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Ie given in die NEW W ERA.
every week, than in any other pa-
per in Huron at the same pnoe,
50C. CASH- Janury *8t,18
ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor
CLINTON, ONT., JUNE 8, 1894.
Our Weekly Budget
"Tis not the (llothes
Which Make filt-
ht1 an, but they Help"
We make a Suit of a FineFin-
Isbed Black Worsted that
has a very dressy appear-
ance when made up, and will
not turn shiny with wear.
The linings and workmanship,
are first-class, the fit is guar-
anteed perfect and the price
is only
IVManyr have bought it, and they
assure us there is no value
to equal it in the trade.
Cash and One Brice
Tho :st:to J:h: &iglu
Goderich Township.
LIVE STOCK.—Mr John McCartney,
of the cut line, has recently bought a
handsome Durham bull from Mr W.
Wallace, of Hullett. Mr McCartney
Is one of the progressive farmers of
the township.
KILLED.—Mr Wm. Wise, of the Bay-
field road, lost his best brood mare the
other day by an accident. She was
blindfolded, and in running about, ran
with considerable force against the
stone foundation of the barn, killing
itself instantly..
To WHAT BASE USES, ETc.,--One of
the oldest brick houses in the township
of Goderich, is situated on the Huron
road, near Taylor's corners. It is a
well-built, substantial two stor , but the
owne having moved out o it some
time o, has left it to its fate, and it
is no e resort of horses, sheep and
o find it a fine protection from
the weather.
DEATH.—This township lost one of
its early settlers on Friday, by the
death of Mr Thos. Dyke, of the 15th
con. Deceased has been a pretty ac-
tive and vigorous man in his day, and
generally enjoyed the best of health;
some time ago he ondertoek to walk
from his farm to Porter's Hill in a giv-
en time, and it is • thought that this
contributed to his late illness. Hewes
a native of England, but had resided
here for 35 or 40 years, having settled
on the lot on which he since resided.
He belonged to the Brethren, was a
Conservative politically, and leaves a
wife, two sons and two daughters, one
of the latter is Mrs Geo. Wheatley, of
monthly report showing the standing
Sadie Stirlieg, Jessie Stirling, Eva
Wallis. Jr. 4th—Josie Stirling, Ida
Naftel, Emily Rutledge. Sr. 3rd—
Datrid Woods, Annie Harrison, Lily
Prouse. Jr. 3rd — Mabel Weston,
Hannah Harrison, Luella Stirling.
2nd—Eva Woods, Jennie Woods, Al-
bert Rutledge. Pt. IInd—Minnie
Harrison. Edna Green, Della Harrison.
lst class (a)—Clara Harrison, Clara
McGuire, Lottie Stirling. lst class (b)
Orval Weston, Percy Weston, Edgar
Mabel Prouse, Ellen McGuire. Total
number of pupils enrolled 53, average
attendance 45. E.W. JERVIS, Teacher.
East Wawanosh
NOTES.—We hear that the boys on
the 6th line, have organized a baseball
club and are anxious for a match with
Westfield; they will play for either
fun or money; the former preferred.
Mr Riley has a large gang of men
working at W. Nethery's mammoth
' barn at present, and expects to raise it
on Friday, and the boys and girls of
that locality are antic!pating a good
old fashioned hoedown in the evening,
as Billy alwaYs does' the square thing
with the young folks. Mrs John Tay-
lor has moved to her father's, Jas. T.
Bell, where she will reside in future.
