HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-03-20, Page 2E YOUR OWN 1303S Anyone Can start a OUT -RATE OROURY BItSLESS • or their ewn in their own home, no matter wbere you live, it in the largeet eity or a small licorice $23 to investee Should min you rrom tell to $.7) weeltie. • Seed tor Free Plans to 1 THE, WNW' ASSQLW10 NINDSOR, `ONTARIO..1 II. take moil heed. . ...that ye leste be Lord -if the leraelites ehoUltt fulTT Obey this exhortation, they would he' entirely oaf(); for it they leveed JO%t- eeth in truth, they would apt give any tounteuance to idolatry. 12. if ye - .cleavo Unto the remnant of these elation.) oehtta saw the tendency Of Israel to ilolatrY end the ternanations that would beset them. There Would be dauger of entering into marriage relations with the heathen nations ana that would result in a departure fro Jehovah. 13. know for cer- taluty-Josima, wottld make a deep linpreseion upon the militia aue, hearts of his people. will no More Oise out . . ,these nations -11Y becoming clos- elY associated with the heathen peo- ples they would forfeit the protection of Jehovah, ana be would not give them deliverance from their enemies. snares- DeVIces for catebin,g btrds, traps -Devices for eatelting beasts or men by the feet. scourges.. -thorns -These figuree Maine() that it. the Israelites should tolerate heathen na- tions and Iota with them, they Would suffer most keenly for their toile and sin. Perish from of this good laud - God's prornise of the land ot Canaan tee Israel was upon the condition of their obeying and trusting him, and If they should disobeY, they would be driven out of their country. r' 14-16 Joshua, Would seen be gone and he Weald leave as his parting words to Israel, that Goa host been faithful in fulfilling his promises, end they ohmi4 he faithful to him. ill. Israel% eromise to be faithful (24: 12e). Joshua called an assembly of al) -the triboe of -Israel, gathering the giblet men of the nation for a second farewell meeting with them, He :ebeareed at some length the great things God had done for them from the call of Abraham to the settlement of the nation of Israel in Canaan, and exhorted the people to acme° the Lord ana servo him faithfullyt They pro- mised lam not amply once, but our times over, that they would serve the Lord, and then Joshua wrote the con- venant and set up a stone as a wit- ness that Israel hademade this pro - wives QuOst1011:1.-Under what circurn- stauccs did Joelatut suiamon the peo- ple to him? What had Joshua urge the Israeliteo to do? Unaer tvliat cir- cumstances could one chase a thou - saint? What sboilid. be Israel'e atti- tude toward the heathen nations? What danger did Joshua sco? What convenient did Israel make? Whataid Jositua do that this convenant might be remembered'? PRACTICAL SURVEY. Topic.-Cornpromising with evil- .- ' 1. Joshua's farewell.. II. Warning and promise. III. The evilof compromise. 1. Joshua's faseewell. This pious Lesson XIL, March 23, 1919. Israel Warni'd Ageinet Compromise. Temperance Leeson-Joehua 22, 1- 24; 28. Print 23: 1-13. Commentary. -I. Ood'e benettts to Israel (23, 1-5). 1. A. long tuue'it is thought that the, fareeeti aasembly Wok place aboat seven years atter the allotment of , L fatten to the several 1,1113C43 of •Israel UM given Net -front all their enemies -The enezetee of *goal 114 either been, subjugated or wefe not waging war agamet them, Joshua. Wexca old and (stricken M age-'40e1tu0. was old and well strick- en in yors,"-kt. V. Ile mug have been nearly or (Mite one leundrea and ten yore old at this time, as that was the age at which he died, 2; Call- ed for all Israel-Josb,ua eent forth a. call for lerael to come to bine prob- ably at his home, Tiranath-eerae or at Shiloh, for we are not told waere. And for taeir elders, etc. -The word "and" is not In the Hebrew,. isence_ tvbet foliowe it explains who were called. The assembly wee made up of the leaders of the 'several tribes,. the heads of fernlike, the interpreters of the law and the officiale ce ethe na• tion, 2. All that the Lord your God hath done -In 'the beginning of his addreas he called Israere attention to what Jehovah had done for them in giving them poesesSion of Canaan, which Vas prettieuely• calcupied by their enemies und the enerniee el Je- hovah. For the Lorde.fought for you --J0EllUa was the 'Oder ot lerael in the oecupetion of the land, but he as- eribee the suceees of the undertaltiag to JebeetehteWbo had given them the victory over their enemies. 4. ;I have divided unto you by lot -The entire territory of the land of Canaan had been Apportioned to the tribes of Is- rael, although parts of it had not yet been conquered. The armies of the Canattnites had been broken into Pieces, yet the leraelites had not fully followed up their actvantages. The Lord had given full ditectione regard - Ing the elleteioa Of thealand, From Jordan- .unto „the great .sea- The -eastern and Weetern limits of tetrad% Posseesions are glyenstrhce"great sea" le the Mediterranean.- 5. The Lord e your God, He shall expel them -Josh- ua retained the tattle in Jehovah that he had When he returned Kadesh- • barnett afterspying Out the land of Canaan more than sixty years before thle end made • his repoft in connece don with Caleb. He aesured the Israel- ites tbat God would be their sufficient help in fully ridding the land cf his etierniee and theirs. II. Exhortation to Faithfulness (28:6-10). 6. be yo therefore very courageotts-In view of what Jehovah had already done for• •Israel and had promised to do, Joshua urged them be be strong a heart and faithful in do- ing his will. all that is written in the book of tale law of. Moses -This book contained the Moral law and the ceremonials, in addition to many dir- ectioas governing .he 'ordinary, affairs uf life, and these were all to be care- fully obseeved. T. come not, emong etbn-eThe Ssraelltee Would become fam- iliar, with thene and the gods of the them, nor bow yourselfiree unto them -The Sin to which the children of Is- rael were most' liable was idolatry, hence Jeslitte. Wartaed them .plainly against anything te do with the gods • of the heaths% 8. cleave auto the Lordt-Cling, tie the Lord and be not driven out. . .great nations -Joshua urgethis as a reason why Isreal shoulds"clea.ve unto tho' Lord" and not turn aside the idols. The ,gods of these "great nations" •were helpiesi before Jehovah and hie Pc.oPle• -10. one man of me eirall chase a. thousa)1d- This is a strong expraeeton showing how greatly superior lerael, with the help of God, would be to other peoplee, WOMEN FIENDS IN OLD BERLIN solicitude of Joshua is worthy of imi- tation by all in authority. He set him- selt diligently to complete and perpetu- ate the work of his life in the fare- well appeal to the great people for whom he had eo unselfishly labored. The desire's of the godly do not de- -cline with physlcal strength. The purpoeos amen lives like those .1(35 are atoll "broken off." The greatest lives are but arcs longer or With Knives, Hack Soldier Captives to Death. Terrible Destructioii in Ger- 'Man Capital. COMPLETE $00001 8ETww24 P1E0 S FREE TOBOV Acip GIRL% 3 Pen. reline 1 English Settee' C4180 1 Box Cratame 0ivolore) 1 Japanese Vend', 1.021: 1 Speclei Drawing Potion 1 Compass Itubber-tipped Lead Pencil's 2 Metal -mead Lead Pencils 3 isen Itolder We will give you title whole 21-pieco School Outfit free of all charge if you will pelt erst 30 packages Or our lovely anboss(d Easter pest cards at 10 centa a package (0 lovely cards in each pact:age). Send ue your name and we will eend YOU the cards to sett. When sole semi us the money and we will eenci you the whole outfit, Arldret,s; This outfit contains: 1 Lraser 1 Box Pallas 1 Paint Brush 3 Patrivtic Blotters • a Ineicages union Jeck ilia; Stickers so that you can put the elios on your Fchool L,00k3, letters, etc. London Oable.-A Rotterdam despatch to tite Daily Newe says: "Telegraphing late last night, the Ber- lin correepondent of the Nieuwe Rot- terdentsche Courant eneblee one to catch glimpses of the demoralizetion aud material destruction in Berlin during the last few days of the civil war. There, many Women, armea With -knives, 'melted to death. soldiere who had been made prieoners while other prisonere, having been etrIpped and placed in the middle ot open epaces, Were made living tergete toa Miseles ot all sorts, including hand grenades. The meterial destruction is enema= and remindthe correspoudent of what he saw in the battle area en the wasters; front where toWile were res diked to little more than jagged ekels etons of walls, elinee have been ex- pleded in tale streets of Berlin a.dditig to tho „deetreetion. Amid Attie turmoil whicli has made everybody extreme- ly nervous, even eerni-hyeterical, one secMothers of familice darting des- • Petately out, of doerwaye in the en - (leaver to reach places wirer° food can be obtained." . An Old Offender &tight. 444.66666.4444.4.444.466444.44644444.4.644.. ....4.46•64.444664444.4.446.46444....6.44...64644.4.4.4644646.0.4. . ., • •. too mt. man WHO HAY 0041111C17.1114(467 71-444-AWAYS READY AcirWLSCrIVICE H1L144ke the Self - strives -14g razor that gives him a fresh, ice= edge eaCh day; -welcome the sini- Oa," that enables him to clean WM AutoStrop AZazor without taking it apart; kzctost of all he'll e glad of the efficieney with which the AutoStrop Razor goes "over the top" and' 'Mint:Nes the toughest "barbed-wire" heard Without the slightest "pull" or irrl. taloa. The AtitoStrOp Razor i9 a get helt,be thankful for every day of his life a lasting memento of 2,1our thoughtfulness. wh/tasor Strop - 12 blades SS *.