HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-08, Page 2Ju a 8, .18Q
"'WW "+elle!" ,17 T'•, ' ; ;ar7lpyFrse7. r 'a
own pm
in all other questions that he has been
enl called upon to settle, Sir Oliver Mowat
will take good care the public interests
shall be conserved."
'E]tp.A g 8,1884.
Patrons and Politics
A prominent Patron of Industry, 'Mr
4:la 1St Tooley, 3.n a letter to the Bow-
?Manville Statesman, says some things
that Will be read with interest, because
of their general applicability at this
juncture by the voters of other ridings
than the one Edward Blake, by his
]representation of it for years at Ot"
taWie, made famous in the political
history of the Dominion. Mr Tooley
"It will only be a short time before
we will be called upon to elect a candi-
date to look after the interests of West
,,Durthaul,, and the question will be ask-
ed whlit stand are the Patrons going
to take? Now, sir, there are but few
Patrons in West Durham, but have
voted a life time with the Reform
party. By their intelligent vote and
careful thought they have been the
means of building up one of the best
local Governments the world ever saw.
.And the leader of the Government is a
• 'man. that every Canadian ought to feel
proud of.
Sir Oliver Mowat has been in public
^^ ^--- life-about-twenty-ens-saes,—and-never
dui its that time could a man cast the
leap slur against his character either
• iii_ public or in private life.
By the push and energy of the farm-
ers and manufacturers . of Ontario,
backed by the wise legislation of the
Ontario Government, the legislative
grants for railways, schools and all
public institutions and public works,
Ontario holds the highest position to-
day of any province in the Dominion
of Canada.
Mr Mowat and the Reform party
have had to battle for Ontario's rights.
They have had to fight all the sharp
practices that could be brought to bear
against thein by the late Sir John A.
Macdonald's Government. Every case
which Mr Mowat took up in the inter-
est of Ontario, and which he carried to
the highest court in England, was
fought by him to a successful issue,
and by theerdicts given him in Eng-
land, Mr 1 Swat has proven himself to
bethe g
we .hav
in the
test constitutional lawyer
ver had the honor of placing
ition he holds to -day.
fighting for the interests of
when he fought for the Bound -
Ward, the Rivers and Steams
and the Ontario License Law.
e*was fighting, for the interests of
the farmers of Ontario when he put
machinery into the Central Prison to
maputacture binder twine; he was
looking after the interests of Ontario.
when he appointed the Hon. John
Dryden, a, practical farmer, to look
after the interests of Agriculture.
The Reform party were looking after
the farmers' interest when they esta-
blished the Agricultural College at
Guelph, whereby the farmers' sons of
this country -can get the best education
in farming it is possible to get. I think
when we look squarely and intelligent-
ly into the matter of legislation as ear-
ned out by the Mowat Government,
we must come to the conclusion that
we have received nothing but intelli-
gent and wise legislation at their has s.
g iigr
1<s.. It is•only a few months ago that R
Mowat was asked by the temperance
hpeople of this province to pass a pro-
ibitory liquor law, and they found
him honest and equal to the occasion.
He placed the electors of our various
municipalities in a position to take a
vote to ascertain if the people were
ready for legislation of that kind, and
he found that they were ready by the
large majority it received.
One of the largest conventions ever
held in Toronto by the temperance
people some few weeks after this, was
desirous to ascertain what further
legislation Mr Mowat was willing to
give. He promised them not only by
word of mouth but in writing, that the
moment he found out that he had or
the Province of Ontario had a legal
right to pass a peremptory liquor law
he would introduce a measure in the
House for that purpose: In this, as in
everything else, we have found him
honest and straightforward.
Now, Mr Editor, when I was asked
to join the Patrons of Industry I be-
lieved that it was for the purpose of
helping to fight the combines that
were built up in this country by legis-
lation enacted by the Conservative
party. These combines never could
have existed had it not been for the
very unwise legislation introduced by
that party in 1888.
I did not think for one moment that
I would ever be called upon to do any-
thing which would have a tendency to
injure Sir Oliver Mowat or his Govern-
ment. Thousands have supported Mr
Mowat for years, and could not see
anything but pure government until
the alleged sins were pointed out by a
few men—the grand officers of the
Patrons of Industry.
Some think that Mr Mowat has done
wrong in appointing county officers,
and that those officers should be elect-
ed by the people. I feel sure that if
this is the wish of the people Mr Mowat
will be willing to adopt this system."
Land. Speculators and Fees
Will the Farmers Forget?
No liner farming - country can be
found in the world to -day than that
which surrounds London and makes it
what it is, yet Mr Meredith When open-
ing his campaign there, was dumb
about Agriculture. On his eloquent
silence touching a subject of the great-
est importance the following resolution
found in the proceedings of the House
the session theoffice of Minister of
Agriculture was created, will throw a
perfect flood of light:
"Moved by Mr Meredith, seconded
by Mr Creighton, that. while this
House concurs in the proposition to
give greaterattention by the executive
government to the agricultural inter-
ests of the Province than has hitherto
been done, it is of opinion that that end
can be attained without incurring the
expense of adding another member to
the executive council, and the inevi-
table additional expense which shall
be consequent on such addition."
Mr W. D. McPherson, President of
the Toronto Young Conservatives, said
in his inaugural address last fall:—
"Then we have a Minister of Agricul-
ture who has practically nothing to do,
and accordingly does little, a depart-
ment which could easily have been
managed by one of the other Minissers,
and should never have been created,"
Will the farmers of Ontario forget
this attempt of the Opposition to frus-
trate the Mowat Administration in its
effort to advance Agriculture by plac-
ing a practical farmer in charge of a
responsible department of the Govern_
ment of the Province?
Referring to the Patrons of Industry,
it is worthy of note that the "Farmers'
Sun," expresses the opinion that the
election and payment by salaries of
provincial officers in the counties "was
started by land speculators," who wish
thus to make other people pay for
their transactions. It says: "They re-
quire the services of these officials
most frequently—indeed,' no man who
does not buy or sell land requires the
aid of a registrar—and it seems right
that the registrar should be paid by
the person who requires his services.
r^`To abolish the fee system and put the
man on salary, as some purpose, would
be to call upon us all to aid in the pay-
ment of an official the service of whom
900 out of every 1000 never require.
This view and all other views will no
doubt be fully heard by the commission
now taking ev?dence from every source
on the entire uestion, of appointment
eti of public
officials and
in t that this i11A tela
do i; >
The pleasant effeot and perfect safety
with which ladies may use the California
liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, ander all
conditions, makes it their favorite remedy.
To get the true and genuine article, look
for the name of the California Fig Syrup
Co., printed near the bottom of the package.
Lines written by Mary M. Simpson upon the
death of her husband.
Ohl call it not death; it is life begun,
For the waters are passed, the home is won,
The ransomed epi-lt hath reached the shore,
W he"a they weep, and 'suffer, and sin no m -Ire.
He is safe in his Father's house above,
In the place prepared by his Saviour's love;
To depart from a world of sin and etrite,
To be with Jesus! yes! this is life.
Oh! call it not death; 'tis a holy sleep,
And the precious dust the Lord doth keep;
Ho shall wake again;• and now satisfied
With the likeness ofHim, who for him died.
As He rose again, he ehall also rise,
From the quiet bed. where safe now he lies;
Then choor we fond mourners, who sadly weep,
'For happy are they, who in Jesus Bleep.
Crisp County Clippings Political Notes.
Seaforth has been made a Port of
Mr G. A. Fear, of Godericb, has tak-
en a situation in New York.
W. J. Soucb, Srd line, Morris, bad
three fine lambs destroyed by a wild-
cat, one day recently.
Geo. Wilkinson and Thos. Garness,
both old residents cf Morris township,
left last week for a visit to England.
The Presbyterian congregation in
Walkerton contemplate extending a
call to the Rev. John Ross, of Brussels,
to become their pastor.
Minard's Liniment the beat Hair Restorer.
The body of the late Wm. McDou-
gall, of Walton, who died in prison,
was brought home and interred in the
Brussels cemetery.
C. Michie has been appointed treasur-
er for the congregation of Knox church
Belgrave, to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of the_lateJohn Taylor.
The congregation of the Wingham
Congregational church has extended a
call to Mr Secord, of New Durham,
Ont., to become their pastor, and he
has accepted.
"I enclose $5. Send me six bottles Roy-
al Crown Remedy." R. R. LAIDLAW Blyth.
