrs. C. Campbell, Mrs. Nott.
Gent's linen shirt, Miss Sterling, Miss
Talbot. Ladies underclothing, machine
made, Miss Sterling, Mrs. C. Campbell.
Etchingin cotton or silk, Mrs. G. Nott,
Mrs. T.ing. Gent's fancy flannel shirt,
Mrs. Nott, Mrs. C. Campbell. Plain
hand sewing, Mrs. J. Whiddon, Mrs,
J. Sterling. Wax fruit, Mrs. James
Johnston. Feather flowers, Mrs.
Nott. Darned socks or stockings,
W. Sterling, Mrs. G. Nott. Berlin
wool work, flat, Mrs. Nott; Miss Sterl-
ing: BsI1 n Wool• -Werk,. .raise ,_.jp8
Talbot. Drawn work, Mrs. C. Camp-
bell, Miss Snowden. Fancy pin cush-
ion, Mrs. Nott, Mrs. C. Campbell.
Pencil drawing, Mrs. C. Campbell.
Crayon drawing, water color paint-
ing, oil painting, kensington painting,
all taken by Mrs. C.Campbell. Lustre
painting, Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss
Snowden. Painting on silk, satin
or velvet, Mrs. C. Campbell, Miss
Talbot. Best collection of house plants,
Mrs. G. H. Hewson.
IMPLEMENTS . —Lumber wagon, pat-
ent arm, F. Hess. Single buggy, F.
Hess 1 and 2. Covered buggy, D. Mc-
Naughton, F. Hess. Best chilled
plough with skimmer, Jas. Swan.
Iron beam plough without skimmer,
L. Beatty. Pair iron harrows, F. Hess.
Gang plow, L. Beatty. One-horse
drill or cultivator scuffler, James Swan.
Set horse shoes, hammered, not
polished, G. Irwin.
MANUE'AOTURES.-10 yds home-made
flannel, white, G. Nott, R. Snowden.
10 yds colored flannel, home-made, G.
Nott. Pair woollen blankets, W. Mc-
Chinchey, Miss Brownett. Skein of
woollen yarn, ten knots or over, Jno.
Johnston, Miss Sterling. Skein stock-
ing yarn, Mrs. G. H. Hewson, Jno.
Johnston. Pair woollen stockings,
Mrs. Weston, Mrs. G. Nott. Pair of
woollen socks, Mrs. Weston, Mrs. G.
H. Hewson. Pair cotton stockings,
hand -made, Mrs. G. Nott, Mrs. Wes-
ton. Pair cotton socks, hand -made,
Mrs. G. Nott, Mrs. Weston. Pair
woollen gloves, T. Talbot, Mrs. Wes-
ton. Pair woollen mitts, Miss Sterling,
Mrs. J. Whiddon. Set single harness,
J. Tippett, T. Cameron,
POULTRY.—Best pair of ducks, R.
Penhale 1 and 2. Best pair of geese,
W. Grieve, R. Penhale. Best pair of
dorkings, W . Cook, A. Duncan. Best
pair of brahmas, W. Cook 1 and 2.
Best pair of plymouth rocks, W. Cook
1 and 2. Best pair of brown leghorns,
W. Cook. Best pair of turkeys, W.
Grieve, R. Penhale. Best collection of
fowl, W. Cook, W. Elliott.
trot or pace, for horses owned within
ten miles, and driven by farmers or
farmers sons only, A. Duncan, Varna,
1st ; John Woods, Goderich township,
2nd ; time 8 minutes. Speeding in the
Young, old or middle -Aged, who find theta -
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from excess or over -work,
resulting in many of the following symp-
toms :—Mental depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad
dreams, dimness of sight, palpitiitiottof the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and
body, itching or peculiar, sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi.
nese, specks before the eyes, twitching of
the •meriele'a,'ejielids'and elsewhere, bash-
fulness, lepotits in the urine, loss of will
power, tenderness of the scalp and spins,
weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep,
failure to be rested by sleep, constipation,
dullness of hearing, loss voice, desire for
solitude, excitability of temper, sunken
eyes, surrounded with LEADEN MOLES, oily
looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of ner-
vous debility, that lead to insanity, unless
cured. The spring or vital force having
lost its tension, every function wanes in
consequence. Those who through abase
committed in ignorence,, may be perma-
nently cured. Send your address and 10e
i t stampa for book on diseases peculiar to
I man, Sent sealed. Address M.V. LIMON,
24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada.
nattli'mention this peper4
ring, wile heats, best' two in three,
open to all --John Beacom, Goderich
township, lst; Arthur Forbes, Seaforth,
and Jas. Beatty, Clinton, 2nd ; no
time, Running race, free to all, best
two in there—P. McDougall, T. Ward.
