Clinton New Era, 1894-08-03, Page 2GJ: August 31 1894. THE U*( ----18 'Vni,I8uEP " EVERY FRIPAY MOANING New Era Steam Printing Office, SAL 1 STREET, - - OLINTON, ONT Tawas of SonsORlrT o -one dollar per pp year The datete which @very subscriptionot paidlis. denoted by the date on the address label. ADVERTISING RATES — Tranelent adyyertise- ments,10 oents per Nonpareil line for Drat inser. ion, 8centy per line for each subsequent insertion CONTRACT iRATEs.—Tho following table shows our rates kr the insertion of advertisements for pecifio periods:— Advertisements, without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged according. y. Transient advertisements must be paid in advance. SPADE. I 1 YR. 1 6 Mo, 13 Mo. 11 Me One column ' 00 440 00t I 425 00 48 00 Half -column 35 00 25 00 16 00 4 60 6 00 2 60 Quarter column.,25 00 16 00 800 300 One inch. 1460 400 100 Low, NOTICES—At the bead of local column 10 yenta per line or portionthereof,each insertion ,,-AYt1cies lost or found, girls wanted, &o., not ezoeeding three lines, 25 cents eaoh insertion. Five lines 50 cents one insertion, and 26 cents tor eaoh subsequent insertion. Houses to let or for sale farms to rent or for sale, stray cattle and all similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines 41 for one month and 60 Dente for eaoh sub,e- quent month. Changes for •contract advertisements must be n the office by nook on Wednesdays. BORT. HOLMES. Crisp County Clippings There are 69 telephones in use in Seaforth. Thos. Potter, of the 3rd con., of East Wawanosh, has sold his Ayrshire bull for $300. Mr R. Black has purchased the beautiful Ireland residence, Wroxter. The price paid was $1500. E. Campion has bought the well- known Collins farm on the 6th con. of Goderich township. Dr. James McTavish, son of Chisel- hurst post master, has been engaged for a second term as health inspector in the city of Detroit. The youngest child of Mr R. Ham- mett, of Seaforth, had a narrow escape from drowning on Wednesday. It fell into an open cistern, where it was discovered by one of the members of the family in time to save its life. Mr Thomas Henderson has sold the west half of lot 29, con. 10, McKillop, to Mr John Dodds, for $3,100. The farm contained 50 acres. Mr Hender- son has _purchased the Sutherland Parma, in Hullett, for 95,400. What causes bad dreams is a question that has never been satisfactorily answered; but, in nine oases out of ten, frightful dreams are the result of imperfect diges- tion, which a few doses of Ayer's Sarsapar- illa will effectually remedy, Don't delay —try it to -day. Mr Geo. Turnbull returned home to Seaforth from a trip to the old country on Saturday. Mr Turnbull went over with a lot of horses. He says horses `are very dull of sale in the old country. Mr J. A. Stewart has disposed of his store property and business, in Kin - burn, to Mr Andrew, of Usborne. Mr sAto a+rt.,has.gone to resideein-Egmoist': ville. It is rumored around Hensel' that Mr Chas. Snell, sr., will get the posi- tion of clerk of the 5th division court, in the place of Mr Thos. Trivett, de- ceased. There are a number of aspir- ants for the position. David Milne, of Ethel, had his sale of thoroughbred stock on the 25th of July, and sold a good number, but at low prices for the quality of the stock, as his stock is first class. The earlier symptoms of dyspepsia, heart - bora and occasional headaches, should not be neglected. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to be cured. , Mr Jas. Fox, Wroxeter, has sold hie drug and stationery business, mad ex- pects shortly to remove to Brussels. The business will hereafter be con- ducted by Braun & Co. Mr Fox has purchased the drug business. of J. T. Pepper, Graham block, Brussels, and has taken possession. A few days ago a girl who lives with Mr Anthony Tyndall, of the 4th con., McKillop, fell through a :trap door into the cellar, a distance of some eight feet, and struck her head against the edge of a tub, causing a deep wound down to the bone two inches in length. She was taken to a surgeon in Seaforth who dressed the wound and it is now doing well. Mr Chas. Wells, accompanied by his son, John, are visiting Goderich after an absence of 15 years in New Zealand. Mr Wells, sr., will be remembered by many as an old time resident, having resided in Goderich for about 30 years before going away. He likes the country and climate of his southerr home, and is prospering there. Mr Jas. McGill, Blyth, has sold his fine brick residence and two lots, on Dinsley street, to Mr H. Ingram, for the sum of $1,150. Mr Ingram has se- cured a floe residence for a fair price. He takes ;possession about the .1st of September, when Mr McGill intends moving to Clinton, where he will re- side in future. The trustees of the school in No. 7, Stanley, near Hill's Green, have re-en- gaged Mr John Essler for the year 1895. Mr Essler has taught the school this year, and has given such good sat- isfaction in the section that he has not only been re-engaged for next year, but his salar ytias been increased $45, He is to receive $350 fiat next