HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-08-31, Page 61111M1111111 •11111111111111111111111000 ■01sg111tliss11111tei11111.1111111sirlsesllwtA 11011,111111111•01X1•01L611AwAt1111 ■sitatebsnswsORIMMaMsI1s,wswwsw mom wewa..satwaseraem Tseaaaraaaeaw t,. at 189,41., CIEE1.EO AND KM COMPOUND CARRIES -111,10 TO,.; OLD ; AND YOUNG. onderful Cure in ild ifo^kc, N. S. :tl ase That Was Pronounced Incurable. ATH WAS 'EXPECTED. Lie Sufferer Saved From the Dark Grave. .BE CURED MAN PRAISES AINE'S CELERY COMPOUND .. J VERY DAY. Father and mother, aietere and brothers,. # t should all feel an interest in making home fiapp , bright and joyous. Ilome4oairnot be a bright and happy spot While some loved oneis laid low with disease and ya arae. Thetis always prevails much anxiety, dot}btnd Sear, for the safety of the sufferer. • The trittsted family physician may be doing .1i# hie utmost to banish pain and disease but his eff'rte.aro .4tio often vain and fruitless. Into' afflicted homes Paine's Celery Compound comes like a bright angel of ee cy:g, 'As soon -as the great healing ie •hued, hope is revived, faith,etrenitth- ened feels that heaven has Bent an agent of "lifsthat cannot fail. vo living mortal can estimate the bless- ings they Paine'sCelery Compound has be- . etoerupon Canadian homes. The work of`lifesaping., Wroughtby the great medi- a ter marvellous and astounding; the re - col Of anted, will endure forever. • Every day 'bright and telling testim:ny is gent in from all seeetions of our Dominion 'fluttering that Prine's Celery Compound saved and cured, after other means had utterly failed. One of the very latest cures reported, is that of Mr John A. Church, of Coldbrook, N. S. a.. Here we have an array of solid facts that speak in thunder tones of warning, and at Ia the same time they are calculated to inspire emery eapa_tl ing:,, cart with true_ beeps and comfort. .Hese we have a man who suffered in pain and agony for long months, spent all bis money for medicines that could pot ours, • and who was givenup to die. Mi -Church accidently heard of Paine's Celery Compound, and made use of it ; the \,medicine restored and renewed his life. Mr Church tells his story as follows: - It ie with pleasure that I give testimony in favor of your marvellous medicine, Paine's 'Celery Compound, Inthe spring of 1892 I had an attack of La Grippe, which put me into each a condition that I Genial riot Bleep °rest. -. J. was completely run-down, had extreme nervou'e'prostration, and lay for days in a half stupefied state. "After spending all my money for medi- cine which did little good, I gavenp to die, w�vhen one day a paper on Peinil"'a Celery ,C°impound was brought to me. I at ogee procured the medicine, and derived great relief from the first bottle. I slept better, and digestion improved. After using nibs bottles I feel like a new man. I can truly say that Paine's Celery Compound snatched me from the grave, and gave.me a new lease of life. 4iI earnestly urge all sufferers to use Paine's Celery Compound, feeling sure it will Dire them. Do not spend your money for medicines that cannot care yon. Found Dead. ! 1,Tr tiiuely Demise of Hon C. F. Firrsor Hoa Christopher ' indle Fraser, ex- Glnmuiissioner.ot Ptt lic Wyerke. for'On- WW W1IH . found•;.dead early Friday morning, -in hie.room`at the Parliament buildings. Mr Fraser had been in poor health for eosno tine, ' Many telegram) W0.relativee and politteal :friends e.`.his re limalediatelt dispatehedc notify Oft then! of. the elr-Mihibtev'e death, t ,o'cldck.:Fv!iday rdorcnittg'. Mr Fraser and �lr, Chamberlain, inspector of pprisons,se��yy1�nms and .hob hospitals 1 '�O'iiti'tffo; i4t i freffIN t Itlfist" absence of a month on their summer •route, as it is called, attending to their duties, Mr Fraser looking after the registry offices, and the doctor after charges. At the Station ;Mr Fraser complained of heing,thedr and Chamberlain accompanied b}m-as. far :ata :the Parliament bpik ngs. :At 6 o'clock the night watchman took the morning papers to Mr Fraser's room, according'trrhis •custom: -He`• •ftiuryd the door closed, but the gas was burn- ing brightly., Not' ,hearing anvpne moving inside, -the liatehinan entered and•found'the ex -Minister lying •dead the lavatory adjoining his room. He had not retired.. His coat and vest: were lying ton the •bed; and it was evl- dent that death had taken. place notA lou after he had arrives home. gra ical examination showed that death yw� due. to the failure of the heart to perform its functions properly, It is thought that Mt'' Fraser had. •been seized with a faint'irtgg St similar to the one he had taken' in the chamber during the last few Weeks of.his rule as - Minister of °Public li'orks and had fallen over on his side, while in this position his heart failed him and death occurred in a fear inlnutes. Sir Oliver Mowatwas informed of the tragic affair early in the morning, and was greatly -shocked; tis were•the'other' Ministers in the city and many old members of the civic service who had worked with Mr Fraser for a number of years. He leaves a widow and several child- ren at Brockville where for many years he resided and which was his constitu- ency during the latter part of his par- liamentary career. I was (lured of a severe cold by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Oxford, N. S. R. F. HEWSON I was oared of a terrible sprain by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Yarmouth, N. S. FRED COIILsON. Y.A.A.C. yrs:-•nAr-�: . "flyrrr9""rirk!'"4""SwillF7,711 .47.71,71,1711.: -11."