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Rill><?O# QQ9 QBBR 15, 1894.
West .R11111•911 Teachers
'l'jro West aurch Teachers, Association
diet in the Collegiate Institute, GoderLah,
f;ssSept.; 27th, Prtelsident J. T. Wren noon -
plea the chair,
H, I, Strang, D. ,A., bead master of, tile,
Coilegir to institute, weloomed the assooia-
tlon, and, on behalf of the trustee board
ppxesented the teachers the freedom of the
Sa, 1S•li. yd read an able paper on "Edu•
;'pillion Boni amoral standpoint." Several
teneliere dismissed the subjeot Ind com-
ted Mr Boyd on his excellent paper.
eeolution of thanks to Mr Boyd was
pawl eft by the aesooiation.
li lag M, Reek, of the Goderioh Model
4dhooi, read an excellent paper on "Pon-
?ltlraliehip and how to teach it." Mies dusk
tekches'vertical writing and is an advocate
of ilio system. Many teachers took part
bq't};ediscussion, and much valuable in-
,f9rm titzn was gleaned from the paper and
• irona the disonssion that followed.
„o, general discussion took plane as to the
deplorable practice of underbidding that is
.!et'present i vogue among teachers. No-
„', Oleg tended to lower the dignity of the
pr*fession more than this pernioions me-
+thod Qf securing'positions. Many valuable
Uinta were thrown out relative to making
the'teaoliing profession more permanent.
"dA motion of Inspector Tom this matter
waif referred .to the resolution committee
to report thereon,
:' .IlloRoberts,_of Holmesville, took up
”Geography—how ..to teaah it.” Mr Mo-
$dberts went into the „Matter very thor-
`'+oughly, and showed that°•he hadltbestowed
mnoh time and careful study in preparing
hie paper. The subject was discussed fur-
therby several of the teaohers present.
A, J. Moore, B. A., next took up the sub -
led of "Derivations" and dealt with his
]method of taking up the work with pupils.
sr'• The difference between derivation and in-
flection should he carefully taught. The
t<glish prefixes should be first taught
•:th§roughly. After these the Latin or Greek
`may be taught in either order. Mr Moore
gave some excellent examples of peculiar
,land' difficult derivations; his paper was
very interesting and instructive, and the
`' .:;teachers were very much pleased with Mr
'!';i' 2odre's manner of dealing with the sub-
The time for adjournment having arriv-
'ed, the asaooiation adjourned to meet at
9; a.m. Friday.
ibyp=, In the evening a very successful enter-
tainment was held in the Collegiate Insti-
:-tute assembly room. Interesting and in-
+. etructive addresses were given by H. I.
:Strang, B.A.; Inspector Tom, G. Baird, W.
`'''Lane and G. Holman. Misses Slack, Me-
4.i`Ziiren, Ausebrooke, A. Burritt,.Strang and
;.'Neftel, and the Coll. Inst. glee club fur-
nished an excellent program of music and
song, which was highly appreciated. J. T.
Wien disoharged the duties of chairman
very efficiently.
The Association met at 9 a.m., Mr Wren
in the chair.
The result of the election of officers was
"pais follows :—President, J. B. Weatherhead,
St. Helens; Vice Pre/s.., Mrs A. Robb, Far-
,sosodater;„est„ .T..rr'.irEsfs is M' •: ,0,1nlana.1,11
ville. Executive Com.—Messrs G. Shep-
pard, Saltford; J. S. Delgaty, Centralia; S.
4=P (fails, B.A. Goderioh; Misses Watson,
Nile, and McMath, Goderich.
A vote of thanks was presented to J. T,
`Wren and the other retiring officers, for
•y ,their services during the past year.
Inspector Tom then called the roll, and
74 teachers answered to their names.
J. S. Cameron, of the Collegiate Institute,
'very ably discussed the subject "Rhetoric,
::.and how to teach it.” This subject was
"assigned to Mr Strang, but Mr Cameron,
who teaches the subjeot in the Collegiate,
kindly consented to introduce the subject.
Cameron showed by the manner in
. hich he presented this branch of school
wadlk, that he was thoroughly conversant
with 'the subjeot, and bestowed much care
anti study on the 'preparation of the paper.
• Mr Cameron was requested to illustrate
his method of teaching paragraph analysis,
'':;%which he did, to the great satisfaction of
"the Asaaciation, A hearty vote of thanks
;: ;was• tendered him for his excellent paper
•and instructive address.
J. B. Weatherhead then showed his
method of teaching literature. A class of
;!.'•model school students was present, affordins
^114Ir Weatherhead an opportunity of illne-
b-kitting his method of teaching literature
in a practical manner. The subject was
urthor discussed by several teachers.
W, McClusky introduced the subject
•"Some work, nature of, assigning and cor-
,4Botion of the same."
Mr McClusky was opposed to the as -
Aping of home work to any large ex -
''.tent, unless by way of reviewing the work
:Of the day eo as to more firmly fix the in-
formation gleaned in the mind. If any
;; woik'is assigned it should be such as can
be easily examined and to serve more as an
exercise of neatness than that of mental
`strain. The adbject was further discussed
':lay several of the teachers present.
...On motion of G W Holman seconded by
Baird,a unanimous vote of thanks of the
r,, aBsooiation was tendered the Collegiate In -
3• ; ptitute Board for the use of their excellent
• esseinbly room for the sessions of the as-
ieoPiation, and the association adjourned
; et1.2.30 to meet at the call of the executive.
The association is decidedly in favor of a
;tittilion meeting -with the East Huron next
Spring. Guo. W. HOLMAN, Sec. Treas.,
Goderich Fair.
"the fOilowing
the-fOilowing was accidently omit -
ed froth its proper place in the prize
list on -"pa e 3.