year. A number of farmers and graziers in the Muthill and Corrie districts of Perthshire have sustained serious losses by the death of some of their cattle through, it is generally be- lieved, the eating of leaves of trees. The great storm of November last blew down trees of all kinds in West Perth- shire, and owing to the accumulation of this levelled timber hundreds of these trees are still lying where they fell, and most of them; curiously enough, are full of foliage. One ser- ious result of this has been that cattle in fields were these trees are lying have been eating freely of the green leaves, and this has resulted in produc- ing disease and dea h in a large num- ber of +:es. The Stanley new voters' list for 1894, was posted up on the 17tlaTuly. There are in all 703 names on the list. O these 524 are qualified to vote at alt nsbrly°anQ9toeavtotme uatnitehrpe aLl eegleics- lative Assembly only. Of -(Ts:.;___ bei` 348 are eligible as jurors. Of the number qualified to vote only at muni- cipal elections, 35 are women. Herman Worelsche, a young farmer of Minnesota, was married recently, and on his wedding night was taken suddenlyy sick and died the following day. His death was due to blood pois- oning following the surgical removal of an ugly pimple from his lip just prior to his marriage. He had the sore removed in order to make the best possible appearance on that oc- casion. Minard's Liniment the best hair restorer. One day last week as Mr James Maines, of Hullett, was out in the field mowing, by some means the neckyoke came off the tongue of the mower, and the team started to run away. Mr Maines held on to the lines and in doing so wasulled off the seat and fell in front ofp the mower, where he was severely cut and bruised in sever- al places before the team was stopped. The wound, though not serious, will lay him off work for a few days. The list for 1894 cf persons in Us - borne township who , are qualified to exet cise the franchise, was posted up by the township clerk on the 17th of August. The total number of per- sons on the list this year is 831; last year it was 822, so that there is an in- crease of 9. There are 595 persons qualified to vote both at municipal and Legislative Assembly elections; 152 persona, of whom 40 are women, at municipal elections only, and 81 man- hood franchise voters. TO CLEANSE THE SYSTEM Effectually yet gently, when: costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or elug- gieh, to permanently euro habitual constip- ation, to awaken the kidneye and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds or fevers use Syrup of Figs. MEN ,HAVE "FUNNY WAYS" TOO The little peculiarities of women are a fruitful topic with some masculine writers. They continually rush into print with such questions as: Why does a women always want to know if her hat is on straight{? Why does she keep you waiting 10 minutes after she's declared she's all ready? Why does she do this, that and the other? Here's a counterblast from a woman writer: Why does a man always have length- ened and often profane Interviews with his collar button ? It looks like an in- offensive sort of an article to an out- sider. Why does he rush through his dressing and throw everything all over the room because he's in such a hurry —he "knows he'll be late"—and then spend a good five minutes filling and lighting his pipe ? Why does he never put together and fold up a newspaper? Why, when a pretty girl praises an- other man's "charming manners," does he say the girl is "soft?" Why does he declare that handsome andpopular young actors are "sticks?'? Why can he never, by any possibility, find any- thing he is sent to look for in closet or drawer ? Why is his headache ear toothache 'ear inu•eh"worse thananybody else's ever was? Why is it his liver that does not work, instead of the Welsh rabbit and mince pie that have worked? Why will be go out after a rain without overshoes, and then preach about the vanity of women ? Why does it rain too hard to go to church, but not too hard to go to a dinner or theater or club on any suc- ceeding stormy day ? Why does he suppose, when he notes women's "fun- ny ways," that women are- not at the same time noticing his : own funny ways. THEY DO NOT DESPAIR. An utter loss of hope is not characteris- tic to consumptives, though no other form of disease is so fatal, unless its progress fa arrested by use of Scott's Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil made as palatable as cream. Lightningg performed a curious feat lately at Waterboro, Me. It struck and instantly killed Etta Bealle, but left unharmed a child she was holding in her lap. Recently a youngwoman of Adams couuty, Wash., let her bed during an attack of somnambulism, and, after walking for three miles over a rough road, swam a wide, deep, and swift stream before she awakened. HEALTHY EXERCISE ---fresh air and proper food, help to keep a woman in good condition. It's insuffioient for some, weakened or borne down as they are by the ailments and irregularities peculiar to their sex. - ° They're easily helped, though