HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-10-05, Page 4Oclotag,, the SN'
gets tvetitioemento
.Furth R•Adirma
Boge f
Mlwuiaor3'- oesley.& Co
4W -
boo a Cooper & Co
Socoturts--1 [arland Ares
horthand --.0 E Coleman
Pige for sale- John Roar°
• House for selop-4 001010ugh
House en Sre-Jaoltaoi 'lime
Aoknowledgix4m,ent-J mare
Regius to lot..'•lloyd 4, Oakes
'Ready-P1urnsteeli & Gibinge
Sneoial bargaing-Jeoksoa.Broe
appy thoughht-Harland Bro
Boar , or service.+J Cartwrigi,t
pa or-Rauce.st4,8 ltliilg•
Pule mint•- Tburetan Bdutter Lo
Flannelettes-41Iroy & Wiseman i
New Millinery -Estate John Hodgens
air Gixa
FRIDAX, .00TOBER 8, 1894.
A, sheet entitled 'The trade question
debated" is being sent through the
mails free of postage, presumably to
all the electors of the Dominion. It is
nothing more or less than a campaign
sheet, issued in the interest of the Do.
minion Government, and has no,more,
right to go through the mails free than
the circulars of a private candidate.
During ,the Local elections Henry
'1 F. l)
The Huron. Central Fair steer, A Couch, W Elliott. Beat cow
or heifer, D D Wileoll, Diiplonta. Nerd
two-year-old Steers, A pouch, J Stan•
bury. Yearling steer Jno Avery,IL,ind-
say Bros. Herd two-year-old Heifers,
D Wilson, J Stanbury. Herd yearling
steers, J Reynolds, Lindsay Bros,
The Duron Central Fair was held Herd yearling heifers, D D Wilson, J
here this year under partially =favor- Stanbury.
able .circumstances; the heavy rain of Holstein -Milch cow Bull, any age
Wednesday morning no doubt. prevents Year old heiter, Two year old
ed many from attending, who would heifer. Heifer calf, all taken by J
otherwise have: been present, and -While McGregor.
there was a large crowd on the ground Polland Aberdeens-Milch cow, Bull.
the gate receipts were soniewha lower any age, Two year old heifer, Year old
ORA Inst year ,,The gate receipts on heifer, Bull calf, all taken by James
Tuesday night were nearly $70, and al- McFarlane.
together amounted to $321. Ayrshires-Milch cow, W Aitcheson.
Illi US DBPARTl[I4NI" Two year old heifer, J McGregor.
The cora etition in everycisme of the Herefords -Milch cow, Bull, any age,
p Heifer calf. Year old heifer, Two year
inside department was especially keen, old heifer, Best cow or heifer, all taken
and some very good exhibits were by W Elliott.
made. Apples were an exceptionally Jerseys -Milch cow, John Forden,
fine display, the judge, Mr Race, of the J VanEgmond. Heifer calf, H B
Mitchell Recorder, remarking that he Evans. Two year cid heifer, John
had not seen better specimens any- Forden. Bull calf, H. Plumsteel.
where; but some exhibitors are too Best cow or Heifer, J Forden, diploma.
careless in entering, and fine specimens Fat Cattle -Cow or Heifer, J Stan -
are often debarred from prizes, simply bury, 1-2. Ox or steer -A Couch, J.
because they are improperly classified. Stanbury.
The drouth evidently hitd not affect- SHEEP•-Leicesters-Aged ram, Jas
ed the growth of vegetables, for Messrs Snell, Charters & Son. Shearling
Allanson, Joyner, Holloway, McKen- ram, J Snell, Charters' & Son. Ram
zit), Walker, and many others, made lamb, J Snell, W Grieve. Aged ,ewes,
splendid exhibits of everything in the J Snell, Elcoat Bros. Shearlipg ewes,
vegetable line. In dairy produce, roots, 1 & 2J Snell. Ewe lambs, J Snell, H
grain, honey, etc., there was a good Grieve.
show. Jas. Steep's cream separator at- Shropshire -Aged ram, J Cooper, M
tracted considerable notice, farmers u , ' - ram, Jae Mc -
a mg qui e an in eres in 1 .s i ow- Farlane 1 & 2. Ram amb, J Cooper &
ere, foliage plants, etc., there was good Son, Jas McFarlane. Aged ewes, J
display, two particularly fine century Cooper & Son, J - McFarlane. Shear -
plants, owned by Mr Gilroy, attracting li• g ewes, 1 & 2 J McFarlane. Ewe
much notice. In the fine art depart- lambs, J Cooper & Son, J McFarlane.
ment there were some exquisite paint- Cotswolds -John Cuming took all
ings by our local artists and others, prizes in this class.
Miss Mountcastle, as usual, being in Fat Sheep -Any breed, J Snell, Jno
the foreground. A gentleman well Salkeld.
qualified to speak on the matter, said PIGS --Yorkshire - Brood sow, W
"I had Do idea so much time is given Weir. Spring boar, Lindsay Bros.
to fine arts here; you have some first- Spring sow, J Stanbury, W Weir.
class artists." The fine arts and ladies Berkshire -Aged boar, F Schoales,
work suffered from one thing there C Troyer. Brood sow, 1 & 2 W McAI-
was nothing like room enough to do lister. Spring hoar, W McAllister, F
them justice. A couple of moss and Schoales. Spring sow, 1 & 2 McAI-
card work pictures, by Mr Bentley, lister.
were well executed, and showed that Chester white -J Stanbury took all
he had nut considerable time on them. the prizes in this class.