JvnGEs.--Horses—T. J. Berry, Hen -
sail ; James Connolly, Goderic1i town-
ship ; Wm. Levy, Blyth. Cattle,
Sheep and Swine—James Hearn,
Clinton ; Alex, Grainger, Bayfleld.
Dairy—J. T. Cairns, Varna ; Thos.
Johnston, Zurich, Fruit and veget-
ables—R. Mellveen, Stanley ; John
Johnston. Clinton ; Jetties Stewart,
Benmiiter. Ladies Work—Mrs, Jno,
Beacom, Goderich township ; Mrs. Geo.
King and Mrs. Geo. Burns, Bayfleld,
Poultry Wm. King and Thos. Sand-
erson, Bayfleld. Implements—F. Camp-
bell, Varna; Wm. Stanley, Holmes-
Mr A. E. Douglass, Druggist, Welland,
says:—"Stark's Powders for Headache,
Neuralgia, Biliousness, , and Liver, are
highly praised by all who have used them."
Mr J. H. Burger, Druggist and Treasur-
er, town of Welland, says:—"Stark's Pow-
ders give good satisfaction and sill readily."
Mr Alex. Rumsey, Imperial Bank, Wel-
land, says:—"Stark's Powders are excel-
Mr Wood, Manager Imperial Bank, Port
Colborne, writes:—"Stork's Powders do
their work admirably."
Mr A. E. Taylor, Deputy -Reeve, town of
Welland, says:—"Stork's Powders cured
me after two years of suffering from severe
sick headache and stomach when other
remedies failed."
Price 25c per box sold by all medicine
"How ale you getting along with
music lessions?" asked a caller. "Very
peaceably now." replied the resolute
gill. "What do you mean?" "The
neighbors on both sides of us have
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
"Prisoner at the bar, do you plead
guilty or not gulty?" "Judge, Youa
Honor, I did tap the old woman with
a flat iron just once, but she was singin'
'Sweet Marie,' an' se I"—"The clerk
will enter a plea of not guilty."
All cases of organic or sympathetic heart
disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly
cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart
one dose convinces. Sold by Watts & Co.
and ALLAN & WILSON, druggists.
Housekeeper—Now that you have
had a good meal you can saw that
wood tor me. Tramp—Pardon me,
madam, but I cannot do it. I notice
your saw is of English manufac-
ture, and I am an American and can-
not work with foreign tools.
erica Rheumatic Cures for Rheumatism
and Nenrlgia radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is re-
markable and mysterious. removes at
once the cause, and the disease immediate
ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene.
fits. Sold by WATTS & Co., and ALLAN &
WILSON, druggists.
An old lady, whose plantation was
so close on the boundry line between
_,V_irginia and North Carolina that she
wasn't certain tri ^whiclr-'State- he•r
house stood, got a surveyor' to run the
line and tell her of which State she
was a resident. It turned out that
her plantation was in Virginia; and on
being informed of the fact, she said,
with a sigh of satisfaction: "Well,
I'm glad that my house aint in North
Carolina; it was always such a sickly
Human life is held too cheaply when the
individual. who needs a tonic for his sys-
tem, seeks to cover hie wants by purchas-
ing every new mixture that is recommend-
ed to him. Remember that Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla has a well-earned reputation of
fifty years standing.
An Englishman, when travelling
in Canada, wishing to impress an In-
dian chief whom he met with the vast
power of Great Britain, informed him
that the sun never sets on British do-
minions. This seemed to make a
deep impression on the chief, who re-
mained thoughtfully silent, till the
Englishman asked him if he knew why
the sun never sets on the English
empire. At this question the Indian
roused himself and answered; "Cause
the Great spirit is afraid to trust an
Englishman in the dark."
