HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-08-31, Page 8ir Tfir NEW Eli �S N ars,mar17. GriicnRoxre.—Tho early- darkness of the fall evenings, made it impossible for the band to s e is their new band stand, and tiler Electric .Di ht ,(orA- LOOAL NOTICES," tfariy° has generously• placed an arc SUVA* and Ec#cifi wtontod,,opi1awolt D4os iiight<in ties' stand abs its contribution 11von 140(48 -Il +r, do OUT diplon to the band. • .. a. , i a A ld ,�c1�rl� eta, ;4a� t�o ton n� Q111 of ,R' ek Is51�Q �t . !yal dltCtc2, l J PLES :W A NTE Q .-1'p qoo } $ .w . , rinerly , f Winp;ham, tout bushei4N of.Ap04ok' 'wanted at. the iJaton- Evaporator. • Au kinds and varlet's taken, at . higheat auoxket prise ter •Cash: , . (.MOWN, 0 CASE .0,4i r,, ..,�, young eon of Mr . sea Webb •was a riding on A fence on Saturday, whe e fell • backwards, riUBiiat; l7awiiprloa pold tar arts:, peers d 11inWwl VIR b1 ►l1014+-�ltlr s". B. lvaumu. OANTID ON Hues, . JIntOD. Xrvein th iaan been, the varnisher of +O6T 8omewhoro ,plot; " .„3lbork db; �► etttaa the $ lth 'Standard k lssu foci$@via lel ,years, 13'iader'pU1'aoiiterafavar. y as@tar ib having' dip 4sed.. of hls.'bue nese to' r l�1W �.i A• QF7';QE.. r d inI .14 o bi . la , fracturing his 004 bane..., f This is TRM�T'.-AThe Parkersburg, West Virginia; ;Sentinel, of Thursday leek trifles with the.t feelings of two well-known Ol ntonians tee. follows, `Born,: yesterday,:lb T1r and Mrs ; Kia Call adar, :a- daughter,: The Dr., states that it is:the very latest edition of a summer calender, but rather ung ttandy forready reference.. It will, not be lung up on the"wall " PnOPEwry,—Mr Ink. Cantelon has ,seu ht'the property belonen' to the tate of John ' Steep, on Raglan St. It consists of an, acre of landand spa house, somewhat out of re - 0, but Mr Oantelori has .got a bar^ syn at $850 . The nextthing'heshould (pie to: fix it u, p. and persuade some a;miab to young, lady, oto help' him oe- ~, oaL M&Trg78s The Executive Of the West.Huron .Teachers' Associa- tion met. here on :Saturday, to arrange •aiprogram for the next regular meet- ingg,•which is to, be held at Goderich, tin Sept. ;2728. The County Board of, Examiners met` in the Public School, ;ere,, on :',Saturdilay, to;allot the Model- oot the Clinton and Goderich Model heels..' The Cl iiegiato Institute opener on Monday with a large at- �ndance, all the staff`; including the '0• new teachers, Mr Coombs and Miss cOutcheopt, in their places. The at- ndance ;att the:public school Was very tsr!ope i#g..and all the teachers re.in their respective'place4. { e:nrxoR,y HOLIDAY. — Labor which carries on. Monday next, beaa''Xbneh of• a, holiday as; the lst of July or the •QQ' ueen's�y: birthday. ' At last session of Parliaent it was de- ereed. a',:statutoryreholiday, . and will continue to be 'such. Each year the au§tom of observing the day will be-' Yome more general, and within a, year or `two it. will- , be . recognized with a 'Ohristinas,,Dominion Day and -others. !'The.dity Will'. bre : observed . in Clinton by.a celebration that will offer.relaxa tion to the mind and exercise to the body, There will be a labor procession headed by the hand, and;tlien a variety of sports and ,amusements will' be of- .fered on the Recreation Park. Let everybody join in making the occasion 1 .'one•of pleasurable recreation. MA narsor EAL. ,— The Vancouver World of:Wednesday says: -"VV. F. Wilson,'well-known in the city as a • "hale -fellow -well -met, left on to -day's Atlantic express for Winnipeg. He is going to the half -way city to . be the agent for the Red Cedar Lumber com- „�: ofda.,.,.biss.experience•...welt,•. (mantes him to, fill. His going, how- ever„•has that about it which will for the time set business on one side. It is;a'wedding as well as a business trip. This morning Mr Wilson took unto himself a bride in the person of Miss Dolly Buchanan, daughter of Donald Buchanan, contractor, of Fairview, and formerly of Clinton. The World wishes Mr and Mrs Wilson the'utmost ppossible happiness. Mr Wilson has for some time been bookkeeper at Cas- 'sady's mill, and previous to that he was a commercial traveler, so that he bas” had exactly the training to fit him . for his new position." • DE,ATgs.