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Morris-Feild -Rogers-Co
Prize List.
Sinclair. Boar of any age K. Baechler.
Sow, 2 years and over, Wm. Sinclair
X. Baechler. Sow over 1 and under 2
Years, 1 and 2 X. Baechler. Sow, lit-
tered in 1894, Est. J. J. Fisher, Win.
Sinclair. Improved Yorkshire—Boar.
over 1ear, boar of any age, Robert
Bean. Large Breeds—O B. Wilson
and dos. Wilson takes all prizes In this
Class except for•pell whish was award-
ed. to Wm. McAllister.
POULTRY—Brahmas, light, R. Mc-
Lean, J. IL Williams. Br mss, dark,
W. Irwin. Cochin, buff, Mrs. H. R.
Walker. Dorking, silver grey, W.
Irwin. Hamburgs, spangleQd,olden
and silver, James Postlewaite R. Mc-
Lean. Hamburgs, black and white,
W. Irwin, Bleak Spanish, white faced,
G. A. Whitely. Leghorns. black, John
Dunn, Leghorns, white, J. 0. Lyons,
G. A. Whitely. Leghorns, brown, single
comb, J. Postlewaite, T. Morrow. Hou -
dans, W. Irwin. Polish, golden and
silver, J. Postlewaite. Plymouth
Rocks, W. Irwin, G. A. Whitley.
Wyandottes, J. C. Lyons, John Knox.
Wyandottes, white. G. A. Whitely,
J. Dickson, sr. Andalusian, G. A.
Whitely. Minarcos, W. Irwin, J:
Postlewaite. Minarcos, white, G. A.
Whitely. Dominicks, H. Hale. Game,
black -breasted red, 1 and 2, C. A.
Wells. Game, pile, J. C. Lyons.
Game, bantams, black_ brew eaasstteeddntam reed, 1
pile, R. McLean. Game bantams,
duckwing, R. McLean. Turkeys,
bronze, I. Salkeld, jr. Geese, Embden,
G. A. Whitely. Geese, Toulouse,
Wm. Lamprey, Glen Bros. Ducks,
any other variety, W. Irwin, estate J.
J. Fisher. Guinea fowls, R. W. Run-
ciman, Mrs. Wm, Elliott. Geese,
China, G. A. Whitely. Geese, any
other variety, John Salkeld, D. Lind-
say. Ducks, Rouen, D. Lindsay.
Ducks, Pekin, W. Irwin, W. Lamprey.
Spring chickens, Brahmas, light, L.
Watson, J. H. Williams. Brahmas,
dark, 3. C. Lyons. Hamburgs, spang-
led, golden and silver, J. Postlewaite.
Black Spanish, white faced, G. A.
Whitely. Leghorns, black, J. Dunn.
Leghorns, white, Wm Hartry, R. Mc-
Lean. Leghorns, brown, single comb,
J. Dunn, T. Morrow. Houdans, A.
Kirkbride. Polish, white, crested,
black, J. Postlewaite. Plymouth
rocks, W. Irwin, J. C. Lyons. Wyan-
dottes, J. C . Lyons, J. H. Woresll.
Wyandottes, white, G. A. Whitely,
J. Dunn. Andalusians, G. A.Whitely.
Minarcos 1 and 2 Wm. Hartry. Do-
minicks, H. Hale. Game, black breast-
ed, red C. A. Wells. Game, pile, Thos.
Beattie, J. C. Lyons. Game bantams
black breasted,red, R. McLean. Game
bantams brown breasted, red, R. Mc-
Lean. Game bantams, duckwingg,
R. McLean. Red Caps, J. C,
Lyons. Turkeys, bronze, I. Sal-
keld, jr. J. W. Salkeld. Turkeys,
black, Mrs. W. Elliott. Geese, Emb-
den, G. A. Whitely. Geese, Toulouse,
Wm. Lamprey. Geese, any 'other
variety,L.Salkeld, jr., Mrs.1W m. Elliott.
Rouen, Mrs. H. R. Walker. Ducks,
Pekin, 1 and 2 W. Irwin. Ducks, any
other variety, Simon McKay, Mrs.
Wm. Elliott. Guinea fowls, Mrs.
Wm. Elliott. Collection rab'ats, Geo.
Sillib. Collection pigeons, not less
than three pairs, Geo. Sillib, Simon
McKay. Collection of barnyard fowls,
Mrs. W. Elliott, W. Irwin. Breeding
Pens—Brahmas, light or dark, R. Mc-
Lean, J. C. Lyons. Leghorns, any
variety, Wm. Anstay, T. Morrow.