!-4 E CLINTON 1V EW ERA STARE. Saxony has the deepest mines. England has 30,800 physicians, India's cotton mills number over 160. (ihioago's aeseseed'•oalualtign is 010,- 65068, of tlowhide are weed in Auatr'alia. dhitia'arailroads would string out 124' miles. A California prune orchard covers 3, 300 act es - .''Salt water. has, •.but ;little: effect on alttirain um. • Tthn'greateet salt Mine is,:Wieliezki, near Cracow. be afieted with 48 dif-' fel ent diseases. New York's departments cost over $2,0001000.per year. ' Theit a is still -an army of chimney sweeps in England. Indiana; goinprisa, about one-half of Ddezic&s liopulation. Florida ships away 45,000,000 boxes of ,orangea.annually. During last year there were 1,250 de- sert-lgns from the navy. Great `Eritaiii has 5,988 vessels en- gaged in the foreign trade. MAN'S PHILOSOPHY. A round sum never squares a crooked business. I was cured of blank erysipelas by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. inglesville. J. W. RUGGLES. Elephants have been known to live 150 years. It is repoated�that Dr. McKay, M. P.P., of Ingersoll, is to be married to a daughter of a wealthy Toronto citizen at an early date. Mr Moody has been invited, by unanimous vote of 70 churches repre- sented, to go to Japan for an evange- listic campaign. In Japan a man can "live like a gentleman'-on--ariittle-Over $500 -a -year. With this sum he can employ two set - vantss pay the rent of a house and have plenty of food. Minard's Liniment is the Best. THE SIZE OF THE SEA. One gallon of water weighs ten pounds, so the number of gale' the Pacific is over 2,00,000,000, an amount which would take more than a million years to pass over erinthe a Falls of Niagara, Yet, put sphere, the whole of the Pacific would only ineasure 726 miles across. The Atlantic could be contained bodily in the Pacific nearly three times. The number of cubic feet is 117 followed by seventeen ciphers; a num- ber that world be ticked uff by our million clocks in 370,000 years. Its weight is 325, 0)0,000,000 tons, and the number of gallons in it 73,000„000,- 000. A sphere to hold the Atlantic would have to be 5334 miles in diame- ter. If it were made to fill a circular pipe reaching from the earth to the sun -a --distance of 93,000,000 miles - the diameter of the pipe would be +1,838 yards, or rather over a mile; ;;i while a pipe of similar length to con- ” tain the Pacific would be over a mile and three•quarters across. Yet the distance to the sun is so great that, as has been pointed out, if a child were born with an arm long enough to reach the sun it would not, live ll,ng enough to know that it had torched it, for sensation passes along our nerves at the rate of 100 feet a second, and to travel from the sun to the earth at that rate would take a century and a half, and such an abnormal infant is an un- ikely centenarian. Thos. Coates, of Walkerton, whose barn was burnt by lightning three or four weeks ago, received a shock the other afternoon that almost paralyzed him. He was eugaged at the time in building an oat stack. The lightning passed down the fork and so affected Mr Coates' arm that he was not able to straighten it out, or even to let go the fork for a considerable time after- wards. A terrible catastrophe occurred in the Oregon Improvement Company's coal mines at Franklin, 34 miles from Seattle, at 1 o'clocGk Friday afternoon. Already 37 dead bodies have been re- covered from the mine, and it is known that many others are imprisoned in the fiery furnace. The number is as yet only a matter of conjecture, and it is probable that,none will escape. Minard's Liniment the best hair restorer Mr Davidson, the leader of the Con- servative Opposition in the Manitoba Legislature, was defeated in the bye - election for Beautiful Plains Thurs- day by Mr Forsyth. The Patron can- didate was successful, there being no regular Liberal nominee in the field, In Brandon City Charles Adams, Liberal, was elected by a majorrity of 180 oyer Mr Cliff, the Conservative nominee. The result is regarded as very disappointing to the Conserva- tive Opposition in the Legislature, al- ready very small. HEART DISE.