A case of birds eggs, shown by Master Poland China -Aged boar, Estate J
Jas. Fortune, and awarded a diploma, i Fisher,W Sinclair. Brood sow, W
show a. knowledge of "birdology not Sinclair,H Joyner. Spring boar, Est.
often found, and indicates careful re- J J Fisher, W. Sinclair. Spring sow -
search and labor in their preparation. H Joyner, J J Fisher.
Mr Searle exhibited a couple of cases Tamworths-Aged boar, F Schoales.-
of insects and butterflies; this is a mat- Brood sow, A Thompson. Spring sow,
ter to which he has given considerable G Baird.
attention, andersons who have co- POULTRY -Black Spanish, WAitchi-
coons, will confer a favor by sending son. Light Brahman, W Cook, W
them to him; in fact Mr Searle might Aitchison. Grey Dorkings, G Irwin.
almost be termed a "butterfly breeder." W Cook. Dark Brahmas, G Irwin, E
The display made by -G. F. Emerson Barnett. Spangled Hamburgs, Lind -
was a creditable one indeed., and was say Bros. Houdans, G Irwin, 1-2.
one of the most attractive features of Andalusians, R Fitzsimons, F. Evans.
the fair; it .consisted of two beautiful Partridge Cochins, W Cook, 1-2. Ply -
cabinet grand pianos and three hicy- mouth Rocks, G Irwin, W Cook. Buff
cles; two of those were manufactured Cochins, E Barnett, H R Walker.
by himself, and called forth the admir- White Leghorns W Hartry, 1-2.
ation of bicycle enthusiasts, while in a Brown •Leghorns,Jno Forden F. Evans,
large show case,; sundries and parts Langshans, E. Barnett, W Cook. Min -
roughexMr Emerson son is completingthe also a frame in arandotts,, WG. wCook, F. R. Evans. Black
rangements for manufacturing all his Breasted Red Game, T. E. Hoggart, J
own wheels next year, and if those he B McKinnon. Red Pile Game, G
exhibited are any criterion, his success Irwin. Bantams, G Irwin, E Barnett.
in the venture is assured. Pekin Ducks, G. Irwin, 1-2. Rouin
Messrs ton Organ Factory, & , made oa beautiful geese, 0. Irwin, f the Clin- ducks, Irwin�J s A Patteson, EmdeCouch. n
exhibit of their high-class and un- ggeese, W Aitcheson, Toulouse Geese,
equalled organs. The name and fame W Grieve, T E 'Hog.Kart. Turkeys
of these organs is world-wide, and Jno Cuming, W Grieve. Spring
truly extends "to the uttermost parts chickens black Spanish, W Aitcheson,
of the earth." The exhibit embraced 1-2. Spring chickens,reyDorkings,�E
two ofthose chaste Wagner PianoCase-.,Barnett; wt,� Irwlri:. Spring ckickens,
Models, instruments which are most Audalusians, Elcoat Bros. ' Spring
truly "a thing of beauty and a joy chickens, Wite Leghorns, W Hartry,
forever;' one Royal, one Little Gem, 1-2. Spring chickens, Wyandotts, %V
and one Windsor, together with a Cook, 1-2. Spring chickens, dark
Heintzman piano. The exhibit was brahmas, E Barnett, G Irwin. Spring
surrounded at all times by a crowd in- chickens, light Brahmas, G Irwin, 1-2.
terested in articles of the finest work- Spring chickens, Minores, W. Hart-
manship and highest merit. The firm ry,1-2. Springs chickens, brown Leg -
have, in addition to their general trade, horns, G. Irwin, Jno Forden. Spring
quite a foreign business; their repre- chickens, Plymouth rocks, E Barnett,
sentatives at Hamburg and Amster- G. Irwin. Spring chickens, any other
dam writing that the organs stand variety, T E. Hoggart E Barnett.
among the very highest of American Rabbits, H Plumsteel, J Lanxon.
manufacture. Parrot, A Cantelon. Pair Canaries,
THE OUTDOOR EZHIBIT G Irwin, J B McKinnon. Collection
o, re use, 0 a ow
Returning Officer to number his ballot,
and tore the stub out of his hand. For
• this he was, last week, tried before
the deputy -magistrate, who found him
Y ' guilty of a serious offence, but on Mr
Lye expressing regret r r, y p in re for what he had
done, he was allowed to go on suspend..
ed sentence.
Judge Dartnell, for 21 years Junior
Judge of Ontario county, and a well
known Conservative, gave evidence
before the Fees Cammission, Friday. -
Said he:
"1 do not consider the sheriff a coun-
ty officer at all. I consider he is an
officer of the whole Dominion, with
powers limited to his own county. I
do not think ithat he or other officers
should be elected by vote."
The Empire enumerates a list of the
attempts made by the Ottawa Govern-
ment to secure reciprocity from the
States. This is all very well as a mat-
ter of history, but the Government
organ is silent in regard to one impors
tant feature in the situation as it ex-
ists to -day. Congress has made a
distinct statutory offer of reciprocity
in three lines -salt, petroleum and
agricultural implements. What does
the Government think of this offer?
The country would like to see it ac-
cepted. Are Sir John Thompson and
his colleagues prepared to give effect
to public opinion in this particular?
At Brighton, Mr. Parker Ketchum,'
ex -Reeve shot himself through the
head while temporarily insane.
The pacing horse Flying Jib covered
a mile in 1.591-2 at0hillicothe, Ohio, on
Saturday. He is the first harness
horse to go a mile faster than two
Joseph Trusky, now under sentence
in Sandwich Gaol for the murder of
Constable Linsey, has confessed his
crime. He wants to kill his brother-in-
law, too, may ,eg
!and thinks a term in peniten-
tiary sufficient punishment.:. .g
The Patrons, of West Wellington.
held' a meeting on Friday, for the pur-
pose of selecting a candidate for the
Dominion election. Theydecided to
place a candidate in the fef but did
not get anyone to accept nomination.
President Mallory, of the Patrons of
Industry, says officially: ---"Every con-
stituency should hold a convention
when a general election is approaching.
In the light of experience mistakes
have been made in the selection of can-
didates. In such cases, if any exist, it
is better to change the candidate than
to sacrifice our principles in retainin
an unworthy or unpopular candidate."
' Daniel Campbell,- an ex -Canadian
postmaster and legislator, was arrest-
ed at Chicago charged with embezzle-
ment, and was found working as a
hostler. Campbell, it is alleged, left
Moosomin, Aseiniboia, where he was
postmaster, two years ago, taking
with him something over $000 of the
Government's money. He sent his
wife and daughter to England and he
came to Chicago, where he has been
working ever since, working at odd
teJobs. A few days ago Campbell regis-
red a letter to his wife m England
giving his correct name and address. -
It was through this that he was dis-
covered; he came down considerably
from his high position, and was found
doing menial work in a livery stable.}
Cattle shippers are far from manifesting
indifference towards the English market
for the reason that, although the markets
over there are in a very uneetistaotory
shape, there would be as much in restrict-
ing shipments as there is et present in so-
tual.eales. Consequently cattle are being
ehipped in the genal volume. The pros-
pects are by no means encouraging, the
principal feature to substantiate the enp•
"sposition being the large general shipment.
There were about 450 head of butchers'
cattle, 50 calves, and 400 eheep and lambs
offered at the eget end abattoir, Monday.
The bntohere were present in considerable
numbers and there was a good demand for
the best
cattle, but the rough and inferior
, beasts were not very saleable and prices
blintifue the same as on last Thursday.
Mr Geo. Nicholson bonghb 11 of the best
cattle on the market at 8o per !b, and Mr
T. Lamb bought -3 more at the same rate.
Pretty good stooks sold at from 86 to 8,}o
'aper Ib, and a lot of moderately good Mani-
toba cattle were Bold at no do, while the
leaner beasts sold at from 2o to 2,}o per lb.
Shippers are paying less for sheep than is
Veld for them in Toronto, or about aka per
1b. The other sheep sell at from 02 to 08.25
each, and lambs sell at from 01.50 to 08.25
• each. Vat hogs are lower in pride, or from to.55o per lb.
was good in almost every department
One or two r'•f the claeeee in cattle were
not filled; otherwise the competition—
whether in horses, stock, sheep or
pigs was keen. For some reason or
other there was no implement' exhibit,
outside of,thepotato digger shown by
Macpherson & Hovey .Co. Mr John
Leslie showed a line of ver nice cov-
ered and open briggiee, and Mr Rum -
ball had also a large nunTber of similar
vehicles. Space will not allow us to
enlarge on many features of the show,
and we must content ourselves with
what has been said. The directors did
all in their power to facilitate matters
connectelf with the show, but the man
who more than "had his hands full,"
and yet, got nicely. through his work,
was the undefatigable Secretary, W.
Coats. Below is the Prize List:-
Holmes - Imported - Brood mare,
John Avery. Heavy team, Jas. Roes,
Jas. Snell. Spring colt, John Avery.
2 -yr old filly, Jas Snell, J Ross. Mare
any age, J Snell, diploma.
Canadian heavy draught -Team, I
Reynolds, H McBrien. Brood mare,
G Dale, J Reynolds. Spring colt, G
Dale. Year old filly, W Dale. 2 -yr
old filly, J Patterson, W Dale. Year
old gelding, G Dale.
General purpose -Team, W Stevens,
J Patterson. Brood mare with foal,
1 & 2 W Dale. Spring foal, P McDou-
gall, W Dale. Year old filly, 0 Dale,
sr., W Dale. 2 -yr old filly, J J Mc-
Laughlin, Lindsay Broe. 2 -yr old geld-
ing, K Disney. Best horse or mare, J
J McLaughlin.
Roadsters -Spring colt, P McDou-
gall, R Charters & Son. Year old filly,
Charters &• Son, K Disney. 2 -yr old
filly, I Rattenbury, Charters & Son.
Brood mare with foal, P McDougall
Charters & Son. Road horse, mare or
gelding, W Doherty, E Forbes. Team,
H Grieve, W Elliott. Best horse or
mare, W Doherty.
Carriage -2 -yr old filly, R Common.
Carriage horse, McMurchie & Co, I
Rattenbury. Team, 1 & 2 McMurchie
& Co.