Wyandottes, any variety, J. C. Lyons,
J. H. Worsell. Games, any variety,
C. A. Wells. Singing canary, Wm.
Lamprey, W. Irwin. Parrot, Beatrice
Garrow. Owl, Geo. Sillib.
Grains, etc—Red Clawson wheat, `T.
R. Wallis, Ha Curwen. Democrat fall
wheat, H. Curwen, Robt. Bean. Any
other variety fall wheat, white, named,
H. Curwen, D. Lindsay. Any other
variety fall wheat, red or amber,
named, John Salkeld, Geo. Dale.
Spring wheat, Colorado, John Salkeld,
11. Curwen. Spring wheat, any other
variety, H. Curwen, John Salkeld.
Six -rowed barley, H. Curwen, S. Bis-
set. Two -rowed barley, named, John
Salkeld, H. Curwen. Large peas, S.
Furze. Small peas, S. Furze. White
oats, S.' Furze, Wm Lamprey. Black
oats, S. Furze, J. T. Salkeld. Flax
seed, John Salkeld, S. Furze. Timothy
seed, S. L. Scott, John Salkeld. Clover
seed, G. • W. Andrews, H. Curwen.
White beans, S. L. Scott. Best and
largest collection of graicein the straw,
grown by the exhibitor, S. Furze,
John Salkeld.
Long red •Iuangold wurtzels, Wm.
Warnock, Geo. Shepperd, .sr. Globe
mangold wurtzels, Wm. Warnock,
Geo. Shepperd, sr. Swede turnips,
Abe Durnin, Thoa. Beatties Field
carrots, long red, T. R. Wallis.
White carrots, Wm. Warnock, Jos.
Wilson. Peck of onions, Wm. War-
nock, Wm. Sterling. Corn, field, John
Salkeld, Est. J. J. Fisher. Largest
pumpkin, Wm. Warnock, Jas. Aiken -
head. Largest squash, Wm. Warnock,
Larges turnips, H. Curwen, A. Drys-
dale. Largest stalks field corn, John
Porter, Jos. Wilson.
dry took 1st prize and diploma for
aged stallion, there being no other
competition. Roadster -Stallion, 3
years old, W. A. Colborne. Stallion
2 years, old, A. M. Polley. Stallion,
yearling, J. D. Warwick, C. W. Wil-
liams. Stallion, any age, W. A. Col-
borne. Filly or gelding, 3 years old,
James . McMannus, W. Doherty.
Filly or gelding 2 years old,
John Porter, W. N. Howell. Filly or
gelding, yearling, A. M. Polley,
Andrews Bros. Brood mare with her
foal by .her side, Stewart McDougal,
John Porter. Foal of 1894, Andrews
Bros., Stewart McDougal. Matched
horses in harness, Chas. Housen, Dr.
Claark. Single horse in harness, 1st
and 2nd J. B. Whitely. Female, any
age, J. B. Whitely. Lady Drivers—
Mrs. H. Howell, Miss M. Porter.
Saddle—Saddle horse, J. Davis, John
Salkeld. Pony in saddle and hest boy
rider, R. McLean, Jos. Wilson. Car-
riage—Stallion, aged, and diploma, O.
B. Wilson. Filly or gelding, 3 years
old, Stewart McDougal, A. Drysdale.
Filly or gelding, 2 years old, S. Bissett,
A. Drysdale. Yearling filly or gelding,
John Sturdy. Brood mare, G. A.
Whitley, Thos. Gundry. Foal of 1894,
A. A. Young, W. N. Howell. Pair
matched carriage horses, J. Davis, A.
McMurchy. Single carriage horse,
John Porter, A. M. Polley. Female,
any age, G. A. Whitley. General
purpose—Brood mare, S. Bissett, A. A.
Young. Filly or gelding, 2 years old,
Hugh Chisholm, G. F. pale. Yearling
filly or gelding, S. Bissett, G. F.
Dale. Foal of 1894, S. Bissett, A. A.
Young. Matched team in harness, Jas,
Hamilton, Robinson Woods. Agricul
tural—Brood mare, Hugh Chisholm,
- J. T. Salkeld. Foal of 1894; Hugh
Chisholm, Stewart McDougal.. Match-
ed team in harness, Jas. Stevens, David
Lindsay. Walking, special—Walking
team to wagon, empty, wheels not
locked, Geo. Falconer, Sarni. Potter.
