HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-08, Page 7are .-.�,_. -..w .... .. THE aii1MTON NEVIT ERA FROM SUFFERING to HEALTH THE EXPERIENCE. OF A WELL- $NOWN BRUCE COUNTY FARMER. Ho Tames mita STORY OF ene DIBEA9LI THAT AF.1T,IOTED HIAI, THE SUFFERINee HE EN- DURED, AND How HE FOUND RELkASE•,– OTBER SUFFERERS MAY :TAKE HOPE FROM HIs RBLEASE. From the Teeswator News, Of all thorns that flesh is heir to, perhaps none causes the sufferer keener anguish, and few are more persistent and more dif- ficult to eradioate from the system, than that nervous disease known as sciatica. The viotim of an aggravated form of this malady suffers beyond the power of words to express, and it is with the utmost reluctance that the disorder yields to any course of treatment intended for its cure. Hearing that a rather remarkable cure had been effeoted in the case of Mr William Baptist, a respected resident of the town- ship of Cnlrose, a News reporter called up- on that gentleman to ascertain the facts. Mr Baptist is an intelligent and well-to-do farmer. He is well known in the section in whitlithe resides, and is looked upon as n man of nnimii eachable integrity. He is in the prime of lire, and his present ap- pearance does not indicate that he had at one time been a great sufferer. He receLv- ed the News representative with the ut- most cordiality, and cheerfully told the story of his restoration to health, remark- ing that he felt it a duty to do so in order that others afflicted as he has been might find relief. Up to the fall of 1892 he had been a healthy man; but at that time while har- vestingtheturnip n rn' Ip crop during a spell of wet,cold and disagreeableweather,he was attacked cked by sciatica. Only those ho have passed through a similar experience can tell what he suffered. He says it was something terrible. The pain was almost unendurable and would at times cause the perspiration to ooze from every pore. Sleep forsook his eyelids. His days were days of anguish and night brought no relief. Re- putable physicians were consulted without any appreciable oeneft. Remedies of tear. ions kinds were resorted to, and his condi- tion was worse than before. The limb af- fected began to decrease in aim, the flesh appeared to be parting from the bone, and the leg assumed a withered aspect. Its power of sensation grew less and less. It appeared,as a decd thing, and res ii grew more and more helpless it is little wonder that the hope of recovery began to fade away. All through the long winter he con- tinued to scffer., and towarde spring wan preailed'npcnto try Dr. William' Pink Tills. He commenced using these and soon felt that they were doing him good, and hops began to revive. Ey the time he iiad taken three bores the pain was eased, and the diseased limb began to assume a natural condition. He continued the use of the remedy until be had taken twelve Loxes. In course of time he was able to resume work, and today feels that he is completely oared. lie has :cines recom- mended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eo others with good restate. An analysis sheave that Dr.Willierne'Pink --FMB contain-in-ar-condensed-form ell _-the- elemente necessary to give new Efe and richness of the blood, and restore shuttered nerves. They s.re an entailing specifio far such diseases as locomotor ataaea, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, ne- ralgia,'rheamatiem, nervone headache. the after effects o: le grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, ell diseases c'e- pending upon vitiated humors in the ticod such as sorolala, chronic eryeipele5, etc. They are also a specific for troehies peer- ouliar to females, such ns seppreeeions, irregularities, and all forms of weaknese. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all oases arising from meatal worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pills are manafaotu'ed by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing their trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direot by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Com- pany, from either address. It is a singular coincidence that the three tabernacles built for Dr Talmage in Brook. lyn have all burnt down on Sunday. The other day the Prince' of Wales ap- peared in Hyde Park, London, for the first time this season, and in a dress which is likely, if perserverd in, to revolutionize fashion. It consisted ofbreechesandboots, with a very light-colored covert coat and regulation stovepipe blank Bilk hat. HOW TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappere wrap- per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom- an Look Old Sooner Than a Man")to LEVER.. Bnos., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. One of the contractors on the Ramarame Valley Road, Australia, had ocoaeion to fell a totara tree, and inside the trunk, which was hollow, he discovered three skeletons; supposed to be a man, woman and child. One of the skulls had apparently a bullet hole through the forehead. Among Mr Gladstone's curiosities is one presented to him by an admirer, It is a lead pencil 39 inches long, with a gold top, for use as a walking stick. I cured a horse of the mange by using MINARD'S LINIMENT. Dalhousie. CHRISTOPHER SAu:mans. I cored a horse badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINIMENT. St, Peters, C.B. EDWARD LINLIEF, I cured a horse of a bad swelling with MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst, N.B. THOS. W. PAYNE, Dr. Joseph Parker says that the three present-day euphemisms for the "world," the "flesh" and the "devil" are "society," "environment" and "tendency." An extraordinary experiment was recent- ly made at the London Royal Free Hos- pital. A servant girl was brought inwith her nose smashed The consulting surgeon dent out for a blackbird, took out its breast bon naged tophi oo it where the broken had beon.. The atom was eon. SAYINGS OF SMART CHILDREN, A boy when asked to qguote a text answered, piny are cold, but few are frozen. Sunday School teacher (sadly)—I'm afraid, Tohnny, that I will never meet you in heaven. Tohnny—Why! What have yok been doipg novy? Old Gentleman—My, my! I don't like to see little boys cry. Boys who get hurt should act like men. ;Boy— Boo, hool Then I'd get li-licked for swearin' Auntie had told four-year-old Merle about Elijah going up to heaven in a chariot of fire. Seeing a hearse leav- ing the cemetery, he said: "Well, I guess there goeshlijah down for anoth- er load." Sunday School teacher—Tommy, I was shocked to hear you swearing so dreadfully at that strange boy as he came in. Tommy—I bouldn't help it, ma'am. He was making fun at our kind of religion. HOOD'S AND ONLY HOOD'S. Are yon weak and weary, overworked and tired? Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine you need to purify and quicken your blood and to give you appetite and strength. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to buy any other. Any effort to substitute another re- medy is proof of the merit of Hood's. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try a box. Father to son—Why don't you sit down, Tommy? Tommy—This morn- ing I asked you how many made a million, 'an' you said, "Darned few," I told the teacher that in arithmetic class, an' that's why I can't sit down. Mammato little daughter)—Never tt e daughter)—Nev .r forget to thank God for everything, my child. Child—if I don't like it, too? Mamma—Yes, always; everything is for the best. Child (running in an hour later)—Mamma, thank God, I've broke the new pitcher. With the blood full of humors, the heat- ed term is all the more oppressive. Give the System a thorough cleansing with Ayer'e Sarsaparilla and a deme or two of A yer's Pills, and you will enjoy Summer co nevor before in your life. hash try this :tor once, and you'll not repent' it. Toinrr,y—I think grown people is a awful nuisance. Jimmy --View, i'or? Tommy—'Cauee when a fel? er tries to talk to 'em and entercair. 'era, they tell him to run away, but when he io enjoyin' hisself all by hisself, then they always want to come snonkeying round and bother %in. little Bobby -Na, .1 go to heav- en when 3: die? Mother—If you are a good boy you will. "Will you go, too?" "1 hope se, Bobby." "And will pa?" 'Yes, we will all be there some trine." Bobby didn't seem satisfied,' but after some thought ho said: "I don't see then where my fun comes in." MCYTILER. "One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters," timid George Herbey. Men are what their mothers make them. Bat if the mothers ,ire !peevish and irritable, through- irregtlaritiee,-"iiemale--rteeknee," and kindredlailmento, they find no pleasure, no beauty in the Dare ol their bubas. All effort ie torture. Let . all such, who feel weighed to the earth with "weeknessee" peculiar to their sex, -try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. They will find the little ones a delight instead of rr torment. To those abont to become mothers, it is a priceless boon. It lessens the pains and perils of childbirth, shortens later and pro- motes the secretion of an abundance of noreishmenb for tho child. The teacher asked her class to put the nouns "boys,"'°bees," and "bears," into a sentence. The scholars thought intently for a few moments, when one ragged youngster, with a. look of vic- tor- on his face, raised his hand. '9?' ell, Johnny," said the teacher, "what is your sentence?" "Boys bees bare when'they go in swimmin'." It happened in Sunday. School, The subject under discussion was Solomon and his wisdom. A little girl was ask- ed to tell the story of Solomon and the women who disputed the possession of a child. She timidly rose up and an- swered: "Solomon was a very wise man. One day two women went to him, quarreling about a baby. One woman said, 'This is my child,' and the other woman said, `No, this is my child.' But Solomon spoke up and said: 'No, no, 'ladies; do not quarrel. Give me my sword and I will make twins of him, so each can have one!"' AFFLICTED FROM INFANCY. A LAD WHO HAD BEEN DROPSICAL FRCiM His CHILDHOOH CURED BY DODD'S $mNEY PILI G—THE REMEDY THAT NEVER FAILED. MCINTYRE, Ont. June 4.—The young son of Hugh Lamont, of this place has been af- flioted with dropsy from infanoy. He was bloated and swollen all over. His parents were at their wits end to find some euro for him when they read of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr Lamont got six boxes:of the pills and the boy began taking them. Be- fore the sixth box was finished he was cured. It doesn't matter whether the pa- tient young or old, the pills will effect a ours of any kidney disease or of any dis- ease arising from disordered kidneys. Twenty thousand tons of fruit were con- sumed in London last year. On the earth's surface, 1,500,000 acres are devoted to tobacco agriculture. Two men to five women are employed in the United States. About 40,000 tramps, it is estimated are travelling over Germany all: the year around. There are twenty-one law firms in the United States that are conducted jointly by husbands and wives. An awful flood has occurred in Brit- ish Columbia by the Fraser over -flow- ing it's hanks. It is estimated that more than 2,000 families are homeless and that a property loss of $3,000,000 has been suffered. It is a prevalent belief in London that oranges make a remedy for the liquor habit that it is much better than the gold cute as it is cheaper. It is re- ported that if eaten systematically, six of them a day, they destroy all de- sire for alcohol. Apples and lemon juke are lidded to the prescription if the cafe of inebriety is particularly A French electrician, lkl. Trouye, catches fish by sinking in the water a net with incandescent lamp attached. The curious fish collect around the light, when a pneumatic tire around the edge of the net is silently inflated and rises to the surface, entrapping them without frightening thein and hence without destroying the spawn— a great drawback to ordinary net'flsh- ing. Only a Stet) from Weak Lungs to Con- sumption. from ° Depleted Blood to Anaemia, from Dis- eased Blood to Scrofula,from Loss of Flesh to Illness. Scott's • Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, prevents this step from being taken and restores Health. Physicians, the world over, en— dorse It. Don't .be deceived by Substitutes! Scott.* Bemis, Belleville. All Druggists 60o. ANN TME 3NOWBALLWAG,ON eer STANDS TO DAY Epp I � . J ht� T. f This is one of the best Yarm waggons mann- sutured, having beon on the market for 60 years, and being very strongly built, while at the same ime adapted to all 'Mads of work, and is noted or its lightness of draft and easy running. Tn030 wbo base need them will use no othe-, while the prior at which i; is sold ie no more t is s would be ptid fo- an lu'erior artiste. Tho u ide igued Is sole agent for this neighborhood, and the wag gon mayy be inspected at any time pa�t1hie shop OLer VER JOHN S it ON0 ESL ACKSM ITH ISAAC STREET, : CLINTON WASHING- MACHINES. ' _sereneC.ole-ts mau.tttenti le fonnalo a Patent e'aing 1dacbiuo called the "Mag;t sirer W,nr i is offered at a ve y low figure. Tueycan be . in at his residence, Isaac street. 