Clinton New Era, 1894-07-06, Page 1ore Horn lw ;IGS 0 ! .• Its; given in the NEW ;ERA every week,tllan: in any otber Pa" tier in Huron et the aax;ie Brice, QC CpA,SH p"yW far a oary tp Yr CASH . ,. Y ]Qtr, i.eee anises' , .. .,. i ,' uol ? T liOJ$1 Si Editor and Prpprietor SIN 'Qt. ONT ", J 1894, year its' advance, 81.50 ,v7,1) -en s I Our •$775• $8.50 a . $9. 50 Are the n eS we ask . for a line'. ,..<S or.,,; Suits, made to''gour order. are made from all wool` weect"L;iave a good appearance when made up, and will wear. • P e. Budget QF I TTEEESTING NEWS From all parts .of the Pounty—by wide-awake and lively co resPondn3te Auburn. L Goderich Township monthly reort showing the standing of the pupils of,S.S. No. 8: -4th class, sr., Sadie Stirling, Jessie Stirling, Amy Naftel: 4th class, jr., Ida Naftel, Effie hjaftel, °Emily Rutledge. 3rd class, sr., David Woods. Lily Prodse, Eddie Weston. Bre class, jr., Mable 'Weston, Annie.McGuire, Luella Stirling. 2nd class,sa, • v .Wood s, Willie nesting?, p s , Frank Mc ellend. Part 2nd Minnie Harrison, Edna Green,Della Harrison. lst class, (a) Clara cGuire, Lottie Stirling, �J�ohn Green. (b RubyAlds- worth, Wilbert Proaee, Ellen DleOuire. (o) Oliver Prouse,; Alex.,,W;eston,ouisa Green. , Total number of •. upits enroll- ed 61; average attendan;;41 J.'W,.,, Jervis. IMPRovEMENTS.—Last Friday's r H. Murphy, of the 16th con.,, raised N+ZIew barn on a stone foundation, Mr.Lo l:,n, of yarna being the contractor. S d e were chosen by Messrs R. Baker and G. Mair, and the contest resulted in a victory for the former side. Does Blackall and Shaw, of Clinton, were present, and the energy and "push" of both added, ggrreatly to"th success of the raising.Whenfinished.the^ build • . • ill add much to yihpreow- of tyV Jos: NOTES,—The Rev. Mr Henderson, of Atwood, occupied -the pulpit last Sun- day morning in, the Presbyterian church. Mrs T. Riddell, of Londes- boro, was the guest of Mrs H. Govier last week. Miss M. Sturdy is at pre- sent visiting friends in �Saltford. Mrs li Rapsley, of Galt, is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs U. Clark, The Qa gmen of Auburn, •i cele- brating intend tend ne r hyalins the twelfth in Wingham'this year. Someof the pulpils of No. 6 school were attending the entrance. in Clinton and Goderichthis week. A thief was seen carrying a bag of grain on Monday night from a barn in this village; it would be as well for that person if he was not quite so fresh as his boots were.. 10e. The Lutherans have bought J. C. Clark's lot and are preparing to build a. church. SOnooL REpORT.—The following is a Cash and One Brice SI:titi 1�� gOdg8�4 CLINTON Morris NOTES.—Brussels was the centre of ,tt'raetioo, fox both young and old this township on the ,.2nd, Fall at;iiebadly lodged this 'Year, o wadi to recent heat/ ranee .' Bros, anis , ' d WWI; on : the • Sample` far '�, wee . tiler are hustlers. A a x±alast school pincic'`.. "glen a espn•,•sSibta' } , a of ernoon'last. A goodly number of farmers' have start- ed haying;,it is;. an exceedingly light erop;thhiiss . year. John Hunter had a horse ,killed by lightning a few days• ago; it was insured in the Howick Co. James Ross, teacher in S. S. No. 6, left on Friday evening for„ his home at Allendale on his new Brantford wheel. On Friday last the pupils of Berries school had their annual picnic; a very enjoyable time was spent. Mies Violet Bone, of Toronto, spent the 1st with her parents on the 3rd line; she was accompanied by tier friend, Miss Annie Whylie. A public school examination was held in S. S. No. 5 on Thursday last; the pupils were put through their facings by visiting teachers, Ross, Black and McCall, and conducted themselves in a very creditable man- ner, both as to themselves and their teacher, Mr Knechtel. Summerhill N0TE6.