Heavy Draught, imported—Stallion, 2
years old, and diploma, also filly 2
years old, Jas. Snell. Brood mare with
foal and foal of 1894, Thos. Todd, John
Avery. Heavy Draught, Canadian
Bred—Stallion, 3 years old and over, J.
W. Yeo and • diploma. Brood mare
with foal, Geo. Dale, Jas. Reynolds.
Filly or gelding, 2 years old, Geo. Dale,
Percy Stewart. Gelding or filly,
yearling, Geo. Dale. J. F. Dale. Foal
of 1894, Jas. Reynolds, J. F. Dale.
Span horses, Jas. Reynolds, J. F. Dale.
CATTLE.—Durham, thoroughbred —
Bull, 2 years old,. Jas. Snell, Robt.
Beanr. Bull, 1 year old, Jas. Tabb,
Isaac Salkeld, jr. Bull calf, under 1
year, Jas. Snell, Isaac Salkeld, jr.
Best bull of any age, Jas. Snell. Cow
in calf or giving milk, Jas. Tabb, Jas.
Snell. Heifer, 2 years old, 1 and 2 Jas.
Snell. Heifer, 1 year old, J. Snell.
Heifer calf, under 1 year, J. Snell,
Isaac Salkeld. Best female of any age,
Jas. Tabb. Hereford, thoroughbred—
Bull, 2 years old, Mrs. Wm. Elliott.
Cow in calf or giving milk, 1 and 2 Mrs.
Wm. Elliott. Heifer, 2 years old, Mrs.
Wm. Elliott. Heifer, 1 year old, Mrs.
Wm. Elliott. Heifer calf, under 1 year,
1 and 2 Mrs. Win, Elliott. Best female
of any age, Mrs. Wm. Elliott. Polled
Angus or Aberdeen, thoroughbred—
Bull, 1 year old, John Varcoe. Cow in
calf or giving milk, 1 and 2 J. Varcoe.
Heifer, I year old, J. Varcoe. Best
female of any age, John Varcoe.
Jersey, thoroughbred—Bull 1 year old,
A. Drysdale. Cow in calf or giving
milk, J. L. Aitkin, G. H. Cox. Heifer
1 year old, A. Drysdale. Heifer calf
under 1 year, J. L. Aitkin. Best female
of any age, A. Drysdale. Grade cattle.
—Cow, estate J. J. Fisher, J. W. Salk-
eld, J. H. Williams. Heifer, 2 years
old, H. Curwen, John Clark, Mrs. W.
Elliott. Heifer 1 year old, J. W.
Salkeld, Mrs. W. Elliott. Heifer calf,
Mrs. Wm. Elliott, John Clark. 2 veal•
old steer, Mrs. Wm. Elliott, John
Clark. Yearling steer, J. W. Salkeld.
Best female any age, J. J. Fisher.
Best herd J. W. Salkeld, John Clark.
Fat cow or heifer, W. T. Murney, also
recommended as best on the ground.
SHEEP.—Leicester—James Snell took
all the first prizes in this class and 2nd
for shearling ewes and H. Curwen 2nd
in ram two shears and over. South-
downs.—Glen Bros. takes all prizes in
this class. Oxfordshire Downs.—Jas.
Tubb takes all prizes in this class.
Sheep any breed, named.—Ram, 2
shears, estate J. J. Fisher. Shearling
ram, A. M. Polley. Ram lamb, estate
J . J. Fisher. Pair of shearling ewes,
A. M. Polley. Pair of ewe lambs,
estate J. J. Fisher. Ram any age,
estate J. J. Fisher. Ewe, any age, A.
M. Polley. Shropshire Downs.—Ram,
2 shear and over, G. W. Sturdy, John
Avery. Shearling ram, John Salkeld,
G. W . Sturdy. Ram lamb, G. W.
Sturdy, John Salkeld. Pair of ewes,
John Salkeld, John Avery. Pair of
shearling ewes, G. W. Sturdy, John
Avery. Pair of ewelambs, John Avery.
Ram, any age, ewe any age G. W.
Sturdy. Fat Sheep.—Best fat sheep,
Jas. Snell, Jas. Tabb.