Saddle -Saddle horse, J Salkeld, W
CATTLE. -DURHAM. -Two year old
bull, J Snell. Year old bull, D D Wil-
son, Elcoat Bros. Bull calf under one
year, W Snell, J Snell. Milch cow, D
D Wilson 1-2. Two year old heifer, D
D Wilson 1-2. Year old heifer, D D
Wilson 1-2. Heifer calf, D D Wilson,
J Snell. Herd D. D. Wilson. Beat
cow or heifer, b D Wilson, Diploma.
Native or Grade -Milch cow, for
stock breeding, D D Wilson, 1 & 2.
Milch cow, for dairy, Cantelon &
Juror, D D Wilson. 2 -yr old heifer,
D D Wilson W. Grant. Yearling
Heifer, D D Wilson, 1-2. Heifer calf,
Elcoat Bros., W Elliott. Year old
of Pigeons, D. Cantelon, T E Hoggart,
Breeding pen, Diploma, R. Fitzsimons,
G Irwin. Breeding pen. ducks Dip-
loma, F. Evans, G Irwin.
C♦RRIA.GES AND 1317GGIES,--Beet ex-
hibit of carriages, Phaeton, Open
buggy, Top buggy, Democrat, all tak-
en by F Rumball, Diploma.
IMPLEMENTS. -Wooden pump, D.
Ferguson, Diploma. Washing mach-
ine, T. Seward, Diploma. Clothes
dryer, H. B. Evans, Diploma. Potato
plow, Macpherson & Hovey Oo., Dip-
Baorr-Apples-Winter, W Elliott, 0
Williams. Cooking, W Weir, Nott.
Desert, W Elliott, W Aitchison. Golden
Russet., W Weir, C Dale, sr. Northern
Spies, Jae MoFarlane, T Jenkins. 20.oz
Pippins, C Williams, Elcoat Broe., Seek -
no -further, T Jenkins, 0 Williams. Snow
W Weir, G Irwin. Ontario, W Weir,
Elliott. Pomme Grise, 0 Williams, W
Weir. Blenheim Pippin, S L Scott, W 0
L.ndeboro. Wealthy, W Elliott, T Hol-
loway. MoIn loch Red, C Williams. Ben
Davie, J MoFarlane, W Elliott. Tollman
Sweet, J MoFarlane, H Elford. Rhode
Island Greening, G Nott, C Dale, er.
Spitzenbnrge, J MoFarlane, W Elliott.
Baldwins, J McCartney, W 0 Landeboro.
King of Tompkins Co, A Armstrong, Can-
telon & Jnnor. Ribeton Pippins, G Nott, H
Plumsteel. Alexandere, H Plumsteel. St
Lawrence, W Elliott, R Govenlook. Cayuga
Red. Streaked, G Irwin, Cantelon & Janet.
Fallwaber, W Elliott, C Williams. Dada -
err of Oldenburg, H Joyner, Geo Nott.
Gravenstein, W Elliott, Lindsay Bros.
Maiden Blush, W Elliott, 0 Notb. Rox-
boro Rnsseti, H 0 Cook, G Nott. Wag-
goner, W Weir, T Jenkins. Mann, El -
coat Bros., 81, Scott. Oolverb, G Nott., 0
Irwin. Swear, J MoFarlane. Any other
variety, G Baird, W Elliott. Seedling, W
Elliott. Heaviest, any variety, G Dale,
Cantelon & Jnnor.
Grapes. -Brighton, E Holmes. Ver-
gennes, E Holmes. Salem, R Govenlook.
Moore's Diamond, E Holmes. Niagara, E
Holmes. Prentiss, R Govenlook. Con-
cord, E Holmes. R Govenlock. Rogers No
19, R Govenlook, Delaware, E Holmee,
R Govenlook. Any other variety, E
Holmes, Collection of grapes, E Holmee,
R Govenlook.
Pears. -Winter pears, R Govenlook,
Fall pears, 8 Salkeld, 8 Farce. Bartlet, J
Salkeld, W Elliott. Flemish Beauty, J
Salkeld, T Shipley. DuoheseD'Angonlene,
H Joyner, J 0 Gilroy. Clapp's Favorite,
8 Furse, Keifer, R Govenlook, J Salkeld.
Sheldon, 8 L Scott. Josephine de Malines,
R Govenlook. Louise Bonne de,lereey, 8
•L Scott. Beurre Boso, 8 rse. D'Angon,
8 Fusee. Any other variety, o yr`
G Nott. Quinces, H Joyner, R Coate.
Plume, -Glass Seedling, A M Fowler.
Heine Claude de Bavay, Thos Holloway.
Lombards, Thoe Holloway, M Brethour"
Ponds seedling, A M Fowler, T Holloway.
(loe'e Golden Drop, A M Fowler, T Soho. in milk or velvet, Mies E Symington,
way. German Prune, A M Fowler, Gene, , Mrs S Coats. Berlin Wool Work, flat,
rel Hund, T iIollowgy. : Mrs Walker, Mims Symington.
Peaches -Date Crawford, E Holmee, D ' apron, lee Symington. Child'sCdrew,
Tiplady. Any'other variety, 0 Dale, er„ Miaa a
Nllcoat Bras..
MetlortoTgnae-Single and double har-
ness, Sol}nston & Armour, diploma.
Vtables, by market gardeners 3 Allanse - Collection garden on.
Colleobion garden vegetables', market gard-
eners exoepted, H R Walker, M Brethour.