13. COLE, C'inton. Mazzl, i11er Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH 'AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wantingany thing in tbis connection will save money by pur cbazing here. Orders by hfailwill be promptly attended tai Address, Jdl'R STEWART. — o;onmiller. J. C. STEVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPI in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidueed Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL wdessear When we assert that Dodd's Kidney Pills Wv�M,1n� Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY OURS YO $TAY'OUREO. fly alldr�,�gists or mail on receipt of price, so cents, . L. A. Sm)th & Co, Tos its; June '8 188.4. IIUI'CHIM : SHOPS City lltitclo s• $istq SMITI-i'S BLOOK, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, O,LINTON The undersigned having opened out in tbo Smith Block, desires to state that :,e will keep on hand tee very ehuioee„ M nate. H a,. ug no .,,- Penile ovnideofhimself, ee'9in e, position is sell at the very oloseet Niece, F Ztti1, URE—.AT I: FILLED Ur IENIDE, NEW, G000 ' .,AT LOW PRICES—BO Ij0ili.'U nli(4J4 P '1'0 SELL AT SMALL P110101 1 S House - Cleaning - Time , Coniiug He will at all times be prepared to pay the kighest market price for Export Cattle. LIVE HOGS always wanted {for export. Give him a call, ROBT. FITZSIMONS HURON ST. BUTCHER SHOP I desire most coraially to thank a,,;those who have favored us with their patronage since I commenced in business, and to assure them and therpublio generally that we are in better shape than ever to cateer to their wants, having added an im proved refrigerator and other oonvenienees at our shop. WHEATLEY & SCRUTON Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS : CHANGE. SIDEBOARDS—A nice Sideboard in 16th century, an- tique, &c. Light enish, $6.50—new goods just in, BAMBOO TABLES 25e, 30c. and 40c come to hand. POLISHED WALNUT BEDROOM SUITS $20. CURTAIN POLES and Fixings, int. parted goods, from 25o up. Poles in Oak, Enamel, blank or assorted colors. BEDROOM SUITS from $10.50 up MIRRORS I different Rises, A lot of Mattresses, Lounges, Spring Beds, Parlor Suite &o. Furniture in Oak and other woods. F'Azifoi RocKERS in stuffed bot- s Large st took of Picture Mouldings in Oak, aonmds ExtensionandRwttan TabClhes..aras. TarboxCentre'ejTpatenablet Gilt,New Shades. Frames made to order Pillow Sham BSoldsna, J. C: STEVENSON, :: Furniture Emporium, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON., The undersigned deeires to 'intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr Couch, in the butchering business lately carried on under the yle of FORD & COUCH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to tho busi- ness, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly tilled JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shop 8nb oriberde ires to thank the publicgeneral- ly, for the patronagebestowed upon him ; and at the same time to Say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of:all. As he gives personal attention to all the detail, of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices.' Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, (ao. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. T'lMM>' MIA Fred Stores FiouT, Feed A Seed Store The undersigned having formed a partnership, desire to intimate that they will hoop on hand the very best FLOUR, and FEED O:1 all kinds also the. choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will bo sold at close margins for oath. SALT also kept on hand. They will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEA -3 which con- eemers will find to be excellent value. HILL & PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON. cocav3 FIourmFeediStore BRAN 84 SHORTS In largo or email quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushe'. of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS The Nelsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855) OAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,175,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought C -d sold at lowest current rates. Interesi al- lowed on deposits. FARMERM- r, ones advanced to farmee on their own note with one or more endorsors. No mortgage re- quired as security H. C. BREWER, Manager. Om 61E0. D. McTAGGART. BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A. general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts,issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRA.N & TISDALL BANKERS, CLU! TON. ON Advances made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. general tanking Business transacted Inte-o et allowed on deposits. Ile Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manage THE COILED SPRING Wove Wire renting. 