PrGs.—Improved Berkshire.—Boar
2 years olcl, Wrn. McAllister. Boar,
over 1 year and under 2 years, H. Cur -
wen. Boar littered in 1894 and boar of
any age, Wm. McAllister. Sow 2
years and over, Wm. McAllister, John
Salkeld. Sow over 1 year and under 2
years, 1 and 2 Wm. McAllister. Sow
of any age, Wni. McAllister. Suffolks.
—Jot!. Wilson takes all prizes in this
class. Poland. China. --Boar over 1
year, estate J. J. Fisher Wm. Sinclair.
Veer littered if 18O41 X.tBaechler, Wm.
DAIRY PRODUCTS, -- Ten pounds
table butter, Wm. Sterling., Mrs. Wm.
Elliott. Five pounds tale butter,
Anthony Allen, Wm, Stirling. Tub or
crook of salt butter, not less than 40
pounds, James Stevens, Mrs. Hamil-
ton. Ten pounds salt butter, Wm.
Swaf leld, G. F. Clark. Cheese, factory Ilam Warnock, A. Bingham. uane s
made, Walter Fero.urple, William Stewart. Lombard,
oon, DErART]IENT5. Wm. Stewart, P. Fox, sr. Reins
T'I:owuBe.—Collection of cut flowers, Claude De Bevayy, Wm. Warnock,
H. L. Watson, W. Hiely. Dahlias, Mrs. Hamilton. Imperial gage, Wm.
Wm. Stewart, W. Kiely.' Verbenas, Stewart. Coe's Golden Drop. Wm.
H. L. Watson, R. Warrington. Four Stewart, Horace Horton. Peach, P.
different rosee, John Stewart. Hand Fox. sr„ Wm. Stewart. Peaches—
bouquet, A. Bingham, H. L. Wateon. Early Orowford, W. T. Murney, S.
Table bouquet, H. L. Watson, R. Morningstar. Mountain Hose, J.- T.
Warrington. Carnations; H. L. Wat- Dickson. Late Crowford, Wm. War -
sop. Dianthus, H. L. Watson, Wm. nook, Seedling, M. Carl, Wm. War -
Stewart. Floral design H. L. Watson, nock.. Grapes, Melons, etc—Best and
R. Warrington. Zinnias, double, H. heaviest, 2 clusters, white, under
L. Watson, W. Kiely. Geraniums, glass, J. R. Shannon, R. Warrington.
single flower, John Stewart, H. L. Best and heaviest, 2 clusters, black,
Watson. Geraniums, double flower, under glass, R. Warrington, J. R.
H. L. Watson, John Stewart. Peren- Shannon. Twelve varieties, grown in
nial Phloxes, H. L. Watson. Phloxes, open air, 2 clusters of each, correctly
annual, Wm. Stewart, H. L. Watson. named, W. Warnock, J. R. Shannon.
Gladiolus, A. Bingham, H. L. Watson. Eight varieties, named, open air, 2
Six varieties •gladiolus, named, W. clusters of each, W. Warnock, Wm.
Webster, A. Bingham. Asters, Wm. Stewart. Four varieties, named; open
Stewart, H. L. Watson. Pansies, air, 2 clusters of each, W Warnock, A.
Wm. Stewart, H. L. Watson. Balsam h�am. Three bunches Delaware,
spikes, in bloom, W. Hiely, H. L. W. Warnock, A. Bingham. Con -
Watson. Stocks spikes, J. H. Wil- cord,W. Warnock, A. Bingham. Hart-
liams, Wm. Stewart. Petunias, single, ford. Wm. Stewart. J. T. Dickson.
art H. L. Watson. Petun-
ias, double, John 'tewar , "arring-
ton. Annuals, named, H. L. Watson.
Coleus, John Stewart, A • Bingham.
Coxcombs, spikes, Wm. Stewart, W.
Webster. Tuberous begonias, single
John Stewart, A. Bingham. Tuberou,
begonias, double, John Stewart.
Begonias rex, A. Bingham. Fuchsias,
varieties in flower, Wm. Stewart.
Geraniums, single, John Stewart, H.
L. Watson. Four geraniums, single,
H. L. Watson, R. Warrington. Eight
geraniums, double, in bloom, John
Stewart, W. Kiely. Four geraniums,
double, in bloom, H. L. Watson, John
Stewart. Nine varieties, greenhouse
plants, R. Warrington, A. Bingham.
Nine varieties, foliage plants, different
from other entries, R. Warrington, A.
Bingham. Two hanging flower bas-
kets, H. L. Watson, A. Bingham.