` RAiEB.11. SA AtrrosmOts SAIrtrIt tIAZO R Otli.„ Limited Antoetrop 134.tilding, Toronto, Cowls Zia& egtiekEy Matta .ASti ANY'Dalid6IST or writLyinati-Knox Co., Montreal, P.Q. Pdo Ole Remember the noble as h might oor fic awl ,tali HQMER.WARREINCO. Dept, $9, Toronto A TRAITOR. Albanian Delegate Said to Be in Turk.pay. Saloniki, Cable says -It is alleged that Halid Paella, a member et one of the delegetions sent to Paris -to present Albania's claim beeare the Peace Conference, assistea in 3915 to organ- ize a unit of Turkish volunteers, which was turned over to General von San - dere, the German. 'commander a the Turkish army, It is said he still re- ceivet a pension as a retired Turkish prefect, and that he has maintained' clap relatione with leaders of the Young Turks. Cause of Asthma. Na one can say with certainty exactly what causes the establishing of astlunetto condi- tions. Dust from the streets; from flowers, from grain and various other irrttants may set up a trouble impos- sible to irra,dicate except through a sure preparation such as Dr. 3. D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Uncer- tainty may exist its to cause, but there Can be no uncertainty regarding a remedy wbieh has freed a generation of aethrnatie victims from this scourge Of the bronchial tubee. It is sold everywhere. 41k For years he has caused endless trouble, but when Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor was applied he came ottt root and all. Any corn Or wart cured in twenty-four liours by Putnam'a Ex- tractor," 26c. at.all dealers. • • ' 4s 0 ,'•••-'•444 All Military Aeroplanes Are Par - red to Germany. shoeter, in the circle of divine pur- poses. Only tile life of, Jesus was complete. The great apostle declared, -I have finished my course." Lochs,. Mg into the face of the Father, Jesus said, el have finished the work which thou gayest me to do.' In the farewell address of the great leadersthere is no idea of eelf-concern nor effort to per- petuate his own fame. II. Warning and promise. Both are ineepatably hesociated in Joshua's ad - drum and in God's, meseages to all mankind, Men can not cheeso prom- ises and reject precepts. God :9 faith - Winces in fulfilling his promises is a guarantee ..concerning his threaten- ings, Divine betimes is equally -con- cerned in both. The departing leader would assure the fixture by pledging the nation anew • to _loyalty, and de - Meade a personal and univercsal testi- mony to God's faithfulness,. "Ye know lit en yeue Marie end in , all your -senile, filet pot one thtng heth Oled." Obedience beta' Inede them invulner- able. The assembled people were re- mindeil that their tenure ef le:saes:don was still contingent thereon.."Ile ye therefore voey coeregeous te keep and to do." Their separation Mlist be Maintained. III. The evils ot compromiee. The term implice conflicting claims or in- terests, and meant; a settlement by mutual ceaceseions. in the nature of things rIghteousneee must be heeler - ••ante It cannot make coneezekns tor accept comprolniees Witheat eel!. dee- truetion. To eurretaler i4 lttuifls in the smallest peak:ear ileatrot s its charaeter. It eau aot cement to Ms - cuss terms, for there are none; Abe oven to coneider it, is both danseieue ani degrading. To preserve a nation that should perpetuate a pere religious faith and worehip, provide a medial -11 and tustody foe 'the oracles of God and custody for "the oracles of God," and bring to the world ite divinely - human Redeemer, God =Intoned Hie people with ale:white prohibitions, which were disregarded at their Orli. Civil or andel contracts woutd tend to spiritual affinities, and hence were ferbiaden. So deadly Wert) the lurking germs of moral contamination, that the utter extirpation of the degraded and idolatrous inhabitants wan com- manded. The underlying principle io Perennial arid of peeeliar force elates prevent. lu varioue and subtle forms the appeal lo made. Spam:olio reason - inlet founded sin fahse premises nite- lead many. The first Went of •compro- tniee ie a bewilderment of moral Judg- ment. A "single eye" is teeential to dear vigor. A zecond evil la the weakening of Moral roletanee togeth- er with 0. (strengthening et the pewee of appeal. From the "eounael of the tingedlY"to "the way of seinen" and "•the Wet of the 43Corittur la a direct path. The man who co/even-dace. tnortgagea Itieetemporal and eternal estate,and fOreckettre ie II. C. . • • '4 BACK RIEU OF LABOR BUREAU Paris, March 13, -The aerial terms of tile German disarmament. as adopt- ed yesterday by the Stipe,me War Council provide ethat, airplanes and dirigibles shall no longer be used for military