HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-08-24, Page 6A'1 ;11gt, 24 )894. Owe My Xe w Life to Value's Celery Com- pound,,, Testimony .of a Toronto den tleman, written in Verse. ontle was a safl'rer, was burdened with ss woes, J}yepeppsie and Headaohes my 'terrible foes; k'ropsarlay mitt day T wee tortutod with " pain, my efforts and prayers for relief were all vain. My friends recommended new nostrums eaoh day, I foolishly heeded what eaoh had to say; Butt, instead of imiproving, I really get womb, Each draught and eaoh pill 'proved .a snare and a mire. Wrapped up in despair and quite tired of life; I hearken'd one day to the voice of my wife;' She said; "My dear Ned, I have found the Arne cure , For all your afflictions, 'twill conquer I'm -sure." p I asked for the name of the pure she had 'found, The answer cairn quickly, "Paine's Cel'ry Compound"; Ah, les! 'twee.a name I had heard of be- ore— Had heard of its virtues to heal and restore. With courage and faith I received the glad news, And decided the Compound to faithfully use; Oh joy. let me sound the glad tidings around, I am oared through the use of Paine's Cel- .. iry Compound. Dyspepsia and Headaches are things of the past; Behind me forever these burdens I've oast; I'm healthy and hearty, digestion is sound, I owe my new life to Paine'e Cel'ry Com• pound. r CLINTON NEW ERA 4 BAD WitECE. —of the constitution may follow in the track of a disordered system, due to im- pure blood,or inactive liver. Don't run the marl The proprietore of Dr Pierce's.0old- en Medical Discovery take all, the changes. They make a straightforward offer to re• turn Your money it their remedy :Rode ,t9 benefit or cure rn all disorders and affeo- tione due to impure blood or inactive liver. The germs of disease circulate, through the blood; the liver is the filter which permits the`gerin$ •tq.enter ornob, The; Myattao- tive, and'the blood pure, and you escape dise.s:ee. When you've run down, debilitated, weak, and your weigkt below a healthy siandard, you regain health, strength and wholesome flesh, by uaingthe "Dibcovery". It builds up the body faster than ruminat- ing Cod liver oil or emulsions. Dr Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, piles, billiouenee, indigestion, or dyspepsia and bad headaches. CONCENTRATED EXTRACT. It is better to run the shoes down at the heel than be too lazy to walk. A • man's good breeding is the best security against other people's ill man- ners. A woman more easily forgets a man whom she has loved for years, than one she has hated for an hour. ALL ABOUT THE BODY. Each ear has four bones. The stomach has four coats. The tympanum is really a drum. The lower limbs contain thirty bones each. The human skull contains thirty bones. Every hair has two glands at its base. The sense of touch is dullest on the back. The globe of the eye is moved by six mtiscles. The cerebral matter is about seven - eighths water. The exact details of the functions of the spleen are unknown. Cuvier's brain weighed almost sixty ounces; that of Napoleon 58. The normal weight; of the liver is he. tween three and four pounds. The human skeleton; exclusive of the teeth, consists of 208 bones. The roots of hairs penetrate the akin about one -twelfth of an lire's. The wrist contains eight bones, the palm five; the fingers have 14. Hair is very strong. A single hair will bear a weight of 1,150 grains. The cells composing the epidermis are 1 -1900th of an inch in diameter. Straight hairs are nearly cylindrical; curly hairs are eliptical or fiat. The enamel of the teeth contains over 95 per cent of 'calcareous matter. The weight of the average -sized man is 140 pounds; of the woman, 125. Minard's Liniment is the Best. The color of the skin depends on pig- ment cells in the inferior epidermis. The only involuntary muscle com- poeed of red or stripe$ fibres is the heart. Men have been known to lose by per- spiration 5,00 or 6,000 grains an hour. The glands of the ear which secrete the wax are long, highly contorted tubes. The fibres of the brain average a ten - thousandth part of an inch in diameter. The height of a fully grown man should be three and a hair times that at his birth. On an average the lungs contain about 280 cubic inches, or nearly five quarts, of air. Minard's Liniment the best hair restorer The longest, largest and strongest bone in the human system is the femur, or thigh bone. Frequent cutting or trimming of the hairs increases their thickness, but not their number. There are in the human body 527 distinct muscles, of which 261 are in pairs, and five are single. Some Chinese and many Africans use the ear as a pocket to carry coins and other small articles. The papillae Cif tihe"-fingers--are-about 1 -100th of an inch high and 1 -159th of an inch in diameter. HEAiIT DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES.— All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cored, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. one dose convinces. Sold by Watts & Co., and ALLAN & WIasos, druggists. The little canals which permeate the dentine of the teeth are only 1-12,000th of an inch in diameter. The Paris Prefect of Police has mounted a corps of suburban police- men on bicycles. He evidently hopes to see them catch somebody. An English curio hunter who was anxious to secure the carriage in which Carnot was riding when Casario stab- bed him offered the Town Council of Lyons $10,C00 for it, but the offer was refused. The most valuable of all furs is that of the sea otter, for a single skin of which animal $1,100 has been paid, This seems an extremely large sum to pay for a skin not more than two yards long by three-quarters of a yard wide. yearly newspaper is „issued'"' liy English missionaries at Cape Prance of Wales, Behring Sea, under the title of the Eskimo Bulletin. In Greenland a little annual paper used to be printed some 30 years ago, entitled AtuagagdP- ntilnalingininarmik Iusaruminasassu- mrk meaning•Somethin to read, Re- ports of All • Kinds of Entertaining News." The smallest bird now eaten in Eng- land is the wheatear, an exquisite little white -fleshed bird, like a partridge in flavor. The smallest quadruped that was once a dainty, but is only remem- bered in Roman tradition, is the door - mouse. There are those who have tried the bat and found it tastes like a house mouse, only mousier. "When I was a Boy," Writes Postmaster J. C. WoonSON, Forest Ifill, W. Va., "I had a bron- chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and, I know of numbers of people who\keep it in the house all the time. not considering it safe to be with- out it." "I have been using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for 30 years, with the most satisfactory results, and can cheerfully recommend it as being espe- cially adapted to all pulmonary coni - plaints. I have, for many years, made pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I have come to the conclusion that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies a position pro -eminent over other medi- cines of the class." --Chas, Davenport, Dover, N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared bybr. Js 0. Ayer lit Co., Lowell, Mass. Prompt to act, sure to cure Children. Cry for Pitcher's eeoterl'. A little anauoial. trouble, whiohcaused the eloping gf a bank �in: Arizona, is accounted for by the following notice, posted on the bank doors;' "This bink is not busted. It owes the people if 36,000; the people owe•it 055,000. It is the people who are busted when they pay we'll ray?" INVESTIGATION INVIT)D. - Of course. it its proper.to• .enquire..,about. what any man says, Is it true. The moat rigor investigation is inyited. into (ho testimonia.s published in behalf of Kood!s, Sarsaparilla, Speoial attention is called to the "'high character of the'"persons whose testimonials are published by the proprietors of this medicine, as evidenced by their 000upations or indorsements. In feat, no matter where a testimonial in be- half of Hood's Sarsaparilla may be found, it Is reliable and as worthy of confidence as if a came from your moot trusted neigh- bor. Louis Tracy tells the following story: Not long ago, her Majesty the Queen received a well known and ponderous Anglo-iudian official at a, levee in Buckingham Palace. He is a tremen- dous chap, and among the brilliant company was a native prince who can joke with anybody in fluent Persian. As the giga-itic official approached the throne, he bowed so deeply that he slipped on the polished floor, fell on his back, knocked the wind out of himself and could not rise. "Ha, ha," growled the prince, in a deep, bass voice ; "Hathi•ka inafik 1" ('`How Like an ele- phant") and ail the Anglo -Indians pre- sent laughed more loudly than is cus- tomary at such royal functions. Even the Queen smiled. Castoria is truly a marvelous thing for children. Doctors prescribe it, medical journals recommend it and more than a million mothers are using it in place of Paregoric, Bateman's Drops, so-called soothing syrups and other narcotic and stupefying remedies. Castoria is the quick- est thing to regulate the stomach and bowels and giye healthy sleep the world has ever seen. It is pleasant to the taste and abso- lutely harmless. It relieves constipation, quiets pain, cures diarrhoa and wind colic, allays feverishness, destroys worme, and prevents convulsion, soothes the child and gives it refreshing natural sleep. Castoria is the children's panacea—the mother's friend. Castoria is put up in one -size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every purpose." See that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-I•A. Tho fac- simile signa- ture of is on every wrapor ' I was cured of a severe cold by MIN- ARD'S,LINIttENT. Oxford, N. S. R. F. E tswscN I was cured of a terrible sprain by 11IN- ARD'S LINIMENT. FRED CotLSO'S. Y,rmonth, N. 8. Y.s..A.C. I was c,, ed of black erysipelas