HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1894-06-01, Page 4Arlo 1,893 ol} and faithful Raying, NOW* yor} should ear in mind; yoti deret keep np with the procession, Tlteh you will be left behind. There iea greater trueiem in Bioyolee than inanything else, so if you want to be up to date, g £viturrvoRTH pan give you• other good wheels for less ,Morley, but the Whitworth is king. EMERSON, Clinton eneral Agent for Huron and. Bruce. auertlocrnentd Meetings—J. T. Garrow Excursion— W. Jackson b310'suiU —Jackson Bros. (:1Ir1:.wanted—NEW ERA I� tice--James Campbell f1�11 paper --Cooper & Co. ilk sale—Gilroy & Wiseman Big.sale--Plumsteel & Gibbings ,Popular millinery—Beesley & Co. To the farmers—Allen & Wilson .Tally ho ducks --Estate Hodgens Wall paper, etc—W. L. Ouimette Whitworth cycles—G. F. Emerson gorse and cart for sale—G. F. Emerson 1iitton pox Out FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1894. WEST HURON R.GARROW'S MEETINGS Meetings in the interest of the Liberal Candidate will be held at LYTH, Thursday, May 31st at 8 p.m resin 5BODoFriday, June 1st, " AunuRE Saturday, " 2nd, " menieseMonday, 4th, " ENTAIL ..Tuesday, " 5th, " KINGBiuIDGE, Wednesday" 6th, .. 4FrrmentThursday, " 7th, r,HELEes.. Friday, " 8th, SL.Aueuseunte Saturday, $th, LEEBIIRN Monday, " llth, GODE1UCHTaesday, " 12tJ', CLINTON,V4 ednea ," kith, on,{6E,.. 'r'hursd " 14th, Dement—..7tedav , " 15th, .Hoevees Monday, " 18th, .,.. • EceentATION, Tuesday, " 19th, . e • TSE NILE, Wednesday " 20th, " BELFAST, Thursday, " 21st, " - -When addresses will be delivered by Mr GARROW and others on the public ques- tions of the day. • The Opposition Candidate is in- ' vited to take part in the discussion. -ALL ARE INVITE D. " 11 If n Iinistor.of Public Works W, Harty, of Kingston, has been made Ooplave mmHiss ofee of Public Works, There is one kind of P.P.A. that the newspapers are in favor of—Pay your Paper in Advance. The rumor started by the Blyth Standard, that Mr Garro_ w wants to join the P.P.4_'s. has not the slightest foundation. It is too narrow and bigoted in its platform for a man of Mr Garrow's liberality of thought. A number of our exchanges are fool- ishly doing a certain amount of free advertising for a certain stock -broking firm, whose specialty is the handling of debentures. The firm in question sup- plies the notice and the papers do the rest. Why not make this firm pay for its advertising? Mr Freed, for some years the very able editor of the Hamilton Spectator, has resigned in order to accept the of- fice of Inspectcr of weights and meas- ures. We are always pleased to see the services of newspaper men appreci- ated, because they do a lot of political work for which they receive very little, but we hope Mr Freed will now leave newspaper work severely alone, and in this respect differ from some others who hold government positions and are said to write editorials for the 'papers they were formerly connected with. THE CI., T( ° . NEW ERA Additional Local Flews. Public School Entertainment. THE BIGGEST KIND Oil' A SUCCESS. The entertainment given by the chit - ren of the Public School, on Friday evening last, was excellent from begin- ning to end, and attended by possibly the largest ,number that was ever packed in the hall. There were 560 paid tdmisslo ns, over 500 school chil- dren, and in addition numbers of small children, making in all an audience of over 1,100,while very man were unable to gain admission to the hall. The teachers, one and all, deserve great credit for the time and pains spent with the children, the trustees cordi- ally aided in all the preparations, and no one worked harder than the Princi- cipal, Mr Lough. Some of the pieces showed that a great deal of work was necessary in their preparation, and were exceedingly pretty, the passage of a row boat by unseen force_ across the stage, filled with children, was among the many nice thing) on the program. The doll drill, fan drill and tableaus were all especially interesting, and although the program was long, it was not wearisome. The children were all happy, and we fancy the pa- rents