—Mr James Young, who has been ailing with consumption for some time, died at his residence in town, . en Tuesday, at the age of 59 years. ; He has been a resident of town for several years, formerly residing on the London road. He was' a Reform - :.or.:: Attendant of the Presbyterian church, a, member of the Masonic fro- '• ternity, and leaves a wife, one son and daughter, bath grown up. The funer- al ;to -day will be conducted by his • Masonic brethren. The wife of Mr .Felix Hanlon died on Tuesday night at the age of 60 years. She hag -been in failing health for some time, but there was .no immediate expectation •of her death. She has been a resident of town for a number of years, and was a zealous member of the R. C. church. She leaves six sons and four daughters, three of the latter married, viz:—Mrs ' Dean, Goderich; Mrs Flannigan and Mrs Reynold:#, Stratford. The funeral takes place at 8.30 a.m. to -day to St. Joseph's church and thence to the R.O. cemetery, Hullett. On Saturday last Mr E. Darrow, of McKillop, father of ME J. T. Garrow, M.P.P., died at the advanced age of 90 years; he was a pioneer settler; Mr J. T. Garrow was in Nova Scotia at the time of the occur- • rence. Tsn DnouGHT.—It is more than two months since any considerable rain fell in this' district. This long; period of steady; dry, hot, weather has parched up everything, and the country is, In comparison with the average season, an arid waste, There is hardly a spear of green irrass to be seen, and a great number of maple trees are turning sere and yellow, as in the late October wee- + ther :after a few hard frosts. It is need- ', Mee to say that under these conditions • live stock of all kinds have gone be- , hind and there will be very little fat cattle this fall. Sheep and lambs, hick can generally thrive on short, ry, pasture, have gone behind. Wa- ter, which, until now has been in fair suPandplstreams getting18 ate dryingup. S scarce, anwells om "e farmers have to drive their stock for , miles in order to obtain water. Peta- l" toes, especially on light, sandy soil, are scorchedup, and the tubers are small and not half a crop. Other root crops have suffered more .or less, and turnips up to this time, except on very Moist land,• have made little headway. On heavy clay soils no plowing can be done, as, the ground turns up in big rocky chunks.. However, with the present price or wheat, Inky erg Iittle of this cereal will be. sown his fall, Bush. Ikea are raging in differe " parts of the count , and water is getti . so scarce that there ig; o mans of p • t- ting thein •out, and great damage is being dobe to crops and fences, Toren= .`tyforir hours of stead ' rani woulddo •tmot'e 'oder td°Oanada than all the law* that Parlphisht;nOtikt SO* ilia Sat . ' a. 'more recently' connected •with. Satur- day Night. " Mr .Bradwin has lots of f'go" in him, and if there is any chance to •snake the. Standard, a more success- ful venturo, he will do it. EMmtruiN Er;eue—The published statement gf the expenses:incurred by the West Huron , candidates, in the election, showed. that Mr Gorrow's ex- pensee were Liver ' accounts . '$19¢; printing-and,'advertising, 91.80; rent of haus,, &c; 77.75;, personal expenses $51,25, telegraph account and returns $21.73, distributin campaign literature and, canvassing ' days 20; Postage 14.03; stationery $6.65 Total 479.x'7. r t?onnolly's exPenses Were. Person- al .expenses $48,25; rent ` of, Halls, etc, $14iPrinting Total 3.88'3�sing, • $11;25; SPORTINo• NOTES. --A number of -the employes of the Doherty Organ Factory Went to; Briicetield on Satur- day, and were successful in a' game of cricket with the club of the village. The Clinton .cricket club paid Mitchell a visit on Friday last to play a Match. It was a very nicely played match, re-• suiting in Clinton;, looming out ahead by� "5 wickets. The base ball Match played here on Tuesday, between Gode- rich and Clinton, was really not com- pleted, though Goderich club evidently thought the game was theirs; matters looked somewhat, squally for a time, owing to the decision' of the umpire. The Lacrosse club ggoes to Mitchell next week4oraMatch there. NousCharles book,who met with an' accid=ent last week,is now able to be out, and We are glad to say he is not likely . to lose,the sightof the eye affect- ed. Mr Cliffe, of Brandon, who was defeated in n by-election for the Mani- toba legislature last week,was the pub- lisher of the Wingham Advance, some 15 years ago.. The License Commis- sioners for',West 'Huron held a special meeting here' on Friday,. for the pur- pose of transferring the license of Jona- than Miller, •Goderich, to Mr Mariston, and that of Mr -Frank McDonagh, Car- low, to Mr Baech.. Regular meeting of town council next Monday evening. The other day while Mr W.Young was at work on the roof of a stable, he slipped and fell to the ground; he was rendered unconscious, and was carried home, but sustained no other injury. Sometime between Saturday night and Monday morningg, some one entered McMurray & Wiltse's stable and stole a pair of tugs from the harness. Mr John Tedford has moved into thehouse he recently bought on Huron street. The two small houses offered by auc- tion on Saturday, under mortgage, were not sold, but the Moffatt proper- ty, on Mill St., has since been sold to' Mr Will Mennell, The household fur- niture of the fate Mrs W. H. Cooper was disposed of on Saturday, by auc- tioneer Carling, at very good prices indeed. Judging by the recknests made at this office for- private boarding houses, there is, seemingly, a scarcity of accommodation,„in, link-<3eepeat;. "par'ti8a who'`wisl boarders should let the fact be known., Mr Will Harland was bit on the leg by a collie dog the other day. The A.O.U.W. have paid the insurance on the life of the late A.H. Manning. which is acknowledged by a card in our advertising columns. Mr W. Coats is Secretary of the Hu- ron Central Agricultural Society, and is making all convenient speed with the work of preparing for the coming exhibition; Prize Lists can be had on application. and there is every likeli- hood that the fair on the 2nd and 3rd of October will be a good one. Judge Doyle had Division Oourt here yester- day and disposed of several wino? cases. People who steal green toma- toes, plums, &c., might better follow some honest occupation, The town voter's list for 1894, just issued, shows an aggregate number of 918 voters; of these rio less than 98 are widows; the, number of persons qualified to serve as jurors is 271. The town band was out on Saturday evening last, instead of Thursday, as usual, and the streets were fairly swarming with humanity, who were enjoying at the same time the sweet musio and balmy atmos- phere. A couple of Italians. with a performing bear, amused a large crowd of people on Saturday. A merry-go- round has been erected on Dinsley's, corner, and will gather in considerable money while here. Mr Jas. Snell, of Hullett, leaves for Toronto Fair next week, and takes 22 head of horses, cat- tle and sheep with him; his reputation is.that of one o>•1he best breeders in the Dominion. One night last week an aged lady walking on a back street, caught her foot in a hole in the,°side- walk, and became so exhausted in her unsuccessful efforts to release it, that she, gave up in despair, and it was only after some time that a good Samaritan came along and relieved her; the hole has since been repaired. On Friday evening last several of the Sons of Scotland, of Seaforth, paid a fraternal visit to Murray Camp, here, and after routine business had been transacted, lunch was served and the evening spent in a social way. Mr John Han- cock has gone to Goderich to reside. Mr Thos. Mills, of Bluevale, was down on Saturday to visit his brother Mr Jos. W. Mills, who has been confined to bed for the past seven months, and we regret to say hds no prospect of recovering. Mr J. 