James Russell, a former Morris boy,
was married on May 2nd in Saginaw
City, Mich., where he has been em-
ployed for a number of years; to Miss
Clara Davis, of the same place.
James Kerney, of Morris, has quite
a curiosity, in the shape of a brood of
young partridges. Mr Kerney secured
a nest of eggs in the bush, and put
them in charge of one of his hens, with
the above result.
The Official Board of the Exeter
Methodist church has passed a compli-
mentary resolution to Rev. W. Mc-
Donagh, who has,been;their pastor for
three years.
All cases of organic or sympathetic heart
disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly
cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for rho Heart.
one dose convinces. Sold by Watts & Co.,
and ALLAN & WILsoS, druggists.
On account pf the prevalence of
diphtheria in the Winchelsea school,
near Exeter, the Board of Health closed
the school, also Elinnville and Sunshine
churches, for two weeks.
Geo. Oliver, of. London, was awarded
the Grey ditch contract by t'ze council
on Saturday. His tender amounes to
about $14,0: ). There were seven
ders in all.
Duncan McDonald, 2nd con. of Grey,
sold 19 head of three year chi stock to
Messrs Snell & Baker recently. ':Che
total weight of cattle v: as 21,CDC
an average of 1,305 per animal. 4i cts,
was the price obtained.
If yon decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla
do not be induced to buy any substitute
article. Take Hood's and only Hood's.
Wm. Brophy,, Goderich, bas neer
appointed by the Provincial Secret's -y,
Inspector of Anatomy for this county,
vice Daniel Gordon, deceased. His
duties are to take charge of all un-
claimed bodies and forward them to
Toronto for dissecting purposes.
Ohl call it not death; 'tie a glorious rest,
"Yea, saith the spirit for all such aro blest,
"They rest from their labors, their work is done,'
The goal is attain'd, the weary race run.
The battle is fought; the struggle is o'er;
The crown now replaces the cross they bore;
Tho pilgrimage path. shall no more be trod ,
A rest remains to the people of God..' - -
Ohl call it not death; 'tie true indeed
Tho soul from the shackles of earth is freed;
'Tis true that dissolved is tho house of clay,
And the spirit unchained hath passed away.
'Tis tree, too, the loved one hath gone befsr•e,
The home now darkened that knows him no
He chide not your grief, for Jesus too wept
O'er the grave where H'9 friend, a Lazarus slept
But call it not death; a•tew short days o'er,
We shall meet him in glory, to part no more;
What a "blessed hope "10! Christ shalt appear,
For "the restitution of all things" here.
Then -if not till then -we will see him again,
When brought by the Lord with His glorious
Those "sleeping in Jesne" shall be restored,
"And so shall we ever be with the Lord."
The Manse, Brucefield, May 2613, 1894.
erica Rheumatic (lures for Rheumatism
and Neurlgia radically cures in 1 to 8
days. Its action upon the system is re-
markable and mysterious. It removes et
once the cause, and the disease immediate
ly disappears. The firstdosegreatly bene
fits. , Sold by WATTS & Oo., and Alessi &
WILSON, druggists.
Hail fell to the depth of two feet in
the northern section of Oxford on
Friday. • Great damage to crops is re-
They're Complete-
ly -all of
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets—with a
sugar-coating which
surrounds their concentrated vege-
table extracts. Yon do not get the
taste. This means more than com-
fort. The offensive taste of oils, or
of bitter pills is apt to upset diges-
tion. They're tiny, hence easily
swallowed. They're easy in action,
and after using them you feel toed
instead of Bilious and Constipated ;
your Siok Headache, Dizziness, and
Indigestion are gone.
Good nature belongs to an active
liver; irritability to a morbid liver.
Take Pleasant Pellets that you may
cultivate good nature, happiness, and
They're the cheapest pill you
can buy, because guaranteed to
give satisfaction, or your money
is returned.
A SQUARE offer of
$500 in gold is made
by the proprietors of
Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy, for any case
of Catarrh it the Head,
ne natter hoW bad or
f how long standing,
lob • p, t cures
POT aetl stc we oe
her Cestoda,
e1► lea y. .._,. k,ry_._>'g ... .
When she was a Child,'she cried for Castor's.
When she became Miss, she clung to Cantoria.
