HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-09-02, Page 5J Soot ,A(j[ hes Are good torthe" eyes, they preserve the Sight,that .is if pro-" perly .i ted, -and we "guarantee, a' perfect fit''every 'time as.eall our customers, ar`e fitted by an .. 1).. that 'under.' stands.the eye, .:and,. makes. no mistakes,: ry Tew€ier, Clinto SWISS LILAC_ , SEELY'S PEAY D'ESPAQNE SEELY'S NARY ANDERSON SEELY'S WOOD VIOLET find CRA]} APPLE Fre�{, SEELY'S, EASTER LILY and CLEOPATRIA si�L. Odor' RECKSECKERS' MARTHA, WASH]NGTON ' n WOODWORTH'S BLUE LILIES. ; Just Received Many other Odors both in bulk and in bottles, BABY'S OWN SOAP 10 cents a Cake. OATMEAL SOAP, 3 Ctikes for 2i cents. GLYCERINE, HONEY and BRAWN WINDSOR, 3 for 25e. YOU GET THE BEST AT P111 ALLEN ‘,84 WILSON'S Prescription DrugStore,_ C1inO. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS andSTATIONERY. Telephone 49 MONTREAL LIVE STOOK MARKETS Cajoles from Liverpool noted a deo neo a farthing from last week, but. Canadian cattle being quoted at 51 to 6 . The message said:— "Trade is worse.' Whether business here is in sympathy with Liverpool is diffioult to say, ae few actual sales -have been made but it is certain that there is no improvement to note. There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle 140 calves and 100 sheep and lambs offered at the East End Abattoir. Trade was rather dull and prises of nearly all kinds except the best cattle and shipping sheep are lower, with the probability that considerable numbers of the common hand erffrautenet.will are to inferior ovofurmarkt. The best butchers' cattle sold at about 3$o per per lb. pretty good stook at from 3c to no, do common dry -cows rough half -fatted steers and thrifty young stock sold at from 2to to nearly 1 c to erlb, 0 pr whileb.the leaner 'boasts to pay about sell per from 2c to 3c per lb sheep, and sellas from 3c to nearly 3ac per lb, common lots at about 21 o per lb, and the culla at from 41,25 to $1.75 each. Fat hogs are lose plentiful and sales were made at from $5,25 to $5.40 per 100 lbs, CLINTON MARKETS 0orrooted every Thursday afternoon Thursday, September 20, 1894. Wheat, spring 0 50 a 0 62 Wheat, fall 0 50 a 0 62 Oats, 0 26 a 0 28 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 50 a 0 50 Flour per bal 3 60 a Butter 0 15 a Eggs per doz 0 10 a Potatoes 0 40 a Hay, New and Old 6 03 a Hides, No. 1 trimmed 2 00 a Sheeepskins 0 25 a Wool 0 15 a 350 0 16 0 10 0 40 6 00 2 50 0 75 0 17 The three-year-old son of Frederick Seanline, a Plantagenet blacksmith, was drowned in that city on Saturday. Wilson Lloyn, a cheesemaker of Plain- field, was killed by lightning at Shannon- ville on Saturday afternoon. Raaaquarters for Fine Toilet Soaps We received this week a large lot of Soaps direct from the manufacturer, which will be sold at close prices. BABY'S OWN SOAP Reduced to 10 Cents a Cake. ° PREMIER VINOLA and OATMEAL SOAPS. OUR BAKING POWDER has many imitations but no equals. 25e per lb" JAMES H. COM BB CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUP"T.IES, ETC. 8 94 We feel the need of something more ex ressive than superlatives to tellaboutp you the " Magnificent lection" of of Nei' raii GMaterials Now on hand in our spacious store. We cannot to -day make any special mention of any one • y � particular style r c t n-tb e� -m. n-y-dpsa.gn.s of Ladi-e-s Coats -and -Wraps shown by us, nor of the many and varied shades weaves and designs in our ' NEW FALL DRESS GOODS! But especially invites buyers of High Grade Garments and Dress Stuffs to see some of the, elegant goods rices. Theyg we show at moderate p are something like the triumphs of the Great Alexander, conquering the world of taste and fashion, and each year making the conquest more complete Don't forget that we are heavy dealers in MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. Suits made as well as any custom made garments, and the style, fit and finish equal to anything shown, are sold at this store at prices that save you from 25 to 40 percent on your investment.By all means see this store's Clothing. Dont, buy a suit or Garment till you get our prices. Gartartcrra CLINTON ..FAL M 111 1894 In making our fall announcement to the trade, we are grateful for the patronage received in the past, and trust that by keeping our stock well assorted, with all the newest styles of goods as theyare placed on the market, and by fair prices and honest dealing, to retain all our old cus- tomers and make many new ones. We are very busy getting in and marking the new goods as they arrive, of which we will have more to say later on IVICILLJEATMEtlf" MISS WELSH has returned from the Millinery Open- ings and is again readyto attend to her p _many customers. See her stock of Sailors and Walking Hats. TiRESS and MANTLE VIAIMINC Dress and Mantle Makin will be continued experienced g e ��� das usual b Y p ced hands, a. satisfaction assured. Gents FurnisIiings :: Ready Made Clothing. Tailoring :: done- in first-class style. new stock of Scotch and West of England goods • See the �' just arrived. 7BOOTSWe have & still a large stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &e , to dispose of at wholesale prices, as we are retiring from this line of goods. PLTJ1VESTEEL G EBINO:, ountoa . 4iiit5. ".c CASH— GROCERY t HAS THE ONLY STRICTLY FRESH STOCK OF GROCERIES IN TOWN. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF THE FINEST LINES OF Teas,Sugars,CannedGoods,Frurts And in fact everything to be found in a first-class grocery store. We have an elegant assortment of Fancy Crockery, China and :Glassware. EVERYTHIHG FRESH AT THE NEW GROCERY OGLE COOPER & CO. 1 ,door North of News -Record. T"yhaem. bongBoot coo_. -- We have handled it for four years and can find nothing to equal it. Our customers pronounce it the best value in the market, for COMFORT, FIT and DURABILITY. Have you tried it? If not, do so this season, and you will be pleased with your choice. The price is $3 a pair. We also sell the "Yamaska" in Women's, Misses and Child- ren's sizes, and for wearing quality, we think them superior to any other make. We are prepared for an immense boot and shoe trade, and in addition to our purchases of regular , goods, have secured a bankrupt stock containing many de- sirable lines at prices that will rivet your attention. 200 prs• Child's Laced & But'd Boots at 26c a pig - 50 , " Misses SOc a pr 100 " Women's " " $1 a pr These specials are all fine goods, DongoIa and Polished Calf. You will save money buying Boots and Shoes from us. NEW DRESS GOODS 11 Are in stock and contain some attractive novelties. Buying and selling for cash is what enables us to give you the best goods at the lowest prices. W. I.... OUIMETTI* CASH DEALER, LONDLS:ORp • fi ti �4