purposes. The commit con. eluded that it was not teasible to pro- hibit airplanes for .comtnereial uses. The, •dratting committee was directed to make clear the distinction except - :111g commercial airplanes in the terms incorporated in the peace terms. All forms of military alrlilalles aro barred to. Germany, thet only exception being the temporary use until Oct. 1 of 10.0 byelrollirplanes 'and 1,000 men tn .gathering mines io the North aeet The Haves' Ageocy says: `Tiers:tarty must deliver all aidlanes to the, allies and must prohibit the construction of • .other airplanes until the conclusion of peatte, the Snprente War Council de- cided, The forms do not decide they future fate of the airplanes Oka may. either be destroyed or divided amciag the allies. The British and Americal delegates brought up the question Of a distinction between conarnercial: aerial navigation, whieh will be au- thorized for Germany after oonclusien of peace, under certain guaro.ntees and militery, aerial navigatien which will be proalbited. J`Tho council decided to send an PLAN ACAINST NATIONS. LEAULIE IVLay Not Use League Of Nations Machinery, Moral Suasion Thought to Be Better. D. S. Senators Are Ettsy With Campaign. tarroborative evidence in regard to Corporal Yol1g. Ceptalst Itiritsitooa, recalled, lictat with. the reale of Trash" ebick, wittiest betty was brought into 'tile hospital during the disturbances. There was onlY one Mark Of said the witness, and that was a wound peetrating the abdominal wail. It was of a kind that suggested inflictiOn by • a bayonet. The coroner at tale Mita adjourn- ed tbe injuirY until TituredaY, next, and stiggeSted it wouldbe possible for them to sit on the two following days. Also, two witnesses required for pur- poses ca iden•tiftcatiofl failed to appear, Major St. George, assistant provost maraluil, suggested that possibly as the absent witnesses were foreign- ers, they dal net understand what was meant by being bound over to -attend. Tbe coronert "That may be so, but at any rate they epic() rentarkably \vett when I saw them.' ,Maeor St. George promised to let the coroner know as early Ste possible When, in the view of the general, the, Military inquiry would be eoncheded. Every Woman's itotiiioa • For Rosy Cheeks 44-.44-410 Ses9eet4e***44+44.4 OW TO ME WLIOUSNESS DOW" warn 0•4aInst remedies containing powerfut drugs and. Alcohol. "The Sstract of Rooth on known as !'other Selgeire Curative Syrup, has no dope or strong Ingredients; It cures in- digestion, bilk:wet:oak and con- stipation. Can be Rad et any drug store." Dot the genuine, 5(le and 01.00 Bottles. lit Clim Censorship is AgainTrue Views, ROW, Las:ily S.Ostie4 a,st they Gay, to pre it ally censorship Hollow eheeks with dark linee under Washington Repoet.--In order, e. the eyes, ho from' interfering with their plans, w a weetiati'hates them; • Senators, who are participants in the 311130ults hrap,pspyc y, hs,, clear skin and ee: eociety proposed tor the puree -cm ot bright eyee, give the to a womial alai ceoeuarcieerCe mtreittseht,iodne,inItay caohmvapylesttlecnaccoruarelost her The woman woe attracts, ,Wbose "Iteeplug tite American peopm bettor informed" as to the events of the Thee couriers will, so the Senatore otn.ofeurnernocpee.atil send spew! health, paetinularly tra her blood con- dbattaimutiooltdott eomplelioa. gimlets meaus say, communicate to the French press '• Girle, don't let your blood grow thin and people the actual eentiments• of or watery. To do ite beings on liag- the American people regarding ette gard leeks and aeclining strength. League of 'Nations and, the Peal'he Many e woma.n who was allowed Treaty. Some of the Senators in. the hereelf to'run down, to devotee' that group urging the formatien of the so- tired, worried look, heir teallt up again cicty say they firmly believe that ix -eh n this eimple way. any doida you try French and American ceneorship has ft? been using repressive methode, and At the close of every meal just that the real eentiments a neither the take two small chogolate-coated \l.fer- Trench nor the American people have Naomi Tablete-any s, person can do been exchanged, They tleclared, to -day •tlas in .a, minute, The action of Fer- they would depend on their couriers rezone is apparent at ono. It sets =lion they (soughtand that this up ; you feel good, starts to bring back from France the infer- you ii,P, makes Your appetite, aidsdigestion, would be "the only safe way" to get brings that oidatiMe feeling et youth it. Into the SYstetur again. Read of Miesoura Poindexter of Wash- ii:erro. zoo°. uts you on the -right road Already Senators Borah of Idaho, selves with the movement,,with which . ' .-.the one, leading to ea , Not a men aroinan or. child needing Ph 1th ington, and others have allied them- phia and Henry Watterson are also , bp.1.6omednv:gor enduranee-net a person wild is invearthneearitvevshDor NBviocult,ltyx, eenoetvae George Wharton Pepper of Philadei- - " identified. Senat,or Knox of Penasels . vania, who ie now at Palm I3each, immediate help from Fegrozollea was heard from to -day. Tt was de- Aa' a tonic and restorative, as a Oared he 'was entirely sympathetic health -bringer and bodyamilder, aver - with the idea. rezone is unrivalled. It cures* because A meeting will be held next week tt feeds and nourishes, because it in New York at which an Wert will coatains the elealents that build up be made to have thesnew society int and Strengthen. For better looks and better health try Verrozon.e yourself, eluded, under a, special name, with all the organizations in the country sold everywhere, 500. per box, 6 boxes • for $2.50s or by mail Bann Tae Ca - ward same' to- for the League of Nations project. 'perk, Oalblet-leow the - rulings of the international Labor Bureau will be enforcea and the fixing of the vot- ing power of the nations represented on the beard are the only questione under consideration by the comnaission on International Labor Legislation. It is believed both questions will be de- termined next week. With the exception of these points the 13ritisb. draft for organization of the bureau and the methods of its procedure have been adopted almost without elean‘ge. The recommendation to have the 'first meeting ot the Inter- national Labor machine held•in Wash- ington will be incorporated in the report, as well as tho date of the meet - lug. The British recommendation that the rulings of the bureau be enforced with the same machinery as the Le,ague of Nations employs has not found unqual. il..I.,..••••OI•••••••••••Md. - KIM [19061V VOROVT MAIMETS. 14ef, foreuesoters $17 00 Do., hindquarter.) .. 23 00 Carcasses. choice . . 21 00 Do., meditnn 18 50 Do., common •15 50 Veal, commoe, cwt.... OR Do'medium •., 20 00 " Do., pritne 25 00 Heavy hogs, cwt.. 16 03 Shop hogs, cwt Abattoir hogs, cwt.... ..„ 23 00 Mutt011, ,18 00 SUGAR elARKET. Wholesale quotations to the retail trade ' on Canadian refined sugar, Toronto; A.cadia granulated . .,100 lbs. .310 27 St. Lawrence granulated., -100 lbs. 10 27 Lantie granulated . 100 lbs. 10 27 Canada Itedpath, grait..,.. 100 lbs. 10 27 Dominion granulated _100 lbs. 10 27 .Acatlia yellow, N. 1 yellow, differen- tial, 40c; No. 2 yellow, 50e; No. a yellow, 60e. St. Lawrence yellows, IsTo. 1 yelldw, dif- ferential from granulated, 30e; No. 2 Yel- • low, 40e; No. 3 yellow, 50e. Dominion yellows, No. 1 *Bow, differ onttal from granulated, 30c; No. 2 yellow, 40e; No. 3 yellow, 50e. Atlantic yellows, No. 1 yellow, differ- entie,l, 40c; No. 2 yellow, 50e; No. 3 Yel- low, 60e. Canada yellows, No. yellow, differen- tial, 40e; No. %Yellow, :Vic; No. 3 yellow, GOe. °TREE, IVLARKETS WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANG31 Wellington kluttool Fire Ins. co. lbsuiblisto4 1.144, Oak*, *WWI*, Oler• teEen 4111 440111111 prepirrty t,ho slask fel 19199411,1011 UAW slam, Woo, EAMEAM, IOUS 114111)001 roost* slow/4 , ammo 4 00$4144, Atintily Wil$04484tOs DU4legr 1101ffiel," SMOVII11114 somfAtrroN wro. .t 111.40c, Wh011ito R. Vanetone, StrtlefeISTElt AND 11001.10;111816 gesupy to look 44 lorrosi 004 Arthur Irma $1.9 00 D.D.S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Peen- eyivania College ant Licentiate of Den- tal Surgery nr Oatarle. Closed every Wednesdo.y Attern000. 'Offiee In Macdaald Blook, 27 00 23 00 20 50 17 55 35 03 23 Oa 26 00 18 00 25 00 . 25 00 20 00 aeronautic commisaion to Germany to Investigate the question of commertial atrial navigation. Deputy AtIbIgny, oe the French Chamber, will be chate- inan." 2 41 These Pills Cure Rheumatistea-To the many who suffer from rheumatism a trial ot Parmelee's Vegetable Pills fp recommended. They have pro- nounced action upon the liver and kid- neys and. by regulating the action of these organs act as all alternatiye in preventing the admixture of wrie acid and blood that calms this painfultdie- orate*. They must be taken aceording to direetione and aged steadily and they will 'speOily aive' evidence of their heueficiel effects. GERMAN SHIPS FOR U. S. etantinno, 0100, came: trim owners of the German ve,Isels in Chilean liarbora littviti4..: liven notified bv the Foreign Ittins tAter that their Vetri.101:4 NriOttki he turned over to the United tilatot under 1411 agree- ment between Chile awl the Supreme AI- WA Courted atuPatis, asserted that Chile ' hat1 no right to give the sltid!r. The Minister replied that tit( Government Iota fully fleelded to. turn the ship1 over to tho Vtite.1 State.' when the tionland was meat tor there. WOOtt's 'The Prat English 1;enzrdy. Tones and invigorates ,the whole nervoussystem,VirikeritIOW Blood - la old Veins, rune Nerrous* Pe6ility Mental and Brain. Worry, Xespon- 4eney, ,ose of Enemy, Palpitation of the Oda lifty.lifemory, 1,riee $1, per riox, as sorts5. Cue wet Wenn°, viz will Duro. Sold 1.y all druggists on walled in piniti plc& on recnio, of An160...2Vme pamphletniailed free. THE WOOD Etggieltsc oo.„TORotrro; ONT. (Wooly Milton) BARNS AND STOCK BURNED: 'Windier despatch: Damage to then - tent of $0,000 was caused by a fire which destroyed tho barns and crops of David Brown, a Sandwich South farrner, to -day. arislition. tho loss of largo quan- tity pf Inaytbats and agrietiltural (triple - moats, fatten head of rattle porishli the finntes. Incondittrism Is suspeuted, The loss Is partly covered by instiranoe. JAPAN BLAMES CHRISTIANS, Itonolu cable: The ICorea.n activ- ity on behalf of the independence of that country was incited by Christians, &- cording to Tokio cablegram to the Nip- ptt n, Japanese daily newspaper here, 'rho cablegram adds that the situation • Worms sap the strength and under e RATHER KILL ICAISER mine the vitality of children. Strength- . . . en them by using Mother Graves' Werra Exterminator to drive out the Than Clemenceau Said Cot - tin, When Sentenced., INQUEST .OVER . Paris, Cable-Eneile Cottio, the •••••••••••••••••.• Anerchist, who was sentenced to aentb RisyL...victims iLeplutigIV 31;eseteollaly)reil4orietitne.%•:. parasites. --acet ..;:urratillyyylutiex,t7ue.. ti,o. n._.s in.........E1V0_13n1218_1vpieg3 Grirain3E2:- change yesterday were as follows: May ,... ...... ..b3 39% 3 39% 3 37% 339% Ju°1ya",-... .. .... 0 70 07011 06934 0 Ma .ruly ..,. .... .,.0 91% 0 inet 0 wee 0 91 b77raton,78t3eg;Nrylea,x,N5o3..620„ 1301.441411v-4. to $1.41. 3-4; Bari". - 0 91 0 91% 0 90% 0 91 aTo 70, 1-1c sOltl. bTo $3.39 sold. Minneapolis --Flour, unchanged; barley, ' MINNEAPOLIS GRAINS. a0 70% 0 70% 0 60% 01014 Open High Low Close Insanity, . There has never beet a satisfactory aefiuition of insanity, the best, that of Sir William Hamilton, that it is "the paralysis of the regulating or legis- lative faculties of the mind," leaving us far from being satisfied. Like sleep, like dreams, like life itself, in- stantly is a mystery that no man un- derstends. Its causes lie in the "De .profundis' that no science hes as yet exelored.--New Yell American. enent ,after Capt. at Hornet, •tee pro- secutor, had gaged Sam the Oath pea - Coroner Expects Criminal, ' Charges as Result, Inquiry Adjourned Till - Th.ursday Next. ified sttpport, especially on the part of the Americans. Those opposing this Plan do not believe it advisable, or even practicable, to use the fail force •of the league to compel obedience, and suggest instead the 'adoption ot the plan of moral suasion. They would .have the -findings of the 'bureau re- ferred for consideration to the coun- tries interested, believing publie. dis- cus:eon and Iconse,ettent moral opinion wout prove more effective in bringing abeat complianee. Various proPosals, such as the adop- tion of unieersal eight.hour laws, laws affecting chit(' lobor and womao labor and the internationalization of labor - the latter suggestion urged particu- larly by Italy and which would, it is believed, lift the barriers erected by immigration laws -are not to be • in- cluded in the commtssion's report to the council. A large number of pro- posals submitted hy labor, units from all. Over the world are to be left for. discussion by the bureau Itself, - Hard and soft dime both yield ta Holloway's Corn Core, which is en- tirely safe to use, and • certain and satisfactory in its action. BIG SALE or IRON .CROSSES. Troves Cable says: The police authori- ties took a liana to -day in tho business or selling iron crosses, and confiscated allOPO than 2,000 trestle% which had boon brought to Troves by German; despite a municipal order against the sale of the crosses. Iran crosses, however, remain on gale in liorea. gradually Is Ellth511.11110 atta that in most other tONVIS lii the area 000 many leaders in the recent uprising there nation, but they are no longer displayed have been arrested by the Japanese. in windows. IthyI, North Wales, Gairle, says - (C. ea coroner on Thursday .resumed his inquiry into the deathe of threerioters and two other Camas dian soldiers at Kinmel Park on March 5. Major St. George represent - 00 the military authorities. The coroner, in adressiug the JilrYi said it- was rarely that a copier's court lad been called to make an in- quiry of this character, and it would be deplorable 'if they closed the in- quiry before the mpst exhaustive in- vestigation had. been made. He was satisfied that the military authorities would place at their disposal all the evidence they had. He understood the police