KELIne IN lirx i1ouas.—Distressing Kid
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
KIDNEY CURE:" This new remedy is a
great emprise and delight to physicians on
acoount of its exceeding promptness in re•
lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank
and every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If yon want qnick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts
& Co., and ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists.
Pond papa (proudly displaying the
accomplishments of his six-year-old
to the visiting clergyman)—"Now,
Tommy, tell the gentleman what you
would like to be when you grow up to
be a. great bila man " Tommy (point-
ing to the visitor)—"I'd like to be a
minister like him." Visiting clergy-
man (greatly gratified) — "Ah, my
young friend, tell me why would you
like to be a ciergyman like me?" Tom-
my (promptly)—"Cause 1 heard pa
say yesterday that you had the easiest
job of any man he knew—nothing to
do but talk an hour every Sunday,
live free on the members of the con-
gregation, and be worshiped like a
little god by all the women of the
parish." Tableau!
Not a few great men have been par-
tial to cats. -T'etrarch had his cat em-
balmed; Rousseau shed genuine tears
over the loss of his; Dr. Johnson, some-
times called the "Great Bear," nursed
his cat day and night during its illness,
and went himself for oysters to tempt
its appetite; Southey raised one of his
cats to the peerage, with the high-
sounding title of"Earl of Tonllemagne,
Baron Raticide, Waowlher and Skar-
atchi." To Napoleon, however, cats
Were a mortal terror. Just after the
battle of Wagram an aide-de-camp,
upon entering the Emperor's room,
saw him half undressed, with protrud-
ing eyes and perspiring forehead, mak-
ing frequent lunges with a sword at
the tapestry around the room. In ex-
planation he said there was a cat be-
hind the tapestry, and that he had
hated cats from his very infancy. He
had crossed the bridge at Lodi with
sublime courage, yet quivered with
excitement and terror over the pres-
encs of scat. Herpes's Young People.
Enoeli and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben
Were babies together, four fat little men,
Four bald-headed babies who bumped
themselves bine,
And sprawled, grabbed, and tumbled; as all
babies do.
Full of laughter and tears, full of sorrow,
and glee,
Ann big hennaing bunglers; as ell babies be.
And in the same valley lived those little
Enooh and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben.
Enooh and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben
Were fast little chums—till they grew to
be men.
Bight bare little feet on the same errand
Througe meadows besprinkled with daises
add new;
They were aimless as butterflies, thought-
less and free
As the summer -mad bobolink, drunken
with glee.
A wonderful time were those careless days
For Enooh and Cyrus and Jerry:and Ben.
Enooh and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben
Grew from babies to boys, and from boys
into men.
Too restless to stay in the circumscribed
Of the green hills that circled their valley
To the north and the south and the east
and the west, 07-4
Each departed alone on a separate quest;
Ah! they'll ne'er be the same to each other
Enooh and Cyrus and Jerry yaand Ben.
Enoch and Cyrus anp Jerry rod Ben,
Though companions in youth, were strang.
ere as men;
Enoch grew rich and haughty and proud,
While Cyrus worked on with the toil -
driven crowd;
In the councils of state Jerry held a high
But poor Ben he soundedithe ;depths of
Ah! diverse were ;the liveatof those boys
from the glen,, I+ '• '3'tl '...
Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben.
Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben,
Who can read the strong fates that encom-
passed _these men ?
The fate that raised onh to the summit
of fame,
The fate that dragged one to the darkness
of shame,
Ab! silence is best; neither glory nor
Will 1 grant to the honored or dishonored
We are all like these boys who grew to be
Like Enoch, or Cyrus, or Jerry, or Ben.
Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrap-
per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom-
an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER
BROS., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and
yon will receive by post a pretty picture,
free from advertising and well worth fram-
ing. This is an easy way to decorate your
home. The soap is the best in the market
and it will only cost lo postagelto send in
the wrappers, if you leave the ends open.
Write your address carefully.
Opeme Successfully in Wall Street
Co-operative K. It. Stock Syndicate.
Large Profits Realized with Minimum Risks.
"Prospectus and Daily Market Letter"
Mailed Free.
"Weinman & Co.,
Stock and Grain Broker.
No. 41 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY.