Hotta MANIIFAOTIIRES .—Woven quilt,
jttome made, Selina Nott, est. J. J. Fish -
40r; patchwork quilt, woolen, Mrs. Hamil-
%ion S. Nott; patchwork quilt, cotton,
S. Nott, L. Symington ; patchwork quilt,
Ylk; Mrs. H. Reale ; embroidered
P'Mrs. C. •Campbell; knitted quilt,
Beek: A. Allen ; crotchet work quilt,
• I;. Symington, Mrs. H. Heale, Smyrna
rig, Mrs. H. ,R. Walker, S. Nott ; home
=toad`s carpet, Mrs, H. R. Walker, S.
ott; home made rag mat, Mrs. H. R.
'r 1 Vraker, Wm. Sterling; woollen stook-
iiings Mtn. Hamilton, Miss L. Buchanan;
woollen Gooks,, S. Nott, Mies L. Buch-
anon ; woollen gloves, S. Nott, L. Sym.
intron ; woollen mite ; A. E. Washing,
Uri, Miss L. Buchanan; woollen yarn,
° Como made, Mrs. Hamilton, Wm. Steris
fag; gent's shirt, hand made, Mrs. Hamii,
tea, Mitis Buchanan ; gent's shirt, mach••
ne Made, s. Handl%
„ nt's' fancy flannel siss hre
i tmeohine
tail,:Miss Buchanan? .Mrs. Hamilton ;
eilfis fancy flannel shirt, hand made, S.
Oar Mies Thioilanan, ••,night dregs, Wmti
ling, S, Nott; tattlrl , 8. Nott, A.
t'rtl4 # .erotohet, work, in. wool, Mrs.
C. Campbell, S. Nott,; crotchet work, in
cotton, S, Nottt Mrs. Campbell; ma..
orame `Yorli;, L. Symington, G. A.
Whitely; crotchet work and novelty
timid combined, Mrs. Campbell, J . M.
Robertson; embroidery onlinenor cot,
ton, L. Symington, It I. Watson ; point
lane, Eva Wilkinson, L. Symington;
honiton lace, S, Nott, L. Symington;
silk embroidery,Si, Nott, Hattie C.
Smith ; embroidered' slippers, b.
Nott, Mrs. H. R. Walkers piano
or table scarf,. Mrs. Q. Camps
bell, Miss . Polley ; worked whisk
holder, S. Nott, Mrs. A. Waddell ;
worked parlor eatobet, S. Nott, M. L.
Sneyd ; sofa pillow, M. L. Sneyd, Miss
J. Wilson; tray cloth, embroidered, C. A.
Nairn, Mrs. C. Campbell; table oentre
piece, L. Symington, Mrs. Campbell
toilet set of any kind, L. Symington, M.
L. Sneyd ; one set table mate, Mrs. A.
Waddell, -Mies Stokes ; tea oosy, Hattie
C. Smith, Mrs. Campbell; shawl of any
kind, H. L. Watson, M. L. Snyde;
fancy braiding any material, S. Nott,
M. L. Sneyd t fancy knitting, by hand,
A. E. Washington, S. L. Scott; fancy
patched work, L. Symington, A E,
Washington; etching or outline enbroid-,
cry, S. Nott, Mrs. C. Campbell; Roman
embroidery, in linen, M. L, Sneyd, E.
Richardson ; darned net, specimens of
L. Symington, S. I'Tott; patch on an old
garment, Miss Stokes ; fancy netting,
Miss Buchanan • drawn work, Hattie C.
Smith, Miss G. E. Martin; darning, best
and neatest on stockings, Mrs. Hamil-
ton, Miss Stokes ; Queen Ann darning,
Mrs. Campbell, L. Symington ; repousse
or hammered brass work, Miss E.
Frazer; painting on glass, Miss Camp—
bell, L. Symington ; painting on felt,
Miss Buchanan, Miss Stokes ; fire screen
Mrs. Campbell, L. Symington fancy
tidy, Mrs. Campbell, L. Symington;
novelty, any kind, Mrs. H. R. Walker,
L. Symington ; crotchet linen lane, H.
L. Watson, Hattie C. Smith ; crochet
cotton lace, Mrs. Campbell, A. E. Wash-
ington ; chenille embroidery on felt, S.
Nott, L. Symington; etching on any
materal, fine or coarse,lHattie C. Smith,
C. A. Nairn ; arrasene work, S. Nott,
W. T. Murney ; crazy work in wool, H.
L. Watson, G. A., Whitely ; crazy work
in silk, S. Nott, L. Symington ; aplique
on 'felt, S. Nott, L. Symington ; fancy
pincushion, Mrs. Campbell, M. L. Sneyd;
crochet or knit slippers, M, L. Sneyd,
S. Nott; button boles, display, W. T.
Murney, A. E. Washington; handkers
chief sachet, M. L. Sneyd, Hattie C.
Smith ; glove box, M. L. Sneyd ; kitchen
apron, H. L. Watson, Hattie Smith ;
laundry bag, Mrs. H. R. Walker, H. L.
Watson ; embroidery with linen floss,
L. Symington, Miss G. E. Martin; ems
hroidery with rope silk, L. Symington,
Miss G. E. Martin ; beat and greatest
oollection. of Ladies' work, S. Nott, L.
Symington ; collection millinery, Hattie
C. Smith ; wreath of flowers, recom.
Seaforth Fall Fair.
The following is the list of prizes award-
ed at the South Huron fall show, held in
Seaforth,, on Thursday and Friday of last
HoxsEs.—Imported Heavy 1Sraught.—
Brood mare, E Fotheringham., Foal, E
Fotheringham. 2 -yr old filly, W Coleman,.
C Dale, jr, Jas Ross.
Canadian Heavy Draught,—Brood mare,
Geo Dale, Jas Reynolds, John T Dickson.
Foal, J Reynolds, G Dale. 3 -yr olds, W
Dale, John Dale, 2 -yr olds, W Dale, Jae
Paterson. Yearlings, Geo Dale, Jn Dale.
Team, Geo Turnbull, Jas Reynolds.
General Purpose—Brood mare, W Dale,
T Cclquhoun, Foal, T Colquhoun, D Mc-
Tavish. 3 -yr olds, T Colquhoun, H For-
syth. 2 -yr olds, P M Chesney, J McTav-
ish. Yearlings, J Dale, H Ross. Team,
Jae Patreson, W Logan.
