HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-03-06, Page 64.44,11t4+4 i,+$44,4+44 •e ++ Raisin Rea , wog A delleteus ratan layer plulainir Made thus: Pour a cup of belling wea ter over three-querters on) silt= VW three or ,faur minutee. Remove from Oro and add attablesneert gelatt att - Which len teen soaked for 15 Willie's •ain one-quarter cup cola weave Let It get partly cool. Wiwi tnixtere bei io• thicken, beat until frothy, add etif ity beaten whites 3 eggs; beat 20 utes. Dtvide into twat portions. Use Row oblong bread pan for mold. triut half Nate green, favor with al - •:attend or lemenaudd One-half mead etzich canned apricots cut in email • plecee and drained from luice. Put WO pane ae first layer. a tt sca ebe • tore addIng second, layer, which should ;lb° tatted light pink, 'leveret witb van- aella. Into- the pink aver be one - ;Ikea cupful seedles,s raisius .teelted un - :tan tender end dralued dry. Serve •etalth whIpPed cream, gaelith witb eehopped nuts. eta COLONIAL RAISIN PUDDIN11. Spread elglat ee ten square soda .e*raciters Ilehtly wtett eater. Cook Atte and one-half cupfuls seetlea rats a las. cet in halves, in water, eeough to atnIUMP, but leave no tuice. Put crack- . tears and raisins in alternate leyeae in a:at-uttered pudding cover and 1 et stand efpr one hour. Beat two eggs and Cour a aegg yolks lightlY, add three-quarter," aatmati brown sugar, oue naeneg mat nnartiop., one cupful thin catam and •aeteaur into cracker mixture. Delta in testow oven • about two hotrat :tem atiith hard or hold sauce. RAISED RAISIN CAKE. aCream three-quartere &Win butter •ear substitute with one and one -halt eempfule light brown sager, and two eeetell-beaten, eggs, two cattails aelle eateen bread sponge, two teaspoonatle soda and cinnamon, one teaertc n- 4911 salt, two cupfuls seed el ra tale Alit in email pieces anet into one eurt- tatel flour. Beat •teoroughly., r aetrea elieto tube, eel* Pan ter oblong broad teem). cover tetatteetenitit light (about three hour) enct 'bate In moderate aeretter one hour-. Remove from pan. over with .creamnsttligee Ada een- Tatictionerssugar to two etableepoone ttatele cream until ef eensistency to -11Rread. aitaAISIN AND ,CRA;NBERRY laReepeele .For thts frezen dainty, slimecat, *tbree-guarters natal ground raesins eathat have beensoaked in one cup cold aveter for two b,ours) -until reduced to melp. Cook three cupfulcranberries tan one and one -quartet cupfuls water altdeltgeett Itatliasthatatah aravel". Soten tntettableepoonful gelatine in cne-halt .curifuh•cokt -water • and,Sleselve, • by standing in hot water; combine ingre- dients; add ona antli exte-,balf cupfuls stigma Juice one lemon mid beat welt tether. --Turn into freezer, pack in tee end eel a and let %and for t wo hors. • Dellelone tet gerve In „she: tet, gkassee With roast •turey. ° APPLE -CAKE. Sat, together . twO eupfuls of flour, mat -quarter teagpoonful salt, ona tea- spool:dui: of coda and four tablespoon-. flits of 'eugare Work, in with the tin- gers agee • ratinding tablespoeutul ot better. , Pour in gradually. one (meta of sour milk and add one beaten eggt Mix, Well "together ada spread in, •a, wellagreased shallow • „bak1ng-14n'. about One, inch thick. Cola, pare and cut tour sountaintles eighta and Platte them in parallel" rows,'-. -sharp edge pressed slighely hap the batter; Sprinkle ever all a little mixed sue ValraakfatailreetigNOIONICOMEMIA "rye beggea off," Data ,Teelt, quietly, if the sovereigns I won of -you last "I mean to go, anel I'm going to ask niglate Jack -and he's one to get ever you fellow te go with me," the manager. Hello, here he te. emelt obliged," wad Fop. What, want our cares? Well, no eb- The rest laughed satiric:ally. jeetion, eh, Jack?" "You'll come. W'll fill the box, It "None at all," said Jack, telting out teill cheer the pirate elie; co -pe, Beau, his cardease. "Tell the manager, don't be disagreeable." wall our compliments, that we are "Well, we'll go," said Beaumont, "it &lam to penetrate behind the Seenes Fop and Waltoa wall, for it's My end wilt talte care not to getela the . opinion it will need four to keep each way of the actors." other going ou the `mutual encourage- The man trotted off with the cents, tnent system." and soon returned to announce •that The other two were talked over, and the manager would be happy to shOW poor Jack, highly satisfied with his teem over. success, lost a few pound.% with groat enjoyment and walked home to hie own chambers He walked, thouglx Ms private cab and hieh-steppIng cob were welting Lox him. "I'll streteit my lege," said he to his Man, "get of to bed," CHAPTER. II. Jack Hamilton's was one of thosie tete lustancee of a. man getting his de - teas. -He came oft a good 'but a poor fatally. His mother, a widow, had jutit auffielent to start Jack mit the legal road of life and lived long enough to see him In tbe robe of the barrister. Jack was always a gentle -hearted end hard-working fellow, and be per-, severed far more than ene-balf of his essociatee to Oaten that necessity of D. barrister's exletence, a brief, a brief eaine, and Jack acttonished Ms friends by carrying it out well. Ho was not eloquent as the term goes, but ivaa possessecl of a.certain holiest, sett. A faint flash ot pride auffueed the parts of they pirate's tace where the •rouge Waa not, Mt be Maned hia head alightly: "1 thauk