were dust as much pleased. Mr J. C. Stevenson made a short address in opening The program embraced the following The Mowat and The Meredith set out to run a race, and when the course they entered, struck up a rapid pace. Each claimed he was the best man, and would the other beat, each strove with all his powers the other to defeat. The Mowat he was small and sprite, the other big and strong; the Mowat claim- ed that he was right, the other he was wrong. And so the race is running still—it will be over soon; you'll learn who is the winner on the 26th of June. If merit is a virtue—and it surely has some wig he leervat sh elld a winner. prove upon the mentions?. date. LIBERAL CANDIDATES EAST HURON THOS: GIBSCN SOUTH HURON ....M. Y. McLEAN WEST HURON J T. GARROW There are but two candidates runn- ing in each of the ridings in Huron.— The Conservative candidate in the East lids retired, and the contest is between the Liberal candidate and Mr. Milne, ' ' ^ Patron, who is also Liberal, but has been promised Conservative support.— Liberals in this riding are likely to stand by the faithful old representative Mr. Gibson. The contest in the Soii�,th is between t.'MeLean, a gentleman of advanced t lberal views, than whom there is no Mr.oand We ersmllet r,an in the r, who is the nominee of the Conservatives. He has never really been identified with the Conservative party, having 'ran once for the Com- mons as an Independent Liberal, and again as an Equal Righter, and was only taken hold of by theConservatives because the more prominent men in the party refused to face the contest.— Mr. McLean is worthy the confidence of the electors, being an able speaker, and a gentleman that would honor any constituency as its representative. , Bayfield. CouNcrL.—The council met on May 28th as a Court of Revision, James Burns was put on assessment roll as tenant for lots No. 155 and 215, also $150 for personal • property. The ap- peal to have Margaret Howard assess- ed for two dogs instead of one was not sustained. Thos. Williams' dog was struck off Mrs Seller's assessment and assessed to himself. J. Ferguson, D. McLeod and M. J. Peck each had a dog struck off the roll. One hundred dollars was taken off T. Ja Mark's as- sessment on lot 166. The Court of Re- vision adjourned. The .council then met for regular business. the roll „ was accepted from the assessor, B. Higgins and his salary granted. Alex. Camer- en was paid $5.05 for. repairing bridge. The council adjourned to meet on June 18th. J. DAY, Clerk. In the West Riding the Conservatives have declined to put up a candidate, and the contest will, therefore, he be- tween Mr. Garrow, Liberal, and Mr. Connolly, Conservative, Patron. It is generally understood that the latter will get the Conservative vote, and that the P.P.A's will also support hire strong. We fail to see any reason why the electors should withdraw their con- fidence from Mr. Gerrdw. He has par- liamentary experience, is not a slavish follower of the government, is able to take his place among the debaters of the house, is just as likely to secure le- gislation for the farmers as his oppon- ent, and has proved himself to be a thoroughly efficient and able member. Huron has honored itself in the past by returhing three supporters for Mr. Mowat, and we see no reason of pros- pect that it will not do so again in the coming contest. Let Liberals in each riding bestir themselves, and there will be no fear as to the result. hia ieavhig and pressure is being brought to bear upon trim to induce him to reconsider the decision." Mr Ferguson is a former pastor et the Methodist church at Londesboro, Next Sunday the pulpit of Rattenbury Street ohuroll, will be supplied by Rev. F. Cassidy, a repent Missionaryto Japan; a platform meet- ing will be held ithe evening to be inter- spersed with suitable music. 'Rev. S. Catlett will occupy the pulpitiot Ontario St. church. The usual monthly fellowship meeting will also be held in each church. On Sunday afternoon last the Sons of Eng- land, of Clinton, Mitchell, Seatorth Godorlch and Londesboro lodges, assembled at St. Paul's waspreached special 8ern►en whore a church, by h w of i m the orris J Veldt°, from Rev J. H. them Paul to the Galatione "Aa We have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all nen es- pcotallT tiny. those who are of the houseboid of faith," The following resolution was unanimously passed at the official board meeting of the On- tario St. Methodist Church, on Monday even- ing. Moved by James Stevens. seconded by R. Stoneham, and unanimously resolved, that we the members of the Quarterly Official Board of the Ontario St. Methodist Church at this our first meeting since having learned the deolsion of the Presbytery of Huron in the matter of a call to the Rev. A. Stewart Hde .D., efre to give expression to our gratification with that decis- ion which continues him in his present relation to Willis Church. This church has been planed under many obligations to Mr. Stewart, for 'cal - 'table &Maces rendered on our anniversary and other occasions, and we gratefully recognise the very cordial relations which have uniformly existed between the pastor of this church and Mr Stewart, and we also desire to give expres- sion to the pleasure and profit we have received from his ministrations on occasions of exchange. We sincorely Mope that Mr Stewart may long continue in is present relation to Ohurch and tbat the richest blessings of our common Lord may rest upon nim and his congregation, and that the same oordial relations may con- tinue. Chorus—Dear Canada to thee School Tuartette—Come where the Lillies grow...Four rustees, T. Jackson, J. C. 'Stevenson, T. C. Bruce and J. B. Hoover. Recitation—Over the Baro Hills.... Ella Akam Chorus—God bless our broad DominionSchool Dialogue—Water melon Picklo.....A. Baer and George Twitchell Kindergarten Miss „Bello Worthilor'sngton Song ]ass ton Recitation• Mies Holyar's class Dialogue—How he had himMiss Lavan's class Instrumental. .. Eva Cooper and G. Overbury Chorus—Canada the gem in the Crown..School Dialogue—Pat and the Postmaster.. W. Plum - steel and F. Doherty Kindergaten—Here we rowMiss Taylor's class Recitation—Qulobane Miss Wilson's class Doll Drill Miss MoEwen's class Recitation R. Stewart Fan Drill . Miss Helyar's class Chorus—The maple leafSchool Recitation—Bishop Hatto M. Houston Son Miss Holmes' plass Recitation Edna Copp and W. Rattonburry Dialogue—Lessons in Cookery ....Mlss Wilson s class Chorus—Rule Britannia School GymnaF tics. ..Miss Lavan's class Instrumental C. Wiseman and C. Steep Composition—Cats k <4, Londosboro. ORDE4 OANADIAN HOME CIRCLE.— This order is making rapid progress here, fifteen rlew members have been initiated during the last four months and there are several applications on hand for the next meeting Meetings are held in Forrester's hall, on the third Thursday of every month. Mem- bers of the order who, may be visiting in the neighborhood are cordially in- vited to attend. THIEVES.—On Friday night some sneak thieves gained an entrauce into the cellar of Mr Jos. Garrett by cutting the screening of the window,. and after securing considerable provisions in the cellar, came up the stairway into the r kitchen and ransacked everything i therein. Mr Garrett knew nothing of it until the next morning when he awoke and found the door left wide Ed. Coo open. Seo Saw Miss Holyar's class Chorus—Red, White and Blue.. ....School Song—Tenting to -night Miss Holyar's claw; The Trustee Board and teachers are much indebted to Misses Andrews and Jackson in presiding at the piano, and for their valuable assistance in prac- tising; also Mr and Mrs Oakes, the former having spent considerable time in training the children, and Mrs Rens- ford, who sang "May Queen" and "I'm a Merry Zingara," with fine effect. 1..rea Board desires to thank ell who helper'helpeNn any way to make the enter- tainment Peeticcess. Stratford i3.istrict Schedule A meeting of Stratfor%i district C P_r adian Lacrosse Association was)ae li at Seaforth on Saturday. The following delegates being present:—P. McIntosh, Stratford, secretary of district; B. Gib- bings, Clinton; D. McDougall, Strat- ford; R. E. Jackson, Seaforth; Mitchell and Goderich were .not rep'r'esented, having sent in their resignations. It was decided that there be two home and home games played; that each club:put up auarantee of ten dollars, to be paid to the home team in case of the visiting team defaulting; home teams pay necessary expenses to the visiting team. • The following were ap- pointed official referees:—J. A. McFad- den, W. A. Miller, Stratford; A. J. Morrish, B. Gibbings, Clinton; W. Mc- Dougall and R. E. Jackson, Seaforth. The following schedule was agreed to: —June 1, Stratford atSeaforth. June 8, Seaforth at Stratford. June 20; Stratford at Clinton. June 20, Clinton at Seaforth. July 6 or 7, Clinton at Stratford. July 13, Seaforth at Clin- ton. July 20, Stratford at Seaforth. July 31, Clinton at Stratford. August 11, Seaforth at Stratford. August 17, Clinton atSeaforth. August 23, Strat• ford at Clinton. August 31, Seaforth at Clinton. PASSED.—In the list of candidates, who have passed the final examination of the college of physicians and sergeons, of Ontario, we see the name of Mr T. Agnew, Belgrave, formerly of Clinton, who is now entitled to the license to practice in Ontario. H. H. Ross, of Brucefield, passed the primary exatn- ination, completing his second year. PERSONAL.—Mr J. King, of Wing - ham was here on Sunday. Miss Lot- tie Kerr, of Clinton, is here atpresent. Mrs Thos. King is spending a few days this week in Clinton. Capt. Creamen, of the Salvation Army was in Seaforth last week on business in connection with the Arniy, Tim. Morrison spent the 24th in Seaforth. Mrs Reid and child, of Goderich, were visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs John Ferguson, on Sunday. Mrs Benson, of London was the guest of Mrs H. F. Edwards, last week. Misses Lizzie and Maud Ferguson' spent 24th with friends in Seatorth. Mr Tim. Hagan, hostler at the River Hotel, is one of the most ob- liging then in that capacity we have ever met with; he has a good educa- tion, and is very entertaining to his patrons, who speak very highly of his kind attentions. NOTES.—Mr Wei sinHier, the Conser- vative candidate for the Legislature, opened thecampaign in his own inter- est on Titesday evening before a small meeting. Mr Jaynes Thompson has succeeded in getting his mill in motion again and:will now be ready for chop- ping and sawing orders. Rev. J. T. Kerrin will preach to the Canadian Order of Forresters, on Sabbath morn- ing. A popular order and a popular preacher will no doubt ensure a large congregation. Rev. Mr. Ross, of Clin- ton, preached in St. Andrew's church, on Sunday. Some of your people !at- tended apicnic on the24th in the beau- tiful grove of Mrs Snowden, at the point where the "G000dall" was wreck- ed, two years ago; they report a very pleasant day. Did Not Nominate The Conservatives of West Huron met in Goderich, on Wednesday, to consider what action should be taken toward putting a straight party can- didate in the field. A certain section were in favor of so doing, but they were over -ruled by those who tacitly regarded Mr Connolly as a good enough Conservative for all practical purposes, and finally decided not to nominate a candidate. ` e are told that while the convention . d not endorse Mr Con- nolly, it was e=nerally understood that he it to reedy th'e party support. • Ministe e Iln:1l,tro � t Bly' t' e41,. ill • Kippen WEDDING BELLS.—Another of the young ladies of our village has launch- ed. out on the matrimonial sea. On Thursday of last week Miss Minnie Taylor and Mr W. Pope, of London, were united for Netter or worse. Rev. Mr Walker, of Hensall, performed the ceremony. Your correspondent joins with their many friends in wishing the young couple many happy and pros- perous years together. NOTES.—Mr Thos. McGregor left last week for Wellwood, Manitoba, where he usually spends the summer. Rev. A. McKibbin and wife, of Embro, are visiting at Mrs McKibbin's old home for a few days, on their wayeto confer- ence at Goderich. Mrs Wm. Hunt and Miss Gladys, of St. Louis, aro the guests of Mrs Robt. Hunt. Mr Ricker, our new carriage maker is kept quite busy. The village has been quite live- ly the past few days. Mr McDiarmid, the artist who began teaching here a short time ago, has quite a large class. fir ucefielcl. OMITTED.—A poem byMrs J. H. Simpson, in type, is unavoidably omit- ted this week. A rep rt of the West Huron Teach era" 001 '=nt%bn;'it7i tgtiet isittia'ttitldablq ornate& Town and County Church Chimes. and said a few words after the close of Mr Garrow's two hours speech. STORM.—There was a very severe rain storm on Sunday afternoon, and evening services in the churches here had very few to attend them. During the storm the lightning struck the stable of James Brown, on the 12th con., and killed one of his horses. The house of Mrs Cunningham, sr., was al- so struck, the fluid going down the chimney and making a partial wreck of the stove There were some in the CHURCH.—Mr Lou Stevens occupied the pulpit here Sunday morning, he gave a splendid talk based upon the words "Trow is your health" found in II Samuel; he spoke for a short time on the necessity of preserving our natural health, explained the steps taken in order to ascertain if there was any thing wrong with our body, and then took it in a spiritual sense making his Old nonce u applications eo Iain that n P of r t heti thought some fo ge ,it gh a few , g s his illustrations were out of place, still seeing the aptness in which he wrought out, his applications one could pardon the illustrations. There will be no morning -church or Sunday school next Sunday it being Conference Sunday; there will belpreaehing in the evening; the league will hold no prayer meeting next Sunday, evening, but after that will hold their 0.80 meeting before church -as usual, and in addition will have a week night meetingevery alter- nate Monday evening, LIICTIT 6I9.—The Black Knight gave the story of hie life on Wednesday night and we think we can safely say it was the beet lecture we have ever heard here. His method of leading the anticipation up to the highest pitch and then letting it down with an awful tumble was wonderful. He seems to have come through a treat ideal, the number of railway wrecks he has been in is almost numberless; he was. in the famous Johnston disaster. He spoke for an hour and a half during which time the audience would be moved to tears at one moment and the next roaring with laughter. Owing to the evening the audience was nob large but Mr Hector has promised to come back some timein the future and if he should we are sure the house will ' be packed. NEARLY DROWNED.—On the 24th while a number of boys were playing in a boat at the river the boat became caught in the current and was going down the river, when one of the boys jumped taking the oar with him, the rest seeing they coula do nothing jumped also but unfortunately Mulhol- land the smallest and last to leave, failed to get out until the boat had reached deep water, though he could bottom it where he was there was deep water all around and the stream was taking him down, Geo. Teb1mtt went in after him and though he had gone down for the last time managed, with the help of Geo. Levis, to get him to land, where they got the water out of him. It was a narrow escape and a few more minutes would have finished For Late Housecleaners him, Mr and Mrs Mulholland desire to express their sincerest gratitude for the heroic manner in which his res - curers saved his life. ,•' Nn'R;t^�,--.Ar�;'e�.ERnet-- uu �:,irne spent house at the time, but none of thein Life 24th in Stratford. Miss Elsie were injured. . -' - ' ` Pickard was visiting friends in Mitchell No•res. — Mondeel morning people on the:24th. Quite a number of our were :aur r stvu" to find a covering of citizens took in the Seaforth sports en heaurj.r 1'�mr snow, but it soon disappear- 7Chiirsday. W. McRoberts and Etl. Jervis were attending the Teachene VI; on Tuesday morning there was convention held in Exeter last Frirlav orae than snow, being a severe frost, and Saturday. Mr Jos. and Misses d.which formed ice a quarter of an inch and R. Jervis spent the- 24th at Ayl- thiek. Mrs E. Medd started for her • mer visiting Chas. Holland and wife: home