HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-15, Page 6gpsiminangosmeineensemel
There are more than $,Q00 girlstus
idents at present in, the London Guild-
' ball School of Music, and ofthese
about 300 are studying the violin.
The British royal commission to the
Chicago Fair says in its official report
Tat the exhibition was by far the
moat magnificent ever held, and that
it was not appreciated in Europe at its
proper value.
` maid's Liniment for Rheumatism.
Nelson's old battle ship, the Foud-
royant, is being exhibited at various
ports in Great Britain, 'It is said that
every timber of the old ship is as sound
to -day as when she was launched, a
burgh ed years ago.
In the annual parade of truck ho
held in London, Eng., recently. the
were two gigantic horses, each ni
suring eighteen hands—that is, stan
ng.'just six feet high at the shoulde
--.and weighing at least -a ton.
"I enclose 25. Send me six bottles Roy.
al Crown Remedy." R. R. LAIDLAw Blyth.
Although Queen Victoria rules over
an empire that embraces possessions
in every part of the- worl, she has
never travelled , outside Europe, and
even -there her trips have been short
ones to France, Holland, Germany and
Italy only.
"R nt xonian," the Canada resb
terian's able and popular cont 'ibutpr
rnakes some happy suggestions fo
those who are so deeply intereste
just now in the economical mange
merit of the province. The following
extracts are given for the benefit of
these people:
"Afer all the abuse that is heape
upon lawyers, the only men in Ontari
to -day who make sacrifices for th
are lawyers who serve th
country for one, half or less than on
half the money they could earn i
their profession. This is the fact, bu
tact is the last thing wanted by me
whose only chance for promotion con
sists in raising odious class feeling i
the country.
There is a short and easy way of re-
rses II during the expenses of Government in
re ! this country. Why not abolish the
oftheBBowuiapvilleorSufl newspaper,
y, and license inspeetar for West I).ur-
, ham, died on Thursday..
ti A man calling himself James Smith,
of Hamilton, While stealing a ride on a
" freight train, had both legs badly
crushed when the cars reached Mem-
tion Wednesday, -He was taken to
the Merritton hospital,
o A Boon To HQBsEMsN.—One bottle of Eng.
he lith Spavin Liniment ocmpletely removed a
curb from my horse. I take pleasure in
e recommending the remedy. as it ants with
n mysterious promptness in the remove from
t horses of hard, suit or calloused lumps,
n blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles
- and sprains GEORGE ROBS, Farmer,
n Markham, Ont. Sold by Watts & Co., and
ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists
A good many enthusiastic Britishers
who enlist to serve theircountry seem
to find the conditions of service unsat-
isfactory, for nearly 850,000 was paid
last year by recruits to purchase their
discharge before they had been in the
army three months.
Perfect health is seldom found, for im-
pure blood is so general. Hood's Sarsapar-
illa really does purify the blood and re-
„Ailfree health.
Two thousand five hundred weddings
were celebrated In St. Petersburg dur-
ing the first week after the Russian
,Easter. This week is especially chosen
for marriage by Russians of the Ortho-
dox Greek faith.
The largestpearl fishery in the world
is in California Bay. Last year divers
found nearly 500 tons of shells, and one
blue pearl weighing 16 carats was found
and sold for $10,000. The value of the
year's find will be over 8306,000.
Some people are constantly troubled with
pimples and boils, especially about the face
and neck. The best remedy is a thorough
course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which ex-
pels all humors through the proper chan-
nels, and so makes the skin become soft,
healthy, and fair.
In Nebraska a man was convicted of
theft and sentenced to a year's impris-
onment. A new trial was asked for,
but the man served his time and was
discharged before the Supreme Court
decided he was entitled to a new trial.
•By a siinple rule, the length of the
day and night, any time of the year,
may be ascertained by simply doubling
the time of the sun's rising, which will
give the length of the night. and doub-
ling the time of setting will give the
length of the day.
Minard's Liniment is the Best.
The Princess of Wales, like the
Queen, does not care to lay aside her
—mourning. ._. When the :Princessattend--
ed the private view of the academy she
wore a pelisse of black corded silk,
trimmed with lace and jet, over a black
and pale mauve dress.
All oases of . organic or sympathetic heart
disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly
-oared, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart.
one dose convinces. Sold by Watts & Co.,
and AT,r.AN & WILSON, druggists.
A statistician has estimated that a
aan 40 years old has worked 6,500 days,
has slept 6,000, has amused himself
4,000, has walked 12,000 miles, has been
ill 500 days, has partaken of 36,000
meals, eaten 16,000 pounds of meat and
4,000 pounds of fish eggs and vege-
tables, and drunk 7,000 gallons of fluid.
Electricity played an odd prank in
Margate, Eng., a few days ago, when a
telephone wire crossed a fire alarm cir-
cuit and brought out the engines. The
firemen were greatly mystified on
reaching the box from which the alarm
was supposed to have come to find the
glass door unbroken, and it was some
time before the mystery was cleared
Watch Your WeighI
If you are losing flesh your
system is drawing on your
latent strength. Something
is wrong. Take
Scott' s
the Cream of Cod—liver Oil,
to give your system its need—
ed strength and restore your
healthy weight. Physicians,
the world aver, endorse it.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes[
Boott.&Beane, BelieviU..AllDroggiste. boo &tiL
P R O'M P`r
whole thing, and go back to the cheap
style of the aborigines? The greater
part of the expense is incurred for
Legislation Education, the mainten-
ance of asylums and administration of
justice. Is there any reason why we
might not do without expenditure
along these lines? Why should not
the ,Province do without Legislation?
Whynet abolish the Legislature and
the municipal councils, and have no
.new laws made or :11d ones mended?
There are people in the world—in Cen-
tral Africa, for instance—who do with-
out law -making bodies. In that hap-
py land they even manage to do with-
out clothes. Why maywe not imitate
their economic system, and do with-
out councils? Much money might he
saved by abolishing the whole Legis-
lative and municipal machinery. Let
it be abolished and the expense saved,
This Province spends over 2600,000
on educating the young people and
giving them a chance for a good start
in life. Was such criminal extrava-
gance ever heard of? Why ,cannot we
do without schools? Whatarecolleges
good for any way? Because other na-
tions have schools and colleges, is that
any reason why Ontario should in-
dulge in such extravagant folly? There
are more students in one university in
little Scotland than in all Canada, but
Scotchmen always were extravagant
fools. They have always been noted
for throwing away their money.
Scotchmen have. The Irish school
system was once the best in the world,
but Irishmen never had any sense.
Let us adopt strictly original methods
for Ontario, and abolish education.
There is a great lot of money spent
in keeping the insane, the irnhecile,
the deaf, the dumb, the blind and oth-
er unfortunates not able -to take car e
of themselves. In days not long gone
by we used to feel proud of these in-
stitutes. and thanked God that in our
little country these unfortunates were
all cared for and so much done to
brighten their darkened lives. Things
are changed now. The age of chivalry,
as Burke would say, is gone, and the
time has come when the highest effort
of a would-be Statesman is to econo-
mize a cent per day on the board of a
lunatic or irnhecile. There is a more
economic way. Just abolish the sys-
tem and turn the patients out.
"What is the use in spending money
on the administration of justice?
Why not abolish courts? It would
"be ii,reat.thing to live in a country in
which a Ivan can neither sue or be
sued. What a royal time some fellows
would have, if there was no dock to
put them in. Anyway, if we must
have courts, men can be had who would
act as judges for75 cents a day. Peo-
ple could be found to take care of the
money paid into court for- Less than
that amount."
Itis stated that "The Patrons, ac-
cording to their published platform,
are NOT againgt the towns andvillages."
The Patrons will tell you that they are
in favor of many things that are not in
their published platform, and it is well
known that they are opposed to mid-
dlemen. If not against the towns and
villages how comes it that they are
now buying goods in quantities at To -
roil to. Mr Alexander, the Patron organ-
izer, admitted in an address in this
county, that many joined the order for
the purpose of buying and selling, but
he was prudent enough to tell themhe
thought they make a mistake by so
Near Milton, Ohio, there is a slight
elevation known as Sherky Hill, which
appears to have been the work of
mound builders. Years ago it was
muchiven to a quivering motion.
Recently it has begun to "shiver"
again, and its action is more violent
than ever. The Indians believed there
was a great tortoise under the hill, and
the shaking was caused by its efforts
to release itself.
1llinard's Liniment cores LaGrippe.
Perhaps the finest doll's house in
England is that ordered by the Duchess
f Portland, for her little daughter,
Lady Victoria Bentinck. The recep-
tion rooms are hung with brocade, the
stairs carpeted, the doors open and
shut, and the bedrooms are beautifully
furnished. For a little New York heir-
ess a doll's house has lately been con-
structed which cost several thousands
of pounds.
Central Asian potentates are grow-
ing very European in their ways.
Since the Emir of Bokhara visited St.
Petersburg he has quite adopted west-
ern habits, throwing open his palace
to Russian ladies and giving regular
balls. After European comforts he
finds his palace very bare; so he has
invited a French architect to build an-
other in European style,
Last Thursday night a daring rob-
bery was committed at the Queen's
Hotel, Owen Sound. Some one enter-
ed the room in which the safe was
kept, turned down the light and took
$870 in cash and over $200 in notes, and
escaped through a window. Mr Mc-
Cutcheon, the proprietor, says this will
be a serious loss to him as he has re-
cently taken possession of the premises.
There is not the slightest clue as to the
ar ty.
Send 25"Sunlight" Soapwrappers wrap-
per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom-
an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER
Brim, Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and
you will receive by post a pretty picture,
free from advertising and well worth fram-
ing. This
he.The soap se best ito n the
and it will 'only nos( lo postage to send in
the wrappers, if you leave the ends open.
Write your.address carefully.
Mr Albert Neighorn, broker of Lon-
don, has received advices from Messrs
F. Newhall & Sons, fruit merchants, of
Chicago, t hat they have just sold two
barrels of Spys of a large consignment
which he had sent them, on conimis-
sion, for $25 per 1 Rival. in original or-
der. They say in their let ter that they
believe this to be the highest pr ice,ori;
record. It is further noted that "the.
retailer who bought one of the $25
bbls. is selling the fruit at $2 per doz.
Of course this is an altogether excep-
tional and fancy price. It is no criter-
ion of what this year's fruit will bring,
when alrnost every variety is expected
to he veru plentiful. But it illustrates
what Ontario can do in way of fruit
production. These apples were pro-
duced in the nort hero region of On-
tario, where they reach the highest
maturity in keepinir quality,
The Best Medicine.
J. O. WILSON, Contractor and
Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas,
thus speaks of Ayer's Pills:
"Ayer's Pills are the best medicine I
ever tried; and, in my judgment, no
better general remedy could be devised.
I have used them In my family and
recommended them to my friends and
employes for more than twenty years.
To my certain knowledge, many cases
of the following complaints have been
completely and
Permanently Cured
by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third
day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever,
sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys-
pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I
know that a moderate use of Ayer's
Pills, continued for a few days or weeks,
as the nature of the complaint required,
would be found an absolute cure for the
disorders I have named above.'rj
"I have been selling medicine for
eight years, and I can safely say that
Ayer's Pills give better satisfaction
than any other Pill I ever sold."—•J. J.
Perry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va.
Prepared by Dr. J.O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, meas.
Every Dose Effective
Near Tralee, Ireland, a party of excur.
sionista picked up and old shell near an ar-
tillery camp and began rolling it along the
ground, The Well ' exploded end killed
three of the party and wounded a dozen
A circular signed by 105 members of the
British Commons has been sent to the
editors of the prominent daily newspapers
throughout the United Kingdom asking
them to cease reporting sensational oases
of immorality and brutality,
On Friday evening, as John Gibson, of
Arthur township, was sitting at the tea
table, he suddenly put his hand to his bead
and exclaimed, "What is ooming now?"
Before his sop, who was sitting at,the table,
could get to him life was extinct. Deceased
was 80 years old and was one of the oldest
and most respected settlers in Arthur. He
was a staunch Presbyterian and had been
a life-long Conservative. Heart disease
V. as the cause of death, He leaves five eons
and one daughter.
A First-class Step or Long Ladder ?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then call onlW. SMITHSON. a
chop, No.7 Frederico St„ or E. Dingley
Will be at1Dineley's oornerevery Saturday
afternoon .
nepairmg of all kinds promptly attended to
re.sonable rotes. A. trial eolictied,
If you want a first-olass, well -made putop, one
that will give you satisfaction, send your order
to the undersigned. He will dig and clean
wells and do it at the closest prices. He also
handles a first-class FORCE PUMP
Opposite Queen's Hotel - High Street, Clinton
Clinton Planning Mill
The subscriber, having the very latest improved
machinery, and employing the most skilled work-
men is able to do work in his line in the most
satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and
on the shortest notice. A trial solicited
Man,.tacturer and Proprietor for the pest dun
Mill Dog in use. Agent for the sale and appli•
cation of the £f FIanER PATENT AUTOMATIe $01155
ed on short notice
Boilers, Engines, and all kinds o
Machinery repaired espedltloasly
and in asatisfactory wanner
Farm implements mp,nufactured' and repaired
Steam and water pumps furnished and put in
positipn. Dry Kilus fitted up on application
Chargee moderate.
WANTED—Live Hogs from 150 to 200
D. CANTELON, Clinton
ALL .e
PAI N\.,
Thousands of fining cad Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature grave
ugh earb indiscretion and later excesses. Self abase and Constitutional Blood
Diseeste have rained and wreokod the life of manya rom'
ass of the following d +ane young mon, Have you
proms: Nervone and Despondent; Tirol in Mo • No Ambi-
l�anrory Poor; basely N'ntigned; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes B1 ace on
the oe- Dreams and Drains at Night; Reetteee; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore
WEnergy and reak $$ hooee; Paine in Body;ASunken Eyes. Lifoleea; Distrnetfol and Lack of
Strengt. Our w Method Treatment will build you up mentally, physically
. in onemn
Dr. Moulton.
" At 14 years of ago I learned a bad habit which almost rained
me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could
eland no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and
drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firma, Elec.
trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me
no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They
sent me one month's treatment and it cared me. I could feel
myself gaining every day. JTheir New Method Treatment cure. when
fie etre fails." They have cured many of my friends."
"Some 8 yeare ngo I contracted a serious constitntional blood
disease. 1 wont to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almoat
killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat
became eoro, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red,
lose of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs.
Kennedy & Kergan's New MethodyTreatment. It cured me,
�and I have
sl heartilysreromr end it to all who hum married
ve thin terrid hblepdisease s
Careu s ye,.,,,,,go, syphilis." It will eradicate the poison from the blood."
Capt. Toe -n' end.
Cured hit tu,ie,
Our New Method Treatment never !nils in ettring DIsome s of men.
It ctrenggttbene i he body, stops all
drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears tho brain, builds rip the nervous and sexual
systems and restores loet vitality to the body.
we Guarantee to Cure Nervous rietiitlity, Failing Mauhoo$,
Syphilis, varicocele, 'vtrieture, Gleet, Unnatural Olschargels,
Weak Parts and A11 Kidney and Bladder triseasee,
mss• Kennedy & Kergan are, the loading specialists of
Americo. They gnnrantoo to onto or no pay. Their re
run no risk. Write them for an. honest oand pinion, n normatternwhostreated you. It mYaayy
Savo yon years at regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a
Question hist and Book Free. Consultation Free.
Da& �KENtI D°
"I am 88 years of ago, and married. When young I led a
gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble
for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became
affected and I feared Bright's d'vease. Married lif + was nnsatis.
factory and my home unhappy..1 tried everything—all failed fill
I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their Now
Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually, 1 feel
and netlike a man in every respect. Try them."
Vii No Names Used Without Written
Consent of Patient.
Well worth 750 Each
For 35c Each
or 3 for $1
sown. Suites, Sideboards SzierzLIej
Tables amid Lounges
At a big rednotion on the regular price, and we are going to give our customers the
benefit of this reduction; so now is your chance to make your home look neat
for very little money. Space will not allow ne to quote prices, as we have so
many different lines, but come and see for yourself what great bargains we
have to offer yon.
Parlor Suites,, Centre Tables, ,Nall Racks
Book O. Seorre Bed. Springs,
n (everything in our line cheaper than ever. We want your trade, and if Good Goods,
=Low Prides and Honest Dealings,is what yon want, we will have it. Furniture
to suit everybody.
JOS. CHIDLEY JR.,Faneral1Director and Embalmer. Night Calls Answered
at hie residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry.
Save Y our Potatoes
We have secured the exclusive right for this place to sell
For the destruction of that pest. The Finish acts as a fertilizer for the potato,
thnslaocomplishing a double pnrpose. Ask for it. It is used dry. Seeeircnla'r
and testimonials. We have also a supply of:
etlLawh -+
`g TSGREEN 'I meet the views of those who don't likellto try new thinga
Now Is the time to procure your TURNIP SEED good and cheap. HAY RAKES,
and Black. BUTTER and EGGS WANTED for Cash or Trade.
llurcm Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee tope of first-class material and workmanship.
I yoti want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call and see us.
. ', 1 ttTi T i1.I4 t7L?NTON