HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-07-27, Page 5wedding Frew.elts which may be initiated into service vthile the newly wedded 'couple are on the wing, are always very acceptable, and their asssciation with the periods of the happy honeymoon, endear them to the possessor of life. We have hi stock all the fashionable Silver travelling conveniences. —Toilet Sets —Manicure Seta —Stationery Sete —Jewel Oases —Powder Boxes —Hairpin Boxes —Hand Mirrors —Belts (Ladies) —Pen Knives. RUM -BALL' S ' McKay Block, Clinton. Good general Servant wanted. Apply to Mrs J. B. Rumball IMPORTANT 1 Malvina ICreara i Vinolia Dentifice Our Blood Building Pills For the removal of Tan, Sunburn, Freckles, &c , use Warranted to beautify the complexion and preserve the smoothness of the skin Colognes, Lavanders, Perfumes and all Toilet Preparations. Are also unequalled for adding a healthy glow to the complexion. Sold only by STATIONERY and SCHOOL BOOKS Oa B Pea Flo, •.er ba1 Bu B4Bs doz Pots Hay, w and Old Hides, ' . 1 trimmed Bheee ' s Wool i'iLINTON MARKETS meted every Thursday afternoon' Thursday, July 26, 1894. tall 0 55 a 0 58 085a036 035a040 052 a 055 380 013 a 014 0 7 a 0 8 035a040 503 a 700 200 a 250 025 a 075 0 15,a 0 17 Telephone No. 49. ONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There wore about 500 head of butchers' cattle 130 calves and 300 sheep and lambs offered ai the East End Abattoir. The demand for cattle was very dull and prices rather lower than the very low figures of Thursday's market; espe- cially was this the oaso with oommon and info- rior stock. A few head of the best cattle sold at about 310 per Ib, with pretty good stock at from 31c to 310 do; common dry cows and rough steers sold at about 30, and the leaner beasts sold down to about 2e per lb. It is probable that a considerable number will have to bo held over for another market. A superior calf was bought for $10, and several others at about $7 each; 37 lambs sold at from $3.35 to $3.753each, $ common lambs sold at from $2.25 to each, 3 and sheep at from 3o to c per lb. Fat hogs aro advancing in price fed hogs selling at from ears bring about 3 and just come off the THIS Ti YOUR COLDEN OPPORTUN1T' WHITE UNDERWEAR is now right in season, and as we are goin- ou t of these goods 'altogether, we are going to almost give the balance of our stock away. Look at these prices: IRON BLOOD PILLS Beautiful, Night Dresses, regular p rice $1.75, cut price $1 15 g90 4nQther Style of Night dress, price $1.35, now �- - Stylish Chemise, regular price 35e, now 22 1 now 73 Another Beautiful make of these goods, regular price$ , Ano and 69 better line at 39c - - - Ladies Drawers 29c,, n White Skirts, regular price 90 cents,no,�. ogoig at 64 of White Skirts, regular make price 75 cents, now 48 Corset Covers beautifully wade and trimmed, were OOc., now 36now 53 `• Another make better trimmed, regular price 75 cents, Come while the selection can be had and the sizesar. e still unbroken, as they are bound to go at these prices. Another . . all our Fast Colored Challies, � Eye Openerr worth 10 cents, now for 5 cents If you look to your interest you will not: allow this chance to pass you aILROY 45c. WTSEIVL&l' CLINTON Don't corfu€e these with the common Iron Pills. They are a direct food dor the blood. These pills will change the pale and sallow complexion of debility into the ruddy glow of health. Put up in round wood boxes with red label. 25c per box or five boxes for 81. Fut up only by JAMES H. COMBE CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIAN'S SUPz'I IES, ETC B;_We carrythe largest stock of Drues in the County 9U iuron. • �r • -*:SAI.E G4NTINUED the ast; FOSTER The successful sale which we, have had during p , month,will be continued during the month of July, as wet lines et to clear. We have sold. we y have a great many during the past month a large amount of goods. STILL WE HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS THAT MUST AND WILL BE SOLD. ry must allgo. We have decided not to carry over They this will be positively sold any goods season, and they FOR COST AND UNDER. ' We have Table loaded with Bargains, suchg as you =Aver saw before. thegoods,theyare marked in plain figures Come and see _ note no rices as and you can see for yoursel v�es. W e q p we have not spape a to mention all the bargains we have, p � tell byseeingprices Without and further, people cannot to , in theu considering quality. Everything is embraced wayof Bargains; nothing i`withheld; the whole stock g is for sale at Cost Prices PLUMWIEEL & GIEBINOS, mutton Leave your oidor$ quick for those i'ho?b to'e you intend send ing to your friend ) fi Is the lever that keeps trade humming during midsummer. Do you know that we are selling Beautiful Delainette Print Fast Colors, Newest Designs, this season's goods For 10 Cents a Yard. A few pieces A 13.TEEN PRINTS 15c of r of Fine PARASOLS; HOSIERY, GLOVES and' SHOES AT PRICES TO CLEAR We want good daily packed BUTTER and will pa Highest going Price in Cash. ;.. L. OUIMET W. CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO