HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-08-17, Page 5will be Gent to, re,for the balance of 35 cents, uaab; MACON ANDS_ TO DAY 4 I r' VE r LLUTHERS. N CO;S-GEORGEONT k:: Farm Waggons manta - irate market for 60 years, rbullt, while at the same ads o1 work, and is noted t and easy running, Those will use no other, while the $d is no more than would art:fele. The undersigned eighborhood, and the Wag d at an time at his shop JOHNSTON. KSIVIITH SET, : CLINTON HOGS e Rogs from 150 to 200 TELON, Clinton 1 tl HE D EVENSON, ..EADING-- AKER --AND— -ERBALMER. A PULL LINE OF ODDS RH in STOCK ThebestFrmbalming Fluidused Sphi did Hearse. ALBEiT-SP: OI, NTON Residence over stor OPP-dtBITE TOWN HALL YOU WANT A First-olaes Step or Long Ladder? A Handy Wheelbarrow ? A Splendid Churn,or anything of like nature? Then call onIW. SMITHSON, a shop, No. 7 "FredericaSt;; or E. Dingley' Will be agDinsley's corner every Saturda afternoon,. Clinton Planing Mill —AND— DRY KILN! The inbecriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work men is able to do work in his line in the most saitiafaetoty manner, at reasonable rates and on th shortest notice. A trial solicited FACTOR NEAR' G.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOS. MoKENZIE ROB$RT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer tied Proprietor for the best awe llifltll Dog in use. Agent torthe sale and appli• cation of the in PATIENT AUTOMATIC EOILIS OLIAN1a. STEAII FITTINGS furnished and app d on short notice Boilers. En nes, and all kinds o Seeldnery r paired expeditloaely Aland In a ttefaotory manner A'a* implements anufactured' and repaired Steaw and wtisst nips furnished and put in poaitlpn. Dry Hit fitted up on application Ohs s moderate. Hose Paintini\ed Paper Hankin The undersigned ie pt'pared to promptly exe ante all orders for PAIN NG, KALSOMININO PAPER -HANGING, &o. a is a practical man o1 ong experience :and go nteee to do all wort in a manner that shall 'e oatistactory, whfi prism wit be exceedingly ioderate. Orders re epeettally solicited. G,•EO. POTTS, C. (7lrter•s house Victoria St., Minton 1� W fr 1ES � Trg •4 „IGA>�C.r.� (r,•1S Refill, ',Equal -to ay IMporeed., TAIL May Adv,ce`ancl; 'AR.5iS e (aR tl%retri 660bene 5MoKe Ior 5nti ii -i ctO I\oN?R..At.. r j rrB14 CLX N TOWAl1: w ; SHOPS A REMARKABLE CASE. City Dutcher Shop SMITI'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE T8k1 POST OFFICE, WANTON v The undersigned having opened out in the Smith Block, desires to atato,that hd will keep on no ex- hand tits vary ,ail 2eeeatMeats. nposition to soli pensgounside of hiR?a #i h at the very closest prices. l;ighest market prloe for Exbe port Cattlared e. pay the LIVE HOGS always wanted .for export. Give him a call. `BAST. FITZSIMONS .Qlinton MEAT Market . BUSINESS •.'-' GRANGE: • The undersigned desires: to intimate that he has bought oat the interest of Mr Couch, in the butchering buss ass lately parried on under the yle of FORD & 0OU0ll Be will continue the same at the old tend, and trusta by giving the closest and most careful attention to the busi- ness,straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders oaretully and promptly filled JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shop Subscriber desires tothanktbe public enoral- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. As he gives personal attention to all the detaile of the business customers can rely on 'their orders being promptly aid satisfactorily filled. Hie motto Id "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, Are.,' in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, to. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. Flour and \Feed Stores Flour, Feed & Seed Store Tho undersigned having formed a partnership, desire to intimate that they will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for Dash. SALT also kept on hai'!d. They Will'tileokeep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS whioh con- sumers will find to be excellent value. HILL & PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON. (JOOK'S sourEFeed Store ► = RAN & SHORTS , large or small quantities. OIL t. t • " and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1856, q„AI'IQL,-- $2,000,000. REST' FtTND, - $1;17500" ` HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLBON President. F. W. THOMAS,.,, .General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. ErAR]%1J l9 - Money advanced to formes on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security H. C. BREWER, 'Manager. 61E0. D. McTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business tl ansacted NOTES .DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. ('ARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, OLIN TON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own n:.tes at low rates of interest. general tanking Business transaoted ante -a allowed on deposits. tle Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to reasonable rates. A trial solietied. The Strange Position in which a Brantford Irian found Himself. PHYBIOIANB COULD NOT AOBEE AS TO TIi$ NA- TURE OF HIB rBOUBLE—FELL AWAY TO A MERE SKELETON—WAS UNABLE TO BOYE ABOUT—CONTINUALLY SUFFERED TER” BIBLE PAINS. .. From the Brantford Expositor. $e .miller Nursery° Some months ago the Expositor gave the particulars of the remarkable pure wiought upon Mr Avery who lives at Pleasant Ridge, a Sew miles out of the oity, and the case created much interest among the people of the oity and vicinity. We are now in a position to give the partionlars of another wonderful cure that has occurred in the city since the first of January. The then unfortunate, not now healthy , and happy man, is Wm. G. Wood000k, who re- sides at 189 Murray street. He is an Eng- lisman, and has been out from Kent, Eng- land, about eleven years. A baker by trade, he accepted a position with Mr Donaldson, and Dame to this pity about two years ago. A reporter called on him a few days ago and interviewed him with reference to the cure which has been spoken of, and the fol- lowing story was told by "I came came to the city about two years ago and worked at Donaldson's bakery. For nearly a year previous to the first of Janu- ary I bad been troubled with some disease or sickness, but was able -to continue my work, but about the end of September last I was completely used np and had to quit work. The trouble seemed to be on exces- sive weakness; at first from my knees to my feet, but afterwards from my hips to my feet. I obtained advice and treatment from several medical men, some of whom said the trouble Was caused by a bodily strain, others that I was run down so that I was very weak and open to take almost any disease. Although they did not agree as to the cause, ail advised me to tightly bandage my limbs from the, knees down. I did so, but this waa•of no avail, and I be- came ao weakthat I was net able to move even around the house. The pains I suffer- ed were terrible, and the only way I oonld relive myself at all was to lift one foot off the floor and extend itself straight out from me. In November I was in the hospital 14 days, and was treated for tyboid fever, and although I cannot say for certain, yet I do not think that I had the fever at all. Vi/heli I was taken from the hospital I oonld neither eat nor sleep,' and was still suffering the most intense pain. I contin- ued in this way more dead than alive un - till the 1st of January 1894, when I con- cluded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I sent to Mr Bachelor's drug store on New Year's Day and bought six boxes of pills. By this time I could not stand at all, but in about a week I threw away the band- ages which I had been wearing on my limbs, and in two weaks I could walk first- rate. By the time the sixth box was fin- ished I was fit for work and in the beat of health. I did the hardest day's work on Saturday last that 1 bad ever done in this country and felt none the worse for it. When I was weighed a week apo I tipped the scales at 163 lbs and when I came out of the hospital in November I did not Weigh over 100 lbs, so you can easily see what Pink Pills have done for me in that way." Every statement of Mr Woodcock's was corroborated by his wife who was pre- sent at the 'interview, and if appearances are correct Mr Woodcock is in the best of health and can do many hard days' work yet. He is also very positive that Dr. Wil- liam's Pink Pills and nothing but them re- lieved him of the terrible disease and pro- bably saved bit life; -„ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a re- markable efficacy in During diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood, or an impairment of the nervous system, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effects of 1a grippe, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery sipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a healthyglow to pale and sallow complexions, and are a specific for the troubles peculiar to the fe- male system, and in the case of men they effect a radical cure in all oases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing their trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 32.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com- pany, from either address. FRUIT ANT)• ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will bo sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing In this connootion will save money by pnr chasing hero. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to.ddreas, JOHN STEWA iT, — B.ninlllsra POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINurEs, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Livers Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE. PRICE 26 CENTS AT CIRCO STOR 6. SAFE BRISTOL'S SUG4R-CO4TED •VEGETABLE PILLS PROMPT [7SI77TdJI MORE OR LES YR • A FEW STORIES WITH A HDIVIORQUS tslAlli+l TURN IN THEM. To our augtoti bro who have helped us to make our, last ear the belt in the kt fort' the firm, we tender our boo\�thanks, and assure Lapin we will wilt,dlurt� efforts to riot only retain theirtrade, 'rut to give tbern iuyeii hotter venni their money or produce than her tofore, We have lust oiooed tate purobase, A 'Reassured 'arson—No Longer I)ld the Timid•Olergyman Fear While the Sail- ers Swore—Riding Out a Kangas Dale -- The Rights of a Railroad Passenger. Jackson Peters leaned baok in his chair, save Harper's Weekly, and slowly blew a aloud of smoke toward the ceiling. "Jones," he said, "I want to ask your opinion in re- gard to the probability of a story which was told me the other day." "Well, Jackson?" was the guarded reply of the oautiot3S Jones, "It struck me," continued Peters, "that a man who had told as many—that is to say, a man who has told as much of what I may call awe-inspiring truth as you have ought to be a good judge of the probability of a story. It was a oyolone story which I was going to ask you about." "Most oyolone stories ire palpitbls lies, Jackson " • "No, doubt. The point is thinp; I * said he had seep straws driven through inch boards by the force of the wind." "It never happened, Jackson. That is a stook lie told of every oyolone that blows. Your friend imposed upon your yontb, my boy. He would never have dared to tell suoh a manifest and selt•heralded lie to Robinson or Smith. I must admits though, that the force of the wind in genuine cyclone is considerable. When I lived in Kansas in the '70s I had a quan- tity of poultry, but it .was blown away 1* the first cyclone of the season except a blank Spanish rooster. Uo clung to a g rain root with his bill, and allowed his tail to oraok and whip is the wind like a yaoht penant. He rode out the galn, though most of his feathers were bidr►� off. Subsequently I found some of th imbedded over half an inch in a4' fI atone." "Yee," returned Peters, "I presume my friend was trying to impose on my adolei- canoe." I think so, Jackson. L jtsd sonsiderab}o ixperienee with oyalo ee'ihitt summer ii< Kansas. But I lea /gd to handle myself do that I did not nd them ninth. I soot ✓ aw the fallacy o dependigg on Dyclone IsUsrs and that sort of thing. The funda- lnetital•difficulty of all finch things is that you try.to hold yourself firmly iu one place. t {a alit a ship in a gale sbonld tie np to a pelt (supposing midocean posts for the time being), instead of driving before the tempest. The first cyclone that summer, of course, I went down cellar, like ether folks. My horse war soon blown away. The next thing I knew the cellar went; tool rolling over and over like a silk hat, • 1 was soon spilled out. \Vith infinite labor I Graveled back in the teeth of the wind, in- tending to take refuge in the hole the cel- lar came out of. T. my consternation, I found that bed blown away, also. 1 then toll -aired the example of tar rooster, alutig to a root, and allowed my legs to flutter end Snap in the gale like a we.ttiter eigual flag.' ONE CAR LOAD OF SUGAR Direct from Redpath's refinery (without doubt the beat Sugr produced itn Canada) whioh we will sell by the dollars worth or by the barrel at pr(ol that cannot be beaten. TEAS, COFFEES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS And everything pertaining to a first-olaee trade as low as the lowest;. We believe von are within the mark, when we say our BLACK TEA. at 50c a W. beats the town. We have bad a large sale of CROCKERY lately which has diminished our stook somewhat, but have a nice assortment. arriving which we will be pleased to show intending purohasers. Call and get prices before buying. 1MMCMUUt4Y & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Tolephoi @ 40 FIRST -GLASS Watch and Clock Repairing The undersigned has opened a repair shop in the south window of J. JACKSON'S SHOE STORE, ALBERT STREET Having learned the trade with one of the best watoh makers of the Dominion bar., A. Weiser, of Toronto, and being experienced in the most difficult work; he la, Cher eo prepared to undertake the repairing of all kinds of Watghes and Clocks t(1 life dWi'e satisfaction of all who may favor him with their patronage. Chargee tolerate HORAGE JACKSON, - - CL Q PICNIC PARTIES & Cold Lunches Canned Meats, Roast Beef, Chipped Beef, v �, T Tongue, Boneless Turkey, Duck and Chicken. CANNED FISH—Salmon, Sardines, Lobsters, Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring, preserved Bloaters, Finnan Haddie. DRIED MEATS—Sugar Cured Ham, Canvassed Shoulder and Select Breakfast Boma Just arrived in stock new may picked Japan Tea, better value than ever offered before. Also fine quality in Indian and Ceylon's Blends, decidedly better •value than =tally found in package Teae, In Fine Cotigons, Oolongs and High Grade Moynne, Yung Hyson we can suit the most fastidious both in quality and price. Give as a trial. Reassured by Bud Language. A. good story is told by the lilustrated London News of a timid clergy wan just arrived from a trip abroad. Oolong home on the Berlin, of the American Lino, the weather was alarmingly tempestuous. The wind blew a hurricane, the vessel naturally rolled and the parson took fright. He left his stateroom and staggered along to the office of John Kavanagh. the purser, who is a bit of a wag, and said: "I'm Imre, Mr. Purser, you'll pardon me, but I feel so dreadfully agitated. Kindly inform me, are we in • any positive dan- geri" Kavanagh replied: "Come with me a moment," and he led the way to the fore- castle. "Now," continued he, "bend you, ear down there and tell me what you hear?" Thasailors. vv reaw..e(i> ins in their,happ3'-'.:� go -lucky, unconscious way. "How shockingl. What language!" groaned the parson, trembling from head to foot. "Now do you for a moment think that those sailors would go on in that profane fashion if there was real danger?" asked the consoling Kavanagh. "True, true," replied the parson, some- what calmed by the assnrauoe.' "One may sometimes pluck the sweet flower of comfort from the vile cloaca of sin. The ways of Providence are indeed inscrut- able," and back he crawled to his room, in a degree reassured. Two hours Tater the storm had increased in violence, the wind raged and howled more wildly, and huge waves • broke over and seemed to submerge the great ship. The parson was out of his room again, mere scared than before, and was seen silently, nervously fumbling his way along the wet deck to the forecastle. He was deadly pale and trembled with excitement. He listened. The sailors were shouting aril a tremendous oath amid the din reached his ear. "Thank heaven," murmured .he; "thej are still at it; they still blaspheme. Ttrere is no danger yet; the Lord be praised1' Insisted On His Rights. A west -bound train had just pulled opt of the Union station at Albany, says the Express, and the conductor was harvesting tickets. A11 the seats were taken and sev- eral passengers were obliged to stand np. Among the latter was a diffident -looking, mild-mannered man, who, much to the conductor's surprise, refused to give np tioket. "When I get a seat yon get a ticket," he remarked mildly, but firmly; "you an probably aware that the company oannol collect fares from passengers whom it does not provide with seats." "Oh, oomo now, that don't go; I wept your ticket, see?" Thus spoke the conduc- tor, in a tone that indicated that he be- lieved he would intimidate the mild-man- nered man. "No seat, no ticket," laconically observ- ed the latter. "We'll see about that," growled the cog- ductor, who was becoming quite warm in the region of the collar. "I would 11 I were yon," remarked the passenger, still mildly, smiling pleasantly. Vihen the conductor hustled around and finally found a brother conduotor who was going np the road away, whom he induced to give up his seat to the mildly firm pas- senger, "There's a seat for yon; now give nae that ticket," said the oondnbtor in a feroci- ous tone. "Certainly, here it is." And the mild but firm passenger handed out a pass good to Chicago. Children Cry for Pitcher's.astorlae CROCKERY & GLASSWAR We offer 44 piece Granite Tea Setts 32 and $2.25. 97 piece Dinner Sets complete at $7. Granite Toilet Seto at 31.80. Cups and Saucers, Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Plates by the dozen, cheap. Special inducements forCash N. ROBSON, - Clinton OLIN TN. Sash, Door �i t3lind Factory durpjpJ hi;ii il.r!IV� , a'a.'ita 1 • • : S. S. COOPER, Proprietor : Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We Pre piano and estimator_for nil kinda,ef,.residences,an . d•..e_xecute_ .contracts:..;. prepare are _ for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stock all kinds of Window Sash; Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &c. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. S, S. COOPER, Clinton ads:':: i' :.N't:':Yb ::-• q;: i.i�: r; . G"115: Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by Tho New JI1ottlog TreottuoteO WoertllI Discovers laY-You can Deposit the Money In Your Bank or with Your Postmaster to be paid us after you are CURED under a written Guarantee! Sett Abuse, Exces.<es and Blood Diseases have wrecked the lives of thousands of young men and middlo aged men. The farm, the workshop, the Sunday school, the office, the profes- sions --all have its victims. loa.,g man, if yon have been indiscreet, beware a the future. Middle aped men, yon are growing prematurely weak and old both sexually and phyaically. Consult us before too late. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. 'Confidential. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. W. S. COLLINS. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw. Speaks. W. 8. COLLINS. "I am 29. At 15 I learned a bad habit whioh I contin- ued till 10. I then became "one of the boys" and led a gay life. Exposure produced Syphilis, I became nerv- ous and despondent; no ambition; memory poor; eyes red, sunken and blur; pimples on face; hair loose, bone pains; weak back; varicocele; dreams and losses at night; weak parte; deposit in urine etc. I spent hun- dreds of dollars without help, and was contemplating suicide when a friend recommended Drs. Kennedy do Ker 's New Method Treatment. Thank God I tried it. In two months I was cured. This was six years ago, and never had a return. Was married two I years ago and all happy. Boys, try Drs. Kennedy & Ker.. BEFORE TIiEAT'T gen before giving np hope." AP= TRSATH'r , S. A. TONTON. Seminal Weakness, Impotency and Varicocele Cured. "When I consulted Drs. Kennedy h Kerttan, I had little hops. I was surprised. Their new Method Treat- ment improved me the first week. Emissions ceased, nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grew in again, eyes became bright, cheerful in company and strong sexually. Having tried many Quacks, I Can _ heartily recommend Drs. Kennedy & Kergan as reliable !� ' n88OBE TREAT,'', Specialists. They treated me honorably and skillfully.. AFT= TtinATM''C, T. P. EMERSON. A Nervous Wreck—A Happy Life. T. P. EMERSON. 4r•' `v " T. P. Emerson.Has a Narrow Escape. 0 I live on the farm. At school I learned an early or (; habit, which weakened me physically, sexually and 7 '^ mentally. Family Doctors stud I was going into decline" (Consumption). Finally 'Tho Golden ' Monitor," edited by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan fell in - 14., 1 to my hands. I learned the Truth and thrum. Self abuse had gapped my vitality. I took the New Method Treatment and was cured. My friends think I 1 'w, was cared of Consumption. I have sent them many re= lttl��. a■� I patients, all of whom were cured. Their New t''lII►�.luethod �ireatment supplies vigor, vitality and man- -' BEFOatt TnEAT,'T. hood." Arrxa Tar,ATMIN'L Are yon a victim? Have yon lost hoppe? Are yon contemplatinngg mar_ READER ! naso? Has your Blood been diseneetl7 Hnvo you any weakness mg; New Method Treatment will euro yon. What it has done for others it will do for you, GtJ -. J Gr'[TARA1\TWX1BEI 1 OR NO ri,A. E 16 Years in Detroit, 160,000 Cured. „ No Risk. COnsultatlon Free. No matter who Eine treated yon, write for an honest opinion Free of charge. Chargee reasonable. Book.) Free —'The Golden Monitor" (illus.. trated), on Diseases of mon. Inclose ppostage 2 ate. Saalod. Am/al- tar-NO NAMES USED WITHO' U.t WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI. VATE. No medlolne sent C. O. D. NO names on boxes or nval- opes. Everything confidential. Question Ilst and Dost of �reat-. ment, FREE. A j No.148 SHELBY ST. DRS: KENNEDY 8e KERGDETROIT, MICH. B. A. TONTON. • �k- i