When she had Children, she gavethem (Astoria.
The Conservative Association of
South Waterloo will not put a coma,
der re in the .held, ,
The Toronto News alleges that Hon,
3. M. Gibson will be defeated in Ham-
ilton by the P.P.A. vote.
Mr Inglis, the Reform candidate in
South Bruce, is said to have retired
from the contest.
The South Essex Conservative candi-
date, who was also a P.P.A., has re-
signed because the Riding has a large
number of Oatholic electors.
Hon, Wm. Harty, the new Commis-
sioner of Public Works for Ontario,
was born on the 8th of March, 1817, in
the township of Biddulpit, Middlesex
county. His father and mother were
natives of county Tipperary, and were
pioneers in the township.
Hon. Mr Foster is "socking" it to the
weavers of hosiery.' A sock or stocking
worth $3 a dozen pairs will be taxed
10 cents a pair and 35 per cent. adval-
arem, making a total duty of $2.52 a
dozen pair. On socks costing 12i cents
each or $1.50 a dozen wholesale, the
duty will be about $1.53 a dozen.
About a. year ago Mr Meredith was
indignantly denouncing the plebiscite
as an un -British and unmanly institu-
tion. Now he has not the candor to
state his views on so comparatively
unimportant a question as that of the
appointment or election of sheriffs and
registrars, but proposes to leave it to
a plebiscite. That's about as sharp a
curve as he took from "Facts for Irish
Electors" to attempt to ride into pow-
er on the Protestant horse.
There is a general feeling. that Sir
John Thompson will retire before the
next Federal election. This retirement,
if it takes place, will be due to.pressure
from the ultra -Protestant wing cf the
party and must result in sending the
Catholic vote over toLaurier in a body.
The Conservatives will probably be
beaten next time anyway, but if the
decapitate Sir John they will be anni-,
hilated.—Toronto News.
In the village of Southampton the P.
P.A. is a body of some consequence,
and many of the employes of Bowman
& Jinkan's tannery are members. On
Saturday semi 25 of the men waitet
on their ezrployers and cte handed the
dismissal of foreman McDermott for
the reason that he is a Roman Catholic.
Thy men were informed that rather
than comply with their demands the
firm wou'd c'ose the tannery. The
m z thea gave is and went to wo k.
i.+ive of the mea were disaaissed by the
Do You Rsurav Dsstr.z. HAPPInaoe?-C
course you do. That is tba slant or ex-
pressed desire of ever,/ human .b3ing.
What is it that robe you o'. joy? The.
nmavone or sick headache, that agcriring
e;ab of neuralgia, that bi:ions f3e"ng that
turns the universe into a siol. y yell w,
Take Stark's Powders. They will bore
you of one or all of these afflictions. Try
them. "You have tried everything." No
matter. Try Stark's Powders, and our life
for it, happiness will no longer be a etrnng-
er to your breast. 25 cents a box.
A canteimporary asser ts that a ma-
jority of the Carbolic electors of On-
tario will vote for Sir Oliver Mowat
We have no doubt that this is col ect.
But he will be vo d•for also by a ma-
jority of the Presbyterian elector:,
and by a majority o: the Methodist.
electors; and b r a majority of the Bay-
test electare, a>: d by a maloritR of tie
Congregationalist electors of Ont? 'o.
He may not rereivs a majority of t'cs
votes of electors belonging to the
Episcopalian body; but in tnat• body,
also, he is sunpo^ted by brainy men of
standing, of the type of Hon. S.lH.
Blake, Thos. Moss, P. C., and many
ethers who might be named.—London
A Chinese asked to be reg' tared at Yuma.
Arizona, the other day under the name of
Charlie Allen. The officer refused because
it was not a Chinese name. The Chinese
explained that he got the name by .Quarry.
ing a white woman.
Bob M.awsley, of Jacksonville, Fla., has
a pair of young eagles which he has trained
to carry through the air a basket contain-
ing his seven-year-old boy. His only re-
gret is that he cannot enjoy a trip himself
till he has caught a few more of the birds,
A couple of weeks ago Thos. McColl, •
of Morris, met with a serious accident,
while attending a bee near Blyth, by Rev, R. E. Knowles, of Ottawa, has
being accidently struck on the rivht been taken to task for stating in his
knee with an axe. The wound bred sermon a week ago that Sir Olive;
profusely before the injured man was Mowat deserves victory at the coming
got to his home and a physician se- election, His answer was: "Those who
cured. Iknow me are aware that in politics I
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. am a Conservative, but that does not
Mr N. McTaggart has disposed of his
far ,near Chtselhurst
to his son -In-
law, Mr Thos. Eyre, for a handsome
sum. Mr J. F. McKay has bought of
Mr D. D. Wilson, the north half of lot
5, con. 8, Tuckersmith, for the sum of
The dwelling house of Mr Joseph
Stanzel, Leadbury, was destroyed by
fire on Wednesday. The fire was :first
noticed in the roof, near the chimney,
and spread with great rapidity. The
greater part of the contents, however,
were saved. There was an insurance
of $400 on the.building in the McKillop
A Bores To HonsE32EN.—One bottle of Eng.
lish Spavin Liniment completely removed a
curb from my horse. I take pleasure in
recommending the remedy, as it acts with
mysterious promptness,in the removal from
horses of hard, soft or calloused lamps,
blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles
and sprains. GEORGE ROBB, Farmer,
Markham, Ont. Sold by Watts & Co., and
ALLAN & WILSON, Druggists.
Mrs Oswald, widow, of the Brunson
line, Stanley, died on Monday. Her
remains were interred in the Brunson
line cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Her
husband has been dead about ten years.
They came to that townshipover 40
years ago, when it was a wilwilder-
Word has been received that Mr G.
Edworthy, who left Exeter last March,
died in Ellerton, N. Dak., a few days
ago. Since moving there the family
have experienced considerable trouble.
Some time ago one of the young girls
had her leg broken, later one of them
narrowly escaped drowning, and now
the head of the family has been re
moved from their midst.
On Friday morning, when the pro-
prietors of the Exeter Woollen Mills
entered the factory, their suspicions
were aroused that everything was not
all right. Upon examination it. was
found that thieves had forced an en-
trance through the engine room and
secured about $400 worth of manufact-
ured woollen goods and escaped With-
out raising any alarm or leaving the
slightest clue as to who they were.
The whole lower portion of the town
of Pueblo, Colorado, is under waters
and over 100 dwellings lraltve been swept
away. Several bridges have been car-
ried away and printeps and telegraph
operators are imprisoojred in the Journ-
al buildings.
.Cbl ren C.riffor
prevent me from acknowledging the
merits' of 'a political opponent. Sir
Oliver Mowat is an honor to his Pro-
vince and to Canada, and I agree with
Rey. Principal Grant, another Conser-
vative, that Ontario cannot afford to
d' Tense with his services. The people
cannot afford to ignore honesty in
politics. or to display want of appreci-
ation of those who manage our public
affairs well."
Many districts hi the north of Spain
and the south of France are covered
with snow.
Hood's Cured
Others Failed
Scrofula In the Neck—Bunches All
Cone Now.
Sangerville, Maine.
" C. I. Hood & Co,, Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen: -I feel that I cannot say enotigh
In favor of Heed's Sarsaparilla. For five years
I have been troubled with scrofula in my neck
and throat. Several kinds of medicines which
I tried did not do me any good, and when I com
inonced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla there were
large bunches on my neck so sore that I could
ood'sp Cures
not bear the slightest touch. When I had taken
one bottle of this medicine, the soreness had
gone, and before I had finished the secondthe
bunches had entirely disappeared" BAAms
ATV/00D, Sangetville, Mains.
14. B. If you decide to take Hodll'I WWt
rills do not be induced to buy any otitis.
IWdod' Ills onrelcoftdtipntloff by.redcs
Isht the l p44106Of 00
Brings aomforb and improvement and
tends bo personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who•live bet-
ter taan otheus and enjo) life more, with
lees oxpsndituro, by more promptly
adapting titin world's beet products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
.$he value to heaP II of the pure liquid
laxative prince es embraced in the
remedy, Syru,r of Figs.
Its excellence in due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually Cleansing the system, -
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given tatiafaotion to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it arta on the
neys, Liver and Bo' els without weak-
ening thera and in in perfectly fano from
every objectionable eubxtanrre.
Syrup of Sage is for yah by rdl dvaiae
ggl1rrtrtraa !s ,i5e. bottles, lei's it In nano-
eano•'ure l by th:r Caiilornio If* Syrup
Co. only, whores rua.zra iia prinked ora event
package, aro the sedan, syrup of riga,
and being well intornatp:4, you win lack
raaeept any dtab;rtitista if cilferttal.
gramma an4 aim 4tavuo
Barristers, 'Solicitors
0ommisaionere for Ontalrio and Manitoba
OPidele NEXT Doox TO NEIN Loa OLitlzu;„
a few doors blast of Albert Street,
University, M D. 0.M., Viotoria UniversityX.,
M. 0. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrioo
Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„
Edinburgh Hospitals. Office. -Dr. Dowsel's old
oinoe Rattenbury Bt. Clinton. Nighty boli
answered at the same place.
y1i'4'. IV3 1'2'OB 16Sr1,.'.Ilnia
Tho oomrlediene :end ecnveeionti2 sit'rlstl
home on Ontario St., recently occnpred by Dr.
Appletoo, in offered for uale on very reaeonable
terms. rho house is adapted for ordinary family
and has every eonvenieuee and requisite, also lot
adjoining, and !suing Victoria dtreet. Full par-
ticalare on cpplieottoa to 1LSJ4 NINO h SCOTT.
aOH Z mi D. ri LOT -'$A R ,Etat. °„
Rouser end Lot sonar of Princess aad Eaglet
Streets, et premum 000apied by ?ora Joon Stan;,,,
Souse in good order -.nd lot eontaine ono acre ci
land, good- orchard. Ran, ea per mouth. Apply
to J. B. STEBF, 19) Maio Street, W:anipeg.
Accoucheur, oto., office in the Palace Block
Ratteabury St. formerly occupied by Dr, Reeve
Clinton Out,
GOOD 741532 e ;
What exeeilent farcy o: 1",0 . tier, being lot :a.
on the 1313 con. of -Mullett. 28 ,aarerr cleared and
in gooe etato of.oultivation, bonen:e hardtieco,2
beats. Good frame hquee. nearly new, and good
onebufldinge on the place. Bearing orchard, ;'sod
well, 'and never failing spring. Three-qua:Aesa
of a mile from ,school, 3 Innes iro;s Londesbo: o, C
from Blyth and 9 from Clinton. The farm .in m
on aeeeilent emotion of country, and will be sold
on very reaeonable terms. For particularsapply
to MRS. TL`:?fLCR, Clinton, o:: VI. WHITELE ,
Locdesbaz0. "lm
ZIOUSE Felt ll 2t.Ii.:E .
Aocouoheur. Office and residence, Huron
street, near railway crossing.
A. geed two-story frame bone°, oonveniently
situated on Victoria Street, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms. There is e. 'weer -failing well
on the place, and stable abort 13a24. Apply on
the prominee. DA.VID BARniIS.
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries, New Yore:, Coroner for he
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont,
T. C. BRUCE L. D. S.
Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton.
Painless Extraction by the use of local
Anaesthetic will visit Blyth every Monday as
Mason's Hotel, Bayfield 2nd and 4th Thursdays
of each month during summer eoialty Pre-
servation of the natural teeth.
Othee, OoatsBlook, over Taylor's shoe store
CEoXC:31 BUSENr^drS S'r' ft2'D
:Fon SALE,'.
The undersigned having bought out the btu'•
nese of 3lr H. • Newton, Porter's Pill, desires tc
B . T111'BEr
Nor J
dispose 0 of ie
o can
•1' f gqod t -ac o
1 tHOI ]9,V1 r.9., .
na premises F.
c p
be done hors, and a splendid opportunity will b'9
given to anyone deaircus of purchasing. There
Is a good dwelling, and workshop, with theeo-
quartere of an sore of land; good stable, &o.
E. O. POTTER, HoL'x sevilre.
The undersigned is prepared to pa y the high-
est market price in caeh for any 9uantity of
Fresh Eggs, delivered at his store, Victoria St.,
oppoe to the residence of the late J. Whitehead.
el • HonoraryGradnate of theOntarioVeterinary
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and
male on the most modern and seientiflc prinoil
les Office- immediately south of the New Era
inoe. Residence - Albert St.,Clinton. Calle
night or day attendedtopromptly.