One hanging flower basket, A. Bing-
ham, H. L. Watson.
AMATEUR LIST.—Collection of cut
flowers, W. Webster, P. Fox. Six
varieties dahlias, W. Webster. Collec-
tion verbenas, J. H. Williams, J. T.
Dickson. Hand bouquet, P. Fox, 3. T.
Dickson. Table bouquet, J. T. Dick-
son, P. Fox. Collection dianthus, P.
Fox, J. H. Williams. Collection
zinnias, W . Webster, J. H. Williams.
Collection truss geraniums, Wm. Stew-
art, G. E. Holt. Collection phloxes,
J. H. Williams, W. Webster. Collec-
tion asters, W. Webster, J. H. Wil-
liams. Collection pansies, P. Fox, J.
H. William. Collection petunias,
single, W. Webster, J. H. Williams.
Collection petunias, double, W. Web-
ster. Four varieties coleus, P. Fox,
W. Webster. Three varieties tuberous
begonias in bloom, J. H. Williams.
Two begonia rex, P. Fox. Two fuchsias
in bloom, Wm. Stewart, W. Webster.
Three geraniums, single, in bloom,
Wm. Stewart, J. H. Williams. Three
geraniums, double, in bloom, P. Fox,
J. H. Williams. Three varieties
foliage plants, Wm. Stewart, W. Web-
ster. Three varieties plants in bloom,
not specified, J. H. Williams. One
hanging basket, J. H. Williams. Two
cactus, R. • Richardson, W. Webster.
Hydrangia in bloom> special by Jno.
Stewart, J. H. Williams. Two varie-
ties begonias in bloom, E. Richardson,
Wm. Stewart. Best collection in pots,
Wm. Stewart, J. H. Williams.
E>les—Ten varieties, named, Mrs. W.
lliott, J. T. Dickson. Six varieties,
named, cooking, John Richards, J. T.
Dickson. Six varieties, named, dessert,
J. T. Dickson, Mrs. W. Elliott. North-
ern Spy, C. W. Williams, John Peter.
Rhode Island greening, Mrs. W.
Elliott, Mrs. C. A. Humber. Maiden's
blush, Mrs. W. Elliott, W. M. Knight,
Goderich township. Alexander, T. T.
Dickson, Judge Toms. Wealthy, 2nd
John Salkeld. Corvert, W. Irwin,
estate J. J. Fisher. Baldwin, W. M.
Knight, John Stewart. King of Tom-
pkins County, J. T. Dickson, estate J.
J. Fisher. Spitzenhurg . opus, G. A.
Whitley, Mrs. W. Elliott. Fallawater,
C. W. Williams, Andrew Bros. Rox-
bury russet, Thomas Beattie, J. C.
La Touzel. Hubbardson's nonsuch, J.
T. Salkeld. American golden russet,
Wm. Stirling, Mrs. W. Elliott. Ribston
pippin, Selina Nott, J. T. Dickson.
Wagner, Mrs. W. Elliott, G. A. Whit-
ley. Blenheim pippin, Mrs. W. Elliott,
Thomas Beattie. Ben Davis, J. T.
Dickson, John Salkeld. Swaar, Mrs.
W. Elliott, John Porter. Hawthorn -
den, John Stewart, J. C. La Touzel.
Grimes golden, J. T. Dickson. Can-
ada red, G. A. Whitley, estate J. J.
Fisher. Swazze pomme grise, John
Stewart, Jas. Dickson, sr. Pomme
grise, Abe Durnin, G. W. Andrews.
Mann, J. C. La Touzel, W. M. Knight.
Ontario, John Cox, G. A. Whitley.
Snow, Wm. Warnock, W. Irwin,
Gravenstein, John Stewart, Mrs. Wm.
Elliott. St. Lawrence, Mrs. W . Elliott.
20 -oz pippin, W. M. Knight, G. E.
Holt. Beauty of Kent. G. E. Holt,
John Salkeld. Cayuga red streak,
Wm. Irwin, Wm. Sterling. Duchess
of Oldenburg, S. Furse, Selina Nott.
Chenango strawberry, Mrs. W. Elliott.
Phoenix, Mrs. Wm Elliott, J. W. Salk-
eld. Tolman sweet, John Porter, W.
Warnock. VC estfleld's seek no further,
C. W. Williams, S. L. Scott. Crab
apples, G. A. Whitley, J. Beck. J. R.
Shannon, Wm. Stewart, Porter, Judge
Toms. American pippin, J. C. La
Touzel, G. A, Whitley. Special W. T.
Murney 1st. Special, J. Cl. La- Touzel
2nd. Pears—Six varities, named, S.
Furze, H. Curwen. Three varieties,
named, Wm Warnock, H. Curwen.
Bartlett, J. H. Worsell, Wm. War.
nock. Flemish beauty, John Salkeld,
Geo. Church. Vicar of Winkfield, H.
L. Watson, Glen Bros. Duchess
D'Angouleme, J. H. Worsell, Arthur
Curzon. President Druard, J. H. Wil-
liams. Belle Lucrative, Mrs. Hamilton,
John Stewart, Louis Bonne De Jersey,
J. T. Dickson, Thos. Beattie. Beurre
D'Anjou, Drysdale, S. Furze. Beurre
Superfine, J. C. La Touzel, A. Curzon.
White Doyenne, John Salkeld, John
Richards. Grey Doyenne John Rich-
ards, Jas. Rusk. Beurre i-Iardy, John
Richards. Beurre Diel, A. Drysdale,
Mrs. Hamilton. Benrre Bose, S.
Furze, A. Bingham. Sheldon, Wm.
Knight, A. (J. McDonald. Winter
Nellis, H. Curwen, Jas. Dickson,
er. Beurre Clairgeon, J. R. Shan-
non, Horace Horton. Howell, James
Dickson, sr., James Dickson, jr. Sec-
kel John Andrews, J. T. Salkeld.
H Horton. B., m A Drysdale A.
Curwen. Joephine 1]e Malines, Zai A.
Bingham. R,eifier, W. Warnock, A.
Drysdale, Special, Wm. Kright.
Plums—Pond a seedling, .Wm. Ste art,
John Richards. Smith's Orleans,
William Stewart. Yellow egg, V1711-
Roger's No 3 A Bingham J R Shan-
for Infants and C.h1_rdren.
fl T yeses' observation of Castor's with the prbraus o �!
:dims of persons, permit no to speak of it without fileostl�.
It is u*q...tional� the 'best rsmodr for Ia1hlltte and slab kgs
Om world has oar Iinowa. It is harmless. Children bike it. It
fibres tient health. It will save their lives. In it Itatbers have
sersees ng which is absolutely safe and praetioanyperfeet so a
ekild's medioine.
Caster's destroys Worms.
Castoria allays Feverishness.
Castor's prevents vomiting Sour Curd.
Castoria ours Diarrhoea and Wind Celia,
s , Castor's relieves Teething Troubles.
� k
J. T. Dickson, Roger's No. 9, W. War-
nock, J. R. Shannon, Roger's, No. 14, J.
T. Dickson, W. Warnock. Roger's,
No. 15; W. Warnock, J. R, Shannon.
Roger's, No. 19, Wm. Warnock, Wm.
Stewart. Roger's, No. 44, J. T. Dick-
son. Iona, Wm. Warnock, A. Bing-
ham. Salem, A. Bingham, J
Dickson, sr. Moore's Diamond,
W. Warnock. Eaton, W. Warnock.
Virgennes W. Warnock. Clinton,
Isaac Salkeld, jr., Wm. Stewart.
°reveling, J. Dickson, sr., J. T. Dick-
son. Niagara, J. Dickson, sr. J. R.
Shannon. Empire State, W. War-
nock. Jessica, W. Warnock. Warden,
S. Morningstar, J. R. Shannon,
Moore's Early, S. Morningstar, P. H.
Toms. Brighton, J. T. Dickson, Wm.
Warnock. Mills, 2d W. Warnock.
Water melons, C. A. Wells, W. War-
nock. Yellow flesh melons, 2 R Warr-
ington. Green or scarlet flesh melons,
C. A. Wells, R. Warrington. Citrons,
Mrs. Hamilton, C. A. Wells.
in comber 10 lbs. Wm. Harty, Mrs. C.
A. Humber. Jar of honey, Wm Harty,
John Porter. Maple syrup, E. Richard-
son, Mrs. C. A. Humber. Collection
home made preserves, Mrs. H. R.
Walker, S. Morningstar. Peaches, A.
Curzon, Wm. Warnock. Pears, John
Porter, George Church. Citron, Mrs.
H. R. Walker, S. Morningstar.
Cucumber, Mrs. C. A. Humber, A. E.
Washington. Quince, Mrs. Toms,.