\6E RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES. All oases of organic or sympathatio heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart one dose convinces. Sold by Watts & Co. and ALLAN & WzLsos, druggists. NOTHING STRANGE. Intelligent people, who realize the im- portant part the blood bolds in keeping the body in a normal condition, find nothing strange in the number of diseases Hood's Sarsaparilla is able to oure. So matey troubles result from Impure blood, the best way tC treat them is through the blood. Mood's . tilts ire the best after-dinner &asset digestion, prevent constipation. Out of the abundance of the mouth the tongue waggeth. Manicures would starve if some peo- ple's corns troubled them as little as their consciences. Some men make history that is nev- er written, and some write history that has never been made. It is good to he rooted and grounded, provided• you are not rooted in the ground. Go ahead when you are sure you are right, but don't run over anyone else in the road. A gathering was held at Forresters' A celebration of the I.O.F. til)rplus hav- ing passed the $1,000,0.00 putrit, An acting, model of the human heart,with every detailt has been made. by A. French phyeicilu;. The blood can be seen congaing to and from, it through artificial, arteries. .Island, netts esetc" Rt Thursday, Y, i n It may interest many ,t9 know, ryays the Glasgow\ Weekly Herald, that in the low -roofed house` 'here. Blucher met Wellington there still lives a ven- erable blind woman, win was 12 years 1 of age when the din of battle sounded in her tery'ified,aears,.. Mark Francoise . Roque is the old woman's name, and she has told over and over again the story of the tight, and how she hid her- seltbehind a doorand tried to shut hut 1 the sound of the cannon's roar. She itereelt helped to teind, the wtr mmIed i> the house. While threshers were at work on the farm of George Whitney, on the western edge of Akron, Ohio, a box of dynamite was found concealed in a sheaf of wheat. Half an hour later a dynamite cartridge, which had been secreted in another sheaf, was fed to the separator, and exploded, wrecking the machine and setting fire to•the 'barn. 'John Whitney, Jacob ' and Meyer and Charles Lacey attempted to rescue the horses in the barn. They failed and Meyer lost his life in the at- tempt, while Whitney was fatally and Lacey painfully injured. Four horses, one mule and several cattle were burned to death, and Whitney's en- tire wheat and oat crop and many farm implements were destroyed. According to the Ontario Govern- ment's crop report, just insued, fall wheat is probably the most successful crop of the season. Spring wheat has suffered severely from drought in the west and from excessive rains in the eas. The crop is limited in quantity andlight in quality. The yield per acre of barley is below the average, and there will be available only a limited quantity of plump, bright barley for export. Oats are only a fair crop, and are somewhat better in the east than in the west. The yield of first-class peas will b probably less than for some years past. The quality of hav and clover is very good. As to corn, rnurh will depend upon the weather we get. The yield of potatoes will be small in Western Ontario, but reports from the East are more encouraging. Roots generally are thin, backward and gen- erally unpromising in the West, ow- ing to draught. Apples will not be a heavy crop. The curculia has done much damage to plums, but pears will give a fairield. &mall fruits have been fair. The drought has seriously affected pastures; still live stock are reported in a healthy condition, thqugh thin, and there will be an abundance of winter fodder:, The supply of farm labor has been equal to supply, the "tramp" elan int cells a constituting good part Of it. Pale Faces show Depleted Blood, poor nourishment, every everything bad. They are signs of Anaemia. cott's .. Emulsion the Cream of .Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites, en- riches the blood, purifies the skin, cures Anaemia, builds up the system. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Scott d Bowne, Belleville. All Druggists. 600. & SI. BINDER : TWINE Different Brands at Low Prices See us before you place your order All Massey -Harris Repairs kept in stock GEO LAVIS, CLINTON Hose Pailltina and Paper Hagig The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, KALSOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &c. He is a practical man of on experience 'a ud guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, whil prices wit be exceedingly moderate. Orders re epectfully solicited. GEO. POTTS, C. Carter's house, Victoria St., Clinton - • • COTTOJ.Fla%E. 'V UU YOU WANT A Viral -class Step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Splendid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then oall ons W. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dineley Will be atlDinsley's cornerevery Saturday aftornoon. lto.lil24 KT -:- DOWNS, OLINTON, Hant.taoturer and Proprietor for the bent lova titre te,,,r In iso. Agent for the sale and appli- tatl•m •,1 the j4 Manna PATENT AUTOMATIC/ BOIL/111 uns,Nsa, 41.5 ud FITTiNGS furnished and app nd en .hart notice r1uifer.,, Euicines. and all kinds o Mad,.InNry repaired e• pedlllouNly ono in n,,atINfnetory manner Jenne implements manufactured' and repaired li!en.m •cud wal,•r pumps furnished and put in pnsitile. Dry Kiln+ fitted up on applioatioo Cl "trues moderate, S. WI LSON, RENERi,I DEALER IN TINWARE H ti Ir„N a'I UK ST, CLINTON hops . t n, ,U hinds promptly attended to .nn.,de rata,. A trial solintied LIVE HOGS 4 i This is it. This is the new shortening er cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of lard. Itis an entirely new food product composed of clarified cotton seed oil and re- fiuodbeef suet.. You can see that Is Clean, delicate, wllotesbme, appetizing, and economical -aa far superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow dip. It asks only.s fair trial, and a fair trial will convince you of its value. Sold in 3 and 5 pound pails, by all grocers Made only by The N. K. Fair'bank Compa..ny, Weliington and Ann MONTREAL. WANTED --Live Hoge from 160 to 200 Pounds. D. CANTDLON, Clinton IN SAFE Wil PLEASANT 1 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 2\\"12'.,•r a �,'r '-'-7----- 1 ➢ � li t \ ' i ,�41, �- BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA CURC3 ALL Taints of the Blood. RELIABLE As 'CERTAIN F Has proved by its enormous sale that It 1• The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout world can-vonch for this: as iq they y►b9• have proved ,its value It brings them less labor, greater comfort: • THE COILED SP.RINI Wove Wire Fencing. Messrs Stan ey and Steep ocal agents for he above fiance; which is claimed to be the est fencing wire manufactured of the kind STANLEY & STEEP, Clinton CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STANr, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full operation and a' orders filled in the most satisfactory way Come tory and granite work a epooialty. Prices aa reasonable as those of any ostablisha.ent SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton, Im City BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILT.. DON'T MISS THIS The undersigned having bought out the bakery business so eucoeesfully carried on by Mr Wm. Young will continue the business at the old stand He will ondeevor, by eupplying a first class erti- ole, to merit the liberal support of the people Bread delivered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. M. BECKWITH - C,LiNTON ,sLIALICDUSNIISS, DVS)PEPSIAc3 �,aIcK HEADA0a"! , R EG U LATE THE LIVER. CNEPILL AFTER EATING INSURES id00D DIGESTION. PRICE2ACtS,`C`Ne I ODD'S401101% TEN DOZEN Men's SurnffLer Flannel SHIRTS Well worth 75c Each For 35c Each or 3 for $1 ROBT. COATS & SON, CLINTON A. CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY. ---WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED A LINE OF---�- Bedroom Suites, Sidebofrde SStension Tables and Lounges At:albig;reduction on the regular price, and we are' going to give our customers the hereat of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look haat very little money. Sf•ace will not allow us to quote prices, as we have w .navy different lines, but come and see for yourself what great bergaiitte we have to offer you. Parlor Suites, Centre Tables, 7-1a1I Rao]sa Book Cases. Secretaries, Sed Springs, Mattresses And everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want yonr trade, and if Good Goods. Low Prices and Honest Dealinge,is what you want, we will have it. Furniture to suit everybody. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CRIDLEY JR.,h'uneral Director and Embalmer. Night Calle Answer° at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. Save Your Potatoes We have secured the exclusive right forithis place to sell] Church's POTATO BUG FINISH For the destruction of that pest. The Finish acts as a fertilizer for the potato, thus abcomplishing a double purpose. Ask for it. It is used dry. Seeeironlar and testimonials. We have also a supply of PARISGREEN To meet the views of those who don't likelto try new thiaige Now is the time to procure your TURNIP SEED good and cheap. HAY RAKES, FORKS, PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH, FENCE WIRE in Barbed, Galvanised ' and Black. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED for Cash or Trade. "nio���°', R. ADAMS: RUMBALL' 5 LGE FACTORY 4 Hwsront Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splenc!d BUGGIES. CARRIAGES,' & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call and see mt. 116 �x� 1104644 ia4md&40Altidgialk r( AME6