HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-09-07, Page 7THE (;LI LUTON NEW ERA. Ti E SNOW3ALLWAGON wTAN DS TO D, Y 41.• E ' OULCERS 1 VER " 'JOINERS N9WBALLWAGON CO.STGEORGEQ0T %his is one of the beat Farm Waggons manu factored, having been on tho market for 60 years, apd being very strongly built, while at the ammo *me adapted to all; kinds of Work, and is noted fpr its lightness of draft and•easy running. Those vffto have used them will use no other, while the prise ai which it is Bold is no more than would file paid for an interior article. The undersigned k solo agent for thte neighborhood. and the wag Son may be inspected at any time at hie shop OLIVER JOHNSTON, BLACKSMITH ISAAC STREET, : CLINTON J. C. SEVENSOJ -THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT i11 STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residenceoveratore. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL -ie Equal to any,1mporredt Tail My Advice'aridl? lrk5i5 e Olt �etiin t�iiS ,10 Cen>; SMoke r5e-tikle rein R tMaP� laAcc %hoontrau- BUTCHER SHOPS, City IJutchpr Shite, Si Ztrr i 'S BL( CK, OPPOSITE Titi,: POST OFFlu.r., CLINTON The undersigned having opened out in the Smith Block, desires to etato,tliat he will keep ou hand the very'ohofoest Meats. Having no ex- peneooutside of himself, be h in a position to Bell at the very cloeest prices. He will at all times be prepared to pay the highest market pride for Export Cattle. LIVE HOGS always wanted ;for export. Give him e. ealt. ROBT. FITZSIMONS Clinton MEAT Market BUSINES.S.: CHANGE. Theundoreignod deeiree to Intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr Couch, in the butchering business lately oarried on under the yle of FORD & COUCH. He will continue th3 same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest an$ most careful attention to the busi- ness, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat,. to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly filled JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shop Snbsoriberdesires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him ; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As he gives personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having formed a partnership desire to intimate that they will keep on hand the yory best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for Dash. SALT also kept on hand. They will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. Be .miller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be Bold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to Address, JOHN STEWART. -- S.nmlllera ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and rollable medicine dia. covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take no aubatf. tute, or Inclose $1 and t1 cents In postage in letter and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Fullaealed• particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only. 2 stamps. Address Tho Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton by Atlas & Wrneole, Druggists. DON'T . DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure any case of Bright's Disease Diabetes, Lumbago, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Female Troubles, Impure Blood—or money refunded. Sold by all dealers in medicine or by mail on receipt of price, Sec. per box, or 1. -ix boxes $e.50. ' DR. L. A. SMITH m CO.. Toronto. HILL & PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON, C00K'S FlouriFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small gnanttties. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. .1O.pounds,ramble ,,,Oatmeal-for.1- bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18551 CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,175,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. 3. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. Er A.ELM ERIS. Money advanced to fames on their own note with one or more endorsere. No mortgage re- quired as security H. 0. BREWER, pdanager. GEO. D. MCTAGOART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on depoaita. FARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. cJ1T T Advances made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. general 'tanking Bnsinese traneaoted ante -e allowed on depoaita. ale Notes bought J. P. TIBDALL, Manage Clinton Planing Mill —AND— DRY KILN! The subscriber' having the very latest improved machinery, andemploying the moat skilled work - mon is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notice. A trial solicited FACTORY NEARr G.