—Mr and Mrs T. • Cluff, of Goderich, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr Jas. Watkins, of Lucknow, was renewing old acquaintances here Saturday and Sunday. Invitations are out for an .event. in which one of our ladies and a popular farmer, of Mc- Killop, are the parties interested; par- ticulars next week. Mr and Mrs G. M. Kilty spent Sunday at Hills Green. Miss E. Thompson, teacher, is home on her vacation. Mr C. Lowery spent Sunday at Wingharn and took in the Dominion Day sports at Brussels on the way home. Mrs H. McVittie, of North Bay, is at present' visiting rela- tives here. Holy communion service was held in the church here on Sunday last. The following pupils from here were writing at Clinton last week, viz.: for Entrance, E.IMcllveen, M. Bing- ham, W. Mair and. A. Huck; for P. S. leaving Winnie Thompson and Emily Jordan. Mr I. Fisher, of Clinton, spent Sunday here. BLYTH WEDDING BELLS. — Ore Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock, St. Michaels twas the scene of a pleasant but quite event and evert at this early hour a number of citizens found their way there, to witness :the ceremony of marriage between an &Minable younglady of town, Miss Nellie Coloton anMr T F Quirk. of Stratford. The bride was attired in a very becoming pearl grey travelling costume, and attended by Miss A. Flarty, Stratford. The groomsman was Mr Dunn, of Toronto. Rev Father Quigley officiated. After a breakfast at the residence of the bride's father's, Mr and Mrs Quirk left on the early train for a trip to Mont- real and other points east, amid the hearty congratulations of all who knew them. Mr and Mrs Moore, Stratford, attended the wedding of lady's sister, in town on Tuesday. NoTks.—Mr McNames and bride, of Michigan, were the guests of Mr and Mrs Emigh a few days last week.—Mr R. Howard has purchased the Fess - more property on Dinsley St., and in- tends moving it back and fltting up for a dwelling house.—On Sunday evening next the Rev. Mr. Higley will preach the L. O. L. in Trinity church. —Mr O. E, Tanner is improving his residence, raising and putting a stone foundation under it.—The Sunday school picnic in connection with Trinity church, takes place in Man- chester, on the banks of the Maitland to -day, (Thursday).—Our town was #]moat deserted on Monday, numbers ging to Clinton, Goderich and Brus- sels.—Miss Florence Clarke is visiting friends in Seaforth.--School closed on Friday last and the. teachers Miss Duncan and Miss Campbell left on Saturday for their holidays. Mr A. 11. Pleminer, ,the prinei ;al, is presid- ing at thg exams. in WIngham this week. --Mise M. Jameson left on Satur- day to visit friends in Lynden.—Mrs Plummer spent a tew days last week with friends in Clinton.—The band and a number of our citizens attended a lawn social at Mr Scandrett's in Belgrave on Friday evening; risceeds for the guild of the Eng] s church.— Herbert Yining returned ;lame from T pronto last week for a hol•day.—Mrs Jt. D. Dunbar, of Gainsvill , Texas, i$ •a visitor at her father's, r H. me. Quarrie,The las Frazer onden, e the gueets,of ]kits T ti'.,. at posse Heights" arm. On Satur Holmes, of the 9th con, raised a a barn; Mr Reily, of Londesboro,•`doing,. the frame work, and Mr P. Cook the mason work. These are enterprising farmers and in spite of hard times are still improving. Stanley LAID IIP.—Mr Thos. Fraser has been laid off *ork for this week with in- flammatory rheumattism. Hess slowly improving. CoUNCiL.—Council inet on June 27th, at 2 p.m., members all present. Mov- ed by Wm. Thirsk, seconded by I. Er- ratt that S. A. Moffatt be authorized to pay John Forrest for gravelling done blind line. —Carried. Council adjourned to meet again on Monday August 13th at 1 p. m. J. T. CAIRNS, Clerk. RETURNED.—Mr W. Graham return- ed from the old country, on Saturday; he had a cold, stormy passage of 14 days eaoh way, and the cattle suffered by the outward trip. The markets in Glasgow were not very satisfactory, aid he thinks that, all things consider- ed, farmers can do as well selling on this side the water. The weather has been very cold and backward in Scot- land. ACCIDENT. — While Mr John Gil- mour, wife and eon, Alexander, were driving along the second, the horse shied at some lumber lying on the road for repairing the bridge. The animal turned off the road and the occupants of the wagon were all thrown out. Alexander and Mrs Gilmour escaped with little more than a fright, but Mr Gilmour was thrown violently on his head and shoulders, and was stunned for some time. Fortunately no serious injury was sustained and he was soon able to go home. Goderieh, GLEANnvas.—Rev:• Jose h Edge is capturing the hearts of � the North street people; they are delighted with the man'; conference sent. thein; Rev., H. Irvine is preaching a series of see - mope on the commandments; ' he preaches to the Orangemen Sunday morning, Goderich was favored with beautiful weather and a large crowd for Dominion day celebration. The races .on the Square were; goad; the 3 to 5 mile bicycle . raceswould have been especially good but for the lack of or, der. The racing committee allowed the people to crowd the track, with the result that Baldwin, of Seaforth, was badly thrown when finishing the last lap, and. Chisholm and Stocks com- pelled to foul after crossing tape at the finish, breaking one bicycle and risking the necks of both men; it was brutal treatment of both men; the square is evidently the place for excit- ing bicycle races. Goderich baseball and lacrosse clubs were both defeated by Corrie and ]Seaforth teams. The Unions of Goriest and `Wroxeter are a strung team; they were very much dis- pleased with many of Dr.Hunter's rul- ings as,eumpire, but the Doctor seemed to do his best, and had a hard place to $Il. After Dudley Holmes began to pitch the Unions were not able to strike ,;ballor get a run. The Unions won 1:* 13 to 4. Seaforth lacrosse team wol by 4 to 1.. One man got a rib 'brok�o+ .. in the* second game. The trades"rrocession; was one of the best •we )tate• ver seen; Mr A. Crystal got first 'prise and Harper & Lee 'second, for, the bes';''representation of their re- spective bu Seaforth. CHIIRCH.—The union meeting of the Epworth League and Christian En- deavor Societies. at the Methodist church, on Tuesday evening next, promises to be one of much interest. The topic chosen for discussion is "Little Failings," which will be intro- duced by a member 'of each of the three societies. Special music will al- so be provided for the occasion. DEATH.—Mr Benjamin Adams died at his residence, on Goderich street, on Wednesday night of last week. Mr Adams was a very old man, having reached the age of 80 years, and until very recently, although suffering a good deal of bodily affliction for sever- al years, has been able to work his own garden, which was not by any means a very small one. He was highly re- spected by all who knew him, and had for many years been a member of the Methodist church. . We extend -our sympathy to the bereaved relatives, among whom is a daughter, Mrs Wm. Cline, of this town. DOMINION DAY.—Dominion Day was observed as a general holiday by our citizens. There being no celebration in town a great many of our town's people visited other places offering at- tractions. A large number tooklin the Foresters' demonstration at Brussels; not a; few enjoyed the lake breezes at Bayfield; a train load visited the Cir- cular train, Goderich; a goodly num- ber took pleasure, in witnessing the splendid program of sports at the Hub, Clinton, while others took advantage of the cheap railway fares and visited friends at longer distances. DIED.—Mr. R. Coleman, brother of the late Dr. Coleman, was called away to his long resting place on Sunday morning last. He had been confined to his home for several weeks through illness, but latterly was able to go about some. The morning of his death he arose for breakfast, after which not feeling first rate. lay down. His wife had stepped out to a neighbor's house for a few moments, and on returning found him dead. Mr Coleman had been a resident of Seaforth for many years, and was held in high esteem by his many acquaintances, who extend condolence to the wife and family in this their time of bereavement. NOTES.—Mr Geo. McKinley, who is spending a short vacation at the par- ental home in Egmondville, will occu- py the pulpit of the Methodist church in town on Sunday evening next. Mr Otte Groff, teacher at Preston, has re- turned home for the holidays. Mise Ida Neil and Mrs F. Horton, of Strat- ford, visited friends in town afew days this week. Miss A gqie McIntyre, of the Toronto General Hospital, former- ly of this place, is enjoying a couple of weeks holidays with relatives here. Mr Peter Anderson, of St. Marys, spent Dominion Day in town. Mrs Braund, widow of the late Levis Braund, left on Tuesday for England, her native country., where she will re- side in future, The Huron foot ball team of this place went to Galt on Friday of last week to play the final match in the series of the Western Association matches with the team of that place: they played—they won by 2 goals to 1; they are • now the cham- pions of the district. In the League game of lacrosse, Clinton vs. Seaforth, on the recreation grounds on Friday last, the scores stood at the finish 4 goals to 1 in favor of the home team. Kippen OBITUARY.