Clinton New Era, 1894-07-20, Page 6.I rlly 20. J;44 4 Ma xx`.. as ,:: A COON!olALL MIRACLE! AJ.ieted rfliM lY itesto,xed. • to .Health, 02445 Ois 0$ Atha S.tattritsa, TI;ix AROToliarZObt TO Heen'ea R>riovr--.A.Praia REo reit Or Pr9m the oornwa118tantlsrd, There Ie no longer reason .to, seek far for Dreg of themiraculous curve effected by this nee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. We have heard of numerous marvellous cures , fo1191Ving the use of this wonderful medioine and have been euoosssful in obtaining the facie. of one of them. Mr Andrew Bowen, an employe o! the . Canada Cotton Mill, was takken ill about three years ago, and compelled to give ap hie position and cease work .entirely. Re was .suffering from "rhearnatism which was followed by a cone- pPl;ioation of diseases, and in a few months Peoatne a;helpless cripple. His wife be- came thoroughly worn out through waiting "qts him and in a short time also became an invalid, and their plight was most piti- able indeed. They secured the best Medi. cal advice within their reach, spending a large amount' of money in medioinea which failed to give them any permanent relief. --- This went on for nearly three years ana during that period they suffered untold agonies. The above is similiarized from the state- ment made by Mr and Mrs Bowen to Stan. dard'represontatfve. We will give the re- mainder of the story in Mr Bowen's own words. He said: "We were both terribly d `completely disoouraged at seeing dollir after dollar go for medicine thatadid not seem to do us any good. We had about given up all hope of ever getting Wellagain, when my attention was called , to a'wonderful cure effeoted by 'Dr Wil- liarn's. Pink` Piffle. I had nearly lost all faith in medicines, and had made up my mind that my wife and myself were past human aid and would have to endure our suffering; "We were repeatedly urged by friend to try the Williams' Pink Pills, and ht last consented. After taking a couple of boxes we did not see any noticeable ben- efit and were 'about to give them up, but Were urged to persevere with them and did Bo. When my wife had taken the fifth box she began to feel a decided improvement in her health and I decided to keep on taking them. The seventh box marked the turn- ing point in my case, and I have continued to improve ever since,and to-day,as you•see the are both enjoying excellent health, al- most as good as we ever did. Many times I have thought we would never brave been well:again and I cannot tell you how glad I am that we tried Dr. William's Great med. icing. I am now able to do a good day's work without feeling the least bit tired, and my wife can perform her household work without an effort. consider that I have received hundreds oi: dollars value for the few dollars epe9t•dn Pink Pills. We always keep them" in the house now, al- thea havSe do not need to use them, but thin it is safer• to have them on hand in lila they should be required. r Williams' Pink Pills are a specific r all diseases arising from an impover. • ished condition of the blood or a shattered condition of the nervous forces, such as St. Vitus dance, locomotor ataxia, rheuma- tism, paralysis, sciatica, the after effects of La Grippe, loss of appetite, headache, diz- ciness, chronic erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correcting irregularities, suppressions and. all forms of female weakness, building anew the blood and restoring the glow of health to.paiaand sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical aar"i8"iii'afii-oheles" arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of any nature. Dr.. Williams' Pills are manufactured by r the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing their trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com- , pany, from either address. • Cseet--How was BRotla T Fiera, The Lincoln Paper Mills at Merrit- ton were destroyed by fire Thursday. Loss, $47,000. John Bateman, a retired farmer of Madoc fell from a chair and broke his • neck Thursday. Eugene Lemey, the fourteen -year- old son of the Mayor of Sault au Re- • collet, 'was drowned Thursday. The "Glorious Twelfth" was cele- brated in all portions of the Dominion with unusual enthusiasm, and the pro- ceedings were unmarred by accident. RELIEF ne S1x Nouns.