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOS. MoKENZIE ALL THE WOMEN Aro healthy some of the time, some women are healthy all the time, hut alt women are not healthy all the time unless they wash with a SEWARD :: WASHER Wo warrant the Seward Washer to cleanse any fabric that soap and water will cleanse. Now is the time to wash your carpets and lace curtains. Got a Seward Washer, manufactured by J. T. SEWAJD, : Clinton, Ont AGSMS WANTED in mar town fn Canada John Brown, a Marlbank farmer, was thrown by his horse and instantly killed Wednesday. Special reports covering all the eeotions of the United States, Canada slid Europe uu the hay c.op,'eolleotod for the crop re- port number of the Hay Trade Juurual, show a shortage as compared with an average crop of 9 per Dent, with 3 pe cent of the old hay remaining in the handy of the farmers and dealers. The only eco - tion of the United States ebowing inoreas ed acreage is Ohio and Michigan. The Drop in Europe is abundant. Prices 'at the seaboard markets of the Melted, States vary from 59 to 1)17 per ton, with a liberal supply arriving. Mail advices from Japan state that the people of that interesting island are lying awake nights figuring out what indemnity China should be compelled to pay after she is beaten. A sum of 50,000,000 yen in gold, and the cession of the ieland of For- mosa, are regarded as about the proper penalty. Thie is a very aggravated ease oe counting chickens before they are hatch- ed; but with nations overwhelming conceit of this sort is sometimes justified by achievement. On Monday last a son of Patrick Sullivan, who lives a few miles out from Kingston, went to change a horse tethered in a field adjacent to the house. His lettle brother. Errick, aged 7 years, followed. The young mane handed the little fellow the end of the rope to hold, the other being attached to the horsewhile he was pointing the wooden pin to be driven into the ground. On the end of the rope was a noose, which the little lad thoughtlessly slipped oyer his head and around his body. While in this position the horse took fright, and started off at a furious pace through the field, with the little boy dragging at the end of the rope. He was twice dragged around the field. When the horse was captured and the child extricated, it was found that he was a bruised and mangled corpse. A Racking Cough Cured by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. P. D. HALL, 217 Genessee St., Lockport, N. Y., says: "Over thirty years ago, I remember hearing my father describe the wonder- ful curative effects of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of La Grippe, which assumed the form of a catarrh, soreness of the 1 ungs, accom- panied by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies and prescriptions. While some of these medicines partially _alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them afforded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at night. After ten or twelve . such nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about decided to sit up all night in my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then oc- curred to me that I had a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I fell asleep. and awoke in the morning greatly refreshed and feeling much better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec- toral every night for a week, then grad- ually decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lowell, M • Prompt to act, sure to cure IT PAYS TO ATTEND A BUSINESS & SHORTHAND SCHOOL b � o ai, � v ,q a as C rics as oci — RiW G • cid .,.y � O ye, P1 co m O •ice 0 0 LT 4.1 0 POWDERS Care SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia In 20 M/NUTU also Coated Tongue Dizzi- aess, Biliousness,1!aln in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the Liver, woo& Woe ro TAME. Pinot 2S Mears AT same scull*lr .war.-'.a..�.ir.>iliirfli�+• -1 . THREE HOME SEEKERS' EXCUR- SIONS. To all parts of the West and Northwest via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, at practically baifi rates. Ruuu,i u:p tickets, good for return p:.esage within twenty days from date of sale, will be sold on September 11Jaid 25 and October 9, It;94. "For further information apply to the nearest coupon tioket agent, brr• address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. L. Jones, a farmer living a few miles from Sioux Falls, has just recov- ered his hearing in a most remarkable manner. Five years ago be became very deaf, and since then, thottgh he has tried various kinds of treatment, his hearing has been practically gone. The other day he was working with a swarm of bees, and many of them, getting under the net which covered his face, stung him severely on the ears. The next day his deafness left him, and now he cannot only hear with his old power, but his hearing is much more acute than formerly. . The phy- sician who had charge of the case is unable to account for the change, ex- cept by attributing it to the sting of the bees. Which is worse, imprisonment for lite or life-long disease, like scrofula, for example? The former, certainly, would be preferable were it not that Ayer'a Sarsaparilla can al- ways come to rescue andgive the poor suf- ferer health, strength and happiness. Bush fires are causing great damage in Bruce county. September 7, 1894 PICNIC PARTIES & Cold Lunches emitted Meats, Roast Beef, Chipped Beef, Tongue, Boneless Turkey, Duck an I Cinesen. CANNEDFISH—Salmon, F "'dines'Lobt. re, Fr""He*ring, Kii,liergd tIerriug, pteserveu i.iloaters, Finnanklaauae, • DRIED MEATS—Sugar Cured Ham, Canvassed Shoulder and Select Breakfast Beam Just arrived in stock new may picked Japan Tea, better value than ever offered before. Also fine quality in Indian and Ceylon's Blends, decidedly better value than usually found in paokage Teas. In kine Congous, Oolongs and High Grade Moyune, Ycl Hyson we can suit the most fastidious both in quality and price. Give us a trial.. "' CROCKERY- AT GLASSWA.IIE We offer 44 piece Granite Tea Setts 1)2 and 1)2.25. 