Clinton New Era, 1894-07-06, Page 2SSE . LEA CME. MADE THg 1X4GUi. 114111i BRITISH CROWN, tedb!1,14‘002 Story. of the Stuart Prete* '1ip4s With a. Touch of Selntimentai sad Elilatodual'??anconeAbout It --What the ant:Are Based On. The exists at this moment in Great Britain a sboiety known as the League of the White Roe), the avowed object o£ • which lathe placing upon the throne, by constitutional means, the true heir of the Stuarts, The Queen of England, as every one know', ii descended from the daughter of James I, But the rights of the ill-fated Charles Edward and his brother, the Car- dinal of York -granting that both these princes died childless --reverted not to the desoendante of the daughter of James L, but to the descendants of the daughter f Charles L, the Princefs Henrietta; This princess, by her marriage with " Mon sienr the Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIV., became " Madame " of France; and, by direct descent from her, IIthe House of Modena ie now the repre- sentative of the indirect line of Stuarts. This is, of course, an old story. But ' the ,League of the White Rose claims that Prince Charles Edward did not die child- - lees; that by his wife, the Princess Louisa of Stolberg, he left a son; that this son, to `.ofand him from the enmity of the House 'Hanover, was brought up by a Scottish nobleman as his own child, and actually served in the English navy, and that his grandson is serving to -day in the Austrian , army. A remarkable story, truly; but not more remarkable than that of the alleged daughter of Queen Mary and Bothwell, as Mt forth in Mian Yonge's "Unknown to Biatory." What vouches for the good faith, at least, of those who uphold this new claimant's pretensions is the fact that .is childless and that; therefore -no sud- or violent revolution being contem- d-neither he nor his supporters are Bated by his acknowledgment. The as of the League, so far as the future ncerned, are centered in the Hones of ens. - ne priceless source of information on subjeot is still oloeed to those inter- -the papers left by the Cardinal of k. These, -.whin?]• at his death were n'lhe chamber where he died, qdrst transferred to the Vatican as generally supposed, until re - that they had remained there. It ow stated, however, that through the hery of some high personage in Rome, y Were given up -of course, for a valu- e ,political consideration -to the House Hanover. The world will have some ting reading if it aver gains aooeas these "'arebieves. Even the Vatican d still, doubtless, help ne. Its Ws - cal treasures, which have been searoh- suoh good effect in the case of Qneeg.- -as witnefis the works of Falt,6er neon and of Sketton-will some perhaps, give us even more-interest- ormation in regard to lier descend. ill be sd• that the lame aside the dirge -' i x of the Stuarts, set aside also the Catholic branches, But the personcomposing the League of the White Ro : do not acimowledge the valid- ity of t , :.: laws. .'They regard them as inlquito, , and propope to treat them, when • • .asion offers. as null and void. The league, it is distinctly stated, is t rtlfgibue but politicaL.... It cannot- be et n how some of the very bishops th English Churoh who suffered for dttimacy-at the hands of James, suffered o for loygty- to -hirci at the hands of his ,or, The Scottish Episcopal Church • resented almost out of existence by because it remained faithful to bust., In their ancient land were toasted at Protestant o d prayed for in Protestant ng after such toasts and had been declared tree - their memory is kept among persons of every he beautiful and pathetic h their wrongs are the In - die hard, and love of the ever died in , Scotl$nd-the n1,y of Charles Edward and b t of five gallant Jameees. one noble house, there is its chief treasure a look of LAW, or a scrap of blue ribbon -out .nae Charlie's own hand and given his own grace, in the dark days when d nothing else to give. More than tient family points proudly, to -day, cestor _who was "out in the fif- ''+cjnt in the forty-five."' And it say that it will always run in or, at ]east, in Highland -blood ut" again, whenever there shall he true heir to their wild, dark, tender land. laws which fallen Stun' vete oh P • ay n; an O2 gs of tion• id 10 -1 I —of the constitution may follow in he track of a disordered system, ue to impure blood or inactive iver. Don't run the risk ! The roprietors of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery take all the hances. They make a straightfor- ward offer" to return your money A RAD WRECK f their remedy fails to benefit or cure in all disorders and affections due to impure blood orinactive liver. The germs of disease circulate through the blood ; the liver is the filter which permits the germs to enter or not. The liver active, and the blood pure, and you escape .