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Morrks-Feild -Rogers-Co
China has so large a population that if
1,000 Chinese should be killed every day it
would take Japan 1,500 years tofinieh them.
Minard'a Liniment for Rheumatism.
Christopher Jacques, aged 00, is said
to have etoped from Innerkip, Ont..
with a 14 -year-old girl of weak mind, -
who was sent out by Miss Rye from
England. Thetwo were working for
the same farmer.
"Everything in the way of public expen-
diture," says the Globe, "that is not abso-
lutely essential to a demooretio country
should be ruthlessly out off." This is one
plank that will meet with the overwhelm-
ing approval of the country. The masses
are heartily sick of paying for Rideau Halls
and gubernatorial residences in which the
.lasses disport themselves. And they are
even more tired of providing the plunder
whioh corrupt Ministers and rascally con.
tractors steal ont of railway appropriations
and Curran bridge contracts.—Toronto
The hair, when not properly cared for,
loses its lustre, becomes crisp, harsh and
dry. and falls out freely with every comb-
ing. To prevent this, the beet dressing in
the market is Ayer's hair Vigor. It im-
parts that silky gloss so essential to per-
fect beauty.
Sir John Thompson has broken the fish
laws of this Province by catching 27 bass
inside .ot two hours on his first day in Mns.
koka. The Ontario Fisheries Act of 1892
says that "no tourist or summer visitor
shall take or catch or kill in any provincial
water or carry away a greater number than
one dozen bass caught or taken in each
waters on any one day." The penalty for
infraction is 610 or a term in jail. In this
ease, however, is is proposed that leniency
be exercised in consideration of the fact
that the culprit has been incarcerated in
the Commons Chamber during so many
weary days and hot am:rimer nights.
ItinahF rN Six lj.ouns.—Distressing Kid
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
KIDNEY CARE." This new remedy is a
great surprise and delight to physicians on
account of its exceeding, promptness, in re-
lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back
and every part of the urinary passages in
�- - -.—maleor fintnale. It of
water and pain in passing it almost im-
mediately. If you want quick relief and
cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts
& Co., and ALLAN it WILSON, Druggists.
The Montreal Star thinks the Govern
intent owes it to the people to make some
further effort to •'et at the bottom of the
Curran bridge jobbery. It says: "It is no
more the duty of the Opposition to get to
the bottom of this business than it is the
duty of the Government. Why cannot the
tidtainistration make some further discov-
eries on it own 'hook?' It may be that the
ministers might be able to get at the con-
tents of those burned books of the cautious
St. Louis with even a surer hani than
,would be possible bar the Opposition
There is no reason to quit work because
Parliament was prorouged." Of course
not. Sir John has a more cog -et reason;
be does not want to got at the facts. More
than St. Louis might be compromised.—
Hamilton Times.
The Best Medicine.
J. O. WILSON, Contractor and
Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas,
thus speaks of Ayer's Pills:
"Ayer's Pills are the best medicine I
ever tried; and, in my judgment, no
better general remedy could be devised.
I have used them 1n my family and
recommended them to my friends and
employes for more than twenty years.
To my certain knowledge, many casea
of the following complaints .have been
completely and
Permanently Cured
by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third
day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever,
sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys-
pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I
know that a moderate use of Ayer's
P91 , continued for a few days or weeks,
as the nature of the complaint required,
would be found an absolute cure for the
disorders I have named above."
"I have been selling medicine for
eight years, and I can safely say that
Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction
than any other Pill I ever sold."—J. J.
Perry, Spotteylvania C. H., Va.
Prepared by 11 r..T. O. Ayer & On., Lowell, Masa.
Every Dos o Effective
A small towheaded boy, with big
blue eyes almost ae big, eat in the
waukee Central polite station sur
r. ended by a group of—happy police
oWeials and detectives. His Mune is
-Marcus arcus Krokserg, and the cflicers were
glad to see him. Marcus is a trifle over
nine years old. Besides making im-
mense trouble fur the police force, he
came near burning up a portion of Mil-
waukee on several occasions. It is
Marcus's idea of fun to set fire to barns
and steal horses. He has been at this
Work for over a month, and would still
be at it if the detectives had not cap-
tured him. He -has caused six fires
that he remembers of, and runaways
of something like a dozen horses. In
the horse stealing line he was an adept.