LIGHT HORSES.—Carriage—Brood mare,
R Pollard. Foal, G S & W Black, A Curry.
3 -yr olds, G E Cresswell, 2 -yr olds, P
McKay, R Common. Yearlings, G White-
ley, R Pollard. Carriage pair, C Wolf, A
McMurchie & Co. Single carriage horse, S
Hunter, H Vernick, A MoMurchie & Co.
Roadsters—Brood mare, R Wilson, R
Charters, R Common. Foal, R Wilson, W
Dale. 3•yr olds, R Wilson. 2 -yr old geld-
ing, Sam Wise, R Wilson.. Yearlings, H J
Grieve, R Govenlock.. Pair roadsters, H
Grieve,• A Forbes. Single roadster, A
Forbes, It Frost, R Wilson. Special for
roadster brood mare and foal, R Wilson.
Special for farmer's driving horse or mare,
S Hunter, P McGregor.
CATTLE.—Durhams—Aged cow, 1 and 2
D D Wilson, 3 W Carnochan, 3 -yr old, 1)
D Wilson, Elcoat Bros, D D Wilson. 2 -yr
old heifer, 1 and 2 D D Wilson, 3 J Avery.
Yr old heifer, D D Wilson, Elcoat Bros.
Heifer calf, D D Wilson, James Broadfoot,
Elcoat Bros. Bull calf, D D Wilson, El -
coat Bros. Herd, D D Wileon,W Carnochan.
Grades.—Aged cow, 1 and 2 D D Wilson.
2 -yr old heifer, D D Wilson, G E Cresswell.
Yr old heifer, 1 and 2 D D Wilson. Heifer
calf, D D Wilson, G.E Cresswell.
Butchers' Cattle -2 -yr old steer, T Cage,
C Dale, jr. Yr old steer, D D Wilson.
Ayrshires—Cow, 1 and 2 Thomas Hill.
Heifer, Mex Gray.
SHEEP.—Leioesters—Aged ram, George
Penhale, R Charters. Shearling ram, Geo
Penhale, R Charters. Ram lamb, Wm
Grieve, R Charters. Pair ewes, G Penhale,
R Charters. Pair abearlings, 1 and 2 G
Penhaln. Ewe lambs, W Grieve, G Pen -
hale. Pen, G Penhale.
Southdowns, G E Cresswell took all
prizes, six lsts, two 2nds and diploma.
Shropshire%,—Aged ram, Jae Cooper &
Son, John Avery. Shearling ram, 1 & 2
Cooper & Son. Ram lamb, 1 & 2 Cooper &
Son. Pair ewes, J Cooper & Son, Wm
Grieve. Pair shearlings, J Cooper & Son,
J Avery. Ewe lambs, 1 & 2 J Cooper &
Son. Pen, J Cooper & Son.
Fat sheep—Pair fat ewes, Elcoat Bros.
Plus—Tamworth, Aged boar, F Schoales.
Boar, Jas Dorrance (extra.) Aged sow, D
D Wilson (extra.)
BERKSHIRE—Aged boar, Oboe Troyer, F
Schoales. Young boar, 1 & 2 W McAllis-
ter. Young sow, 1 &,2 W MoAllister.
Any other breed—Young boar, 1 & 2 W
Sinclair. Aged sow, 1 & 2 W Sinclair.
Young sow, 1 & 2 W Sinolair.
POULTRY—Light Brahmas, Jos Cook, W
-Aitchison. Dark Brahmas, G Irwin, W
Sinclair. Plymouth Rooks, J Cook, G
Irwin. Cochine, J Cook, Mrs H R Walker.
Langehana, W Sinclair, J Cook. Colored
Dorkings, J Cook. Collection singing
birds, 1 & 2 G Irwin. Any other variety
Dorkings, W Grieve, G Irwin. Game
fowl, 1 & 2 J Cook. Black Hamburge, G
Irwin, A Currie. Houdans, 1 & 2 George Best arranged basket, J Beattie, T Cottle,
Irwin. White Leghorna, G Irwin, W J Scott. Special, collection Star Phloxes,
dueke, Geo Irwin, J Patterson, Rouen
duoks, G Irwin, Mrs II R Walker. Any
variety bantams, G Irwin{ E Barnet, Mr
Hartrey', speoials for Leghorn and Minor -
pas, 1 & 2 Jas Beattie.
Birds Bred in 1894—Light Brahmas, G
Irwin, 1 & 2 G Irwin. Dark Brabmaa, G
Irwin, E Barnet. Plymouth rooks, Geo
Irwin, E Barnet. Coohine, J Cook, Ed
Barnet. Langshans, J Cook, E Barnet.
Colored Dorkings, B Barnet, 0 Irwin.
Any other Dorkings, G Irwin. Game
fowl, 1 & 2 7 Cook. Black Homburgs, W
Aitoheson. White Leghorns, 1 &' 2 `Wm
Hartrey. Brown Leghorns, G Irwin, Ed
Barnet. Blank Spanish, Wm Aitoheson
Wyandottes, J Cook. Black minoroas, 1
& 2 W Hartrey. Any varieties not on list,
J Cook. Turkeys, E C Coleman, G Irwin.
Gees&, G Irwin, W Grieve. Pekin duoks,
G Irwin. Rouen ducks, 1 & 1 W Aitohi-
son. Any other duoks, G Irwin, W Grieve.
And variety Bantams, Ed Barnet, Geo
IMPLEMENTS—Farm wagon, D MoDon-
ald. Double top buggy, H Grieve. Top
phaeton, 0 0 Wilson. Top buggy, F Hese,
H Grieve. Open buggy, H Grieve, F Hess.
Double pleasure sleigh, H Grieve. Single
piano box cutter, H a,rieve. Portland nut-
ter, H Grieve. Set of heavy bobsleighs, 8
Barton & Son. Road cart, H Grieve, F
Hess. Iron beam plow, H Grieve. Sulky
plow, 0 0 Wilson. Cultivator, D McDon-
ald. Gang plow, Estate of T T Coleman.