}disease. When you're run down, debili- tated, weak, and your weight below a hcah,lly standard, you regain health, strength, and wholesome esli by usi i he " 'a'scovery." It _. , th ii n liBMOANINU ITS FATE, SAME QF THE ANNOYANCE8 OF RE- INCARNATION. *Buddhist Baby Born Ten Days Ago and Just Eaterins the Sixth Race of the Fourth Boned -Boos Not Care for Its Latest Parents. I have been born just ten days and mast say it is not at all the sort of thi that I was led to expect. Of course I ha gone through it before; in fact, as I a just entering the sixth race of the four round I am a tolerably old band at bei born by this time. But I find myself qui unable to remember any of my previo babyhoods, and if they were at all like th one I don't regret it in the least. Eris enoe in Dee/when is exceedingly enjoyab in its way, but after the first few centuri or BO it does get just the least bit do Consequently when the ripple of Ka force approaches the edge of its suboyol basin (I don't know whether you unclestand this, but I can assure yon it is t correct way of expressipg the situation the being who is about to move from t Devachanic area of effects into the ne area of causes by a fresh incarnation fac the prospect with a mild satisfaction. B when the job actually Domes off it is di tinctly disappointing, A Jnggine- monad, I should say -who passes in oblivion as a spiritual subjectivity an wakes up as a baby feel a legitimate irrit tion which parental blandishments rath aggravate than allay. It would be diffionit to overstate the in- dignities and discomforts of early incarna- tion. In Devaohan one has no body to speak of being all "principles;" and though these are sometimes a little mixed, one soon learns to accommodate one's self to circumstances. But this arrangement breaks down hopelessly under the present system of being born. The simple fact is that at present I don't fit this confounded baby, and, my principles being roomy, I AM tolerably cramped. I suppose that in due time my faculties will dwindle to the limits of their present abode, and with the disappearance,of self-consciousness I shall at least be spared the annoyance which the knowledge of my infirmities are now Daus- ing me. But meanwhile I am having an exceedingly bad time of it. Of course st when I lawent to Deyachan I left my fourth principle (kams ru. a the animal soul, yon know) behind me; and though it was a good enough sort of f34.011 in its way, it had, to tell the truth, its little faults 'and I soon grew quite reconciled to fa; six xzee. I was, therefore, rather annoyed to and Mutt it had rejoined inc !i, my new gnar- brit, part! larly WSI :nderstand that its imtuediate fecal will be to work off old hind during my last inoarcers• /wry ry soon got a taste of ita quality t. In my previous earth life I was what you may oall s bon vivant; indeed, my impression is that I died at table. Now, there is a solid dignity about the pleasures of the table whioh I should be the last to depreciate; but they are notoriously at- tended by certain little discomforts, which Hader ordinary circumstances are happily quite transient. In my case, however, the natural course of things was interrupted, and accordingly the earliest feature of my present babyhood was the one familiar sensation of a terrible "head" which my karts rnpa had thoughtfully kept going for me during my Devaohanie cares This _was_ bad enough. is all conscience Ent my misery was aggravated by my helplessness, I found myself totally nn able to do justice to the situation. I tried to swear (I was a distinguished military man in one of my earlier earth lives and the propensity has clung to me through mayoral successive Karmas), bat it was a dead failure, and I could achieve nothing more incisive than a bubble and squeak. This unlucky incident at once brought my nurse to my side, and the idiot forth- with tried to counteract the effects of an- tenatal joviality by dosing me with dill And this reminds me of another serious discomfort to which I have to submit. The cuisine of the nursery (including the cellar) is detestable, but I can exercise no effec- tive control over it whatever. I weep and squeal vigorously whenever I detect any prospect of being fed, and I am not with- out hope that this causes my tormentors some anxiety, but its protective value is absolutely nil. About this same squeal- ing, too, a precious lot of rubbish has been talked. One philosophical wiseacre, I re- member, saw in the squalls of infancy a revelation of the baby's exalted nature, de- claring that the brat is "permeated with the certitude" that he is entitled to exact from the external world the satisfaction of his needs. Another sage of the eame caliber considered the squall to deagte the horror felt by the soul at being en- slaved by nature. I know what my squalls mean. Temper, sir; good, honest adult temper, whioh,:however, suffers exceeding- ly in vigor front the degraded mode of ex- pression to which it is condemned. Of course, I shall soon forget all this nonsense, together with other relics of my past; but I wiah I felt as certain that -I shall not have to learn it all again. I am satisfied that my present parents will insist on giv- ing me a first-rate education; they seem fools enough for