Fred Rath is renewing old acquain-
tances on the 6th con. this week. Mr
Chas. Johnson was visiting at p. An-
derson's and Mr Cuffey's the •frne part
of the week. James Vancamp left last
week for a trip to the old country, he
goes in charge of some export stock,
and will be gone about a, month. E.
lack and Frank Vannorma ny of Bet-
tye, spent Sunday at Thos. Black's,
h john Anderson delivered a
zaia= RoitUP in UV Wit"
From all parts of the County—by wide-awake
and lively Correspondents
DLYTH Tuekersm ith
$1 year in advance, $1.50 when not so pa
POLITICAL—'fhe Globe of Mo
says: A large and enthusiastic
meeting was held in the interest o
Garrow, the Liberal candidate in
Huron, in Industry hall, Blyth
Thursday evening. Mr Garrow,
clear and straightforward Ulan
stated to the electors the cours
hard pursued during the four year
had been their representative.
viewed the principles on which
Mowat Government was founded
gave a clear statement of the aff the Province. He dealt speci
with the surplus and showed the
policyof the Government regard
the rown Lands Department.
Garrow made a good speech, and W
out a doubt will represent West Hu
in the next Legislature. Hon.
Dryden followed, dealing prineip
with matters pertaining to his dep
ment. He showed clearly that eco
my had been practised in his dep
went as well as in all the other
partinents of the Adniinistration,
concluded by an earnest appeal
those present to elect Mr Garrow
he was a useful member in the Ho
Mr Garrow's opponent, Mr Conno
is running on the Patron ticket,
though he has been a life-long Con
vative. Mr (li arrow is certain of e
tion, the only doubt being the maj
ty. Mr N. 13. Young, Reeve. occup
the chair.
NOTES.—Mr Powell, one day 1
week, narrowly escaped serious inj
ies; he was on a scaffold with t
workmen at his new residence, w
it broke, precipitating all to the grou
a number of feet; Mr Powell receive
severe shaking up and some pain
bruises but the others escaped unhu
Mr Dickson, barrister,,.Seaforth wa
guest in town last weeek. The Sac
ment of the Lord's Supper was dispe
ed in St. Andrews on Sunday morni
Rev. Mr McCrae, Cranbrook, occup
the pulpit in the evening, There w
no service in the Methodist church
Sunday, owin to the pastor, Rev.
Buggin attending Conference in God
rich. There was a special service
Trinity church on Sunday afternoo
when Rev. Mr Higley preached, a ve
mpressive sermon to the C.O.F., abo
orty in number attending. Mrs Wa
on is visiting in Cranbrook'at prese
Those who would not be left take hee
hange in times; the morning tra
outh leaves 5 minutes earlier, 7.
.01; those gcing north 'unchange
Mr H. Brine and Miss Curtis visit
he Queen city on Thursday of la
he afternoon south 20 minutes carpe
eek, and returned on Saturday. T
ev. Mr and Mrs Higley are attendin
he S. S. convention and Deaner
eeting in Goderich this week.
. C. Colquohoun left for Toronto o
'onday. The weigh scales are bein
oved this week to their new positio
urchased by the council. Mrs Her
russels, is the guests�oof Mrs Moffa
iss McKinnon is visiting in Belfa
t present. We regret to hear th
essrs Jessop & McElroy, grocer
ave made an assignment. Mrs M
eller, who spent the winter month
ith friends in town, left for her how
Wroxeter. Dr. J. M. Sloan left fo
Iden, Iowa, on Friday afternoon
fter a visit to his home here for a fe
onths. A number of Methodis
iends here attended Conference i
oderich on Friday last. The electri
ghts closed down for the summe
onths on Friday evening, and n
tter night could have been chose
r comparison, dark as pitch. Wat
n & Emigh shipped five car loads o
e cattle on Monday for Montreal
r Jos. Carter is South on a busines
ip this week, as is also Mr Wm
chmond. Mrs Rutledge is a gues
the• Methodist parsonage. James
offat-left for Kincardine on Monday,
here he enters a factory for the pur-
se of learning wood carving; we
pe he succeeds. The hill, Queen St.
rth, the subject of so many com
ents in the muddy spring weather,
s been drained. Mr J. Livingston,
den, was in town last week. The
cktie social, on Friday evening, was
uccess, about $10 being realized.
nday BUILDING}.—Mr F. Crich is getting
mass material on the ground for the e
f Mr largement of his barn; he is also mov-
, on
in a
ne r,
e he
rs he
He re -
de -
, as
s a
e y
c -
,FOREST$RS.—Some of the mem
zof Court Pride of. the West No. 81
O.F. went to Clinton to attend
special service in the Episcopal chu
for the benefit of Foresters. It
hoped that it will do them good.