Ha would jump into a buggy, drive
out into the country, turn the horse
loose and trudge back home. Twice
he sold rigs to men for 50 cents, saying
he had just found the horse straying
down the street. The boy is too young
to be sent to the Reform school, but
steps will be taken to place him in
some charitable institution. Hie latest
feat was to steal a purse containing $35
from a Mrs Fain.
Young, old or middle -Aged, who find them-
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from excess or over -work,
resulting in many of the following symp-
toms :—Mental depression, premature old
age, lose of vitality, loss of memory, bad
dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emieeions, lock of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and
body, itohing or peculiar sensation about
the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi•
nese, specks before the eyes, twitohing of
the mu'soles, eyelids and elsewhere, bash-
fulness, deposits in the urine, lose of will
power, tenderness of the scalp anid,anine,
weak and flabby muscles, desire to Bleep,
failure to be rested by sleep, constipation,
dullness of hearing, lose voice, desire for
solitude, excitability of temper, sunken
eyes, surrounded with LEADEN CIIIOLE9, oily
looking skin, elo., are all symptoms of ner-
vous debility, that lead to insanity, unless
cured. The spring or vital force having
lost its tension, every function wanes in
consequence. Those who through abuse
3ommitted in ignorance, may be perma-
nently cured. Send your address and 10c1
t stamps for book on diseases peculiar to
man, sent sealed, Address M. V. LUBON,
g4 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada,
PI 'ase mention this paper.
The Moet Recent " Discovery " of This
Mysterious Personage.
There are some historic mysteries that
excite increasing interest the more the at•
tempts to solve them are baffled. The last
word has not yet been s oken in regard to
the authorship of the celebrated lettere of
Junius. Notwithstanding the concur-
rence of Macaulay, Sir James Mackintosh,
De Qnincey and other eminent critics in
fixing "Junius" upon Sir Philip Francis,
the claim of. France has been well nigh
abandoned in recent years. wide front
certain facts and dates that go to over-
throw the olaim.of Francis, his identity
with "Junius" can be maintained only at
the oomplete saorifice of his character;
and Francis was` by no means a bad man.
Another historic riddle which for
nearly two hundred years has defeated
the guesses of the canons is .the Man in
the Iron Mask, who was imprisoned for
so many years in the Bastile. The
Dukti f dtlonmonth-; --Fot quet; er"Mita
tater of Louie XIV; and Count Er'colo
Antonio Matthioli, the Italian traitor and
spy; Oldenburg, the poison mixer, and
several other personages, have in turn
worn the mask of iron ii various aceouuts
and traditions. Bat the latest and appar-
ently a successful attempt to discover the
secret has been made by Emile Bargaud
and Bazierea in a work entitled "Le. Mas-
que de Far, a Revelation of the Cipher
Correspondence of Louie XIV." The au-
thors fell upon their diecorery in a cari-
ous way when editing the correspondence
of the famous Marshal Catinat. The Mar-
shal had preserved ohly his papers relating
to the campaign of 1686, but among these
were aeeidentally saved two letters in
cipher, dated July 8 and 9, 1691. Bezieres
found the key to the cipher, aud found
also, to his great surprise, that it solved
the mystery of the Iron Mask.
Louie XIV at the period in question was
at war with half of Europe, and Marshal
Catinat, in command of the French. oon-
fronted Prince Eugene in Northern Italy.
After several successes of Catinat, Louie
set his heart on the capture of Cuneo, in
Savoy, and gave orders for its immediate
investment. The siege operations werein-
trusted to a veteran campaigner, Lieuten-
ant General Vivien Labbe, Seignieur do
Bulonde. Instead of taking the fortress,
Bulonde was completely routed by Eugene,
and retreated with the loss of hie artillery
and munitions of war. This disaster in
the midst of a career of victory deeply in•
sensed Louis, who attributed it to the
cowardly conduct of hie General. In tie
cipher letters Louvain, the Minister of War,
tells Marshal Catinat that the King is
greatly offended at the behavior of Bu-
londe in abandoning the siege of Cuneo,
and orders that he be arrested and con-
veyed to the neighboring citadel of Pigner-
ol. Minute orders were given at the same
time concerning the treatment of .the dis-
tinguished prisoner. 1f, was to be locked
in a cell of the citadel at night, but to be
• permitted to promenade the walla by day.