anything. I should like to explain to my new mamma how cordi- ally I hate her and all her works. Her attentions to me are overpowering, but I might put up with that if they were not so intolerably foolish. I eau recollect my- self as a man well oyer thirteen stone, with a florid complexion and a bulbous nose. Yet I have to submit to the ludi- crous indignity of being addressed as "My precious!' Sometimes she wooer me with a sort of clucking sounds as if I was a hen pheasant; and at others, when my attractions altogether overcome her, I find myself smothered in a flood of juicy carressee, which are actually intoler- able to a misogynist. Worst of all, per- haps, are the degrading misapprehensions, of which I am constantly the victim. In my last earth life I had a fine barytone, and a day or two ago I tried to beguile the weary inaction of the cradle by practicing my low notes. The attempt, I must admit, was not a complete success, but any one with a grain of appreciation would have grasped the ides. As it was, my fool of a mamma sent for a fool of a doctor, who immediately treated me for croup. Lark 1 a footstep. It ie she whom I am reluctant- ly unable to disobey -at present. And I am going to be exhibited o a circle of gushing friends. Happy t, .t! I will pretend to have convulsi , is will throw mamma into an a will probably drive away be goes! I ng ve m' th ng to 118 i6 t• 1e es 11. rmio io r• he he xt AS tit 5- a to d a- er asci THE CLI1TTQN N E.V ' E1U Like a Mir�acie Consumption—Low Condi ori Wonderful Results From Talitna. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mies Hannah WyattToronto, Ont. "Four years ago while in the old coun;r, (England), my daughter Hannah was sent ac.: from the hospital, in a very low conditi•;: with consumption of the lungs and bowels, an:. weak action of the heart. The trip across th- water to this country seemed to make her fe(i better for a while. Then she began to get worse, and for 14 weeks she was unable to get off the bed. She grew worse for five months anal lost the use of her limbs and lower part of body and if she sat up in bed had to be proppe•. up with pillows. Physicians. Said She Was Past All Help and wanted me to send her to the 'Home for Incurables.' But I said as long as I could hold my hand up she should not go. We then began ood'S3parllla Cures to give her Hood's Sarsaparilla. She is getting strong, walks around, is out doors every day; has no trouble with her throat and no cough, and her heart seems to be all right again. S)h;e bas a first class appetite. We regard her mossas nothing short of a miracle." W. WYAT :•, 89 Marion Street, Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario. Hood's Pills are purely vegetyole and Perfectly harmless. Sold by all draegists. ?ac. The Statesman and hilosopher. Congressman Tuan ofitjlg.b '• ,n ham (Ala.) distrkt was accosted by one of the Pennsylggriia avenue brigade of beg- gars a couple of nights ago. "Mister, won't you give me 9 cents?" "Honest now, what do you want just 8 cents fort" "Well, honest, I have got 12 cents. I know where I can get a drink for 5. I have two pals on the corner. We all want a drink." "But don't you think it would be.wrong fora minister of the gospel to countenance your drinking and treating' by giving you money?" "Oh, sir, if you are a minister, I beg your pardon. We didn't think yon were a minister." "You didn't? Well, honest again. What did you think I wase" "I don't care if I tell you, sir. We spots people we think we can work. We some- times can't agree. This time we did. All three of us thought you was a gambler in luck." Congressman Turpin offered the gentle- man a 5 cent piece and was handed two pennies in return. -Washington Capital. n re. The Creation of Adam. When God had "determined to create Ad- am, he sent in . succession the four angels -Gabriel, Michael, Asraphil andAsrall- for a handful of earth for the purpose. Each of the first three came back in tarn empty handed, having been persuaded by the earth that the creation would result only in confusion and misery, but Asrail was faithful to his commission. He gath- ered a handful of earth from the place where the temple at Mecca now stands and carried it to God, and of this earth Adam was fashioned. For 89 days the newmade man was kept at Mecca, awaiting his soul. On the fortieth day this was given him, and he was then put into the garden of Eden. His name, Adam, signifies "of the turf," but he was surnamed Saphi-Jula. To the angel .Asrail, for his faithfulness, was giv- en the office of receiving men's souls at their death and carrying them to God. -- Notes and Queries. The W,,drshiper's • HOW TO GET A SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrap- , per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sexier Than a Man")to LEVER Boos., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto; and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. Calve and Her Lover. When the sweet singer was driven to the station in New York to take the train for Boston, a large