you, sir; yea, it is a good lame: the MOM does laat deeert its Old faitoritea, tar." "Old," Said Jack, rabiliatt Ille browet "come, net old, iturelyr The pirate noddett tectelvely "Yee, etr, gettlug old ead used, Up," he said, Walt a hollow laugh, "but I Manage to keep away aft the, Stag% I hope; heave -now did you think----" "Spleutlidlea" Bald Jaelt, -quietly. "You carried no with you; eh, Walton, Watt It hot capital?" "Yes," said Walten, and the othere Chimed in, more to pleat* Seek than tite worneout actor. "Yee, yea played capitally, and with great Spirit." Again the pirate Incltned Ids 11044 and With the van* heightened color.. "1 havea*PlaYed up to' Kelett, gentle. Mont" he Odd. "Tlietaae all played up to O'Kean," Muttered -Walton: "But times have chaneha now, tlie dratutt Is not what it ----1 Iting, tang!' ding, dong1 and the callbotam Wade dreweed hie low one "Ladies et the ballet, and the Spirit of the Deep." A melt of feet and a buzz Of Voiotia followed thie summons, and • Jack terhis way, gentlenlen," said he, Etna walking to the door, saw a group of the four explorers followed by LI etre ballet. girls pattering past in their hind the curtain -jack with aoodata- mea and boys/made up In twill and 1 cultous route to the strange land be- gauze dresses, followed by a erowd cif tured amiabilitY, and the three blade green, 041Mo-which Would look lace with sundry plaints and growls., . "Here goes a new coat!" said Wal- sleAtiem- firnOtraitollialfetefrrontti-leassdpeirmitonoef. the ton, as he brushed two feet of Can- Deep, likewise in green, but further webs off one of the dark passages, aaornea with it, dazzling tunic et tin, "And a new hat," muttered 13094' gastetting with' sPangles; blirst Into mpnt, crushing his head against' the the room. low ceiling under the stage. •-"I'm going on," he said, addressIng "Thank heaven, l've got some old the pirate, hurriedly. "Mind Anna - clothes on!" devoutly exclaimed Fop-. letett; ton. she's got the one all tight and "Never mind," said Seek, laugliaig,,:‘ 3•110111,1peu4ebth: roahkifatetaere licaear-. geit,caor:,rt "'You don't pay for youre hats, you, - know, Beau, and Fopton will haVe A IllVetteetrelletesetile64ePprieledditirernpdirla”te, amt. naw suit to -morrow; come along," and lously. "She will do her best. Would he surmounted some steept dirty steas You like to see the scene, gentlemen?" and ,reached the mystic presence of lie centinued, turning to the four the "Wings." ,t He dared, and as It ewes his first •.,igends. "You* can see it from the figs; it's nicely set, I believe." viait behind the certain he had, ea- The gentlemen followed him to a draightforward persuasiveness that The ecenery that Molted so beautt- • tarried the jury and .won him hie eause. ful finished, se &irefully painted, freer the front, was here revealed in all its He was to be a great lawyer, but monstrous ,coarseness, great layers of !ortune etepped in. His uncle, Sir Wile paint with the hairs from the brushes Jena kamewell, died unexpettedly, and .• eticking to them at every limit, dabs the Paceweil property, representing of tinsel, splashes of whitewash and, eventy thoueand a year, Asti to "dear streaks of blue for the delicate sky' Id , Jack," vvhile the title went beg- that seemed as Pretty as the real thing, Ong to the next cousin, 0, Confirmed Jack drew his head back aghast. tacholor with a snug fortune that in e"I say, you know," he exclaimed, eine might also roll into Jacet Hama - :one coffers. what a sell. Is It possible that -this Melees spoil a great many menbut cau be the great scene of the pirate's ; ,- ;hey didn't spoil Jack, He ha.d been a cave we saw only a few * moments 'oft -hearted, lovable fellow on three since? Why --"Beaumont nudged Fbpton'arm. s ettudred, he remaineci so on twenty thousand. What our readers have al- "Look at him," he muttered, "the how the ' picture of deluded innocence. lsri't may seen of him will sm the it good?' --Pour old Jack!" man better than all we can eaY in "Well, I never would have believed leseriptien. He was handsome, young, tnit," eontiau.ed • Sack, • "and itto-aeha--t d an ardent believer the virtue in old Mborn goodnees of women. Age rather ,dirty, toter ee you. say." ' )le women or countess It wait all one " "Yes, • although. there's wind and draught enough to .carry off a =un- ee him, both were worthy of mama • ax hie eyes and received it at his 'tain..of,tbe light e 1," growled - Wel- land. He was generous to a fault, and ton. . Testi, her comae -the Mane- iecesearily the victim of all sorts of Pr*" •' ' - ** tnpostures-Impeetures that however oo A short, thickset pleasant -1 ki aequentIy they might occur never • ream eon* forwaraand touelted 'his latt ' essened his belief in the honeety of -tilted it, in fact, oet his forehead -a tuman. nature and the flne excellence by way of salutation, ef women. , „ "Your servant, gent'enaen," he said. The night of the eard party was "Come to take a look behind, •eh7 :old, but the next was colder, and the Rather elifferent •from the front," ha, ;hree men of the world-roptoe, Wale ha!" an and Beaumont -were not in the "Yes," said Jack, lit his open, engage teat of humor aa they drove to the leg way, that always- won its yaw at aoyal Signet, for which performance the airst ofiseta. ayes; very different, they 'seemed to entertain the highest hut weeare.verytmuch °Waged. to