on Monday. Mrs Hugh Gracey on their return they were delayed in and house taken up their abode Woodstock over night, on account of in thee hhouse adjoining her brother, Mr a washout on the track. The amount I. Lawrence, on the 13th con. Thomas of cream is increasing at the Separator Riddell has moved from S. Woodman s every day. Rev. W. Birks, of Wood- house to J. Hill's, where he is nearerham, A. K. Birks and family, of Dur - his work. Mr Gibson held meeting ham, are visiting at H. Eiford's. Rev. last week, but as there was no oppoer- Mr Ayers spent a couple of hours call - tion, not many turned out to hear ing on friends on Wednesda evening; him; it is hoped there will be more in- he was on his way to Conference terest taken in the election before the Goderich. The frost on Monday night • 26th of June. On Sunday about thirty seemed to do considerable harm around members of the S.U.E. lodge here vis- the village, apples, even, seem to have Red Clinton to attend a service; some been frozen, and small fruit almost of them could not attend a church at entirely destroyed, but towards Gode- their very door. Mr Garrow is to have rich and the lake little harm seems to a meeting in Londesboro this evening, (Friday) in behalf of bis own Candida have been felt. WE ARE GIVING SPECIAL LINES OF Wall Paper Mr James Young will preach on Varna Cir- cuit on Sunday. Tho Salvation Army will hold a jubilee and commemorative service in the Rattonbury :it. church, on the evening of tho llth inst. Rov. Mr Fairlie will preach a special sermon to the Canadian Order of Foresters in St. Paul's church, Clinton, on Sunday, June 3rd, at 2.30 P. m. Mr Lu. Stevens, of town,'occupiedithe pulpit of Holmosville Methodist church, on Sunday morning. He will preach in Turner's church, Tuckorsmith, on Sunday afternoon next. Rov. A. Stewart preached annivorsdry ser- mons, in behalf of the Christian Endeavorers, on AuburnSunday circuit, on swork bora beteg supplied by IoHenderson. Tho Endeavor Herald contains an excellent portrait of Mr E. S. Baulch, of Woodstock, (son- in-law of Mr S. Davis, of town) who occupies the position of President of the Oxford County Union. At rt meeting of the Quarterly Board, of Mitchell Methodist church, last Thursday evening, Rev. J. Edge, of -Acton, was unanim- ously invited to accept the pastorate thereof this year. A lawn social has boon arranged for by the Rattenbnry Street Church Mission Circle, to take place on the spacious grounds of Mr F. Rumball and Rov J. W. Holmes. The date is tho 12th of .June. s Tho 19th quarterly meeting of the Stanley Tuckorsmith and Hay S. S. Association, will bo hold in the Mothodist church, Bayfield, on Thursday, June 21st. A good program has been prepared for the omission. Rov. E. S. Rupert, an old pastor of . Ratton- bury St.. church, preached in Ontario St. church, church in the evening.aMrRupe t has many warm friends in town. Quito a number of Mothodist Ministers, on their way to conference, at Goderich, have called upon friends here during the past few days, ivingstone and 3. W. Sm being hilton,NallSformer pJ. as tors of Rattenbnry Street church. Rev. R. Y. Thomson, of Knox College, Tor- onto has been visiting his sister, Mrs Gavin Hamilton, of Londesboro. He left for Winni- ng on Monday' taking a ticket from Mr A. T. Cooper, the C.P.R. agent in Clinton, and will travel by ono of the O.P.R. moving palacosfrom Owen Sound to Fort William, thence by rail. Says the Granton Correspondent of the St. Marys .Argus:—"At the quarterly mooting of the Granton circuit of tho Methodist church, hold last Thursday in their church here, the Rev. Mr Ferguson received cordial invitation Gateleainhe third year butrespectfull de, chs d. Generaaltegrotieoxpressod alto : the Peele bt all donoreiriati• tut at" the'orbe • •if of ture and good government. We are sorry to say that Mrs John Brunsdon Methodist Ministers is very sick at present. , Mrs Marshall Braithwaite is also on the sick list. Mr R. Bocock is under the weather somewhat. Mr R. Switzer is around again as butter maker, and is likely to make the creamery business buzz; Bob is a