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Clinton New Era, 1894-08-10, Page 6
August, 10 1894. n sealoseneemeasesiesea Aa Aut odote elate Boxeres* Begonia. M. Schneider bee jest published"a book in Pari)* giving several anecdotes of the Emperor Napoleon III. Referring to the Emprees, M. Sohneider relates what he considers to be an original anecdote about her oourals° and presegee ef mind. While the Imperial couple were walking sear a field .tie day their dog Nero barked at eome cattle. A furious bull immediately charged the dog, whioh took refuge be- tween the Fwperor's lege. ©a came the beg, hat the Empresa, throwlag herself before h.r husband, kept the animal at bay with a long bamboo Daae noble the herdsman eame to the rescue, 1t. fi.haeid- eT describes the Empress ae seeing ea the occasion with all the dexterity W a elpsalsh toreador, i QP ,E:.TAT.ICET? course iVe#trly all the monarchs. of Europe have their lives insured. The most not- able exception is the Russian Emperor. The companies will not insure him, re- garding bis chances of long life as be- ingextremely' hazardous. xtho Czar of Russia, so the story runs, bas among his household an under - tidy, singularly like bim in appear- ance, who shows himself at the win- dows of railway carriages when His Imperial Majesty does not wish to dis- turh himself. Drachman; the Danish poet, is the oldest son of a physicin. He was des- tined for the navy, but was sent to a university, where he graduated in 1865. His mastery of rhythm is mar- vellous, his lyric gifts are great, and his originalrity cif expression has added to his poetical fame. The widow of Gen. Boulanger in- tends,it is said, to spend the remainder of her life in the French colony at Tunic, for she has just acquired in the environs of thecapital a property called Les Pierettes, consisting of 2,788 square metres of land. She has taken it upon the "perpetual lease" system intro- duced into Tunis by M. Oambon. Prince Bismarck, according to the book recently published by Hans Blum, "The German Empire at the Time of Bismarck," is nota wealthy man in the .American sense. The mortgage on his estates requires him to pay about $30,- 000 every year. .The income from his Friedrichsruhe property has been as much or $60,000 a year, but it has aver- aged only about half that sum. His entire income is not far from $100,000. NIGH TO DEATH'S DOOR. How A YOIINO LADE WAS MEOW Ow A TnRnrnLE MALADY WSBE NEAR THE BRINE Or THE GRAVE. ___Theeurge,_pretentions_brinkresidence at. 86 Miami avenue, in this city, is the home of the heroine of this inter- esting story. She is Miss Margaret Sten- bangh, and her interesting experiences dur. ing the past four years are published here for the first time. "Four years ago," she said, "I was a suf- ferer in all that the term implies, and never thought of being as healthy as I am to -day. Why, at that time, I was such a scrawny, puny little midget, pale and emaciated by an ailment peculiar to us o_iwl that my father and mother gave me up Yrs, die. The local practitioner (I was at •that'time living.tf Scotland, Brant Co., Ont.,) said it was only a matter of days when I would be laid away in the church yard, end as I was such a sufferer I oared not whether I lived or died; in fact, think I would have preferred the latter. I could not walk, and regularly every night my father used to carry me up stairs to my room. I remember me telling him that he wouldn't have to carry me much longer, and how he said with tears in his eyes, that he would be willing to do it always, if he could only have me with him. It was evidently foreordained that I should not die at that particular time, as a miraculous transformation in my condition was the talk of the neighborhood. I. read of the wonderful cures that were being brought by 'elan Williams' Pink Pills for pale People, and my father went to Brantford. where he purchased a couple of boxes from Jas. A. Wallace. I commenced taking them, and I thought for a time that they did me no _good,y,ie_theY made me sick at first, but Iran.shortly I noticed a great change. They_ beg_an-to act on my trouble and in the short space orsTx'montha I- wee able Io walk. I continued taking the pills, and in six months I was in the condition you see me now. I fully believe that they alone saved me,from the grave, and you will al- ways "find myself and balance of our fam- ily ready to talk about the good Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills did for me." fi.-vvwwiyand subscribed to before me this th day Of December, 1893. D. A. DELA2a7;f, Notary Public. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail, postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 62,50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brookville, Ont,, or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be "just es good." A hen with remarkably developed maternal instincts was found recently at Rome, Ga. A family of five kittens had been adopted by the hen, and in spite of every effort to prevent the strange alliance the hen persisted in her attentions, until the kittens, were removed beyond her reach. RHEIIMATISIt CURED IN A DAY.—South Am- erica Rheumatic Cures for Rheumatism and Neurlgia -radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is re- markable and mysterious, removes at once the canoe, and the disease immediate l ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene. fits. Sold by WATTS & Co., arid ALLAN & WILSON, druggists. - Statistics show that in 1,000 mar- riages 332 men marry women younger than themselves, 579 marry women of their own age, or near it, and 89 marry women older than themselves. The most notable difference in ages was in Campden, N. J., last year, where the bride oonl was 22 and bride 69. When Baby wee sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. The town of Morden is excited over a supposed murder sensation. Last Sunday when Mr Van Alstine and his family, who live a mile or so from the town, drove to the church, they left two farm laborers, Ed. CannufT and Sam Lard, in charge. On their return Lard was missing. The man said he had gone out to pick berries, and had refused to return. Little was thought of it at the time, but on Monday, after Van Alstine and earmuff had gone to 'the marsh 16 miles away to cut hay, Mrs Van Alstine discovered a bullett hole in the window glass and blood stains on the floor. Neighbors were ailed in and decided to send for a con- stable, who, after taking in the situ- ation, made a search and soon discover- ed a newly made grave, He at once proceeded to the marsh and took Can- null into custody, who then con- fessed that he had accidentally shot his coanion and through fear had buried a body. A coroner's jury is being a annelled and the body will be taken ftp. Children Cry for Fliteher Ca5torla. h-. HE CLINTON- NEW ERA bat Inventor of the Mod.ra !leak Gln exohange with an aatiq•nariart tern of kind declares • that Thomas Jefferson invented the modern plow. "There weft plows, .f source, thoneaade et years be- fore the time of the sag. of Monticelloo,, but he first laid down the taateesaablesl prinoiplee that underlie the senstraebi.ts of the plow, and so enabled aay bleek- smith to make one. A plow mallets ef two wedges, a nutting and a lifting wadi', and Jefferson discovered and .ntaelaoed the proportions of each and bbe relations each bore to the other. Before his day no two smiths made plows alike; now they are all made in accordance with a math& matieal formnle,—Hardware, Mistaken Identity. Mr. Dun—But, my dear fellow, this as (scout has been running seven yeai'a. Scientific Debtor—That's right, old man. Bnt you know every atom of a saan'e a b. tem changes in seven years. I am net the man who bought the goods. Origin of "Strike.') An ea* use of the wird "strike" Medea lin the London Chroniole for 1765. la the 8eptemll`or of that year are numerots references to a great Bucpen- sten of labor in the northern coalfield, and the colliers are etatedese have "attack out" for a higher bounty before entering into their usual yearly "bond." In confirma- tion of Mr. Leaton-Blenkinsopp's state- ment at the last reference, it may be added that the strike is twice called a "stick" (London Ohronicle, Oebober 8, 10). One of Harriet Martieean's earliest pam- phlets wee a tract entitled "The Tendency of Strikes and Stinks to Produce Low Wages," published at Durham in 1834. The time-honored illustration of profitless labor, "carrying coals to Newcastle," prob- ably reoeived its first slap in the fade dur. ing the strike of 1765. A paragraph dated Newcastle, September 28, in the London Chronicle, says: " 'Tie very remarkable that on Wednesday several pokes of coals were brought from Durham to this town by one of the commonearriers, and sold on the sandhiTl for 9d a poke, by which he eleared 6d a poke." A Slight Difference, .4.—You look dreadfully battered; how is that? B—My wife has been pelting the with flowers. A—Why, that wouldn't mark you in that fashion! B—Ohl—they were in pots,—Hnmoris- tische Blaetter. Estimate of Chicago's Population. The new City Directory of Chicago gives an estimated population of 1,700,- 000. MOST BENEFICIAL. CLINTON, Ont., July 11th, 1894.—I am taking my eleventh bottle of Hood's Bereriparitla and 11ndij m erlaeneficierto myself and baby. It is very strengthing and also purifying for the blood and I rec- commend it very strongly. MRs HELEN WALL. -- Hood's Pills are especially prepared to be taken with Hood's Sarsaparilla. odd Effect of a Strike. Among the greatest sufferers by the os strike are the »parliamentary pigeons i New Palace tard, whioh always foetid abundant supply of corn from the noise begs of the horses on the cab -rank at he entrance of the House of Commons. • or years the spot has been, during the per llli1iire mentaly season,, a happy hunting -groin foe hundreds elf these birds. They never hang around the doors of tie House of Lord,. Pease geaerally walk to perli& meat, or if they drive it, is hi -variably to their own carriages, the horses of whidII *mild disdain to eat in publio. No corn le ever to be found at t ?ears' entre e; therefore it is Mk e pigeons all Book to the House et Oomrnons. Bnt ranee the oommenoeme1 of the strike the birds have become quite demoralized. They know it is not the recess, because the light on the elook tower is there at night, and they cannot make out what has become of their friends the cabmen, the horses and the Dorn. For some days their lamentable,opppp iwg" from the pangs of hunger wasdil• tressing to hear, until the happy idea oaths to Superintendent Horsley to institute a kind of nigeona' soup -kitchen, orfree breakfast table, every morning, A plent fel supply of crumbs and corn is scattered on the ground, and the pigeons show their gratitude by flapping their wings and coo- ing id the major key. The superintend- ent's charitable exertions are admirably supported by the members of the police force on duty at the House of Commoner— Loudon Telegraph. Napoleon's Mental Cupboard. Napoleon used to explain the clearness at his mind, and his faculty of being able at will to prolong his work to extreme limits, by saying that the variola enbjeots were arranged in his dead, as though in a cupboard. "When I want to interrupt one piece of work," he used to say, "I dose 41ip drawer in whioh it is wad 1 open an- other. The two pieoes of businesb never get mixed np together, and never trouble or tire me, When I went to go to Bleep I close up all the drawers, end then i am ready to go ed to sleep."---litemoirs Of NapAltbn. General Manager Seargeant, of the G. T. R. when asked whether the com- pany hail figured a the loss by the re- cent strike, said: --We have not. The accounts have not been made up by the railway companies, and I there- fore do notknow precisely what the damage really is as yet. The damage is principally of aconsequent character, loss of receipts in the Chicago and Grand Trunk, oQf which I am the Presi- dent, and in the Grand Trunk. There has been an immense depletion of re- venue and consequently a depletion in the revenue of the connections east and west. It was one of the most ill-advis- ed and wicked strikes ever inaugurated against railway companies, and has re- sulted in incendiarism, destruction of property and murder. HE'S AI.Lsa BIGHT, I11rnARD HARRISON HAS llAOKAO1E FOR 60417 TEARS—IT was DOE To I{SANsT EASE—No iloRN Became:lee Now. IIAth's BRIDGE, ONr., Aug, 6 --Richard Harrison is well known here and every- where highly respeoted. That he has been a enfferer for some years from backache and other kidney troubles was a well known fact that gained muoh sympathy for him. Lately he has been moving about here as spry as a kitten and in the best of health. All his kidney. troubles had disappeared, so he said when questioned, and he further said that the cause of their disappearance was hie hiving used a few bones of Dodd's Kidney Pills. The reputation of these pills as a speoifio 'in all kidney disorders is now firmly established in this part of Ontario. Here, There a. d Everwhere. Thursday morning Wm. Hyland farmer, of the Township of Pittsburg, while ettend- ing horses, was kicked on the breast by one, and died from his injuries. He was about 40 years of age, and leaves a wife and eight ohildren. The form of dinner table varies. John Bull loves a round table, the Ger- man is partial to an oval board, and the French like the. cold square lines; in America all three are used. A man in Providence, R.I., discharg- ed a shotgun at a howling cat and hit a neighbor's baby, who was also vocal- izing. It depends upon the point of view as to whether he should go to jail or be given a testimonial. Send me 115 worth of William's Royal Remedy end Pills to Winnipeg. I used several bottles when in Seaforth, and know the good of it." P. IlerenAMMER, Winnipeg, Manager of Northwest Catholic Review. Another lord has drifted into trade— the Earl of Harrington, known as an enthusiastic' collector of snuff boxes, who has opened a fruiterer's shop in London. It will be supplied from his gardens, which are amongst the finest in England. Minard's Liniment cures LaGrippe. A sister of the late Mr Spiir eon preached twice recently to crowded congregations, at the handsome church in Hampstead road, in connection with the service. Her manner is impressive and she bears a personal resemblance to her eminent brother. In health and during exercise the average man has about twenty respira- tions a minute, and 40 cubic inches are inhaled at each respiration; in an hour 48,000 cubic inches of air will be in- spired; in 24 hours 1,152,000 cubic inches, or about the contents of 78 hogsheads. A Boor; To HORSEMEN.—One bottle of Eng. lish Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE ROBE, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by Watts & Co., and ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists Hypodermic injection was discover- ed by Majendie. Morphia is perhaps the most familiar drug so used. But the variety of drugs is very great; and there are numerous cases in which life would certainly be lost if there was no way of medicating the patient except through the mouth. ACTIVE EXERCISE. and good food in plenty, tends to make people healthy. If children suffer, how- ever, from scrofulous, skin or scalp diseases —if their blood is impure and pimples or boils appear, they should be given the right medicine. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery brings about/the hest bodily con- dition. It pnrifies the blood and renders the liver active as well as builds up health and strength. Puny, pale, weak children get a lasting benefit and "a good start" from the use of the Discovery. It pats on wholesome flesh, and does not nauseate and offend the stomach like the various prepar- ations of Cod liver oil. It's guaranteed to cure you, or your money is returned. • Dr Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, headaches, dyspepsia. One • a dose. Sold by all dealers. Voters' List—Village of Bayfield VOTERS' LIST 1894—MIIEICIPALrrr OF VIII, VILLAGE or BAYITIELD, Co. Or HIInoN Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to tholpersons mentioned in suctions five and six of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889 the copies required by eaid sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pur- suant to said Act, of all persona appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said munici- pality. to bo entitled to vote in said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said List was first posted up stilly office, at Bay- field, on the 27th day of July, 1894, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors aro found thoroin, totako immodiato proceedinge to have the said error, corrected mc - lording to law. JOHN DAY, Clerk of Bayfield Dated this 27th day of July, 1894. Ili has rn.te"teile he. lacttee of beenembcoalminpngd beganhat in 40lc09tB. U., down to 700 A. D., when it practi- cally ceased, probably as nnany as 780,- 600,000 bodies were embalmed in Egypt, of which the greater patt are yet con- cealed. In Bombay it has been discovered. that an 8 -year-old girl was- offered as sacrifice to propitiate the god of health in a neighbors behalf. The afflicted man and his wife enticed the child into their house, and in the presence of a fakir brutally mutilated her, and later carried the body in the woods two miles away and then threw it'away. Nervous debility is a common complaint, especially among women. The beet medi cal treatment for this disorder is a persis- tent course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla to cleanse and invigorate the blood. This be- ing accomplished nature will do the rest. At the close of the war, leas than 30 years ago, the Methodist Episcopal Church, numbering 1,000,000 members, owned 10,000 churches and -3,300ar- sons+ es, worth in the aggregate $34,- 000,111. It has now, at the end of a period usually assigned to one genera- tion (in round numbers) 2,500,000 mem- bers, and owns over 25,000 churches, and nearly 10,000 parsonages, worth in the aggregate about $125000. This largely exceeds the ratio of the general progress of the country. Bloo should be rich to Insure. health. Poor blood mens Anaemia; diseased blood means Scrofula. Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, enriches the blood; cures Anaemia, Scrofula, Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, and Wasting Diseases. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes: lfoobt & Borne, Belleville. AllDraagieie. iso. &M. ALL THE WOMEN Are healthy some of the time, some women are healthy all the time, but all women aro not healthy all the time unless they wash with a SEWARD :: WASHER We warrant the Seward Washer to cleanse any fabric that soap and water will cleanse. Now is the time to wash your carpets and lace curtains. Got a Seward Washer, manufactured by J. T. SEWARD, : Clinton, Out GENTS WANTED in every town in Canada NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Chidley, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 36 of Chanter 110 R.S.O.,1887, that all pereons having claims against the estate of Joseph Chidley, late .of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, merchant, deceased, who died pn or about the 30th day of Juno, 1894. are required on or betore the loth day of September, 1894, to deliver or send by poet prepaid to the undersigned, at Clinton, Ontario, for James Scott and Mary Chidley, the executors of the last will and a codicil thereto of the said deceased, their names and addresses, atatomonte of their accounts and full particulars of their claims, and of the security (if any) held by them, verified by affidavit. And immediately after the said 15th day of September, 1894, the said executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceasod, among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notion shall have boon received, and they, the said executors, will not bo liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have boon received at the time of each distribution. JAMES SCOTT, Solicitor for the Executors Dated at Gunton, this 31st day of July, 1894. POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia In no MINUTES. also Coated Tongue Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. WIRY' NICE TO TAWS. PRIOR 26 CANTS AT ORUap STORMS. 1Rf " . Neu Calgik TRY ONE APPLICATION pains OF THE 66Q� �9MEN'I` O ®OCe� o PLASTER IT WILL DISPEL THE PAIN LIKE MAGIC. THE CJOILEI) SPRING Wove. Wire Fencing. t • Meagre Stan ey and Steep local agents for the above fence, which is claimed to be the beat fencing wire manufactured of the kind STANLEY & STEEP, Clinton GU Rt. )0 NSTIPATO ONNN, • wILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA HEADACHE. :,liEGULATETHE LIVER. ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. IPRIGE25 CTS.TIE DODD'S MORCo. LT ONTOD City BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. Tho undersigned having bought out the baker7 business so successfully carried on by ]+ir Wm. Young will continue the business at the old stand Ho will endeavor, by supplying a first class arti- cle, to merit the liberal support of the people Broad delivered anywhere in town. Wedding Oakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. rel. BECKWITH - CLINTON IfaiseseS• USE PERRY 1/ A R . DAV 1 �y4 BOWEL.) .TROUBLES, e P 1N<,' KILLER l , UNLIGHT £>OAP if rr Ply 1."• se 41C I fi.4.t..{1l `l.4,1:?'-'t: