Clinton New Era, 1894-07-20, Page 711O4LPERS.l VE -. ' I.1. ,I:,JNERS SNOW BALLWAGON COESTCEORGEONT This is one of the bbt Farm Wag one'ruaqu- lectured, having been on the market or 60 years, and being_very strongly built, While at, the same time adapted to all kiedd of wokk, -,addle noted for its lightness of draft and'easy running.' Those Who have used them will use no other, while the price at which it Is sold is no more than would be paid for an inferior article. The undersigned to sole agent for this neighborhood, and the wag Sen may bet inspected at any time at his shop OLIVER JOHNSTON,. BLACKSMITH ISAAC STREET, : CLINTON WASHINti• MACHINES, Mr B. (Jo1es manufacturing for:sale a Patent Welshing Machine called the ' Magic Washer" Which is offered at a be seen at his residence, very low They can harm street. B. COLE. Clinton. LIVE HOGS WANTED—Live Hoge from 150 to 200 Pounds. D. CANTELON, Clinton Benmiller Nursery $gnpS. C ty giddier*, :' Shop SMITH'S BLOCK, OFPOI'1'B Win FQ8T OFInICE, OLE TbN The underetgned having opened out in the Smits} Block, desires to statelthat he will keep on hand. the very choicest ilieate. 'Having no ex- henseoytside of himself,l;eis in a position to sell at the very closest prices. He will at all times be prepared to pay the highest market pride for Export Cattle. LIV HOGS. always wanted 'for export. Give him a call. ROBT. FITZSIMONS FRUIT TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mai/toil/be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART, — Bonmillsr. THE CLINTON NEW ERA. f�yiust and Deception .. MQDERN T> 4.EsGi2PRq. Tho Oreit,rropres;• made in the /41.t»NCae. tura of Instrititlents.. soul 20, 1804, tI 4)7b.L'ed • T . as informal aiidrese bd.firre the Poston Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS : CHANGE. The undersigned desires to lihtimate that he e bought out the interest of Mr Couch, in the b teheringg..p1iusin,ess lately ,paryiedi ooi der th yte of FORD'& coup , -"HP w11nt same et the old stand, and trate. py giving the, oloweet and most careful attention to the busi- nese Straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly. filled • JAMES A. rem). • Central Butcher Shop Bubsoriberdesires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and at thepsame time to say that he is now in a bet As hes position s per onal to'ever supply the to all the detai e of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily 1111ed. Hie motto is "good meat at reasonable prices; Choice Sausage, Poultry, &o., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCR1TTON, Albert St., Clinton. Flour and Feed Stores Flour, Feed & Seed Store Paige's Celery Cempoand .Cured Mrs Geo, H: Parker, itona, Oat., After Every Other Medicine Failed. The undersigned having formed a partnership desire to intimate that they wail, keep on hang the very best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the ohoiceet variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold, at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. They will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS which eon - sinners will find to be excellent value. HILL & PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON. J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF -GOODS- K--FP1--iu-STOCK- w ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid, Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store, OPPOSITE TOWN BALL DO itOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow 7 A Splendid Ch'tirn, or anything of like natttre 7 Then call onlW. SMITI'ISON, a shop, No.7 Fretdertck St., or E. 15insley Will be atlDinetbbre cornerevetV Saturday afternoon, __ PUMPS �..,..,_: PUMPS If you want a first-class, well -made pump, one tur order t o a the llunde ea undou ersigned. He swill send dig and clean hanldlesa firit st-cls sFOthe RCEBt PUMPe Ho also JAMES FERGUSON Opposite Queen's Hotel - High Street, Clinton Clinton Planing Mill 000K'S FIouriFeed Sto DRY KILN! the stbscriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing the moat skilled work- men is able to do work in his line in the most eatisfaotory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notice. A. trial solicited FACTORY NEAR G.