there's a remedy in Dr. Pierce's Fa -4 vorite Prescription—that will build up and cure every enfeebled woman. It's the prescription of a physician ; has been tested in thousands of oases, and never found wanting. The only risk that's taken is that of the manufacturers who promise to refund the money if no benefit is experienced. This "Prescription" reaches the origin of the trouble. Dizziness, fainting spells and nervous disorders, Much as sleepl ssness, chorea or St. itus's dance, • c upon the zr, ularities a i i'td 7► cripti THE CLINTON NEW ERA What the rapers Say. It is quite apparent that the public have been robbed -on a large scale in conn }} n with the,ereotion of the Curran brid bM the Lachine canal in Montreal, and the rtsvelationa have laid bare dishonesty .of a very flagrant kind. There eeema to have been systematic swindling carried on in oonneotion with the work, and the public funds have been exploited to a shameful exteab. A gigantic fraud of this kind calls for vigorous measures, not only of remedy but of punishment. " " The publio will certainly look to the Government to push investigation and such legal proceedings as are requisite to mete out speedy justice.— Toronto Empire. Smart, but shallow is the Hamilton Slisotatot's theory that the Conservatives will either get rid of Mowat or rid of Pat- ron opposition at Ottawa. In a word the Spectator's professed belief is that if the Patrons do not rid Ontario of Mowat, On- tario will the Dominion Government of all Patron opposition. This argument is wrong at the roots. it is based on the fundamental error that the Patrons polled the votes of forces that have hitherto been violently partisan. No eaoh thing. The returns indicate that those who wanted Meredith voted for his candidates. Those who wanted Mowat voted for his candidates. Those who cared more for principle than party broke with both old parties and voted for the Patrons. All the Patrons need to do to increase the strength they have gained is to go straight. If Mowat is in the road they will have to run over him. They will be careful to do nothing that will bring them into conflict with the party traditions of their constitu- encies. Dynes of Dufferin, dare not incur the reproach of assisting the Grits to keep office. Kidd, of Carleton, knows that his constituency is Conservative, although it returned him as a Patron. These men will respect the political preferenoes of constitu- encies that have subdued but not killed their old party leanings. Neither at Ottawa nor Toronto can the Patrons afford to turn Governments out and Oppositions in. They are strong enough to be dangerous, and yet weak enough to kill themselves quickly by their own folly. Their policy both at To- ronto and Ottawa is to deal fairly with every party that deals fairly with them.— Toronto Telegram. We suppose that the most economical Administration that ever existed would be none the worse for an occasional application of the pruning knife. At Ottawa the re- former would have to go to work with an axe. Beginning at the head, the salary of $50,000 ought to be ample to cover all the ex- penses of the Governor -General's office. At present the salary and expenses nearly equal the salaries of the entire Cabinet. It is a mere truism to say that the Senate is an absolutely useless institution. The indemnity and mileage paid to the members amounts to nearly $80,000; a salary of $4,000 is paid to the Speaker, and it is now seriously proposed to appoint a deputy to assist the Speaker in doing nothing. An- other sum of 456,741 is paid to olerks, pages, sessional messengers, and other officers, making a total of $140,0011 as absolutely wasted as if it were thrown into the Ottawa, not to speak of the valuable space taken up by the Red Chamber and its belongings. The whole expendit, re on the Langevin block might Ravebeen saved if the spade thus taken i(p hdd been available for the transaction tie business of the country. The expense �5ir`theHouse, besides sessional indemnity a,,nd mileage, amount to 4200,000; and when it ,i aid that messengers alone cost $20,006;i t will be seen that there is greafrecope-fotthe seeirethis region;- It is• quite within the mark to say that a reform- er, with an eye only for the public service, could save $60,000 a year on the expendi• ture for the House of Commons.—Globe THEIR NAME IS LEGION. Reader there are many blood pnrifiying medicines. There is but one Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not allow high-sounding advertis- ments or other devices to turn you from your purpose to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, because in this purpose you are right and will not be disappointed in the result.. Hood's Sarsaparilla is an honest medi- cine, honestly advertised, effects honest cures, and gives every patron a fair equiva- lent for his money. What more can you reasonably ask? A fair trial guarantees a complete onre. GIANT CRABS OF THE PACIFIC. British Columbia now rejoices in a curiosity. It is two crabs, giant mem- bers of the crab family, dark green in color and measuring according to an exchange, four feet in diameter, the largest crab that ever crossed a torrid sand or climbed a cocoanut tree, and rejoices in a variety of names, of which the "robber crab" is the most familiar .and- "Lirgos Latro" 'the scientific. Strange to say, neither the specimens secured nor any of their kind have ever been known to enter the water. They belong to the purely land or tree climbing family. The crabs were brought to Victoria by the steamer Norma, cocoanut laden, from Fanning and Washington Islands. They were secured at Palmyra Islands, in the South Pacific, and as yet have devel- oped no dangerous propensities, though buite willing to give exhibitions of their strength, breaking broom hand- les and such toys as if they were pipe - stems. It would be the simplest thing in the world for them to crush a man's leg in a similiar way, but fortunately they are slow to anger or to action, and take life so lazily that anyone can get out of harm's way on seeing danger ahead, One cocoanut a day ser ves as a meal, the nut being cracked as if it were an egg, and the kernel,slowly de- voured. In appearance the crabs re- minds one of nothing so much as an overgrown and exaggerated spiders, with abnormally developed bodies and a wonderful wealth of legs. Capt. F. D. Walker and his sons are very proud of their captives, which they assert are as rare as birds of paradise. NEWS NOTES. There died in Glasgow the other day James Gilchrist, who was known as "the Scottish Stradivarius " Gilchrist, who was 62 years old, was a mechani- cal genius. He made the most difficult and delicate instruments, and was the chief aid of Professor Pettigrew in making his models for investigating the laws governing the flight of birds. He died a poor man, his wife often pay- ing, "He can make everything but money.' The grossest superstition exists even in Calcutta. Race i tly an Indian re- siding in Juan Baz: r street hada live oat• 1 ung down om his t ee-story. Ouse in tincOrdene ,with the d `; •ne an, vat " bamboo leaves, over which the wizard mumbled some mantras, and it was then pushed over the terrace. The linrtnal_was killed and its flesh distri- +�'� nalpoor. The parties who were talking of ent- ering a protest against the election of W J. McBee evidently thought better (of the matter, as the last day of the entry has passed with nothing done. The aggregate loss which the rail- roads sustained by fire during the Chi- cago strike was $355,912, Protests were filed in the Court of Appeal against the election of W. R. Meredith for London, J. T. Middleton tor East Hamilton, and Hon. R. Harcourt for Monck. Twenty-one head of cattle on the Ex- perimental Farm at Brandon, Man., have been slaughtered, owing to the herdexiste, nce of tuberculosis among the John Bushell, of Windsor, has been awarded a scholarship and the first prize in Hebrew by Trinity University, Toro nto, where he is a student for the ministry. During a heavy storm Thursday evening an Englishman working with Mr John McLeod, farmer, at Wolsely, Man., was struck and instantly killed by lightning. At a meeting of St. Paul's congrega- tion (Toronto) it was decided to invite the Hon. Wilfred Laurier to give an address at the Clantyre Park picnic on civic holiday. J.D. McC. Ruth and W. D.(Cornwell, of Philadelphia, reached Niagarl , Falls, on July 27, haling come the entire dis- tance from the City of Brotherly Love to Niagara Falls on foot. They made the trip in 17 days, travelling at the rate of 25 miles per day. They are making the trip for pleasure. William Martin, an ex -convict, and one of the most skilful counterfeiters in the United States, was arrested in New York Thursday afternoon while in the act of making counterfeit coin. He was held in $5,000 bail. The 200th anniversary of the esta- blishment of one of the most notable institutions in Great Britain, the Bank of England, was celebrated on Friday, the charter of incorporation of the bank having been granted July 27, 1694, by William and Mary. General A. J. Pleasonton, of blue glass fame, is dangerously ill at his farm near Overbrook, Penn. He is 86 years of age, and lives at Philadelphia. He never goes out, even in the driest weather, without wearing heavy over- shoes, and to this practice he attributes his attaining his present great age. The general gained his nick -name of "Blue Glass" from a book he published in 1876, in which wonderful curative properties were attributed to the blue rays of sunlight. Quite a craze for blue glass windows followed the publication, of this unique theory. Bee comb or "beeswax," the material of which the honey cells in the bee- hives are composed, is a wax produced by a system of chemistry carried on in the "wax pockets" which are located in the abdomen of all working bees. It is a peculiar substance, and is said to be analagous to the fat of higher animals. Originally it was supposed that this wax was taken up in an al- most pure state from the flowers by the, bees;:•butsreeen> -Teaperimrente ea1re ried on by the leading botanists and chemists of the world conclusively prove that the bee is