HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-08-10, Page 5yr •:�, ��.,�y.r.r -� .:'Li ' 1iFT r , r THE CLINTON NEW ERA, August' 10, 1804 J. B. RHMBALL, THE NOTED JEWELER, CLINTON, ONT. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes .. . A SPECIALTY AT ALLEN & WILSONS. We guarantee purity of ingredients and accuracy in dispensing. Try our BAKING POWDER—It ensures success. Only 25c a pound at ql STATIONERY and SCHOOL BOOKS CLI NTON,ONT. Telephone No. 49. The American Railway Union has at last declared the great strike off. The present drought in Kansas is report- ed to be the worst ever experienced.. The lose to crops is serious. In some places there will not be one bushel of grain to 100 lwree. Terrible tales of starvation and death among the Indians of Labrador are report- ed. The distress arises from scarcity of game. Burglars attempted to rob the safe of the post office at Chaplean, Ont., on T;riday night. The combination look was destroy- ed, but the robbers got nothing. CLINTON •MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, August 9, 1894. Wheat fall 0 56 a 0 58 Oats 035a036 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 62 a 0 55 Flour per bal a 3 80 Butter 0 14 a 0 15 llggsper doz 0 7 a 0 8 Potatoes 0 36 a 0 40 Hay, N ew and Old5 00 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 2 00 a 2 50 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 75 Wool 0 15_a 0 17 IRON BLOOD PILLS Don't confuse these with the common Iron Pills. They are a direct food for the blood. These pills will change the pale and sallow complexion of debility into the ruddy glow of health. Put up in round wood boxes with red labeL 25c per box or five boxes for 81. Put up only by JAMES H. COMBS., CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SEIPPI IES, ETC ... S;—We carry the largest stock of Druea in the County ofHnron. P. P. Some people mai wonder what these let- ters stand for I well, for the information of those who don't know, we wish to say tbat these letters mean "PRICES POPULAR ALL ;THE TIME" At This Store. Popularity is aimed at clear through the house, and we believe we have obtained it, if the evidence of the people amount to anything. This time we are offering TOP SHIRTS, efi e goods, well -made and splendid quality. The regula� price .�s 90c. We bought a whole manufacturers lot at Y�, ss than original cost of making, and will give you two for. ten cents more than the price of one. It will pay you to see this snap. GILROY 8c W1SEWLAN CLINTON '.w —x[ SALE CONTINUED: The successful sale which we have had during the past FOSTER month, will be continued during the month . of July, as we have a great many lines yet to clear. We have sold during the past m.onth a large amount of goods. wont u A Nice . STILL WE HAVE A LARGE QUAD TITY OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS THAT MUST AND WILL BE SOLD. They must all go. We have decided not to carry over any goods this season, and they will be positively sold FOR COST AND UNDER. We have Tables leaded with Eargains, such as you never saw before. dome and see the goods, they are marked in plain figures and you can see for yourselves. We quoteno prices as We have not space to mention all the bargains we have, Leave your orders quick for those Pho- to's you intend s9nd Lug to your friends Tea or Dinner Set We can show you a good assort- ment at Low Prices White Granite Tea Sets, 82 to 82.50 Printed Tea Sets, $2.50 to $3. Semi -Porcelain Tea Sets, $3.25. Stone China Tea sets, floral designs, gilt band, S5. Stone China Tea set,gilt, only 2 sets, a snap, 84. French China Tea sets, 86 to 810 Printed Dinner Sets, 87 50 Semi -Porcelain Dinner Sets, 88.50 father, people cannot tell by seeing prices without Stone China Cups and Saucers, gilt, considering quality. Everything is embraced in the $1.10 per dozen. way of Bargains; nothing is withheld: the whole stock Stone China Plates, gilt, 81 per doz. • isfor sale at Cast 'Prices Complete stock of GLASSWARE. PLIflVISTEEL; & GLBBINGS, cunton l 1 .1 ,tea I a` W. L. OUIMETTE� CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO r4 • 1