—Distressing .Kid nay and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "NEw GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN SIDNEY CURE." This new remedy is a great surprise andrdelight to physicians on account of its exceeaing promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., add ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists. The Princess of Wales is colonel of a Danish regiment of cavalry, the Duch- ess of Sae-Oobourg-Gotha colonel of a Prussian regiment of grenadiers and of a Russian dragoon regiment, and the Duchess of Connaught is commander of a regiment of Prussian infantry. The Empress of Russia is colonel -in - chief of four regiments. Stark's Powders, each package of which contains two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an immediato relief for Sick Headache and Stomaob, also Neuralgia, and all kinds of nervous pains, and -another in capsules, (from to ; of one is an ordinary dose) which acts cn the Bowels, Liver and Stomach, forming a asever failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach complaints. They do not, as most pills and so many other medicines do, Iose their effect or produce after eon. • satiation, and are nice to take. '25 cents a box, at all medicine dealers. The minister who officiated at the funeral of Edgar Allen Poe, the poet, is still living. Poe is buried in the old Westminieter churchyard, at the corn- er of Payette and Green streets, in Baltimore, and of the people who wit- xlessed the burial in October, 1849, only thee are still living, amomg whom is thh officiating. clergyman Rev. T:W.D. Clem, Mr Doe's first wife. Virginia Clem, was cousin of the reverend gentleman. [lend me $5 "worth of William's Royal Beiziedy and Pills to Winnipeg. I used several bottles when in Seaforth, and know ' the good of it."� P..� yrratieMMER, Winnipeg, Manager of Northwest Catholic Review. Children Cryfor ,Pk'kcher''s Caetoria NOTHING STRANGE. Intelligent people, who realize the line portant part the bleed holds in keeping the body in a normal condition, find nothing strange in the number of dieeitses Rood's Sarsaparilla is able to oure. • So many troubles result front impure blood, the beat way to treat them is through the blood. Hood'a Pills are the beat after-dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent oonetipation. wri t -n U vl3RY Wg1tK 'Jivers Devices That Win gave' a Great Deal of Trouble. Every laundress fancies she has her own best way of doing things, said a .veteran housekeeper, but during a long life of experiment I have learned a few easy ways of doing things, In the first place, I have learned that it saves work end clothes and time and trouble to put illy washing to soak the evening or the .lay before. It is but little work in the Morning to prepare a ggantity of hot water for this purpose, II melt about a Car of soap and add about a pint of naphtha to it and a gallon of water. 'these are thoroughly beaten, and with this all the soiled portions of the Clothes .are rubbed. The pieces are thou rolled tightly and packed iu the tub until all :viae gone over, The towels, especially those used about the kitollen or those - that ere much soiled, are put into a sep- arate basin after having been saturated vitt .this preparation. 1 fill the tub up with water as warns as the hand can be borne in it,cover it with a thick cloth and kit it stand until tae next day. It rarely occupies me more than half an hour to this prelituinary work,. Next morning the least soiled pieces ire rubbed out with a very little labor ,ltd thrown into a suds as hot as can be 'twilled. They are then washed light:y hrough and put iuto a boiler of hotliug water it which a pint of the same pre - ration as that used for soaking the lothea has been put. I never leave hem in the boil over a minute, but the voter must be not merely scalding but oiling. They are then taken out and Itorougsly rinsed in two waters and wrung as little as possible and put upon he line. 1 have touud it desirable to ave a piece of white oilcloth in the „atom of any clothes basket to prevent to water from t e clothes running ,rough, as they are dripping sometimes lieu hung out. 1 Lind that they are inch whiter and have that ,ielightful dor of cleanliness which is the Most xquisite of all perfumes. I think that ug boiling makes outlies yellow, and e•tainly it does not remove spots or aim it is well worth while, if one 1i do so, to put clot ea on Inc grass ah as spring. It clears them o‘,t and ,ens to freshen them up for the w„Die+ p c b t It tl 11 w n (1 e lu et SI 4 se 8048011. A great secret in ironing skirls 18 to let ttteni be perfectly dry before they are starched When t,iey are quite dry. rub them well into stiff cold „'iter starch, being particular as to its getting, well into every told of the linen ; then wring them tightly by hand (the machine wringer would get out too much „f the starch) ; then either iron them at once or leave them fur a c,,uple of hours or so wrapped up iu a da nip cloth. Du not dry t nein after the stsrcn is put in before you iron thein. 1, you wish an extra gloss, after they have teen ironed once rub the front. collar,, and cuffs lightly over wih just moistened white castiie soap and iron them all over again with gio.si11e iron, if you have one, or with an ordinary, rather heavy iron, pressing it Well on the material. eForabli cold, water starch unix a table• spo,ml'ul of ,cline starOh iv i'li 'ii cold water, ,roil uta it with the finger, to, get it luPi•feetly snlootlt and hr1112 ,ery careful to remove any—e,en Inn sligeteat—epic, lV ieU this is gee su,uotl,, stir mei it enough cold wat,•i .0 haul till huogether a ti•dcnplu of w:r,.r a td four atop., of tail each,,:. 1 e i d,s- sulve u 5111x,1 hits, echo,, nn:(u1 u, „ ,” ; e int a Very lit tie boiling water and stir it ail lute rite starch, stirring it tis, ,.u.1 before using it. If a larger quieltity of suuob is required, all the iigredi,'its tire iucreaseu iu proportion , xceptiug the turpentine, of trInch ohly two drops are added to each cupful of water after the first. But remember that the borax must in any case be tiwr„nghly dissolv- ed 1 efore the starch is used, or there is a chalice of its discoloring the , New Yen. Mail and Express, The Best Medicine. J. 0. WILSON, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, thus speaks of Ayer's Pills: "Ayer's Pills aro the best medicine I ever tried; and, in my judgment, no better general remedy could be devised. I havo used them in my family and recommended them to my friends 5nd employes for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the following complaints have been completely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, siclt'headache, rheumatism, flux, dys. pepsin, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer's Plato, continued for a few clays or weeks, as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I have named above.” "I have beon selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold." --J. J. Perry, Spottsylvania 0. H., Va. AYER'S P1LLS ?tapered by Dr. J.O. Ayer&Oo.,Lowell, Maas. Every base Effective ru A,.n.e a.,,,,u, It may bosafely said that no speolineti ' Liillam the lber of flexiibile candstu1A011 hi n u vt,11 li 1 can he belle with lees pressure bleu that required to bend ' a piece of wet leather of the stone size, In an article upon l t,te suttject iU the Mineral Culleeter we are told titu1•'4wlteu a titin &floe of the mune is Ioukdd at under a leus by trans.. united light the fragments are seen to ire looked together like the parts of a sectional puzzle toy, fixed, but Dili loosely. the simplest way of explaining how hila stone was formed is' to say that the grains of sand were once cemented firmly together • by another material, which has been partly dissolved, leaving tiountleese natural call -laid socket joints of jagged shape behind." Adam and Eve, A Jewish rabli says the first marriage turned out so badly that tee only reason Adam and Eve were not divorced was that uo other man could be found for leer to marry. I was oured of Bronchitic and Asthma by Minard's Liniment, Lot 5, P. E. I. MRs A. LIVINCilisin)'E I was cured of a severe attack of rheu. Tinian m by Minard's Liniment. Mahone Bay. • JOHN MADIER. I wan cured of a severe sprained leg by Minard's Liniment. Bridgewater, JOSHUA WYNACHT. • WEATHER WISDOM, On January 13, 1810, quicksilver froze hard at Moscow. The mean temperature of the whole• earth is about 50 degrees, The earliest snow ever known in England was on October 7, 1829. In 1775 hailstones said to weigh twenty ounces fell at Murices in Spain. The average annual rainfall over the whole earth is thirty-six inches. In 1035 there was a frost in England, July 1, that destroyed nearly all the vegetation. The heaviest rainfall is near the equator; and diminishes -steadily as the latitude rises. I fellrthe in Englandar , and 40,0 003 people of died of famine. Every civilized nation of the world, even China and Japan, now has a weather bureau. When soda crackers are damp, as though water -soaked, the indications are favorable for rain. Sun spots, now believed to haye an effect onatneteorological phenomena, were first observed in 1611. When pigs are seen carrying straw in their mouths, the omen is favorable for a change of weather. The coldest place in the world 'is Yakutch, Russia; the thermometer sometimes falls to 73 degrees below zero. • Postmaster, Bron �b ifle, di `d " n th'�at town. Friday, The Gi ebe correspondent hi Winnir peg wires that the Prop prospects are better than they bare been •since.1887, The report exonerating Mr Turcotte, wasMltd adopted breach night Parliament a vote of 82 to 53. C. W. Coulson, said to have been a resident of Toronta at one time, has been arrested at Bangor, N. Y., on the charge of arnuggling opium. From 2,000 to 5,000 Poles in Buffalo called on the Mayor Friday, asking for assistance to get back to their own County. They are in great distress, HOW TO GET A 80NLIGHT Send 25"Sunlight" Boa wrappers wrap- per bearing Wom- an Look Old Sconer Than & Man")to LEVER Biwa., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your' home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if yon leave the ends open. Write your address Carefully. Weakncss Men Quickly, ,ThoroudghIy, Forever Cure by a new perfected so entiflo method that cannot fail unless the case is beyond human aid. You feel improved the first day, feel a benefit „every day; isoon know yourself a king among men in body, mind and heart. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when failing or lost, are restored by thie treatment. Victims of abuses and excesses reclaim your manhood! Sufferers from folly, overwork, early errors, ill health, re- gain your vigor! Don't despair, even if in the last stages. Don't be disheartened if quacks have robbed you. Let us show you that medical science and business honor still exist; here go hand in hand. Write for our book with explanations and proofs. Sent sealed, free. Over 2,000 references. ErielVledical Co., Buffalo, N.Y. t July 30 POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 immures, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, ToBad Breath, to stay cured also ego ate the id rboweis, VERY NIGH TO TAKE. PR/O6 26 OfNT6 aT Omuta STORES. S. WILSON 1 The failing snowflakes bring with GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE them all the floating _• shest.eif • the air, HURON STREET, C'LINTON leaving the atmosphere extremely Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to pure, reasonable rates. A trial solictied: In 1656 a hailstorm at Norwich, Eng- land, wrecked houses and killed many animals -that -could not :•reach .-shelters- THE DIMPLE CHEERED VILLAGE MAID may not retain her dimples and rosy oheeks "blooming with health," until she finds a good husband. A little neglect or accident may bring about some one of the manly "female" diseases and "weaknesses," t which the sex is subject, and health may be forever impaired, and hopes and happi- ness be at an .end. Thanks to Dr. Pierce, his Favorite Prescription, prepared by him for women, cures the worst oases of uterine disease, nervousness, neuralgia, irregulari- ties, and weaknesses." It is a great in. vigorating tonic and nervine, and rapidly builds up the health and strength. Dr. Pieroe's Pellets, for constipation, sick headache, biliousness, indigestion. Once taken, always in favor. VOTERS' LIST, 1894.. F_ MUNIa1PALITY or TUE TOWNSHIP Or 13ULLETT, COONvr OF HIInON. Notice is iven have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned oned in sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' List Act, the copies requir- ed by the said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the stet made pursuant to acid Act, of all persons appealing by the last revised As- sessment Boll of said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said ..,unlcipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was post- ed up at ',my office, at Londesboro, ou the I2th inspec- tion. of Elector1894, e called and uponns there to examinethesaid list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected ac;ordiug to law. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk of Hallett. Dated this 12111 day of July, 1894. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all creditors and others hav- ing claims against the ostatel of Alonzo (lodges Manning, late of the Town of Clinton, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Solicitor, deceased, who died on or about the 1st day of July, A. D. 1854, at the said Town of Clinton, aro hereby required to deliver or send by post prepaid, to J. P. Tindall, Clinton, , Ontario, Banker, the Executor of the last will of the said deceased, on or before the let day of September, 1859, their Christian names and Sur- names, addressee and descriptions and full Parti.colers of the claims, verified by affidavit, and immediately after the said lst day of September, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets amongst those of whose claims he shall then Have bad notice, and he will not ;be liable for the said assets crany part thereof, to any per- son or persons of phase claims he shalt not then have received notice. fA5mEe SCOTT Solicitor for said Executor. Dated at Clinton, July 12, 1894. NOTICE. Take notice that the partnership of Manning & Scott as nlaristere, etc., in the Town of Clinton, has poen dissolved by the death of A. H. Man- ning, one of the members of the said firm, and all parties having claims against the said firm are requested to send them, and all poisons in- debted to the firm aro requested to pay the amount due by them to the undoroigned, JAMEe SCOTT, NOTICE. late Take Chidlohat y i s connocticl poisons dnbted to the wiith the business of Furniture dealing and Undertaking carried ou by deceased in the town of Minton, are required to pay or settle the amounts duo by them either n the undersigned or J W. Obidi y MARY CHIMMY, Clinton, 5 July, 1894. JAMns SCOTT. will bo carried onlas usual by too' the business who hopes to meet the same .generous patron- age which lisp beon expperiongoa heretofore, ' Joszi Vii'✓, 0 nDrair`. {Y' si, f ,A,oj e TtiE � r r/,g &OJ' �..i4AF�,, dr i5 ReaJty�- Eget p.1 to -any imported : Tale "y Adv,cerand c h13is r ol\ sett;n tni5,>t . 10stneSMoKer i� nua.a J SAFE' ' PLEASANT THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER �\\�+iliike,am r., BRISTOL'S Lim N SARSAPARILLA CURES ALL Taints of' the Blood, L!10ERTAIN (14 When we assert that Dodd's +nn�rtr'tnrtn,i,�, Kidney Pills Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used there. THEY CURB YO 8'1"AY CURED • 8y all dru gists or malt erti rec4iipt bi pncb, Dr. L, A Smith 8t Co., goroilto. 4 ' WORRY! t► 3uNuc , ,ITBRIN,cS', CQA?'ORT iott Wasps. DAY - \di/ DON'T MISS THIS TEN DOZEN Men's Suiiuer F1aine1 SRIRTS Well worth 75c Each For 35c Each or 3 for $1 HOBT. COATS • & SON, CLINTON �. U.UAN UE FUR EV1 i • HAVE JUSTZPURCHASED ALINE OP Iledx'ao . Suites, Sideboards melons Tables an, Lounges At albttg:reduetion on the regular price, and we are going to give our customers the be• nefit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look neat .nany different lines, little nbut come anwilld not llow us to for yourself [e what greas at barganve we have to offer you, Parlor Suites,, Centre Tables, :all Racks Book; Cl oy, Seoreliartes, Bed Springs, 'Mattresses And everything in our line oheaper than ever. ',Wetvant your trade, and if Good Good, Low Prides and Honest Dealings,is what you want, we will have it. Furniture to suit everybody. JOSEPH CHIDLEY i FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CHIDLEY JR.,Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night Calle Answered at his residence, ging Street, opposite the Foundry. Save Your Potatoes ;,We have secured the exclusive right forithis place to se11; Church's POTATO BUG FINISH Fortthe destruction of that peat. The Finish acts as a fertilizer for the potato, thna aecompiishing a double purpose. Ask for it. It is used dry. Seecircular and testimonials. We have also a supply of PARIS GREEN To meet the views of those who don't like to try new things Now is the time to procure your TURNIP SEED good and cheap. HAY RAKES, FORKS, PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH, FENCE WIRE in Barbed, Galvanized and Black. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED for Cash or Trade. ADAMS' EnPURIUM, R ADAMS. ^ �• LONDESBORO ti A lv.i . RUMOALL' S CilEM FACTORY Jinx -on Street, Clinton We have on hand an assortment of 'lplendid 'UIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which vire guarantee to be of first7class material and workmanehip. I you ' 'antt aa�good article at the price of a poor one, calf aynnd/sseee�urys. Ra C LAU - - " � Ir � .lilt `5::,1.1:1 .$)t..:.f/,1, :iattia.%litifi..7.,L ".Af.,•:.Ah.�_.,. �.r _. .n�4 a