HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-03-13, Page 8Pa night
Announcement of
New Spring Fashions
X New Spring Positions and Cloths now on display of
Ladies' Garments
from Canada•c, lorfik„ Rogers, Bookers, Continental
and •other exclusive cloak companies..
Spring Dresses in fine serges and silks in new
shades of dark greens, blues, blacks and greys.
. X Spring 'Silks in many attractive styles and_the
74 qualities
New Spring Coats and Capes in light fawns, dusk 14
reindeers, rose, paddy green and French. blues. .4
' Z Special Orders Given Careful Attention , x
X All garments guarani eed fit and service. " Ilik
Hanna. Co.
cx The Store with the Stock. 74
rli kk
•• • xxxxxivigwimrikrdivAxt•txxxxxxxxx
Repaint Viotti Cir or um Raw
4 14.
Anef you may be sure -it will be dry
when you wish to use it.
flint ing
e"aa.taiteeere,,,teteeatee,..-ae.ta,,,a„ye ..1„...,,,,wLsmcnistwomomnatetnassenommosisi
^ •
• . -
• • . :•'.
lemietakete4 t etee'; I
Yes, Madam, your
favorite sugar, as
muco as you want.
One of the most sa-
tisfactory matenal
pleasures of Peace
is thatwe may again
have plenty of
Seel a haw.
TNDER war conditions we were unable to supply
anywhere near the demand for Canada's
favorite sugar. Few ships were available for bringing
raw sugar from the tropics and a large part of the product
of our refinery was needed for our soldiers overseas.
Happily, Peace has changed the whole sugar situation.
Unless unforeseen circumstances should arise the Lantic
Red Ball 1,011 again brighten the shelves of stores
throughout tile country and housewives may have as
much as they need of the famous Lando "FINE"
granulated, the perfect sugar for baking and the table,•
also there will be plenty of the Lantie delicious Old.
fashioned Brown Sugars for the many dishes in which
flavor is indispensable to success.
,:iren ratty attain buy Linde Seger In the lever erielma etieteget.the 10,20
end,lftle. gat L4, tut well 4Ik in the 2 end 5.1b. coke% Them:throe *Melt ring
seinect preelection o
iof the content* a 1,6e,se packages make thein the meld
economical way of buying auger.
Ask year greyer for Cantle Seger, the tourer
with the Red Bali on eve*, Carton or Rat.
144ILL BUILDING, e • MONTletiktee
The marriage of Mime Irene Gaynor,
wboformerly waded here, to Lenon La
France Of 111cl*eta3, Alta., took place there
on February 15,
Lieut. E. D. Comeron, who returned
from oversees a *bort time ago, hest act,
cepted a position in lite office of thc Can,
ada Spool and Bobbin Company of Walk -
orlon, and left for that town last week
Car (Dr.) L. P. Preemen, who has
served overseas, left last week for Ottewe
having been appointed to the board of
penelone commieeloners
quiet wedding wee solemnized a t
Sarnia on February 26. when. 14 a r yt
daughter of Mr. and We. Eli Ensign.
of town, was united in marriage to Frank
Follows of Sarnia, formerly of Goderich,
Rev Monseigneur Alywarci a 1 Sarnia,
officiated. After a short vleit here and
other places, they wit make theit. home)
in Sarnia
The death occurred at her home in
Brandon, Man., of Mrs. R. B. Stineon,
beloved wife of R. E. Stinson, manager
of t h e houeeturnialung department o
Nation & Sisewanat. Mr, Stinson watt
formerly Miss L. Gordon of,Lackrow,
and will be well remembered by many
here She was a worthy matron of the
Order of the Eastern star. She leaves
her husband and two daughters and two
sisters, She was a victim of influenza
Austin Solomon and S. McGuire who
have conducted a grocery business here
for a short time, have eliseolved partner-
ship. Mr Solomon ie taking over the
A wedding o 1 interest t o Lucknow
people took place in Detroit at the home
of Mr. And Mrs. Jack Crawford, when
Miss Leila 14, Murray became the bride
of Mr. Greet S Boyd of Toronto The
ceremony as conducted by Rev. J M.
