Clinton New Era, 1894-06-15, Page 2u June 15, 0411/01/ THE CLINTON NEW ERA qv en FBID$.T, .JkiHF 16,1894. • POLITICAL POINTS I rusting on the farmer, and this burden the Liberals are trying to lessen, It Stormont Liberals have decided to support the Patron nominee. "If the people waist the Government House abolished, it shall be abolished. They have only to instruct their represen- p P tativea that that is their opinion and the 111v Pee 1k) UUdi d�eSt /( Government House shall be discontinued. p Electors, vote .for Sir Oliver Mowat and the best Government Canada has never known by sup- porting the under -mentioned an43 all Libera\candidates: EAST HURON, THOS. GIBSON. SOUTH HURON, M. Y. McLEAN. WEST HURON, J. T. GARRO W. Ontario cannot afford to dis- miss Sir Oliver Mowat.—Princi- pal Grant. Such a Difference. A Liberal opening an attack on the Dominion Government would very probably r efer to the national debt, which now amounts to about $240,000,- 000 net. The leader of the Opposition has to apply himself to the task of reduc- g the surplus claimed by the Ontario Government. The difference in the methods and records of the two Admin- istrations is thus fairly well illustrated. The Dominion Government is habitu- ally put into an attitude of defence and apology. Criticism of the Ontario Government takes the form of detrac- tion. It is honest, say the critics, but that is no credit to it; every Govern- ment ought to be honest. Crisp County Clippings A. J. Lowick, of Tiverton, formerly of Brussels, had the misfortune to break his leg. After the meeting of the General Assembly, Rev. W. Perrie, of Wing - will go on a trip to the old country. Alden Whiteman, near Kippen, who got his arm broken a short time ago, is improving as well as can be expect- ed. Mr Robt. Mainprize, London, has pur- chased a site in Goderich, and will put in an aro electric light plant in that town in hort time. The first person born in the Huron ia _tract is rick, of Shakespeare, who ChristianMrs d both goesback to the year 1830. This week J. T. Pepper and family, of Brussels, removed to Woodstock where Mr Pepper recently purchased' a large drug business. Mr H. N. McTaggart, of Chiselhurst, sold his farm, farm stock and imple- in nts,.recently,, to his son-in-law, Mr - [Sir Oliver Mowat at London. At the Toronto prohibition conven- tion, the following candidates were in- dorsed:— Messrs Tait (Reformer), Lind- say (Reformer), Crawford (Conserva- tive), and, to a certain extent, John Armstrong (Conservative Labor can- didate). Mr Mallory, grand president of the Patrons, now says that the Patrons will have twenty members in the new Legislature; a few weeks ago the Pat- ron chiefs, were aseerting that they would have 30. Far away hills always look green. Scores of Reform Patrons in North Bruce, who are displeased with Mr Mc- Naughton's course in allying himself with the P.P.A., and denying that he had done so, until such convincing proof was forthcoming that he saw de- nial was of no avail, are returning to the Liberal party, and will pileup their votes for Mr McCannell, Mowat and honest government on June 26. The Executive Committee of the West Lambton Patrons have issued the following :—"Owing to want of or- ganization iu the northern townships and the shortness of time before the elections, we have decided to withdraw our candidate, Mr J. C.Wood, with his consent, from the election contest in West Lambtonl We challenge any one of the oppo- nents of Sir Oliver Mowat to show that Mr Meredith did not acquiesce in. every one of the regulations regarding sepa- rate school management that he now attacks. Is it precisely courageous on the part of our former fellow towns- man to try to evade responsibility for his own acts? The changes effected in no way injure the public schools, but if they did Mr Meredith would be as much responsible as anyone else.—Lon- don Advertiser. There is a general feeling that Sir John Thompson will retire before the next Federal election. This retirement, if it takes place, will be due to pressure from the ultra -Protestant wing of the party, and must result in sending the Catholic vote over to Laurier in a body. The Conservatives will probably be beaten next time anyway, but if they decapitate Sir John they will be anni- hilated.—Toronto News. BELIEF IN bra Boone --Distressing laid ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOIITH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." This. new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and care this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., and ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists. Dr Ryerson had termed the Ontario Educational Department a partisan one, Mr Ross challenged him in these ten years the past e — Durin words : g 2L7,00( erso`ns Have undergone 'exam nation by the department. If he can get one out of the 227,000 who has been refused a certificate, or who has re- ceived a certificate on political grounds, and who will say so in any court, I will retire from this Government."—Hon. G. W. Ross at Toronto. has been imposed by the Dominion Thos. Eyre. - — _ Willie Millen, of Henfryn, under- went an operation on Saturday, by forehead plate a silver where it was fractured some time ago. At the annual meeting of the share- holders of the Exeter Salt Well Co., the oldBoard of Directors was elected, viz:—D. Mill, T. Coats, G. A. K. Mc- Leod; Thomas Fitton and T.B.Carling. Peter McIntosh, who pleaded guilty to sending a threatening letter to John Mason, of Blyth, was released on sus- pended sentence last Monday by Judge Toms, after having spent abouti,ten days in jail. A most promising young man of the township of Hullett has passed from this life. We refer to the death of Mr George Millson, third son of Mr David Millson, of Hullett, near Kinburn. He was a victim of consumption. Duncan McDonald, 2nd con. Grey, sold 19 head of three year old stock to Messrs Snell & Baker, recently. The total weight of the cattle was 24,800 pounds, an average of 1,305 pound per animal. Four and a half cents per pound was the price obtained. The finest lot of cattle ever shipped from Wingham left there on Monday morning. There were in all 109 head, and they averaged over 1400 pounds each, and at tif cents per pound, the purchaser, Mr D. Stewart, must have distributed over $6,500 amongst the farmers for this lot alone. Mrs Jas. Stretton, sr., of Morris, had a narrow escape from being drowned one day recently. While attempting to cross the river on a foot -bridge she accidentally fell into the water, which was quite deep. Had it not been for the timely assistance rendered by Mr Stretton and another gentleman, the result might have been serious. For- tunately she was none the worse of the sudden cold bath. The many friends of the publisher of this paper will be glad to hear that he is on a fair way to recovery. On Fri- day night it appeared as though am- putation of the right foot was the only thing that could save his life, but through skilled medical aid the foot ,was somewhat improved the next day. Blood -poisoning wasthe cause of the trouble. It will be some time yet, however, before he will be able to move around very freely.—Wingham Advance. A largely attended meeting of the creditors of Messrs McIntosh & McTag- gart, private bankers was held at the American Hotel,',Brussels, on Friday afternoon. Dr. McTaggart was pre- sent and gave a lucid account of the business and the outlook for the future. We understand there are $6000 of out- standing accounts, some of which will be collected through the Courts. The business management will be left in A. Cousley's hands, who has so satisfac- torily conducted the arrangements in the past, and it is expected another make the paid 85 oor 871 cents nd will like1 on the dollar. total Parliament, and therefore the Patrons should have reserved their strength to aid in carrying out a reform of 'the tariff. The present course of their leaders tends to strengthen the hold of protectionism, by weakening those who are opposed to it.—Stratford Bea- con. Hon. Mackenzie Bawell, leader of the Government forces in the Senate, is a Tory of the Tories, and a leading Orangeman, but he draws the line at the P.P.A. He said recently that "any man who would propose to abolish separate schools in Ontario, or suggest that Parliament should adopt an ad- dress to the Queen for an amendment to the B. N. A. Act, with that object, would be an idiot or a madman. • Peter Ryan, in a letter defending himself from certain charges of Mr Mereditb, made a very good hit when he suggested to Mr Meredith, of London, and Mr Oliver Howland, of SouthToronto,that they should not be too hard upon office. holders. Mr Meredith's father was clerk of the Divis- ion Court in London under most favorable circumstances for himself, for his income (bee and interest) ran well up into the thousands, and after providing handsomely for a large family he was able to leave be- quests to `Protestant and Catholio chari- ties. Mr Howland's father occupied Gov- ernment House (which Mr Meredith now wants to abolish) for a term, with the us- ual $10,000 a year and perquisites, and the son ate Government ham with as much relish as any other Godernor's son. During 1893 Ontario realized the handsome sum of $379,896.79, as inte- rest on her investments, while her less fortunate sister, the Province of Que- bec, paid in interest and charges on her public debt no less a sum than $1,- 445,031.34. Quebec started with a clean sheet in 1867, and she has since piled up a debt of $25,000,000. Ontario, libe- ral as her expenditures have been, out of surplus revenues, has accumulated in the same time a surplus of $6,135,480, a difference of thirty-one millions of dollars. The Patrons of Industry in various parts of the Province are in rebellion against the command of their leaders to sacrifice the Liberal party in Ontario to the ambitions of the order. They recognize that as farmers they have little to gain and much to lose by tak- ing up an attitude of hostility to the Mowat Government, against which they have no substantial grievance. The main reason for the existence of the Patrons here, as in the United States, is the heavy burden of taxation THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid laxative, Syrup of Tf s g ! under all Conditions, makes it their favoriteremedy. To get the true and genuine article look for''tbe time of the aliferni Fig 8 r P ' l o. 1)604 #air 0013040th of the paosgej Items of Interest. T EXACTLY LOVAL, HUT REGARDED AS SUCH. NO MAY $E WORTH REMEMBERING. — Drivers should remember that a man who wants to go faster than they do has a right to pass him on the road. It he is prevented by the other and an acci- dent happens because of the latter's interference, the obstructionist is re- sponsible for the damage. No man in the eyes of the law has a right to in- fringe on the rights of his neighbor or check the latter in passing. He is, in fact, obliged to assist him in passing. There are a large number of people in every community who do not seem to appreciate this fact. . Riders on bicycles are also entitled to half the road. If compelled to turn out in rough places, they are likely to break their wheels, and in that case would have a good action for damages. THE CLERK FAINTED.—A very mod- est and absent minded young lady went into a store in a neighboring vil- lage for some flour. She gave the clerk what she thought was a neatly folded and ironed pillow slip. The clerk un- consciously emptied one scoop of flour in and it went right thuough to the floor. Just then the horrifying dis- covery was made that what had been taken for a dainty little sack had two outlets, and each outlet was trimmed with embroidery. The clerk fainted and has been in that condition ever since. The Empire accuses the Mowat Governi ment of grossly neglecting agricultural in. terests, and says the farmers are in revolt everywhere, lintent upon putting the gov- ernment down. This is not the way the Star reads the Patron movement. We be- lieve the grievance of the Patrons is not that the Government has neglected to fos- ter the growing of crops or the raising of stook, or that the farmers have been ie. nored more than other classes, except, per- haps, the professions; Patrons' desires seems to be a reformation of the office hold. ing system and a more economical govern- ment generally. The Patrons express no desire for specific legislation in behalf of agriculture. Another point we notice in the Patron platform is that the order cares not what party is in power so long as the legislation is in the general interests of economy and the province, and if the far- mers' orgaization could secure sufficient re- presentations to secure the reforms it ad- vocates, it would as soon see Sir Oliver at the head of theGovernment as Mr Mere- diih.—Toronto Star. Mr Meredith and his immediate col:, leagues have developed an amazing energy, striokingly in contrast with the list- less conduct of past campaigns, and they are putting up a great fight this time. But all the fight does not emanate fr the Conservatives, for the Patrons are stir- ring up the Province and to their energy may be credited the shaking of the dry bones of the Opposition ranks. The oppo- sition to the Government is not all confined to the Conservetive party and the great in- dependent element, the farmers, will not assimilate with the Meredith ranks any more than, perhaps not so much, as with the Liberals. The Government's strength lies in the fact that it hes opposed to it many, elements which will not unite. Sir his unquestionably Oliver and q y able lieut- enants can and are battling hard,and have their -record om hich-to-fi ht I-beaten * they will know that their opponents are not likely to long parry on a Government, if indeed they can form one. while if the Liberals are returned by ever so small a majority they will receive sufficient sup. port from the independents to enable them to retain office. This is the situation to- day, though it may change before election day.—Toronto Star. A meeting of the local association of the Patrons of Industry was held in the North Dumfries township hall, last Thursday night. The attendance was good. After the usual routine Of busi- ness was done, the following resolution was carried by an overwhelming ma- jo ty :—"That, whereas the Grand As: solation of the Patrons of Industry, at a recent meeting, have constituted the Patrons of Industry a' close politi- cal party, in defiance of the constitu- tion (see article 1, last clause); and, whereas at the same meeting the Grand Association threatened with ex- pulsion from the order all Patrons who will not give their vote and influence to the Patron nominee, thereby at- tempting to control the vote and con- science of members of the order, there- fore, resolved, that this subordinate association of Patrons of Industry hereby protest against such action of the Grand Association as being arbi- trary, unjust. and contrary to the spirit of British freedom, and we here- by declare