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOS. MCKENZIE Deceptive and Worthless Medicines Gave No Help or Relief. A Warnini That 011 Shall Hoed. The People of Canada can hardly have better or stronger proof of the, great valve of Paine's Celery Compound, and its power over disease and suffering, than is furnished in the testimony of Mrs Goe. H. Parker, of Winona, Ont. This strong and convincing testimony holds up the danger signal of warning to all afflicted ones. It shows the folly of using any of the many boasted medicines now so freely advertised. The majoirity of these worthless nostrums had been tried by Mre Parker, but all proved useless and deceptive. How different the result when that medicine of troth and power was used—Paine's Celery Compound. The pains, sufferings, agonies and miseries of eighteen years were swept away, and the afflicted lady was completely oared. Mrs Parker, who now enjoys the blessing of health, writes as follows:— "I have been a great sufferer from neur- algia for nearly eighteen years; these suffer- ings at times were so bad that words would fail to describe them. After having tried every known remedy, and different physici- ans, and receiving no help, I was persuaded to try your Paine'e Celery Compound, which I have been using for the past four months. I am happy to say that I'am now a different woman and completely cnred. I can recommend Paine's Celery Com- pound to all my friends, for it has been worth hundreds of dollars to me." Mr G. W. Spackman, one„of Hamilton's prominent druggists says:— re"This is to certify that Mrs Parker, of Winona, has, during the past four months, purohased one dozen bottles of Celery Componnd, and claims that it has been B RAN & SHORTS worth hundreds of dollars to her" Scientific) $ooiety Mr, Alvau 0. Clark, the famous telescope maker, spoke of the tele- scopes of the earlier aatr4nomers, among them that of Galileo, who was the firat one to apply this instrument to celestial ob- servation, allowing some of the difficulties tinder which the earlier opticians labored. The difficulty lay in the fact that in its passage throughthe lens the light of the eters becomes separated into the different eaters of which light • is composed, and soh of these colors Domes to a different toms within the telescope tube. This results in confusion and injury to the image. The first step was the invention of the reflecting telescope, different forms of whioh were tmrhe manufacture e of ade bwdhiohedelicaterent onp, on oesees were undergone, and with which some remarkable results were aohieved. Mr. Clark explained the moans whereby the other opticians tried to avoid this dis- persion of light by means of long tubes, and paid tribute to Dolland, the English optician, who first gave to the world the aohromatio objeotive. In this combination of lenses the imperfection of the image is eliminated to a large degree by the nee of a eeoond lane, tho imperfections of which are equal in amount to those of the first lone, but opposite in quality or direction. Mr. Clark reviewed briefly the story of the increase in eize of the telescopes, a story pf exceeding interest, elne thin in- crease has come to ns mainly through the efforts and efficient work of the firm of which he is now the pole remaining mem- ber. The aperture of fifteen inches was for many years the maximum, but of late years, with increased faoilitiee for the msnufaoture of large discs and experience In the handling of the same, the aperture of telescopes has .been rapidly increased, until we have now the great Lick telescope of thirty-six inches and the still larger lenses of forty inches diameter, upon which he is now at work. This inoreaeq, in aperture, in connection with the sharp - nese of definition, whish by the care of the optician of these days is possible, give' great opportunity for the use of high mag- nifying powers, and it is estimated that the Lick telescope is capable of showing at least one hundred million stars. Mr. Clark's address dwelt briefly upon the manufacture of the glass, the oareful methods of shaping the lenses, the elimi- nation of the spectrum colors and many other points of interest, showing that the work of the lensmaker demands not only great and delicate mechani- cal skill, but also artistio feeling of high orde''r. In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL RINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS The Molsons Bank. lncorperatekbYAct of Parliameniyy 186b. CAPITAL, $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,175,000 • HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS..... General Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and Bold -at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on 5iepopitti• 10' A>4Nti6:11444 Money advanced to fakmes on their own note with one or more endorsors. No mortgage re- quired as security it. C. BREWER, Manager. 61E0. D. McTA(GART. ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best awe Mill Dog in use. Agent forthesaleand spelt. cation of the tar -FISHER PATENT AvTOMATto BOILER OLIANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on ehartnotice Boilers. Engines, and all kinds o machinery repaired expeditiously and in FE satisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured' and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Kilos fitted tt doupt oe. n application Charges BALKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. City BAKERY OPP ITE FAIR'S MILL. A general Banking Business tI ansacted NOTES .DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. The undersigned having bought out the bakery bueinesa so successfully carried on by Mr Win. Young will oontinue the business at the old stand He will endeavor, by supplying a first plass arti- cle, to morit the liberal Support of the people Bread delivered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notice. 71M.. BECti'WI1H, CLINTON FARRA.N & TISDALL BANKERS, OLIN TON. ONT Erastus Wiman is out on $50,000 bail. Pendergast, the murderer of Mayor Harrison, Chicago, was hanged on Fri- day. John Rutherford, a Beverly farmer, was gored to death by a•bull, on Fri- day. James Crawford was caught by a pulley in Gilles' saw mill, St George, on Friday, whirled around twice and killed. In 1855 extremely cold weather pre- vailed in the United States., --Mercury froze and forest trees were killed by the frost. The summer of the year 806 witness- ed so much rain in Scotland that all the crops failed and:the people perish- ed of tamine by thousands. A window cord is an excellent baro - met s:. When it tightens, the reason is found in the fact that the air is full of moisture, and rain is probable. Advances made to farmers on their own note's at low rates Of interest. general tanking Business traneaotee 1nte'•e• allowed on deposits. Ile Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage THE COILED SPRING Wove`Wilre Fencing. Meagre Stanley and Steep are agents for the above fence, which is claimed to be the best fencing wire manufactured of the kind STANLEY & STEEP, Clinton SERVE E BEANS NERVE BEANS aro a new tie. emu that euro tubo worst ewe of Mencius Debility Lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; reams the weakness ot body or mind oausod by over.wo or the errors Or ev ceases of you�h. inns ltemeOy ab solute Dares $but most obstinate cases whoa all other rasA Ts have llfailed e9ento Zelleve. 5olldbydnig• ail ons -Aloe by addressingoTOHEJ DAMN$ MEDy ICINE �:'foronee,oat. . 'Writarorpemphlp;• 'Sold w— sold by Sas. ,H. Con be. S. P. SMITH, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He writes: " For eight years, I was, most of the tirno, a great sufferer from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and indiges- tion, so that my constitution seemed to he completely broken down. I was induced 10 try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con- dition, and, in all their functiet.s, ar regular a9 clock -work. At C.a timo I began taking Ayer's SarsaD.Irilla, my weight was only 129 pounds; I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good health. If you could sec me be- fore and after usinv, you would wans mo for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to bo the hest in the market to -day." Aye 's Sarsapar UUa Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Curer) others,wUii care 1ck1 Consider Arcturus. Arotnrus is the brightest of the *red eters visible just now. In round numbers its distance from this planet of ours is 19,- 000,000,000,000 miles, or 11,500,000 times the real distance of the Bun. As to radi- ating power Arcturus is equal to 5,198 such suns as onrS is; its diameter is esti- mated at 62,850,000 miles. When one ponders on these things and looks at that twinkling point far away in space what reeks he of coal strikes or the failure of the strawberry crop? THE STEWART CAS OM lia1 ,iiiiMO ur customers who have helped na .te..make our last year the hest in the htaiory 0 the firm, we tender our host thanks, and aspire them we will will afore no efforts to not only retain their trade, but to give them even better value for their money or produce than heretofore. We have just closed the purohaselot t To o ONE CAR LOAD OF SUGAR Direct from Redpath's refinery (without doubt the beat Sugar produced in Canada) which we will sell by the dollars worth or by the barrel at prices that cannot be beaten. TEAS, COFFEES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS Andleverything pertaining to a first-class trade as low as the lowest. We believe we are within the mark, when we say our BLACK TEA at f,OC a lb. beats the town. We have `had a large sale of CROCKERY lately which has diminished our stook somewhat, but have a nine aesortment arriving whioh we will be pleased to show intending purchasers. Call and get prices before buying. 