had had statement's made to them by civilians wito had watched the disturbance. "1 cannot ignore the probability that as the proceedings develop it may ale. pear that one or., more persons may beeome open to an accusation of hav- ing been oriminally'responsible fee the deaths of some or other of these men." Evidence of identification was then formally taken. Captain Fred Kiiitwoocl, Canadian army mecitcal corps, who entrained tho body of Private Herbert sala there was a ebuIlet. wound with entrance „„ in the " right shoulder and exit in the front elf the neck. Gunner 'Hickman's body ehowed 0. shiste wound over the heart, and two frattures of the ribs, la both cases death must have instantaneous. Cor- poral Young died three hours after ad- ruission to the operating room of the camp hospital. He succumbed to a Jagged wound near the right eye, evi- dently intheted by a bayonet. Lieut, -Col, Jo-hrisOn, also of the Canadian Army Medical Corps, gave teasea.eassesesasessasea altay, on the •grotted thet there had been premeilitatfon gad go mitigating cirbeitietaiieeg.-catip, said he Was a militept Anerchigt, en entamilitariet, an anti -patriot, end against all con- stituted authority.' "I would WO Shot the Kaiser with more relisa 'than M. Clentenceau be- cause he, too, repeesetited authority," he continued, have no countrY; my country ig the world." He made a lohgg rambling state - Ment, saying that he gloried in the deed he had done, and, that he favor- ed Bolehevism and Spertacism, and Wiseed to. strike down all who were 'in authory. , +Medical evidence adduced during the day showed that a cylindrieal conical bullet haVing a diameter of seven inillimetres is now lodged in M. Cle- men ceau's " body. 4 * Miller's Worm Powders act so thee- oughly that stomaehic and intestinal worms are literalty ground up and pass from the child without lteirtg notieed and witheut ineenVehience to the sufferer They aro painies$ end perfecth action, and at ell times will ea'rio AU: Over There - Over Here QTLC Chewing Tobaceo L-11 is appreciated by both. of Canada's war tinit$ --4titos@ who tought in rlanders and those who served at home. . It is also enjoyed by civilians of all classes throughout Canada and is tecognized* as being fie4 tee -wee!, •,. 4.4e .69e be foancl healtIlY 11tPdi1ne, strength- enitig the infantile stemach and mein - tatting it in vigorous operatioir, $o that, besides being en effeettve vernal- fugo, they are tepticel aod health -giv- ing in their effecte PQUS.H.FRONTS 444 404644 40 HOW'S TIDS We offer 3100.00 for any ease of catartb thet cermet be cured by IIA.LL'S CA- TAl31111 ARKIDICINE, i-tAtaifs ex.e.mtnIt AILIDICINE is talc - en ina nterlly and acts through the blood op the Mucous Sortacea of tho System. Sold by druggiste for over forty years. Pttee 750. Testimonials free. F. 3, Clieney Se Co., Toledo, Ohio. With Varying Success to the - Opponents. German. Volunteers Were Repulsed. W 'R. Hamblv Lee., CM. Z al attention paid to disease* oS Women and Children. having taken postgraduate work- in Our - gory, Bacteriology and Solentifko Medicine. Office ln,theKerr residence, twee* the Queen's Hotel Land the Baptist Church, All Inallrlacis given oarotal attention. Melee K. r,„ nox us Dr. Robt. C. Redmond 11.11.0,S. (Eng.) (Lond.) PHYSICIAN AND SUROE099. (Dr, Chisham'a old. stand). NATIONS WM IN PEACE TREATY " R. R. 1 STEWART Graduate of University of Toren.to, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of tbe Ontaria College of Physicians. and - Surgeons. OFFICE ENTRANCE: , SECOND 000R NORTH OF ZGRBRIGG'S PHOTO ST01010, : .1 JOSEPHINE ST. " PHONE 29 ,- OSTEOPKIIIIC DIX. F. -Osteopathy builds vitality at* -strength, Adjustment of the sign aa4 other tisanes is gently secured.,thero, br removing the predisposing -rib% o disease, • Blood prommre and other eotatribilloo tlems =SAC Trusses scientlftcally tito. ted. Oiririell OVER CHEISTI1014 010111114 FLOoro-Jrna2daTe and iriditkr,i0 alas. • to bp,M4 Wednesdays, 9 tO.,0.9.114 Oiim Ws In' tinsel/Aunt:et, •-Geneirai Hospital (Under Government Inspeetfohie Ilsasantly attested, beautiftillY' tap satiated. Open to ell raglilarlY lieettSedi physicians, Rates for patierits:ewlitele.-: include board and nursing)--$4.94stee Ir1a.00 tier weelt, according te locettoa a room. For further inforicatton-4. AZ:dress MI99 L. MATHEWS, Superintendent, Box 223, Wingharn, Ont. 4 New York, Report._ -Joseph P. Tumulty, secretary to President Wil- son, announced here to -day that he was in receipt of 6 cablegram from the, President, statinci that "the Plen- ary Council has positively decided that the League of Nations is to be petit of the peace treaty." 