HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-07-27, Page 6W 'WQlW$Si
nuli; Qrek la the dost ,valuable
Ole 8403'013ge 0V011 14 vortbx 0100000%.-
�xiaaUy. .w� ry
�,'tW ._.-- • ane of the retort peso, a ittdoor
,era are 97,0011 'wot}i'ert engaged, rn'i a tetteemente in San 11'rancisoo, To native
i d
in th Un to to
ter '
TA Brazit a oonple May be worried by
in brandy together,
ie • eeti:nated that' New York hag nQ
trete, than 10,000 opium smokers, , '
Che Aleu.!111µOl co 10a it lochia .d lig Ir
Skating on , real ice is. *amine pails*,
says the Sa11.h'ranoleoo - Cail, .ip. aidlq-b9'
$enddy meand5'worthla of Willialn'e BoBoys],medio
several bottles when tin Wipnipegi�aforth. I used
, and know
She good Qi it," i
P. BJplNxibiirEn, Winnipeg,
kianager pf Northwest Clatholi.o Review,
"Lire natiknal flanks df 'New York at
present hgtd nearly $100,00Q ,000.
- In the past Indies. there are spiders so
large that they feed on small. birds-
irds.The, first city built was, wording to
$ebrew tradition, in B. C. 3769, by Cain.
Qne thogsand carloads of pocket fiaske
er Iiguor were used in Cincinnati last
gripe juice Of Walnuts will stain the
100,14io11 a dark brown without in -
ivy tt the.skin.
Canada's divorces for the past twenty
eats'ha�ve just been figured up, and
to only 116.
in elephant'fi sense of smell is so
delicate that rt can scent a human be -
'ng at•a distance of 1,000 yards.
'lie first known instance of the use of
tpoal was 'in,England.in the year 850, It
etas then called "fossil fuel.'
en'Baby was sick, we gave her Cestoda.
en she was a child, she cried for Gestosis.
When she became Mies, she clung to Cartons.
When eha had Ctildren, she gave them Criteria.
It has been figured out that a man
'wbei s1lnves himself regularly until he
its *like "cut off about 35 feet of hair
his f a,ce. -
r ]mbliig houses in Chicago are"call-
@d"speculation parlors." We may ex-
,p¢at,tohear of rum boudoirs and gin
A horse at Passaic N. J., committed
siiicldeby wading into a canal and
'1144ng his head under water until un-
pentsciousness resulted.
'There are 1,400 men in the New York
,Rice 'department, The apparatus con-
rei to of n}nety-one engines, thirty-
pight trucks,,' and three fire -tugs.
In order to elope with her Sweetheart
[elen, Witten, who lives near Paints-
Vile,- Ky., chloroformed her parents
iand>`fQur children. She got. away.
Artier IN SIx Hours.—Distressing iiid
py;nncl Bladder diseases relieved in six
��ltEY •Ctmu." This new remedy is a
t;snrprise and eiight to physicians on
suit: of its excee ing promptness in re-
gain in the bladder, kidneys, bank
art of a urinary passages in
e t relieves retention of
en passing it almost im-
• rant quick relief and
tot y. Sold by Watts
WILSON, Druggists.
tiee Indiana sold his vote
f%fng and is now suing his
sers for $300 and costs. This is
sible under the Indiana law.
flaband and wife as law partners is
IIIg unknown -.in -Great -Britain; -
are no less than twenty-one such
Vin,:the United States.
e fastest regular train in the world
er,Empire State express, which
Citom New York to Buffalo via
iffy;, -438 miles, in 8 hours and 40
tithing played a curious "freak"
itterboro, Me. Etta Bealle was
"and instantly killed, while a
*Bina she was holding in her lap,
,;:Belk' -firmly believes that it will
jblesome day to see from Wash-
; ! to Nude' York as easily as one
_ 4k ey. th a sound of the voice that
le Daughter
ch of England minister
distressing rash, he
rshparilla. Mr. RIc:fs
Well-known Druggi:•:. _ ;
Montreal, P. Q., say:;:
d Ay'er's Family Medicines
;;+fid have heard nothing but
ttheto.. I know of many
erful Cures
Ayees Sarsaparilla, ono
.being that of a little
tnirch of England minis
d` Titts literally covered
tiot with a red and ex
bleij5ine rash, from which
etl'fdi two or three years,
best medical treatment
er "father was in great.
tt the ease, and, at my
bit, `at last began to arl-
er'g 44arsaparilla, two bot-
effebiod a complete euro,
er, r'e1j0f land her father's
SUre, were he here to -day,
ii3i.:the strongest terms
bt 9rCo.,Lowell,Mses.