box accompanied her, in- side of which was lacked carefully her be- loved phonograph. Never were there more inseparable companions than Mlle. Calve and her phonograph. Two hours of each day she devotes entirely to it. On Sun- days, as soon as the Wrench mail arrives, Calve shuts herself up in her room with her phonograph for nearly an entire day. The explanation is simple enough. Mlle. Calve is engaged to bo married to Henri Cain, the Parisian painter. To h woman of her temperament letters, are not only a bore, but positively aggravating. So when Calve left Paris she and young Cain vow- ed to each other solemnly that they would talk to each other for at least one hour each day. Every Friday night while Mlle.. Calve has been here a box containing the phonograph strips which she had used dur ing the week was dispatched to Paris Next day, when the French ship got in, a similar box arrived from M. Cain. Every little detail of her daily life, the news of each of her operatic triumphs, even her very songs, were poured by Mlle. Calve into the sympathetic ear of her phono- graph. In speaking of her experiment Mlle. Calve said: "I would advise all long distance lovers to follow my example. It's such a com- fort to hear the sound of your dear one's voice. "-Boston Globe. SUFFERED FOR TWELVE (YEARS. Mr Geo. . Williams, the extensive mannfacture• of fruit baskets, Thorold, writes: -"I suffered very severely from ervous headaches and billious- er twelve years and ha tried vertised pills, powders, an 1 other , but obtained very little relief, ,out two years ago I begausing s and since then ha been d now eeldo have that No pear. y-,,. Lillie -Why did you speak to that horrid fellow in the street -car? Weren't .ynu afraid it would affect your standing? Millie --Not a bit. . He never offered a ' girl a seat in his life. The 0t111 Alarm. Wiggins -Why ave you let your alarm elook-run down lately? Fussy --Why, the surprise of not hear- ing the gong go off always etarta me wide awake nowadays I Know Thyself. Teacher -You have named all domestlo animals save one. It has bristly hair, is filthy, likes dirt, and is fond of mud. Well, Tom? Tom (shamefacedly) --That's me, Short Furrows. A "gold brink" deal always has a rascal on both sides. The man is hest served who has no ore canon to put the hands of others at the end of his own arms. -Rousseau. LRELIEF IN SIx HOORS.-Distressing ills ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., and ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists. • Last of She Great Bustard?, There art no living great bustards In Englana. now, but a stuffed specimen of this "remarkable bird, shot in 1820, and `s'td to be the last ever seen in this noun - ,,try, was sold recently from the collection of Sir ' Thomas Thornhill. Riddlesworth Hall, Norfolk, for £46. A dead bustard is worth more than a living eagle. -London Telegraph. Spontaneity. Mother -I wonder ii Mr. Hartley has Matrimonial intentions. He's been Doming to sea you two years now. Danghter-T takes him. 1. ase if t$ an two years to make up his I to propose I'm sure I do not want A Good'Definitlon. Mrs. Carson -What sort of a woman do you refer to when:you speak of a woman of the world? Mise Cynic -•One who doesn't consider herself too good for this world. WHEN TRAVELLING Whether on pleasure bent, or business, take on every trip a battle of Syrup of Fgs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fever, headache and otherformsof sickness. For sale in 75o bottles by all leading drug- gists. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Note Without Seal or Number. Harry ], Brett, paying teller of the Shoe and Leather National bank of this city, has a $1 note which bears neither seal nor number, while in other respects it is per- feet. erfeet. The finding of the note created con- siderable interest among. banking men, and there is considerable speculation as tohow-the notepassed throughrte depart- ments and out of the treasury without the omission being discovered. -Boston Tran- script. THE WHY AND WHEREFORE. There is nothing marvelous in the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla should cure so many disorders "flesh is heir to" are due to impure or poisonous condition of the blood, and that Hood's Sarsaparilla is an effective and radical blood purifier, the whole thing is explained. Besides its blood purifying qualities, Hood's Sarsaparilla also contains the best known vegetable stomach tonics, diuretics, kidney remedies and liver invigorants, and is thus an excellent specific for all disord- ers of these organs, as well as for low con- dition of the system, or That Tired Feel- ing. Glass. Ordinary glass is declared to be impar •meable to air and water, even under any kind of pressure. The boatmen on the lake of Como are in the habit of perform- ing an experiment for the amusement of visitors. An empty bottle, well corked and sealed, is let down into the water to a depth of 50 yards, and on being hauled up a short time afterward it is found to con- tain a glassful of water. By