Pair of iron harrows, D McDonald. Roll-
er, Estate of T T Coleman. Turnip nutter,
Estate of T T Coleman, H Grieve. Horse
shoe, Estate of T T Coleman. Churn, 1 &
2 0 0 Wilson. Wooden pump, 1& 2 J S
Welsh. Building brick, Sproat Bros.
SPECIALS—Agricultural boiler, H McIn-
tosh. Ensilage cutter, 0 C Wilson. Horse
power, 0 0 Wilson. Universal power
jerk, Estate of T T Coleman.
GRAINS AND SEEDS—Fall wheat, white,
W Kerslake, M Brethour. Fall wheat, red,
D Brethour, M Brethour. Spring wheat,
M Brethour, D Brethour. Six -rowed bar-
ley, M Brethour, J Patterson. Two -rowed
barley, M Brethour, W Kerslake. Large
oats, 14. Brethour, D Brethour. Common
oats, In Brethour, M McKay. Black oats,
M Brethour, D prethour. Large peas, G
Brock, M Bretholir. Small peas, M Breth-
our, R Brock. Mummy peas, M Brethour.
Timothy seed, M Brethour, J Patterson.
Flax seed, M Brethour, D Brethour. White
beans, M Brethour. Clover seed, Elcoat
Bros., D Brethour. Collection grain in
ear, M Brethour, D Brethour.
DAIRY PRoouca—Five pounds butter, Jae
Patterson, Mrs J Burge, A Buchanan.
'Ten pounds butter, Mrs J Burge, d Hogg,
Mrs J Burge. Fifty pounds butter, A
Buchanan, G Nott, Mrs J Burge. Private
made cheese, Mrs J Burge. Mr Morris'
special for butter, Mrs J Burge. Consit
Bros' special for butter, Mrs J. Burge. Mr
Pierce's special for butter, J Hogg. Wm
Pickard's special for butter, A Buchanan,
ter apples, G Irwin, J G Sproat. Fall
apples, G Nott, W Chesney. Collection
apples, R Govenlock, W Chesney. Rhode
Island Greenings, Chesney Bros., R Den-
nie. Northern spies, G Dale, Elcoat Bros.
Roxboro Russets, J G Sproat, G Nott.
Baldwins, W C Landsborough, S Wise.
Westfleld's seek no further, J S Brown.
Snow apples, W Chesney, A Currie. Grav-
ensteins, C Routledge. Fall pippins, El -
coat Bros., J 5 Brown. Colverts, J S
Brown, G Irwin. King of Tompkins, C
Dale, sr., B Armstrong. Alexanders, R
Charters, Canada Red, J G Wilson, Jas
C _McMichael— Swart,, P _M Chesney.
-=Ribston,-Ripping--Mrs: Nott-r'H,.E4rrsy tlL
Wagner, S Wallace, J Dale. Grimes G.
Pippins, R Dennie. Maiden's Blush, J
Dale; R Govenlock. •&olden -'Russets, 4-G
Sproat, W Aitchison. Seedling apples, J
G Mcivlichael, W Coleman. Ben Davis, R
Armstrong. W Aitchison, Duchess Ango-
liene, ars Nott, 11 Elliott
Pears.—Winter Pears, R Govenlock.
Flemish Beauty, R Charters, J S Brown.
Duchess D'Angoulene, J S Brown, J G Mc-
Michael. Grey Doyenne, J G Wilson.
Vicar of Wingfield, R Murtrie, Elcoat Bros.
Louis Bonne de Jersey, J Scott, J G Sproat.
Plums.—Jefferson, W H McCracken.
Duanes Purple, W H McCracken. Lom-
bard, W Kyle, M Brethour. Any other
variety, W H McCracken.
Grapes, etc.—Moore's Early, R Goven-
lock. Delaware, J McTavish. Concord, R
Govenlock. Rogers No 19, R Gdvenlock.
Rogers No 4, 1 and 2 R Govenlock. Any
other variety, R Govenlock, J Scott.C,%rabs,
R Govenlock, Geo Nott. Early Crawford
peaches, P fs1 Chesney. Late Crawfords,
Elcoat Bros, J Dale. Any other variety
peaches, R Govenlock, P M Chesney. Col-
lection canned fruit, P Moore, W H Mc-
Cracken. Collection honey, W Hartry.
Honey in comb, W Hartry, R Govenlock.
Honey in jar, W Hartry, D Ferguson.
Home made wines, P Moore, George Nott.
Bottled pickles, W H McCracken.
VEGETAnLEs.—Potatoes--Early Rose, W
11 McCracken. Mrs H R Walker. Beauty
of Hebron, W 11 McCracken, J Galbraith.
Late Rose, W H McCracken, W Aitchison.
Early Vermont, W H McCracken. Snow-
flake,W 11 McCracken. Early Telephone'
W H MoOraoken. New variety, 1 ai5'd 2'
W Aitchison. Second new variety, C
Dale, er. Any other variety potatoes, Mrs
H R Walker, W H McCracken. Winter
cabbage, J Allison, G Crew. Pickling cab-
bage, Joe Allison, recommended. Blood
beets, M Brethour, Mrs Walker. Sugar
beets, W H McCracken. Long mangolds,
W H McCracken, F H Schoales. Globe
mangolds, \V H McCracken, Jos Allison.
Intermediate mangolds, W H McCracken,
Elcoat Bros. Early horn carrots, Wm H
McCracken, G Crew. Nantes carrots, W
H McCracken,W Aitchison. Long orange
or red carrots, W H McCracken, 13 Hunter.
White Belgian carrots, Elcoat Bros, W H
McCracken. Sweet corn, A C Coleman.
Indian corn, J Allison, M Brethour. Tur-
nips, J Allison, J Beatty. Water melons,
Wm H McCracken, W Chesney. Metek
melons, W H MoCraoken, Chesney Bros.
