Clinton New Era, 1894-06-01, Page 5THE, CLINTON NEW ERA IF YOU ONCE. SEE OUE - Ladies'r & Gent's ROLLED PLATE CHAINS Iljl"i (1grl1jff` I 1,11161-E1 lithad GHA EG •.OLP You will buy them. Warranted every time, J. B. RUMEALL, Jeweler and Bell Telephone Agent. FOR THE FARMERS ! LITTLE'S SHEEP DIP and •° MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER AT ALLEN & WILSON'S f„. AMILY RECIPES prepared with as much Dare ae physicians prescriptions. THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE STATIONERY and SCHOOL BOOKS. CLINTON MARKETS J)rreoted ever Thursday afternoon. Thursday, May 31, 1894. O 55 a 058 O 31 a083 o 35a040 052 a 055 a 860 012 a 013 0 7 a 0 7 035 a 040 500 a 700 200 a 250 025 a 075 O 15 a 015 Wheat fall* i Oays Barley Peas A'lonr per bal Butter Kggsper doz Potatoes Hay, New and Old Hides, No. 1 trimmed Sheeepsk'ns Wool The appeal of Chamberlain, the Win. ersonator, has been dismissed,. and a ,, :rv- i three years' sen- tence. • MONTREAL LIVE STOOK MARKETS There was an average market at the East End Abattoir on Monday, but noth- ing very startling transpired. There were some 350 head of cattle on offer, but sales were not very brisk in the face of an up- ward trend in prices. Mr L. Delorme sold a few first -plass western butchers' cattle ab 4}c. The poorer part of the cattle offered only realized 3jo to 4o. There were no sales for export. In the way of small stook offerings were not very large, comprising some 350 calves, 120 sheep and lambs and 50 lean hogs. Prices, particularly for calves, were decidedly higher than a week ago. The range of prices were as follows:— Calves, 83 to e8 each; sheep 84 to e0 each; lambs ell to 64.50 each; lean hogs, 85 to 89 each, and young pigs, 81.50 to $2 eaoh. IRON BLOOD -PI -LLS LS Don't confuse these with the common Iron Pills. They are a direct food for the blood. These pills will change the pale andsallow complexion of debility into the ruddy glow of health. Put up in round wood boxes with red label. 26c per box or five boxes for 81. Put np=only by JAMES H. COMBE: CHEB'IIST AND DRUGGIST, PHYSJCIA SUPPT,IES, ETC B ;—Ws carry the largeet stack of Drums in the'Ccanty zdZnroY. dine 1, 1894 • GREAT SZLE Fine Silks offered at less than the cost of mak- ing. Almost every conceivable shade and color, in all the best and leading shades that are popular. 700 Yards in the lot, consisting of Greys, Browns, Cardinals, Blacks, Golden Browns, Drabs, Blues, Pinks, and a lot more shades that we do not know the names of. All offered at only 30 cents per yard. These silks are really beautiful, and perfect in quality. 24 inches wide, and are regular 60 and 75 cent goods. We cleared out the whole lot at less than one-third their value, and now offer the whole lot at only 30 cents per yard. Every lady should see these goods. GILROY 13c WTSEIVLAN BIG SALE CLINTON Owing to the general -depression and scarcity of money, we have decided to give our customers one month's busi- ness without profits, and during the month of June, All Our Goods will be Offered at Actual COST! No Reserve! We shall carry out faithfully what we advertise. We have not clecided on this step simply for pleasure or the benefit of our customers solely, but our aim is to make a .large reduction in our stock. Remember we can give you Twenty-five Thousand Dollars worth of GOODS AT COST. If you think there is any object in getting goods at Wholesale Prices, come and see us. Full Stock in the Dress. Goods, Silks, Staple*, Carpets, different depart- Hosit��ry, Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, from menta to choose Hats,Caps,mac. A large stock of BOOTS and SHOES -still on hand that will be cleared out at less than wholesale, as we are Ciispontinuing this department. Now is the time to get your MILLINERY, Stock complete in all the new designs,' and at price never heard of before. See the HATS we have worth 50c., 75c., $1 and .x..25, your choice for 25c When purchasing, don't forget -the place, but see our goods , d judge for yourselves. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, P S L,& Clinton. FOSTER Leave. - Y quick for to's you int ing to roux Wall Papers Here's an opportunity to buy them cheap. 600 rolls Wall Paper bought for season 1892 and 1893, and ranging in price from 10 to 15 cents a roll, will be cleared at 5 cents a Roll Church's Alabastine 1 permanent wall coating—ready for the brush by adding cold water, and easily applied. We sell it in White and ten beautiful tints. SPRING ROLLER WINDOW SHADES—Decor- ated, Fringed and Lace Trimmed. CURTAIN POLES complete for 26c to 50c. Lace Curtains Our special line 50 inches wide, 31 yards long, at $1 per pair is a trade winner. W. L. OU1$ET!E.E. CASH ALER, LiTUEBBbIio ti