this you are led to the conclusion that glass must be porous. This, however, Is not the case. Under the pressure of four atmospheres the pores of the cork and sealing wax be- come impregnated, and the water filters through into the bottle. This can be easily proved by closing up the bottle neck by melting it with a blowpipe. It may then be immersed any length of time, and no water will find its way in. More- over, many persons think that some fluids can pass through glass, because they have observed drops of liquid sometimes appear upon the outside of vessels, supposing that they must have passed through the glass, whereas in such cases these drops are pre- cipitates of water from the atmosphere upon the cold glass in the manner of dew. It appears that porous glass has been pro- duced in Paris which is toil' fine to permit of draft, and yet the pores cause a pleas- ant and healthy ventilation in a room. - Brooklyn Eagle. Coughs leads to Consumption. Stop the Cough, heal the Lungs and strengthen the System with Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver 011 and hypophosphites. It .s palatable and easy on the stomach. .Physicians, the '?]icor d over, endorse it. heaths! se.. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet produote to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to hea)'h of the pure liquid laxative prim; as embraced to the remedy, Syrur of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax. ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening eakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figa is for sale by all drug. giets in 75c. bottles,but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, ileo the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will no accept any substitute if offered. PROPERTIES FOR SAL . ox TO LET 1P . t WOODLANDS Subscriber has about 40 acres of -lucerne Pas- turage, and can accommodate a limited number of horses and cattle. Plenty of spring water. Terme, Yearling Colts for the season, 51 per month; 'Horses for the season, $1,23 per month; Cattle, for theseaeon. Cattle -for the season, 75c per month for yearlings, any others $llper month for the season. W. B. FORSTER. Lot 18, Mait- land Con., Colborne, Holmesville P. 0. FOR SALE IN CLINTON The East Half of lot three hundred and Seven- teen, centrally situated on Cutter street, with a Cottage of five rooms, now occupied by Mrs C Badour. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Ap ply to H. HALE. 49* May 17th, 1894. FOR SALE The following valuable residental property in the Town of Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107 and part of 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 113, High Street. Thera are two comfortable dwelling Houses upon the property, in an excellent state of reprir. For further particulare and terms appl to A. McMURCHIE or to the undersigned. MANNING & SCOTT. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. A car load of first-class Cedar Posts have arriv ed at Clinton Station, this will be the last receiv- ed this season. Parties wanting p0508 cnn cure the same on reasonable terms on ap laca- --tfan`.te-JA'11'CES'BAINE,-Clinton;` or: JOHN LANDSBOROUGH. Subscriber has also a car car load at Brucefleld, also a first-class ,young COW,just at calving, for sale cheap. Apply to JNO. LANDSBOROUGH, Lot 24, Lon. 4, Tuckeremith, HOUSE FOR SALE. The commodious and conveniently situatea house on Ontario St., recently occupied by Dr. Appleton, is offered for sale on very reasonable terms. The houseis adapted for ordinary family and has every convenience and requisite, 41a04eb adieinitrtend-feeing-Victoria. Street: Full par- ticulars on application to-ffi'AN f>�1 f & SCOTT, Clinton, - HOUSE and LOT to RENT. House and Lot, corner of Princess and Raglan Streets, at present occupied by Mrs John Steep, House in good order and lot contains one acre of land, good orchard. Rent 87 per month. Apply t J, R. STEEP, 400 Main Street, Winnipeg. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. That excellent farm of 100 acres, being lot 82, on the 13th con. of Hullett. 85 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance hardwood bush. Good frame hoarse, nearly new. and good outbuildings on the place. Bearing orchard, good well, and never failing spring. Three-quarters of a mile from school, 3 miles from Londeeboro, 4 from Blyth and 9 from Clinton. The farm is in a'n excellent section of country, and will be sold on very reasonable terms. For particular, apply to MRS. TAYLOR, Clinton, or W. WHITELEY, Londesboro. *lm CHOICE BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE. Tho undersigned having bought out the busi- ness of Mr H. Newton, Porter'e Hill, desires to dispose of his WAGGON MAKING BUSINESS and premises at Holmeeville. A good trade can be done here, and a splendid opportunity will be given to anyone desirous of purchasing There is a good dwelling, and workshop, with throe. quarters of an acre of land; good stable, &c. E. C. POTTER, Holmesvi]le. Harness Tr unks Valises Boots Shoes Going off cheap at J, Twitchells. AlsoPine. Cedar and] British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles at Clinton and Brucefield• glroozotr41 n.a ori er Cod MANNING & SCOTT. Barristers, Solicitors OONVEYANVER6, &o. Oommissionere for Ontarla and llfanittba OF,I0I9 NEXTDooIt Tp NEN LILA, 11)L10.:4N. DR.WM, OUNN, CFFIQE ONTARIO ST a few doors Zvlast'of Albert Street, ll.p DTORONTO ',University, m M,Victia University.M. 0, P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh, late of London, ingg, and Edinburgh Hospitals. Qflioe.