Pumpkin, J Allison, 5 Hunter. Squash, 1
and 2 W H McCracken. Cauliflower, J
Allison,W H McCracken. Red onions,W
H MoCraoken, S Wise. White or yellow
onions, W H McCracken, 3 Scott. Toma-
toes, J Allison, M Brethour. Celery W
H McCracken, Jos Allison. Citron, W H
McCracken, W Swallow. Parsnips, W H
McCracken, 3 Allison. Collection of vege-
tables, J Allison, W H McCracken.
FLOWERS.—Fuchsias, T Cottle, J Beattie.
Foliage plants, Mre, H R Walker, T Cottle.
Begonias, W Hartry, J G McMichael.
Geraniums, T Cottle. Hanging basket, T
0 Kemp, T Cottle. 'Collection of flowers,
T 0 Kemp, T Cottle.
Cut flowers.— Dahlias, Standard, T Cot-
tle. Dahlias, bouquet, T Cottle. Pansies,
J Soott, J Walker. Asters, J Scott, John
Walker. Ten weeks' stook, J Beattie, J
Walker. Verbenas, J Scott, Thos Cottle.
Single petunias, J Walker, J Scott. Dou-
ble petunias, Jae Scott, T Cottle. Phlox
Drnmmondi, J Scott, T Cottle. Gladiolus,
J Scott, J Beattie. Zenias, Wm Kyle.
Hartrey. Brown Leghorn%, Ed Barnet.
Black Spanish, Wm Aitchison. Black
Minoroas, G•Irwin, W Hartrey. Wyan-
dottes, J Cook. Any other variety, Geo
Irwin. Turkeys, A Calder, W Grieve.
Toulouse geese, W Grieve, Any variety
geese, J Patterson, W Aitchison. Pekin
J Beattie.
MANUFACTURES:—Domestic cloth, 1 and 2,
Mrs H Chesney jr. All wool flannel, Robt
Bell, W Chesney. All wool blankets, P M
Chesney, Tre Chesney, r. Woolen Yarns
A G VanE mond, W H McCracken. Do-
mestic'cottZn warp, woollen weft, R Bell,
W Chesney. k'aotory tweeds, 1 ana 2, AG
VanEgmond. Factory 'flannel, 1 and 2 j
A G VanEgmond; Factory blankets, l and
2 A (Il' VanEgmond. Set of single harness,
1 and 2 M. Broderick. Set of double har-
ness, 1 and •2 M Roderick. • T 0 Kemp',
sppecial for home made bread by girl under
16 yrs, J Boss, J B Henderson, W Hartry.
Set of parlor furniture, 1 and 2 Broadfoot
Box. Set of Bedroom furnitu're,1 'and 2
Broadfoot & Bos. Assortmentof tweeds,
1 and 2 A G VanEgmond. Extra, side-
board, Broadfoot & Box,
•Fn e, Anrs.--Water Color, J G Oriels,
Mrs C Campbell. Oil painting, Miss H
Reid, A Buchanan. Crayon eketoh, Mrs
Campbell. John MoNevin. Penoil sketch,
none awarded, Mrs Campbell.
LADIES' WoRR—Reg carpet, woolen warp,
W Chesney, Mrs H Chesney, jr. Rag oar -
pet, cotton warp, Mrs H R Walker, Mrs >d
Chesney, jr. Rag door mat, hooked, Mrs
H Chesney, W Bullard. Rag door mat,
sewed, Miss Symington, W Chesney. Rag
hearth mat, sewed, W H MoCraoken, Mrs
0 Campbell. Rag hearth mat, hooked,
Mrs Walker, W Chesney. Wool cooks,
Mrs Nott, W H MoCraoken. Wool stook-
ings, 1) Ferguson, Mrs Nott. Ladies'
wool mitts, J McTavish, Miss Symington,
J Archibald. Men's wool gloves, Miss
Symington, S Wise. Counterpane, domes-
tic wove, P Moore, Mrs D Stewart. Coun-
terpane, knitted, Mrs D Stewart, Mrs Nott.
Counterpane, crochet, Miss Symington,
Mrs Nott. Counterpane, tufted, P Moore.
Patchwork quilt, calico, C Aitzel, D Fer-
guson. Patchwork quilt, cloth, M Breth-
our. Log cabin quilt, Mrs Nott, Mrs D
Stewart. Silk orazy quilt, Mrs Nott, Mrs
Campbell. Fancy wool shawl, Mrs Nott,
Mre Campbell. Hand made shirt, Mrs
Walker, D McIntyre. Machine made
shirt, C Aitzel, Mrs Nott, Patching, P
Moore, J Archibald. Darning, Mrs Walk-
er, Mrs Nott. Buttonholes, C Aitzel, E
Symington. Pillow shame, Mrs G Nott,
Miss 5 Dorrance. Table mats, Miss Dor-
rance, Mrs Campbell. Table doyles, Chas
Aitzel, Not Known. Toilet set, M Breth—
our, Miss Symington, Fancy pin cushion.
C Aitzel, Miss A B Reid. Sofa pillow, D
McIntyre, C Aitzel. Crochet work (twine)
S Hunter, A Storey. Macrame work, Miss
Symington, M Brethour. Wax flowers or
fruit, colored, Mrs Campbell. Paper flow-
ers, Mrs H Chesney, jr., M Brethour.
Piano or table scarf, Mrs Nott, M. Breth-
our. Embroidered table cover, Miss, Dor-
rance, W Duncan. Worked whisk holder,
Mrs Nott, Mrs Campbell. Worked hair,
upholstered, 1 & 2 D McIntyre. Worked
ottoman, Mrs Nott, D McIntyre. Paint-
ing on china, flowers, oils, Mrs Campbell,
C Aitzel. Painting on terra cotta, oils, C
Aitzel, Mrs Campbell. Drawing room
screen, Mrs J C Laidlaw, Mrs Campbell.
Hand screen, E Symington. Bannerettes,
Mrs Nott, Mrs J C Laidlaw. Bracket
drapery, 1 & 2 Miss Dorrance. Penelope
work, Miss Symington, Mrs Campbell.