Oolleotion of potatoes, T Holloway. H El-
ford. Beauty of Hebron, J B Lindsay, H
R Walker, White Elephant, W Elliott,
G Irwin. T:urpees extra early, H R Walk-
er, H Elford, Thorburn, 0 Hoare. Free-
man, 8 Furse, H Elford, Puritan, W
Aitohison, T Holloway. Any other variety,
T Holloway, H R Walker. Mangold
Wurtzels, Elooat Bros„ J Allaneon. Globe
Mangold Wurtzele, J Allaneon, J Salkeld.
Albringham Carrots, A MoKenzie, T Hol-
loway. Long orange parrots, A MoKenzie,
J Lanxon, Field carrots, H J Hibbs, H
Joyner, Soarlet Nantes, W Holloway, El-
ooat Broe. Guerande (Oxheart), T Hollo-
way, A MoKenzie. Swede turnips, 0
Hoare, Lindsay Bros. Greystone turnips,
H J Hibbs, J Allanson, White Globe
turnips, J Allanson. Short parrots, Thoe
Holloway, J B Lindsay, Short born par-
rots, T Holloway, A 11IoKenzie. Long
blood beets, M Brethour, H R Walker,
Blood turnip beets, J Lanxon, Lindsay
Bros. Vegetable oyster, J Allaneon, S L.
Scott. Parsnips, J Allanson, A MoKenzie.
Radishes, T Holloway, J Salkeld, Winter
cabbage, Jos Allanson, T Shipley. Pick-
ling cabbage, red, J Allanson, J. Salkeld.
Sorehead, J Allanson, C Hoare. Savoy,
J Allanson. Fielderkraute, J Allanson, T
Cottle. Cucumbers, J B Lindsay, H J
Hibbs. ' Cauliflower, J Allaneon, G Irwin,
Red Onions, J Salkeld, J B Lindsay.
Prizetaker, J Salkeld, T Holloway, ,Silver
King, Mrs H R Walker, C Hoar. Yellow
Onions, Mrs Walker, J B Lindsay. Eng-
lish Potato Onions, large, J Lanxon, T
Hollaway. Silver akin onions, for pickling,
11 Joyner, T Holloway. Sweet Dorn, A
McKenzie 1-2. Corn, J Salkeld, H Elford,
Mask melons, J Allaneon. Citrons, Mre
Walker, J Lanxon. Red tomatoes, J Al-
3on. Purple tomatoes, J Allaneon,
Largest pumpkin, J Allanson, Largest
Squash, H Joyner, J Allaneon, Hubbard
squash, H J Hibbs, H Joyner. Winter
celery, J Allaneon, A. McKenzie. White
plume celery, J Allanson, J Lanxon. Man -
golds, J Wiggington, Elcoat Bros, Tur-
nips, H J Hibbs, J Allaneon. Carrots H
Joyner, J Salkeld.
GRAINS.—White winter wheat, M Breth-
our, 8 Furse. Red winter wheat, G Dale,
J_Salkeld. Spring wheat,wbite oats, black
oats and 6 -rowed, M Brethour, D Brethour.
2-rcwed barley, M Brethour, John Salkeld.
Small peas, M Brethour, 8 Furse. Large
peas, 8 Furse, D Brethour. White beans,
S L Scott, Lindsay Bros. Red clover seed,
Elooat Bros, T Grant. Timothy seed, 8 L
Scott, D Brethour, A.lsike clover, M Breth-
our, D Brethour. Collection grains and
grasses in the straw, 8 Furse, M Brethour.
DAIRY PRODUCE. -50 lbs creamery butter,
J Steep. 60 net home made tub butter, J
Burdge, H J Hibbs, Crook butter, W El-
liott, J Patterson, Butter in prints, W
Elliott, Lindsay Bros. Butter in rolls, W
Dale, A Cantelon, Homemade cheese, J
Burdge, Miss Symington.
Dolmans MANIIPACTIIRES.—Jar extracted
honey, J MoFarlance, W C Landeboro.
Honey in comb, Mrs H R Walker, H Har -
try. Display honey in comb, H Hartry,tC
Hoare. Display of honey extracted, 0
Hoare, H Hartry. Home made bans,
plain, W C Landeboro, H C Cook. Home
made buns, fancy, W Elliott, 11 R Walk-
er. Apple pie, I3Et ?alker,..Mss.R-Dowea ;
Pumpkin pie, H J Hibbs, H R Walker.
Custard pie, T Shipley, 0 Hoare." Tea
biscuit, Mrs R Downs, Mre R Irwin.
Graham Gems, Mrs W Coats, C Hoare.
Fruit cake, Mrs Smyth 1 and 2.Layer cake,
Mre Coate, Mrs Walker. Tarts, Mrs
Walker, Mrs Smyth. Oatmeal cake,
Miss Symington. Home made bread,
white, C Hoare, J Patterson. Home
made bread, brown, W. Aitohison, W 0
Landesboro. Baker's braid, white, Boyd
dr Oakes. Collection pickles and sande
Mre Walker. Oatmeal oaken. W
Landesboro. Canned tomatoes, M
Walker, C. William. Colleotion preserves
Mre Walker" Jar Paschen, Mrs Smyth,
Mre Walker. Jar pears, Me. Walker,
Mrs Smyth. Jarlanar, T Holloway, Mrs
R Irwin. Jar Qainae., Mrs Walker.