Should this be the true solution of the
mystery it explains the command of Louie
SIV. to provide it prisoner by day with a
mask. The correctness of the key to the
cipher of the year 1691 is established by
the later discovery of a letter (not in
cipher) of Louvois to Catinat on the same
enbjeot and corresponding with the oipher
dispatch. Whether theme revelations
agree with the subsequent career of Bul-
onde romaine to be determined. The
' Mask, whoever he may have been, was re-
moved to the Bastile in 1698. The anthers
describe him frotn the accounts of con-
temporary observers as a man of fine
presence, with ' white hair. Although
closely guarded the was treated with great
respect, and nr,t at the table with the gov-
ernor of the prleon. All this better fits
Bulonde that/little Matthioli, who has been
regarded bye some investigators as the
wearer of the Iron Mask. For the rest, the
mask was not Of iron, but of black velvet,
and was designt`d merely to prevent his
recognition. Vo talre, who first spoke of
the Man in the h•, n Mask, says he was an
eminent personage Was that personage
Count Vivien Labe Bulonde2 The evi-
dence points strong; in his direction.—
Philadelphia Record.
A II the religious b dies Catholic and
' Frotestant, at. Nort field, Minn., have
united in praying for rain. They have
benn'offering up petit'ons sineeJilly 15,
yrithnnt result, and • vill nhantlnn the
efforts on Sunday rex unless rainfalls.
11Q.W 'J' Mt' �J he'. k;SUNLtG11T
' • PI(T1'
- " twnligbt''' Soap.ttrtippera wrap
per bearIh nue word "W jay pose a Woni-
an Look Old SconorThan a iilite.'')to Lavutt
Duos., Ltd., 43 Scott Bt., Toronto, and
you will receive by ghost a pretty picture,
free from advortiaing and well worth fram-
ing. This is an easy way t4pp decorate your
home. Tho soap le the best"in the market
and it will only cost l0 postage&to send in
the wrappere, if you leave the en open,
Write your address carefully.
w aleyoih>6ltt
�'lls Qiobe hos already msnNo*.d !M
eseelles1 work done by the telegraph oos .
paries la, getting the returns of last TOes-
day's elections. The following note in
regard to the matter, received by Y1:
Sawn, manager of the press depaltment
of the G. N. W. Telegraph Company, ls,
however, lnter.eting as showing the utility
Qof the bloyole in gathering suoh return&
The mote re two th., St, Thomas agent of
,the G. N. W. Company. Hs writes: "Ire
collecting. the retnrus of East and West
Sight' this. tinny we beat all previous re•
ids by over two hours, having West
oolpplele by 7 p. m., and East Elgin
at r p. m. In order to do thio and avoid
ill. previous long delay in gathering, at
pointe within a- iradius of from three to
nine miles of St. Tbogrptsa to points where
we hod- no office, I employed six bioyoliets;
Wino were out and' started' from each point
for S1: Thomas directly after the ballots
w.re'cosut d. Of course all this service
oasts something, but the promptitude with
which the returns were• received justified
N. iilp.nse."—Toront,, Globe.
Th.. Kae. Out at Worts.
To these overtaken by adversity my ad-
vise is, bs temperate, keep is good spirits
sad • do not under any siroumatances de -
'relit. Be sure to go to bed early, as a
pawns overtaken by misfortune requires
*tore rest thaaatany other time. Be euro
tosot solid food and plenty of it, sus it
is necessary to keep up strength. Look
forward, and never look backward, and re-
member the world was created for all
human beings alike, and that it is capable
of providing you a good living, whioh will
surely be obtainable by working in the
right direction. The biggest fortunes have
grown from small beginnings, as does the
oak grow from a small acorn. Industry,
everance and pluck will cense a man,
however great the misfortune whioh may
have overtaken him. to rise, phenix-like
from the ashes and snatch victory out of
defeat.—Millionaire Henry Clews.
Mr S. F. Glass, London Pottery Works,
says: —"No testimonials can be too strong
to express the beneficial effects I have ex-
perienced from the nee of R. Stark's (Head-
ache, Neuralgia and Liver) Powders per-
sonally and in my family, as they have af-
forded mo perfect relief from the most dis-
tressing sick headaches which frequently
incapacitated me from doing business. I
know of others equally benefited. I consid-
er them one of the most useful medical
combinations of the day."
Mr H. C. Paterson, of Messrs Masnret &
Co., wholesale grocers, says:—"I have
found Stark's Powders for Siok Headache,
Billiousnees and Liver, to afford immed-
iate and permanent relief in every case."