No witnesses require
Baby Buggies
Small sums on good mortgage security
moderateratooil nterest. H HA LE, Clinton.
S` • P, L. S., Provincial Land Snrveyer and
Civil Engineer, London, Ont.-Otftce at Geo. J
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton,
To make room for the new
stock now coming in which
is also very cheap.
British Columbia
other Shingles
at Clinton Blyth &' Brucefield
MRS. Winirl" r, M- C. M.
.Pias, ()eon and Teehnioon,or.:ldascl develops
Por cse of pupils. looms in Beaver Block
Albeit Street, Clinton.
NEltvE BEANS aro a new die.
tarp 1 t care the worst cases of
ornous May Lost .1Vpeoer aLnhdg
Mg ' 1minel cettaoa
we one o or
Eby over- or the errors Drop
whitey twee the roeese,of y Ibis Romceya.W
whitely eat twee 1bo Shoat obstinate eaeea ;than ell Otho.
raalsiMia ae ba efMIode eDte :relieve. Sold hydrae.
ietpee package , or six for or eent 1 ,yy mall n
y ,y -nice by addressing THE JAMES ME1)IOUIJ
,t'..,,1y,or;u OGD Writs for batnp1i1' . Solditt-r•
Bold byi
Jad. $, f iombe.
6iuf.,e.n.t ...i
N. AClliE' ➢;,
$icanAbalo of Dental Burgery, Honor Graduate el the
?o:entaSchool il.Dsntietry.
1GSC^on: tar: de Gam sdmiaiatersd for the, patsies
ortsoction c teens,
Ciba oeoeJohnJeeh;tan'iShoe Store, Mutest:
r1ight boll nnssaceed.
'J. 17.
'Who Clinton Lodge, No. U4, meet 1n Biddle.
u,mbeDsll on the let .and exit Fridays in each
month. Visitors cordially invited.
l3. 8TO:tl.STL,M, 1. W. 3. BEAN,1Beoorder
1U. 1'f ONT.
:l;id Deneea Bt., Spiel:last:on the
0ra1» ate of the New,'Ioeir Nye and Ear Hoepitai
MU. Poet 0-:aduata Course at the New York
Peet Graduate Medical oehool and Hospital or
Eye, }far, Nose, and Throat 1292. Eyes Tested.
Tall s:oc: of AirtiaciA. Eyes, Spectacles and Len
ace, vers h e Ni
Patterm,fin::y 7Qo-use, CLINTON,
• 4341
Ho12rs 8a. m. to rt•p. m.
Vi IU be aA
the first Thursday in each month.
cLE adt,
Tested itertiedies.
For =pure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint;
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bron 'tie,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Janndic •
ney and Urinary Diseases, StVitus'
Irregularities >
1 ire and General De6
Female _ sial arities Intl
!.ABONATQRY, 60.Akt°t!0% ONT
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold in Clinton by
bdltlop inro!niusance Co
D. Ross, President, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vies
Pres. Earlock; W. J: Shannon, Betsy -Trews:
Seaforth; M. Mardi°. inspector of Ciaims
Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott.
Clinton; Joseph Hvano, Beechwood • Thos. Oar.
bet, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Leadary ; John
Hannab, Beafortb,
Thee. Neilane, Harloek; Robt. McMillan, Sea r
forth; J. Cuminge, Egmondville. •Geo. Murdie
Parties desirous to effect Inenranoee or Iran
,act other business will be promptly attended
to on application to any of the above offioere
adreesed to their respemtve offices.
Loan & Investment Co'y
This Company is Loaning Money on Farm
Security at Lowest Rates of Interest
3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according toamount and time left.
OFFICE -Cor. Sanare and North St., Goderioh
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is in full operation and 8,1
orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Come..tery and granite work a speoialty. Prices al
reasonable as those of any eetnblishnent
SEALE & HOOVER, Clinton, lin
House Paiatiag aad Paper Havel
Tho undersigned is prepared,to promptly, exe-
cute all orders for PAINTING, IiALSOMINING
PAPER -HANGING, &c. Be is a practical man of
ung experience ;and guarantees to do all work
in a manner that shall be satisfactory, whit
prlceo wil be exosedingly moderate. Were re;
GEO. POTT; , Kirit St., 011nton,