Pre byteri n BAND in
chu ch connect
gave an entertainment last Wednes
n- day, and although it was only sligh
made known, there was a fair turn
ing it to a more convenient place; Mr
G.1Lo an, of Brueefield, has the con-
tract for the I framework, and Mr T.
Walker, of Clinton, will do the mason
work. Mr Robt. Peacock is prepar-
ing to raise and build a foundation
under his other barn this summer,
Mrs E. Johns is having a hay barn
erected this summer, the frame was
raised last Thursday, and it will be
completed in a few days.
ber s POLITICAL MEETING.—A meeting
, O. be held in the town hall. on the e
the ing of June llth, (next. Monday) in
rch interests of M. Y. McLean, the Ref
is candidate. --;Dr. McDonald, M.P.,
of the finest speakers in the Domin
ion House, will address the meeting,
-a will also Mr McLean and others.
- is a splendid chance to hear some
tly Mg speeches, and everyone in
out neighborhood who is fond of g
the speech -making should be present.
$5, . DOMINION DAY.—We haven't sp
up- for the many attractions which
the offered to the public on July 2nd,
ng, we refer all interested to the attrac
air- posters, and for further particular
ly. the prize lists, which may be had
re- application to the secretary of the c
ns, bration committee, Mr George Erw
his No pains are being spared to make
ch, a monster success, and one look at
hat program will convince the reader
rn- the fun in store for all who may co
ted Watch this column for weekly dev
ith opments,
-y. CHt7Roa.—Trinity church was era
rd med to the doors, on Sabbath morni
un- to hear the special sermon deliver
he by Rev. J. T. Kerrin, to the Oa
w than Order of Foresters. Taking
his text "Am I my brother's keeper
t the reverend gentleman kept his he
ar ers spell -bound, while in eloquent ter
of he based his words of practical advi
ur 011 the four corner stones of the Ord
in "Fraternity , Liberty, Benevolence
in Concord." This Order has become ve
no popular, and received many words
nd encouragement from Mr Kerrin.
ill PERSONAL.—Reeve Woods it in God
of rich, at the session of the county cou
he til. Mr White, of the Exeter Tim
as was in town on Monday. Miss Geor • na Morrison, of London, is the gue
tr of Mrs G. H. Hewson at present.
d Percy Coultas, of Seaforth, spent Su
t? day in town. Mr F. Fair, of Olinto
was in town on Tuesday. W. Strut
g ers, of Toronto Medical College, was i
town on Tuesday, accompanied by M
s S. McPhail, of Porter's Hill. Mr an
n Mrs Chas. Simons were present at th
d marriage of Miss Bella Shannon, i
s Goderich, on Wednesday. Mrs Tho
s Jowett has returned from avisit to he
daughter, Mrs Dr. W. H. Wright, o
dTottenham. Mrs Clark and two daug
tors, of Seaforth, and Mr Churchill, o
; Toronto, were guests at Mrr W. Clark'
o Mr John Esson is on a short visit t
his daughter in Nairn. Mr Mitchel
f of Lobo township, near London, is th
t guest of his uncle, Mr H. F. Edwards
✓ at present. The many friends of th
n veteran fifer, Mr Rainey Armstrong
, will be. glad to learn that he is mut
s improved in health.
