HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-22, Page 2• Jnue. 22, .189L. OJUnton 'ten?exp 'EIDAY JUNI:1422, 894, • Poople'sCaudidates. Electors, vote for $ir Oliver Nowat and the best Governmtent Canada has never known by sup- porting the under -mentioned and all Liberal candidates: A EAST HURON, THOS. GIBSON. SOUTH HURON, M. Y. McLEAN. WEST HURON, J. T. GFARROW. Ontario cannot afford to dis- miss Sir Oliver Mowat.—Princi- pal Grant. Ontario's Agricultural Ad- vancement. Following is ilii extract from a letter to the Ministdif of Agriculture for On- tario, from Prof. W. A. Henry, Direct- or of the University of Wisconsin Ag- ricultural Experiment Station, Oct, 8, 1892,: "Our Station is under renewed id'iob ' i on to you for your thoughtful es in again sending us your re- , o1,, That just received for 1891 con- ? .8 a. vast fund of valuable informa- tion, and I have already found occasion to consult it. The position that Cana- da" has taken with regard to agricul- tural advancement is a constant stinnu- lous to us on ,this side. We regard you as leaders in many directions, and with the energies displayed by your people I am sure that the pcsition will be held for a long time to come." An Ideal ' School Syptem. An Associated Press despatch that was published in the leading newspa- pers of the world, dated from the World's Fair Grounds, Chicago, Sept. 27, 1893: "Sir Richard Webster, Chair- man of the Royal British Commission to the World's Columbian Exposition, has been thoroughly exploring the fair during the past week. The dis- tinguished statesman, having complet- ed the rounds of the exhibit courts of the different Provinces of the Domin- ion,was asked what he thought of their displays. Sir Richard unhesitatingly declared that he was astonished both ays to the magnitude and perfection of most of the exhibits, but said what struck him''inost forcibly was the On- tario educational exhibit in the gallery of the Liberal Arts building. Further, he expressed the opinion that it was one of the most 'beautiful and instructive in the whole exhibition. He thought Ontario's the only exhibit that at all approached his ideal of what an educa- tional exhibit should be, for he consid- ered it the most perfect in arrange- ment, and explanatory in a simple and satisfactory way of the finest practical —system- of public -education fiom "tfle" kindergarten to the university, that the world affords to -day." THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California, liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all 'tains, makes it their favorite remedy. get the true and genuine article, look r the name of the California Fig Syrup ;lo., printed near the bottom of the package. Crisp County Clippings Rev. Wm. McGregor, lately pastor of Wingham Baptist church, is now located In Durham, Ont where he has a very good charge. We are pleased to xnow that Mr Jas. Fleuty, of the Wingham Advance, is getting along nicely, and will soon be around again as usual. Mr George Taylor, of Kippen, has lost his imported horse, "Ganny Scots- man," which took sick on Monday morning, and died on Tuesday morn- ing, the trouble baffled medical skill. It was some stoppage in the bowels. F. S. Scott last week sold Wm. Clen- nan's farm, being the north half of lot 20, con. 9, Morris, to George Stubbs, for $4,000. He takes possession in November. Mr Robt. Grieve, of Winthrop, met with a painful accident when working in the bush last week. One of the logs which he was loading rolled back on him, injuring him and crushing his feet. The 12th of July celebration in Wing - ham this year promises to be the larg- est ever held in North Huron. The managing committee estimate that at least one hundred Orange lodges will take part in the celebration. A telegram was received by Thos. McFadzean, Grey, on Thursday, an- nouncing the sad news of the sudden demise of his son John in Vasilia, California, of fever, on Wednesday, the 13th inst. He has been from home for the past 9 years and was shortly to be married. Mr and Mrs Thomas Carter, of the Huron road, Tuckersmith, celebated their silver wedding, the 25th anniver- sary of their marriage, on Tuesday, the 5th inst., when quite a large com- pany of relatives and friends assem- bled to do honor to the occasion. Last spring, a stranger hired a horse and rig from the livery of Mr Adam Hays, Seaforth. For a long time no trace of the horse could be found; it was finally discovered that the horse had been sold and had since died. The man, however, eluded all pursuit until Wednesday„ when he was arrested in Dublin and brought back on Thursday by county constable Gundry. While Mr Edward Bossenbury was on the Goshen line south, near Zurich, "a few days ago, his horse it appears got cross and made for him, got him Children Cry for Pitcher's Wistarias )! do n, tore his vest and badly bruised his g5dy, Those who stood by took aticks and forks and hammered the brute's head, until he let go of Mr Boa- senbury, who narrowly escaped with his life, Mrs McConkey, of Barrie, mother of Mrs George Good, of Seaforth, died in that place on Saturday last. She was well up in years. li.'Olitical Notes, Wentworth council has also declined to take action against, the fee system. The Bay of Quints Methodist Con- ference has unanimously pronounced against Mr Meredith's proposition that the control of the license system should be transferred from the Government to the municipalities. AwAt a convention df the Patrons of North Bruce Thursday, 40 out of 60 lodges being represented, D. McNaugh- ton was again selected to contest the riding for the Legislature. The meet- ing was not unanimous, however. As a citizen of a country governed by a constitutional Government, I con- sider it niy duty to support the Mowat Government at the coming election.— Rev Mr Starr, Toronto (Conservative). I do not care what we may have in the future. Any historian that writes the 22 years of the history of Canada when Sir Oliver Mowat was the Pre- mier will say it was aproud page,it was an honest page, it was a true page, it was a page of progress, it was a page of wisdom, it was a page that any peo- ple might be proud of.—Hon. S. H. Blake at Toronto. Sir John Thompson introduced the franchise bill in the House of Commons on Thursday. The basis of the Pro- vincial franchises is adopted, but Do- minion returning officers are main- tained. The Premier announced it was probable that another revision after this year's would take place be- fore a general election.. The lists, it is expected, will be revised every year. A Boort To HoBsEuaN.—One bottle of Eng- lish Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it ants with mysterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood' spavin, splints, curbs, Sweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE ROBB, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by Watts & Co., and Amax & WILsoN, Druggists fir. , it Olive o'vat's chances, both in the Province and his own constituency, are getting brighter every day. Those that are most bitterlyy oppposed to him will admit that it is 1-kely he will hay a stronger support in the house afte this election than ever. In North Ox- ford twelve or fifteen hundred of a majority for Mr Mowat are freely spoken of. Sections that a month ago were thought to be solid for Mr Hors - man, cannot now raise a voice in sup- port of of him. The more free -minded Patrons cannot desert the farmers' friend, Mr Mowat, and take instead untried Mr Hoesman, who is no mor of a farmer than Sir Oliver Mowat.— Embro Courier. The Toronto Telegram says:—There i no reason to suppose at all that Sir Joh Thompson or the Dominion Governmen desires to defeat Meredith. Mowat's sn premacy in Ontario has been a thorn in the flesh of the National Conservative party since its return to power in 1878. His power embarrasses the party under Sir John Thompson as it embarrassed the par- ty under Sir John Macdonald. Sir John Thompson; -would, so"to'-speak,`-give the eyes out of his head to beat Mowat, and is not particular what platform the Opposi- tion runs on or what leader it follows so long as victory is the end of its running and following. Some Maritime Provinces Con- servatives are afraid that the Protestant sentiment which destroys Mowat would wreck the Federal Ministry. The Conser- vative leaders are all prepared to take their chances on that, and will consider that any movement which destroys Mowat is their friend. • TRE. CLINTON NE ERA 'f , THOU•SHALT NOT C M4 Naraaaoa Mananrrn (who has an eye on the property himself) --Say, 8roliv.r, you don't expect to be there to take out that crop, do you t Mammon Mows (blandly)—Oh, yes. Landlord's just been looking around, and be ands the property in such good shape that he says he'll renew my lope. >1<aw[A Conservative admission of the situation as expressed by the Toronto Evening A general discussion followed, and it soon became evident that the majority of those present were opposed to the introduction of such a bill. The vote was taken and no distinct pledge given, but the impression was general that the bill would not be introduced. There was only a passing reference to the fast Atlantic service scheme, and the can- e sus generally frowned upon it, but no ✓ expression of opinion was asked, be- cause the government told them that even if they voted the $750,000 a year, authorized by the resolution now on the order paper, they could rely on it not being used. This means that the Hudart scheme, of which so much has been made, is regarded by the Govern- ment as a bubble. The French treaty was not mentioned in the caucus. e There was a reference to the proposed expenditure on the Trent Valley Canal, and on some other works re. arded as s of an electoral character. No assur- n ance was given that there would be t another session of this Parliament, and - the rank and file were urged strongly to prepare for the fight in every pos- sible way. The first Conservative caucus of the session was held in Ottawa, on Wed- nesday morning, and lasted two hours. Sir James Grant, the junior member for Ottawa city presided. Sir John Thompson and all the Cabinet were present. Sir John Thompson first ad- dressed his followers in words of en- couragement'and conciliation, but the old time cheers, which similar addresses from Sir John Macdonald used ato evoke, were not heard. The Premier submitted the question of the intro- duction of a redistribution bill for Que- bec, stating