Tidy, crochet, R Mutrie, Mrs H Chesney,
jr. Band made yarn, Mrs VV alker, W H
McCracken. Knitted tidy, A Storey.
Gold or silver tinsel work, C Aitzel, Mrs
Nott. Etching or outline work, Mrs Nott,
C Aitzel. Applique work on cloth, etc.,
Mrs Campell, Miss Smyington. Arasene
embroidery, Miss Symington, C Aitzel.
Crewel embroidery,Mrs Campbell, C Aitzel.
Embroidery on silk or satin,C Aitzel,G Nott.
Embroidery in flannel, C Aitzel, Mrs Nott.
Sham stitch embroidery, Miss Symington.
Ribbon or ribbosene embroidery, M Breth-
our, Mrs Nott. Chenille work, Mrs Nott,
Miss Symington. Bullion embroidery, Mrs
Campbell, Mrs Nott. Braiding, Mrs. Nott,
Miss Symington. Bead work, Mrs J C
'i-aid}itwr--M-rs Nott.=:_.Berlin _wank.w,ji,,
Mrs Walker. Straw plait, Mrs Campbell,
S \Viae., hace,_roya1 battenberg, Mrs C
Campbell. Point lace, Miss S Doriande,
Miss Symington. Honiton lane, Miss
Symington, G Nott, Knitted lace, D Fer-
guson, Mrs D Stewart. Lace crochet, VV
Duncan, Miss Symington. Rick rack, D
Ferguson, Miss Symington. Tatting, Mrs
Nott, Mrs Campbell. Darned net Mrs G
Nott, Miss Symington. Drawn threads
and hem stitch, Chas Aitzel, D McIntyre.
Silk work on canvas, 1 and 2 D McIntyre.
Panels, Mrs Campbell, Mrs J C Laidlaw.
Fancy table, D McIntyre, Mrs Campbell.
Home made bread, T Case, T Q Kemp,,R
handkerchief, C Aitzel, R Boll. Darned
so Ars or stockings, J Architgld, J Beattie.
Wool crochet work, R 13e11, J Beatty.
Cotton crochet work, R Bell, J Bolger.
Painting, any object , 1 and 2 A G VanEg-
mond's Sons. Drawing, J McNevin, Wm
Chesney. Best dressed doll, C Aitzell.
Dolls clothes, C Aitzel, 1V H McCracken.
Fancy pin cushion, C Aitzel, W Chesney.
Wood work, W Chesney. Plain sewife
by child under 8 years, Mre J Govenlock,
W Chesney. Straw plait, Mrs Campbell,
S. Wise.
SPECIALS.—Rope table, W Storey. Em-
broidery on net, Mrs McIntyre. Cotton
warp yarn, carnot, Mrs H. R. Walker.
Table mat, Mies Dorrance. Quilt by old
lady, A. Govenlock. Quilt by' girl, Mrs J
Govenlock. Quilt by child, A Govenlock,
J Govenlock. Carpet, Mrs 0 Walker.
JUDGES. — Horses and cattle — Henry
Ileal, Mitchell; James Gaunt. Poultry—
CAitzel, Seaforth; T McLaughlin, Mitchell.
Implements—A M Ross, R Robinson, S
A Moffatt. Grain and seeds—T 0 Kemp,
R Scott. Dairy produce—G Samwell, Ex-
eter; J C Laidlaw, Seaforth. Fruit—T H
Race, Mitchell; J Stewart, Benmiller.
Vegetable -D Stewart, Brussels. Flowers
—D Stewart, Brussels. Manufacturers—
G Barnwell, Exeter; J Laidlaw. Ladies'
work—Miss 5 Govenlock, Mrs J G Wilson,
Mrs rapt, Mrs Budd.
Belgrave Show.
The East Wawanosh Agricultural Socie-
ty held its fall show at Belgrave last
Thursday and Friday. It was excellent
inside and out, while the attendanoe was
good. This is one of the exhibitions whioh
is conducted every year as a purely agri.
cultural one and it depends entirely upon
its own merits. We are indebted to the
excellent Secretary, Mr Findlay Anderson,
for the following prize list:—
Thee Todd, Wm Wellwood, John Short -
reed. Horse foal, Wm Wellwood, T Todd.
Mare foal, John Shortreed. 2 -yr old filly,
W Wellwood, John Shortreed. 2 -yr old
gelding, David Scott. Year old filly, John
Shortreid. Team horses, J Foster, °Procter
& Son, R Scott. Year old entire horse, W
Wellwood. •
GENEnAL PURPOSE—Brood mare, 1 & 2
John Taylor, Jae Anderson. Horse foal,
John Taylor, T H Taylor, jr. Mare foal,
J Taylor, Jas Anderson. 2 -yr old filly, W
Fraser, M H Harrison. 2 -yr old gelding,
T H Taylor, jr. Team horses, E Wight -
man, R Woods, T H Taylor, jr.
°AItRIAon HORSES—Brood mare, J Eling,
T Bridges, S Irvine. Horse foal, J Kling,
S Irvine. Mare foal, T Bridges, . Alex
Scott. 2 -yr old filly, W Geddea, 2 -yr old
gelding, A Scott. Buggy horse, J Swarts,
W Geddes. Hack horse, Levi Scott, J L
Geddes. Span horses, L Scott, T Bridges.
Brood mare, any class, T Todd. Team
horses in harness, any olass, E Wightman.
CATTLE—THofORnED.—Beet cow, R Cor-
ley, G Sowlar, G Corley. 2 -yr old heifer,
J Armour, G Sowlar. Year-old heifer, t
Cook, N Cawing. Heifer calf,, N Cutting,
R Corley. Bull calf, W Snell, R Corley.
Bull calf, 2 ears and over, 4 Potter, kl
Soott, R Corley, Bull, under 2 years, H
Perdue, R Leishman, R lerle . •
GRADE QATTLE.--^Best 09w, 'N Cunning, 3
Armour, T Wilkinbon 0' Son. 2.yr old
heifer, M H Harrison, T Wilkinson & Son.
