HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-09-07, Page 5J. B. RUMBALL, THE NOTED JEWELER, CLINTON, ONT. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. SPONGES • Large lot of fine large Sponges just received Only 15 cents ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF TD P•3&1`5r SPoweariS ieellent quality and exceeding cheap at from 10 to 25 ots. To see them is to buy them ALLEN & WILSON Prescription Drug Store, Clinton. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY. Telephone 49 CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, September 6, 1894. Wheat fall, old 0 60 a 0 55 Wheat, fah, new 0 50 a 0 52 Oats, old .. 030a030 Oats; new 0 28 a 0 28 Barley 0 35 a 0 45 Pees 0 50 a 0 50 )'lour per bal 3 50 a 3 50 Butter 0 14 a 0 16 Is/gaper doz 0 8 a 0 8 1'ebatoea 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, New and Old 6 03 a 6 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 75 Wool 015a017 Steeles Hughes, of Hollen, was instantly killed while assisting at a barn raising in ibat village on Saturday. , RTo he Dominion trade returns for Jnly a owe falling off in exports of 81,397,000 from the exports of Jnly, 1893 Benjamin Batman ie now spoken of as the probable appointee to the vaoant ool- leotorship at Ottawa. Mrs David Gibbons died at Welland on Friday from the effects of a fall sustained at Grimsby Park two weeks before. Mr John Ribout, for about halfa century Registrar of York County, retiring but a few months ago, died Saturday morning, aged 89. The sixteenth annual Exposition of the Toronto Industrial Association was form- ally opened at 2.30 o'clock Tuesday after- noon by Sir John Thompson, who arrived there from Ottawa this morning. The weather was fine and the attendance large, WAR IN THE EAST, STRIKES IN THE WEST, PEACE AND PLENTY IN CANADA Business during harvest was quiet, but now that harvest is over, it has improved, and prop. -or we are looking for still better. In order to help, we will give all purchasers of goods very close prices, and in several lines of BOOTS& SHOES will sell at or even under cost. Also speoial values in Dry Goods & Groceries- Oarlent fallvalues. stocks areWe coming lot in and are excelery- xp direct from England in a short time, the prices of which will bee very low. Any quantity of BUTTER and EGGS waited --Highest Price for good quality. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO Lavish (VIEW FALL. of DRESS September 7., 1894- J. 894 - The workmanship and ingenuity of almost every country in the world is represented on our counters Dress Goods from Dress Goods from Dress Goods from Dress Goods from Dress Goods from Dress Goods from ,England, Germany, Austria, France, Scotland, Ireland It is freely conceded. that for a really high ?class Dress Goods stock, this store is' in the very front rank. The people know and have learned that when they want the latest and newest things. in Dress Stuffs, they always visit this store, as there is not another in the County where so extensive a variety of the- latest and newest things are to be bad, and the prices are always moder- ate and within the reach of every buyer. We wish to inform the ladies that we expect in about a week. the largest consignment of new Fall Mantles and Jackets- ever brought here GrailLiFtC3Ir &WISE1IA1'( CLINTON 1894 • • FALL .. 1894; In making our fall announcement to the trade, we are grateful for the patronage received in the past, and trust that by keeping our stock well assorted, with all the newest styles of goods as they are placed on the market, and by fair price and honest dealing, to retain all our old cus- tomersmany and make new ones. We are very busy getting in and marking the new goods as they arrive, of which we will have more to say later on 1'lI ILiI.aINEEY HISS WELSH has returned from the Millinery Open- ings and is again ready to attend to her many customers. See her stock of Sailors and Walking Hats. REBSand MANTLE 128I'SINC Headquarters for. _ FilleToiiet Soaps.. Dress and g Mantle Making will be continued as usual by experienced hands, and satisfaction assured. Grants Furnishings:: Ready Made Clothing. Tailoring :: dome in first-class style. See the new stock of Scotch and West of England goods just arrived. .BOO S & SHIOEShe have still a large stock of Boots, hoes , S Rubbers, &c , to dispose of at wholesale prices, as we are retiring from this line of goods. PLU1YI STEEL & GIEBINOS, Clinton &ea. We received this week a large lot of Soaps direct from the manufacturer, which will be sold at close prices. BABY'S OWN SOAP Reduced to 10 Cents a Cake. PREMIER VINOLA and OATMEAL SOAPS. OUR BAKING POWDE5eR halerl many imitations but no equals. JAMES H. COM BE CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUP"LIES, ATO. Snaps in BOOT AND SHOES Placed in stock this week 25 cases of Boots and Shoes bought at a low rate on the Dollar and will be sold at prices that will make them move quickly. Come early and get first choice. They will not be on our shelves long. 0 W. L. OUIMETTE. CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO