HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-29, Page 5���rnbal�l's SILVER FOR WEDDINGS is in greater vogue than ever before. The presents most favored are those which will after- wards serve both an ornamental and useful purpose, on the table of the newly wedded pair, or on the dresser of the bride. The idea which guides the most useful selections is "not how expensive but bow useful and pretty." Our display of fash- able things in Silver for weddings at present includes: -Tea Sets, —Egg Stands, —Boge Dishes, a —Spoon Holders, —Berry Dishes, —Berry Spoons. "Silverware that wears." —Bon Bon Dishes, —Inls Stands, —Pin Trays, ELECTRIC BELTS $ 1 each, Shoofly ; oison Paper, InsectPowder, Tang efoot Sticky Fly Paper, Wilson': Fly Pads, Paris Green, &c Our ods are the best and our prices are as reason1 ble as possible. A trial will convince you. A EN & WILSON, PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE STATION and SCHOOL BOOKS. Telephone No. 40. FIRST-CLASS W tch and Clock Repairing J. $a pr The undersigned has opened a repair shop in the south window of ACKSON'S SHOE STORE, ALBERT STREET g learned the trade with one of the beat watch makers of the Dominion, Mr. A r, of Toronto, and being experienced in the most difficult work; be is therefore red to undertake the repairing of all kinds of Watches and Clocks to the entire tisfaction of all who may favor him with their patronage. Charges Moderate ORACE JACKSON, - - CLINTON CLINTON MARKETS orrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, June 28, 1894. I tfall 055 058 035 a 036 y 035a040 052 a"055 per bal a 360 r 0 13 a 0 14 per doz oes New and O1d -"- ._; rr:°Itr�mmea::, pskins MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 400 head of butchers' cattle, 200 calves and 250 sheep and lambs offered at the east end abattoir Monday. The butchers were present in coneiderable numbers, but trade in cattle was slow, and prices were lower than on Thursday. Choice stall -fed cattle sold at from 41c to 4o per lb; pretty good cattle, partly grase- 0 7 a 0 8 fed, sold at from 3ic to 4c, and leanish 0 35 a 0 40 grassers at from 2ic to 310 per lb. Good 5 03 a 700 calves.eohd at frnm,$�to Qh,_m-- eac.and.co •2 00 a,-�L `a `incei Anes at from $3 to $5 each. Shippers 0 25 a 0 75 , are paying from 3,}c to 3o for good, large 0 15 a 0 17 sheep. Lambes sell at from $2.25 to $4.00 The Elections; are Over and the Results hvve made some People Eappy: and Depressed the Spfritsof others. Still this store is under fall headway. The Zenith of summer trade comes this week. People are anticipat- ing DominionDay, and providing possible needs. Heads of different departments here are planning to clear out lines already low, at tempting prices. The business is going ahead at a great rate, and nothing but disappoint ing weather can prevent a crowd being here the balance of the week. Let's turn your attention to some actual needs, such as. Hot Weather Waists and Blouses. We lead in these goods. Some natty things here, and the prices will be made interesting. "The balance" to be cleared out at quarter off. Secure one for the holiday. A few of those lovely 60c. Silks left, going. for only, 30e • You certainly ought to secure enough for a Dress Blouse. Fullest kind of a range of all kinds of HOT WEATHER --4:1' GOODS and Light Weight Stuff'sat this store. GILROY Bc WTSEiVIAJ CLINTON BIC SALE Owing to the general depression and scarcity of money, we have decided to give our customers one month' s busi- ness without profits, and during the month of June, All Our Goods will. be Offered at Actual COST! No Reserve! We shall carry out faithfully what we advertise. We have not decided on this step simply for pleasure or the benefit of our customers solely, but our aim is to make a large reduction in ,our stock. r - Remember we . can give you Twenty-five Thousand Dollars worth of GOODS AT COST. If you think there is any object in getting goods at Wholesale Prices, come and see us. Full Stock in the 1 Dress Goods, Silks, Staples, Carpets ff t d rt ai eren spa - Hosier Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, menta to choose 3TC g� from . . . . . Hats, Caps, mac. A large stock of BOOTS and SHOES still on hand that will be cleared out at less than wholesale, as we are discontinuing this department. Now is the time to get your MILLINERY, Stock complete in all the new designs, and at prices never heard of before. ,See the HATS we have worth 50c., 75c., $1 and $1.25, your choice for 25c When purchasing, don't forget the place, but see our goods and judge Or yourselves. 1 Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. ", GIB ING4, pun sILL FOSTER Leave .your orderi>,;;� quick for those Pho- to's you -intend send ing to your friends Our aim is to have the goods you want at the time you want them. At pres- ent we are having a big demand for. Paints and Oils, Fence Wire in Plain, Barbed and Braided, Forks,. Rakes Scythes, &c.. Paris Green and "CHURCH'S BUG FINISH." BOOTS and SHOES We sell an immense quantity of those goods, We buy from makers whose goods have a reputation for good style and wearing qualities. We try to have " a full range, and keep the assortment of sizes complete, and then the fact of our buying for Cash and selling for Cash enables us to offer them at a price that pleases the buyer, We want to handle all your EGGS and ' BUTTER, and will pay the highest price, for. them in Cash. ----- 000--- W. L. OUIMITTI CASH DEAL JONDLSfO1 Q aiF i.- .