hustler. Mr McPherson, jr., of. Hensall, paid Londesboro a visit this week; wonder if there is any special at- traction for him? The Good Templars had a debate on Tuesday night, but as the several speakers were so well post- ed, there was not tirne to finish, and they will continue nextmeeting night. One of our popular young ladies leaves here on Monday to reside in Clinton for a while. The members of League seetn to have got into line and working order from the appearance of things on Monday evening, as the meeting was interesting to all. Mrs E. Morris and her sister, Mrs Robt. Cole, have returned home from a visit to their many friends in McGillvery township; they report having an enjoyable time, meeting those of the family that they had not seen for many years, Messrs Braithwaite and Tewsley have bought up a number of fine cattle and put them on the grass to fatten, Mise A. Crisp was horse on Sunday, with her parents. ,.d At prices much below the re- gular, and in some cases where patterns have (not sold as well as expected, at less than cost, If you have any rooms which you thought you could not afford to paper this year, now is your chance to do so at a very small cost. Each Roll trimmed free of charge notwithstanding the reduced price. June Delineators and June Patterns iii, __ Remembe utterick The following are a few of the changes in the Guelph Conference, according to the first draft of stations, just issued—: J. E. Howell, from Goderich to Harriston. S. Sellery, Wingham, to Goderich. II. E. Currie (young • man) to Hensall W. H. Hincks, Owen Sound, to Dublin Street, Guelph. A. Cunningham, Guelph, to Owen Sound. W. Casson, Harriston, to Acton.— J. Edge, Acton, to Mitchell. I.B. Walwin, Stratford, to Waterloo. Geo. H. Cornish, Mitchell, to Waterloo St. Stratford. John Kenner, Ashfield, to Staffs. J. Ferguson, Granton, to Ashfield. W. Williams, Mt. Forest to St. Marys. J. Scott, St. Marys, to Berlin: J. S. Cook, Ripley, to Granton. B L Hutton, Kirkton, to Ripley. G A Gif- ford to Wingham. A K Birks, Derham, to Teeswater. R H Hall to Belgrave. G. Richardson, Berlin, to Mt. Forest. W J Treleaven, Hensall, to Tobermory. Geo. McKinley, to Owen Sound, 13o]mesville. Sicca.—We are very sorry to say that Miss Lizzie Walter is very low with inflamation. She has been down since Thursday and the Dr. sees but very little improvement; we hope she inay very soon take a change for the better. TIME TABLE.—There has been a few changes in the trains here, the time table is as follows:—East, 7.20 a.m., 1.32 p.m., 4 p.m.; west, 10.32 a.m., 2.25 p.m. an 0 p.m. It will be sure that the evening train. up is cancelled which will be a great inconvenience to ue. We understand that the trains have been dropped onadcount of the scarcity of coal. 20 CENTS PER Ln.—We understand that several of the creamery patrons have been taking stock and find by making their butter and selling they. make 13c per lb., and that when they let the separator creamery have it they realize the same as 20c per lb. for their butter and are saved the trouble of churning and making. Still some says it would payand are willing to make their own for 13c rather than accept the offer of 20c. POLITICAL. —Mr Garrow, liberal nom- inee for west Huron, addressed a meet- ing here on Friday evening; in his address he reviewed his public career for the last four years, pointed out what beneficial changes in law he had been engaged in etc., creating the im- pressing on every unbiased mind that he was the right eort of a man to return to Toronto in order that e. might con - he goo work late ad colnmeilc- frena t 10 .sero 11 rid Wee r .nicai Cu w � s pd. � l�, SALE REGISTER. Implements and house furniture belonging to the estate of tho late C. Spooner, on tho Market Scare, Clinton, on Saturday, June 2. .James Howson, Auct. BURN FAIR.—In Londosboro, on the May 17th, the wife of Rov. H. J.=Fair, of a son. RAMSaL.—In Holmesville, on the 29th of May, the wito of W. Ramsey, of a daughter. COLEMAN.—In Seaforth. on the 25th of May, the wife of E. C. Coleman, of a daughter MARRIED SCOTT—TAYLOR.