HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-01, Page 7• 7 a."Mo' 1F-14-1,"7.7"."`" - THE* CLINTON NEW ERA r mar era: r,: 71F"'-'15 °V") - ` ',„7%-r7-77 tn.iyi■{;'ter;,r,sl r .. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The power of hypnotism lies in a cleverly displayed act. The tongue is mightier than the sword when ie conies to cutting re- marks. Minard's Liniment for Rher Iatism. In every rank, both great and small, it is industry that supports us all. Cooks of all nations are to have a fair and feast in Paris next year, with prizes for "authors of new dishes. It is estimated by gardeners that in the course of a season a frog or a toad will devour 57 times its weight in in- sects. An English judge has decided that a .maid servant cannot be discharged for smoking in the kitchen. The temperature at the bottom of the Foreman mine, Virginia City, a depth of 2,100 feet, is 1191 degrees. Minard's Liniment is the Best. The Caspian Sea is the lowest body of water in the world. For severl cen- turies it has been gradually sinking. A Chinaman, of Amoy, has been en- gaged for 32 years in fashioning in miniature an elaborate pagoda of ivory and stone. It contains upward of 35,- 000 pieces. Los Angeles, Cal., has a domestic cat that weighs 32 pounds. It has twice given battle to a big tame rac- coon, and in each encounter has come off victorious. itELIEF IN S1x HOVRS.—Distressing laid ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOLITE AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., and ALLAN &WILSON, Druggists. Rev. Nelson Burns, M. A., a well-known Methodist minister, and editor of Holiness, has been suspended for unorthodox views. Felix Morin, hotel -keeper in the town- ship of Malahide, hanged himself Thursday morning in his barn. Aged about 77 years. He was an old resident of that section and leaves a large family. THE SUPERIORITY Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is due to the tre- mendous amount of brain work and con- stant care used in its preparation. Try one bottle and yon will be convinced of its superiority. It purifies the blood, which, ''the source of health, cures dyspepsia, over- comes sick headaches and biliousness. It is just the remedy for you. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, care- fully prepared from the best ingredients. Mr James Smith, deputy registrar of ambton, is dead, aged 61. Since October Australia has sent to reat Britain 11,754 tons of butter. -The French Government has sped the Chicago World's Fair directors for $100,000 for damages to the French exhibit by the fire in the manufacturers' building. During my second year at the Jeffer- son Medical College in Philadelphia, I had a class -mate whom it would not be uncharitable to call a dullard. One of the professors was in the habit of tak- ing the boys unawares and quizzing them. 1e said to this fellow one day: "How much is a dose of—?" giving the technical name of croton oil. "A teaspoonful," was the ready reply. The tirofessor made no comment, and the fellow soon realized that he had made a mistake. After a quarter of an hour he said: "Professor, I want to change my answer to that question." "It's too late. Mr —," responded the professor, looking at his watch. "Your patient's been dead fourteen minutes." GIVEN ONE MONTH TO LIVE. THE WONDERFUL a TORY OF A JOHNVILLE, QUE., MILLER—ATTACKED WITH INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS—HOW HE FOUND A CURE AFTER HOPE IIAD BEEN ABANDONED. There are few men, says the Sherbrooke Gazette, more widely known in this section than Mr A. T. Hopkins, of Johnville, Que. Previous to hie removal to Johnville, Mr Hopkins resided at Windsor Mills and was for three years a member of the municipal council of that place. When a young man Mr Hopkins was noted for his strength and hie activity as awrestler. His strength stands him in good stead, for he works hard at his business, carrying heavy sacks of flour in his mill for many hours during the day. Active as he is, there was a time not long distant when he was as helpless as an infant and suffered intolerable agony. About three years ago, he was attacked by inflammatory rheumatism. It grew worse and worse until, in spite of medical pre- scriptions, after a year's illness he had a stroke of paralysis. His right arm and leg became quite useless. Sores broke out on both legs. He suffered excruciating agony, and had rest neither day nor night. He sought the best medical advice, but no hopes were held out to him by the physi- cians. "He will certainly die within a month," one well-known praotitioner told his friends. "He will be a cripple for life," said two other doctors. It is no wonder that, as he says, life became a burden to him and he longed for death to relieve him from his sufferings. He heard of Trr. Williams' Pink Pills and determined to try them. He did so, and before long be was able to take outdoor exercise. He per- severed with the treatment, and is to -day nearly as strove as when a young man, and s able to follow successfully the laborious ailing by which be gets a living. Stich as the wonderful story told the Gazette by Mr Hopkins, who atribntes his recovery tolelg-tto the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, aft he is willing to satisfy any per- son who rimy call on him as to their won- derful effects. -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In oases of par- alysis, spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipelas, scrofu- lous troubles, etc.,these pills arefsnperiol to all other treatment. They are also a speci- fic for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden, and speedily re. -store the rich glow of health to sallow cheeks. Men broke clown by overwork worry or execs es, will find in Pink Pills a certain cure. old by all dealers or sent by mail, poatp id on receipt of 50 cents a box, or six bo a for $2.50, by addressing the Dr William Medicine Co., flrobkville, sot:, or Schen Lady, N. Y. Beare of. enbatita*ee &lea `'to'.bi EGGS AGAIN. The new compromise tariff bill which has been submitted in the United States Senate makes many radical changes in the bill, snlne of which will be a great surprise in C.tuada. The changes are all in the..nature of in- creases, and. some of them are of a most extraordinary character, The hill in its main features resembles a cut-down McKinley bill, and some of the cuts are very slight reductions from tbe odious measure. There has been al most extraordinary change in the agricultural. schedule. Eggs for instance, which were upon the free list, have now been put back upon the dutiable list at 5 cents a dozen, which is the McKinley rate. The agrieesltur- al schedule will be found to much more resemble the McKinley tariff than it will the House bill. There has been an increase in coal from 40 cents to 50 cents a ton. This is a direct blow at Canadian coal. In the House biil coal was free. It is said that the Demo- crats are] no nearer to a majority for this new bill than they were before the tinkering with the bill began. The following area some of the chang- es in the tariff of particular interest to Canada. The changes are from the bill now before the Senate, and all are increases: Nickel and nickel oxide are transferred from the free list, and made dutiable, at 6 cents a pound. Butter and substitutes therefor are made dutiable, at 4 cents a pound. Cheese, 4 cents. Fresh milk, 3 cents a gallon, which was free before. Broom corn tb6 per ton, free before. Cabbages, 2 cents each, free before. Cider, 3 cents a' gallon; free before. Eggs, 5 cents a dozen, free before. Yolk of eggs, 15 per cent. ad valorem, free be- fore. Hay, 52 per ton, which is the House rate; the Senate rate was 20 per cent. ad. valorem. Onions, 20 cents a bushel. Honey, 10 cents a gallon. Hops, 8 cents a pound. pried peas, 20 cents a bushel.- -Potatoes, 15 cents a bushel. Fish smoked and dried, cents a pound. Pickled herring, 1 cents a pound. Preserved meats, 20 per cent. ad valorem. Lard, taken from free list and made dutiable, at 1 cent a pound. Poultry, not dressed, 2 cents; dressed, 3 cents a pound. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN 30 MINUTES.— All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, one dose convinces. Sold by Watts & Co., and ALLAN & WILSON, druggists, AN ALASKAN BATH. "Up in Alaska the method of taking a bath is somewhat Heroic," remarked' a traveller. "Every trading post has a bath- house and the people are supposed to avail themselves of its privileges once a week. A person accustomed to living in a milder climate would have a good deal of hesitancy about undressing in one of these places, as the temperature is always below zero. In an inner room an arch of stones is built so that a fire made 'beneath can penetrate. A trap-door in the roof answers for a chim- ney. After the stones have become thoroughly heated and the smoke has passed out, all the coals are removed and the trap- door olosed. In this room stands a cask of warm water and another that is ice-cold. When the bather enters he pours hot water on the stones until the room is filled with steam, then, taking a seat on a bench, he waits till the perspiration streams from every pore in his body. Next he takes a bunch of dried twigs and leaves, prepared for the purpose,, with which he scrubs him- self till all the impurities have been remov- ed from the skin, following this with a wash -off in warm water and soap. He con- cludes his bath by dashing a bucket of ice- cold water over his body, and then rushing to the dressing -room, where, with his teeth chattering, and shivering in every limb, he resumes his clothes." NEWS NOTES W. C. Van Horne of the C.P.R. andHon. Frank Smith, have both been knighted. "I enclose $5. Send me six bottles Roy. al Crown Remedy." R. R. LAmtAW Blyth. The session of Oak street Presbyte- rian Church, Toronto, Wednesday night extended a call to Rev J. Archer Morrison, of Listowel. The pastorate became vacant by the resignation, ten months ago, of Rev J. M. Cameron. Great Britain now owns a continuous strip of territpry all the way from Cape Town to Cairo. She is, therefore in a pos- ition to build a railway and telegraph line from one end of the Dark Continent to the other without going outside the limits of her own dominions. We all knew the Mother Country had acquired vast posses- sions in Africa, but few realized, up to the publication of the despatch containing the faots above outlined, how completely she dominates the latest conquest of civiliza- tion. The American Consul at St. Thomas had his office decorated with American flags an the 24th of May, when some foolish members of the Queen's Own, Toronto, deliberately tore them down. Lieut. -Colonel Hamilton, of the Queen's Own, on learning of the incident, had the special train held and came back to the Grand Central Hotel and apolo- gized on behalf of the men to Consul Willis. He would not, however, ac- cept the apology, and telegraphed a re- port of the affair to the State Depart- ment at Washington, and the Gover- nor-General at Ottawa. The men were fools, and the affair is likely to lead to unpleasantness between the Canadian and American government. A (GLI' -MINE INSTEAD OF A GRAVE. "Some of the richest gold mines in Colorado were stumbled upon in the most accidental way," said a miner. "When the gold fever was at its height several years ago, a party of prospec- tors travelling through the mountains came upon the dead body of a man lying beside the trail. 'Poor fellew,' said one of them, 'he has passed in his checks; let's give him a decent burial.' They accordingly began to digagrave. Three feet below the surface they dis- covered signs of gold. The stranger was buried in another place, and where they had located a grave—a lgold mine was o ned up which turned out to be one of the richest claims ih that section of the country. The mine was named 'Dead Man's Claim.' Another instance is where an adventurer who drifted into Leadville awoke one morning without food! or money. Ile went up into the mountains and shot a dr, which in its dying struggles kicked up t0'- fid+ • (.4 disclose . signs of. gold. ,cit WITHOIIT SOLICITATIB. Paine's Celery Compound;is Strongly Indorsed by an. Ontario Lady., Three bottles of the Wonderful Compound effect a GI -eat Change—Nervousness and Constant Sick Headache Banished—Sleep is Sweeter and Better—General, Health Vastly Improved. - - MRS. E. Mrs E. Wiloox, of Creemore, Ont., is one of the best known ladies in that section of country. Young and old in and around Cre.more are acquainted with this worthy and honored lady, and implicitly rely on any statement she makes. Mrs Wilcox for some years suffered ter- rible and keenly from nervousness and con- tinual sink headache. Her condition was serious and alarming at times, owing to the fact c thatget she was u'n able to e 6 t snffio- ient sleep to rest a weary and run-down body. For a long period money was spent for medicines and doctoring that brought no good results. A grand and happy change was immediately effected when Mrs Wil- cox commenced to use Paine's Celery Com- pound. The virtues of the great remedy proved as efficious in her case as it has in thousands of others. Mrs Wilcox, desirous of recommending Paine'e Celery Compound, writes as fol- WILCOX. lows:— "I take this oportunity to express my gratitude for the good that I and my friends have received from your valuable discovery, Paine's Celery Compound. "For years I have Buffered from neryons- nese and constant sick headache; at times I have been so bad that I have been unable to sleep two hours a night for weeks. I hae v tried many o and d doc- tored a good deal, bmedicines never received a hundredth part of the value that I obtained from Paine's Celery Compound. After using three bottles I can sleep well, my headaches have ceased, and I feel healthier .and fresher than I have done for years. "Being one the earliest settlers in this place, I am known to all the surrounding country. I feel it my duty to let others know about the medicine that has done me so much good. I send - this testimonial I without any solicitation ood Minus eat are 1411 better when, i.ecd.a with joL for thcy are rue front gRERSIS ahet are ea.s t seSted : or tits Sitotlinrt.15 1 and ata COOK ,, jntiboaea CfoLasa is delfier arfiet borer man, lard. Made only by The N. K. Falrbank Company, Wellington and Ann ■ta., MONTREAL. POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in ao MINUTED, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VEiW NIOE TO TAKE!. PRIOR 28 CENTS AT DRUG STORES. men's Remedy ibrr C Is the Hest; Easiest _ttlnee. 1/ ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best sows ]1II11 Dog in use. Agent forth° sale and appli- cation of the tarFIBUER PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILER CLEANER. STEAM (PITTINGS furnished and app ed on short notice Boilers, Engines, and all kinds o Machinery repaired ezpeditlonsdy and in asatisfactory manner Farm implements manufactured' and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Rilus fitted up on application Charges moderate. PUMPS : PUMPS If you want a first-class, well -made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the undersigned. He will dig and clean wells, and do it at the closest prices. He also handles a first-class FORCE PUMP JAMES FERGUSON Opposite. Queen's Hotel - High Street, Clint Clinton Planing Mill —AND— DRY KILN! The subscriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing the most skilled work- men is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notion. A trial solicited FACTORY NEAR G.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOS. MOKENZIE LIVE HOGS WANTED—Live Hogs from 150 to 200 Ponnde. D. CANTELON, Clinton City BAKERY OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. The undersigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully oarrii d on by Mr Wm. Young will continue the business at the old stand He will endeavor, by supplying a first class arti- cle, to merit the liberal support of ti}e people Bread delivered anywhere in towt. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes supplied on short notioe. M. BECKWITH, - MIN TON Yo tiNeecd It The"D. &I,': ,,��-- ----Emulsion r 1'►till ... . CureTatCougil, Hea1Yoi rLungs. Futlrfesh onYour Prevent Consu .' & :'0? VBALLWACON STANDS TO DAY L9n1�y(1 � P . atSl,�a.. 1!Ihllt!p!L: r EAD • HOULDERSOVERALLOTHERS SNOWBALLWACONCO.F6E0FIGANT. This is one of the best Farm Waggons manu- factured, having been on the market for f0yeare, and being very strongly built, while at the same time adapted to all kande of work, and is noted for its lightness of draft and easy running. Those who have used them will use no other, while the price at which it is sold is no more than would be paid for an inferior article. The undersigned 1s solo agent for this neighborhood, and tho wag gon may be inspected at any time at his shop OLIVER JOHNSTON, BLACKSMITH ISAAC STREET, : CLINTON WASHING MACHINES. - Mr B. Colo is manufacturing for'sale a Patent Washing Machine called the ' Magas Wacker" which is offered at a very low figure, They can be seen at hie residence, Isaac street. B. OGLE. Clinton. ALL THE WOMEN Are healthy some of the time, some women are healthy all the time, but all women are not healthy all the time unless they wash with,a SEWARD :: WASHER IWe warrant the Seward Washer to cleanse any fabric that soap and water will cleanse. Now is the time to wash your carpets and lace curtains. Get a Seward Washer, manufactured by J. T. SEWARD, : Clinton, Ont AGENTS WANTED in every town in Canada Benm,iller Nurser,' FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND2ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a 8peoialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur chasing here. Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended to, Address, JOHN STEWART. - Benmlllsr. J. C. STEVENSON, —THE 'LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEP ill STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST. ,CLINTON Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL AKIN POWDE fur. REST FP'r!ID When we assert that Dodd's Kidney Pills vwvwonn Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. By all drugqgists or mail on receipt of price, go cents. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. SUDDEN CHILLS& , COLDS. 4T THE COMMENCEMEf1 OF AN ATTACK TAKER TEASPOGNF4 Of RRv DAVIS' ;'unci 1, 1893 BUTC- IL1 OP$ City Butcher rnp SMITH'b BLOCK, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, CLINTON Tho undersigned having opened out In the Smith Block, desires to state'that be wilIkeep ots hand the very choicest Meats, Raving no ex- pens° outside of himself, he is in a position to sell atthe very closest prices, He will at all times be prepared to pay the laghost market price for Export Cattle. LIVE HOGS always wanted Ker export, Give him a eau. ROBT. FITZSIMONS HURON ST. BUTCHER SHOP I desire most ooraially to thank a„ those who have favored us with their patronage since I commenced in business, and to assure them and the.publio generally that wo are in better shape than ever to oatser to their wants, having added an improved refrigerator and other conveniences at our shop. W HEATLEY ft SCRUTON Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS : CHANGE. The undersigned desiree to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr Couch, in tho butchering business lately carried on under the yle of FORD & COUGH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the busi- ..ess, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. Ali orders oaretully and promptly filled JAMES A. FORD . Central Butcher Shop Subsoriberdesirea to thank the public general- ly, for tho patronage bestowed upon him; and at the same time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than ever to supply the wants of all. Aa be gives personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &c. JOHN SCRUTON,' ' Albert St., Clinton. Flour and Feed Stores Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned having formed a partnership desire to Intimate that they will keep on handl the very best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be void at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. They will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. HILL & PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S FsourFeedStore- BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL _KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for It bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS • The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855, CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,175,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President.. F. W. THOMAS,.... General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts is. sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. aF'ARM»Ris. Money advanced to farmes on their own note with ono or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security f3 H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTAGGART. BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Busineetl tr ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Draftsjissued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL 'BANKERS, CLINTON., ONT Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. general tanking Business transacted Into-, at allowed on deposibe. ale Notes bought J. 1?. TISDALL, Manage THE COILED SPRING Wove Wire Fencing. 1 Messrs",Sianley as;, Steep are Agei Die Above !Miele * 1& is oIaimed�io