John Andrews. Jellies, W. N. Howell,
Mrs. H. R. Walker. Three loaves
home made bread, Geo. Church, Percy
Stewart. Three loaves homemade bread,
made with yeast cakes, W. M. Knight.
Goderich township, Percy Stewar.,.i
Three loaves home made bread, made
with bakers hop yeast. Geo. Green,
A. Allen. Layer cake, John Stewart,
Eva Cattle. Twelve tea biscuits, Mrs.
C. A. Humber, Wm. Warnock. Col-
lection of pies, Eva Cattle, J. L. Atkin.
One dozen fancy tarts, Eva Cattle,
Wm. Stirling.
FINE ARTS.—Professional List, Oil
Originals—Any subject, R. Crockett,
C. H. Mountcastle. Landscape, Can-
adian subject, 1• and 2, R. Crockett.
Marine view, R. Crockett, C. H. Mount -
castle. Animals, from life, Miss Polly,
C. H. Mountcastle. Flowers or truit,
C. H. Mountcastle, R. Crockett. Still
life, not flowers or fruit, Jas. Griffiths,
C. H. Mountcastle, Copies, any sub-
ject, Jas. Griffiths, R. Crockett. Ama-
teur List, Oil—Any Subject, J. T. Dick-
son, Mrs. C. Campbell. Landscape, S.
L.Scott,A.M.Polly. Marine view, Mrs.
Campbell, A. M. Polly. Animals from
life, Mrs. A. C. Johnston, Mrs. Camp- t
bell. Flowers or fruit, S. L. Scott,
Mrs. Johnston. Still life, not flowers
or fruit, Mrs. Campbell, Miss M. Shep-
hard. Original painting, any subject,
Mrs, Johnston, Mrs. Campbell. Paint-
ing on silk or satin, oils amature. L.
Symington, Mrs. Campbell. Honor
able mention, Miss Stokes. Water
Colors.—Any subject, R. Crockett, Jas.
Griffiths, Landscape, Canadian sub-
ject, Miss Mountcastle, R. Crockett.
Marine view, R. Crockett,, MissMount-
castle. Animals from life, Miss Mount -
castle. Flowers or fruit, Jas. Griffiths,
R. Crockett. Still life, not flowers or
fr uit, R. Crockett, Miss Mountcastle.
Copy any subject, Miss Mountcastle,
Jas. Griffiths. Sepia, Jas. Griffiths, R.
Crockett. Pencil or Crayon drawing,
phant potatoes, A. Bingham, Jas.
Stewart. Beauty of Herbon potatoes,
G. Shepperd, sr., A. Bingham. Pota-
toes, any variety named, Mrs. H. R.
Walker, G. Shepperd, sr. English
vegetable narrow, Wm. Warnock,
W. N. Howell. Summer squash, for
table, Wm. Warnock. Winter squash,
for table, Jas. Stewart, Wm. Warnock.
White or golden celery, H. L. Watson,
R. Warrington. Red celery, R. War-
rington, J.H. Worsell. Winter cabbage,
named, G. Sheppard, sr., John Salkeld.
Fall cabbage, named, A. Bingham,
R. Warrington. Savoy cabbage, S.
Morningstar, A. Bingham. Red cab-
bage, A. Bingham, 1:t. Warrington.
Long blood beats, table, C. A. Wells,
Wm. Kirkbride. Turnip blood beats,
table, John Richards, Judge Toms.
Radishes, 0. A. Wells, Mrs. H.Howell.
Table turnips, Wm. Swaffield, Sam
Furze. Long orange carrots, Mrs. T.
Hamilton, John Richards. Early horn
carrots Wm. Warnock, John Rich-
ards. Scarlet carrots Nance, A. Bing-
ham, Wm. Swaffield. Parsnips, for
table, War Warnock, Jas. Stewart.
Red onions, John Salkeld, A. Kirkbride.
Yellow onions, C. A. Wells, John
Salkeld. Silver skin onions, C. A.
Wells, Geo. Shepperd, sr. Collection
sweet corn, Judge Toms, Jas. Aiken -
head. Corn, for table, R. Warrington,
C. A. Wells. Egg plant, H. L. Wat-
son, A. Bingham. Cauliflower, A.