'P: Doherty, who is "on the road” in the interest ,of the Doherty Organ, is meeting with splendid success, and will certainly prove a hustler if he remains at it; his genial disposition is no doubt a factor in his success. About 15 members of the Temperance lodge paid a visit to Kinburn lodge on Wednesday evening, and had an enjoyable time. Mr Bert Taylor, recently with Mr Etherton, will shortly commence the study of dentistry with Mr Bruce. Messrs Town & Case have re -opened the Clin- ton Evaporator and are willing to buy all the apples they can secure, no mat- ter.what kind they are. The next holi- day, after Labor Day, will be 'M which comes in November, and then there will be no more until Christ- • mas is retiehed, 1r F. Folland showed PS a new potato' with several second �r{�wth potatoes thereon, Mr Wm. 1Sorbsyn w d f fishes to thankthe ladies o" the to'tvn for their kind , attention to his ',Wife during ,het 'seve;re Illness, eying to.Mr Sas, Scott, librarian,tak-: In lis hello:10a la'books t iill.beaken out . **library ry for two *coke, , ' .. 0OMMEl�Nl .A ITG>iTST scErooL BOOKS.. (Mowing We have the Clinton agency for the celebrated �' � . d Standard Patterns, the. leading American Fashions long ago adopt» ed they as theirguide, the stylish belles of New York follow them, and ladies here wi�.l find them well'_,. Worth following, because they are the best. . Though :superior to all others, they are as low priced as any, and ` their cost is often saved, because of less waste of material, ber- ter model and less refitting than other kinds. $01100L STATIONER ' OH oL R QUIS] I S Wedevoted considerable'. �V' ,have co � enable` care to the purchase, of s 1 t attractive line of + 5X5RCI8E and ISORIB�BkI�f � ° BOf1 k'S With•handsome covers and excellent Paper. Qur stock of SCHOOL ° BOOKS AND REQUISITES Is the, largest, most complete and cheapest in the market ' Just Now Many minds are :puzzling . over what style their Fall Dresses will be. This is the season for such .thoughts. Come to us for r a free copy of our Standard Fashion. Guide, published monthly: It will save trouble and worry. It contains all the information concerning these patterns, besides much other useful information a kerning dress and mantle fashions. Those who make their own cos- tumes will be pleased with the simplicity of these pat- terns and dressmakers will find them invaluable. NEW ARRIVALS. The advance guard of our stook of Fall and Winter Dress Goods is here, and will give you an inkling of what's going to be the correct thing for fall and winter wear. Among our first shipments was a fresh lot of our won- derful all wool, double fold Dress Serge at 25c, All colors now in stock, Estate J. Hodgoos CLINTON ----oxo— RAN E.. & SPALDI N G Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods. Bible Depository Friday dry, Satur GREAT BARGA'IN DAYS AT es� Pieasanti.:j Hoad-dross +w,www-wu•.nm..wnwww..wr.wwwsrrw.w " 2Dy • D and Pretty . When you consider what a comfortable article of headwear the well-known "TAM" is, is it any wonder how very popular it has become for Ladies' and Girls wear. For this season our stock com- prises, in half dozen lots, some choice goods, both as regards color and quality. For Boys' wear nothing excells25 to 50c the PEAK CAP for school Prices range. from 25 to 75c Do you remember last week 7.00 some talk about $7 Suits ? SUITS Well, they are now ready for your inspection. See the goods In conclusion, keep in view the Bargains in store from the N. Wilson & Co. stock, London, of which fuller notice will,be given. JACKSON BROTHERS, Hatters and Clothiers, , a LI TON. ' Summer Sale continued on above days See our Ladies' One Buttoned gid Shoe at las See our Ladies' Hid BQBBB):fords at $1 25 815c 60e See our Ladies' gid uttoned Boots at A Job lot of Misses• Buttoned and Laced Shoes c t See our Girl's Hid Slippers at See our Gents Kid Oxfords $1 25 See our Gents Fine Gaiters at $1 25 Our Bargain Counters Are loaded with goods which are going regardless of cost.: THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. COME EARLY and secure the beet values ever offered, as the above are all ne w goods direct from the factory. Butter and Eggs tali% at Cash prices Now Fall Ooods We have opened up and passed into stock the following goods: 3 Cases of Choice Dress Goods. 1 Case Flannel Good. L 2 Cases of Ribbons and Millinery 1 Case of the Celebrated Watch. spring Corsets. ` Stock will be complete in a few days, when we will be able to show you a stock that is unsurpassed for style,. quality and price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. BEEsh ylicoE The LodlhslFsrorits istobllih B1�8flIl BLOCK, - OL.INT011';