YOu tontempt, for permission; I Imam stand it is en "Have you Insured your life, Jack?" exceptional one?" &eked Beaumont, as the carnage roll- "Well," 'said the manager, with- ail- ed Into the darker region of the East other tilt 6f' bus hat, "you see I Alla and. •knatir that you were 'nobs' -excuse the word -or 1 shouldset have been ea particular. NO fear of gents like you, It's the whipperesnapper- young elerke end that -sort 'of thiag that •I object .to 'I keep my company.,46.1.ect. Nevei mind what goes on at the West, saY I, we'll have it all square at the Sig - 11 gea and einnamon and dot with bitsLaae- of butter, Bake in rather a hot oven "IP kno We'd better telegraph when we get this confounded • place," euggested eon. "My people would like to NY how we get on. •What a fearaul smell! fried fish! Hello, here A are. Now, you fellows, look to your pea - etc. This is the Royal %Signet," and the aristocrat groaned ler:Omit twenty-flye.minutes. Serve as la hot bread with blitter. g0TA,TO AND COAN-MEAL !MUFFINS, Potato and corti-Meal Muffins are,Jack laughed as he sprang out of delleiptls. To Make thein, use two the brbughatn. tehleepoonfuls of fat, one tablespoon- "No backing out," he said; "come tui-- of sugar, one egg well beaten, one along and I'll bet It's no woree than euattl of milk, oue cupful of mashed the W9st End places." . potatoes, one cupful of corn-mealw The three friends !shook their •, fee .aeads, and very dolefully entered the tea.spoonfuls of %baking-pou der, .one vestibule teastmottful of salt. 'Mix.lx, in the ore de glean, put in muffin vans and a An attendant came forward, and, re - bake foewcogniing. m ty minutes in a; hot en. the gentleen as "nobs," wee partitularly polite. 2 BEEF FRITTERS. "This way, gentlemen, the farce is One 'way of utilizing cold met beef rejsite hoverture."er,. and the horchestre is a -platen' is rainte to e the meat very fir eIY and t seatoriWith,,sait, Pepper and a few The &entlemen were us'hered int9 t drOps itChorse-radish vinegar, make he' box and lboked around. ---- tour, milk at a one "It's a large houee," muttered Beata good bateete wall anonf. egg; mix the meat with this and drop "And crammed!" said Fopton, with aspoonful at a time, into boiling sUrprise. tate Fry utitil.larown, drain en Da- "They are very claret," remarked per by the fire, and iserVe hot. .Walton, in a tone that denoted his ex- _ CANNED PEAS.* , -apeetation of a riot and a general free, a fight, into boiling water, atoll .five min - Place ehelled peas in a beg and gat "Of course," said Jack. "They are utak remove and plunge into cold enjoying the music , and I'll tell you Water. Pack in jars, fill With boil- What," he added, after listening a few Moment% "It's a Jolly good band." • ing watertentl dad one level teatpoon-, fill et etett aaell pint,- Ittace rtib- "Pull the curtain, for Heaven's sake!" exclaimed Potpie "Don't -Dere and top partly tightened. Put attract their attention; you don't know Jere Intea ;hotting with tight -fitting what these people are." ccafer and ;'*false hottom, with water "Not you either," said Jack, with a &tout to cover Jars to a depta ea goodnatured laugh. -"Come, you fele three or four Inches, anddtafter reach, i taws, xnake yourselvea eornfortabte, inethe boiling point, beta tot an hour 1 This 4s quite as good a box as you am( a bait rternove"and tighten cove, could get at the Coronet, I'll wager ere and _Invert te, cool. , m 41't BEKRY WHIP. ' I y life the performance isn't far short." Wi ri"The Pirate',, Gorge!" growled Wel- ll!-11, Mai lli lides of stale s,.m___. 1311,Onge-caltd, Sugar a ciftart Of ber- u rlase Mash slightly, and pour 1 up." "118•8111" said Sack; "There's the over cake, Beat wcurtain 'whit ot three eggs , The reader need not fear a detailed tiered sugar, pa beat in enottga eve stiff,„ add three tabiesPoonftas. pow- , descriptten of the plot, acting and ries ta flay& and color Heap en sceaery. Enough that the find and kakis and Mee wale ereteol, last were as good as could be found.at a West End theatre, And the acting - well, More -marked and exaggerated, OBEAMETI,:teVEETBREADS[but very little more unnatural. • 't • Parboil cote aemeteread, cool and cUt in ' Tha --three friends did not yawn af- 'este-hair hush cube*, spripicle with salt, ter the first aet, a,na "dear old Jack" drodke -.sparingly with TiOur an.1 ratite got positively interested. 4.ratet -brown paper. ,. 191 butter .iiretil surfacel.is browned, Then en him two tabe. '"I'll tell You' 'whet!" he exelaimed, fe fl woo fulor butter, add- three table.motm-beaming with good nature. "That wafer 'atm- and lair Until wet' -Wend- , Montague felloW is a deuced fine actor, kin g constantly, one.intlf elm each elliele; 4d; then pour on gradually, white lair- notwithstanding the rant and gunnOW- en stook:and 'Milk av .ereeln• Bring to dete, You can't go to, navy over him, ale ebeittag, point, add ,eweetbresd ellbes and I've done that over a great many yluttemson With salt-aud t aYi.nne.i This of tee mat ones!, •'I1im- greatly improved by the at (Mien • elf ..,.. , „iiee c one-tourai pound or Inuloltroom caw:, l 2,1:opton noe..