HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-22, Page 5��. ., , -. THE CLINTON."NEW ERA Tune 22, 2894 1.E HAVE 'B IJT1FUL AND GOOD • • • PILESENTS IN GREAT V IRIETY J'. B. RUMBALL, JEWELER, CLINTON. ELECTRIC BELTS $1 each, ShoofiyPoison Paper, InsectPowder, Tanglefoot Sticky Fly Paper, Wilson's Fly Pads, Paris Green, &c Our goods are the best and our prices are as reasonable as possible. A trial Will convince you. ALLEN & WILSON, THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE STATIONERY and SCHOOL BOOKS. Telephone No. 49. CLINTON MARKETS I ENGLISH LIVE STOCK MARKETS Corrected suety Thursday afternoon. Liverpool, June 18.—Receipts of LTnitedStates Thursday.Jane 14 1894 and Canadian cattle fair, and general supplies Y i 1 d ow weak Prices in Wheat fall Oats Barley Peas Flour per bal Batter 19ggsper doz Potatoes Hay, New and Old Hides, No. 1 trimmed Sheeepekins Wool fair. r cel ower an u 0 55 a 0 58 Dents, computed at $4.80 to the Jl, are as follows: 0 35 a 0 36 1 Finstsal�to. hoz e, 101; poor to O 35 a 040medium. steers, 8inferiors, O 52 a 0 55 I MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS a 3 l0 There were about 300 head of butchers' cattle, 0 12 a 0 14 60 calves, and 200 sheep and lambs offered at the 0 7 a 0 8 east and abattoir Monday, The warm, muggy 0 35 a 0 40 1 weather hada depressing \effect on trade, and though the supplies wore smaller than usual, 5 03 a '7 00 prices were lower all round, excepting for 0 25 e. 0 75 did last Thursday. A few of the best butchers cattle sold at about 41c per lb, with pretty good 0 15 a 0 17 stock,moroorless grass fed,atfrom3lcto4c. The leaner grassers brought from 21 to 31c per Ib. Calves sold at from $3 to $10 each. Shippers 2 00 a 2 50 calves, which brought bettor prices an they Peaches are likely to be plentiful in the belt along the Lake Erie shore. The apple crop promises well in that district. pa from 31c to 3kc for ood large!sheop. Lambe loll at from $2 50 to �3 75 oath Fat hogs aro very dull of sale at about 5c peril). FIRST-CLASS Watch and Clock Repairing The undersigned has opened a repair shop in the south window of J. JACKSON'S SHOE STORE, ALBERT STREET Having learned the trade with one of the best watch makers of the Dominion, Mr. A. Weiser, of Toronto, and being experienced in the most difficult work; he is therefore prepared to undertake the repairing of all kinds of Watches and Clocks to the entire satisfaction of all who may favor him with their patronage. Charges Moderate HORACE JACKSON, - - CLINTON_ We have Challies, Cream Ground Delaines, Mullins, lovely Japouie Cl�ths, Black Sill V renadines and Satin Check Mullins. We have Black Wool Grenadines, Cream Grepon, Black Ground Delaines and beau. titul Pineapple Tissue. We have nice Soft Lawnettes, beautiful fine Pongees, those fine cream Cashmeres, and choice cream. Bengaline. We have Lawn, Piques, Ginghams, Prints, Hot weather Blouses and Waists, Thin Hosiery, Warm -dad Corsets. All here. What's the use sweltering yourself to death this hot weather in your heavy Clothing when you can get a nice Cool Coat and Vest at this store for next to nothing. Look to your comfort and see these goods GIIROY Bc WISEIVIAN CLINTON r BIG SALE Owing to the general depression and scarcity of money, we have decided to give our customers one month'ffi busi- ness without profits, and during the month of June, All Our Goods will be Offered at Actual COST! No Reserve! We shall carry out faithfully what we advertise. We have not decided on this step simply for pleasure or the benefit of our customers solely, but our aim is to make a .large reduction in ,our stock. Remember we can give you Twenty-five Thousand Dollars worth of GOODS AT COST. If you think there is any object in getting goods at Wholesale Prices, come and see us. Full Stock in the Dress Goods, Silks, Staples, Carpets, different depart -Hosiery, Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, ments to choose Hats, Caps, 8zc. from A large stock of BOOTS and SHOES still on hand that will be cleared out at less than wholesale, as we are discontinuing- this department. Now is the time to get your MILLINERY, Stock complete in all the new designs, and at prices never heard of before. See the HATS we have worth 50c., 75c., $ 1 and $ 1.25, your choice for 25c When purchasing, don't forget -the place, but see our goods and judge for yourselves. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. PLUMSTEEL & CFI88INGS, cantos *i IRON BLOOD PILLS Don't confuse these with the common Iron Pills. They are a direct food for the blood. These pills will change -the pale and sallow complexion of debility into the ruddy glow of health. Put up in round wood boxes with red label. 25c per box or five boxes for 11. Put uplonly by JAMES H. COMBE, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUP"LIES, ETC ,—we carry the largest stock of Drugs in the County of,Haron. ., - Our aim is to have the goods you want at the time you want them. At pres- ent we are having a big demand for Paints and Oils, Fence Wire in Plain, Barbed and Braided, Forks, Rakes Scythes, &c.. Paris Green and "CHURCH'S BUG FINISH." BOOTS and SHO -ES We sell an immense quantity .of those goods. We buy from makers whose goods have a reputation for good style and wearing qualities. We try to -have a full range., and keep the assortment of sizes complete, and then the fact of our buying for Cash and selling for Cash enables us to offer them at a price that pleases the buyer. We want to handle all your EGGS and BUTTER, and will pay the highest price for them in Cash. 000---- w. L. OUIMETTE, CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO o • 4 -t