—It is our painful duty this week to record the death of Mrs late Robt. McMordie, McM , relict of the McMbrdie. The subject of the acbom- panying sketch was born in the county of Down in the north•of Ireland, in the year 1807, whose maiden name was Campbell. She belonged to a family who have long been connected with the welfare and prosperity of the city of Belfast; her brother. the late Henry Campbell, amassed considerable wealth as a linen manufacturer of that place. She, with her husband, emigrated to Ontario in the year 1847, and resided for one year near Toronto, the follow ing year they moved into what was known as the Huron Tract, and settled on a farm in the township of Tucker - smith, where she underwent all- the hardships and trials of pioneer life. Her husband having died in 1803, she and her unmarried daughter resided on the homestead till' 1893, when they removed to London, Ont. She was blessed with a good constitution, an active disposition and was always hopeful, going to her Heavenly Fath- er with all her troubles and placing her trust in Him. She was a consist- ent member of the Presbyterian church, giving liberally to all schemes, and attended divine service as long as her health permitted. She was great- ly respected by all who had the pleas- ure of her acquaintance; she was ever anxious for' the Welfare of her family. What bad once been a strong consti- tution gradually began to fail during the last ten years of her life, her earth- ly pilgrimage closed at the age of eighty-seven years and five months, at her daughters residence in London, on the 26th of last month, passing painlessly away tothat heavenly home to which she had long 'been looking hopefully forward to, leaving two sons and two daughters_to mourn her loss, Robert, McMordie, of: Kippeu, and 'Henry of California, Mrs A. Monteith, of Tuckersmith, 'an ss' M. A. Met, Mordie, of London , • Ory will long refried of her actluliiit tivesr and 'trul f` has ane Hul�IB.tt Vi8.—Mr Joseph R ardson and a ' h r Miss a 'e of• tanley, his d ug to , ggx , "S. attended' the picnic Sof S., el, No. Ole, EXAMINATION,—A public exumL iv`. tion was held in the•schoolhouse or Si S. No. 4 in the forenoon of Thursday, June 28th. After the examination a.' picnic for the school was held in a bush near the school, where a pleasant time was'spent by all. Several of the best of our local talent assisted in the pre - gram, among whom were Mr B. Tom- linson and Mrs Tomlinson, of Clinton, Tomlinson,, who gave several excellent selections: Miss I. Britton, of Kinburn; Mr M. J. Best, of Harlock, and several choruses by the children. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is the report df S. S. No. 4 for the month of June. The report is based on dili- gence, regularity and conduct:—Sr. 4th class—Amos Cartwright, Robert Morrison. Jr. 4th—Ma ie Hunter, Aggie Scales. Sr. 3rd—Rosella Way - mouth, Daisy Sundercook,Bruce Medd. Jr. 3rd—Sarah Reid, Christens Liver- more, Effie Hunter., 2nd—Charlie Stewart, James Medd, Lizzie Adams. Pt. 2nd—BeilFarnham,- Roselle -Lon, Wesley Reid. Pt. 1st—Maggie Reid, George McVittie, George Leitch. R.C. RICHARDSON, Teacher. The charming, and balmy village of OnunCn OunxEs,-'-We were misin- formed last week in stating that there was no service in Trinity church last Sabbath, though we were carrot in saying that Rev,, J. T. Herrin was out of town. Rev. R. C. Tibb, of Toronto. who wills end the, month of August at 1f )ne of: the prettieshlake, side resorts, A ,11ONSTE11, CROWD -"A1 roads , lead to.Rome." and all roads led• to Bayfield on Doininjon Day. . Fro earliest morning. the principal,, high.. ways and most of ,the b ways,,foe re s radius of miles around wer�e,,swarrning with, vehicles of every sizf and descrlp tion, from the fleet footed"bike'.' to the Ontario's famous wat,ering place, for gener01.18 E'cartr y,,all,?' leaden With a•, the benefit of his wife's health, will oce holiday crowd of jolly visitors, Vsxthout cupythe pulpit of St. Andrew's church distinction of, age, • nationalty,,, statiorlx._ ip P during that month, Mr W. T. Hall gG- or sex. French and German A7aierlcany ', ingto Toronto. and, British united. he ohs. harinoito he strawberryfestival which was concourse to enjoy- themselves on:; the held in connectiowith the Methodist celebration of the -27th anniversary ,ot ,- church in Mr john Canada's Natal,. day Picnic••. parties ve •'to h .. n ,• andover a . One r e20 .1e . d m s • ,ov i yenswasa s c sethe r' a e ace on F id n y g, ow•faui,� strawberries and ice-cream were'spec- solid day's enjoyment at then � ial; no hear -say this time; the proceeds 'ons watering place of Western Ontario. go towards church repairs. The good people of our little ;u Rev. J. T, Herrin will preach his tened sisters, to the east' were aln o farewell sermon in Trinity church on buried: alive with .dust as ,the ,gran.. the last Sunday in July: Rev; Mr Arm- processions of countless. conveyya'nce strong is spoken of as hie, successor. passed through their street, and'were' PERSONALS.—Mr W. -C. Searle, of not long in deciding to fall into;;lino, Clinton, was a visitor to our town on themselves, as one remarked they' Saturday. Mr Wm. Morrison, of Lon- thought the whole, country side ,was don, a former merchant here, spent moving into Bayfield, hire great as w several days this week with friends. the throng, everyone was`Nell acco Miss Mary Walwain, of Detroit, is modated. The village never ,lo home at present. Mr W. H. Baker prettier though adorned- only, was in the village• a few days this week. the garments • which nature,, r Mrs J. Townsend, of Tuckersmith, is a each year more lovely ,than ti guest at the residence of her Brother A number of . fiegs fluttered, 1 Dir. R. Stanbury. Mr Kenny Moore- breeze, both from publicresort house, who has been in Bay City for private residences, but no attempt some time; is home on a visit at present, made to lend a hand to nature's:a accompanied by one of his little in beautifying .his adready bee" nephews. Mrs Ramsay and family, of andpictures ue -. andiwork. Rochester, N. Y. and Mrs McPherson ,music by the Crediton Banndffile and child, of Alpena, Mich., are among air, as they ,,marched throug the latest arrivals in the breezy village, streets or halted on-"th, crest,:o they are visiting their Mother, Mrs T bank when the entre • n -' "' Hurd. Miss Maggie Porterfield and were echoed froth hill' to hil •Mr.'W McClusky, our popular teachers, ber of sail boats and man have left for ..the holidays, the latter craft glided over the water;e • ., took' the Inited•En pire, n Saturday, ing a host of occupants,whrle a w for b trip up the lakes and�probably to of a steam yacht, which will pro Dakota.; Mrs Benson,' o Londoin�is be here for the rest of the:summe visiting At tr H.T. Edwards. r, Mrs livened the air as it specrthroug Rutledge retur. "'d_on Ridgy- fr in' a wages. On Clan Gregor' S��gqua visit to her daug_. r in>•Ham ]ton 10.30 a.m., the Be field Foot Ballt Mrs Thos. Martin; Of Tonto .i : the lined up to meet thePhiled'elphiajb they -in- aw `rtin, When a very interesting_ much'' Main sf his mo 1 , ` our put u an exec• Main street. Messrs oqi WY'.",Whi ijpn played, boysP` and Frank Daintry, of Bayflelds}public oma and won byy 2 to 0; 'Mr^ e' school,. , are writing, on the: 3rd ;class ,pnpson, of Brucetield� acf �ed asr certificate examination in Goderich this In -tee afternoon the cr5wd, 'w r at the'Reeve, was 1 eeav hom, w i5 week. Mr Alex.MCP er'son and Miss gathering, but'n •lar o nu Kate McPherson, `of= or sal; are guests g W . g at the residence of Mr John Fraser. present at' the, sports WAVELETS. -Mr Ed. R. Swarts with grounds. The acne n his usual enterprise, has built a bath interesting an • .oTten a house on the south beach, for the con- times -the excitementn<an beat event oft e. day* venience of the River hotel guests.y Mr John Eason has had stepe put up races, whichtook place.i the bank on his property at the wreck and were witnessed by hun of the Malta; this will add.greatly to balconies and windows of the ease in climbing the hill to this were crowded with the sum admirably situatedproperty. A brand new awning;- striped- "red --and _gray decorates the front of the Commercial. "It used to be the caper but it won't go now" is the song most popular here since the election dodges railed. The flag pole in front of the River hotel Londesboro. NEW POTATOES.