„ Mewled, broken in Ineee3 and sau ce In I Not so bad.,, ihe said. "41 least to *ULM% 4.....4....01,... *V ; worse then *mai. I tell you what! . ;t would be good fun to go behind!" ' Adtaitee' Tips. Weltoxt shortie his head. Peter Pitallettees. "Don't thlult yell can manage it," Trietlette mailers. latipton 'nodded -confidently. Etashei tar Item -ter Weer. • • Vent we? You'll zee," arid oPell- e blePOM001113 ea Ing m"„„"nera, _ leg the box door, he 'called to the box - ss oar ' • keePer, Wide, boned 'girdles en" Solitherat t Wear skirts. There was a short parley, and Fop. ton came to the front of the box look- "Taere IS -one • Mg a little leas confident, a t time eoming when i Int WiaLaellitt enlar their 3v1f8%1 I-''''''"&ger Is itWfully serict, at. "Fta ellow rt it ain't Clewed. Milne - alai 8-,u r°1181°"'"W1181 t'11118 18 °Int?"' The whole "When We look tack and remember fl at seems to be 0, happY Wetly, la - e dies of the ballet very earetillly look - the War breed ittot her Mad to make." ed fetter, and no one auceeed behind --Petrelt lope' pane the Seenel, BM I've tipped hiMa-oite net look ' f • a ter my Ming worsen, ' gentlemeh, as- if they Were my own; which.thpy are while their engagement . lasts 'meg Veer are. hi this holm." Jack nodded with' candid approval. "You are quite right," he -said; "and I hatter you for it. We -have *, been Very eleueli entertained by ; the •play--" • Before he could get any further a whistle blew, half a dozen mbri rushed pest ,thenr,.'utterlY-regardiess -01, their tr 'were standing, ;began -to shake • ;ad liresence, th&'tvitigs,•-timong ethic?' Y "move, the tread- o a ntlitaber of feet pattered around and 'above them, Mid the manager suddettla -started into Wet • finis way, gentratiene ;mina the dust, it's pretty thick; this way,"-•Ite &tide hurrying off; "they're clearing for tile first acence et the extravagan- za." • The four gentlaImulWf'ollowed thC Manager, quickly, fighting their „weer. through a ;stream carpenters, ballet girls and gastaen, and 'entered 4 the egreehroom. It was a large leftY Maeda with 4 titimber of their% a round' table, upon ethieh wasscattered a heap of dresses and stage properties and the walla were covered with old' playbills-' and pertraitz'of dead-and-gehe theatri- cal celebrities. ."Take a- chair, gentletnen," Said the haftriagen• his hat all sides ot. las head at once, "I'll he back directly the scettee are set, by your leave," ahd, With a tilt of edict% -he ran off. The tour friends, looked at eaph oth- er with, comical bewilderment. . "Well, exclaimed Beaumont, "Oils is 0, sweet game! What will beconle -of Us'?" "A full rectaition of the whole come patty and stand treat alt around; champagne and oysters," Inourhfully .ejaculatea roptoh. "I've aone this tea of thing before." "Thank Heaven, Jack will have to, pay for it!" geld Walton. ledghing. "It only wants the presence of the ."- rate to demand our heads, and with an onion to soak M our bleat to fihigh "By Jove! here he is then!" eaid Jeck, and he arose as the hero of the tnelodratta, still tittered in his 1 °daft* nearing costume, pushed open tile debt and entered, He Mood still for a moment as if ern._ harrassed by their utexpected Wee. ene% but after that niontent doffed ble plumed cap, ahd, with a stage beW; Bald, in strangely low accents, &inside °ring the -deep- tone with-whith be had been deelahning his part So short a titne previously: "Your servadt, getaleirien, 1 thought the room Was empty." "And so it ought to be," eald lack settling, 'foe we are intrudlerti." "Ntet at an," ealti the pirate, Made ly, "not at all. By the way, sir," look. Ing hard at Jack, "I think I have :seen your face before. Did I not Yee you alr. Metre?" "Yes," latid auk, "It was of Mgt t.cant, sPot at the wings front which they .could see the scene of *arta the few extravaganzas. e -The pirate, after fidgeting nervously Jar a few moineats, naurniured some- thing ancl turned away. ta leek looked,, at him curibusly. Wonder wild, Anitabelle is?" Fopton, looking,* too. "Seem- ra nervous about her, doeen't he?" "Hushr said Walton, 'they can yam in front, Pop. How quiet are, and what a mass of ,heads'•Mote This is the first night of extravaganza, evidently." "Look out!" The warning came just in time, a monient afteir -a boy with a lig torch dashed past thernealgavin strong smell of burnteg spirit an atteak ot smeke behind hare tioaiWohienwg!..; said Beaumont, through hi handkerchief. "That's-pleasana-whattl "Oli, announcing the queen; and, I Say, look there," replfea Waiter, tudg- tng hie. arm. • At the next wing stood the pirate; beside hint a young girr lust trembling ,between girlhood and womanlepod. She was nestled as close to him aa tossible, her face turned up te Ms' eith a 'sweet, encouraging smile that contrasted' strongly with the anxious look on his rouge -smeared one, 'She was calm and compesea enough, but his hancl, twined lovingly around her waist, trefabled with suppressed nervousness: Prove Our Claims., A Tea#,Pot Test is better than a page Of Advertisement. 11 Is the Purest 8/ Finest Flavored Tea your' money can, purchase. 13-522 ORA.FTY BECIOARS. Two. Dodges That They Work On Pedestrians, 444441,....4444.444444•• "I resent, and I heves always resent- ed," said Mr. Stoggleton, "the beegar Who strikes, me when ant lc:eating in tat a wtndow. "When um walking along the Street I am on the alert. If I see a beggar coming I can sheer Out if d want to. and I can avoid him or I Can 'keep on and meet hira face to face, a have a chanee toadecide as to whether I should give 'or not. "But when he comes upon me mate witnout warulne as he does whea amtlooking in at a window, I resent deeply, and in ouch circumstances I never give at all. "At the same time, unsportsiLanlIke as I must regard such approach to be, there is another eerprise attack the beggar makes that for its extrasuper- lettve nerve I cannot but view with a certain measure of admiration, this being his surprtse of two nem at once, two rnen on the sidewalk talking to. gether, standing floe to face tend wholly engrossed in their conVerea- "Suddenly beside them appears the ,beggar, a totally unlooked* tor, un- pleasant, and it may be embarrassing Interruption. What happens then de- pends Upen. which of the two surprised men recovers first, ' If this man shakes his head and he bid the beggar be on his way the oth. eeee er man does likewise, foe even• though s • 't the second man mieht have been dist hear posed to give somethIng, he cannot they the at:reeve without seeming te dispar- they age the first mans juagment, But it the first man gives, the second man does, too, whether he wants to or not, for he woeld fear that by not giving for he might appear in the first melee Med eyes as stingy. , a ' "So here the beggar gets double or ad a nothing. But tals tackling of twe Men at once is a far bigger game than "You-you-hre sure, Mary, you have got it all right?" he asked, in a honow voice. "Poraheaven's spate, do' not forget the cue -I fear 'for Adthing else -do not forget the cue," "Don't be frightened, father, dear," replied the girl, and her voicirsounded parole pure and sweet, tailnat, oh, don't look so distressed! I am sure I shall go through it all right. There, there,," and she stretched on tiptoe to his quivering lips. "You will make. me nervous if you tremble so. Come, dear, dear father, be brave!" 1 -Te groaned and turned his -head agate. "Mary," he muttered, "I never thought to live to see this. I always Prayed against this, I -I--" She .raised her finger, pale and white, snongh atithout the powder with which it was covered, and, pressed it upon his "Not a avord more, dear, not a: word, It Is for the beet, trust that; and see, f don't mind. I'm only too glad to help you and my own 'darling*. There, the boy has called my name. Onemore ides." She drew his head down again, and tripped past the fOur at the wing onto the stage, picking up a slim° Wand' as sheeran. Her robetbrushed Saeleeas ha made room far her, (Ina her dark eyes' rest- tid; for a moinent on his face as she paused for a, second on theedge .02 the stage, Jaek looked after her withi a height.: ;teed color, and a bright, admifing light ire his hoaest eyes, and he leaned* forward to catch her first words with an eagerness that neeesaitated his being dragged beak bat Tettemont The pirate remtlinett ant the Same spot, hte IrrksOltits finger fidgeting at his lips, hts anxious face, fixed taton the slight figitre*af the girl, where, in her tharacter ef theValry ettfeeh, she, stoat/ haranglling the Spirit' of the' Deep find 'hie attendant satellite% (To bei cOntinuett) SR0Est Leather Scarcity May Cause now Utte, e When things ---corne to the Avorst every day is going to be like Friday - the atmosphere will bet croardad with the Mantia of fish. Theta a scarcity., of leather, as everybody knoWS. that being so,' tanners are Making a diligent search* ter °thee substitutee, and netw sources ef supply, -EXpette fre`elare that the alarm ot aquatie Otte - tures offer g practieally undeeeleped resource, and it is nat unlikely that before long we shall the covering our extremitiee With the skins of the mait-eatIng shark ned tile &Matti. Cod- fish. The , reason stick Attlee hitee not because they are not perfectlY welt adapted for suck us% but only beeatute the skins of land an-imals have been so plentlful. Disciples of'ititak Wal- ton (Petite the experts about the ear - Ins of fisbekitls, it oblate to ,Pass that 'we • adoilt fish -skin sheet; ' theta ilithermen oftet sante advice to the eat. lore youth Who goes edutting. "Leaae your flahatkin sheets on the front porch, like the Ilollahdere aftd am*, and tetra In yeti° attackitig teat, 'lathe* wise there will be a chilly reception purchased the tisket tor your boat% awaiting you." Being married, they which I hope his been a bumper.' are wattle .br the hoeh. • Lflem. Alter a laborious ten minutea you find that 'alie gum Is absOlutelY correct. tbat is only one of the Field Cashier's aceeMplishments; he has many othera. Yon arrive from Blighty avith a pocketfal of English silver. Al- moia betore 12 has left your hand Ile has hurled a bundle of franc notes at you, for the Field Catthier ie a busy Man. It is exactly the same if You present him with ;ire,' piatres, dollars, sabots, rupees or candareen% There is an apocryphal yarn about the officer who had Just arrived In Prance front Brititili Oentral _Attlee. Being badly in need of some French' money, he went to a Ffeld Cashier, The Field Cashier looked up Regu- lations for the Guidance of Field Cashiere," page 897 (para. 3) and then replied, "Yes, where is ft?" The officer bleu' a whistle, and a fatigue party appeared carrying three sacks. filled with co-wries. There was a fascinated stillness among the onlookers, broken 'only by a Canadian, who =mitred his he evitable, "Got ker, Steve!" But there was no rigidity about the Field Cashier. For it brief space he gazed abstractedly at the ceiling, and then remarked, "764 francs peint 68 repeating. How evil' you have it?" And the suelturnt one was so as. tonished -that he replied, "Hot, and no sugar." What would the Expeditionary Farce do without its Field Cashiers? at wouldn't! 4 mike, linard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. *.