that we will not be hound by such legislation, but will maintain our right to judge for ourselves in all matters." Mr Alex.Wood, the oldest Patron in Oxford, says :—"I am a Patron, and I have always been willing to maintain the principles of our order, but I have never considered myself bound, and I will not be bound. to turn my back upon Sir Oliver Mowat in the present contest. I do not claim to be in exact accord with every part of Sir Oliver's policy, but my intelligence is at least great enough to appreciate good gov- ernment wherever I find it, and, taking it all in all, I regard it as the best we have ever seen in Canada. I am not IT SHARPENS prepared to barter away my liberty thea tits improves digestion, and and sacrifice m judgment and inde- the , p g , pendence to satisy the ambitions of restores health and vigor; all the the men who framed the slavish reso- organs of the body are roused to healthy action by Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. More than all, the liver—and that's the key to the whole system. You have pure blood or poisonous blood, just as your liver chooses. The blood controls the health, the liver controls the blood, the " Discovery" controls the liver. You can escape just about half the ills that flesh is heir to, by being ready for them. Brace the system up with this medicine, which prevents as well as cures, For all diseases caused by a disordered liver or impure blood—dyspepsia, b ness, the most stubborn skin, and scrofulous affections, the covery" is the only remedy e tain and effective that it c' guaranteed. If it doesn't ber cure, you have your money You a onlyfor thegoocl pay y Catarrh is cured by Dr. Sage's " emedy. hOus- scalp Dis- cer- n be fit or back. u get. using Ab lutions of 1894. No political party in Canada ever sought thus to "boss" and "bully" its supporters. Perhaps the editor of the Farmers Sun will now place my name in the black list along with Mr Joseph Stratford, the presi- dent of the county of Brant association, a gentleman who has done heroic ser- vice for the Patrons of Ontario, and who is (in the Farmer's Sun of May 15) accused of being a partisan. Well, let it, he so. We are in good company, Mr Stratford. The list of good Patrons who refuse to oppose parliamentarians who have done all in their power for the farmers is swelling every day, and nothing so much tends to add to its number as the foolish attempt of some of our leaders to muzzle and chain their followers." NEWS NOTES J. W. Dunnet, ex -Mayor of Belle- ville, Ont., is dead. • Albert Phillips, aged nineteen, dropped dead near Petrolia Thursday. The Cripple Creek, Col., strike has d .d without bloodshed. ended W. B. Nellie, a Detroit merchant, committed suicide with a razor on Friday. ENOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to heal''h of the pure liquid laxative prim; os embraced in the remedy, Syrur of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial .properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak. ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for Bale by all drag. lets in 76o. bottles, but it is manu- tured by the California Fig Syrup . only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. In addition to four sealing vessels known to be lost recently on the Ja- panese coast, six others are missing. The body of Alonzo Stata was found floating in the lake at Gilert, Ont., on Friday. Supposed suicide. A Gulf passenger train was wrecked in Clear Creek, Canyon. Col., Friday morning, and five persons were injured. Striking miners in West Virginia are still holding up trains, and militia has been sent to the assistance of the B. & O. R. R. Co. The strikers are al- so said to have attempted to wreck a passenger train on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad. RHRUUMATIeM CURED IN A DAY.—Sonth 0 m. erica Rheumatic Cures for Rheumatism and Neurlgia radically cures in 1 too days. Its action upon the system is re- markable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause, and the disease immediate ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene- fits. Sold by WATTS & Co., and ALLAN & WrLsoN, druggists. The large works of the E. & C. Gurney Company, Toronto, are handicapped for the want of soft coal and coke. The firm has been compelled to lay off most -of the men, and the manufacture of castings is andstill aril at a et temporarily or Friday evening, while Mr Phillips and a friend were trying a water bicycle on the river, at Guelph, the machine upset throw- ing the two boys who were on with them. The two men got ashore, but the boys sank and were drowned. Twenty-five of the Coxeyites who depart- ed from Denver, Col., in boats are miss- ing, as the result of the upsetting of a number of their boats. It is thought that about twenty have been drowned. Dead bodies can be seen on the sandbars and lodged in trees, but cannot now be re- covered, The Platte River was a raging torrent on June 7lh and many boats were wrecked at the bridges. Twenty-nine boats