--At Poplar Grove Farm. Morris, on May 23rd, by Rov. It. Henderson, Auburn. Mr Alex. Scott, of E. Wawanosh, to Miss Grace D. Taylor, Morris. POPE—TAYLOR.—On May 24th, by theRov. Jas. Walker, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr Wm. Pope, of London, to Mary Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr 1Geo. Taylor, of Stanley. CUMINGS—MILLER.—In Trinity church, Bolgrave, on May 28th, by Rov. T. F,,. Higley, James, oldest son of Mr Nicholas Cumings, to Miss Margaret A. Miller, daughter of Mrs Edward Littlefair, all of Morris. DIED. HOUSTON.—In Clinton, on the May 25th Eila Jessie, oldest daughter of Mr John Hous ton, Principal of Collegiate Instituto, aged 1: years. HILL.—At Summorhihl, :on May 24th, Anni Edith, daughter of Mr Joshua W. Hill, aged 1 years and 11 months. CHESNEY.—In Tuckersmith on May 19t: Barbara Chesney, third daughter of tho lar James Chesney, aged 43 years. LAMB.—In Rodgorville, on May lath, Mar Lamb, relict of the late Thomas Lamb, aged E years. WALTERS.—In Colborne township, on Ma 18th, Margaret Stewart wife of Chas. A. Wa tern, aged 24 years and months. OTWAY.—At Port Albert, on May 21st, Ma. garet, wife of Henry Otway, aged 54 years an 11 months. HISLOP.—In Grey on May 22nd, .Tames Hi lop, aged 62 years and 9 months. MoDOtJGALL.—In ;Grey, on 1MayV22nd Wil- liam McDougall, aged 22 years and 3 months. Breadfoot, relict ho +latee May nd Mary Vifalkor, aged 56 years and 10 months. Son wife .�.a 24 h b w Stanley., onM t t, • 14Th. >fn 5tri 1 3°ry + bx ?rRid, bitea40/care and 9 °tithe, atte are the best in tie world 3vw Aitu,¢xtt emcntL. SERVANT WANTED 1To do general housework for small family.— Apply at NEW ERA 09'FICE. NOTICE otice is hereby given that a By -Law was pass- e by the Council of the Township of Hallett, on t 12th day of May, A.D., 1894, providing for the is se of Debentures to the amount of $9,908.48, fo the purpose of draining Kinburn Swamp, de ening, widening and etraightening part of th month branch of the river Maitland. And th such by-law was registered in the registry 01- ficgot the County ofHuron, on the 22nd day of A.D. 1894. Any, motion to quash or set aside Ma A.D. the rime, or limy part thereof, mast be made wit •n throe months from the date of registry tio and cannot bo make thereafter. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. Dked the 26th day of May, A. D, 1894. CAUTION. Tb undersigned hereby notifies the nubile that le will not bo responsible for any debts con - tread by William Colelough. JOHN COLCLOUGH, Clinton BULLS FOR SALE. Thedereigned has for sale two young Short- horn LLS one year ofd. Both are of good color altpd pedigree, and will to sold at a reason- able figtre. ROBT. SCOTT, Londestcro. ° NOTICE. The Stencil of the Corporation of the County of Hnroiiwill meet in the Court Room, in the Town o Goderich, on TUESDAY, June Nib, next, at o'clock p m, W. LANE, Clerk, Dated Itay 23rd, 1894. FOR SALE The fol wing valuable residental property in the Tow f Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107 and part 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 113, High titre , There are two comfortable dwelling Houses u n the property, 10 an excellent state of reprir. For further particulare and terms apply to AffMoMURCHIE or to the undersigneds MANNING & SCOTT. FOR'SALE IN CLINTON TheEast�alf of lot three hundred and seven- teen, conteay situated on Cutter street, with a Cottage of a rooms, now occupied by Mrs C Badour. I bo Bold on reasonable terms. Ap ply to H. LE, 4i* May J7th, 94, PASTU GE at WOODLANDS Subscriber as about 40 acres of Lucerne Pas- turage, and c accommodate a limited number of horses a cattle. Plenty of spring water Terms, Year] g Colts for the season, 81 peg month; Mors for tho mason, 81.23 per month Cattle, for the aeon. Cattle—tor the season, laGc per month for arlinge, any others $llper mont2 , for the Beason W. B. FORSTER, Lot 18, Mait ( land Con., Col .rno, Holmesville P. 0. ► NITOBA 3 Ex ` i rsions! ;'. ,- JUNE 12. c . 26 and JULY 1' Tickets goo to all anito tical *w If+00.441a .o r 60 days, FARE S28 {points. f For full par• s apply to KSON. orvx