HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-08-31, Page 5• U$ALL TEE NOTE)? JEWELER. CLINTON, ONT. SPONGES targe lot of fine large Sponges just received only 15 cents ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF TZi3F.3Y SPO1FFG S icoelleot quality and exceeding •heap at from 10 to 25 ate. To see them is to buy them AL.I EN & WILSON, Prescription Drug Store, Clinton. ,PVBLIO SCHOOL BOOKS and, STATIONERY. Telephone 49 CLINTON MARKETS Oorreoted every Thursday afternoon Thursday, August 30,1894. Wheat fall, old 0 50 a 0 55 Wheat, fall, new 0 50 a 0 52 Oafs, old 0 30 a 0 .30 Oats; new 0 28 a 0 28 Barley 0 35 a 0 45 Peas 0 50 a 0 50 Flour per bal a 3 60 Butter 0 14 a 0 16 Zggsper doz 0 7 a 0 8 Potatoes 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, iNew and Old 6 09 a 6 00 Hideo, No. 1 trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Sheeepekine 0 25 a 0 75 Wool 0 15 a 0 17 A counter -protest has been entered against James Conmee, ex -M. P. P. for Algoma. It asks for his disqualification. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 450 head of butohers' cattle 50 calves and 300 sheep offered at the east end Abbatoir, Monday.Trade in cattle was ex- ceedingly dull and he low prices of last week have not improved, but have rather grown worse. A few prime beeves sold at from 3} to 3$o per lb, but there were very few sales fat more than 3lo,do; common dry cows and half - fatted steers sell at about 21o, and the leaner beasts at about 2e per Ib. There was a better demand for calves, and some of the best were sold before reaching this market. Common calves sold at from $2.50 to $5 each. There were no good shipping sheep offered, but some good lots have been sold at the yards at about 3!}c per lb. Good lambs were in demand and brought higher prices than on last market; a few of the best sold up to $3.50 each, common lots selling at from $2.25 to $2.75 each, and the culls at from $1.50 to $2 each. Fat hogs are more plentiful and slightly lower in price, or about 12c per lb. for fed hogs. WAR IN THE EAST, STRIKES IN THE WEST, PEACE AND PLENTY IN CANADA Business during harvest was quiet, but now that harvest is over, it has improved, and we are looking for still better. In order to'help, we will give all purchasers of goods very close prices, and in several lines of BOOTS& SHOES will sell at or even under cost. Also special values in Dry Goods &Groceries• Olent values. We expect a lot of Crockery nr fall stocks are coming in and are excel - direct from England in a short time, the prides of which will be very low. Any quantity of BUTTER and EGGS wanted --Highest Price for good quality. ADAMS' E.IPORIUM, R. • M S. LONDESBORO D T CLINTON a ERA La.',,vi.ali.1 1111 misplay im °f .... DRESS The workmanship and ingenuity of alinost every <. country in the world is represented on our counters‘ Dress Dress Dress Dress Dress Dress Goods from Goods from Goods from Goods from Goods from Goods from England, Germany, Austria, France, Scotland, Ireland It is freely conceded that for a really high aclass Dre6s Goods stock, this store is in the very front rank. The. people know and have learned that when they want the latest and newest things in Dress Stuffs,• they always visit this store, as there is not another an the County where so extensive a variety of the latest and newest things are to be bad, and the prices are always moderlb ate and within the reach of every buyer. We wish to inform the ladies that we expect in about a week. the largest consignment of new Fall Mantles and Jackets ever brought here GILROY dc WISEIVL&N CLINTON SALE CONTINUED: The successful sale which we have had during the past month, will be continued during the month of July, as we have a great rn.anyaines yet to clear. We have sold 0 Pricesduring the past month a large amount of goods. T. STILL WE HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS THAT MUST AND RILL BE SOLD. IRON BLOOD PILLS_ Don't confuse these with the common Iron Pills. They are a direct food for the blood. These pills will change the pale and sallow complexion of debility into ,the ruddy glow of health. Put up in round wood boxes with red label. 25c per box or five boxes for g1. Put up only by SANIES H. COMBE CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, ETC B:—We carry the largest stock of Drugs in the County of Huron. They must all go. We have decided not to carry over any goods this season, and they will be positively sold FOR COST AND UNDER' We have Tables loaded with Bargains, such as you never sae,. .. before. Come and see the goods, they are harked inplain figures and you can see for yourselves. We quote no prices as we have not space to mention all the bargains we have, We Talk Prices Only and furth•er, people cannot tell by seeing prices without • What is it t It's a puzzle in prices. The cipher is simply naught or nothing and you can read it this way A PRIGES NEXT . TO NOTHINa We take this method of impressing on our patrons and the public at large the notable fact that Lower. Prices Can't be Made Than the prices we are making on as good a line of goods as was ever submitted to the experienced judgment of our customers. We could say a good deal about quality and value, but this time. cin laerlr� g quanLy. .Liverytinlng 3.s em Dracea in L Cie way of Bargains; nothing is withheld; the whole stoex is for sale at Cost Prices P5aU1YISTEEL t , GIBBINGS C inton ` r'��fYc.:..Yec•.i1,h.);ter The other things can take care of themselves. We will not be underbid for custom. We will make the market price for this county, and those who compete must come dovin to the low level of our prices. 0 W L.:. OU METTEb • )14,X4ER, LONDESBORO