Jar,oitron, W- Aitcheson, Mrs R Inds.
Jar jelly, T Holloway, Mrs Smyth. Ma-
ple sugar, M Brethour. Maple Yolassss,
0 Baird, G Nott. Home made soap. W
Aiboheeon, G Nath. Grape wine, Miss
Symington, Mrs Walker.
ymrngton, Mrs R Don. Sofa
Pillow, Mre Smyth, Mrs J Douglass.
Lady's Fancy Apron, Mrs Do_uglame, 8 L
bellti.M D Seal . room Carriage waiver',
an a 3 H
Combe, Mrs Campbell. Patch Quilt, J
DodMire Campbell, hQquilt, COO? Kznpbej.roeetuAiSymington,
J McFarlane, Knitted (wver-
, 5 L Scott, G Nott. Etching in eiik, G
Nott, Mrs Campbell. Etching in cotton,
Mrs Donglan, 0 Baird. Roman embroids
ery, linen, 8 Derrance, 0, Nott. Child's
knitted nnderwear,lllre Campbell. Knitting
Fanny, d 'L Scott, G Nott. Knitting,
Woolen Stocking, G Nott. Knitting wool-
len socks, Ci Nott. Knitting, woolen gloves
or mita, Miss Symington, S L Scott. Darn
on Socks or Sboskings, J McFarlane, Mrs
Walker. Hand Sewing, Mrs Douglase,Mrs
Walker. Gent's flannel sbirt,Mrs Walker,
Mrs Campbell. Rag mab,AM Fowler, Mrs
Walker. Whisk Holder, (} Nott, Mrs
Smyth. Fancy Ottoman, J Wigginton,
G Nott. Parlor Sachet, Mrs- Douglass, M
L Sneyd. Set Table mats, Mrs Douglas, A
M Fowler. Fancy Tidy, Mise Sneyd,
Mise Symington. Aplique on Felt, Mrs
Doaglaes, Mre 0. Campbell, Fancy
Foot Stool, Mrs 8. Coats, Mrs Smyth.
Toilet set, Mrs Douglass, Miss
Symington. Pincushion, Miss Douglass,
Mrs C Campbell. Crewel work, Mise
Douglass, G Nott. Shawl, crochet or knit,
G Nott, Mre Campbell. Bracket drapery,
S Dorranoe, 1 and 2. Saddle bag, Mies
Sneyd, Mies Douglass. Point Lace, E.
Mountoastle, Mies Symington. Netting,
Mrs R Irwin, Mise MoKenzie. Linen cen-
tre piece, Mrs Smyth, Mrs Campbell.
.Wall panel, G Nott, Mrs Campbell.
Laundry bag, Mrs Walker. Shopping
bag, Mrs Douglass. Kitchen apron, Mrs
Walker, Miss Symington. Home made
blankets, Miss Symington. Yarn mat,
Mre Walker, Mrs Downs. Rag carpet,
Mre Walker,
Free Aars-Professional, Oil, Original -
Any design, Landeoape, Marine view, Ani-
mals, from life, 0 H Mountcastle. Por-
trait, F G Crich, 0 H Mountoastle. Flow -
ere or fruit, C H Monntcastle. Any eub-
jeot, 0 H Mountoastle.
Amateur List, oil -Landscape, S L Scott,
E Mountcastle, Marine, view, 0 Bowers,
E Mountoastle. Animals from life, May
Bently, Mrs Campbell. Copy or original,
S L Scott, Mrs Campbell. Any subject,
C Bowers, Mrs Campbell.
Water Colors, professional. -Any de-
sign, Marine view, Flowers or fruit, Sepia,
Lead pencil, Pen and ink, Any subject, O
H Mountcastle.
Water Colors, amateur. • Landscape,
Marine view, Animals from life, C Bowers.
Flowers or fruit, Mrs Campbell, E Mount -
castle. Sepia, C Bowers, Mrs Campbell.
Any subject, 0 Bowers, Mrs Campbell,
Pencil drawing, M MoKenzie, M Bently.
Crayon portrait, Walter Coats. Pen and
ink sketch, Mrs Campbell 2nd. Pastel, C
Bowers, Mrs Campbell, Copy in water
colors, C Bowers. Copy in pencil, W C
Landsborough 2nd.
boy, W Aitchison. Penmanship by girl,
J B McKinnon, Dressed doll, Mre Doug -
lase. Pencil aketoh on elate, G Baird,W
Armstrong. Specimen plain needle work,
Mrs J Doaglaes.
JUDGES.—Horses—heavy, P Cur-
tain, Centralia; light, T. Bissett, sr.,
Exeter. Cattle thorough -bred - T.
Ross, Blyth. Grade -T Ballantyne.
Sheep -Hugh Ross, Blyth. Pigs -H
Beacom, Goderich township, J. Govier,
Hullett, .J. .Penhale,,,-Bayfield.-. Poul
tre--`lifter'"`Coats, Clinton. Imple-
ments -H McQuarrie, Blyth. Ladies
work-Mre Proudfoot, Mrs Hutchison,
Goderich. Mre R Ransford. Mrs W
Robb, Clinton, Fine Arts -Mrs J H
Flagg, Mitchell. Vegetables -W H
McC rackin, Brussels. Plants and
flowers - John Stewart, Benmiller,
Fruits- Mr T H Race, Mitchell..
