HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-09-14, Page 5• THE NOTED JEWELER CLINTON, ONT. PERFU'ME S Fresh Odors LI7NDBURG'S SWISS LILAd SEELY'S PEAY D'ESPAGNE SEELY'S MARY ANDERSON SEELY'S WOOD VIOLET and CRAB APPLE SEELY'S FASTER LILY and OLEOPATRIA RECKSECKERS MARTHA WASHINGTON WOODWORTH'S BLUE LILIES. ust .ReceivedMany other Odors both in bulk and in bottles. BABY'S OWN SOAP 10 cents a Cake. OATMEAL SOAP, 3 Cakes for 25 cents. GLYCERINE, HONEY and BROWN WINDSOR, 3 for 25c. YOU GET THE BEST AT ALLEN & WILSON'S Prescription Drug Store, Clinton. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY. Telephone 49 CLINTON MARKETS 0 rreoted every Thuraday afternoon Thursday, September 13, 1894. Wheat, spring 0 60 a 0 52 Wheat, fall 0 50 a 0 52 Oats, 0 26 a 0 28 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 50 a 0 50 Flour per hal 3 50 a 3 50 Butter 0 14 a 0 15 Egg eper doz 0 9 a 0 9 Potatoes 0 40 a 0 50 Hay, New and Old 6 09 a 6 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Shteepakins 0 25 a 0 75 Wool 015a017 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. MARKETS Montreal, Sept. 10.—Cable advices to -day from Li erpool were steady and values showed. no change from a week ago, finest steers being quoted at lle and best sheep at 12c; but private advices from Loudon were weaker on cattle, and noted a decline of id since last Thursday. Thfere were about 400 head of butchers' cattle 120 calves and 450 sheep offered at the east end abattoir Monday. The butchers were present in large numbers and trade was active with the prices of cattle higher all round. The best butchers' stook was sold at 3 $ to 4e per lb; pretty good animals, 3 1-8 to 3} per pound: common cows and rough steers, 2¢ to 3e, and the leaner beasts at 2c per Ib. Shippore pait137i to 38e per Ib for good large sheep, and the others sell at from 2 to 3c per lb. Good lambs were higher at from $2.80 to $3.50 each; common lambs, at from $2,25 to $2.65 each, and the culls at $2 each. Fat hogs were plentiful and steady at 55,26 to $5.50 per 100 lbs. MacWherrel is co hang:Oct. 1st, for the murder of Williams and his wife near To- ronto. If America were as densely populated Mr Laurier's reception in Winnipeg is as Europe it would contain as many people said to have been the greatest demonstra- as there are in the whole world at he tion in the political history of the west. present time. Headquarters for Fine Toilet Soaps We received this week a large lot of Soaps direct from the manufacturer, which will be sold at close prices. BABY'S OWN SOAP Reduced to 10 Cents a Cake. PREMIER VIIVOLA and OATMEAL SOAPS. OUR BAKING POWDER has many imitations but no equals. 25c per lb. JAMES H. COMBE CHEIVIIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SAPPY IES, ETC. 1894 Priestley's Dress Materials Every lady should be inter- ested in the . fact that Priest- ley's Dress Materials are to be has from the better class of dealers throughout Canada.; For beauty, texture, and en- during quality they are un equalled. Manufactured as they are in pure wool, and in silk and wool interwoven,these goods have a soft richness which is a perfect delight to a lady of taste. Priestley's goods are mostly in black and in black and white. A gown in Priestley's fab rics retains its style and beauty as long as there is anything of it left,' hence they are the most economical for all classes. N.B. trade mark The varnished board on which the goods are rolled, also the names Briggs, Priest- ley & Co., stamped on the selvage of goods every five yards as a guarantee. These goods are for sale by GILROY & WISEMAN, the only authorized agents for this firm's goods in Clinton. New Fall and Winter MANTLES. COATS • • WRAPS lk JACKETS We think .we are safe in saying that rs never for any single �' s®aSOn has so many beautiful things in this line , been seen. The styles are . so varied, the modes of trimming so numerous. The number of colors worn. The cut and finish so per feet that those who have already looked. through and purchased, express them- selves as delighted with what we are showing. Already many purchaseshave been made and many articles laid aside, so that while the stock is still full, we would ad- vise every lady to come and look at the styles, and if she requires any kind of gar- ment as shown here, we will carefully lay it aside for her till she finds she requires it GYI.aROY 8c W1SE1VLAN CLINTON 189 In making our fall announcement to the trade, we are grateful for the patronage received in the past, and trust that by keeping our stock well FOSTER assorted, with all the newest styles of goods as they are placed on the market, and by . fair prices and honest dealing, to retain all our old cus- tomers and make many new ones. We are very busy getting in and marking the new goods as they arrive, of which we will have more to say later on a 1WII..LINERY MISS WELSH has• returned from the Millinery Open- ings and is again ready to attend to her many customers. See her stock of Sailors and 'W'alking Hats. • DRESS and MANTLE - MAKING Drees and Mantle Making will be continued as usual by experienced hands, and satisfaction assured. G ents Furn ishings Made Clothing. Tailoring done in first-class style. Bee the new stock of Scotch and West of England goods just arrived. OOTS & SHOES We have still a large stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &c , to dispose of at w oIesale prices, as we are retiring from this line of goods. PLVffiSTEEL & GI88INPS, mutton Leave pour orders quick for Grosse Pho- to's you intend send i no to your friends BOOTS �n SHOES Kam_ Boots and Shoes advertised last week were a few days late coming in, but are now here and opened out, and you will certainly miss a bargain if you fail to call and see them. New Fall. . Dress Goods Are also to hand and are very Attractive. , We want all the First-class Butter that is offered, and will pay the Highest Price in Cash. W. L. OUIMETTE. CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO •Ai