capable of elabor- ating his peculiar wax, although con- fined to a diet, purely saccharine in its nature. Watches first came into fashion in the year 1477, at Nuremberg, and on that account and because of their pe- culiar shape they were known as "Nur- emberg eggs." They were not all egg- shaped, however, some being made in imitation of pears, gourds, acorns, birds' skulls, etc. Morgan, the English curiosity collector, has an old-time watch in the shape of a cow's horn, which discharges a tiny pistol at the end of each hour. The Earl of Stan- hope has one shaped like an egg, cut in jacinth and set with diamonds. About the year 1620 watches began to assume the shape now generally worn; in the seventeenth century, however, it became the fashion to make therm in the form of a cross. Mr. J. W. Dykeman St. George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No Strength, No Ambition Hood's Sarsaparilla Gave Perfect Health. The following letter is from a well-known merchant tailor of St. George, N. B.: C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Gentlemen— I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills have done me a great deal of good. I had a severe attack of the grip in the winter, and after gutting over the fever I did not seem to gather strength, and had no ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be just what I needed. The results were very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to all who are afflicted with rheumatism or other 016Cures of Notions caused by poison and poor blood. I always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in my house and use it when I need a tonin. Wo also keep Hood's Pills on band and think highly of them.' J. W. DYxizaAN, St. George, New Brunswick. Hood's Pills are purply vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists, • KNOWLEDGE Brings oomforb and improvement and tends to personal enjoymenb when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet preclude to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to heal'h of the pure liquid laxative .prince es embraced in the remedy, Syrur of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and meb with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening eakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fige is for sale by all drug- gists m ''5c. bottles, bub it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR To LET SHINGLES FOR SALE Snbsoriber has just got in a fresh supply of extra good North Shore Cedar Shingles at eaoh of the following places, also can supply British Col- ombia Red Cedar, and they may be procured either from himself or the parties named: Bel - grave, Wm.Watson; Blyth, D. Cowan; Brumfield Alex, Mustard, or from Robt, Mcllveen Stanley, andLondeaboro from himself- W.T. SS HITLEY FOR SALE The following valuable residental property in the Town o1 Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107 and part of 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 113, High Street, There are two comfortable dwelling Houses upon the property, in an excellent state of reprir. For further particulars and terms appl to A. McMURCHIE or to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT. HOUSE FOR SALE. The commodious and conveniently situates house on Ontario St., recently occupied by Dr. Appleton, is offered for Salo on very reasonable terms. The house is adapted for ordinary family and has every convenience and requisite. also lot adjoining, and fading Victoria Street. Full par- ticulars on application to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. FARM FOR SALE. For Halo, that fine farm of 100 acres, being lot can 3�8tanigyf:f4tent 46-aoree Meared'antr:I : goodetate of cultivation, balance hardwood Bush. Good brick house, with brick kitchen and frame• woodshed; two frame barns, good orchar•:, eiaing creek running through the farm. Situ'.ie 34 miles' from Brucefield, and 24 miles ]rum Kippen; school on the farm and churches within a short distance. Possession given ir. the tall. Terms very reasonable and made ki,own on application to the owner, MRS. McDOTJGAL, 86 Orangei8t., Clinton. Juno 22. "3m• CIIOICE .BUSINESS ti3TAND i'OR SALE. The undorsigned having bought out the busi- ness of Mr H. Newton, Porter's Hill, desires to dispose of hie WAGGON MAKING BUSINESS and premises at Holmeeville. A good trade can be done hero, and a splendid opporthnity will be given to anyone desirous of purchasing. There is a good dwelling, and workshop, with three- quarters of an acre of land; good stable, &o. E. C. POTTER, Holmeeville. CASH FOR EGGS. The undersigned is prepared to pa'y the high- est marLit price in cash for any 9cantity of Fresh Eggs, delivered at his store, Victoria St., opposite the residence of the late J. Whitehead. WM. GRANT. ALL THE WOMEN Are healthy some of the time, acme women are healthy all the time, but all women are not healthy all the time unless they wash with a SEWARD :: WASHER We warrant the Seward Washer to cleanse any fabric that soap and water will cleanse. Now is the time to wash your carpets and lace curtains. Get a Seward Washer, manufactured by J. T. SEWARD, : Clinton, Ont GENTS WANTED in every town in Canada Harness Trunks Valises BOOL s Shoes Going off cheap at J, Twitchells. AlsoPine• Cedar and British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles at Clinton and Brucefield WITC--E 4+r• 11"10414^Xi ti gromional eau cliff G jr fel JAMES 13C10TT, Barrister, Solicitor 0ONVEYAIIiwER, &o, Commissioner for Ontario and atanitopa Orripa Nexr peon To Naw End, CI,IETON, Ws BRYDONE, BARRISTER, -SOLICITOR, NOTABT PUBLIC, ETC. Office—Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gallery, CLINTON DR. WM. OUNN, CFFICE ONTARIO SE a few doors 'East of Albert Street. DR J. L. TURNBULL, 111- D., TORON30 University, M D. O.M. Victoria Unive M. 0. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obetetd Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„ ark o�oebultatteenbury leSt.O Clinton. DNight Ebo11 answered at the same place. R J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON IJARattter bury 81. fortmerlyoccup ed he by Dr. Beery Clinton Ont. DR. R. MOORE, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur. Office and I residence, .• Huron street, near railway crossing. DR STAN1tURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria 'Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Yoric, Coroner for he County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. T. C• BRUCECL• D. S. Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton. Painless Extraction by the nee of local Anmsthetio will visit Blyth every Monday as Mason's Hotel, Bayfield 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month during summei eoialty eta servation of the natural teeth. Office, CoatsBlook, over Taylor's 'hoe store -e E,BLAOKALL-VETERINARY SURGEON • HonoraryGraduate of theOntarioVeten College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and mals on the moat modern and eoiontine prinoll pies Office— immediately south o1 the New Era Office. Residence — Albert St.,CliLton. Gall night or day attendedtopromptly. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, I8$UER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses retinue MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR ju Small emus on good mortgage security moderaterateofi-nterest. H HALE, Clinton. F W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN Qv • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo. I Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. MRS. WHITT, M. C. ,M. TEACHER OF MUSIC, Piano, Organ and Teohnicon,or•Mnscl develops for use of pupils. Boerne in Beaver Block Albe,t Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW, L.D.S,D.D.S, DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sagami, Ont. Honor Graduate of Trini,iy University, Toronto. All operations in Dentistry carefully performed. Best local Anaesthetics for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall over Swallow's store. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zurich every second Thursday of each month. SarNight bell answered. A. O. U. W. r The Clinton Lodge. No. 144, meet in Biddle oombeF 21 ^,r the Ist and 3rd Fridays in each month Visitor8 cord' - -...' .__ -,ii: STONEHAM, M. W. J. B'EAN,1Recorder DR. 1ICLELLAN-LONDON, ONT. 234 Dundee St., Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT ) Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Boepit& 1889. Post Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or ' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1892. Eyes Tested. Full stock of Artificial Eyes Spectacles and Lon 1' see. Will be at Rattenbury House, CLINTON on AUGUST 3.1 Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p, m. McLeod's System - RENOVAT AND OTHER / Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Foe mpnre, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dahoe, Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, CODERICH, ONT J. M. Mo C, Prop. and Man Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & McKillop Mutual Fire Incur FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROP INSURED OFFICER'. D. Roes, President Clinton; Geo Pres. Harlook; W. J. Shannon, Seaforth; M. Murillo, lnspeotor Seaforth. DIRECTOR', Jae. Broadfoot, Beaforth ; Ga Olinton; Joseph Ewing, Beechwoo bet, Clinton ; C, Gardiner, L Hannah,Seaforth, ACCENTS. Thos. Neilane, Harlock; Bobt. forth; J. Camings, Egmondville. auditor. Parties desirous to effect Insur snot other business will be prom to on application to any of the adressed to their respocltve offio I HURON AND B Loan & Investme This Company is Loaning Mono+ otr Security at Lowest Rates of fetor MORTGAGES : - Prue SAVINGS BANK BRA 8, 4 and 6 per Oent. Interest Al Deposits, according loamount and OFFYOhl—Cor. Square and North St., HORACE HORTON, Ma left. rich ager CLINTON MARBLE W t Res • -- COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial lIotal. This establishment ie in full opotttitlon and el orderrfilled in the most satlafaotor ways 0e„„„tory land granite work a rjOil rem Q'nable as those* silt