Barclay, ex -moderator of the Freebyter-
ian general assembly. The bride was
attended by Miss Beth Boyd, eister of the
groom, while Mr George Murray, Lieut, -
of the U 5 Naval Haspitel, New York,
acted as groomsman. The bride i s a
daughter of Mr. John D Murray of
Detroit, and -is well known here After
a honeymoon trip to New York, they will
make their home in Toronto.
The friends and neighbours of Mr. and
Mra, William Wellings of Ho'yrood met
•at their home one night recently and pre•
senteo there with a purse of mosey and a
beautiful address. They are leaving
Holy rood to reside in Winghtrn.
The remains o f 'John nevi, second
concession of Huron, were laid to ret in
Lochalsh Cemetery on Wednesday. Mr
Roes had been in -poor health for some
time and had gone to Toronto for treat-
ment, where he died He lives his wife
his mother and one sister One brother.
Dr Andrew Ro..s laid down hie life in
Flanders about a year ago
Mr Wm. Barr, who suffered a stroke
about three weeks ago, passed away last
Monclay anct was buried in Kinloss ceme-
Mrs.Jebn MacDiarmid's condition is
quite serious She is not gaining strength,
Mr. Paul Reid, who suffered a stroke
two years ago, has again suffered another
and is very low
R. H McQuillan is home from Winni-
peg where he has been on a business trip.
Mr. McQuillan deals extensively in apples.
Sid Plowright, a returned soldier, has
opened u p .a blacksmith shop in Dick
Webster's old stand. We all appreciate
the returned boys getting started again in
James McCallum is home on a visit
wearing the king's InlifOr. r. He enlisted
for service in Siberie.
The L. M. C. .A. had a full house at
their concert given in the town hall in
spite of the bad, wet, snowy night. The
Choruses by about 30 men were much
appreciated. •Mr. Geo. Fryfogle of Wing-
ham contributed a few selections on the
violin which were welt received. The
debate' Resolved that the benefits --likely
to result from.the late war will more than
offset the evils due to the war," made a
good subject and was well handled. A. D.
McKenzie and D. C. Taylor were for the
afihmative, and J. S. Newton and D. G.
McKenzie for the negative. Judges, Rev.
Bieleston, Rev W E Treleaven and R
D. Cameron found that the war didn't
pay, according to the case as presented by
the debaters, so they gave the decision to
the negative side.
Subject for last Sunday in the Lucknow
Men's Christian Association was, "Our
Conception of the Lord's Day," which
was very interesting, How many in
Wingham know why We keep Sunday in
place of Saturday?
Quite a successfid carnival was held in
the rink on Thursday m aid of the brass
band. The bandsmen have been smiling
out loud ever since. .
The sleighing lately was well patronized
by all 'ftr this totality for fear that i t
would he the last of the whiter. Since
then we h.a v o received substantial
Mr. D K Webster. west otVillage, has
sold his farm a n d is going t o sunny
Flight -Lieut Rexford Reid has been
killed in France. He is a word of Mrs.
Garf Ostrander.
R e v. M r. Armstrong o f Wingham,
preached hi the Methodist church on Sun.
day and his sermons were well received.
Ile is a powerful preacher.
Chautauqua fest iv at in Lucknow,
March 10;20, 21,
Horace Aitchison and Jean Douglas tao
of our young citizens were married at the
Manse by Rev I' MeCallum. They are
going to live in Lucknow where triey have
beet wishes front a host of friends for a
happy wedded life.
We are sorry to report the death of
Mrs. Alex. McCarrol, one of our rung
and highly respected citizens She under.
wenta critical operation asd despite all
that medical aid could do, she passed
away at 2.20 a m , Marc, llth.