Mrs L. G. Johnsons says:—A most valu-
able remedy. The result has always been
Prloe 25 c setts a box sold l'y all medicine
If you must
draw the line
and have, like thousands of
other people, to avoid all
food prepared with it, this
is to remind you that there
is a clean, delicate and
healthful vegetable short-
ening, which can be used
in its place. If you will
instead of lard, you can eat
pie, pasty and the other
" good things" which other
folks enjoy, without fear of
dyspeptic consequences. De-
liverance from lard has come.
Buy a pail, try it in your
own kitchen, and be con-
Cottolene is sold in 3 and
5 pound pails, by all grocers.
Made only by
The N. K. Fairbank
Wellington and Aiwa Ytaie
Care SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
in ao MINUTES, also Coated Tongue Dizzi-
ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also
regulate the bowels. VERY NIDE TO TAKE.
Good Pay for a SIMIU.1oD.
Every este manufacturer hair attached to
his force expert lookentiths, whose dunes
consist in opening safes whioh have gotten
out of order, Many of the aeeldenta to
Wee ocour from the gross carelesenese of
their owners and at tin*, the honest sofa.
crackers enjoy a quiet laugh at the expellee
of a group of bank officers or the proprie-
tor of Boma important establishment, iNOl
long • since a largo mnniafaotnre r tele-
graphed to a New York safemaker, request -
lug �a tno* to place business, town *beat miles m
She oily. Upon reaohinq his destination
the expert; with his kit of tools, repaired
to the establishment, sad was informed
that the vault, an old-faehloned affair
whiuh looked with a key IInI1 whioh ooh•
Seined the and book. of the towerq,
eould R' b. ed. The man examined
the look ' key, opened hie kit,
took out a • and began to dig a
mast of dirt, t out of the key.
Then he ins° •k, while the
proprietor with a ooked oh.
"What's. your oh . mans-
'Fifty dollars," rsplie
"Does anyone know you
"W.U, *Obi here's 1100,"
,1 ..
'Wuf take tk Arst train book to New
Without telling anyone the price I`ve
t. ire a is dig dirt oat of a key
Clear Case of eeneempe.
The ilputsee of the Sweet brands et
}Mtetn inatios sat on a soap box, says the
D.trolt Illhhh"es Press, with a law book uproot
before. him on an up -ended whisky barrel •
"Who arrested this man?" he asked ea
the prisoner stood up before hire.
"We dill;" responded half a doxen.dN-
sans atondin;Q around.
"What's' the charge?"
"Hoes etsalin' "
"Kin you prove it?"
"Yon botcher life we kin; we ketobsd
kft in the act."
The judge looked ugly.
"Will you uwsar to it?" he asked.
"Course we will; didn't we jiet tell you
wit ketched him at it?"
''All right, gents," said the judge blond-
es he laid his gun across the law book,
Das each an' every one of you =10 and
era tor contempt of court in fetohin' him
here, and dismiss the case agin the prison -
reYou oughter strung him rep when you
tched him."
In the 'Town of Clinton
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contain-
ed in a cert ate mortgage, which mortgage will be
produced nn day of Bale, there will be sold by
public auction, by David Dickinson, Auctioneer,
at the Rattenbnry House, Clinton, on
SATURDAY, AUG. 25th, 1894,
At 2 p.m., the following property, viz:—Lot num-
ber 629, on the north side of Mill Street, in the
said Town of Clinton, and containing by ad-
measurement, one rood of land, more or lese.—
The property is pleasantly situated. overlooking
the Town Park; has planted and bearing on it a
number of Fruit Trees. There 18 erocted there -
00 a small Frame Cottage.
TERMS.—Tei, per cent of the purchase money
on the aay of sale and balance in 30 days there-
after, without interest. The purchaser will be
required to sign a contract on the day of the sale
for the completion of the purett2„(,,- Jhe other
conditions will beite ate cdibg'oonditions ei the
High Court' f Justice. For further particulars
apply, to the undersigned. .
D. DICKIN:ON, Auctioneer.
JAS. SCOTT, Solicitor for the Vendcr.
Clinton, Aug, 1, 1894.
In ti,., Town of Clinton
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contain-
ed in a certain mortgage, whioh mortgage will be
produced on day of sale, there will be sold by
public auction, by T. M. Carling, Auctioneer, at
the Queen's Hotel, Clinton, on'
SATURDAY, AUG. 25th, 1894,
At 11 o'clock, a.m., the following property viz:—
Lot number One, in the subdivision of Block E
in Ieaao Rattenbury's survey, in the Town of
Clinton, in the County o1 Huron, containing by
admeasuromont One-third of an acre, more or
less. The property in central:y situated, conte-
nient to the station, and hoe erected upon it a
frame dwelling house.