--Dr.Dowsely's old office Rattenbury St. Clinton. Night -bell answered at the same place. rot. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON he Palace Block RRaJtt nhur, vSt. formerly occuoffice inpied ed by Dr. Reeve Clinton Ont, DR. R. MOORE, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur, Office and residence, Huron street, near railway crossing. DR STANI3URY, GRADUATE OF THE •• efty,MToronto,,dical eformerly, o1 t the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New Yore, Coroner for he County of Huron, Bayfleld, Out. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S• Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton. Painless Extraction by the use of local Anaesthetic will visit Blyth every Monday as Mason's Hotel, Bayfleld 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month during summer eoialty Pre. nervation of the natural teeth. Office, CoatsBlook, over Taylor's shoe store fE.BLAOHALL VETERINARY SURGEON • HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioV eterinary College, Treats all diseases of domesticated and male on most modern and scientific rincii piesOffice- immediately diately south of the N ew Era Office. Residence -Albert St.,Clint.4A. •Wall night or day attended to prompt]„' JAMES CAMPBELL, I.k,1YDESBORo, ISSUER OP SARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses require F3 EY TO LEND IN LARGE OR r�►l Small sums on good morsgege security moderaterateofintereet. 99 HALE. Clinton. MIN.a�"•' W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASS'" • P. L. 5., Piovinoial Land Survey° .4143d Civil Engineer, London, Oats no” Geo. J Stewart's Grocer �y� Storp, t4jtrton, MRS. W H ITT, M- C. M. TEACHER OF, MUSE.. Piano, Organ and Technicon,or•Mascl develope for use of pupils. Rooms in Beaver Block Albeit Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW, L.D,S,D.D.S, DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, All operations in Dentistry carefully performed. Best local Anaesthetics for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall over Swallow's store. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Znricb every Thursday of each month. Or Night boll answered. A. O. U. W. The Clintgn Lodge„ No, 149, meet in Biddle oombe Hall on the lst and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. B'EAN,;Reoorder DR. MCLELLAN LONDON, ONT. 234 Dundas St., Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1889. Post Graduate Oonree L.the_New York-,•. P0'stllradiiate`MedloaT School and Hospital or Ees Tested. Full stocky ofose d Throat Artficin Eyes, Spe2, ctacles ctacclee nd Len see. Will be at Rattenbury Hobe, CLINTON on AUGUST Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Will be at BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM the first Thursday in each month. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Fo- impure, Weak and Impoverished Blcod Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERIC1, ONT J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONL INSURED OFFICERS. D. Ross, Pr.3sident, Clinton; Goo. Watt Vice Pres. Harlook; W. J. Shannon, Secy-7;reasl Seaforth; M. Murdie, Inspector of Ciaims Seaforth. DIRECTORS, Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Joseph Evano, Beechwood • Thos. Car. bet, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Leadbury ; John Hannah,Seaforth, GENTS. Thos. Neilans, Har oak; Robt. McMillan, See . forth; J. Cumings, Egmondville. Geo. Mardis auditor, Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran snot other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers adrossod to their reepecitve offices. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rate of Interes MORTGAGES - , - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. .9, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according toamount and time left. OFFIOE-Cor. Sauer° and North St., Goderioh HORACE HORTON, Manager CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full operation and al orders filled in the most satisfactory way Oeme• tory and granite work a specialty. Prices as roosonablo as those of any eetabliehn:ant SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton. 1m BOAR FOR SERVICE. Subscribers keep for service, on their premises 2nd ccn. of 17,41ett, a first-class Chester White Boar, of eplbn$8ld ped?gree. Terms 81. TYNDALL 131106., Hullott. IC SH FOR EGGS. Th noaline prepared to pay the hip 1 eat i o cath for any quant.t I rel ored at lilt store. Vfateria 1 -7.