11IC11IIJRRA.Y & WILTSE, NearPostOfce—CENTRAL GROCERY--Tolepho e 40 FI RST -CLASS Watch and Clock Repairing The undersigned has opened a repair shop in the south window of J. JACKSON'S SHOE STORE, ALBERT STREET Having learned the trade with one of the best watch makers of the Dominion, Mr. A • Kleiner, of Toronto, and being experienced in the most difficult work; he is therefore prepared to undertake the repairing of all kinds of Watches and Clocks to the.eintire , satisfaction of all who may favor him with their patronage. Charges Moderate HORACE JACKSON, - - CLINTON Elms Sizingiilloarat1411,41solotuClotielmo MR STEWART PAYS A VISIT TO PICTOII—CON- GRATIILATED BY HIS MANY FRIENDS loN His RESTORATION TO HEALTH. U}8jj =,Y,t PICrou, N.S.. July 16— an lima news some- times travels as fast as bad news, which is proverbially fast. Many people here knew that Mr Allan Stewart, of Springton, P. E. I. had been for many years afflicted with• kidney disease and gravel. It was known, tco, that public opinion pnt him down as likely to die soon. Mr Stewart fooled public opinion though, for he began using Dodd's Kidney Pills and ten boxes of them completely cured him. When he paid a flying visit to this city a few days ago, he received many hearty congrittulatione on his restoration to health and improved ap- pearance. Dodd's Kidney Pills have never yet failed to cure in this part of the Dom- inion, We offer Lull lines of Soriibbing Brushes, Stove Brushes, shoe Brushes, Whitewash Br'tehee,•Self-wringing Mops and Mop handles, Patent Brooms, &o., Whiting, Pearline, Sapolio, Washing Soda and 'P4 ashing Crystal. SOAPg—Sunlight, Sunbeam, Home Sweet Home, Surprise, Wide Awake, N. P,v 4 Victor, O.J Eleotrio, Dingman's, Amonia, Niagara, Standard, Century Sea TOILET SO., PS—Pure White Castile and Oatmeal Bars, Heliotrope, Baby's Own, Home Comfort, Carbolic, Tar, Sulphur, Master Mechanics will remove bar and grease from the hands. CROCKERY—During April we offer Toilet Sete, Dinner and Tea seta at greatly re- duced prices for cash. Wit cannot be excelled in the quality and flavor of our TEAS, either in Black, Green or Jane. Special cuts in Teas and Sugars in quantities. Cann- ed goods, Pickles, Spices. Hance, Bacon, Lard, Cottolene, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Flaked Peas, Flaked Hominy. We contle.Zr to offer special inducements to cash purchasers A wind moving at forty miles an hour exercises a pressure of nine pounds to the square foot.; at 100 miles, of fifty-six pounds. Minard's Liniment Cures LaGrippe. In 1544 the winter was so severe in Europe that in Flanders wine was frozen and was cut in blocks and sold by weight. Minard's Liniment ie the best. Umbrelly-Openartg Made Easy. Of late years we have seen a great vara• ety of designs and colors in umbrellas, but as yet nothing has been invented to improve the opening and shutting of this every -day article. Now, would not a great improvement be effected by fitting a wire spring from the top of the handle down to the socket where the ribs meet, eo that if it were pressed by the thumb it would draw np and open the umbrella? This would help one out of a difficulty which one is often placed in, when he or she has only one hand at liberty to open one's "gawp." 6161111.6.414 Mrt+A,Y _ N. ROBSOT, - Clinton. CALATIvo. Sash, Door & Blld Factory Why Has no Ono Thought of It? What is particularly wanted at the pre- sent day, especially since we aro now threatened with ,the woman cyclist, is a bicycle ao constructed that its motive power is increased by the rider keeping in an upright position, and retarded by the rider keeping the Bioo-Scoroheroea posi- tion now in vogue. Again, bicycle riders want a handy lamp -extinguisher, which might consist of a little wire at the bottom of the lamp so that the extinguisher would fall over the wick, and when not in use a small spring would hold it at the top of the lamp, keeping it from vibrating. 