NOTES.—Until after the elections
t our items will necessarily appear in
very compressed form,.;ibut after tha
we will endeavor to give the Bayfield
news in a more readable shape to ou
eaders. The young men of the villag
who have.orgapa brassland, hav
eceived great encouragement from th
itizens, and go under training,immedi
tely; we have long advocated this,
nd hope the boys will meet with
he success they deserve; Mr John Daly
as been engaged as instructor. Mr
Weismiller is going to send the Domin-
on Government engineer "to view"
he Bayfield harbor; with flying flag
nd flowing bowl, Hon. J. C. Patterson
'viewed" it, and when the Dominion
lections come on there'll be more of
hem "viewing" it; these imitation
aits are getting worn out. The ceme-
ery committee met in the cenge��QQ__ry
n Friday last, to see what could -be
one to exterminate a very trouble•
ome weed, called bear's paw, which
as spread to an alarming extent lately;
hey decided to spade it out. In the
eport of the council meeting last week,
he clerk omitted to mention a petition
y Mr James Whitten, for payment
or planting trees in front of his pro-
perty; elTh council directed the clerk to
lookup the by-law, if any such existed,
and report at next meeting. One of
the oldest citizens of Bayfield passesl
away on Monday last, in the person of
Mrs Fe__gluon, who had been living
witil her son John, and had almost
reached her ninetieth year; the funeral
took place on Wednesday, to the Clin-
ton cemetery, followed by a large
number of her friends. It was report-
ed that Mr Chas. Simons had purchased
some property in Goderich, and intend-
ed moving to the circular town, but as
no definite agreement has been made
as yet, we hope Mr Simons will see the
error of his way, and decide to remain
with us. Rev J. A. Turnbull, B.A.,
LL.B., of West Presbyterian church,
Toronto, has rented the greater part
of Mrs Peck's cottage, for the summer
months, and will move here with his
family in a short time. Mr Weismiller
advocates giving more of our business
into the hands of the county council;
has he "viewed" that perishing monu-
ment of their reputed wisdom, that
double extract of supreme stupidity,
that trembling foot -path tottering to
destruction, which has been honored
by the name of bridge; the less he says
to Bayfield people on that subject the
better for himself. Quite a number of
Trinity church Sabbath School teach-
ers attended the convention in Gode-
rich this week. Mr Thomas Jowett is
li Sha indEis vements made on the in-
terior of his residence. Mr W. D.
Trott, of Seaforth, has rented the pho- accom-
terraph gallery, and will move in
about a week. Mr Harry Kemp moved
this week from' Mr Hewson's to Mrs
Walwain's building, on Main street,
E. where he will continue his watch -and left
clock repairing business: ,Mr Brown
has been building a number of chim-
neys, which are specimens of fine ma, here
son -work. fords,
s to
h -
h -
Plaindealer speaks of the narrow
escape of a youth named Speer° had
during a recant thunder storm.' The
youth referred ,to is a nephew of Mr
Malcolm McEwan, qf the 3rd con. of
Health met on June 2ud, in the town
hall, members all present. The ap-
pointment of Dr. Armstrong and conT
tract made with him by tlae council
were sustained, and the Secretary
authorized to have 400 notices printed
for distribution in schools, making
known the time the doctor will be at
the different schools to "vaccinate all
requiring the same. The board then
adjourned to meet again at the call of
the chairman. J. T. CAIRNS, Secty.
RAISING.—The raising of Mr George
Hill's new barn took place on Thursday
of last week. Sides were chosen by
Messrs Richard Baker and D. Gliddon
the latter of whom won the victory,
during the progress of the work ally-
ing pully struck Mr Fletcher Mc=•
Cartney an ugly though not serious
gash; Mr W. Miller had also the mis-
fortune, to cut his foot with an adze.
Noms.—Mr R. J. Draper has the
paternal smile again; its a girl. Mr
and Mrs B. Graingerattended the 'Cop-
ference service in Goderich on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs II Hyslop are visiting in,
this vicinity. What about our S. S.
picnic this yearP
the, Vatr:ifiVal;t747Iiii=a2-1:11.
and everyone seemed pleased with
result. The collection amounted to
POLITICAL.—A meeting of the s
porters of Mr Garrow was held in
Temperance hall, on Friday eveni
Mr James Snell was appointed ch
man, a position that he fi11s admirab
R. Holmes gave a short' address.
viewing the different public questio
and was followed by Mr Garrow. T
gentlemen gave amost excellentspee
covering the various arguments t
are used against the Mowat Gove
anent, showing how it had legisla
for the best interests of all classes,w
due regard to economy and efficien
It was the opinion of all who hea
him that Mr Garrow's address was
answerable. Three cheers for t
Queen, for Mr Mowat and Mr Garro
were given at the close,
31 years ago this falll a farmer ne
out onere dthe rroad, two good land aboarge ut as n ht o
afterwards one came home bleeding
several places. The farmer went
search of the other, but could find
tidings of it. Days and weeks a
months and years rolled on and st
no word of the pig until a couple
weeks ago, when the thoughts of t
pig had died out of his mind, he w
surprised by a neighbor and old frien
telling him that he wanted to get o
his mind something that had trouble
him for many years. Well what is i
tell it out. He then said, I killed a pi
belonging to you about 30 years ag
and I want you to forgive me. Lately
the farmer had received two letter
through the mail with some money i
them, and now the mystery was solve
of who sent them. As the pig wa
worth $12, then at 6 per cent: it i
worth $72 and over.
NoTEs.—Mrs Grantham, of Clinton
has moved her furniture here an
placed it in the house of Mr R. Bocock
she purposes going to Manitoba t
keep house fcr her brother-in-law, Jas
Whenham. Rev. J. Ferguson, o
Granton, reached in the Methodis
church on Sunday morning, Rev. M
Fair being at Conference; Mr Ferguso
has many friends here. J. S. Brown
harness maker, is going to move thi
week into theshop at present occupied
by, John Hill. The people on the wet
side of Main St. have decided to
put in a large drain from the coiner to
the creek north of the village; this has
been needed for a long time. Mr R. r
Bocock continues to be very poorly,
being very low at times. Mrs James r
Elsley, of the 13th con., Hullett, is very c
low; •she seemed to be improving of a
late; but we are sorry to say she has a
been taking worse, and it is feared her t
chances of recovery are somewhat h
poor. W. L. Ouimette, of the cash
store, is handling large quantities oc
CHITIICH NOTES.—The S. S. at Turn-
er's Appointment, which was forsrier-
ly held in the forenoon, now meets at
1 p. m., owing to this change the class-
es meet at the close of the public ser-
vice. On Sunday, June 1.0th, the
Knights of Maccabees of Clinton and
other Tents will attend Turner's church
in a body, when they will be address-
ed by the pastor of the church, Rev.
W. Smyth.
NOTES.—One of our citizens informs
us that they have had part of their
summer supply of Pork taken from
their barn. 21r and Mrs Thos. Carter,
of the Huron road, celebrated their
silver wedding on Tuesday. Miss
Dodd was absent from her school on
Wednesday., being at a wedding at
Seafozth. Mrs Cudraore is seriously
ill at present.
NOTES.—Gospel temperance meeting
next Sunday afternoon, in the Metho-
dist church; Mr R. Holmes, of Clinton,
is expected to address the meeting. A
number of Auburn people attended the
Conference services in Goderich, last
Sunday. Mr and Mrs Helwig are at
present visiting friends, at Tavistock.
Miss C. Beadle, of Clinton,was visiting
at home this week. Mr D. E. Munroe
is down at Toronto this week, on busi-
ness. Miss Clara Lawson is at present
at Kinburn.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is
the report and standing of the pupils
of Auburn school, for rhe month of
May:—Senior Departments -5th class—
Emma Dobie, Lovey Straughan, Bob-
bie Brown, F. R. Munro. Sr. 4th—
Fletcher Baugh, Mabel4Erratu, Barbara
Dawson, Chas. Straughan, RoseYoung-
blut, Wm. Etling, Tena Cowan, Bert
Cummings. Jr. 4th—Geo, Carter, J.
P. Brown, Andrew Wilson,Win. Govi-
eo Stephen Dyer, Carl Baugh, Samuel
Rowed, Carrie Lawlor, Wm. Bohn.
Sr. 3rd—Ruby Young, Aaron Thiel,
Anna Dobie, Henry Thiel, Minnie
Dobie, Lizzie Youngblut, Wm. Fergu-
son, Annie Fluker, Carrie Youngblut,
W. Cummings. Jr. 3rd—Percy Baugh,
Jakey Wettlaufer, Mabel Straughan,'
Maud Ferguson, Rose Lockart, Nellie
Weatherall, Joe Carter, Albert Etling,
Frank Rowed, Lizzie La,wlor, Bella
Youngblut, Joe Deer, Edie Mole, Lizzie
Cowan, Bertie Wilson, Lena Neville,
Addie Helwig, Herman Daer, Harry
Stinson, Geo. Daer, Maggie Young -
JUNIOR DEesarramsras—Secood class
—Edgar Lawson, D. .r. Neville, Fred
Carter, Simon Graviston, Lorn Groos,
Rowed, Mary Mitchell, Days(' Etling,
Frank Kuntz, Willie Stioson, Edgar
Naigle, Wellington Stinson, Flossy
Beadle. Sr. Pt. II—Sherry Wilson,
COra Anderson, Charlie Askwith, W.
Stranghan, Robbie Daer, Alice Mole,
Farrer Baugh, Lydia Wenzel, Sands,
Fluker, Ida Shultz. Jr. Pt. II—Annie
Daer, Emma Thiel, Jenny Graviston,
Alex. Mitchell, Jessy Youngblut, Mag-
gie Youngblut, Ethel Wilson, Katie
Wenzel, Emma Youngblut, Reuben
Bohn, Artie Ferguson, Pearl Ferguson.
PERSONAL.—The Calgary Herald, of
a recent issue has the following refer,
well-known to Huronians:—"The im-
provements now being made at the
will rank that property as one of the
handsomest in the eastern suburb of
Calgary. Its location on theBow river,
and the luxuriant appearance of the
grounds, go to show that Meyer,
though only a comparatively late ar-
rival, has evidently faith enough in the
country to induce him to permanently
cast in his lot among us.
West Wawanosh.
Commas—The council met on Sat-
urday, May26th, as a Court of Revision
and for general bvsiness. Therainutes
of former meeting were read and ap-
proved. The council was constituted
as a Court of Revision by the members
taking the usual oath. The only ap-
peal entered was by Edwin Grant,
owner of lot N. H. 17 con. 12, who ap-
pealed on the ground of too high as-
sessment in compassion with others.
Mr Grant not being present to push
his case, the appeal was dismissed.
The assessment roll as thus revised
was adopted. The treasurer's report
for April was read, it showed receipts
1)519.75 and expenditure $108.80, leav-
ing $410.96 of a balance on hand. An
account from Wm. Cunningham,
claiming damages for a buggy broken
owing to a detective road, was placed
on file.. A sum not exceeding M.; for
the general appropriation for roads
for this year was granted. The com-
mittee appointed to let job of building
shed at the township hall reported that
no satisfactory tender had been re-
ceived; it was resolved that fresh tend-
ers be a,sked for, and the same coin-
mittee authorized to let the 'ob. The
following checka were i °,* A.
Wilson, salary as assess eS
McOlusky, 35 rode grave 3
at 50e, SI .501 tnPhtti'' X
brild bOth en 24 an
in t
FORESTERS.—The members of the
anadian Order of Foresters of this
lace met at their large room on Sab-
ath morning last, and marched in
rocession to the Methodist church,
here Rev. J. S. Heriderson deli vered
very impressive sermon from James
27, ."Pure -religion and undefiled be -
re God and the Father is this, to visit
e fatherless and widows in their af-
ction, and to keep himself unspotted
orn the world." Mr Henderson also
eached to the Ancient Order of For-
ers in Zurich in the afternoon.
HAPPENINGS.—Rev. W. Kerr °ced-
ed the pulpit of the Methodist church
Sunday evening. Mr Geo. McEwen
attending the County Council in
oderich this week. Mrs Cook, of
hitechurch, but who was on a visit
her daughter, Mrs P. Triggerson, of
is place, passed away last week at
e age of 70 srears; her remains were
terred in the Fansville cemetery OD
iday. Mr E. Roedding left on Mon -
y for a two weeks visit at his home
ar Walkerton. Mr Jas. Petty is
proving the appearance of his block
st of the railroad, by a coat of paint.
J. 0. Clausen has the stonework
mpleted for a neat frame dwelling
the lot adjoining his own residence.
Ross McPherson has been visiting
ends in Londesboro the pa§tinek..,
football Mateh was Payed. here on
esday evening between Hensall and
eter teams, the result was 3 to 1 in
or of Hensel!. Considerable dam-
e has been done to field and garden
ps by the recent frosts. Rev. F.
ann occcpied the Presbyterian
pit on Sunday. Revs. Walker,
nn and Treleaven and Messrs Fitzs
ald and Stoneman hose arrived
me from Goderich, where they have
n attending the meeting of the
elph Conference. Rev. W. E. Tre-
ven, who has been Rev. Mr Sveann's
stant, has been alointed to New
mburg. Mr Pear and wife and
s Dyer, of Forest, are the guests of
Sutherland. Rev. R. H. .13arnby,
iverton, was in town on Wednes-
k, B. D., formerly of Hensap, Vag
he villag feW days , last wee
Nave BARN.—The masons, under the
direction of Mr Hiram Hill, have just
completed the foundation for a large
new barn for Mr Ben Churchill; Mr
Riley will do the framework.
AocIDENT.—Mr John Govier, of the
base line, met with a bad accident the
other day. He was driving in thst
barn, the lower part of the door only
being open, when the upper part
caught him and bent him backwards,
injuring his spine somewhat.
Courrons—The Hullett council met
at Londesboro on Monday, for the pur-
pose of opening Tenders for the con-
struction of the Kinburn Swamp
Drains, &c. Seven tenders were k re-
ceived, the lowest and accepted on is
from Chaixilaers & Hill, Toronto,
$9,187.48, that being $121 below the e
timate.—JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk
NOTES.—The literary entertainment
given by the choir of Kinhurn Metho-
dist church, at the meetiog of the Ep-
worth League, last Monday evening,
proved a success and' was enjoyed by
every one. Mr Benson Tyreman and
Mr Wm. Carter have been improving
theappearance of their premises by
erecting new fences at the front. An
addition was raised to the barn of Mr
0. Hamilton on Friday, June 1st. Mr
Geo. Farquhar is still keeping his Dur-
ham bull for service.
SoHoos REPORT.—The following is
the report of the standing of pupils in
based on regularity, conduct and gen-
eral proficiencys—Sr. 4th—Amos Cart-
wright, Robert Morrison. Jr. 4th—
Maggie Hunter, Aggie Scales. Sr.
3rd—Rosella Weymouth, Bruce Medd,
Alice MeVittie. Jr. 3rd—Sarah Reid,
Effie Hunter, Christena Livermore.
2nd class—Chas. Stewart, Jas, Medd.
Lizzie Adams. Pt. II—Wesley Reid,
Kate Scales, Belle Farnham. Pt. 1 -s -
Leitch. R. CI, RICHARDSON, TeaCher.