'I cabled direct to the President at Paris, asking if there was any true!' 01 these reports," said Mr: Tumulty, "and I Am this morning in receipt of a Cablegram from the President stat- ing' that the Plenary „.Ctounoil has posi- tively decided that the League • of Netiope le to be part Qf the peace treaty; that"there is absolutely no tiiutti in any report to the contrary" A power of Its Own. --Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has a subtle power of Ats own. other oils cannot pretend to, though there are many pretenders. All 'who have used it ItftQW tiliS and heel) it by them as the most valuable liaiment available. Its uses are Ptlaierable and for many years it luts been /irked as the leading liniment ter lime Awl beast WANT atnDITs Greece and Italy Seeking. Canadian Loans. Watsaw Special 'Cable Says-Pol- Ish tepops, with the assistance of local baVe repulsed Gentian relun- tee'. foree,s Which attnekett. the 011 field In the region of Donibrewita, Silesia. The 'funeral b:f tile eictirna of thetfight was made into ea imposing MarilfaSt- alone In tipper Silesia workmeet Weat on. stritto d t roteet, righting pootirelea a throe Polish 4Plite, With yelling success to the contending: forces, according a an of- fiCial statement 183404 13V the P011eh general etaDf to -0.y. The fati,torktptt result: artelehealki troops 'have legato at- teelted Stool:pa in the Gro400 diatriets end sacceeded la entering the town, but' vete eventUM driVeri out ,(tt li� or itho hayenet, 0,nr troops have 1,01)4186cl all .attacks by Ukrainians against Lemberg, Grodek and Jitglel- Plea, inflicting merlons leases upon the enemy. The fighting continue% and our troops have acetipied Jaltsinattice; Siedeiska and Dyllitow. German 0.1 - tucks on. the Posen front have been repulsed near Mocherg. The Germans fired, on peasants who were wOrldng in the fields." "I‘ly htiikatid considered a very long, time before lie proposed to me.ile was 'very careful." "Alt, It le aleeityg eareful people who get 'taken London Tit -flits. 1 11 i Town and Faren properties. Pall, an, 'see tny flat sad get my prim*, 1 ite‘S aosna excellent valusa. Paris Cable sayss-Oreece. and Italy have joined the list of European aations that are, negotiating with Can ada for credit in loans which would be outplayed in tho purchase of sup. pllee of manufactured goods in Canada. Franca and Roumania, have already .signed contracts involving credits or $25,000,000 each, and discussions with Belgium regarding a similar loan We been proceeding for some time, The negotiationn with Greece alul ItalYsare still in their infalley and the amount of the credits desired by these nations has not yet been stated. it is kbelleved, however, that Greece will be in a position to pay cash for most of tho things she tied s and woule require only a small credit. - cos. SOPER & WHITE "WINO SPCCIALIST8 Mot, eczema Aehrnili Onterth. ()vaporise% Epilepsy, fihontnotinini Skin. Kid. nay, DIOOtti Nor** and Ellatfilor .Disonson. Caii rit trina Liseety l.r fieP rilehr. Wahine futnatil in tablot Toon, 1 tnits-10 Dill. 1 Kin. an() 8 it) 6 p.m Staiiiqn - 10 ion, lo ebb*ilititilotx rted OR8'. $3615E1 WkiltE 25 TOtonto 15,,Toti...nto, Ont. Plestse lieetion This Pspe.r. J G. STEWART Mace 1$4. Onto in Town Halls J. W. DODD (Successor tb 3, G. STEWART) FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT' and HEALTH INSURANcE. P. O. -Box 366. Phalle 192; WING HAM, ONT. John F. Grow: a leaner of ' MAXIM &Or LICENSES TOWN HALL WiNGHAPA Phones--Crtfice 24; riesIdense 163i SillV.AKS. BREAK -- Wirt AUSTR1AN$. London, March 16. --Grave tenSion has arisen between the, (eeealueSlovalc tcpubtic and Atietria, a despatch Benne. Milan to the Daily Telegraph statue It is reported that diplomatic. relattone between Alistria and the republichave been broken off, This Wts SiMUltarter oets with the publication by the Ceech Government at Prague ot the state- ment revetting the alleged conapirecy betwecit Austria, Itungary and Saxony to invade Bahemia -oath a ulitary force. te The dispute between the two coun- triee concans the Demos eon ot Ger- man Gohentia, which forms a etrip cif teeritoey almost Weeny rut off front the reet et Austria. Its MI' not lation numbers about three suPlIona. UREATICRATS OUT. Prussian Government is , nouseeleaning. - Berlin, Saturday, March 15. ---The Prussian Government has begun a general house-cyleaning Meng tho higher burcaderats left over Mat the former regatta, wh4 aro charged with indulging in a policy of obstruction and even attsplcen hostility to the measures of the present Government. A start was made this week with Herr Luba farmer Prusdan Minister of the Interior, and Onerge Miehaelis, forum Chancellor. The etnetai axe i; howling over the political neek8 of scores et' privy ceinte:llars and department directors, wit) fancied th,maleiVea iudispensable in tie bur:aw.ratie r(ov.