* .71MGLE 'TRAGEDY. 11•••••••••••••41••••• Englahl • Lady Rifled by Fatally Shot Tiger. A distressing tragedy of the jungle has occurred in the Balaghat district of the central provinces, where Miss Sneyde, sister of Mr. Sneyde, tbe offi- cer in charge of the Balaghat irriga- tion everks, was killed by a wounded tiger. The tiger, going hard-, broke cover SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF HORSES DICTATES eSPORNS DISTNPER COMPOUND Lor all cases of DISTEMPER, INPLUENZA, PINK EY, F. 0 and for COUGHS or COLDS in any form. Manufactured Z 'according to tho laws of medicinal science, it has been tested for a quarter of 0. century by the ablest horsemen. No natter in what Isolated district diseased horses are foUnd. 2 -PORN'S has made scientific treatment poseible. Your druggist can sell You. - SPORN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, Ind. U. S. A. 'Just holding up one lone man looking In at „a window, and I think it, must be to the beggar correspondingly more intersting., et know' it is more ihter- esting to watch," --When the skin is much irritated by contact with dust anegrime use oat- meal bath bags instead of soap. Buy tatteeeeclottt in quantitiee and cut the; hags about four inches square, fal them- looeela with the following-mba ture ahd never use it bag but once,' throwing it away aftet once used: - Oatmeal, five pounds; Powdered; florentina oris root, One pound; alm- ella meal, one aound; old castile soap, scraped to a powder, half it pound.. Mir togethet and fill the bags. • • ; MInerd's Liniment .Retieves 'Neuralgia • XTELI) CASHIER. Wonaer Worker of the British Pones. A writer n the London Daily Mall Says ; To me the Mystery Man of the Eta Wail:leery atom is the Field Cashier Once it week he comes to the little French • town where I am billeted. There is always a queue oa officers awaiting aim, and hever twice the saniequeue'yet he elways xnattagea to supply their peetiniary needs— theirs- and their men's as well, Everybody notices this clement of ystery about the Field Cashier. In his sanctum reigns a cloister -like balm; Even the tonee of • the senior Meade are hushed, and the voice of the -adjutant Is not heard in the land. The Field Oaehter is generally a lieutenant or a. captain; Yet Ooltaetels boat before him, for he has got the "Itebdtt"- mid the delieterr thereof. a :There are mane mysteries about the Field Cashier, You approach him timorously ahd hand hinl a requist. Oen for 4,895 francs to pay yodel cone Patty, Wattle ten seconds, by • some X411gercleitain, a pile Of notokpOrdrent you, Like a dog vvIth a bone, you re - Ore to a convenient cornert to count between two trees, and fell to a shot from Mr. Sneyde, but managed to get away apparently badly injured. The two brothers, after dire,cting Miss Syende to remain in her., tree, went a short distance to decide from the blood trail whether the animal was worth following. up at ;Mee or the next day. The tiger, having gone a little die- tance, turned at right angles from its original direction, which brought it behind and in eine with the tree in which Miss Sneyde was seated. Here it was fired at again. It fell, but once more made off, being too far gone to oharge. The two men, after walking a little to allow time for the second shot to take fall effeet, again followed up the track of the beast. a : What happened next can only be deduced from the, appearance of the ground. Miss Srieyde, on the report of- the second shot coming to her ears, ap- parently decided that the bullet had found its billet*, and, alighting from the tree, proceeded in the direction from which she judged the shot had been fired, onlytomeet tht infuriated and mortally wounded animal almost face to face. The brothers, fallowing the blood trail of the tiger, found at the end of It the lifeless body of their sister, while a few paces away lay the tiger, else dead. inard's Liniment for sale everywhere t • .4. Pointed Paragraphs. Pretension isn't riatUral-nature never pretends. • , Thoughts tiatit disturb me,n most never enter a wornan's bead. If eatnan is his own worst enemy lie has a one-sided fight on his hands. Our views lef society depend upon whether we aretinside or outside. Unless a man is sincere he can never be a hero in hie own estimation. Cbevards„sing at night because they are afraid: Women laughatt love for the same reason. What does it benefit a man if he le mokomilmemkommeloomier4 ekmailimialsikkasokawmilinsioiminkommiarikkas ,RENEw„, ni AT PARKER'S The clothes you were so proud of when new -'can be made to appear new again, Fabries that are dirty, shabby .or spotted will he restored to their former beauty by 'sending them to Parker's. • CLEANING and DYEING . is Properly Done at Parker's Send articles by post or express. W'S pay carriage one way and our eharges are reasonable, Drop us a card for etie book- let on household helps that save money. ,PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMIted CLIEANERS AND DYERS 191 Yong* Street Toronto on the right road but headset/ the Wrettg way? k Were 11 aot tor the"weather lots et PeePle wealchat leave any,,thbig to Welt about. The eelise et touch le highly de. voloped in the roan who knows jUkit Whell to ask for a !WM. "Suceetts never roosts on the banner of the man. who ean't rqty upon him. self. Tb.e man who Is anXiotut to acquire knowledge Is never astianted to coateita his ignorance. When yea see a Man, trying to hold up a laMPTOSt It allows that he sYna- Pathizes with anything tient is tight. The only reason 'Why eon* men marry Is because the woMan wants a /tome and the man wants a servant.° Some folitts live and learn, while others devote their time to talking about things of which they know abate lutely nothing. A SPLENDID, MEDICINt FOR Tilt CIIIIDREN Baby's Own Taltlets are the beat „medicine a mother ean give her tittle ones. They afire it mild laxative, evbich quickly regulate the bowels and stomach, and are guaranteed to be enaarelY free from any Injurious drugs. Oen-caning them Mrs. A. D. We,st, Lereburn, Seek., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have given me more satisfac- tion than anything else 1 have ever given my children. They are easily taken; always work well and, though I have given quite a few to my baby, they tieem to work as well now as at first, which is something other laxa- tive.% iscadoM do." The, Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., BrOoltville, Ont. THE CHILD. Let It Work Out? Own Enter- tainment. Let a chtld entertain itself, or child- ren entertain each other most of the play hours, • Of course little suggest gams Ana helps' from grown-ups are Welcome that will "start the ball roll- ing," as it were. But let tit be only a start,.- if you wish your child's imagination devel- ePed, if erou wish to etrengthen the Initiative powers, which lie dormant, in every child, and *tvhich, if develop- ed, prove such an asset in after life. Resourcefulness is another talent nip. Ititt in the bud, when a child as eontin• tially.entertained, so that play means no effort at all. What is known as "the spoiled child" is usually the re• suit of childhood's days where no ef- eort is ever made for itself, in work or play. No wonder such a child Is rest- less, unmanageable, mischievous, with no outlet whatever for stored -up ener. glee and mentality. Even the story hour will be made a more telling factor, if the usual rule, is sometimes reversed, and the child tells mother a etory, instead ot always be- ing told one. And it is, indeed, re- markable, when this is done, what exquisite little fancies are found to emerges fresh and dewy from fertile little arains. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. DOtTBLE PLI1VI-PLA1VZ. Pekin Jeweler Goit pack His Money. This is it story picked up tn New York that has all the elements -save the love of touele-of a modern mys- tery story. 1M. Parrish watson is a wealthy collector of China art. He sends emissaries all over China dig- ging up treasures, One of bis agents has just returned. ' In Peking he was in the shop of a pawnbroker. A silk -hatted American, a polish man of the world, came in, to ecure of a loan on a pearl which he took -out of a velvet bag. The...broker applied tlae tests and was aatisfled the pera1 was genuine, He advanced e10,- 000. , Later in the day one of his ex- perts rushed to him breathlessly with the startling statement that the pearl was tbe most elevenecounterfeit he had ever seen. The broker made another examination and fond he had been the victim of a film .91am artist. Severak days afterwards he called every jeweler in Peking into a confer- ence. He told them of his experience and he said he was simply going to take his loss, but he thought it was his duty to warn hie, fellow merehants, ale held up the pearl before them. "Here it Is," he said. "To show you: want 1 think of it tnd that the incident is eloeed, 2 am going to des- troy it." He placed the pawl on an .111•MM1.11.11.1i1MIMMIdIMMIOWIIMERMIIMMitanummq. =nerd's Liniment 00,, Limited. Gent,lemen,-My daughter, 13 yrs/ old. was thrown from a sleigh and Injured her elbow so badly it rentained stiff and very painful for three years. Pout, bot - 0! MINARD'S LINIMENT .ct,MTP. DletelY cured her and she has not been troubled fox twe years, Yours truly, n. Lavtsotns. $c. Joseph, P.0„ 18th Aug., 1900. 1.44••••01.....11•61.101M1.1a01.0.1140611111.1..611.0014•MMONEWINIM.111141.01dit iron ahd with it hammer smashed it to tiny fregm,ents with one Move. The next day all the Peking news- papers carried a story about the way the merchant had been tacked and how he had destroyed the bogus gem. 'Several week s went by and the incident Was almost forgotten. Oneenerning the American labo had Palmed the pearl entered the shop. A Clerk recognized him and Went toward him, "I baVe emee for my pearl," he said. The elerk was in a panic. He beg- ged the customer to wait a few Min- utes and he rushed •off to his employer, with the news. The broker Canto out of hia prestate office and Wet the 'the atletouter. "I have come for ray pearl," repeat- ed the Ameriean. "You have the Money to redeem it" he was asked. Per answer the American -counted out the exaot amount and plated it on the toUnter. The broker Went to the safe and brought ,bitele the pearl that was pawned. He had eleverlY Welted the trickster. Ile knew thee Was one ly one ehanee of getting his Motley back and that was to Make the cus- tomer believe the pearl had been de. strayed! fia refterted 10 WS ruse and aid not destroy the pawned pearl but fl substitute. A hurprleed Amerlega ISSUE NO, 10. 19 ml C.I.ANI101) 'IEED. CORR ntgkv treti!sd pr Woodslee Weeks treel a so en BanttlIn sweet Corn, Perm:Goa esti Beans Anti 4.7ane Moment Seed. Wel ar pticulars write, EL j. Alci.enon, Wood*. le% Ont. elY YOUR OUilU T -OF -TOWN fP. 40 plies with Dominion EXPreee Money Order% Five Dollars CAStil three (Ante. ee AWES tWANTND TO DO tPZMN and light sewing at home, waole OT Spare time; goou pay. woric sent any distance, charges paid; send sianW 201 nerticulars. National Idanutacturinil CotnPanY, Il.fentretti. IV= TO SHOW LAYING 13.6.1t1Wla Rocks. Tobacco and Garden Plants, Write tor Catalogue Chas. Barnard, Leamington, Ont. ,SQunEtv.gp COP N "dr."' IRA L. IGRAHAlq, Windsor. Out, Es)001 FARM'S' FOR sAL.E. FintgePirfwWcolis IlAtraktig Bloroueek% 4c. aclig.a.J.,17e.eiAleittoZteo.d,44.01 rieveringt it$.1 N E4S CHANCES N, sALE-A. FULLY EQUIPPED A brick manufacturing eplant In tit city of Niagara Falls. with ten acres land well-suited for the manufacture of brick; no other plants in the locaUty with a largo demand for the tnanutactured article; it big oplioriunity for • Me right Nytti4rtaya.ralpairls,Joohnnt.B. Hopkins, barrister, BRICKyflBUILDING FULLY, nQUIP. ped with machinery, completed la 1918. 'What a required to make It success is a man who understands fully the manufacture of children's vvOoder toys and other woodenware. . .A.s thti town is close to the bush there is areal( anantitY OZ,ani,ble wOod. The propera win be Sold ifctiuitable purchaser dowel along vtlth cerium say 910.000 and we invite an inspection of the plant and building. Wm. Martin & Son, Box 874 I,-TOrth Bay, Ontario. (IPPORTUNITY TO SEOURE GOOT property and business; manufactur. trig concrete tile. blocks and buildins material, in Windsor, on siding connect. Ing with fly° railroads; short haul 'tt new Canadian steel plant at OjibwitY: 53,000 will handle; no agents, W. D .A.tkinson, Amberstburg, Ont. 1-4% OR SALE OR EX0IIANGE--VER1 valuable fruit farm; twenty acres, full bearing; all kinds of first -01041 fruit; 'excellent SOW berm- house; Wyk conveniences; equity fifteen thousatitl; will divide. Box 373 GrintabY. AGENTS WANTED. peeeY EXTRA DOLLARS A,Irt more money by turning the mars hours into cash -from $73.90 to $160.01 more a month selling. Dr. 13overe Hortit Remedies and Tenet Articles -Men of -women-young or old -anybody or aver.' age ability can make good money enick ly with the help that wo give our re: presentatives-experience not necessarY.e.i, write to -day and seeure your territory; also get 51.00 worth of samples absolute. ly free. Hovel Manufacturing Co.. Dept 29, Montreal, Que. .walked out a the place -with fib 'counterfeit jewel -gnashing his teett jut like the smooth villain in the met odrama of old. Thrift. She was comely, and a widow, and, moreover she was Scotch. She MOUrn• ed Macintosh, her late husband, for eighteen months, and then from t crowd of suitors chose honest, homele MacIntyre for the second. "I'm no guid enough for you, dearlt he whispered. "What for did y4 choose me oot o' sae mony?" "Ah, weel, ye see, your name's Mac. Intyre." altYes, but -a began tbe bewildered Wear, "An' ye ken," finished the widow "all my linen's marked 'Macrae:theta why, Donald." Cures Catarrh, Bronchith Without Any Drugs If you suffer from a cold, sneezitil or catarrh -don't use a snuff -use I sensible treatment like Catarrhozone It heals and soothes, brings relief al once, cures thoroughly. In bronchitis and throat trouble no doctor can dc better than prescribe Catarrhozone Try it -see what wonders it works - what power it possesses. Differeal from the old way -you inhale Catarrh. ozone. Get the &liar' outfit whict includes the inhaler and is guaran• teed. Smaller size 50e., sample size, 25 cents e at all dealers. Worth Remembering. Equal parts of tuntuonia and spirits of turpentine will remove paint, 'When babye bale and gets a bump put Mater on the bruise and it wit not turn black and blue. To drive avvay red ants, break dp fresh yeast cake ahd sprinkle tin. riteces with sugar. Mildew can be removed by rubbint with green tomato and salt. Atter, wards expose to the sun. If stove blaeking is mixed with cold strong coffee, the blacking will Wel closer and Polish last longer. ' Cranberry pOultice is said to be goof for erysipelas. • ' Wenn bran and cornmeal will cleat: fere, ,. Give them a good, brisk rub. bing in the meal, then hang in the all but not In the sun. After handling codfish, onions tx any odorous substance, ground mus tard rubbed on the hands after bath. Mg them and while they are dam) ox Moistehecl with water, will remove at odors. Colcl water is better to: bath- ing than warm water efter handltni anything that has a strong odor, ,. —tee reashion's Spring Song. A Again wool WNW, ClOtb. - Velvet, furettimmed euits, really/ Separate skirts of plaided zaohtstr. Early froelte of serge and tat.* 0" Of taffeta, Tenafly (itt 'tea Cress ceneert) - What is that mate at Ids eyes shut for While ae Is Meting? Friend.-, lieeaurte he can't bear to see us suf fer.-London Opintori, kmmumaawiadrowirelvaloriirommaaueurimmogrow•improbuifflassokultog t)r, Martel's e Ills letetedbed tea retionteeteata +4106.14. tardier WI* essattty is st•lusd