"This cut represents one of the
newest spring lines of Women's
Welhave them both in black
and clirk mahogany at the fol-
lowing prices:
Vine black kid $5.50 to 8,50.
Gun:Metal calf with Neolin
sole KM.
Fine chocolate or mahogany ,
at S6O and 7.30.
Our selection of new goods is GOOD
Call m and see.
04104'3 ...
A A —o••ie•
Vilg eileve neeA
, ntappe;
../7CY eteatiA,
' •"Paaasksamay.tisian.attagstts:atitatafassasta
. •
1 •
lea 'T:.:.,;ee,teeeteeeeeeee
f !Picture House, Mondaytand Tuesday, Mar. 17 - 18.
It you are thinking of buying a house
in Winghatn, call and see -me at my
(Ake in the Town Hall. I have some
excellent value to offer:- Now is the
time to buy before all the good prop
erties are gone; I have for sale
A beautiful brick bungalow,
nearly new on Minnie Street $3200
A two story brick louse with
stable on Patrick $2600
A nice brick bungalow with
garage on Centre St . $3000
A gond frame house in good
conditionon Shuter St. , $1400
A gond tree; double house; a
bargain on Minnie St. 0.4o0
A two story brick house (near
Catholic church). $1200
A good one story &ante cot-
tage, large kitchen, Albert Ft $850
A large frame house on Fran •
cis St , well situated $1000
A tine large two story brick
house, hot water heating,
on Victoria Street . .... ...$3560
A good brick house with all
conveniences, Shuter St..... $2500
A good frame house, stable
and tw_ae/ots, Minnie St,, $ 900
A real good frame cottage
well situated on Francis St. $1300
A good two. story frame cot-
tage in perfect order on
Patrick Street... .....
A good comfortable one story
frame cottage, Edward St$1350
A tidy frame house in good re-
pair, all conveniences o n
Victoria Street $1500
A good 'frame house. egooct
situation on Catherine St. ..MOO
A $. ood frame house with wat-
er. furnace, electric lights on
Victoria Street $1800
I also have for gate some 50 and 100
acre farms near the town.
My dung experience wilt be a good
help to you in buying,
Wiagham, Ont.
In the estate of Itebeeett Greenaway, late •
of the 'Potent%) ot Turnbtery in the Corlett, of
fume, widow, deeeased.
fixate() is hereby (levee pursuaut in _section
70 elrs l er )1 0411 5, 0. 1914, 1 bal,alt NIROtIS
haviegelelms egainet the es ate of Itehecea
Greeriawity who died On oe ahOnt the retell
day of Ineuary A.1).1970 at the said Town-
! , . 5.", are required to send to the
trionlilliirde* thet82°OtitgyNort tkPair,cr,(11.'
1019, heti ...namei atyl ttedressee with tell par-
'tietitta e of their eleeme in writin and the aa
titre of the .me)) '11 tit nny) UeIiL by them.
And ?nether _Take Notice that after t140
Paid 20th day 01 mama A. D.1019, the teem , 1
tb4 Mitt estate will be distributed by the 4.511
Reef:51°re among the partfee thereto, baying
eegard only tomainetot which they shalt then
he:telt:whet and the otter() will not be Raffle
,fer any elatme not Med at the time of the
fddl t lb .
Deed at Wingham that 19th day Of poi,.
.rttatar A. 111010.
Mumma nova*.
Mellen nr for the Exitenteri, Alexander Mao.
• Ewen tete Jobb Spence,
Mr. anel-Mrs. F. Taylor entertained'
the members at the A V, P. A at their
home Monday evening, Mare be 3rd.
Spleedid papers were given by Mrs. H.
V. Holmes on 'Compulsory Edecationeity
18 years”. and Miss J. Austin ",Chinese'
Canada " he usual social time of
games, contests and music were after-
wards indulged in.