Year old heifer, R Corley, J Armour.
Heifer calf, J Armour, T Wilkinson & Son.
Pair • 'yr old steers, C Prootor & Son, R
Corley. Pair yr oldsteere, T B Taylor, jr,
T Wilkinson & Son. Pair steer calves, D
Scott, M H Harrison. Beeve, M if Har-
rison, T H Taylor, jr. Yoke working oxen,
M H Harrison.
RADES:Aged ram, Jas Henry & Son, M Hodgeson.
Shearling ram, N Cuming, J Coultes, sr.
Ram lamb, 1 and 2 John Coultes, sr. Pair
aged ewes, 1 and 2 N Carving. Pair shears
ling ewes, J Coultes, N Cuming, Pair
ewe lambs, N Cuming, J Coultes, sr.
McEwen Bros, W Snell. Shearling ram,
W Snell, Jas Tabb. Ram lamb, 1 and 2 J
Tabb. Pair aged ewes, 1 and 2 J Tabb.
Pair sbearling ewes, J Tabb, MoE wen Bros.
Pair ewe lambs. J Tabb, W Snell. Fat
sheep, N Cowing, J Tabb.
PIGS—Lamm BREED—AgedBoar,R Leish-
man. Brood sow, J Henry & Son, R Leisb
man. Boar littered in 1894, H Edwards,
J Potter. Sow littered in 1894, H Edwards,
R Leishman.
SMALL BREED—Aged boar, J Shortreed,
M Hodgeson. Brood sow, H Edwards, W
Scott. Boar littered in 1894, H Edwards,
W Scott. Sow littered in 1894, J Armour,
J Owens. Pen of pigs, H Edwards.
POULTRY—Geese, J Harrison, R McMur-
ray. Turkeys, McEwen Bros., J Harrison.
Dunks, T Wilkinson & Son, J Harrison.
Plymouth Rooks, 1 & 2 J Harrison, Leg -
horns, 1& 2 W Taylor. Spanish, 1& 2 J
Harrison Any other -variety, W Taylor,
J Harrison.
IMPLEMENTS—Farm gate, II Edwards,
Churn, H McLean. Pump, 1 & 2, D Shov-
ers. Waggon, J Brunsdon, J Stevens,
Buggy, Jas Walker, T L Jobb. Cutter, 1
& 2 V Vanorman. Plow, J L Geddes, T H
Ross. Gang plow, W Gannett, J L Geddes.
Iron harrows, W Gannett, J L Geddes.
Set horse shoes, V Vanorman. Set steel
horse shoes, V Vanorman. Turnip pulper
by Gillies & Martin highly recommended.
GRAIN.—Fall wheat, W Scott, T H Tay-
lor, jr. Red fall wheat, II Edwards, Chas
Proctor & Sons. Fall wheat, any kind, H
Edwards. Spring wheat, G Moffatt, H
Edwards. (1 rowed barley. T H Taylor, R
McGowan. Black oats, T Wilkinson, Geo
Moffatt. White oats, C Proctor & Sons, G
Moffatt. Small peas, G aloffatt, D Cook.
Large peas, G Moffatt. Timothy, R Mc-
Gowan, Jas Harrison.
FRUIT AND FLOWERS.—Golden Russet ap•
pies, M H Harrison, W Geddes. Baldwin,
W Geddes, R Corley. Snow apples, R
Corley, R McGowan. R I Greening, R
Corley, M H Harrison. Maiden Blush, W
Geddes, R Coultes. Northern Spy, H
Wightman, R Corley. Colverts, J Henry
& Son, R Coultes. Tolman Sweets, JHen-
ry & Son, R McGowan. Variety winter
apples, W Geddes, J Henry & Son. Vari-
ety fall apples, C Proctor & Son, H Wight -
man. Fall pears, R Corley, H Wightman.
Winter pears, Dr Tamblyn, J Dow. Crab
apples, T Wilkinson & Son, J Henly & Son.
Grapes, H Wightman, ' P Porterfield.—
Plums, Mrs Tamblyn, W H McCracken.
Peaches, 3 Henry & Son. Collection of
fruit, R Corley, H Wightman. Table bou-
quet, G David, C Proctor & Sons. Hand
bouquet, W Taylor, G David. Flower in
pot, C Proctor & Sons, G David. Collec-
tion house plants, George David. Foliage
ants,,, eo David.
MANUFACTURES.=°t) IliOri"11 ,'•'ll'nidl;-J"6'tverrs"1
Blankets, Jas Dow, Jas Owens. Coarse
• oo 'a, F'Rlroderua. - Men's -fide boots, F
Rhoderus. Home made wine, Mrs Owens,
Mrs Corley. Cook stove and furniture, H
toes, F Anderson, R McGowan. Matchless
Corlies, H McLean, C Proctor & Sons.
Beauty of Hebron, G David. Any other
variety, John Lotter, R McGowan. Early
cabbage, G David, W H McCracken. Win-
ter cabbage, G David, W Taylor. Red
pickling cabbage, G David, W II McCrack-
en. Cauliflower, George David, W Taylor.
Blood beets, G David, W Taylor. Turnip
beets, W Taylor, G David. Mangold wurt-
zels, W Taylor, W H McCracken. Swede
turnips, D Scott, J Henry & Son. Field
carrots, G David, W H McCracken, Early
horn carrots, G David, W H Taylor. Par-
snips, G David, W H McCracken. Onions
from seed, W Taylor, G David. Onions,
any other kind, W H McCracken, W Tay-
lor. Celery, W Taylor, G David. Corn,
R McGowan, G Henry. Water melon, W
H McCracken, G David. Musk melon, G'
David, W H McCracken. Pumpkin, Geo
David, W Taylor. Squash, G David, W
11 McCracken. Citron, W H McCracken,
G David. Tomatoes, W Taylor, G David.
Beans, Geo David, W Taylor. Collection
garden vegetables, G David, W Taylor.
DAIRY PRODUCE—Dairy butter, 50 lbs, M
H Harrison, J Anderson. Butter. 25 lbs,
M H Harrison, Jas Dow. Butter in rolls
or prints, Mrs Sowlar, Mrs Porterfield.
Bread home made, Mrs F Anderson, Mre
Porterfield. Honey in comb, H McLean.
Maple sugar, W H McCracken. Maple
syrup, J Dow, R McMurray Qat cake,
ylor, Geo Moffatt, Pactpry cheese,
Abe Katohbe,.
Funs Aunts—Pena. drawing, Qeo Sowlar.
OB painting, Miss Sowlar, Mre,p B An.
demon. Oolleotion oil painting, Miss
°wens, Mrs D B. 4nderrigp, Collection
photographs, W F Brdckenshire.
Lima DEgARTno i —Tatting, Mre Dr
Tamblyn. Crochet wprk, Mre T Bridgee,
Mre Tamblyn. Bead, work, MOO Meciei,
land, Mrs Tamblyn- Hooked skirt woolen
Mrs T Bridges, Mrs Tamblyn, Fancy
knitting, Mre McKenzie, Mrs Moffatt,
Gent's linen shirt, Mrs McKenzie, Mra
Moffatt. Gent's fanny flannel shirt, Mre
McKenzie, Mrs Bridges, Braiding, Mars
Bridges, Miss McClelland. _lland. Woolen stook.
Ings, Mrs McKenzie, W H Meciracken.
Souks, Mrs McKenzie,, W H McCracken,
Woolen gloves, Mrs MoKenzie, W H Mo-
Craoken.Woolen mite, Mrs JtioKenzie,
Mrs Moffatt. Log cabin quilt,.. W H Mo-
Craoken, Mrs Tamblyn. Knitted quilt,
Mrs Tamblyn, Mrs W Taylor. Patched
quilt, Mrs N Gaming, Mrs MoKenzie.
Rag mat, Mrs H McLean, Mrs J Henry.
Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs Moffatt; Mrs
Tamblyn. Berlin wool work, flat, Mrs
Moffatt, Mrs Tamblyn. Sofa pillow, Mists"-,
McClelland, Mrs Hodgens. Cotton stook-
ings, Mrs MoKenzie, Mrs Moffatt. Card
work, Mrs Moffatt. Leather, work, Mrs
Tamblyn. Hair flowers, Mies MoClelland.
Embroidery on silk, Mrs Tamlilyn. Em-
broidery on linen, Mies McClelland, Mrs
Tarnblyn. Lace work, Miss McClelland,
Mrs Moffatt. Twine lane, Mies McClel-
land, Mrs Tamblyn. Rag oarpet, Mrs 0.
Procter, Mrs Owens. Best collection ladies
work apart from all other entries, Mre
JUDGES—Cattle—Jas Ferguson, Brussels,'
John Elston, Morris. Sheep—Jas Lane,
Lanes. Horses—T MoLanchlin, Brussels;
Peter McKenzie, Lneknow. Pigs—James
Lane, Lanes. Poultry—R Elliott, Wing -
ham. Implements—JG Stewart,Wingham.
"In reply to your question do my child-
ren object to Scott's Emulsion, I say, Nol
on the contrary they are fond of it and it
keeps them pictures of health."
One of the moat convenient and comfortable
cottages in:town, hard and soft water, good cellar.
Opposite Model School. Rent moderate.
Apply at NEW ERA Office.
Tamworth Pig for Service.
Subscriber keeps for service ,a Tamworth
boar, at his premises, lot 36 Con. 6th Goderich
Towsuhip, Terms $1 cash or 51.25 if booked,
with privelego of returning,if necessary. •
Wanted, Male Teacher forS.S. No. 10, Goderich
township, for 1131. Second-class professional,
experieucQd. Applicants to state salary. and to
send iu application not later than the 21st of
October to JNO. CLUFF, Sec. Treas. Clinton P.O
Taken into Clinton Pound, Two Shropshire
yearing /tams. It' not previously redeemed,Ithey
will be sold by auction at the pound, next to
Turnbull's Livery, on SATURDAY, Oct. 6, at 2
p.m, FRED FOLLAND, Poundkeeper.
That fine Farm of 127 acres, being lot 16, let
cdu., of Iiullett. All cleared but about ten acres;
ten acres in fall wheat; balance all fit for oulti-
-v-atiat;..nea:erf,kiling,emneg;,goedorchard. Frame
house and outbuildings. Si ua e Jus •2i' Mi1'es"-
east of the Town of Clinton, and is considered a
first-class farm. Possessioniven at anytime: -
Apply to ()allot' \V SAIITITSON, Step ladder
works, Huron street, Clinton, or EDWIN SLY,
on the premises. Terms reasonable.
That cottage .on Frederick street, at present
occupied by W. Smithson is also for sale or to
leads to Consumption. Stop
the Cough, heal the Lungs
and strengthen the' System
the Cream of Cod-liver Gil
and hypophosphites. It is
palatable and easy on th e
stoma c h. Physicians,' the
'world oyer, endorse it,
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Scott 6o Bo vne, Belleville. A11 Druggists. 60o, & $1.
'* *. THEY SAY that you can tell a good
workman by the tools he uses.
Certain it is that you can tell the experi-
enced housekeeper by the Cooking
Range she selects.
It is always the one that does the best work with the least
fuel; that is, the best baker and most easily managed—
appropriately enough it is called the Happy Thought
There is no other "just the same" or
"just as good," and the genuine
"HAPPY THOUGHT" is sold only by
Old Stand
New Store k { ackayBlocBrick Block
We have just opened out a nine stook of Furs, and it will pay you to call and see them,
and find the price as we will sell them very cheap.
DRESS GOODS We have reduced the pride of several pieces of Dress Goode
and they are selling like hot cakes. Come ladies and secure a dress or two,
We have too many of these on hand, and have out the pride.
They are good value and will not stay long at present prices.
BOOTS and SHOES We will make the price to snit. Almost giving
them away.
A good upright wood burner STOVE for sale, also pipes and elbows.
Highest pride for Butter and Eggs. A trial solioited.