by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. inglesville. • J. W. RUGGLES. II/insoles of the eyes, ears and nose show that several groups, which in the lower animals are very highly developed, in man are in an almost rudimentary condition. Sweden is the most Protestantcounty in the world. Out of a population of 6,000,- 000 but 2,000 are Catholics. The remainder belong almost exclusively to the Lutheran church. It ie asserted that James T. Hightower, a loom repairer in the Warsaw (Ill.) woolen mills, has not slept for eight years. He goes to bed and experiences a sensation of sleepiness but never closes his oyes. During the Revolutionary War, the troops under Col. McLane's command were suffering for provisions and cloth- ing, and Congress had been repeatedly petitioned for that relief which it was not its power to bestow. Under these circumstances, Col. McLane paraded his sufTering soldiers, who were about going into winter quarters at Valley Forge, and addressed them as follows: "Fellow soldiers, you have served your country faithfully and truly. We have fought hard fights together against a hard enemy. You are in a bad way for comfortable clothes, and it almost makes me cry to see you tracking your half frozen, bloody feet on the cold ground. But Congress can't help it, nor can I. Now, if any of you want, to return home, to leave the army at such a time as this, you can go. Let those who would like to fro step out four paces in front, But—the first man who steps out—if I don't shoot him, my name .is not McLane !" It is need- /less to add that not a singlet "volunteer for house" wad to be fund in the ranks. • ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. 'A recent discovery by wield physician. Sueceesfuily used monthly by thousands ef Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine dis- Covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer Inferior medicines in plane of this. Ask tor Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no eubctt- tute, or Ineloee Stand 6 cents in postage in letter and we willsend, sealed, by return mall Fullsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladles only. 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor. Ont., Canada. Sold in Clinton by ALLAN & W1LsoN, Druggists. • o At Kalamazoo, M'oh.,, Wednesday Morn- ing Mrs l?'rank Vroteous got out of bed to dose the window as a thunderstorm was corning ou. Her husband mistook her for a burglar and shot her dead. Charles Carter, a Hamilton boy, fell 60 feet down the mountain side on Wednesday, but escaped alive, His injuries are serious but hot fatal. At Ottawa, Wednesday, Miss Alice, se- cond daughter of Hon. J. C. Patterson, Minister of Militia, wars married to r Arthur $t. George E1lie, barrister, Of Windsor, Ont, , Most - deaf persons bear better in the midst of a moderate din than when it is quiet around them. The noise of the oars in travel or the whirr of machinery in mule helps to melte up the volume of sound necesbary to reach their impaired organs USE PERRY FOR'% ,. ALL �. DAVIS':.0BOWEL '•.TROUBLES.. .4. 0 `soNie 1• 1 LLEeR POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Nenraleis in 20 MINUTES, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. WIRY RIOE TO TAKI. PRIOR .26 OENTS AT DRUG STORRS. COTTOLENE. y..• <pYr,y1, _ nand pat sena dough around it, then fry in lard." This simple recipe has brought thousands to grief, just because of the frying in lard, which aft we all know hinders digestion. In all recipes where you hare used lard, try iene the new vegetable shortening and 'ou will be surprised at the delightful and healthful results. It is without unpleasant odor, unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results. With CorToLENa in your kitchen, the young, the delicate and the dyspeptic. can all enjoy the regular family bill of fare. Cottolene Is sold in 8 and6 pound palls, by all Croc.fll Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Werrington and Ann Stay MONTREAL. 'I Do You Coflgh? It Is, a sure sign V weakness You need more than a tonic. You need &ott4= a EtL1cn ...N. -mi., the Cream, of Cod—liver Oil and Hypophosphites,not only to cure the Cough but to give your 'system real strength. Physicians, the world over, endorse It. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Scott h Boiwno. nutlet/We. All Druggists. bib. & 8L Voters' List—Village of Bayfield VOTEas' LIST 1894—MVNIGrPALtTY OF TSI! VILLAGE or BAYrIELD, Co. or HURON Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to thelpereons mentioned in sections five and six of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889 the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered ot the List, made pur- suant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll o: the said munici- pality. to be entitled to vote in said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said List was first posted up at my office, at Bay- field, on the 27th day of July, 1894, and remains there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to eftamino the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected ae- :ording to law. JOHN DAY, Clerk of Bayfield Dated this 27th day of July, 1894. DONT ,LET 4NOT!IER WASH -DAY Qoa WITHOUTU$INQ OU will find th t lit will do what no other soap can do, and will please Tal et r7 way. It is Easy, Clean, and Economical to wash with this soap. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Chidley, deceased. Notice is hereby elven, pursuant to Section 36 of Chapter 110 R.S.O.,1887, that all persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Chidley, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County ot Huron, merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of June, 1894. aro required on or before the 15th day of September, 1894, to deliver or send by post prepaid to the undersigned, at Clinton, Ontario, for James Scott and Mary Chidley, the executors of the last will and a codicil thereto of the said deceased. their names and addresses, statements of their accounts and full particulars of their claims, and of the security fit any) hold by them, verified by affidavit. And immediately after the said 15th day of September, 1894, the said executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceased, among the parties en- titlea thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received, and they, the said executors, will not be liable for the said assets or -any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution JAMES SCOTT, Solicitor for the Executors Dated at Cltnlon,_ this 31st day of July,, 1894, ALL THE WOMEN Are healthy some of the time, some women are healthy all the time, but all women are not healthy all the time unless they wash with a SEWARD :: WASHER We warrant the Seward Washer to cleanse may fabric that soap and water will cleanse. Now is the time to wash your carpets and lace curtains. Get a Seward Washer, manufactured by J. T. SEWARD, : Clinton, Ont GENTS WANTED In every town in Canada THE COILED SPRING Wove Wire Fencing. • 11. V. Messrs Stanley and Steep local agents for the above fence, which is claimed to be the best fencing wire manufactured of the kind STANLEY & STEEP, Clinton City BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully carried on by Mr Wm. Young,will continue the business at the old stand Ho wilendeavor, by supplying a first olasa arti- cle, to merit the liberal support of the people Bread delivered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Oakes supplied on short nobioe. W. BECKWITH - CLINTON DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure any case of Bright's Disease Diabetes, Lumbago, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Female "troubles, Impure Blood—or money refunded. Sdea�emey mail on receiptoldby 01 all pricel, sac.rsin per box, dicine or baixor boxesbta.50. DR. L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto. DON'T MISS THIS TEN DOZEN Men's SuiLmer Flannel SHIRES Well worth 75c Each For 35c Each or 3 for $1 ROBT. COATS & SON, CLINTON A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY._:,_;:, --WE HAVE4JUST, PURCHASED A(LINE11OP-- °Bedroom Suites, igid@boa n'de-.. likarbon toes, Tables and Lounges At:sib reduotion on the regular price, and we are going to give our enrtoaatws Ulre becefit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look rim* very little money. Space will not allow ns to quote price., as we halts leo Arany different linea, but come and see for yourself what greet hoopla we have to offer you. Parlor Suites, Centre Tables, =a11 Ite.oloos Book asses. Secretaries, Bed Springs, Zee,ttreerO®s And everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want your trade, and if Good Goode, Low Prices and Honest Dealings,is what you want, we will have it. Fu it l ie to snit everybody. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, (FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CHIDLEY JR.,Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night Calls Aaavreae at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. Save Y our Potatoes We have secured the exclusive nght for/this plaoe to eellj Church's POTATO BUG FINISH For the destruction of that pest. The Finish ants as a fertilizer for the potato, thus accomplishing a double purpose. Ask for it. It is used dry. See circular and testimonials. We have also a supply of PARIS GREEN To meet the views of those who don't likelto try new things Now is the time to procure your TURNIP SEED good and cheap. HAY RAKBa, FORKS, PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH, FENCE WIRE in Barbed, Galvanised and Black. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED for Cash or Trade. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS. RUMBALL' S CILI FACTOR Huron Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS, Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and eoe en. 1 IW11It. .LL. -- CJLTI 7PON