97 piece Dinner Sets complete at 57. Granite Toilet Sets at 1)1.80. Cups and Saucers, Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Plates by the dozen, cheap. Special inducements for0ash N. ROBSON, - Clinton . TIANKS .. To our customers who have helped us to make our last year the best in the history of the firm, we tender our beet thanks, and assure them we will will spare no efforts to•not only retain their trade, but to give them even better valve fare their money or produce than heretofore. We have just closed the pure/Age, ONE_CAR LOAD OF SUGAR Direct from Redpath's refinery (without doubt the beet Sugar produced is Canada) which we will sell by the dollars worth or by the barrel at priosa that cannot be beaten. TEAS, COFFEES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS GOD KNOWS BEST. ' Andjeverything pertaining to a first-olass trade as low as the lowest. We believe we Sometimes when all life's lessons have been learned, And sun and stars forever more have set The things which our weak judgment here has spurned, The things o'er which we grieve with lashes wet, Will flash before us out of life's dark night, As stars shine most in deeper tints of blue; And we shall see how all God'e plans Fere right, And how what seemed reproof was love most true. And we shall see how, while we frown and sigh, God's plans go on as beet for yon and me; How, when I called He heeded not our cry Because His wisdom to the end could see, And even as prudent parents disallow To much sweet to craving babyhood. So, God, perhaps, is keeping from tie now Life's sweeter things, because it seemeth good. And if sometimes, co•mingled with life's wine,. We find the wormwood and rebel and shrink. ' Be sure a wiser hand then yours or mine Poura on thisportion for our lips to drink, And if someone we love is lying low, When human kisses • cannot reach the face, 0, do not blame the loving Father so, But wear yonr sorrow with obedient grace. And yon will shortly know that lengthened breath Is not the sweetest gift God givee His friend; And that sometimes the sable pall of death Conceals the fairest boom His love can send. 11 we could push ajar the gates of life And stand within and all God's workings see, We could interpret all this doubt ani strife, And for each mystery oonld find a key. But not to -day. Then be content, poor heart! God's plans, like lilies, pare and white, unfold! We mast not tear the close shut leaves apart; Time will reveal the calyxes of gold. And if, through patient toil, we reach the land Where tired feet, with sandala loosed, may rest, When we shall clearly know and tinder - stand I think that we will say: "God knew the best." THE WOUNDED IN WAR. Archibald Forbes writes in Scribner's Magazine a paper which will set people who read it to thinking.. Forbes says that he himself has probably bandaged and at- tended to more wounded men under fire than any other man in Europe who is not a professional surgeon. He knows what the care of the wounded on the battlefield is and has been. He predicts what it will be in the future. It is somewhat startling to have him say that the fate of the wound- ed upon the battlefield will in future be much harder than it is. With future great wars the word will be, "Woe to the wound- ed!" instead of "Woe to the conquered!" He bases the predictment upon the vast- ly improved machinery for killing people with which modern armies are equipped. Quick firing field guns and deadly bore rifles aresuperseding the old heavy artillery and larger, slower riflos. Wherever the uew arms have been tried they have proved far more deadly than the old shooting ap- paratus. In the Matabele war the Maxim gun mowed down the black savages like grain before a reaping machine. The des- truction in modern warfare has been hith- erto in the proportion of about one man killed to four wounded. But in the Chilean civil war of 1891, where the soldiers were armed with the Mannlicher rifle, the pro- portion was reversed—four killed to one wounded. The new, email, high-speed bul- lett shoots to kill. It goes straight through body and bone, nutting a clean, round hole. For the man who gets it in a vital organ there is no hope. Mr Forbes says there will be no time or space for the bearer brigade to remove the wounded from the battlefield of the future. In the great European battle, if it ever takes place, there will be a million contes- tants. Even at the estimates made before the deadly modern weapons were invented, there will be of this number 140,000 killed and wounded. Thirty-five thousand would be killed, 70,000 slightly wounded, and 35,- 000 severely wounded. Thus 105,000. wonnced would have to be provided for. The bearers who ventured upon the battle• field to remove them would be shot down as they went under tbo destructive fire. Moreover, it would require so many men that they could not at all be spared from active service. The general effect of this article by the world's most famous war cor- respondent is to induce the reader to hope that the world will never know such a great battle as ho pictures. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla. are within the mark, when we say our BLACK TEA at 50o a lb. beats the town. We have had a large sale of OEOCI ERY lately which has diminished our stook somewhat, but have a nice assortment arriving which we will be pleased to show intending purchasers. Call and get prices before buying. 1MIC111UtRA.Y & WILTSE, N earPostOfce—CENTRAL GROCERY—Te1epha a 40 FI RST -CLASS Watch and Clock Repairing. The undersigned has opened a repair shop in the south window of J. JACKSON'S SHOE STORE, ALBERT STREET Having learned the trade with one of the best watch makers of the Dominion, Mr. A Kleiser, of Toronto, and being experienced in the most diffioult work; he is therefore prepared to undertake the repairing of all kinds of Watches and Clocks to the entire satisfaction of all who may favor him with their patronage. Charges Moderate HORACE JACKSON, - - CLINTON IN'TN.Sash Door&Blind Factory imirmg air 0 0 S. S. COOPER, Proprietor : : Owing to my increasing business, 1 am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare plane and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stook All kinds of Window Sash, Door Frameel, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. S. S. COOPER, Clinton WEAK, itiVO IISADISEASED MEN. Thonettde of Troop cad Yfddle Aged Min aro annually swept Io a RaumeSmn give through early indiscretion and later exoeeeee. Self abuse Coaetttataional Blood Diastase have ruined and wrecked the lite of many a promising yo man. Have you of the following ttaszl me • . Nervous and Despondent; Brod in •o�Me Amble Nernory Paas; id' D Fatigued,' N ht; a stl and Ieggard e�g; BL tabes; sB on e Mt. Dteeoa and, remains at Night; Restless; Haggard , t3>(Wehee; Sore Throat; lbheo Paine in Body;Sunken Byes; Lifeless; D' and Lack of a anew r and t . Oar New N. bed Treatment will build yon up mentally, physically on. rill DRSiKENNEDY & KERRMN Doe. I!, tifiko.411rf r Cnred 5 years ago. Capt.. Townsend. " At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could stand 110 exertion. Head and oyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Eleo.. tric Belle, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised metotry Drs. Kennedy & Horgan. They sent me one month's treatment and it cared me. I oonld feet myself gaining every day. tTheir New Method Treatment euro when' au else jails." They have cured many of my friends." CORES 1111111130 OB Y09EY REFQBDM :v "Some 8 years ago I contracted a eerione constitutional blood disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbo, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, eta. A medical friend advised Dra, Kennedy & Kergan'e New Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have had no symptoms for five years. I am married and happy As a doctor, 1 heartily reoomend it to all who have this terrible disease— syphilis." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. Cured in time. cover fails in miring MONISM of mon. Our New Method Treatment It strengthens the body, stone all drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and actual systems and restores lost vitality to the body. We Guarantee to Care Nervous miebelityr, Palling manhood, t?lyphitl®, varicocele, *stricture, Gleet, Unnatural ffscharges, Weak Parts and All Sidney and Bladder z iseases. REMEMBER tation and fifteen years of business aro at stake. You Dia. Kennedy & Korean aro the leading epecialiste of Americo. They guarantee to cure or no pay. Their reps. run no risk. Write them for an honoot opinion, no matter who treated yon. It may nave yon years oP regret and suffering. Chargee reasonable. Write for a Question List and hook Free. Consultation Pree. "I em 33 yearn of age, and married. When young I led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weals and nervous. ify kidneys became affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lits was nnsatie- factory and spy home nnhappy. SI tried everything—all tailed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and ltergan. Their New Method built mo up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like a man in every respect. Try them." Eir No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient. DRS, KENNEDY & KEDDAN,' !tL