—Mr. John Chapple of this place, had new potatoes for dinner on July 2nd, being the first of the season. ON A TRIP.—Miss Bella Scott, daughter of the Reeve, has gone to Scotland for a trip. She expects to be away three months, and was booked through by W. Jackson. Cow KILLED. --Hugh 11. Hill, west of the village, had a cow killed by lightning on Monday at noon. In- sured in the McKillop Mutual. NOTES. -Mr John Bell has had a new summer kitchen erected.—Misses Watson and Bell, of Blyth, spent Dominion day in Londesboro, the guests of Misses Bell and Adams. SHARKS.—On Tuesday two men who were putting up bills in the circus stopped at Bells for dinner for themselves and team and then at- tempted to lea ve without paying. Mr. Bell stopped them and then they said Mr. Polley, of Goderich, would foot the bill; but the landlord was not to be fooled that way, and refused to let the team away, so finally they put up the dimes. ENJOYMENT. — Dominion day was celebrated in good . style this year. Some from the village and neighbor- hood went to Goderich, Clinton, and other places for the day.—The Metho • dists and their triends had 'The a fine pic- nic in Mr. Bri hams rove. Presbyterians an their friends had a festival and entertainment in the evening. Everything seemed to favor us that day. Other yarts wore visited by a severe storm, east and west and North of us but we eccuped with a few drops. The attendance at the festival was the largest ever present at these now popular affairs. The spread was excellent, and when the wants of the innerman were satisfied the churchwas soon filled, many being compelled to stand around the. door. There was a good program of sacred songs and recitations, which were well rendered. The church was decorated with finwers. The proceeds amounted in all to the handsome sum of $62.78. The committee is exceedingly pleased with the result. (Another 0Orrespondent) PICNIC.—The treat of the season. The Londesborough Methodist Sab- bath school held their annual picnic in Mr William Brigham's bush on July 2. Dinner was served at 1 o'clock, when a magnificent spread was prepared by the ladies of the congregation,who know how to get up a first class inner, afterwards there was singing by, the school children, also by the choir of s the church, and an address by the pas- tor, Rev J. H. Pair, on Sabbath school work, which was listened to attentive- ly There was also racing by the children, There was anyamount of swirl s and they were k pt • 't busy side, Craw pullir noon o'cloc good Leeliurn NOTES.—Mr and Mrs Harrison, of Goderich township, were the guests of the Tatter's parents last week. Miss E. McKay, of Goderich, was the guest of Miss E. Horton nn Sunday, and kindly took her Peat.the organ during morning and evening service. Mr and Mrs Whaling', of Stratford, also their neice, spent a few days last eek w their daughter, Mrs' J. Chisholm, re- tutning home on Monday. Mr H. G. Horton, of Toronto, spent a short time with relatives here this week. Miss Rachel Strachan', of Goderich, called on old neighbors bete on Monday. A little daughter��came to gladden .the home of Mr and Mrs Percy Stewart kin Suntlav ref` gist week., The frhin darloq+, held it, picnic on he k _. bank at the ac .. ..,,. res pa wacelds' d: t igh, but the bicycle sin stree" reds; he hoteTlil er ;to ists anxious for their repres ntativ success.- The first-was--atwiU , • ale:. between Jack Jowett, of Bay; :Id, Fritz, of Zurich, and was wo former. In the four mile r were three enteries, Fred Beltz Harold Southam, of the Lond has been moved to the Queen's and re- cycle club, nests at the Queens placed by , another. Mr T. J. Marks and Jack owett, The Ba' fiel` has added a new verandah to the south rode against reat odder side of his residence; the work being done by Mr Sandy -McKay. Line fish- ing is excellent this year, and the city tourists are finding any amount of amusement at this favorite pastime. A large number of picincers, fron Hen - sail, spent Thursday last at the lake. The Bayfield Brass Band have got their instruments and are down to hard work practising; success to. you,. boys. A number of our young people picniced at Grand Bend on Thursday, MrHay- rock's steam yacht is the largest and greatest addition