HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-15, Page 1/- Ie given in the NEW ERA every week, than in any other pa. per in Huron et the same price. SOC. CASH pays for a copy tc Janu4ry 1st, 1895. - ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor CLINTON, Gly TI, JUNE 15, 1894. $7:75 $8.50 and $9.50 Are the prices we ° ask for a line of Summer Suits, made to your order. They are made from all wool Tweeds, that have a good appearance when made up, and will wear. Cash and One Price The &tati Jill Ea4gii: CLINTON Varna LECTURE. —A lecture on "Travels thethrough towwonderland"n hall,Varal . o rMonday next 18th, by the Rev. Mr Henderson, of Hensel'.Mr Henderson is well known• in this district as an able speaker, and without doubt those wlrc attend will enjoy an intellectual treat. The lecture deals with the Rev. gentleman's travels through the States on the paci- fic coast. Music will be supplied by the English church choir in, their usual first class style. Admission 15c. ACCIDENT.—Whilst returning from Goderich, after attending the Methodist Conference there, an accident, which might easily have been very serious, occurred to Mrs Leech, wife of Rev. W. W. Leech. of this place. The horse Gecoming frightened at a load of wood on the side of the road, shied, with turned come ptetely upside dthe ow throw- ing Mrs Leech out on her head. She received rather an ugly cut on the side of her head neccessitating the services of a doctor,who put in several stitches. rhe ie at present in a fair way to en- tire recovery, NOTES.-,liiSSes M. A. Blair and L. Wanless spent a few days last week very pleasantly rusticating at the Bend. Mr Jas. Armstrong and Mayor Johnston spent last week at the resi- dence of Mr R. McColl, Harrington. Mr Ed. McAsh was renewing old ac- quaintances at the residence of Mr J. Torrance on Sunday last. Dr. John Foote and Wm. McNaughton took inyy the last. eMr J. D eauties oflake ow, B. A., und of Ful- larton, spent Sunday in our burg; his winning way and pleasant smile makes him a popular visitor among his wide circle of acquaintances; we hope soon to see another handle to his name in the o as he is someattention 13.," tothe healing o devoting . MKate isses Maudand Galbraith eturned last Thursday from Goderich, where they had been attendinga Sunday Sthool John sinventionas church.church.Tedelegates n ggVarna from Mac- cabees attended service at Turner's church, Tuckersmith, on Sunday last, a, sermon wapreacd to the ordereby the Rev. Mr Smyth of Clin- ton, Mrs Johnston, sr., has returned from Exeter after spending a couple of weeks visiting her niece, Mrs Muir, of the Exeter, woollen mills. Miss Cassie Johnston returned home on Sunday last after spending a short time at Mr J. L. Wanless �ss, near r pe t a few hoursJlast Sunday as the guest of Mr Thomas Johns, of Hay township. Messrs D. IL eNauhton and Rufus Kes sent Satuprday and Sunday lest in a tour of inspection though the counties of Perth and Oxford, visiting friends at Staffa, Fullerton and Barrington; un. fortunately some of their friends were not at home me to re ' eery e them. Mr ,I Hall and his son, William. spent Son - day last at the Cook House; they are conducting a very successful black- smithing• and carriage making busi- ness in Chiselhurst; we congratulate our young friend, William, for the well -merited success which has attend. ed his the Patent Wire Stretcher, farvellous invention, known re- sult of which he has received what is virtually an offer of '000. 0 The .N.r w ,1UI A taiu ue sent to new anbecribsrn,for the belnnce of .The so, for 511 cents, •Cosby u r Weekly Buck OF INTERESTING NEWS Froin all parts of the County --by wide-awake get and Lively Correspondents Tuckersm ith, CONCERT.