Mr. and Mrs, Tetos itradnock a n d
Haeold. who have spent the past three
months i n California arrived home o n
Thursday last. Needless to say they en-
joyed the trip immensely. It is very
interesting to heat them tell of the . mag,
nificent sights and beauty and grandeur
of that wonderful country. Siiice their
arrival in town they are busy getting "Set-
tled in their new home on Edward street,
On Sunday ferenoon Mr. W. J Earn-
gey's fine residence came very near going
up in smoke.. Valentine, a lad of about
three. years of age was upstairs in one of
the bedrooms and got bold, of a match
and managed to strike it When t h e
match•hurned be -dropped 11 on the bed
and the fire started. From the bed it
soread to e window curtains. Mrs.
Earngey however discoVered the fire
fore it had made much headway, and,
calling her husband, they succeeded in ex-
tinguishing' the fire before much damage
was done • 410.
On Monday last M r. and M 14 R.
Ashton and family, who have betel resi-
dents of the village for a number of Feare,
• moved to their fine farm on the 7th on.
Howick Their many friends regret their
leaving' town, but are pleased the separa-
tion is not far. Mr. Ashton always took
an active part itt everything that would
tend to benefit the village tand we are
pleased to state that that family will yet be
able to render faithful, eliteeful and et-
ficient serviees in our nutlet as they have
• done in the past., their•s be a pleas•
ant and happy futurend anewWinghajn,
every env
1.•004 he theirs in tneh• new 11001.70
Wroxeier .te
Mr. H. Hammond of the Bluevale
creamery, was in town last week on .bus -
Quite a number from here attended the
band concert at Brussel last We&
After visiting friends in West Luther
for a time, Mr. Ashton Morrison returned
home on Tuesday of last week.
Miss Alt& Hamilton, who was a nurse
with the American Army in France, is at
praeent, visiting her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. John Hamilton and other friends in
Mr and Mrs. G R. Hamon of Mill -1
bank and Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge
of Brantford, attended the funeral of the
tatter's brother, Mr Wm. 140ntaornery,
last weeli.
:Mr?, R a'orrigan and fatuity have re-
turned howe atter spending. a week with
her pareles, Mr. and Mts. Shand, Toronto.
Mr and Mrs Wm. Lowre• enterteined
the members of the Methodist 'Atwell on.
Wednesday eveniug last, to a 40Cif,a eVelp
ing. A splendid time was enjoyed by all.
Miss Munroe, Toronto, ia the glutei of
friends here.
Mr and Mrs. E. Jaeksou, Winghana
spent Stunlay with friends here.
Wometes Institute held their
monthly meeting on Tuesday last, About
;et members were present. The Diatriet
President, Mrs S. R, Brill, Twat',
wee presets and gave a very interesting
report of the convention held at Toront0.
recently and outlined the work dont- by
other branches of the Institute. Miss 214
. a very pret deal paper
"Stweese," An interesting feature of
the meeting was the preeentatiou of a.
brboelt to Mrs F. liallagle .ex-presittent,
AS a token 4 appreeletiou .orher work
%vett, her friends Ilene We are sorry t
lose Mee, liallagh and Nellie as they wore
valued members of the. Inatitute. Mrs,
Ballagh thanked the ladies
kindly for their gift, after which a social
hoar was spent and a dainty leech was
served. The meeting closed with t h e
National Anthem,
A little hoy has come to sate, at the
home of Mr. alai UM. 1' h
Congratulatienta . 4
Thursday rtfareb.1.3.th,..44:k
Mr. ',1apleti J ewer anal uetettat wise( Morn -
jaunt, spent the %wigs ead at the JOIE* laf
Mr. Jaa, Fleming, a
The many tri4ls of Mr. •Vestey Alva,
ham are glad lb see him home eft& seri.
in g overateaa. 4 'presentation and party
was giv m. on tirednesday night last for
ban. i sptendid time was enjoyed! 'Wet
MC home WiVey.
Mr heehaw and sister. Mrs, Mcealhun,
r. gad i W
*new dal with 7%
don last week
14r O. Berson unloadt.d a car of
feetJlieer heJ4i, week.