Grains -T Trick, Clinton, Dairy
products- H. McCartney, Bruce-
fleld. Domestic manufactures -Mrs
s, H Andrews, Clinton.
re Prof. Swing of Chicago is dead.
Ftowese.-Geraniums, single, MrsWalk-
er, T Cottle. Geranium, double, T Cottle.
Begonia, T Cobble, Mrs Walker. Begonia,
Rex, Mrs Walker, T Cobila" Agave, J 0
Gilroy. Caladium, T Cottle, T Holloway.
Canna, $T Cottle. Coleus, T Cottle, Mrs
Walker. Fnsohia, single, Mrs Walker, T
Cottle. Fneohia, double, T Cottle, Mrs
Walker. Geranium, iyyleaved, MrsWalk-
er. Geranium, silver, MrsWalker, T Cot-
tle. Geranium, golden, Mrs H R Walker.
Geranium, bronze, Mre Walker, T Hollo-
way. Hanging bake*, Thoe Cottle, Mrs
Walker. Petunia, single, T Cottle. Petu-
nia, double, MrsWalker, T Cottle. Valet-
ta, A MoKenzie, W Coats. Roses, Thos
Holloway. Oolleotion hones plants, 9 or
over, MrsWalker. Collection bonne plant.,
MrsWalker. Collection greenhouse plants,
r Cottle.
Cub Flowers. -Asters, fens variation, 0
Hoare. Aster., 8 varieties, 0 Hoare.
Chrysanthemum, T Cottle. Coxoomb, Mrs
Walker, A McKenzie. Dahlias, 4 colors, T
.Cottle, A MoKensie. Dahlias, 10 color, T
Cottle. Dahlia, doable, T Cottle, D Tip -
lady. Dianthne, 0 Hoare, T Cottle. Ger-
aniums, single, Mre Walker, Thos Cottle,
Geraniums, double, T Cottle, Mrs Walker
Gladiolus, T Cottle, A MoKensie, Mari-
golds, T Cottle, 0 Hoare. Phlox Drum-
mondi, Mre Walker, 0 Hoare. Pansies,
0 Hoare, T Cottle. Petunias, single, 1
T Cottle, Mrs Walker. Petunias, double,
T Cottle. Rosen, T Cottle. Stooks, Thoe
Cottle, Verbenas, T Cottle, Mrs Walker"
Zinnias, ourled, Mre Walker" Zinias,Mrs
Walker, T Cottle. Hand bouquet,profee-
eional, T Cottle. Table bouquet, profes-
sional, T Cottle. Basket, profeesional, T
Cottle, Hand bouquet, amateur, Mrs
Walker, Table bouquet, amateur, Mre
Walker. Basket, amateur, Mrs Walker,
J 0 Gilroy. Colleotion of annnale, T Cot-
tle, 0 Hoare.
Lances' Woa=.-CoiIeotion Ladies Work,
8 Dorranoe, Mr 0 Campbell. Crochet
work, cotton, Mrs Campbell, Mies Syming-
ton. Crochet work, wool, Mre Campbell,
Mre H R Walker. Embroidery in cotton
or muslin, Mies Symington,Mre Campbell"
Embroidery in silk, G G Marten, G Nobi.
Embroidery in arraeeno, Mrs W Coate, Mre
Smyth. Table cover or scarf embroideriery,
MrsW Coate, Mrs 8 Coats. Slippers work-
ed. Mrs Campbell, G Nott. Darned Net,
Mise Symington, Mrs Campbell. Pillow
Shams, J C Gilroy, G Nott. Chair scarf,
G Nott, Mrs Smyth. Drawn work, Mrs J
Douglass, Mies Symington. Mantle drape,
G Nott, Miss Symington. Tea Cosy, 8
Dorranoe, Mrs Campbell. Ribbon work,
Miss Sneyd, Mies Symington. Patoh work
School .
Books .
Notes on Entrance
Literature by Sykes.
New 1895 Edition
Price 25 cents
New -
High School Drawing
Books Nos. 1 and 2, now
Price 1Oc each
Lely Ativ artioemento.
Berkshire Boar for Service.
Subscriber keeps for service, at hie pxemi'sea
lot 19, 9 Con. of Mullett, a 'thoro bred Berkshire
boar, purchased/rem Rogerson Bros:; oYHnllett
Terms 81, at time of .service,'svith- privilege of
returning; •lf-iieceeeary. JAS. CART WRIGHT:
Berkshire Pigs for Sale and for
Foreale,six thoro-bred Birkshire boars, eligible
for registration, aged 31 monthemill be eoldcheap.
Also, keep for service, an improved, registered
Yorkshire Boar; also a registered, Tamworth.
Terme 11 at time of service, with privilege o1 re-
turning. JOHN HOARE, Auburn, lot 28, 2nd
Con., East Wawanoeh.
Dwelling House for Sale
For sale on very reasonable tering, the two-
story brink dweeling house, on Enron St., at pre-
sent occupied by subscriber. It contains room
Hon. Mr. Foster will sail for England for good -mise famu) with good stone cellar end
to Saturday to negotiate anew loan. is one of the tlnemt locations in the town, Self
sere lot, with bearing orchard of W plain treee.
2 pear, one cherry and one apple. Cloud eta le
BL♦CR.LL —In Clinton on the 27th Sept.,
the wife of J. E. Blaekall, of a daughter.