to Bayfleld's summer resort facilities. The infant son of Mr Thos. Elliott died last week, and was buried in Bayfield cemetery. The County Council have piled up a few more of their little toy posts in front of the new bridge,to support its totter- ing form from premature decay, gg r. ,2Ii the best wheelsmen. Jin' Lo don' against, and besides havi little. since the previous race; t ;Longo led from the first and - k seeiy satisfied to remain .a ver till the last half mile, they �oa", excellent spurt, passing gaining slowly on Beltz fo till he struck a soft spot„thr which lessened. his speed 4 fue finished up with Beltz fir on„, close second and Southann.'., ft. a lively ride and far from`” for any of the boys. ' is event in the program of day. All went home afte day of sport at Bayfield, by th water of Huron, with high enco for her hospitality, aceommo' and general facilities for pas enjoyable holiday. There' *asa tug of w which was captained.. oera lengthaa s d .a, tie. It 11 �feelin s. S Tuckersmith. THE LIGHT FANTASTIC.—Thursday night of last, week the youth and beauty of the vicinity assembled at ri • Mr Harry Cudmore's and tripped the ppd fantastic toe until a very respectable honr in Harry's new barn. The night being very fine and the fair ones flock- ing in from all directions it was not long until the barn was well filled with smiling faces, and all seemed to enjoy' themselves immensely. LAWN .SOCIAL.—The young people of Turner's church intend holding an ex- cellent social at the residence of Mr F. W. Crich, on Tuesday, July 17th, at which will be the usual refreshments; everybody come and have a treat. Clinton Brass Band will be present to supply some choice music.-1Some ad- ditional Tuckersmith notes were acci- dentally lost in transit to this office.— Ed. NEW ERA.] Holmesville. EXAMINATION.—Mr McRoberts sent a class of four up to the entrance— Edith Tibbutt, Bertha Stanley, E. Yeo, and A. Murch, and also to the public school leaving Maud'4'DDewpsey and Nelson Trewartha. NOTES.—A son and daughter of Dr. T. Holmes, Detroit, are visiting their grandmother. Mr J. T. Holdsworth arrived home Saturday, having ridden his wheel from Haysville near Ham- burg. Mies B. Scott, of Medford, ar- rived for her' holidays Wednesday. Mr S. Fear and wife, of Goderich, Rev.par- E A F h tak n uii diads' ]lain' an me yai• Chureh Not . The Baptist Sabbath cho at Bayfield yesterday. L. O. L. 300 will attend s vice in St. James' (Middleto t Sunday at 3 o'c lock. hex y Next Sunday evening J. shall will preach on the subj c throne of God in the heavenly Miss McTaggart and Miss "M•Ewe will represent Willis church at the Christian ' Endeavor Convention in Cleveland next month. Mr J. W. Irwin, of London, occupied the pulpit of Rattenbury St. church Sunday morning. He is quite a flow- ery speaker and gave a good discourse. Mr James Young occupied the pulpit. of the Baptist church on Sunday riven ing. Rev. Mr McKinnon condo tin special sermons at the base line a pointment. ' Mr Robt. Irwin, (a nephe gf'�tio J. W. Holmes) will seppl for Re W. W. Leech, on -the` "Varna ; Circuit for two months, while Mr Leech• wil endeavor to recuperate. • The members of, the I.O,G.T. orde attended the Rattenbury St. Metho dist church in a body on Sunday even ing, when a special temperance; sereno ' was preached by the pastor of th church, Rev. J. W. Holmes. The ladies of the W.C.T.U. have re -organized their .Sower mission, aria will be grateful for any contributions. of flowers that may be sent. Parties wishing to contribute flowers will please forward them to Mrs Hoover; On Saturday afternoon. The Ladies aid of St. Paul's church, Clinton, will hold their annual. garden ants of ear, have a M their residence in this Village. Mr . l part on the beautifil'1 grounds of Forster, of Toronto Business College, is home•fo 4,t%1•,ida s. Mrs Staple- ton, of : Vim, iii•°' itingeft . Forst: 90�a.,, wille installs- Mo n, bt8 frill take place jca eo ,rartery l deesi $ refers to a' F, nt iFMr re Combe, this (TF'eiday) evenings. Isurin the eveningthe choir will ie sale'; i 0 era r nafore.' eon* tions from he c p . _ The town band will also' he in.atten- The vias of• tkat: attuie The; weatli�.r 's;';kat, ,, . • , a._ Friday'even g; est, which eontir lbiit he: •sucee. r-: a,.... •ltdoor eocl ue be