TzBMs—Ten per cent off the purchase money
nn the day o"1 sale, and balance in 30 days there-
after, without interest. Tho purchaser will be
required to sign a contract on the day of sale for
the completion of the purchase. The other con-
ditions will be the standing conditions of the
High Court of Justine. For further particul re
apply to the undersigned.
T. M. CARLING, Auctioneer.
JAS, SC( TT, Solicitor for the Vendors
"lintnn Ann 1 1 94.
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium; Morphine ]nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harr111eus substiitutei'
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor One) <'
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and enemy
feverishnese. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour (leek
cures Diarnccea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves.
teething troubles, cures constipation and flat ilenteye
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach:
d bowels, giving healthy and, natural sleep. .Case
is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend.
an excellentm&''leine for &D -
have re gold mo of Its
eQ upon Ihetr "
La- G: Jves000n,
�-.. Lo reel, Maw
remedy for cithiren of
I hope the day knot
will oopeider thereat
d use Caloris in -
which are
ruing opium,
"Gastotts is theAleer
which I am acquain
far distant whenmothe
interest of their children,
stead of thevar-lonaquack nth
destroying their loved ones, by
morpMne, soothing syrup and o
agents down their throats, thereb
them to premature graves
Da. J. T. Summon,
Oonway, Ark.
Castoria. fi
••&sorsa le.owolladapted toob1tdre '.
I recommend it aasuperiortoony.
known to me."
B. A. Assam,* fn.,
111 So Oxford St., BrooitYs,
" Our Opticians in the children's dural•
meat have spoken highly of then simastes
once in their outside urachus with
snd,aithong111 we only hays smopg, awe
Medical supplies what is known as ream. i
p ' 018, yet we are free to confess that ,.
merits Oastorta has won us to leek vOlit
favor opo it"
• Tnr ?Hoorrr'AL Alin Tiniommaseepogionomisk
Amur C. t ,
The Centaur , Compeni, TJ Murrw7 fit, Jim V HF Otty.
Hub Grocery ••. Tea
Just arrived, a consignment of the celebrated BEE BRAND TeitA,
put in half pound and pound packages. This is the only package Tea put
up where it is grown. The Bee Brand Ten is grown in the Palamootte
Gardens, Ceylon, and is no mixture, but a pure Tea of very fine flavor and
strength. This Tea took the first plane at the World's Fair, Chicago. We
have the sole agency for this town. Come and get a sample and try it,
CI -F.0 SNIT ALLfCb W, Chien.
H OIj 0
AI:_ • , ."4
People Must Liv
:end in order to do so they want the very hest they1
We have anticipated their desire by purchasing thr:
Having had b5 years experience, thiol.' we know the
of the people pretty well. Our stock embraces eve
found in a first-class grocery, and we will not be undo
We have a Beautiful Assortment of FANCY GLASSWA
CROCKERY. Special Cuts on SUGARS e,nd !PEAS i
J. W. Irwin, G
SEPT. 3 to 15
Exhibits and Attractions Great-
er and Grander than ever.
All Entries Close August llth.
The best holiday outing of the year.
Cheap Excursions on all Railways.
President. Manager, Toronto
Western ; ; Fair,
Sept. 13th to 22nd,1894
Exhibitors, make your entries early and choose
your space.
Entries elose, Live Stook and Poultry, Sept. 18th.
Entries close, other departments, Sept. Gth.
Final payments and horses named in the Stakes,
Aug, ibth,
Spooial Attractions of the best.
Special Railway and Brownie rates arrangod from
al n , Prize hate, dee.. free, apply to
At . Ca torte, Pres. T.A. i a-owa1., Saw
A full stock and prices away down. alt
want 100 lbs, 50 lbs•, or one ball, we can supy
you. The best is the cheapest
v[aekayBlock Brick
wNE"ESS. fl� U @c)`DeetL"•MENTHOL'PLASTE6 u AD
Different Brands at Low Prices
See us before you place your order
All Massey -Harris Repairs kept
in stock
Next to Commercial notal.
This establishment is In fall oportitlon and a'
orders filled in the most satisfactory wry, Oeme
tery and granite work a specialty. Priem at
reasonable as thee. of any eetabUehicent
sutra A Ix0OV'ltlti, Clinton, Ian
cE25atTFllou t