MILLER,—Ia Clinton, on the 29th Sept., the
wife of Mr Alfred Biller, of a daughter.
DORRENCE.— In Gies Adslade, Northwest
West Tsrritor', en Sept. 12, Ibe wife of lir Joe.
orrenss, o a daughter.
-11110ONNELL.—In Clinton, on Sept. 28th,
the wife of Mr Hugh McConnell, of a son.
RETNOLDS,—Ia Mullett, on the let inst.,
the wife e1 Mr D. Reynolds, of a eon.
MOILLWAINE—LLIOTT.—Ab reeidenoe the
of the bride's father. Colborne, on the 26th Sept.,
by the Rs?. R. Henderson, Mr David Mcllwain,
to Hiss A. Elliott. ,
OHAPM♦N—HOARE.—At the residence o1
lir John Hoare, Auburn,brother of the bride,
by Rev. W. Baugh, Mr Be_njamon Chapman, of
Chilliwaok. B.O., to Mise M. Hoare, of Brussels.
the 4th ineb., by the Rey. J. H. Fairlie,lMr H
McBrien, to Susie M., second daughter of Mr
Thos. Farquhar.
EVANS—BALD8ON.—At the Methodist par
eonage, St. Maryl. on Sept. 26th, by Rev. A.
Cunningham, Mr Walter )wane, of London, to
Miss Luoy Baldwin, of Exeter.
NICHOLSON—TAYLOR.•--At the residence
of the bride's parents, on the let inst., byRev.
J. Henderson o1 Mansell, Mr Archibald ichol
eon, of Goderieh, to Miss Ida, eldest daughter
of Mr Donald Taylor.
m [Th Haw Etta has some very pretty wadding
try in stock.]
Hinnee,,laged 7nClinton,
yearrs andt 6 month,. Wm.
on Saturday at 2 p.m.
INNES.,—In Stanley, on the dth inst., Isabella
Innes, relict of the late John Innes, aged 86
years and 9 months. Funeral from the resi-
dence of Mn W. H- Scott, 2nd oon., Stanley, on
Saturday at 2 p.m.
SANDERBON.—In Saltford. on Sept. 28th,
Franklin Sanderson, aged 19 years.
Jane Long, aColborne, 0ears, 9 months and 23 days
farm stock of Mr L. Moore lot 39, base Ibis,
Ooderfoh township, on Friday, Oct. 12. C.
1 A8.8. FREEBORN, M.D., L.H.B•Q.O.P.I., M.
1.1 O. P. & S. 0., Graduate Hinge and Queens
College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Lloon.
tiate Genera Medical Council, Great Britain.
Member of College Physicians ane Surgeons, On-
tarto. Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital,
(Lying-in and G ae0ological) Dublin. Residence
—Rattenbury 8t. east, next door to Ontario 8t.
Over Boyd & Oakes Bakery, suitable for
ofnces.=Apply at the bakery.
Shorthand and Typewriting
Autumn and winter classes are now being or-
ganized, and those who intend taking up the
above useful, and neoeseary studies should make
applloetlon without delay. Any day after the
hour of 1,80 p m„ except Saturday. EDITH E.
OOLEKAN,Perrin Block, Clinton.
and oatbeildinggs. Bard and soft water, Apply
at Naw Eau Doe or to JOHN COLOLOUGR.
We hereby aeknowledge that we were guilty of
disfiguring the sebool premises in Section No. d
Tuekeremith, by writingland drawing thereon.
and express otrr regret for eo doing; we a iso
apologise to the partiee whom we heedlessly of-•
fended and hereby promise not to do anything
of the kind again, or to countenance it in an
Tnckeremith,,0o,. 51st, 1894. WM. ROBINS OR
[The Trustees wish to state that if anything of
a similar nature le done again by anyone, they
will be prosecuted.
A Good General Servant wanted at once. Ap-
ply to MRS D. A. FORRESTER, Huron Road.
The farm receutl owned by the late C. Spooner,
on the b.avel road, just outside of town, contain-
ing 33 acres, frame house and barn, and young
bearing orchard. Apply to
2* Clinton
A eplen2ed farm of 150 acres, being lot 28, 18ik
Con., of Mullett. All cleared and fit for culti-
vation, excepting 30 acres. Ten acres of fall
wheat sown; spring creek running through the
farm. Situate only 2 miles Londeeboro and 8
miles from Clinton. Small orchard, frame lump
and bank barn. Will be rented for a term of
years, at a reasonable rate. All pparticniars on
application to JOHN McCLACHERTY, Clinton.
(Persrrrsn JOLT 11111, 1893,)
New Process for Making Pure Milk Butter from the
Pure Solids of the Mill. No Chemicals or E.
tra Machinery Required,
This New Process will
make two to three times
the amount of Pure Milk
Butter that can be Made
by any other me' hod yet
invented. Therefore Bend
stamp for full particulars,
also circulars of questions
asked and answered.
Thurston's Pnre /Elk Rutter Co.,
63 ging Street East, 'Toronto, Ont.
ID ,_ ft:_ i
WIV "!, ,ot ! r t !• .1
-- - vv�> .q" • .,
Good going Oct. 4-5-6, good to
Return up to Oct. 22
Port Huron ..03 Detroit..08 Cleveland.. 05.50
Grand Rapids 27 Ba City 06 Cincinnati 19.011
For all particulars applyRto 9