To all parts of the West and Northwest
via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paid
Railway, at practically half rates. Round
trip tickets, good for return passage within
twenty days from date of sale, will. be Sold
on September 11 and 25 and Ootober 9, 1894.
For further information apply to the
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address A.
J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent,
Toronto, Ont.
For sale cheap four hundred first-class Cedar
Poets at Clinton {station. Apply to JAB. KEANR,
Clinton, or JOHN LANDSHOROUGH, Seaforth
A First-class Step or Long Ladder 7
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then call on W. SMITHSON, a
shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dinsley
Will be at Dineley's cornerevery Saturday
Manutacturor and Proprietor for the best burs
NMI Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli-
Oi aesna. STEAK FITTINGS furnished and app
ad on short notice
Bolters. Engines, and all hinds o
Maehinery repaired expeditiously
and to asatisfaatory .Wanner
Iranm implements manufactured and repaired
Steam and water pumps furnished and put in
poeitipn, Dry Kilns fitted ap on application
Charges moderate.
S. WILS0111,
hepairio5 of all kinds promptly attended to
reasonable rates. A trial solictiod.
Are healthy -some of the time, some women aro
healthy ail the time, but all women are not
healthy all the time unless they wash with a
We warrant the Seward Washer to ctoanse an
fabric that soap and water will cleanse. Now is
the time to wash your carpets and taco curtains.
Get a Seward Washer, manufactured by
J. T. SEWARD, : Clinton, Ont
AGENTS WANTED in every town in Canada
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment la in full operation and al
order. filled in the most satisfactory way Oeme,
tory and granite work a specialty. ruses as
reasonable ae.theee of auto' establisbn;e
Mi3A1f.11 & B'dl'V'>otle, b11fANinl+ lad
000l -or 19 1894 •
What is
Oastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for In!!1 sill
and Children. It contains neither Opining Morphbh0 Kee
other Nareotic substance. It Is a harmless a>ie b
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' nee be.
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and saw
feverishness. Castor's prevents vol siting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria renews
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach.
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Calve
toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
"Csetorla Is an excellent medicine for chil-
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Oastoria in-
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Ds. J. F. KINosSLos,
Conway, Ark.
" Castor's Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior twiny prescription
known to me."
H. A. Aroma, M. D.,
11180. Oxford 8t., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart.
meet have spoken highly of their experi-
ence in their outside practice with Castoria„
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wear() free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won ns to look with
laver upon it."
Dump Hoserrur. Arm Drianuotsmr,
Boston, Maes,
ALTAR C. Stern, .Ates.,
The Centaur Company, T1 Murray Street, New York City.
Corsets are now recognized
to be the Standard Corset
of Canada..
Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded.
Hub Grocery IN= Tea
Just arrived, a consignment of the celebrated BEE BRAND TEA,
put in half pound and pound packages. This is the only package Tea put
up where it is grown. The Bee Brana i'ea is grown in the Palamcotta
Gardens, Ceylon, and is no mixture, but a pure Tea of very fine flavor and
strength. This Tea took the first plane at the World's°Fair, Chicago. We
have the sole agency for this town. Come and get a sample and try it.
People Must Live
And in order to do so they want the very best they can pct.
We have anticipated their desire by purchasing the choicest
Slaving had h5 years experience, think we know the wants
of the people pretty well. Our stock embraces everything
found in a first-class grocery, and we will not be undersold.
We have a Beautiful Assortment of FANCY GLASSWARE and
CROCKERY. Special Cuts on SUGARS and TEAS in large lots
J. W. Irwin, Grocer
The Business College Sham is the most to be despised. Not every instiller*,
dubbed Business College is worthy of your support,. You will in all likes umal.
take a Business Course but once, therefore, why not select a School/that ]gids
earned a reputation for practical conscientious work. The
Forest City Business & Shorthand CoIIegP, of Lelndo$
stands head and shoulders above the average Canadian Schools—at-admits
everywhere successful—Catalogue free--
Address carefully J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
Occasionally, but never
on the question of
Combinations being
4, absolutely_ the best thi
for women and child to
Every first-class dry goods
house keeps them. Look
for the word " Health'"
on silk label at nec3kk.
Ltuy no imitations.