Sorrow, REPORT.—The following is
based an the diligence, punctuality and
demeanor of the pupils:—Sr. 4th—
Arthur Smith, Jas. 'rhompson, Annie
Tyner. Jr. 4th—Violet Thompson,
3rd—Jessie Thompson, Lily McCool,
Wesley Vodden. Jr. 3rd—james Mc-
Caughey, Amelia Eidt, Cecilia Eidt.
Sr 2nd.—Bertha Manning, Robt Young-
blut, Thos. Lee. Jr. 2nd—Maggie Mc-
Cool, Albert Radford, Derwin Carter.
Part 2nd—James Snell, Wendell Jack-
son, Ethel Gliddon.—J. H. Lowsarr,
CHURCH.—Sacrament services, con-
ducted by the pastor, Rev-Drs1VreDon-
ald, were held in the Presbyterian
church, on Sunday morning last. The
preparatory service, on Friday last,
conducted by Rev Mr Tully, of Mitch-
ell, who preached a sermon that was'
highly appreciated by his hearers.
DEATH.—Death has again visited our
midst, and taken away anqbher old
and respected citizen. Aftgr a very
long and tedious illness, Mrs Scott,
wife of Mr Alex. Scott, sr., died on
Tuesday morning last. The husband
and family of five sons and three daugh-
ters have the sympathy of the com-
munity in their bereavement of a lov-
ing wife and kind mother. The fune-
ral took place to the Maitlandbank
cemetery, on Thursday.
those from here who attended one or'
more days at the Methodist Conferen
in Goderich, during the past week,
were, Rev and M.rs Galloway, the
Misses and Leslie Galloway, W. M.
Gray, E. Lawrence, Mrs J. Lawrence,
Misses L. Willson, Olie Wilson, A.
Willis, Mary Reattie, May Livens,
Carrie Souch, A. Murray, Susie Hall,
M. Jordan, A. McKinley, M. Wright,
N. Beattie, Mr and Mrs J. H. Pyper,
Mrs J. Wright, and Mrs 0. C. Wilson.
MARRIAGE.—On Wednesday the resi-
dence of Mr R. H.Young was the scene
of a happy event, and one Which usu-
ally causes a flutter of excitenient, es-
pecially among the fair sex. The stern-
er sex, however, though deeply inter-
ested always, of course, take such
things with a degree of coolness. Mr
Young's eldest daughter, Birdie, was
united in the bonds of matrimony, to
Mr James Page, of the Breadfoot &
Box furniture factory. Rev Joseph
Galloway performed the ceremony,
and tied th.e knot secure, in the pre-
sence of a large number of immediate
friends and acquaintances. The bride
received many useful and valuable pre-
sents. The happy couple left on the
afternoon train for points eastst May
lailfle.possible happiness attend them, as
they sail together over the ocean of
NOTES.—Rev Mr Walker, of Wier -
ton, very acceptably occupied the pul-
pit of the Methodist church, on Sunday
last. Last Sunday afternoon, at St.
Thomas' church, the rector, Rev J. W.
Hodgins, delivered an interesting dis-
course to the Foresters and Workmen
of this place. The advent, on Sunday
morning last, of a son, is the cause of
much rejoicing in the home of Mr T.
G. Scott. Dr Smith is this week at-
tending the annual meeting of the On-
tario Medical Association, at Toronto;
Scott, of Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs J. L.
Rutherford, of Chicago, are guests at
The first championship lacrosse match,
of Seaforth, and was won by the 13eav-
ers by 4 goals to 2. A number of our
citizens are in attendance at the races,
at Stratford, this week.
--The June Session of Huron' District
perance Will bt, held at Winghatn, on
Thinialay, Jude 14th, 1894, COMiniMain
at a. ,-Eiteh 0001101110 teques
humbor 61
NoTsts.—We are glad to hear that
Ethel McLean, who was so seriously
ill, is on a fair way of recovery. The
weather lately. has 'been wet and cold,
consequently tbe growth haa not been
very rapid, The amount of damage
hirer Meet.