Will cureyou
eons and .d
r9 whp have ne
x expert -
muted the rigors of an Eastern winterrit is
a thrillipg novelty. TO those who have.
enjoyed the exhilarating' sport in the lana
of blizzards and frosts, it is made more en-
joyable by the fact that Winter dress is un-
These are only a few o
the frozen lake in the bi
vilion with nearly 10,0Ott sclera* feet 91
polished surface, is visited daily by hund-
reds who can skate and manyy, .who are
speedily learning, The sheet of ice le five
inches in thickness, 160 feet long, and six-
ty feet wide. At least 500 persona oast
skate with comfort ata time, but it was a
trifle crowded on the opening Tright, for n•
less than 811 glided or straggled
ggled Over the
eiippery surface, aeoordin in the respeo-
ppiive skill of the Oleate wearer
"This idea of a big skating 1 withnatural ice," said w Doable "is
not exactly a tie onto in this a Ors
's here in his pity ft has been tried
thier) times but each attempt fail d 1tep-
oause the organizers did not master t A I i.
trioate meohanioal appliances. Viol the
first natural ice skating rink oerated in
the United States, and the fput�t in the
world. There Is one in Paris, aflothQr in
Berlin, and a third in 8oathampton, Eng-
"How is this natural ice produced?
There ti no secret about it. The tee Sias
produced bey n mpohiae of the erdinari
type employed in cold gt'orage wpr
difference here is in the ma tier
j$ done a
re . !M' ice
slid' tit, hip
atYtnoffs. T
is employed to 60oltie strong brims
After the bring is cooledt ` ep parap6¢
through a 8ystenl of pipes, 40,000 feet i
length, which run thyough the water tthp
is turned into lee, The told brine absOrby
the heat. The floor benea h iq
and made ap of deg¢ air c e
toith lead to make it *atert teat.
• "fa the placing of thetp es pee the
prdnoipal secret. The pipes nets lVr three
centres from a header at daoh end of the
tank. These headers are sire Macs in
diameter, and the pipe le taken out of each
header at six-inoh centres. This adrijits
of circulating the brine from both coda lett
the same time. The ratios le also taltelt
from both ends and oarritd beet io thebrine tank. By Mile meaha ww8 Maes a
cooling surface iaposed tot a outside Aar.
In thle way we outwit nature, and out' ice
surface has ap even temper tare a, oven
Through inch pipes leading fres ie
ders the !trine is kept in tlonetaht mo-
sou e, after being need several
the s(tttaee of the ice beanies pat ap
and seinen' at rough. That is why we
have three eessigae daily—mo ninopn
and night. Darthe ib �tervk1s t ti anew
is swept off the toe, and with a ode or
orchard sprayer a thin coating of Oita' is.
spread over the toe to fill up the outs, Itp
this manner we have a perdelly smooth
enrfaoe three times a day. The wafer is
frozen at a temperature of about ten Oe -
green above zero, which would be as oeld,
prt ably, and as bard as foe frozen In my
cold country when the temperature is
about zero."
the reasons why
Meohanloa' Pa-
ing. In cold storage 1
and insulated Cooli�,,
frozen three times ri`$`Ily,
eaient used is anhydro
The Most Heautifui Woman.
Which, asks jdarmadulo in the Lo
graphic, was the most be9Itifej roma
the centaryt VU'as she the celebrated
tease di Ctastigiiene? Some year g
started the problem, proposing the tS
t,esA, as my oWn favorite,.,for the i ii
trop, and at the time,- moat of theta
podsessed the est gnalifleations fd1 fe
rag an opinion upon it anppo ted
choice. Anyhow, there died eat
Hampstead last week, a lady, who, if
,as not the most beautiful. of the cents
was deoidedly, in her youth, one di
most fascinating. This teas Mrs. 1 4a
thwayte, more generally known Onset
rare ago as Laura Bell. The late 1!
was the originif of "'_
nn," a picture which if laminar to rp
by the photographs of it which Ore tit
sold by the thousands every year foir soft
book oolleoticns.
The youth of Laura Bell was venter*
Calm, however, was restored to er who
she married the late Mr, Thistle hway
and of late, up to a year or twb ago, h
house in Grosvenor Square was the rende
vous of many of the celebrities of our da!
among, them being Mr. Gladstone
Madame Novikoff. Close upon half a
�bah, so great was the beauty of
histletthhwayte that it is recorded that ��pr
no one occasion at the opera, the entieb
house rose simultaneously to look at bvr
es she was leaving it. This is a see •
t0hioh I have mp� lf, upon wtore than
occasion, seen pardially reproduced. Sb
16 years ago, I redbllect, come 200 or 30
people in the Row surrounding Mrs,
Langtry --then at the height of her repute
Mph as a "professional beauty"—the otter
zits of the circle being composed of bank
of chairs hurriedly dragged to the spot,
and upon which people were standing, se
as to be able to obtain a view of her ovet
the heads of the crowd. And the lady
was not Mrs. Langtry after alL It did not
signify, they thought she was.
Hiplinff Doing Good Wolk.
Rudyard Kipling continues to pour oat
ballads and short stories. Ile has four
books in the press now. I with man
thers have modified my views of hit
ithin three years, for within that time lie
as done his best work, which hie in it a
promiee of something really like gentile.
At all events, what he does is masodline..-
mneh of it jolly brutal, as if he revelled in
an anima of gender—and whatever hie
failings no one can accuse him of exhibit•
ing any effeminacy in Ms work. Probably
the very best evidence of his large, over.
weaning sea in writing is the fact that
Women do not care far film. They oaneot
him without shrinking a little at his
fresh and riotous candor. But I think tills
very quality is a capital answer to the
Laments of the Sarah Grande and thg
Devereux Blakes that our men are all
writing down to the desires of weak glide,
It is a comfort to think that somebody ggpL
write so that weak girls will not read.. M.
Kipling retains in whatever be does the
1,nen of the barracks The weak girl -
fe mamas= the smell of massar,—%i'yimCrinkle.
The Most Miserable of Mon.
The most wretched man on earth is sate
Bp e a monarch• .,Norodom; King of CI
oa a. $'e has a gorgeous palace furniaAA
a000rding to the most expensive ideas, bat
he adheres to the custom of his ancestor',
and sleeps on an ancient carpet in a kW
of shed that hen not been chtaaed since the
creation. He is a miserable statist to
poohondrie., and all day long he h k
longeigif6 of utter wretchednes4. " k
ah e
i a short,
era 4
ora wlih
p 4�
(Nig." ERA 'r,
1)eaPe:Tonne A lteleax .Psoas 'PO00)
LONaos oApsia A I''VitottE.Atrolie T11
QOOD 1. QP .F or Ii4NQ1sG, Mon.
Itai tr,�vo,'"lllioh., ,7n1yy
23--A despatch
to h local paPer from. Landon, Onb,, con,
corning a former resideet, of this oity, has
created a furore among our people, MAI
Wua. Langley, of 21 Euolid Ave., London
South, was airing the latter years of her
residence here, constantly subject to fits,
whioh the doctors of this city and Detroit
failed to, euro,ttl�,d@Q$stah,rece,�Ygd,!fare
says tfiii1 The Langley r8 now completely
cured. Two months ago the began using
Dodd's Kidney Pills, from the first she
improved, and now io perfectly well. The
natural inference is that her fits were
caused by diseased kidneys, for which there
is no remedy equal to Dodd's Kidney Pills,
The action of the human breath will
corrode aluminum. This was discov-
ed by using the metal as the diaphragm
in the mouthpiece of a telephone.
While loading gravel for W. J. Moore,
near Woodsville, Henry Silverthorne, a
man about 20 years of age, was killed by
the earth caving in on him. When the
dootor reaohed him he found that death
had been instantaneous, his neck being
broken. Deceased was a respeotabl young
man, and his parents live in the, to*nship
of Thorah.
I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma
by Minard's Liniment.
Lot 5, P. E. I, Mks A. LIVINGSTONE
I was cured of a severe attack of rheu-
matism by Minard's Liniment.
Mahone Bay. Josh MADE%
I was cured of a severe sprained leg by
Minard's Liniment.
Bridgewater. JOSHUA WYNACHT.
In making out a pardon, Gov. Brown,
of Kentucky, virtually signed a death
warrant for its recipient, C. T. Taylor,
a convict at Frankfort, who expired
immediately on receiving the papers.
He is supposed to have died of exces-
sive joy.
Mr Geo. A. Williams, the extensive
manufacturer of fruit baskets, Thorold,
writes:—"I suffered very severely from
sick and nervous headaches and billions -
nese for over twelve years and had tried
all the advertised pills, powders, and other
medicines, but obtained very little relief,
until about two years ago I began using
Stark's Powders and since then have been
like a different man and now seldom have
a headache. •If I have any tendency that
wayStark's Powders give immediate relief.'
Price 25 cents a box; sold by all medicine
A vagrant dog that got aboard the
steamship Elbe at Bremen early last
month, came over as stowaway and
was seized by customs inspectors at
New York, as no one paid duty on it, it
was sold at auction. The only bid was
one of 50 cents. In the interim the
stowaway had stowed away over $7
worth of food at Uncle Sam's expense.
A. MoDermid, of Talbotville, and H.
Harris, St. Thomas, charged with cruelty
to animals in pulling their horses against
each other on a bet of $5, were fined $5
and $1.35 each, or $12.70 in all, on Friday.
A telegram from Prof. Saunders, direct-
or of experimental farms. has been receiv-
ed from Brandon dated 19, as follows:—
Most of the grain seen east of Portapiit
Prairie, is short, stunted aa'd weedy.
West:of this_ point •to Brandsir the grain
looks fairly well. Atpresent the general
crop promises to he an average one. The
crops on the experimental farm are good.
Resler there are many blood purifiying
medicines. ,�
There is but one Hoof's Sarsaparilla.
Do not allow high-sounding advertis-
menta or other devices to turn you from
your purpose to take Hood's Sarsaparilla,
because in this purpose you are right and
will not be disappointed in the result.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is an honest medi-
cine, honestly advertised, effects honest
cures, and gives every patron a fair equiva-
lent for his money. What more can you
reasonably ask?
A fair trial guarantees a complete cure.
000NTY of HURON.
Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted
or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections
5 and 6 of the Voters' List Act, the copies requir-
ed by the said sections to be ao transmitted or
delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act,
of all persons appearing by the Iasi revised As-
sessment Roll of said municipality to be entitled
to vote in the said municipality at elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly, and at
Municipal Elections, and that said list was post-
ed up at ;any office, at Londesboro, on the 12th
day of July, 1894, and remains there for inspoo-
tion. Electors aro called upon to examine the
said list, and if any omissions or any other errors
are found therein, to take i ,... sato proceedings
to have the said errors corre.te..aclording to law.
JAMES CAMPI3EL 1, Clerk of Hallett.
Dated this 12th day of July, 1894.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute
in that behalf, that all creditors and others hav-
ing claims against the estatel of Alonzo Hodges
Manning, late of the Town of Clinton, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Solicitor, deceased, who died on o -
about tho 1st day of July, A. D. 1894, at the said
Town of Clinton, are hereby required to deliver
or send by post prepaid, to J. P. Tisdall, Clinton,
Ontario, Banker, the Executor of tho last will of
the said deceased, on or before the 1st day of
September, 1894, their Christian names and Sur-
names, addresses and doscriptions and full parti-
culars of the claims, verified by affidavit, and
immediately after the said 1st day of September,
the said Executor will proceed to distribute the
assets amongel those of whose claims he shall
then have had notice, and he will not :be liable
for the said assets or any part thereof, to any par-
son or persons of whose clainrs,ho shall not then
have received notion.
JAMES SCOTT, Solicitor for said Executor
Dated at Clinton, July 12, 1894.
Take notice that the partnership of Manning
& Scott es Baristers, etc., in the Town of Clinton,
has boon dissolved by the death of A. H. Man-
ning, ono of the members of tho said firm, and
all parties having claims against the said firm
aro requested to send them, and all pe .sons in-
debted to the firm are requested to pay the
amount dao by thorn to the nndereigned.
Take notice that ail poisons indebted to the
late Joseph Chidloy in oonneeticn with the
business of Furniture dealing and Undertaking
carried on by deceased in the town of Clinton,
aro required to pay or settle the amount, dile by
them within two months from this date. Pay-
able to either the undersigned or J. W. Chidloy
MARY Cnrnnmy.
Clinton. 5 July, 1899. DOHS; yExecutors.