—The Epworth League are preparing for a musical and litrary en- tertainment to be held at the church on Friday evening, June 22nd. Park river, Dak., Iisalvis t g his ie dold home, Miss Eliza Ball is visiting here, Mr Cosens, sr., continues in delicate health. - T PEOPLE ARE ING, $That the hay cop willoinn all ANDpro• twoilor snoty re light w weddings will tn. That ake place this fall. That drawing gravel is now the order of the day. th address the Knights of Maccabees, of CI nton and Varna tents, at Turners Appoint- ment last Sunday, taking for his text the 17th and 18th chapters of Proverbs, 17th and 24th verses respectively. The sermon was appropriate to the occa- sion. BLYTH rpedrt village has been Joseph antea Carter, an patent for "Quarter -boot," and an American patent for "check -rein -hol- der." NO ur streets ks haveTbeenOunderg undergoing nrepaiirsWthis week and the new scales have been finall y placed in their new position. Mrs Curtis has been visiting in Wing - ham the past week. Reeve N. H. YounGods Bich attended Dr. Shaw and F. R. Hodgens, Thursdaylast,lon business intccwn con- nection with their Dominion Day cele- bration; Clinton's musical tastes have been cultivated; our band has been en- gaged for the day. Mr Colquhoun re- tuned from Toronto on Saturday Mr T. F. Quirk, of Stratford, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mrs Rance, Clinton, was the guest of Mrs Belfry this week. Mr and Mrs F. W. Tanner are at present; Mr visiting friends Wat- ford Tannerdr drove span of ponies down. Mr and Mrs Patterson, of Neepawa, Man., are the guests of Dr. and Mrs Ferguson this week. Miss Coloton visited Toron- to, in a fewon days. Mrs Drummoand nd returnl is visit- Chatham.ds in Toronto. Metcalf fashionable friends weddings are on the Lapis this month. By special invitation the Young Peo- ple's society of Trinity church and the C. E. society of St. Andrews spent a very pleasant and profitable evening with the young people of the Metho- dist church on Tuesday evening. Rev, A. McLean left on Monday morning for St. John, New Brunswick, where he will attend n- eralAssenhly. the A. Drummoerian nd left for Buffalo on Tuesday morning to visit friends. The stock of Messrs Jessop & McElroy, now in charge ,of' Mr Piper, London, will be disposed of on Friday. Rey. A. Glazier, an old time resident of Blyth, now of Wiar- ton, visited friends in town this week. Mr Jas. Connolly, Patron candidate for West Huron, will address a public meeting in Industry "hall, on Friday eveninwillhe pbegdiscus ed; othehe r speakerses of will Wednesday afternoon M. left on weeks visit to Goderich and other places, after urse in a Toronto Businech she will ssuCollege: rsue a uthe good wishes of many friends follow her. Mr E. J. McRoberts, London, is doing business In town this week. St. Helens.. NoTEs.—Mrs Clark, of Puslinch, is the guest of her sister, Mrs W. C. Webb. Mrs Thurston is at present visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs R, Murrahas bought Mr h. Johr nJncan am s' houseandlot. Mrs Murray left on Thursday last for a two' months trip to the old country. Mr Gordon, of Toronto, is the guest of his brother, Mr John Gor- don. Mrs McGreevy,. of Michigan, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs J. McCrostie. Mrs D. McDonald, of Bel - more, has been visitingfriends in this vicinity, The Misses oss, of Kinloss, have returned home after spending some time with their cousin, Miss Mt - Pherson. Mr 11 Murray and Mr W. Casmites these on wear ti nes very each hasbada boy added to his family. Mr Garrow, M. P., addressed a large audience in the new hall on Friday evening last; among others present were Messrs Murdock, Berry, Bryan and Malcolm - son, of Lucknow; at a late bout the meeting was closed with three cheers for the Queen and three for Mr Gar. row. When Mr Will Cameron was returning home on Sunday afternoon last, the horse shied, anlittle ggd ten threw bin gy,th m and breaking the child's arm aboveirl out of the elbow, but we hope soon to hear of her recovery again, Rev. R. g. G. Anderson left on Monday last to at- tend the Genera} Assembly held in St. Johns N. B.; in his abence Rev. E. A. McKenzie will occupy the pulpit for two Sabbaths. Miss Ellen Murray is at r espy int pvisiting her sister Gordon, of Wingham. The sacrarment of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in nine iCalvin's newlurch rnembersnwere week, dt kitted to the fellowship of the church; Rev Mr McCrae, of Cranbrook, assisted Mr Anderson at the Friday service. Ggderlv Township. RANraison has acid ldii faErrm hof 87Chn liar- a,cress on some coals th ti e to th t tayiield ecu., fi cin `the west y g ted t 1Ifirlf of he b:i. n n, fF.:' 73 l,e an' tar li I d e north th kk y there lfaTf. ofwee r, lotoL ' 74 yht 1'man, :fabled H ,its his baler tied the 1 ng in a ' 1 $2,000. . PROPER? • -- Auburn. aenriwill held next Sundymonng, inthe Presbyterian church; the preparatory service, on Friday, will be conducted by the Rev. Mr Hamilton, of Londes- boro. There will be a social at the manse, on the evening of the 22nd; ad - is the guest of is brother. of London, James to MaMcnitobaee ft ndnDakota� or thed by gon a ood of his Jack- son, Glint Clinton. was Miss Maud Murdock is n the sick list. Friends are very sorry to hear Mrs James Howett is very low. Mr R. McGee, of Kincardine, was•vislt- ing friends in this vicinity this week: findfihis cow d ad Inst the Saturday morn- ing, beside the river. We are sorry to learn that Mr S. Marshall continues in declining health. Mr W. D. Wilson is suffering with a felon on his hand. The Methodist S. S. picnic takes place to -day (Friday). The gospel temper- ance address, by R. Holmes, of Clinton, was listened to by a good audience, last Sunday afternoon; the chair was occupied by Mr Webb; the next gospel temperance meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church, to be addressed by Mr Horace Foster. of Clinton. HolmesviIIe. W. M. S. —The sewing circle of the W.M.S. met at Mrs Stanley's on Wed - was a doneybynway of erale prc visionsewing was foreign Indian schools. o Lib- eral candidate� for South r M. uron, will address the electors at Pickard's nail on to commence at 8 night t 'clock next. Meeting McLean is a good speaker and there should be a large attendance. e rapid in r e se in n beench has the supplyof milk that Mr Hannah intends putting in another separator to supply the de- mand. Generally the public are well satisfied with to state of affairs in connection with the creamery. EPWORTH LEAGUE.—The next meet- ing of the Epworth League will beheld on M,.nday evening (June 18th)instead of a week later. This has been done, by decision of the Executive com- •nut sossvoitia of3ictwitb the next meeting of the Royal Templars, CItURcn.—Rev. Mr Caswell occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church here last Sunday, morning and evening, preaching two excellent sermons. The subject for next, Sunday evening's dis- course will be that of "Infant Baptism'. to be preached by the pastor, Rev. E. A. Fear. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC.—it has been decided to bold the annual picnic this year in Bayfield, on Friday, June 22nd, special accommodation is being provided. Further particulars will be made known in a few days. Every- body is invited on one condition, i e, bring your basketful], spentNOTE Sunday rwith his aunt Miss of D.cA Holmes. Miss Jennie Phipps returned last Sunday from an extended visit with relatives in Goderich, Mr Wm. Stanley who has been'laid np for a few day with inflammation is, we are glad to see, around again, On Wednesday last Mrs Lizzie Walter, who has been sick for some time, underwent, an oper- ation, that' of having an abscess taken ft om her side; we now hcpe for her re- covery. The boys of the school are getting a new foot ball to—kick. ROYAL TEMPLAR$,—The election of officers tookplace in council last Tues- day night. The following are the of- ficers for the ensuing term:-,S.C., F. C. Elford; P.C., W. McRoberts; V.C., Elsie Pickard; Chap.,D. A. Holmes; Rec.-Sec., Russel Frster; Fin. -Sec., Lillie McCartney; Treas.,E.McRoberts; Herald, Chas. McPhail; Guard, Esther Proctor; Sent., Peter McDougall, In- tallation will take place at first meet- ing in July. Next meeting will be beid on Monday night, June 25. The delegates from this council attend the District Convention at Wingham on Thursday. STATUTE LABOR.—The work on the Huron road beat is being done in a satisfactory manner under the effici- ent management of pathrnaster, air A. Huller; the gravel extends from the church eastward. N. B.—For the benefit of the public, Mr Editor, will you please answer the following ques- tion: Pathrnaster summons a person for one day's road work and to be pre- pared for first y. Later on he come and gives him leless than four days nog tice, saying that he must come on son second day. If that but goes tomoannot the first dahim home a, has nd report his work owerto 1 ijNor5,_A proper answer to this question de- pends on whether or not the township has a by-law governing statute labor. Tho Ontario Statutosdorud b es that "work must be dope notice." If a change is madefromtonotaayato another, the same notice should be given (un- less a township by-law provides differently) and the opinion of those posted in municipal law is cthat unless the man had six d4y's notice of the home and report the work no one r This seems to be one of the otraumstances where common sense shouldgovern proceedings.—ED,NewErie Brueefleld. NARROW ESCAPE. --The Manse be- longing to Union church had a narrow escape from destruction by flre the other da . By accident s supposed to be dead were thrownout Monde las on a manure heap; it happened that dad the G there were live]dwell w •,,,amonge! , as s, and these set firee s a.w, ( town lust w Londesboro. FESTIVAL,—A strawberry festival and entertainment will be given by the Presbyterian Sunday School on the evening of the 2nd of July, at the Manse and church. A good time is ex- pected. Proceeds for benefit of school. HXMENEAL,•-.-Beforeanother issue of the ERA, H'ullett will have lost one of its charming young ladies, who goes to the other side of the 45th parallel of latitude to brighten the home of a' Canadian resident of that country, and form one more connecting link that some day will make a chain to bind the two countries in one barman - lows whole. POLITICAL.—Mr Connoly, Patron Caudidaddressing the te for a electors est there' nnSattr day evening, He invites the electors in general but fails to invite Mr Garrow or anyone in his behalf; this is a proof of the weakness of the cause be sup. ports. Wonder if he will tell how cheap plows can he bought if Patrons carry the election? NOTES. Joseph Colclough has given up peddling meat for Mr T. Tewsley, and Mr A. Wilken is going to assist Mr Tewsley three days a week for a while. John Hill is improving the ap- pearance of the front of houses by a coat of paint. oes to RigghCourWoodman Court next week, as legate from Court Pride of the West No. 31, C.b.F. Miss Susan Luxton is paying her mother a visit, having returned from London on Saturday. Pathma t- ers are busy now making travel repairingncofortable for and a time. We are pleased to be able to say that Mrs John Brunadon and Mrs Marshall Braithwaite are both improv- yet.ingev. Me Ha ltonotexchanged with Rev. Mr McLean, of Blyth, on Sunday evening. Occasional Correspondent. NOTEs.servicethe Methodist chs rch e ewill gin future icom- mence at seven o'clock for the suriimer months. The Sunday school of the Methodist annualchurch t festival or picnic onthee 1st ohold f July; further notice will be given next week. Mr Geo. of Comber, arevisiting s aroand und here at present. Mr Jas. Ruddell is able to be out again after being con- fined to the house all winter with a broken ankle. Mr Geo. Haggitt, of Kincardine, was in our village this week. Mr John Hill is leaving our village again; we are sorry to lose hirer. Mrs Susan Medd has gone on a visit to her daughter, Mrs McVittie, Attwood. Cmade b A, oorrr pond nt; nhe the issue remarks rf the et inst., regarding some of the S. O. E. beethrei —going --ter -Briton —to-atterrd the service there, was anything but gentlemanly or courteous In partthe f theonwodid.uster- tainly show a lack of common sense to make such remarks about anyone. (There was little or nothing in the item to object to.—ED. NEW ERA.J. Seaforth. of Huron Council No.TEPLARS.—At ther95uR. T of rT., the following officers were elected for the ensuing term of six months:—J, H. Pyper, Select Councillor; Mrs R. Hax- by. Vice Councillor; Jas. Beattie, Past Councillor; Miss H. Williams, Chaplain; R. Haxby, Rec. Secy.; R. H. Young, Fin. Secy.; S. Trott, Treas.; Thos.�I ur- ray, Herald; Miss R. Nichol, Dep.oiler- ald; Miss N. Holman. Guard; G. David- son, Sentinel. BICYCLE acevare held Wednesday en ng, wea- ther permitting, on the Recreation grounds. Last week a large crowd witnessed the events, which were as follows: 2 mile handicap, won by J. LivingstoCourtney, ey,3rd. Half -e; Geo. mill classrB, wan by Geo. Good. Five mile named race, between J. Livingstone and Geo. Bald- win; won by J. Livingstone. The events for his week are: -2 mile handi- cap; half -mile, for married men; half - mile for boys under 15; half -mile named race, Livingstone, Baldwin and Winter. NOTE$Presbyterian lst abbath oto School commenced rneet in the morning at 9:30 for the summer months. St. Thomas church people will hold a Kermiss, in the rink, on Friday evening of this week, and a very interesting time is expected. Mr Weismiller, the Conservative candi- date, and others, are expected to ex- pound on the political questions of the day, here, on Mondayevening next. Mr Geo. H. Scott, of oledo, Ohio, is. here ort a visit to friends. J. H. Pyper, Dis. -Past Councillor; Mrs R., Haxby, tie, Miss R.is. Vice oN chop, J. Mrs Walllaceand R. Haxby attended the R.T. of T. Dis- trict Council, at Wingham, on Thurs- to our citi- day. we eors pleare ased to notice that Dr. theW. een elected to honorableream rpositonth has bof President of the Ontario Medical Association, which held its annual session at Toronto last week. Russell, a little son of Mr R. Scott, on the Huron road, had the mis- fortune to fall down cellar on Monday; he received two or three cuts on the head. At held by the ppSalvat Salvatione Army,Armeyilee 8eaat i the barracks, Rev Jos. Galloway, of the Methodist church, of the Presbyterian church, delivered Rev Mr interestin addresses on Monday even- ing, to a fair audience. Mr Bartliff isbu enrthe�sou soa uth-west corer of John k veneer and Sperling err' being made The Metdist chr improvements are being pushed forward this wei, so that the re -opening exercises may take place a week from next, Sunday, when Conductor Snider is expected to pastor,° and Mr John Willson,atd;elder, of the Presbyterian church here, left on t for o eneral AssemblN./3.,. evonMr ho spent a day^ or two the prayer meek ting afriends Meths ei a church, on Tlrursdayev ing�last, The Beaver lacrosse elm), f this laeo dem. fe t a ed the Stra.tfards, t i�t;rtr�fo, ort >" rid, hist, ;by triu�, sleight; ,goals lit tib it tweuty'Min tute✓ir, '' , ' ' 1 et.., which quick! i ni Harrison fax'thesalln cut et the fire under vrliagr rs anariiigcd to §. , ride u rY i. 1 d the hi�. tis] d e (j Lt711 j �i r control, after it had } 1 3'ear t>�i advanc ,, .'1;1 M When. not 60 pai4 `. l3ree zy Bayfield. PERSONAL.—.Mrs Rutledge left on Friday on a visit to friends in St Thomas, adf rs Simons spent some days with friends in Goderich fast week. Mr Jas. Thomson received au ugly gash across a couple of his fingers last week while running his shingle mill. Mr Roberts, of Brucefleld, took in the sights of our village on Sunday, on his wheel. Rev, J. 1: Kerrin was in Mit- chell on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs John Falconer were visiting in Goderich this week for a few days. CHURCH NEWS:—Capt, C vatic Army o bin ent on d this week. We people aof informed villagthat a inten the strrwberry festival soon. A garden party will be b parsonage grounds on the evening of July 2nd under the auspices of Trinity church. the The rrrack o Tusesday evvening.Rev E. Olivant and J. T. Kerlin spoke of the he 19th qquarterlyyph et nl work done by the g off ythe StSchoolyAssoc ationtwill behelSunday Methodist church here on Thursday next. A good program has been pro- vided and we hope to welcome a large number of visitors, rin,We who has so abtand ly officiated as the incumbent of Trinitychurch here, has received a very cordial invitation to Mitchell. Hayfield won would on e amdecide ex- cellent gentleman, and Trinitychurch an a This sis onlyYe worker the last ofmanyal s but we fear it received ayivbe theMsucccessfur l one.Mr College cupiedar.T. theHpulprt of St. Knox Andrews church, last Sunday morningand even- ings He is a young roan ofexception- alability and good address. In the morning a large congregation listened to an om the words, "Ourrfatheable rrwh ch art scourse rin hea- ven", during which Mr Hall impressed theall y even nsent g he deep isplayed hiss graft powers of catching and holding the at- tention of an audience, by his easy flow of language, hie clear incisive rhetoric, his cogent and convincing argument. We are pleased to announce that Mr Hall willremainhere during the sam- mer. and called upon the young open presents to support the government that bad preserved to them such a field of bound- less wealth. He scored point after point, but one of his ablest paragraph$ was on the harbor qu,�stion. Mr Jobb,, Beacom had called otit from the rear of the tet son hall, ho washat rtggettinars gon. a grantPfor ; Bayfield harbor, thus disclaiming any credit due to• Mr Weismiller, But the' - speaker would not ggive even Hon. J. O. the credit of it. He wanted to know raramore and 1 whose money he was going to spend, the Sal- was it not the peoples money i fie 'n Toronto said he had gone personally with Mr McMillan to get a grant for Bayfleid Methodist harbor, two yearns ago, because he be- d having a 1 like lieveMr Weisrnit was lie1., at the eve and nob an election. in order to win votes. '°If eld in the ' the Government at Ottawa were not trying to make_ political gain out of it, why could not Mr McMillan and he get the just rights of the Hayfield people as well as Mr Patterson ? r They owned part of that money, and why should they be deprived so many years of their own property ?" As soon as the doc- tor had concluded, the Reform candi- date, Mr McLean, was down in the au- dience, chatting with his many oId friends, after which. one of the best; political meetings held here for some time hroke_u e week, ii in stat ng that Reere v J. A. Turn- bull,formed of Toronto, had taken rooms in Mrs Peck's cottage, though he is in communication with her, but has not finally decided as yet. Mr M. Y. Mc- Lean finally a great admirer of Bayfield, and has aided our village by both his s his wife and familen and y hereis mevery sue mdmer and also remains himself as long as his du- ties will permit; how mach money did Weismiller ever leave in the village? "Dominion Day at BayflMd" should be chalked down by all who want a good time. 11r T. .1. Marks, the popular councillor;"is rievel' b l ind in trying to beautify the village, whether it be by acts of construction or by acts of de- struction; some months ago he erected a nice brick house, on Main street, and planted out a little park near the beach, now he is tearing down some. rather unsightly buildings on Main street' The young people of the 'village talk of holding a picnic soon, probably at Grand Bend: "distance lends en- chantment to the view." Mr Jaynes Pollock moved into the Queens last Thursday; he is not yet through with the many improvements on this very commodious summer hotel. The Don- aldson saw niill-is-havin an --addition - of,a Shingle mill put in this week; the next will be a planer. If you don't know to particulars about the big drop a celebration ca d tohere or callpupon the sominion ecre- tary, Mr Geo. Erwin, for a program and prize list; an excellent brass hand has be'.� A SPLENDID MEETING,—M. Y. Mc- Lean could"never •have -ex ected such a large and enthusiastic audience in Bar- field, as that which greeted him and his eloquent assistant, Dr. McDonald, M.P., on Monday evening. The town ball was filled with electors, many of whom were from the surrounding country, while some thirty ladies paid a fitti,rg to the speakers, by gracing the gallery with their presence. Mr Tames Camphell was appointed man. There was no representat Mr Weismiller present. Mr McLean. was the first speaker, and after making a complimentary reference to the la- dies he briefly reviewed his more per- sonal qualifications for the Legislature, referring to his 15 years' experience in municipal matters, while his opponent had never occupied a position of trust under the people. He reviewed the course taken by the Ontario Govern- ment, in the expenditure of the public money, and drew some very pointed comparisons between the extravagance at Ottawa and the economy at Toron- to. He answered fully every charge inade by Mr Weismiller' at his meeting, and was very ably assisted in remem- bering them by our old friend, Mr Geo. Castle. Mr McLean referred to the ouch d a responsive chord eld harbor, and i n the audi- ence, for whether townsman or coun- tryman, all recognize the benefit of a good harbor here. But this subject was left in the hands of Dr. McDonaId. 1 as it pertind to Dominion poli Mr McLean concluded amid ap 1 The proprietors of the different hotels, and also private chair- individuals are receiving coe.tirunicar. ive of , tions dai1� F--'•-- present indications point to as larger' crowd than ever this summer. Some- thing went wrong with the engine in the Donaldssn..saw -ill, in the early part ofTa- t week, but it was repaired in a few days, and everything is hum- ming again as usual. Mr Dan Harri- son, our expert house decorator, is kept engaged by Dbusr. tMetcalf, ohis f Detroihe hast, etno samefit time being is ekepthon lake, at the go be- tween the number of buildings in pro- cess of repair around town. Mie Dr. McDonald, M,P., salts an audience of opponents, he generally gives big doses, with the result that someone goes out feeling sick. Division Court on the 23rd inst. The Qemiketel double verandah is in process of erec- tion this week. Mr Jas. Spackman's horse ran away through Main St., on Wednesday afternoon, after tearing it- self loose from the rig. The trustees of the public school have invested in a tics. new map of-tlie world; there is rent , and the doctor was then called upon. sorelyHe ch, which told t on some de a stirring of tsheConservativesserrvatives pthe hall, a d One when ocalled backan was vex - claimed that he was getting sick. The doctor drew a beautiful word picture of the miles of land saved to the Pro- vince to the north of Lake Superior, East 'W awanosh, Noms,—James Cloakey, of Morris, spent the fore part of the week at John Bennetts. There will be a picnic in connection with S. S. No. 13, on Sat- urday June 30th in Harrison's bush; a baseball match has been arranged be- tween Westfield and the tJ'.h con. boys. Charles Wightman was presented by his wife with a bouncing boy on the 5th inst., Charlie is as proud as if he had got a 100 acre farm. Nicolson Bros. are putting up a long stretch of fence for John Conites, jr, Mr L. F. dayha Nethery sideraised a s weee rn on chosen1 by Joe. Grasby and John Nethery and the race was very close, Mr Grasby win- ning by about two rafters, Lauty invit- ed the young folks to remain and gave a good old time hop. Polities are dull and everybody says this is the quietest local, election ever held in W. Huron. Colborne NOTES.—Rev. Mr and Mrs Harris and their daughter,ht r Hattie, visit- ing around here. The Ladies' aid of and thel in d enteriitrinmen d iron the oeveningee social of June 20th. Mr Frank Crabb, of Gode- rich, spent Sunday at Mr Chas. Fish- er's, Mr I. Crich, of Tuckersinith, spent Sunday at Mr Amos Fisher's; Td, seems to enjoy going to Benmiller ch u rch. Mr Geo. Crabb, of Goderich; wits the guest atPopl err Gine e IartSinkay. The rnernbere of the Evange. leal church intend ai ntlr . i Lae gat- sonelge this week. The Lades` .Aid of Bethel triads a bee tonitit the church sheeniest Z3040.Mr•'llhrfstollhb(r and chit Baler Of Ii itllett, Were - the Duels ita VIVelel,'0 bei ri8t ad,L1T. need of more The River hotel had a ood c uples atrr of guests from Buffalo last week; they were greatly taken with the charming re- sort, and especially with the courteous entertainment. given them by the popular proprietor of this admirably situated hotel; Buffalo would send many visitors if Bayfield was made known in that city. Stanley James Goderich, ch, has beenvisiting friends n Stanley for a few days. Mrs Mustard has gone to Tiverton to visit her daughter, Mrs Brown, for a few weeks. frs P. Cambelliends at he Bend astaider isit week. shortto Junor, of Algoma, is spending a few days among old acquaintances here. Harioek . NOTES.—Mr Thos. Neilans has OW stone work finished under his bash Ian d put in the Mr A. Parsons hasp his barn stone woroach on rk complete and is to raise soon. Road work is the order of the day in this lo- cality. A social will be held at the resi- dence of Mr Geo. Watt, on Wednesday, June 20th; tea served from 5 to 7; proceeds are dinv invited attendalf of . Thos. Gibth - son, M.P.P. for East Huron, will ad- dress theon June at C000- rn- mence at 8 o'clock; other speakers will also address the nieeting. Do/nth ion Drshtnoist Celebration to beearetiv this Mofeaturenday, Juy2rd. There will he interesting sports and attractions on nil' kinds during the day: lacrosse. football, and baseball all bicycle contests, etc,. toawiled upwithea, grand prometrade eonncpt't In tine skat- ing rink in the ev'ening, whlcrhi a .1 being lit up by eleetr'ieity espeeialiv' for"te. '4 occ felon, The exdelient town hand'wil,t be assisted during ti'is'dnv ity the lllyt j band, AO that there wilt be n# lw.,k n : �. rA 1wi> lnr