Norman Geddee has gone to Loado*
for a 'few weeks
(Cornet up till Wednesday noon).
Wheat No, 2 Storing . 2 00 to
Wheat No. 2 Itall 2 11 to
Flour, per cwt, standard. 6 00 to
Bran, per ton 30 00 to
Shorts, per ton 40 00 to
Oat 1351
of Blyth, 'apent a day with Mrs Allison.. ........ ..... 0tQ
a 11 a M J' 4. Walter Allison and
"Biatryl,eY , •.$
Sutter, per lb,- dairy.. - sq to
18 00. tO
(laughter. Rolle. who have been vending per dozen 31, to
La.d 30 to
a few weeks with the former's tnother, Cattle med., butchers -3,0 00 to
left for their home in Sask , on Monday. Cattle, butchered choke. 12 00 to
Mrs. Brooke of Centralia., spent Smutty
1 with her(larel)tes Mr. and Mrs Andelsoo,
Miss Emma McGill had the misfortune
to fall on the lee and break hoe Inlet one
day last week.
Mrs. Leonard Wheeler and her little
son, who have been spending a f e w
months with her faaber. Mr San) Jordan,
lots returned to her home in Vancouver
Mrs, Hoffer, who has spent the last
three months with her mother, Mrs. Attie
son, has ret erne el to her *home in
Saskatehe wait,
How liveweight.... • -. 10- 76. to
Butterfat — - ... ...... . to
E 'Wavvanosh
Miss Gertie• It o n e hat. returned to
Strattdfd ,.
Iowing to t
Road's. filled•up this weelt he
snow storm en Sunday, •
Mrs. Wm Love is spealleg a few -days
with friends in Stratford.
Mr, Adam Robertson sold a valuable
yr. -old eott to Me. Fred ,,Davison for a
long price. . .
A nuteber of people him this vicinity
attended the reeture of Peter McArthur.
0 30
40 00
44 00
20 00
11 00
la 00
17 00
am .. al am. • ama am ma m a .. a -am, ,ma. , , a
... •
-.mi a
1 U a P pring Sell-mg:Cam aign 1
____.,. ..............",,
Bigf,i1Values Throughout the Store il
vi Spring Coats as unable
0 •
atyles, Northway Make
Best :Values
X Korn')
. ft,
In oar C`tilleeticin of N e w
Spring Coats you will find the
latest styles. and materials, in'
the NorthWay .(shape keeping
garment") at pries very moder-
ate in keeping with triarket
prices. The coat ilhistratecl is
made from heavy all wool serge
'andlitted to the waist with fatr
cy silk faille. Price $35.
Ofwv:e' '
Other prices front $2o to $47-
:50. . •
Lad les Sateen and
Cotton ,Taffeta
laidieg' Underskirts in Blask,
Navy and Green that will ,give
excellent wear.eatisfaction.. Re-
duced,to $1.69.
z Black Taifyata Silk•UnderskirtS
flounce and nice width, Specially reduced $5.00. •
v.., .A. reconimanded quality in black taffibtfa with deep
m Corsets, Hosiery and Un-'
• • derwear
XOur c or s et department is
showing the latest styles in cor-
sets with front or back lace in
we the best makes such as Nemo
et -N. and Crotn-ptons in whi.e or flesh
X pink. prices in both makes very
'Ma moderate and a style for 'every
'••3 figure, Prices $1.50, 2.50, 3.50,
5 .00 and 6.00.
Ladies' • Heavy
• Lisle Hose
eve Excellent quality silk finished
PG lisle hose in a weight very suit-
able for spring wear in alt the
latest shades, of Taupe, Sand, t „--
a Nigger Brown, Black and White (
Spectal at $t per pair.
hination Suits spieaa.11YErLredticed
X Summer Weight Vests and Com -
Ladies' eau:miter vests ehore or' no elea'ves. Special 3
for $x.00. Combination suits in fine lisle quality, special
6ot a suit. Lisle drawers, special 490 a pair.
Pure food at Money Saving Prices
Fresh shipments coming in daily at reduced prices,
IX nothing but the best quality offered.
lbs best ric ... . , .25e
$1.25 hest fatality brooms . ,
. e lbs, special Tea ' - - $5•1'.5
(Guaranteed or money back)
zeoo pkgs 'Corn Flakes, Shredded Wheat, Castper
package ., .... Toe
" moo cans, full size, best Tomatoes and Peas (Aylmer
itZe. brand) per can , • 150
• ill'Ib. pail Corn Syrup ... . . . , • , - 950
ea's i2 bars Comfort Seep .. eoe
4 lbs best Oatmeal.. ' ... ................... . .. ...,25e
Pears ami Peaches, per etm.eoe
Pieklee, per bottle tee
to the, granulated auger . Lou
too lbs }ventilated sugar 810,00
5 11) pad Corn Syrup
March Sale of Silks,.
• Yr.,
Special purchase of /e
best quality silks en- ..,.
ables as to sell at
much less 'than whole-
sale prices to -clay, if
you are needing. Silks
do not mise this oppor- v ' ea-
36 in.
Heavy BlaCk',0464ess
Moisseline -
This is one of the best silk, for one W:Ito ;ants ;a good
wearing silk, ittis made by one of Switzerland's hest
makere, and we can unhesitatingly recommend it for
wear mid appearance, black. only. ,..Itep,-.444..90, Ofafeb, •
Silk Sale $2.85. • •
' •
300 yds. Heavy Silk Faille and Pr
This is a special imported quality comes itt all the new-
est shades also black, a materials. that will .enalte special
suits skirts, canes or tlresees mid give excellent Weer.
Mara. Sale.Price $e..65„ .•
Heavy Durable. itabitau,•Silks 74
This qeality washes perfectly'and will give . splendid rok
.serviceavery suitable for Blouses, 'Endergarmente, Skirts, 911
etc, Reg. $t eo, March Silk Sale $1.15,-.
Fine-• Quality Pongee Silk ,•
.Reduced •
Beautiful lustrous finih of this fine quality makes ±1'&
attractive and very much in demaed for 131ouses, Dresses 2,2
or light weight suits, wear aguaranteed, Regular $1.5o, r4,
larch Silk Sale$r.19.
Bedroom, and -Bath Towels
Pure Linen•X
Huch-a.eback c . ?A'
Tow e 1 li n g ' X
Reduced. g
Full Bleached Plain Linen Huck to,
• Towelling .. ....,
. Xs,
An evenly woven 010114of extra good quality in 18 ano
20 itt, suitable for hand towels and endaroidery work.
Special 590 a Ya, ' ;'
Plain Huck and Turkish Towels' A1),
Special purchase of bedroom towels in full size and Va/
More Remnant Price and Less )30,
Owing to the quick selling of a number of linestton sale
were daily having ends left, these are immediately put ;2
on remnant, tables at big rednetione,
quality. Specially priced $r clop&
Men's New •Spring Hats,
Clothing and Furnishings I
Just, received the latest 74
styles and Olore in hatsi
the name of BoredPm Ple
stands her ;atisfactiou
hats. Prices $3.5a to $8. up
Mens .iii Wool
, Cash werte X
• Socks, • ,
• just received anothee,
ahipment, the sante as we'
had ott stile' fast month:
Regular Vr.15, value for
Ni, Snit, SOS'ing &wits and
It will -pay you to inspect our values before 'buyieg,
latest styles and clothe. 'Prices Pox() t $45,00,
7.•°,,A4 ,1?
NOTE --Our new Cash System enambes us to offer values that you should take aclwittage of.
TrPecl"et!uce Wonted Cub or KING BROS.' hi:pmr,c6ri 'Pus:*
Phone 71.