Kirkbride, Wm. Kirkbride. Ripe
capsicums, J. H. Williams, C. A. Wells,
Red tomatoes, Wm. Stewart, A. Bing-
ham. Purple tomatoes, Wm. Stewart,
J. 11. Worsell. Yellow tomatoes,
Wm. Stewart, A. Kirkbride. Collec-
tion garden herbs, C. A. Wells. Col-
lection garden produce, distinct from
other entries, C. A. Wells. Wm. War-
Castoria mires Constipation and Flatulency,
Criteria neutralises the elects of oarbonio acid gas or poisonous sir.
Castor's does not contain morphine, opium, or outer :sweetie property.
Castoria - tee the f r tes the sten>taoh and
giving healthy and natural sleep.
Cestoria is put up in one -sire bottles out
Don't allow . one to sell ou
that it is "just as good" and" will answer every
Ove that you get C-A-ST*O-8 I A.
It is not sold in 'bulk.
else n the
The fav -simile
signature of
is on ever!
,tea_ ppa�•
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Featherbone Corsets must
be confounded with those;`,
were made five or six yet.:
The Featherbone Corset ofd
is as far removed from tk
style, as black is from wht
Hub Grocery �- Tea
Just arrived, a consignment of the celebrated BEE BRAND TEA,
put in half pound and pound packages. This is the only package Tea pltt
up where it is grown. The Bee Brand Tea is grown in the Palamcotta.
Gardens, Ceylon, and is no mixture, but a pure Tea of very fine flavor and
strength. This Tea took the first place at the World's Fair, Chicago. We
have the sole agency for this town. Come and get a sample and try it..
€4-T_1 CO SWAJ €b W, .
Miss Mountcastle, Jas. Griffiths. Pen
and ink sketch James Griffiths, R.
People Mut Live
And in order to do so they want the very best they can get.
We have anticipated' their desire by purchasing the choicest
Having had 35 years experience, think we know the wants
of the people pretty well. Our stock embraces everything
found in a first-class grocery, and we will not be undersold.
We have a Beautiful Assortment of FANCY GLASSWARE and
CROCKERY Special Cuts on SUGARS and TEAS in large lots
Crockett. Amature Water Colors,—
Any subject, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs.
Campbell. Landscape, Mrs. Johnston,
J. T. Dickson. Marine view. - Jas.
Dickson, sr., J. T. Dickson. Animals,
Mrs. Johnston, A. M. Polley. Flowers
or fruit, Mrs. Johnston, Miss Fraser.
Still life, not flowers or fruit, Mrs.
Johnston, Miss Fraser. Original, any
subject, Miss Stokes, Mrs. Campbell.
Sepia, Mrs. Johnston, Miss Frazer.
Pencil or crayon drawing, Mrs. Johns-
ton, Mrs. Campbell. Pen and ink
sketch, Mrs. Campbell, C. L. House-
man. Painting on silk or satin, water
colors (amateur) Miss Fraser, J. M.
Robertson. Specimen penmanship,
plain., S. L. Scptt, Matthew Woods.
Specimen penmanship ornamental,
Matthew Wods. Architectural Draw-
ing—Professional or Amateur— A.
Kaufman, R. Crockett. Engine, ma-
chine, or mill drawing, A. Kaufman, J.
C. Watson.
li S x lianas—llistressing Kid
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "New GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN
KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physicians on
account of its exceeding promptness in re-
lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back
and every part of the urinary passages in
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If ,you want quick relief and
care this is your remedy. Sold by Watts
& Co., and ALLAN & WILsoN, Druggists.
Cla�pp's favorite, S. Furze. Lawrence,
Children Cry for
o Casto,la.
J. W. Irwixi, Grocer
Care SICK HEADACHE and Nentalsia
in so manures, also Coated Tongue Dizti-
mess, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver 13ad Breath. to stay cured alto
regulate the bowels. WIRY MON Td TAMIL
/sales 2e CENT* Air DAuck 111TOrtltti
ax -
A full stock and prices away down. It you
want 100 lbs., 50 lbs., or one ball, we can supply
you. The best is the cheapest
New Store B ARLAND BROS Old Stand
WiekkayBlock , Brick Bloch
The Business College Sham is the most to be despised. Not every institutiota
dubbed Business College is worthy of your support. Yon will in all likelihood,
take a Business Course but once, therefore, why not select a School that hay
earned a reputation for practical conscientious work. The
t, ��-M.._.•^...
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Forest City Business & Shorthand CollegeA of London;
stands head and shoulders above the average Canadian Schoolsw-Glradtiui1110t ;
everywhere successful--Cataloggufree—
Address carefully J. W. WESTERVELT, Pirintipisit