containing 185 men passed Henderson Island bridge. Only twenty with less than 100 men reached Brighton. Some boats were deserted, the occupants taking to the roads. A sad accident occurred about six o'clock Friday evening. While Mr Cyrus Bixel, of the firm of the Bixel Brewing and MaltingCompan y,Strath- roy, was driving his team down Main St„ the pole became detached from the buggy, causing the animals to run away. Mr Bixel was thrown out and sustained serious injuries about the head and face, breaking his nose and knocking some teeth out; also his face and head is very much bruised. DON'T DELAY. alt is your duty to yourself to get rid of the -foul accumulation in your blood this spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medioino you need to purify, vitalize and enrich your blood, That tired feel which affecta,noarly everyone in the spring is driven off great spring m di cine Pill iia with eve Mr. J. W. Dykeman Bt. George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No Strength, No Ambition Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect Health. The following letter is from a well-known merchant tailor of St, George, N. B. " C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Gentlemen— I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills have done me a great deal of good. I had a severe attack of the grip in the winter, and after getting over the fever I did not seem to gather strength,.ai1 t had juswhat ambition. needed SThe resultspwere [very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to all who are afflicted with rheumatism or other ood'sCures Pictures of Sport With Rod and Gun xo1e oU2t ana ether C lrii0 MANNING & SCOTT. Barristers, Solicitors CONVEYANCERS, dto. Commissioners for tintari, and 14anitobie OFrzdENExTIJoohTONEW Lxa, °LINTON, Reproduced in 12 colors from originals painted expressly for the purpose. They are three water colors: Jaoksnap rooming In ; Bass Fishing at Block Island; Quail Shooting; and one o 1, Vigi- lant and Valkyrie Yacht Race. All are artistic, beautiful and rich in effect. For frames 14x19 in. Price of set, $5, postpaid. As "Forest SI Stream" Premium We will send the sportsman's favorite ijournal, Forest and Stream, one year (price $4) and the set of four pictures (a $9 value) for $5. Or Forest and Stream. 6 mos. and choice of two of the pic- tures for 83. This is a rare offer. Send 10 cents for specimen copy of Forest and Stream, circular and catalogue of the best books on outdoorsports FOREST & STREAM PUB. CO., P. 0. Box 2832. New York City. in afflictions caused by poison And poor blood. I g always keep flood's Bareaperill& in my house Uo keep , and use it when Y need a tont* We a H ood a Sarsaparilla, the , think 1 of [licitly Band and hi ePllsonlian Bhy cine and blood nriflor. Hood 1 P J. W. DYItIt>Mul:, St, George, Naw Btdne111vk, • cella the favorite 9at licif Hood's p11Mlr ace purely reaetable, and do vino >r a writ i �{ '+ >l pliW t>r It Po. sold U #ll t), PROPERTIES FOR SALE on To LET DR. WM. GUNN, CFFIOE ONTARIO ST a few doors blast of Albert Street. DR J. L. TURNBULL, M. D. TORONTO University, M D. O.M., Viotoria Universitg M. C. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„and Edinburgh Hospitals. Office.—Dr. Dow sel's old olilee Rattonbury St. Clinton. Night bell answered at the same place. HOUSE FOR SALE. The commodious and conveniently situated house on Ontario St., reoently occupied by Dr. Appleton, is offered for sale on very reasonable terms. The honseis adapted for ordinary family and has every convenience and requisite, also lot adjoining, and facing Victoria Street. Full par- ticulars on application to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. - HOUSE and LOT to RENT. House and Lot, corner of Princess e.ndlinglart Streets, at present occupied by Mrs John Steep, House in good order and lot contains one acre of land, good orchard. Rent $7 per month. Apply to J. R. STEEP, 490 Main Street, Winnipeg. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur, rte., office in the Palace Block Ratteobury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Ont. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. That excellent farm of 100 aorws, being lot 32, on the 13th con. of Mullett. 85 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance hardwood bush. Good frame house nearly new, and good outbuildings on the place. Bearing orchard, good well, and never failing spring. Three-quarters of a mile from school, 3 mules from Londesboro, 4 from Blyth and 9 from Clinton. The farm is in an excellent section of country, and will be sold on very reasonable terms. For particulars apply to MRS. TAYLOR, Clinton, or W. WHITELEY, Londeaboro. "lm DR. R. MOORE, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur. Office and residence. Karon street, near railway crossing. DR STANIIIIRY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department, of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospltale and Dispensaries, New Yorx, Coroner for ke County of Enron, Bayfield. Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE. A good two-story frame house, conveniently situated on Victoria Street, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. There is a never -failing well on the place, and stable about 16x24. Apply on the premises. DAVID BARGE. T. C. BRUCE L- D. 8. Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton. Painless Extraction by the use of local Aniesthetw will visit Blyth every Monday at Mason's Hotel, Bayfield 2nd and 4t11 Thursdays of each month during summer eofalty Pre- servation of the natural teeth. Othce, CoatsBlook, over Taylor's shoe store J•E. BLACKALL VETERINARY SUBtEON HonoraryGraduate of theOntarioVeterinary College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and male on the most modern and scientific rinoii pies Office— immediately south of the New Era Oflioe. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Call night orday attendedtopromptly. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses require CHOICE BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE. The undersigned having bought out the built. ness of Mr H. Newton, Porter's Hill, desires to dispose of his WAGGON MAKING BUSINESS and premises at Holmosville. A good trade san be done here, and a splendid opportunity will be given to anyone desirous of purchasing.Uwe ,s a good dwelling, and workshop, with awe - quarters of an acre of land; good stable, &c. E. C. POTTER, Holmesville. MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR Small sums on good mortgage security ,noderaterate of interest. H HALE. Clinton. CASH FOR EGGS. The undersigned is prepared to pay the high- est market price in cash for any quantity of Frush Eggs, delivered at his store, Victoria St, opposite the residence of the late RANT. J. GWhitehead. WM A FEW MORE OF' THOSE W. FARNOOMt3, MEMBER OF ASSN 01'F • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo, J Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton. MRS. WHITT, M. C. M. TEACHER OF MUSI(, Piano, Organ and Teohnicon,or•Muscl develop* for use of mils. Bootee in Beaver Block Albeit Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the pai.lea extraction of teeth, Glace over John Jackson's Shoe Store, Cliato*. to Night bell answered. ly A. O. U. W. The Clinton • Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle combo Hall on the 1st and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited, R. STONEHAM. M. W. J.IfEAN,!Recorder CHEAP Baby Buggies Trunks, Valises, Boots, Shoes. &c. DR. NIcLELLAN LONDON, ONT. 201 Dundas St., SpeciallM on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye an Ear Hospital 1880. Post Graduate Course at the New Your Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital or Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat 1892. Eyes Tested. Full stock of Artificial Eyes, Spectacles and Len ees i]1 l,e at Rattenbury House, CLINTON OR JULY 6. Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Will be at BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINGHAM the first Thursday in each month. To make room for the new stock now coming in which is also very cheap. British Columbia and other Shingles at Clinton Blyth & Brucefield J. TWITCHELL CLINTON, McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Fo, =pure, Weak and Impoverished Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid- ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONL IOFFIOERS. D. Ross, Pr,sident, Clinton; Goo. Watt Vioo Pres. Harlock; W. J. Shannon, Secy-7''reas: Seatorth; M. Murdie, Inspector of Ciaims Seaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; Thos. Car - bet, Clinton ; C, Gardiner, Leadbury ; John. Hannah ,Seaforth. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea forth; J. Cumings, Egmon"villa. Geo. Murdie auditor, Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran sect other business will be promptly attended • to on application to any of the above officers adressed to their respecitvo offices. HURON AND BRUCE Loan & Investment Co'y This'Oompany is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interes MORTGAGES PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according toamount and time left. OFFICE—Cor. Smuare and North St., Goderioh HORAOE MORTON, Manager CLINTON MARBLE WORKS,. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establianment is in roll operation and al orders filled in the most satisfactory wad Gerais - tory and granite work a specialty, way, al reasonable as those of anq establiehn:ent SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton. lm House Palatini and Paper Han iii Tho undersigned is prepared to promptly ere - cute all orders for PAINTING, KALSOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &o. He is a practical man of ' ong experience :and guarantees.. to do all work to a manner that shall be satisfactory, whil prices wil be exceedingly moderate, Orders re. e otfnll solicited. GEO. POTTS, C. Carter's house,. Victoria St, Clinton