1 A., Messrs : tanley and Stoop sip agonto for the abo . fenae, which is el riled to be lbs beat » ting wire mannta ed of the kind LET dig STA , OIllntdn .r1 TY-3CANKS .. To our customers who have helped us to make our last year the best in the history40- t he firm, we tender our beet thanks, and assure them we will will spare net'.,, efforts to not only retain their trade, but to give them even better value feir their money or produce than heretofore. We have just closed the purchake of ONE CAR LOAD OF SUGAR Direct from Redpath'u refinery (without doubt the best Sugar produced in Canada) which we will sell by the dollars worth or by the barrel at prices that cannot be beaten. _ TEAS, COFFEES, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS And:everything pertaining to a first-olass trade as low as the lowest. We believe we are within the mark, when we say our BLACK TEA at 50e a lb. beats the town. We have had a large sale of CROCKERY lately which has diminished our stook somewhat, but have a nice assortment arriving which we will be pleased to show intending purchasers. Call and get prices before buying. 11ICl1.IIJRRA.Y & WILTSE, NearPostOfce—CENT L GROCERY—Telepholce 40 Welcome Springillaarat Hand Also Malan Mg:Ili:I%� We offer loll lines of Scrubbing Brushes, Stove Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Whitewaab Brushes, Self -wringing Mope and Mop handles, Patent Brooms, &o., Whiting, Pearling, Sapolio, Washing Soda and Vv ashing Crystal. SOAPS—Sunlight, Sunbeam, Homo Sweet Home, Surprise, Wide Awake, N. P., Victor, 0. K., Electric, Dingman's, Amonia, Niagara, Standard, Century Soap. TOILET SOAPS—Pure White Castile and Oatmeal Bars, Heliotrope, Baby's Own, Home Comfort, Carbolic, Tar, Sulphur, Master Mechanics will remove tar and greats from the hands. ; CROCKERY—During April we offer Toilet Sete, Dinner and Tea sets at oatly re- duced prices for cash. We cannot be excelled in the quality and flavor of `JAS.,, either in Black, Green or Japans. Special cuts in Teas and Sugars in gnantit Cann- ed goods, Pickles, Spines- Hams, Bacon, Lard, Cottolene, Oatmeal, Cornme 1, Flaked Peas, Flaked Hominy. We continue to offer special inducements to cash purchasers N. ROBSON, Clinton Sash, Door & BIind Factory a "• 1=111CID if 4••■ '� ( 1T 'de CCS 04 � N� ` �`. l 01=- :YIw'IaIN�µ' `ii.'"�Llu!lll2 ;miii nr.11!."P Ii. µ.. :: S. S. COOPER, Proprietor Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive .addition to my premises, and also patting in one of the latest improved Pr,tOnt Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders.. entrusted to me. We . prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences „ and execute contracts for the same on sheet notice, and in a workmanlike 'manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stock all kinds of Window`Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who inten a to build will and it to their own interest to Bee me b'afore eodoing. Se S. COOPER, Clinton THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD a . • , THE OXFORD'.. OIL GAS COOK STOVE That will burn ROUGH WOOD and COAL ... Equally Well... Tae O1FO GRDUAT1 :: Will do It:: Has the Largest Oven.IS A FARrIER's without wick. Makes and Burns Its Own Gas From Common Coal Oil. NO DIRT, NO HEAT IN THE KITCHEN. Cooks a Family- Dinner for Two Cents.. The GURNEY FOUNDRY 00,, Ltd., TORONTO.. STOVE, Everybody's Cook Steve. See R. City BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bought out the bakory finances 60 sucoesefully carried on by Mr Wm. Young,will continue tbo business at the old stand tie wilet deavor, by supplying a first class arta. r o, to merit the liberal support of the people dread delivered anywhere in town. �VVedding Cakes, Fruit or Spponge Cakes euppliedon short notioe', • BECJiWIG 1 , ►�:O TON ALL THE WOMEN Aro healthy some of the time, some womon are healthy all the time, but all women aro not hoal.hy all the time unless they wash w ith a SEWARD :: WASHER We warrant the Seward Washer tb cleanse any fabric that soap and water will eleanso. Now is the time to wash your carpet§ and la + curtains, Get a Seward Washer, mannfaoturod by J. T. SEli ri ,1tD, : Clinton, Out: AO Nis WANfi It in tiers Wolin 10 fled! ..r