that he felt under the re- straint of a doubt as to the constitu- tionality ofa second re -distribution. The Change from Girlhood to Wo- manhood — is fraught with dangers. .At this period the young woman is especially sensitive, and many nervous troub- les, which continue through life, have t.l their origin at this 1.. time. there be pain, headache, and nervous disturb- ances, or the general health not good, the ju- dicious use of medicine should be employed. Dr. Pierce's, Favorite Prescription is the best tonic and nervine at this time. The beat bodily condition results from its use. It's a remedy specially indicated for those delicate weaknesses and de- rangements that afflict womenkind at one period or another. For all women, at all times of life, in all cases of peculiar nature, the "Prescription" is the safe agent that builds up, strengthens, and cures. In catarrhal inflammation, in chronic disorders and displacements common to women, it is guaranteed to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. A great many medicines "relieve" Catarrh in the Head. That means that it's driven from the head into the throat and lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem- edy perfectly and permanently shires. A GRAND FEATURE Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that while it purifies the blood and sends it coursing through the veins full of riobnese and health, it also imparts new life and vigor to every function of the body. Hence the expression so often heard: "Hood's Sarsa- parilla made a new person of me." It .overcomes that tired feeling so common now. Hood's Pille are purely vegetable, per- fectly harmless, always reliable and bene- ficial. NEWS NOTES. Clayton Broddy, of Walkerton, was drowned while bathing on Thursday. The Countess of Aberdeen is making a tour of the province of Ulster, Ire- land, in behalf of Irish hoineindustries. Mr and furs John Leffler, wealthy resi- dents of Illinois, near Carthage, have been arrested, charged with starving an invalid son to death. In London, on Tuesday, Mrs. Jepson went insane and drowned her baby in a cistern. She was about to drop her six-year-old boy in also, but the little fellow struggled so violently that, -he got away. Chief of Police Carson, of Durham, has arrested a man believed to be a no- torious confidence man and horse thief wanted by the Goderich authorities. He has given different names—McLean Gowanlock, Hueter, Griffith, etc. Send me $5 'worth of William's Royal Remedy and Pills to Winnipeg. I used several bottles when in Seaforth, and know the good of it." P. KLINIIAMMER, Winnipeg, Manager of Northwest Catholic Review. Maria Hartley and Henry Ling, of New Durham, charged with having poisoned Caleb Hartley at that village on May 13, were landed in Brantford gaol on Thursday afternoon, and were remanded till Tuesday. The case is now in the hands of the Provincial Detective Department. W. J. Cassidy, while backing his team out of a shed at Sterling last Thursday right, accidentall y upset the wagon, in which were his two sons, aged five and seven years, killing the younger instantly. Mr Charles Dudley Warner's novel, "The Golden House," which will begin in the July Hai per's, is not entirely a record of fashionable society. Like Mr Howells, Mr Warner has l been studying the problem of poverty;• nd the results of some of his investi a - tions will appear in his latest story. A very sad accident occurred at the resi- dence of Finlay MoNaughton near Hem- mingford, on Tuesday. While house clean- ing, the hired girl playfully took up a old gun and pointing it towards MrMcNa gh. ton's little daughter Eva, said, "I will slhoot you," when to her horror the gun wast dis- charged, the contents entering the child's head near the left eye. She died instantly. Some idea of the condition of busi- ness in Canada is obtainable by a study of the railway returns. The .i.P.R, in the first three months of - 1893 earned 1,263,000; in the same period this year. 971,000; and in the following six weeks the earnings fel ' off $354,000. And this in spite of• the fact that for thou- sands of mites .it has an absolute mo - imply of th.th carrying trade. HE'S WORKING NOW. CHESTER LOOMIS WAS CRIPPLED WITH KIDNEY DISEASE—DODD's KIDNEY PILLS CORED HIM—THEY WERE NEVER KNOWN To FAIL. NEWCOMB MILLS, June 18th.—Chester Loomis, a well known farmer living near here, has for years been afflicted with kid- ney disease, so badly that he could not sit in a buggy to drive to town, as he is 69 years old he despaired of a cure. He tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and they cured him. He has not done any farm work for years, but he helped to put in this spring's crops, and anyone who goes to see him to -day will find him between the plough -handles in- stead of laid out on a bed or an easy chair, as he used to be. Canada has now 8,477 post offices, an increase of 189 since last year. Last Monday evening five tramps board- ed a freight train running between Niagara Falls and St. Catharines, Richard Turner, cooductor. He put them off, when they toned upon him, shot him three times and beat him into insensibility. When they escaped into the woods a large poses of farmers and others, numbering about 300, pursued them and coralled them. They opened fire upon' the posse, which was vigorously returned. Finally they surren- dered, and the one who shot Turner was identified by a boy whom they had picked up. Turner lives at Hamilton, and has run the local freight a number of years. The bullets have been extracted, and the doctors think he may recover. Thosewho oppose Sir Oliver Mowat on some paltry .side issue, or because he legislated, with the agreement of every member of the Legislature, on some particular point of public policy, ignore the fact that he saved for On- tario 100,000 square miles of territory that the Ottawa authorities desired to grab and distribute among their favor- ites. These opponents exist but to carp and grumble at Sir Oliver, with no very clear idea why. "But," as Rev J. B. Silcox recently put it, "it is easy to criticise; it requires little brain and no grace; it is a business upon which one can start with very little capital, and brings in a correspondingly small amount of income. But however cri- tics may talk, they never work, and the real test must always be the amount of work don." FRAN(' E. E Oshawa, Ont. Painsin the Joints Caused by Inflammatory Swelling A Perfect Cure by Hood's Sarsa- parilla. "It affords me much pleasure to recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted with great pain in the joints, accompanied with swelling so bad that he could not get up stairs to bed without crawling on hands and knees. I was very anxious about him, and having read ond's Faxi11sCures so much about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I doter - mined to try it, and got a half-dozen bottles, four of which entirely cured him." MRs. G. A. LAMM, Oshawa, Ontario. N. B. Be aura to get Hood's Sal aaparllU, Hood's Pills set pony, yet promptly sad ellielently, on the liver and bowels. Sic. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many,'who live bet- ter than others and enjo) life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative prim; os embraced in the remedy, Syrus, of Fige. , Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening eakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fige ie for sale by all drug- girta in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fige, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Pictures of Sport With Rod and Gun Reproduced in 12 colors from originals painted expressly for the purpose. They are -three water colors: Jackenap •Coming In ; Base Fishing at Block Island; Quail Shooting; and one oil, Vigi- lant and Valkyrie Yacht Race. All are artistic, beautiful and rich in effect. For frames 14x19 in. Price of set, $5, postpaid. As "Forest & Stream" Premium We will send the sportsman's favorite 'journal, Forest and Stream, one year (price $4) and the set of four pictures (a $9 value) for $5. Or Forest and Stream, 6 mos. and choice of two of the pic- tures for 53. This is a rare offer. Send 10 cents for specimen copy of Forest and Stream, circular and catalogue of the best books on outdoor sports FOREST & STREAM PUB. CO., P. 0. Box 2892, New York City. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR To LET. HOUSE FOR SALE. The commodious e.nd conveniently situates house on Ontario St., recently occupied by Dr. Appleton, is offered for sale on very reasonable terms. The honed a adapted for ordinary family and has every convenience and requisite. also lot adjoining, and facing VIctoria Street. Full par- ticulars on application to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. HOUSE and LOT to RENT. House and Lot, corner of Princess and Raglan Streets, at present occupied by Mrs John Steep, House in good order and lot contains one acre of land, good orchard. Rent $7 per month. Apply to J. R. STEEP, 490 Main Street, Winnipeg. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. That excellent farm of 100 acres, being lot 32, on the 13th con. of Hallett. 85 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance hardwood bush. Good frame house, nearly new. and good outbuildinge on the place. Bearing orchard, good well, and never failing spring. Three-quarters of a mild from school, 3 miles from Londesboro, 4 from Blyth and 9 from Clinton. The farm is in an excellent section of country, and will be sold on very reasonable terms. For particulars apply to MRS. TAYLOR, Clinton, or W. WHITELEY, Londesboro. *lm HOUSE FOR SALE. A good two-story frame house, conveniently situated on Victoria Street, is offered for sale on roaeonable terms. There is a never -failing well on the place, and stable about 16x24. Apply on the premises. DAVID BARGE. CHOICE BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE. The undersigned having bought out the busi- ness of Mr H. Newton, Porter's Hill, desires to dispose of his WAGGON MAKING BUSINESS and premises at Holmesville. A good trade can be done here, and a.splendid opportunity will be given to anyone desirous of purchasing. There is a good dwelling, and workshop, with three- quarters df an acro of land; good stable, &c. E. C. POTTER, Holmesville. CASH FOR EGGS. The undersigned is prepared to pa y the high- est market price in cash for anyquantity of Fresh Eggs, delivered at his store, Victoria St., opposite the residence of the late J. Whitehead. WM. GRANT. Harness Trunks Valises Boots Shoes Going off cheap at J, Twitchells. AlsoPine. Cedar and! British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles at Clinton and Brumfield. J. TWiTCIIEL[ rottooat x ono Our MANNIXG & SCUT Barristers, Solici -- CONVEYANOERS, Eta, Commiselonere fol ()Atari(' and hlunit uba OnsxoxNLAT peon ro2iEts ERA, CLINIC 1' DR, WM. GUNN, CFFIOE ONTARIO ST a few doors feast of Albert Street. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M. D., TORONTO Univeraity, M D. U.M., VictoriUniversity M. 0. P Q; S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh, lltte,of London, Eng„ and Edinburgh Hospitals. •Oflloe.—Dr. Dowsely'a old office Rattenbury' St, Clinton. Night bell answered at the SAWS place. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON A000uoheur, eta., office i8 the Palace !flock Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Ont. DR. R. MOORE, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur, Office and residence, Heron street, near railway crossing. DRSTANl3URY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, former!y of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he County of Huron, Bayfield, Out. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S. Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton. Painless Extraction by the use of local Anesthetic will visit Blyth' every Monday as Mason's Hotel, Bayfield 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month during summer eoialty Pre- servation of the natural teeth. "' Office, CoatsBlook, over Taylor's shoe store JE. BLACHALL VETERINARY SURGEON • Jionoraryeraduate of theOntarioVeterina�r�y Collemale Ke. on hieate all e mot modern and scientific icated a i a prinoif plea Office- immediately south ofthe New Era Office. Residence — Albert St.,Clinton, Call night orday attended topromptly. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses require MONEY' TO LEND IN LARGE OR Small sums on good mortgage security moderaterate of i n terest. H HALE. Clinton. F • P. L. W. is., Proov ncial Land EMBER Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo. J Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. MRS. WHITT, M. C. M. l'EAOHER OF MUSIC. Piano, Organ and Teohnicon,or•Musol develope for nee of •pupils. Rooms in Beaver Block Alba! t Street, Clinton, R. AGNEW, Licentiate of ifental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry, Nitrous Oxide Gas admiwietered for the paroles extraction of teeth, Office overJohn Jackson's Shoe Store, Clinton. IC$Nightbell answered. ly A. O. U. W. The Olin ' n Lodge, No, 144, meet in Biddle combo Hall n the 1st and 9rd Fridays in each month. V' tore cordially invited, R. STO HAM, M. W. J. HEAN,(Recorder DR. N ELLAN LONDON, ONT. 234 1 undas St., Specialist on the EYE, 1 • R, NOSE & THROAT Gradnate dithe New York Eye and Ear Hospital 1889. Post: Graduate Course at the New York Post Gradiite Medical School and Hospital or Eye, Ear, !Tose and Throat 1892. Eyes Tested. Full stock if Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and Len ses. Will be at Rattenury House, CLINTON on JULY 6. Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Will be at BRUNSWICK HOTEL, W INGHAM the filet Thursday in each month. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For npnre, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation cf the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralg:a, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney andUrinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, FemaleIrregnlarities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM 4ISOLATED TOWN PWJPERT.Y ONL INSURED OFFICERS. D. Rose, President, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vice Pres. Barlock; W. J. Shannon, Secy -'trees; Seaforth; M. Murdie, Inspector of Ciaima Seaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Joseph Lynne, Beechwood • Thos. Car - bet, Clinton ; C, Gardiner, Leadbury ; John Hannah, Beaforth, AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Bea. forth; J. Cumings, Egmonsvihe, Geo. Murdie auditor. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran sect other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above efficient adressed to their respeoitve offices, HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interes MORTGAGES - : - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4 and 5 per Cent, Interest Allowed ow. Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE—Cor, Square and North St„ Goderich HORACE HORTON, Manager CLINTON MARBLE WORKS.. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full operation and a� orders filed in the most satisfaotory way Come+ tory and granite work a specialty. Prices a* reasonable as those of any establishment SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton. lm Hoose PainUnU and Paper Hanging The Undersigned is prepared to, promptly ere - onto di orders for PAINTING, HALSOMINING PAPEit-HANGING, &c. Ho is a practical man of ong e#perienco ;end guarantees to do all work ins fnannor that shall be satisfactory, Willi pricte4rii be exceedingly moderate; Orders re. ref llySolicited. . POTTS, 0. Carter's homes., Victoria St., Clinton 1 .1, 9