In connection en with the foregoing, the business
Will bo carried on as usual by the undersigned,
who hopes to meet the same generous pntron-
agd which han been experienced heretofore.
Josarn W. Crummy.
li."leetjo#Ie in arceee,'
"In Greece elections are ileid in ohprohet
OU Sunday. Ili the church, to which I
suooeedert i gaining access on one::eleotiou
day there were ranged around the walls
fc� 'u' -'res, that being the number of
oentiiti ter to be voted for. These boxes
were about t e eine• and chap• of a oraoke$
box, ona•half painted white, with 'Yen' el;
them, and the other half black, with 'No
en thein, Reside each box stood 9 repre-
sentative of the Candidate, and over the
box was hung the candidate's ppicture. Eplj
voter, as he entered the ohufbh, had his
name registered and a cheek given him.
In passing around the ohnroh the voter is
given a bullet or vote, by the representa-
tive standing bullet,
the box of each can-
didate. Negative votes, as well es a irrit-
ative, mast he cast, that is, if a voter ob-
jects to eandi¢ate he mast cast 0 rreg
a;ivs bttilet. Great care' is exercised bythe
representatives of the candidates that es
Is no ',Offal of the ballot boxer.-ki
York ban*
SEPT. 3 to 15
Exhibits and Attractions Great-
er and Grander than ever.
All ;Entries (Close August 11th.
The best holiday outing of the year.
Cheap Excursions on all Railways.
.1..1. WITJIROW, 11. J. HIL
President. Manager, oronto
Care SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
in 20 miNurea, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay cured also
regulate the bowels. VERY RIDE TO TAKE.
Weakn en
Quickly, !Thoroughly, Forever
by a new perfected- scientific method that
cannot fail unifies the ogee is beyond human
aid. You fee proved the first day, feel
a benefit every day; fsoon know yourself a
king among men in body, mind and heart.
Nerve force, will, energy, brain power,
when failing or lost, are restored by this
treatment. Victims of abuses and excesses
reclaim your manhood! Sufferers from
folly, overwork, early errors, ill health, re-
gain your vigor! Don't despair, even if in
the last stages. Don't be disheartened if
quacks have robbed you. Let us show you
that medical science and business honor
still exist; here go band in hand. Write
for our book with explanations and proofs.
Sent sealed, free. Over 2,000 references.
Erie Medical Co., Buffalo, N.Y.
t July 30
We guarantee Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure any
case of Bright's
Disease Diabetes,
Lumbago,Dropsy, Rheumatism, cart Disese, Female
od or
Sold by allldealuerslin medicinco oryby mailrefunded.
receipt of price, sec. per box, or hix boxes 92.50.
DR. L. A. SMITH & CO., Toronto.
NO I/El '..
,.. O'Il ; O
ot?U wilt and
tlutt i .1611 tib
what uO Other '
soap can Leo, god
wit ZniftelltItlilleity
it is Easy,
Economical to wash with
this soap.
Well worth 75c Eac
For 35c Ea
or3for $1
Bedroom. Suites, Sideboards ,< 8 leen: ions
Tables and Lounges
At-ajbig,reduotion on the regular price, and we are going to give our customers the
benefit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look neat
very little money. Space will not allow us to quote prices, as we have so
.nany different lines, but come and see for yourself what great bargainswe
have to offer you.
Parlor Suites, Centre Tables,.:' -a11 Raoks
Boob Cases. Secretaries, Sed Springs,
And everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want your trade, and ifzGood Goods,
Low Prices and Honest Dealings,is what you want, we will have it. Furniture
to suit everybody.
JOS. CRIDLEY JR.,Fnneral Director and Embalmer. Night Cala Answered
at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry.
Save Your Potatoes
:We have secured the exclusive right forlthis place to sell
ror(the destruction of that pest. Tho Finish ants as a fertilizer for the potato,
thns(accomplishing a double purpose. Ask for it. It is used dry. See circular
and testimonials. Wo have also a supply of
PARIS GREEN To meet the'views of those who don't like to try new things
Now is the time to procure your TURNII' SEED good and cheap. HAY RAKES,
and Black. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED for Cash or Trade.
1 i
Huron Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to bo of first-class material and workmanship.
I you want a good article at tbo price of a poor olio, call and sec Us.
F. RAT IES L L --' (�Ll'NTCI►N