0 V : • : S. S. COOPER, Proprietor : : Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to (my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me., We. prepare plane and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stock all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. S. COOPER, Clinton Ile Believes in Dreams. "I never took any stook in dreams," said J. L. Santer, of Lexington, Mo., "but from recent experiences I am inclined to believe that there is something in the mysteries of sleep after all. About two months ago my wife informed me that she had dreamed of a marriage and that it was a sure sign of death. Two days afterwards my grand- father was killed by a train at Omaha. Following this rep, my better half warned me to look after my financial interests, as she dreamed I was being treated for hys- terics. To dream that I was being treated for anything, she informed me, was a never failing sign that I would suffer a financial loss. In less than a week came the Sedalia Bank calamity, and I am out $2,000. Just before I left home I acci- dentally broke a looking -glass. Now I am told that I will have coven years of trouble. It has not materialized, but I expect to receive a telegram before morning inform- ing me that my boy has been drowned in the river, my house has been destroyed by fire, Or that something else equally as hor- rible has ocohrred.'',-St. Loth Republic.ct Varicocele, Irttissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, (sleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, •• Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by Tile Kew JjIetitot1 TreatmoDte g I IoRterfal DiscoYerq 12EJ"You can Deposit the Money in Your Bank or with Your Postmaster to be paid us after you are CURED under a written Guarantee! Selt Abuse, Excesses and Blood Diseases havo wrecked the lives y s of thouaa office, o young e p men and middle aged men, • The farm, the workshop, the profes- sions—all have its victims. Young man, if you have been indiscreet, beware oi! the future. Middle aged men, yon are growing prematurely weak and old, both sexnally and physically. Consult us before too late. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confidential. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. W. B. COLLINS. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw. Speaks. W. S. COLLINS. .._ moi.•, "I am 29. At 15 I learned a bad habit which I contin- ued till 19. I then became "one of the boys" and led a II gay life. Exposure produced Syphilis. I becamo nerv- ous and despondent; no ambition; memory poor; eyes red, sunken and blur; pimples on face; hair loose, bone pains; weak back; varicocele; dreams and losses at night; weak arts; deposit in urine oto. I spent hun- dreds of dollars without help, and was contemplating suicide when a friend recommended Dre. Kennedy & Ker 's New Method Treatment. Thank God I tried it. In two months I was cared. Thia was six years ago, and never had a return. Was married two 1J REFoan TREATId'Tyears aggan before giving up hope."o and all hap. Boys, try Dre. Kennedy da Kor- masa 'T S. A. TONTON. Seminal Weakness, Impotency and S. A. TONTON. Varicocele Cured. �� 11 "'Men I consulted Drs. Kennedy & Hargan, I hid p• �� little hope. I was surprised. Their new Method Treat- •t ment improved me the first week. Emiestons ceased, 1 t fir, nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grow in s ' again, eyes became bright, cheerful in company and strong sexually. Having tried many Quacks, I can heartily recommend Drs. Kennedy & Kergan as reliable Specialists. They treated mo honorably and skillfully. errue TREATM'T. IIEFOIlE TIlEATM''j T. P. EMERSON. A Nervous Wreck—A Happy Life. T. P. EMERSON. T. P. Emersoo-Hes a Narrow Escape. o r 4 1 "I live on the farm. At school I learned ' habit, which weakened me physically, sexually an early h ., '^ mentally. Family Doctore said I was going and into, ti `" decline" (Consumption). Finally Tho Golden Monitor," edited by Dre. Kennedy & Kergan fell in- .t. 74,, to my hands. I learned the Truth and Cause. Self Rbnee had sapped my vitality. I took the New Method Treatment and was cured. My friends think I • i l was cured of Consumption. I have sent them many ' % �+ }t , tlj ppa�tients all of whom were cored. Their New l ' "I • Method Treatment supplies vigor, vitality and man- A�8 imt TaFaTDiEirl. BEFORE TREATiI'T. hood." READER ! Are yon a viotim7 Have yon lost hope? Aro yon contemplating mar- ringo? , Hos your Blood been dieeaeod? IInvo yon any weakneas7 Onr New Method Treatment will cure yon. What it has done for others it will do for you. f.".7'CTRE1 EA 3-tT .A.NXMII.*TS OR NO 30.dr:Y 16 Years in Detroit, 160,000 Cured. No Risk. COnsultatlon Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Fred of charge. Chargee reasonable. Books Free -e "Tho Golden Monitor" (Ulna. trated , on Diseases of men. Inclose.Ipoutage 2 conte. Soaled� So �'-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI• VATS. No medicine sent C. O. O. No names on boxes or O�nrise�I-. men . Everything confidenttai. Question list and cost of Treat - KENNEDY 8� KERGA II' NDETROIT MILHT. DRS 1441,,{',`L.i.t11(j� 1.6 G .u. -(t TL 14